kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky...

i Advertisement. I AM authorised by Sir. Francis Patterson of Green County, Ohio, to make sale of the LOT of GROUNDadj.-inin- the baptist Meet, ing House, in Lexington, known on the plan of the said town by the number 20 It is an" inlpt about 66 feet on Main-stree- and extends to Short-stree- having the same Irunt on each street. This Lot will be sold on reasonable terms ; and those wishing to obtain Lots to build on in Lexington, should make early application for this, as there are but sew unimproved Lots in the place more desirable. CHAS. HUMPHREYS. Lexington, Dec 5,1816. 53 tf Lexington Lancaster SCHOOL ::nd ACADEMY: "I"T is with much pleasuie I inform theinhabitints of this town anil vicinity, that bv the fust of .I shall have my NEW SEMINARY in a uondition to be occupied by all my school the rooms will be large, comfortable ami well fitted for the purpose of teaching the male and female de- partments separate, an accommodation that hereto- fore Iliave not had in my power to render. Hav- ing formed a connexion with three gentlemen, whose- - acquirements entitle them to my high- est confidence, I trust it will be in our power to give unlimited satisfaction to all who may lav or the institution w ith their patronage. In the female will be taught English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Com- position, Music and Drawing. Terms of Tuition in the Lancaster School, 4 dol- lars per quarter, Hooks, Writing Paper, Slati s, &c. furnished In the other departments, fi dollai s per quarter, music and drawing separate chargesj no- thing furnished except pens and ink. Semi-annu- examinations will be held, and a tegular set of Books kppt in the Lancasterian School, shewing the progress of the children in that department A vacation of two w eeks will be given aster each ex- amination. J. P ALDRIDGE. December 6 53 The number of teachers, the several im-pr- ements In the Lancaster School and the great expense of the establishment will it is presumed, be a sufficientapology lor the small alteration in the terms of tuit'on. A limited number o" poor children of respectable pai enls, will as usnal be re- ceived and taught grat'i3. Inulaii Queen Tavern. BEKJ. LVXPIIJSAR, Fsrmerly keeper of the lloiton Coffpe finite, HAS the pleasure of informing jiis friends the public, that he has opened that large and elegant house built by Patterson Bai-i- , Esq. on the corner of Mam-Cru- s and' Short Streets, in Lexington, Kentucky, when he intends devoting his wliolej attention to ac- commodate and please those vvbo shall honor him wi'h their custom. ' Lexington, 1st Jan. 181". 1HE RED klVr.K IRON WORKS,- - ARE now in lull blast; great alterations ha ing "'been made for the better in the FURNACE and she is now making metal of asupenor quality The FORGE is entirelv EW, and in high opera- tion ; makingBAR IRON equal, is not greatly su- perior to Uoiscy or any other impoited Iron. Am orders lest with Mr. Maclean, at ray Iron Store m Lexington, will be executed w ith neatness and dis- patch, having employed the best woikineu the country can afford. The IRON' STORE at !.c ington, will be constantly supplied with IRON and CASTINGS for the convenience of merchants, mechanics and farmers. Patterns lest there will meet a speedy conveyance to the works. TH'O MAS DEYE O WINGS. Lexington, December 21. 53 is NOW IN TIIK PRESS, And will be ready for Subscribers in a shoit time The Beauties of Divine Poetry, or &. A Book of Appropriate Hymn's A'VD SPIRITUAL SONGS, For the use pf all Saints ; Principally Original or Altered. , BY THE REV. M. SMITH. Author of the view of the British Posses- sions in Nor' h America, and history of the War.&c &c." Those who have any divise sonss on hand vhich ought to be published, will please to send them to this office as soon as convenient, that they may be printed, with the names ol die uthor It is inten led to have this work elega itlv execu ted It will contain nearly 30) pages ol" 24mo. bound in different style, calculated to suitsnhscii hers and purchasers. The price will Le fiom 75 cents to 1 dollar. N. B 'jbscription received at this office Lexington pnl4th,i 14-- CAUSING 6j FULL1AG At Royle's Factory, on the Frankfort road, one mile from Lexington. Wool carded at 6d. jier pound. Also, Fulling and finishing Cloths, Linseys, ccc. n the best manner, at all times, having vater the year round. For Sale, A quantity of very strong coarse Sattincts, very suitable for Negroes clothing, and some Woolens THOMAS ROYLE. August 15, 1,81 fi. tf "SELLING OFF, FOR approved negotiable paper, on a credit of 4and 6 months, the following articles, which were 1 aid in at reduced prices, at New Oi leans, and will ke sold equally .low, in order to close the con- cern : 50 Crates Queens "Wares, repacked, breakage taken out and assorted lQ'Barrels 4th proof Brandy 8 Quarter Casks, London Particular TennerifFe Wine ' 4 Barrels Port Wine j ; 12 Boxes Claret, choice quality i 6 do Vin de grave C do Champagne 10,000 lbs Green Coflee, in Bags and Barr 10 Barrels Brown Sugar C0001b3. Best Green Coperas 25 Boxes Raisins . 25 do Trench Prunes 2 Boxes Parmezan dices; 10 Barrels Mailwrcl 10 Kegs Scotch'Hertlngs , 20 do """Pickled Salmon f ' i 40 T.on Swedish Iron 500 lbs. German Steel t Rot Ounce Pins An Invoice of Hardwarp Also 40 Boxes Bakewoods Glaswe e at cost and carriage. J. P. SCHATZELl . ciCo. Teh 21. 8 Elizabeth Keiser, C N ACCOMMODATE-afe- gentlememvitb TRIVATE BOARDING and LODGING oppo- site the Episcopal Church. March Si, 1817. 12-'- f DOCTOH DUDLEY HAS removed to s How, where lie occu- pies the building adjoining Mr Worsley, being the third house from M r. Coy le's corner. Lex. March 29. For Sale, 'jrWO HUNDRED and TIVE acres of first rate LAND, about eighty acres cleared, on w Inch is a good Dwelling-hous- Kitchen, Loom-hous- Ne- gro house, Spring-hous- new Darn and Hen-hous- Sic. One hundred and eighlvtlirre bearing Apple-tree- s, chiefly choice grafted fruit, Pear-tiec- Damson trees, and excellent never-sailin- water. Terms may he known by appl j ing to the subscriber, living on the premises, five miles from Lexington, about half mile east of IheLeestown road. A. BAINURIDOE Nov. 12. 