kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky...

,1 b I 7 , X 1 f V I I a rfl fk f .null llui '.am il. 2 nevens Joseph i. ott Win S.a 1I1 John M. Steplit'iMnTh.03.2 R ip Vhr.s, Ni,.e Alt a So 11I1 J.u.n fiimUismi .1 dm Si tune GeiTgi Searl M G. 2 i.iai.r Jacob Stedman B. SiUner John Smiley Jonathan S.mpsnn Jame 4 "mull nn f ... Stubblefidd Win.'; - Sprake TIioj. " Seacatt Magdalen'- - Salee E, W. Stone Natlfan Stuart KoGert Sniggatd John Rlupp Dudley SUnock Matthias Sulumon J. II. M. Thompson Asa Trimble James Tliutnas Emily II. TruscUle Wm. Tomlin Charles Tucker Robeit Todd Charles Todd I)at id Tliornton John Tdton Jas 1. Temple Benjamin Todd Wm. I.. 2 r.n.AM Ttinmn T.. Yalandingham Isaac "Williams Mis.. AVeir James Walker Elizabeth "Warden VI. A. Yyalt John "Whitney Orlandp "West diaries White Jnnas "Wai ner Anson "WorleyFrareis "WilsouJohn VoodnffV Aaron "Wragg Wise Kos Wallace John Wilson Milton White Daniel Wheelock Nancy James Dr. "Whttesides Charles "V sties Thos II. W.lliams Edward Wilson Samuel Young Eliza D 3 Young Amorose J numbei W.I.T. HW Suinmeis Wai ii. Siiii.r Joseph Ueay Samuel Siutherlaiid Sarah Anthony Stout Jediah Summers Julm Sutton .lo'.in . Sally S.K. Seal'li Unllic'T' Sutcliffe Jrldi., ,.Slupp Saery Elizabeth 'Simmus J . iStinson John Sterling James Sheaier Benjamin Stiaws Haiimual Swuzler Simeon Scrivener S tinges Joseph PMephard David Scroglum Jos. Col. Teague James Talbott Daniel 3 Temey David 2 Taylor Robert Taylor To'ney Polley Tuder Thomas T nplett William Thompson Lucy Tylor Elizabeth Thompson llemy Trimble David V . Varble Jacob aw lit .. James Vanlear 2 2 James Wilsjn 11 Witener Frederick Wanhir Jutn Walker ungate Wicltes Win. AVdliams David Wood James 2 Wr-Rh- t John "Welts Isaac Wilcox Orrell Wilson llioruton Whip Martin Wilison David Willson George Wcbli William Wright Pel'es W1IU011 John E 'Wheelock Wattstill 'V.' igait Jacob "Willia-n- Matgvet 'Williams Charles Whits Ihos. Rev. Weight Aim Y Yeson Levi Veier " persons enquinn for letters m the foregoing 1st wi I please to say mey e ""'" JOHN FOWLKR. P.M. Lexington, April 1. H NOW TV 'VllR Pil.iSS, And will be read Subscribers in The Beauties of Divine ''octi-if- r A Book oCAppropriatc Hymn's ' ASD "SPIRITUAL SONGS, For .the use of all Saints ; Principally Oiiginal or .diten-i- t THE REV M. SMITH. Author of the view thv B.iri-i- i Posses- sions in Nor h America, and lustory of tne Wp. Sir:. &c." - , Those who luive any mviXE soVos on lian1 .i..Ai. tn lip iiuhri!.liLil. will nlease Lo sen' them to tliia as soon as convenient, th-i- .. . ....t .I.mi ii t!i tn V may oeiirniicu, wiLit ...I. ....