4"-- tf JULIUS GUINAXD Watclimalier. HAS for sale an assortment of the most ' fashionable Watches and Jewellery op EvEnr ntscniPTio.y. ' ALSO Clock and Watch Materials OP THE BEST WORKMANSIIIr; All of which will be skl low at reduced prices. He keep? his shop two doors below Capt pnstlethwaits tavern, formerly occupied by Dr. jjoswell as a shop and residence, where he makes and repairs CLOCK and W A.TCHES in (,e best and neatest. manner. ' Lexington, Sept. 23. 39 WANTEUmIIMMEDIAVELY, 20 Carpenter' affil Mill Wi it-- ALSO'"" " SEVERAL STOXE MAsTfe Acquainted with erecting furnacts for an IRON FOUXDRY.and an experienced man capable ot erecting lion Woik. Also, wanted to contract wifi some person or persons to 10,001) cords ot Wood, before November next The above woik is wanted near the miin rmil leading Lo'iis- -' ''le to Vincennes, about fifty miles' fiom Louis- ville. Enquire of Mr Williamson at French Lick, or iviavsnaiis, near Ucl Ureikpr.It lnU3T. G Prentiss, or .lohn Peck, Lexington, Kentucky, , -- airo, uaiueti lopuicnase seiei-a- l vok- - ol J.) August Tdi, rtlWtftimes "".litbr FOR SALE, ON a long credit, by giving bond and ap. security, an Elegant New Carriage. Applv to THOMAS T. T,ODD, LeXing'ton, or JOHN TODD, near Walnut-Hill- . V 40- - John Norton, D1?U GG 1ST, Opposite the Insurance Hank.'Mjdn st. Lexington MVS received an extensive assortment of Medicines. Paints . Mie-Suiff- Per- - fumei., Pocket and Key Instruments, Seal loca- tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales and WeiMltq. &P I'htcininc VTi1t-iit4- . r,.1 !, esrh or Rocs desirous public, ". ' in liQiLfl iq w holesale or retail. He has o:i hand Stone Ochre, which lie sel low lor cash, August 17. 1816. . 34 B KAH1UCK, TAILOR, JESPF.CTFULLY informs his friends and the puhlic that he has agxin. removed IBs old on Main cross sti eet, next door to Mr Shaw's Hat Factoiy, where his old others can have their uoikiloi.e inMie neatest anil most l.isliionable manner and on the best terms TWO OR THREE APPREN ITCES wanted. Dec 10. 51 Partners hip Dissolved. THE PARTNERSm&F Jlshlon, Beach aiul Ncille, IS this day dissolved by mutual consent All those havingdemands on the firm, ate requested to applj to Ashtonand Beach for the samt; all to the firm are to make pa; ment to Ashion and Beach, who are authorised to receive the same fj R ASHTON, JOSEPH BEACH, HUGH NE1LLE. Lexington, March 2d, 1816 1-0- "TheiQoacli Jinking Business. In all its various branches, is still carried on at the old standby ASHTON t REACH, where Cairi-ag?s- , Gigs, fcc vill be or repaired on notice, and neatest manner, and on tin most i easonaLle terms. NEW GOO 05, CHAiJ FOR CASH. E. WARFIELD Has justkecHved from Philadelphia, and is no'V openYiig'aTtiis Store, Main-stree- t, Lejsincr- - lon, an elegant assortment of Merchandise, winch he is determined to sell low, wholesale retail for Cash lies has freslt Teas, and many India goods that have been very scarce for time past stfh as Senshas, Lute- strings, Sursiickers, India Mulls, plain and figured China iare, &c Uc with an elegai t assortment ot laticy goods, suitable to the season. '' May 10, 1816. 20tf IMVUiiTJl YT NOTICE TO THE LADIES. THE ManufacturingCnmpany' are of obtaining a quantity of sine bleached Linen and Cotton RAG S, w hich are necess.ry to enable them to manufacture the article pf sine Inch so much is annually and might avoided is the patriotism or economy ol the ladies of Kentucky, would induce them to adopt the customs of the ladies in the eastern states, viz. to keep a Rag Bag, which is usually hung up in a place convenient the purpose, and in which are deposited the Rags that almost daily appear in ev- ery large family. At tfie end of the j ear your rag hags thus produce vou a liberal sum lor'pm'money, and greatly aid the manu- factories of j our state. Six Cents in money will be paid for sine bleached Linen or Cotton Rags and a price in pi opoi tion for coarser quality, or tor tow mine from nax or hemp Appl) at.thj, Manufactory or to se. T & T. G. Lexington, Nov. 22, 1815. 48-- tf FOR SALE, ytjl Acres first rate LND 42 acres cleared. I Situated one mile west of can he given immediately and is not sold it vvill be rented about the middle of February. Apply to me on Water-stree- t, Lexington. Dli. 51 tf WM.TOD. SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY. rpHE Subscriber has lately enlarged his es- - tablishment by buildings, and will now be enabled to supply the public by wholesale and retail, with prime SOAP of eve- ry kind, equal in quality to any manufactured in the United States and with the best DIPPED ii- - MOULD CANDLES. Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchants who may purchase those articles either for thi foreign or home markets, or those who want them for domestic use, will find it to theiii on him, or to give him their which promptly attended to, and faithfully executed. JOHN BRIDGES, Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets, next door to Mr. Steam Mill and Cot ton Factory, Lexington. The highest cash pneesgiven for TALEOW, HOGS LARD, GREASE, Ashet ti Pot Ashes, at the above factory. 41 October 10, 1814 LEXIKGTON MAi UFACTOHY ?fniIE of tliis Extensive establish-il- ment are happy in announcing to the pub. lip tliat their Buildings are completed and their Machinery in full operation. They are ready to receive orders for all kinds and qualities of BROAD CLOTHS, CASI-MERK- PLAINS, FL VNNELS.CO BLANKETS & NEGRO CLO I'HS; also FEE-TING- for paperraakers, B1LLHKD CLOTHS &r.Also every de!Cfiplion of PRINTING, WR VPP1NG and WRITING PAPER, PAhTE BO MtDS, FULLERS BOARDS,.SHWTHING PVPEH, &c. Also,, RECORD PAPER, and BLANK P.PER of iitperior quality of anv description or to imitate any colour and quah tyjjt short notice. --Vllivmn- snared no lahnuv.Or esnense in nro- - EUFiq the best Machinery and Workmen m U'lS cpuniry anil iiom I'jiuope, uio prujirieiors aie confident that every article of their ll l)e equal'UijpiHlity to anv import- ed fronrfiurope or mantltactured in the United States- - i) In consequence of thejr having on hand a large stocli ot p"rtpnetors do not wjh to receive njoi e at present, but will want all thev can obtain in a sew months, for which they vull ifive the lushest puces pud in any Hnart of America. T'hev vvill however at all mge the gijoiU o'CJheir Maiiafactory Wool Persons of selling will be supplied on tWMnwest terms,'0 7'W? I'P"'K " "r?T vuliti thn fluid lnllimp 2C001b will generally, lo stand customeis'ani1 &c. made or some together Lexington de- sirous important PapeTCpf imported, be lr attended,, will important Lexiiigfon PRENTISS Ldxinton, additional call Bradford's KrrCUEJt VTINGS, Hmol,tlie stuk op purchasing, or ordering goods, vvdlM please applv at aul fjctorv, Or to J C Et M. u. RICIIAJIDSON, or J. & T. G. PRENTISS. ug-is- t 27, 1816. 36 The Thirll .Volume' Of Bradford's Edition of the LV TVS OF KENTUCKY. 'PUIS woik is now in the press, and the pi intng nearlv finished. '1 he publication vvill be delav- - ed a sew weeks, in order to add to it the laws ot the ensuing session of the general assembly. It w ill then lonipieheiid all the General Iaws which have beeii passed since the publication of the second vol- ume, and die three volumes contaTA the whole sta- tute laws ol KenUUkv. We have on h mil a sew copies of the first ami second volumes Gentlemen wishing to provide themxeijK's with-- a complete eopy of the laws will .. . i'. " "-- - " " .....--. - - - published KO IS 47 Bear and Otter Skins WANTfED. S.WL & G KO. riiOTTEU. & Co. OFFER the highest price in CASH for prime BEAR A, OTTER' SKINS, Deliffivd atrtlfcir WartboUse. Lexington, Dfc. 13. 1 SILVER PLVT1NG. vpnzxr M. Jinuinr and Jokm-- Nottmah, Have commenced the Silver IMatin Business, Opposite the Kentucky Insurance Company's Office, Main Sti eet, Lexington, Kentucky, un- der the firm of JWU.1HY & WUTTMJIX, Where they have on hand an elcgtmt assort- ment of PLATED WARE, consisting of Iindle lilts. Stirrups, Spurs, Saddlery, Coach Mount- ing, iic. which they wilfdispose of at whole- sale or retail on moderate terms. Country Merchants and Saddlers vvill find it their to give them a call before they purchase. Old work, replated in the best manner, and cash given for old Silver and Pewter. N. It. John C. Nuttman will continue to execute ENGRAVING Of. all all kinds, in the neatest manner, on ap- plication as above. Lexington, Sept. 25. 40--t- f ENTER TALYMEJVT. ar H" ii'TifTfr &223 "J)onU Give up the Ship.' rjHE Subscriber respectfully informs his A friends and the public ill general that he still keeps a house ot ENTERTAINMENT, at his old stand on Short street, between Lime stone st. and the Cout t House, where he hopes by his attention, to merit a continuation of the support that has been so liberally given to the house, particularly by travellers and others. JABEZ VIGCS. -- Lexington, Teb 14, 1817. 7-- tf Rotterdam Hotel, " THE SUBSCR1RF.R Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has taken the above wzti-iitow- x TAwnjt, No. 12 h North-Fourth-Stre- (Between Race and Vine streets.'l WHERE he will accommodate travellers, boarders, or lodgers, with pnVate rooms, is either by the year, week, or day. He has extensive stabling, and buildings for horses and carriages ; and hopes, bv keeping the best liquors, and provisions, which the market af- fords, clean beds, and by constant attention to his customers to give general satisfaction, and merit a share of public patronage. , HUEL ROWLEY. Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 18ir. 12-r- w Brass Foundry. The subscriber informs his friends and the Public in general that he continues to carry on the Brass Founding business in all its various Branches, at the old stand formerly occupied by I. & E Woodruff, on Main Street, and will always keep on hand an assortment of And Irons, Shovel and Tongs, Door Knockers, Candlesticks, &c. finished m the neatest man- ner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work for Mach nery on the shortest notice ; he has also a Cup do for casting Iron, all orders in that line w ll be punctually attended to. GrateJul for past savors he hopes to merit a contin ance of the sam EZRA WOODRUFF . Lexington, July 9th, 1815. 2f WI1CK. THE subscribers wish to contract for a quantity of WHEAT, and CORN. Also, PORK, BACON, and WHISKY, and a quantity of WHISKY IURRELS for which they will pay the highest price in Cash, on de- livery. J. & T G. PRENTISS Lexington, Nov 29, 1816. 49-- ff FLOUR, CORN. QUANTITY of the above articles wanted, for I"B which the highest price in CASH will be giv- en ;Thev must be dolivercd on the Ohio or Ken- tucky rivei s, before the 1st of March nest. WILKINS 8c ERNEST. Thev have onband a smill nuanty of prime OR- LEANS S.UGA,R bv the birrel. Lexingtjin, Dec. inber 23d, 1S15 52-- tf ft . i lammi jiiiiib ii ' ' " W tqy-- i i" Stills for Sale. The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ ent sizes and of the best quality, which he will sell low for cash, llejus lately leceived from Philadelphia a quantity of Copper, which en- ables him to furnish stills and Boilers Of any size, at the shortest notice. He also continues to carry on the TINNING BUSINESS, as usual. Two or three JOURNEYMEN TINNERS would be employed, to whom the highest wages will be given. M. F1S1IEL. Lexington, October I, 1816". 7 tf J. B. P. GJlSTOSf, TAKES thi3 method of informing the Ladle3 and Gentlemen of this town and its vicinity, that he is now preparing his BALLOON and 1TRE-WOltK- which he will exhibit to the public in the course of .May liext He flaUers himself that, as he will spare no pains to rentier the spectacle as brilliant as possible, he shall meet with that encou- ragement whiih has alwavs distinguished the in- habitants of this state- - v Particulars w ill hand biltj-1- 4 tf Exchange. THE Subscriber has from one to two thous- and dollars worth of carpenters and brick-la-y en' woik he wnts done, for which he will crive in. exchange, the same amount in any kiiid,of ... 1. 4 .... .. - , simms wwwi. .iy fjcraiiu wiiuuir vo under- take it, will please rpply sonn. THOS STUDMAN Lexington, March 22 12-- 6 4S T"rti ZjVl ''oU IJM S tikwj k A mi. fy7vvfTV r vV v tfv v vvv V HAVING commenced a FOL'NDR,m the Lexington, opposite Lew is San- ders street, wishes to inform his friends and the public in general, that he now carries it on in all its branche', that all kinds of BRASS AND IRON MACHINERY may be had on the shortest notice, and in the best manner also BELLS for Taverns, Court houses, &c All orders will be thankfully received and punctually attended to (Tj-- I will give the highest price in CASH for tnm cast iron, uopper llrass and Pewter. Lexington, Dec 23d 1 816 52-- tf S. tf. WOODSON, TTAS removed to Lexington with an fnten' Ll tion to devote himself to the practice Tif t ti a:.. : .. : r ' w,A ins uuu.c is a.rpi in a iron, room ot'lne brick building opposite Capt. Pnstlethwait's Inn. 1 tf Jan. 6, 1817. 'For Sale, Seven lots on Water Street, beginning below Bradford & Bowles Steam Mill, to. the corner of Spring street, opposite the Play-hous- the whole containing 200 feet front on Water street, and upwards of 90 fecton Spring street; this ground will be so divided as to 'make Seven Lots, of about 29 feet each, but is more agreeable to purchasers, will be sold in larger lots. One-thir- of the purchase money will he re- quired in hand on the balance, a liberal credit will be riven of one. tira .inrl thivA years. The title is unexceptionable, the situ- - .lira, nn .,.. nna rtf llia vnnefr -.-! . i - -- v.u,. w..w w. i... uivai maturing sireeis in Lexington. Apply to " WILLIAM MACBEAN, or JOHN WRIGGLESWORTII. June 20, 1816. 26 tf Tobacco. 1000 hhds. WANTED. Enquire of J. h T. G. PRENTISS. Jan. 17. 3-- tf 'Flour, Wheat & Corn. THE subscribers articles. continue to purchase the J. & T. G. PRENTISS. February 3d, 1817. 5-- tf Masonic Diplomas, For sale at this Oilice. Dancing School. J0I1N DARRAC, Professor of Dancing RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Lexington and its vicinity, that hi DANCING SCHOOL will be opened on Friday the 18th ot October, at Mr. Cornelius Coy le's house, coiner of .Ionian's Row and Main-stree- t, where he pioposes to teach the an of Dancing in all its vari. ous branches, will) a variety of new and fashionable cotillioss Persons desirous of being instructed are requested to apply at Mr. Giron'sConfeetionarv Store. Mill. street, or lo John Darrac at Mr- WicklifTs tavern. CAn Evening S "iooI "xvill be opened for a limited nirmber of youDggentlemen on an immediate appli-catio- n his time would not permit him otherwise to attend, Regular PRACTISING BALLS vill be cstab-lisl.- bd Ss soori as his pupils ai e sufficiently instructed OctoBftftag;;; - 4i ' I. . THE tfldSTEUN Piano-Fort- e Manufactory, Jordan's Row, next doS7tb"ttictReJiorlcT Printing Office. T. L. EVENDON, MANUFACTURER of PiAKo-ronT- (mv and five years in Phil- adelphia,) respectfully informs ladies and gen- tlemen ofthe Western Country, that he has re- moved to Lexington, where he manufactures Pi. winch for goodness, beauty, and price combined, cannot be equalled from any source; on the truth of which assertion, and'on that only, 'f. L E presumes to that patron- age from a discerning public, for which he is solicitous, and hopes vvhenjt js sound that his Pianos (on the result of long experience) .iro preferable to others of American mike, and ;i (teller and eqini U the best imrorted made of better mateHiuls-sta- tht climate better jrd 20 per cent cheaper that he x ill meet ihat encouragement that skill, liberality, ami indus- try may reasonably hope for from a liberal pub-li- e ; which' will at all times Je gratefully bv their most obedient Servant, Dc. 27, 1816. 52-- tf For Sale, THE HOUSE & LOT in Market street, now occupied by Mr. Deslprges, first door below the new Pretbttciian Chuich, and third above the Episcopalian. For terms apply to Mr. John L. Martin, or to the subscriber, one and miles noi th of Lexington. JABEZ VIGUS. April 8, 1816. 16-- tl PAPER HANGINGS, rpHE Subscribers repectfiilly inform the La-- x dies and Centlemen of Lexington and its vicinity, that they have just received an elegant assortment of French and American Paper Hangings, Which they offer for sale at very moderate prices. Among them there are a sew sets of the Monuments of Paris, Views pf, the City and Bay of jfoples, with -- an elegant representation of Mount Vesu- vius. Captuin Cook's voyage in Jhe Pacific Ocean, and a representation ofWliis death by the Owyhee nation. A viewjgf Hie Chase, Paul artd.Virginia, and somejvys in India. I hey also have received aTew handsome figures- for Chimney boards. They have ako received an extensive assort, ment of GROCERIES, Consisting of Teas, Coffee and Chocolate. Loaf, Lump and Riown Sugar. Raisins, Almondianrl Unm c.tuLm.'.,bP!. , ?pp-- - ...,.,,, uace ana urounii Ginger. Indigo Allum, .Madder, Brimstone, Copperas. Glue and Rosijv J Lancaster, Scotch ad M .ceoboy SnftfT Spinish and Common S , . M'Qiiey est Chuv ng ;, c , VinesFhencu. B,vnh Spirits, Hoi-Po- d p'" Quahty'. Shad Sal non, Alackarel, Scotch and Pickled Herrings. m Wash Balls, Shaving Soap, New-Engla- l.heese and Sweet Oil. PMMTLYG & GLAZING. Orders from the Stat,Si',$ ?aendS icllan fefS m CASH' WiItbe xington,Dec.2nmVtgT- - Wool Carding. Merino and Common) Wool Carding in a SunenerStvleand nn ,i,. ...... i L aers, z 2 Miles from LexingTon, by LKWIS SANDERS. T?mSton, May 28, 1815, NEW GOODS. f'lE Subscribers have just received, and are now opening, a large and extensive Assortment of MERCHANDIZE, Which they offer for sale either by Wholesale o? Retad, at a small advance for Cash. Tilfonl, Trotter 5j Co. the arlicU' ej have Rooms, Passages, &c. Also, a consignment of GOLD and SILVER PATENT LEf ER WATCHES, for sale at PhU ladelphia prices. T.T.&CO. January 1st, HIT. 128-t- f ALLUVION BAKE-HOUS- E. 'pHE subscribers have erected a largeBAirE- - HOUSEat their mills, on Water-stree- t, Lex- ington, opposite the Warehouse, where in extensively carried on They have now on land a quantity ofbuistuittOf the following kindsviz Pilot Bread, Navy Bread, Ship Rread, Water and Butter Biscuit; and engagements will be entered Mtnt, furnish fifty barrels of the above kinds of Biscuit of Loaf Bread ; such of the citizen.. ,10 pef .u .vi "" """ vxajhiiij in Ay !)( screil at their own doors, before early b.,akfMt every morning, with any qavnlrty they ir,ay 0,er rres and warm. Bread of every rjesci w W b'e con. .tantly kept at IsaJc Bowies', on Cr0swtreet, be. tvreen Main fcMa.n Croswtrcof,, & atllie ,,0(lse a B. Blount, on Sbort-stree- t, be..; ren D sc ,, berry-stree- BRADFt .j, & rjb'wLF.S Januaiy 23.

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · i Advertisement. IAM authorised by Sir. Francis Patterson of Green County,


Advertisement.I AM authorised by Sir. Francis Patterson

of Green County, Ohio, to make sale of theLOT of GROUNDadj.-inin- the baptist Meet,ing House, in Lexington, known on the planof the said town by the number 20 It is an"

inlpt about 66 feet on Main-stree- and extendsto Short-stree- having the same Irunt on eachstreet.

This Lot will be sold on reasonable terms ;and those wishing to obtain Lots to build onin Lexington, should make early applicationfor this, as there are but sew unimproved Lotsin the place more desirable.

CHAS. HUMPHREYS.Lexington, Dec 5,1816. 53 tf

Lexington LancasterSCHOOL ::nd ACADEMY:"I"T is with much pleasuie I inform theinhabitints

of this town anil vicinity, that bv the fust of .I

shall have my NEW SEMINARY in auondition to be occupied by all my school therooms will be large, comfortable ami well fitted forthe purpose of teaching the male and female de-

partments separate, an accommodation that hereto-fore Iliave not had in my power to render. Hav-ing formed a connexion with three gentlemen,whose- - acquirements entitle them to my high-est confidence, I trust it will be in our power togive unlimited satisfaction to all who may lav or theinstitution w ith their patronage.

In the female will be taught EnglishGrammar, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Com-position, Music and Drawing.

Terms of Tuition in the Lancaster School, 4 dol-

lars per quarter, Hooks, Writing Paper, Slati s, &c.furnished In the other departments, fi dollai s perquarter, music and drawing separate chargesj no-

thing furnished except pens and ink. Semi-annu-

examinations will be held, and a tegular set ofBooks kppt in the Lancasterian School, shewing theprogress of the children in that department Avacation of two w eeks will be given aster each ex-

amination. J. P ALDRIDGE.December 6 53

The number of teachers, the several im-pr-

ements In the Lancaster School and the greatexpense of the establishment will it is presumed,be a sufficientapology lor the small alteration inthe terms of tuit'on. A limited number o" poorchildren of respectable pai enls, will as usnal be re-

ceived and taught grat'i3.

Inulaii Queen Tavern.BEKJ. LVXPIIJSAR,

Fsrmerly keeper of the lloiton Coffpe finite,

HAS the pleasure of informing jiis friendsthe public, that he has opened that

large and elegant house built by PattersonBai-i- , Esq. on the corner of Mam-Cru- s and'Short Streets, in Lexington, Kentucky, whenhe intends devoting his wliolej attention to ac-commodate and please those vvbo shall honorhim wi'h their custom. '

Lexington, 1st Jan. 181".

1HE RED klVr.K

IRON WORKS,- -ARE now in lull blast; great alterations ha ing

"'been made for the better in the FURNACEand she is now making metal of asupenor qualityThe FORGE is entirelv EW, and in high opera-tion ; makingBAR IRON equal, is not greatly su-

perior to Uoiscy or any other impoited Iron. Amorders lest with Mr. Maclean, at ray Iron Store mLexington, will be executed w ith neatness and dis-

patch, having employed the best woikineu thecountry can afford. The IRON' STORE at !.cington, will be constantly supplied with IRON andCASTINGS for the convenience of merchants,mechanics and farmers. Patterns lest there willmeet a speedy conveyance to the works.

TH'O MAS DEYE O WINGS.Lexington, December 21. 53 is

NOW IN TIIK PRESS,And will be ready for Subscribers in a shoit time

The Beauties of Divine Poetry,or &.

A Book of Appropriate Hymn'sA'VD

SPIRITUAL SONGS,For the use pf all Saints ;

Principally Original or Altered. ,BY THE REV. M. SMITH.

Author of the view of the British Posses-sions in Nor' h America, and history of theWar.&c &c."

Those who have any divise sonss on handvhich ought to be published, will please to sendthem to this office as soon as convenient, thatthey may be printed, with the names ol die uthor

It is inten led to have this work elega itlv executed It will contain nearly 30) pages ol" 24mo.bound in different style, calculated to suitsnhsciihers and purchasers. The price will Le fiom 75cents to 1 dollar.

N. B 'jbscription received at this officeLexington pnl4th,i 14--

CAUSING 6j FULL1AGAt Royle's Factory, on the Frankfort road, one

mile from Lexington.

Wool carded at 6d. jier pound.Also, Fulling and finishing Cloths, Linseys, ccc.

n the best manner, at all times, having vater theyear round.

For Sale,A quantity of very strong coarse Sattincts, very

suitable for Negroes clothing, and some WoolensTHOMAS ROYLE.

August 15, 1,81 fi. tf

"SELLING OFF,FOR approved negotiable paper, on a credit of

4and 6 months, the following articles, which were1 aid in at reduced prices, at New Oi leans, and willke sold equally .low, in order to close the con-

cern :50 Crates Queens "Wares, repacked, breakage

taken out and assortedlQ'Barrels 4th proof Brandy8 Quarter Casks, London Particular TennerifFe

Wine '

4 Barrels Port Wine j ;12 Boxes Claret, choice quality i6 do Vin de graveC do Champagne10,000 lbs Green Coflee, in Bags and Barr10 Barrels Brown SugarC0001b3. Best Green Coperas25 Boxes Raisins .

25 do Trench Prunes2 Boxes Parmezan dices;10 Barrels Mailwrcl10 Kegs Scotch'Hertlngs ,20 do """Pickled Salmon f ' i40 T.on Swedish Iron500 lbs. German Steelt Rot Ounce PinsAn Invoice of Hardwarp

Also 40 Boxes Bakewoods Glaswe e at costand carriage. J. P. SCHATZELl . ciCo.

Teh 21. 8

Elizabeth Keiser,C N ACCOMMODATE-afe- gentlememvitb


site the Episcopal Church.March Si, 1817. 12-'- f

DOCTOH DUDLEYHAS removed to s How, where lie occu-

pies the building adjoining Mr Worsley, being thethird house from M r. Coy le's corner.

Lex. March 29.

For Sale,'jrWO HUNDRED and TIVE acres of first rate

LAND, about eighty acres cleared, on w Inch isa good Dwelling-hous- Kitchen, Loom-hous- Ne-gro house, Spring-hous- new Darn and Hen-hous-

Sic. One hundred and eighlvtlirre bearing Apple-tree- s,

chiefly choice grafted fruit, Pear-tiec-

Damson trees, and excellent never-sailin-

water. Terms may he known by appl j ing to thesubscriber, living on the premises, five miles fromLexington, about half mile east of IheLeestownroad. A. BAINURIDOE

Nov. 12. 4"-- tf

JULIUS GUINAXD Watclimalier.HAS for sale an assortment of the most

' fashionable

Watches and Jewelleryop EvEnr ntscniPTio.y.


Clock and Watch MaterialsOP THE BEST WORKMANSIIIr;

All of which will be skl low at reducedprices.

He keep? his shop two doors below Captpnstlethwaits tavern, formerly occupied by Dr.jjoswell as a shop and residence, where hemakes and repairs CLOCK and W A.TCHES in(,e best and neatest. manner. '

Lexington, Sept. 23. 39

WANTEUmIIMMEDIAVELY,20 Carpenter' affil Mill Wi it--

ALSO'"" "

SEVERAL STOXE MAsTfeAcquainted with erecting furnacts for an IRONFOUXDRY.and an experienced man capable oterecting lion Woik. Also, wanted to contractwifi some person or persons to 10,001) cords otWood, before November next The above woikis wanted near the miin rmil leading Lo'iis- -'

''le to Vincennes, about fifty miles' fiom Louis-ville. Enquire of Mr Williamson at French Lick,or iviavsnaiis, near Ucl Ureikpr.It lnU3T. GPrentiss, or .lohn Peck, Lexington, Kentucky, ,

--airo, uaiueti lopuicnase seiei-a- l vok- - olJ.) August Tdi, rtlWtftimes


FOR SALE,ON a long credit, by giving bond and ap.

security, an

Elegant New Carriage.Applv to THOMAS T. T,ODD, LeXing'ton, orJOHN TODD, near Walnut-Hill- . V 40- -

John Norton,D1?U GG 1ST,

Opposite the Insurance Hank.'Mjdn st. Lexington

MVS received an extensive assortment ofMedicines. Paints . Mie-Suiff- Per- -

fumei., Pocket and Key Instruments, Seal loca-tors, Spring and Crown Lancets, Scales andWeiMltq. &P I'htcininc VTi1t-iit4- . r,.1 !,

esrhor Rocs desirous

public, ". 'in liQiLfl iq

w holesale or retail. He has o:i handStone Ochre, which lie sel low lor cash,

August 17. 1816. . 34

B KAH1UCK, TAILOR,JESPF.CTFULLY informs his friends and the

puhlic that he has agxin. removedIBs old on Main cross sti eet, next door to MrShaw's Hat Factoiy, where his oldothers can have their uoikiloi.e inMie neatest anilmost l.isliionable manner and on the best terms


Partners hip Dissolved.THE PARTNERSm&F

Jlshlon, Beach aiul Ncille,IS this day dissolved by mutual consent All

those havingdemands on the firm, ate requested toapplj to Ashtonand Beach for the samt; all

to the firm are to make pa; ment to Ashionand Beach, who are authorised to receive the same


Lexington, March 2d, 1816 1-0-

"TheiQoacli Jinking Business.In all its various branches, is still carried on at the

old standby ASHTON t REACH, where Cairi-ag?s- ,

Gigs, fcc vill be or repaired onnotice, and neatest manner, and on tin

most i easonaLle terms.


E. WARFIELDHas justkecHved from Philadelphia, and is

no'V openYiig'aTtiis Store, Main-stree- t, Lejsincr- -

lon, an elegant assortment of Merchandise,winch he is determined to sell low, wholesale

retail for Cash lies has freslt Teas, andmany India goods that have been very scarcefor time past stfh as Senshas, Lute-strings, Sursiickers, India Mulls, plain andfigured China iare, &c Uc with anelegai t assortment ot laticy goods, suitable tothe season. ''

May 10, 1816. 20tf


THE ManufacturingCnmpany' areof obtaining a quantity of sine bleached Linen

and Cotton RAG S, w hich are necess.ry to enablethem to manufacture the article pf sine

Inch so much is annually andmight avoided is the patriotism or economy olthe ladies of Kentucky, would induce them to adoptthe customs of the ladies in the eastern states, keep a Rag Bag, which is usually hung up in aplace convenient the purpose, and in which aredeposited the Rags that almost daily appear in ev-

ery large family. At tfie end of the j ear your raghags thus produce vou a liberal sumlor'pm'money, and greatly aid the manu-factories of j our state.

Six Cents in money will be paid for sine bleachedLinen or Cotton Rags and a price in pi opoi tion forcoarser quality, or tor tow mine from nax or hemp

Appl) at.thj, Manufactory or to

se. T & T. G.Lexington, Nov. 22, 1815. 48-- tf

FOR SALE,ytjl Acres first rate LND 42 acres cleared.

I Situated one mile west ofcan he given immediately and is not

sold it vvill be rented about the middle of February.Apply to me on Water-stree- t, Lexington.

Dli. 51 tf WM.TOD.

SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY.rpHE Subscriber has lately enlarged his es- -

tablishment by buildings, andwill now be enabled to supply the public bywholesale and retail, with prime SOAP of eve-

ry kind, equal in quality to any manufacturedin the United States and with the best


Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchantswho may purchase those articles either for thiforeign or home markets, or those who wantthem for domestic use, will find it to theiii

on him, or to give him theirwhich promptly attended to, and

faithfully executed.JOHN BRIDGES,

Corner of Water and Main Cross Streets, nextdoor to Mr. Steam Mill and Cotton Factory, Lexington.The highest cash pneesgiven for TALEOW,

HOGS LARD, GREASE, Ashetti Pot Ashes, at the above factory.

41 October 10, 1814

LEXIKGTON MAi UFACTOHY?fniIE of tliis Extensive establish-il-

ment are happy in announcing to the pub.lip tliat their Buildings are completed and theirMachinery in full operation.

They are ready to receive orders for all kindsand qualities of BROAD CLOTHS, CASI-MERK-


for paperraakers, B1LLHKD CLOTHS&r.Also every de!Cfiplion of PRINTING,WR VPP1NG and WRITING PAPER, PAhTEBO MtDS, FULLERS BOARDS,.SHWTHINGPVPEH, &c. Also,, RECORD PAPER, andBLANK P.PER of iitperior quality of anvdescription or to imitate any colour and quahtyjjt short notice.--Vllivmn- snared no lahnuv.Or esnense in nro- -

EUFiq the best Machinery and Workmen mU'lS cpuniry anil iiom I'jiuope, uio prujirieiorsaie confident that every article of their ll

l)e equal'UijpiHlity to anv import-ed fronrfiurope or mantltactured in the UnitedStates- - i)

In consequence of thejr having on hand alarge stocli ot p"rtpnetors do notwjh to receive njoi e at present, but will wantall thev can obtain in a sew months, for whichthey vull ifive the lushest puces pud in any

Hnart of America. T'hev vvill however at allmge the gijoiU o'CJheir Maiiafactory

Wool Persons of selling

will be supplied on tWMnwest terms,'0 7'W? I'P"'K " "r?Tvuliti thn fluid lnllimp2C001b


generally, lostand


&c. made




Lexington de-


importantPapeTCpf imported,


lrattended,, will











stuk op purchasing, or ordering goods, vvdlM

please applv at aul fjctorv, Or to J C Et M. u.RICIIAJIDSON, or J. & T. G. PRENTISS.

ug-is- t 27, 1816. 36

The Thirll .Volume'Of Bradford's Edition of the

LV TVS OF KENTUCKY.'PUIS woik is now in the press, and the pi intng

nearlv finished. '1 he publication vvill be delav- -

ed a sew weeks, in order to add to it the laws ot theensuing session of the general assembly. It w illthen lonipieheiid all the General Iaws which havebeeii passed since the publication of the second vol-

ume, and die three volumes contaTA the whole sta-

tute laws ol KenUUkv.We have on h mil a sew copies of the first ami

second volumes Gentlemen wishing to providethemxeijK's with-- a complete eopy of the laws will

.. .i'. " "-- - " " .....--. - - -published

KO IS 47

Bear and Otter SkinsWANTfED.

S.WL & G KO. riiOTTEU. & Co.OFFER the highest price in CASH for prime

BEAR A, OTTER' SKINS,Deliffivd atrtlfcir WartboUse.

Lexington, Dfc. 13. 1

SILVER PLVT1NG.vpnzxr M. Jinuinr and Jokm-- Nottmah,

Have commenced the

Silver IMatin Business,Opposite the Kentucky Insurance Company'sOffice, Main Sti eet, Lexington, Kentucky, un-

der the firm of

JWU.1HY & WUTTMJIX,Where they have on hand an elcgtmt assort-ment of PLATED WARE, consisting of Iindlelilts. Stirrups, Spurs, Saddlery, Coach Mount-ing, iic. which they wilfdispose of at whole-sale or retail on moderate terms. CountryMerchants and Saddlers vvill find it their

to give them a call before they purchase.Old work, replated in the best manner, andcash given for old Silver and Pewter.

N. It. John C. Nuttman will continue toexecute

ENGRAVINGOf. all all kinds, in the neatest manner, on ap-

plication as above.Lexington, Sept. 25. 40--t- f


arH" ii'TifTfr &223

"J)onU Give up the Ship.'rjHE Subscriber respectfully informs hisA friends and the public ill general that he

still keeps a house ot ENTERTAINMENT, athis old stand on Short street, between Limestone st. and the Cout t House, where he hopesby his attention, to merit a continuation of thesupport that has been so liberally given to thehouse, particularly by travellers and others.

JABEZ VIGCS.-- Lexington, Teb 14, 1817. 7--tf

Rotterdam Hotel,"THE SUBSCR1RF.R

Respectfully informs his friends and the public thathe has taken the above

wzti-iitow- x TAwnjt,

No. 12 h North-Fourth-Stre-

(Between Race and Vine streets.'lWHERE he will accommodate travellers,

boarders, or lodgers, with pnVate rooms, iseither by the year, week, or day. He

has extensive stabling, and buildings for horsesand carriages ; and hopes, bv keeping the bestliquors, and provisions, which the market af-

fords, clean beds, and by constant attention tohis customers to give general satisfaction, andmerit a share of public patronage. ,

HUEL ROWLEY.Philadelphia, Jan. 27, 18ir. 12-r- w

Brass Foundry.The subscriber informs his friends and the

Public in general that he continues to carryon the Brass Founding business in all itsvarious Branches, at the old stand formerlyoccupied by I. & E Woodruff, on Main Street,and will always keep on hand an assortment ofAnd Irons, Shovel and Tongs, Door Knockers,Candlesticks, &c. finished m the neatest man-

ner ; he will likewise cast Bells, and work forMach nery on the shortest notice ; he has alsoa Cup do for casting Iron, all orders in thatline w ll be punctually attended to. GrateJulfor past savors he hopes to merit a continance of the sam


Lexington, July 9th, 1815. 2f

WI1CK.THE subscribers wish to contract for a

quantity of WHEAT, and CORN.Also, PORK, BACON, and WHISKY, and aquantity of WHISKY IURRELS for whichthey will pay the highest price in Cash, on de-

livery. J. & T G. PRENTISSLexington, Nov 29, 1816. 49-- ff

FLOUR, CORN.QUANTITY of the above articles wanted, for

I"Bwhich the highest price in CASH will be giv-

en ;Thev must be dolivercd on the Ohio or Ken-

tucky rivei s, before the 1st of March nest.WILKINS 8c ERNEST.

Thev have onband a smill nuanty of prime OR-

LEANS S.UGA,R bv the birrel.Lexingtjin, Dec. inber 23d, 1S15 52--tf


. i lammi jiiiiib ii ' ' "

W tqy-- i i"

Stills for Sale.The Subscriber has on hand, Stills of differ

ent sizes and of the best quality, which he willsell low for cash, llejus lately leceived fromPhiladelphia a quantity of Copper, which en-

ables him to furnish

stills and BoilersOf any size, at the shortest notice. He alsocontinues to carry on the


Two or three JOURNEYMEN TINNERSwould be employed, to whom the highestwages will be given. M. F1S1IEL.Lexington, October I, 1816". 7 tf

J. B. P. GJlSTOSf,TAKES thi3 method of informing the Ladle3

and Gentlemen of this town and its vicinity, that heis now preparing his BALLOON and 1TRE-WOltK-

which he will exhibit to the public in thecourse of .May liext He flaUers himself that, ashe will spare no pains to rentier the spectacle asbrilliant as possible, he shall meet with that encou-ragement whiih has alwavs distinguished the in-

habitants of this state- - v

Particulars w ill hand biltj-1- 4


Exchange.THE Subscriber has from one to two thous-

and dollars worth of carpenters and brick-la-y

en' woik he wnts done, for which he will crivein. exchange, the same amount in any kiiid,of

... 1. 4 .... .. - ,simms wwwi. .iy fjcraiiu wiiuuir vo under-take it, will please rpply sonn.

THOS STUDMANLexington, March 22 12-- 6

4S T"rti ZjVl ''oU IJM S tikwj k A mi.

fy7vvfTV rvV vtfv v vvv V

HAVING commenced a FOL'NDR,m theLexington, opposite Lew is San-

ders street, wishes to inform his friendsand the public in general, that he now carries iton in all its branche', that all kinds of BRASSAND IRON MACHINERY may be had on theshortest notice, and in the best manner alsoBELLS for Taverns, Court houses, &c

All orders will be thankfully received andpunctually attended to

(Tj-- I will give the highest price in CASH fortnm cast iron, uopper llrass and Pewter.

Lexington, Dec 23d 1 816 52-- tf

S. tf. WOODSON,TTAS removed to Lexington with an fnten'Ll tion to devote himself to the practice Tift ti a:.. : .. : r ' w, ins uuu.c is a.rpi in a iron, room ot'lnebrick building opposite Capt. Pnstlethwait'sInn. 1 tf Jan. 6, 1817.

'For Sale,Seven lots on Water Street, beginning below

Bradford & Bowles Steam Mill, to. the cornerof Spring street, opposite the Play-hous- thewhole containing 200 feet front on Waterstreet, and upwards of 90 fecton Spring street;this ground will be so divided as to 'makeSeven Lots, of about 29 feet each, but is moreagreeable to purchasers, will be sold in largerlots.

One-thir- of the purchase money will he re-quired in hand on the balance, a liberalcredit will be riven of one. tira .inrl thivAyears. The title is unexceptionable, the situ- -.lira, nn.,.. nna rtf llia vnnefr -.-! . i --- v.u,. w..w w. i... uivai maturing sireeis inLexington. Apply to "


June 20, 1816. 26 tf

Tobacco.1000 hhds. WANTED. Enquire of

J. h T. G. PRENTISS.Jan. 17. 3-- tf

'Flour, Wheat & Corn.THE subscribers

articles.continue to purchase the

J. & T. G. PRENTISS.February 3d, 1817. 5-- tf

Masonic Diplomas,For sale at this Oilice.

Dancing School.J0I1N DARRAC, Professor of Dancing

RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lexington and its vicinity, that hi

DANCING SCHOOL will be opened on Fridaythe 18th ot October, at Mr. Cornelius Coy le's house,coiner of .Ionian's Row and Main-stree- t, where hepioposes to teach the an of Dancing in all its vari.ous branches, will) a variety of new and fashionablecotillioss

Persons desirous of being instructed are requestedto apply at Mr. Giron'sConfeetionarv Store. Mill.street, or lo John Darrac at Mr- WicklifTs tavern.CAn Evening S "iooI "xvill be opened for a limited

nirmber of youDggentlemen on an immediate appli-catio- nhis time would not permit him otherwise

to attend,

Regular PRACTISING BALLS vill be cstab-lisl.- bd

Ss soori as his pupils ai e sufficiently instructedOctoBftftag;;; - 4i' I. .

THE tfldSTEUNPiano-Fort- e Manufactory,

Jordan's Row, next doS7tb"ttictReJiorlcTPrinting Office.


and five years in Phil-adelphia,) respectfully informs ladies and gen-tlemen ofthe Western Country, that he has re-moved to Lexington, where he manufactures Pi.

winch for goodness, beauty, andprice combined, cannot be equalled from anysource; on the truth of which assertion, and'onthat only, 'f. L E presumes to that patron-age from a discerning public, for which he issolicitous, and hopes vvhenjt js sound that hisPianos (on the result of long experience) .iropreferable to others of American mike, and ;i(teller and eqini U the best imrorted madeof better mateHiuls-sta- tht climate betterjrd 20 per cent cheaper that he x ill meet ihatencouragement that skill, liberality, ami indus-try may reasonably hope for from a liberal pub-li- e

; which' will at all times Je gratefullybv their most obedient Servant,

Dc. 27, 1816. 52-- tf

For Sale,THE HOUSE & LOT in Market street, now

occupied by Mr. Deslprges, first door below thenew Pretbttciian Chuich, and third above theEpiscopalian. For terms apply to Mr. John L.Martin, or to the subscriber, one andmiles noi th of Lexington.

JABEZ VIGUS.April 8, 1816. 16-- tl

PAPER HANGINGS,rpHE Subscribers repectfiilly inform the La-- x

dies and Centlemen of Lexington and itsvicinity, that they have just received an elegantassortment of

French and American PaperHangings,

Which they offer for sale at very moderateprices. Among them there are a sew sets of the

Monuments of Paris,Views pf, the City and Bay of jfoples, with-- an elegant representation of Mount Vesu-

vius.Captuin Cook's voyage in Jhe Pacific Ocean,

and a representation ofWliis death by theOwyhee nation.

A viewjgf Hie Chase,Paul artd.Virginia, and somejvys in India.I hey also have received aTew handsome

figures- for Chimney boards.They have ako received an extensive assort,

ment of

GROCERIES,Consisting of

Teas, Coffee and Chocolate.Loaf, Lump and Riown Sugar.Raisins, Almondianrl Unm


- ...,.,,, uace ana urouniiGinger.Indigo Allum, .Madder, Brimstone, Copperas.

Glue and Rosijv JLancaster, Scotch ad M .ceoboy SnftfTSpinish and Common S , .M'Qiiey est Chuv ng ;, c ,

VinesFhencu. B,vnh Spirits, Hoi-Po- d

p'" Quahty'.Shad Sal non, Alackarel, Scotch andPickled Herrings. m

Wash Balls, Shaving Soap, New-Engla-

l.heese and Sweet Oil.

PMMTLYG & GLAZING.Orders from the

Stat,Si',$ ?aendSicllan fefS m CASH' WiItbe

xington,Dec.2nmVtgT- -

Wool Carding.Merino and Common) Wool Carding in aSunenerStvleand nn ,i,. ...... i L

aers, z 2 Miles from LexingTon, byLKWIS SANDERS.T?mSton, May 28, 1815,

NEW GOODS.f'lE Subscribers have just received, and are now

opening, a large and extensive Assortment of

MERCHANDIZE,Which they offer for sale either by Wholesale o?Retad, at a small advance for Cash.

Tilfonl, Trotter 5j Co.the arlicU' ej have

Rooms, Passages, &c.Also, a consignment of GOLD and SILVERPATENT LEf ER WATCHES, for sale at PhU

ladelphia prices.T.T.&CO.January 1st, HIT. 128-t- f


'pHE subscribers have erected a largeBAirE- -HOUSEat their mills, on Water-stree- t, Lex-

ington, opposite the Warehouse, where inextensively carried on They have now on land aquantity ofbuistuittOf the following kindsviz PilotBread, Navy Bread, Ship Rread, Water and ButterBiscuit; and engagements will be entered Mtnt,furnish fifty barrels of the above kinds of Biscuit

of Loaf Bread ; such of the citizen.. ,10 pef.u .vi "" """ vxajhiiij in Ay !)( screil attheir own doors, before early b.,akfMt every

morning, with any qavnlrty they ir,ay 0,er rresand warm. Bread of every rjesci w W b'e con..tantly kept at IsaJc Bowies', on Cr0swtreet, be.tvreen Main fcMa.n Croswtrcof,, & atllie ,,0(lse aB. Blount, on Sbort-stree- t, be..; ren D sc ,,berry-stree- BRADFt .j, & rjb'wLF.S

Januaiy 23.