-- . - - It is i itcndeil have this 01 k ci 'Cii- - teil will contain neaiiy ' 4WKCI ' -- '"' i,..r,,l in. liltprcnt stile, cdculatidto saitsaliscii- - bers ami punbiistit The prise will In 75 ctnts N.n. Subset-irtio- retched attbisnlice. Lexington pnl4th. ti BLUE DYiNti. THE SinSSCRlHrllt nas commenced the Rhie Dyins bus ness, and dying of lilacs, on Stree', below the Indian Queen Tavern, wneiehecan accommodate alt persons, the above line and will also clean and icour all k.nds of cloth, upon the lowtat terms I MONROE TAKEN Ul. lit the mouth of Haven Creek, bj the subsci ibe'n, ten Hogsheads of Tobacco atlnjt. two suipo3c! not to s as follows : k 11. w c c. K It H. K R. II. W.I C. K. It. II. W. 1. R. K. 11. H W.O II. K R. B. W. II E. K 1. V It. Ci'2 K a. II. V. I- - Y. S3t & ca. T & N. B II. W C. D. for of tii .....I. imuc in n c inspected. TI.u maiks and No. Grtss. Ni-tt- . 7"3 14S0 110 1370 3G(i 1530 117 13SJ S27 1710 15G 15fi4 937 1330 1G0 1170 8()'J 1570 200 1305 277 144 lSSOf 1305 151 1154 1302 123 1173 Urotz- - "ineail k Co- - Stout Win. John John 2 John John 2 K Br ofBue to It Snort Tare Two Hogsheads supposeil notlo be Irspecteil, one is mai ket with Tar on one lie .11 Driest, itieotn er marked on one head l". W-n- li I'aralso- - VIULIl'IlRlNi:. ItlCHMtDCilANDLEU. WALIERl'RArHKR- - N-- B- - "We will dry anil piizelhe above in the best manner the ciixumstances of the plaje wil nilmit- - Mareb3Ut. 13 3' Jessuminc (youotv. tint. T VKEN UP bv William Jamison, a BAY MARE with a small St.r in U'T fordicad, lest hind soot u'hite, about 14 1 bainls high, and about 14 years old. Ap r to 12 dollars JOHN MB1CALIj P Jamury lif, 1317. 14 3 TMvpVUI' b) Isihc M'Claii', 11 Jossaniinc Connty, mi cl"ai- cn'kk, one U VY MARE, with In ize laer. In) b oi her sore feet white nearly to iW knp- - , hi r lest bind soot white, S jcais old, about It 2 liaii'N lush, blind in the right eye Apprahi I to fi"ntv dollars, before me, this 30lh day of O. cenibLi', lSlC. ll It RICHVUDLVFON. TAKEN til' bv lolm Ashli.r.1, Wfoilloil "?untj , ii-'- i t'iroill ulni in Shawnee inn lei" rv,n riiesn'itsoml MVItE, near 14 Hands higli, 9 or 1 in3olil, lias OM s'iol. on belun-l- , near liiull mt ,.iiilv bite, bis .1 mm-- in the sorehead, .1 m. li 1. n. In nrflv tn l.i .. it titiiii ititTtllMlll- - .W 1,1111.11 ir . I , .. v ii, y - - - ,, Apo Un ij , beiorc me, this Stb day ol Jann-i- i v. I SI 7 A tiic cop. f.0111 im r.s-n- boo!;. MulbCC, isr, I. M- - niO.i.V3, J1 V e 1'. 7i " Fine ta Ins charge ' lie comes, the Herald of a noisy woild Vi.i tiom-il- l nations lutnb'i in': at Ins WV. " ' Lr.MN'GTON. MONDAY, APRIL 7. A JVrw Oileans l'nce Current of March 5 Inch ts a sew days before our first shipmen Is rould lise reached there) quotes supeihne fluiratltj to 17S p'er bbl ; middlings to 1 2 ; butter, per lb CS cts (sales); cotton, first quality, 28, (do ) tifigslard, 15 (do); pjtk mess, B20 per bUI. scarce; caig-j- 18; coftee, per lb. 21 cts. dull. Letters from New-Orlea- of a later date say that tloCir was falling, and that the stationary priCe would be ientlollan Cincinnati pap. CAS rt.E OF ST. LEWIS. Qoebec. Feb. 25. A report havintr reached h.s excellency the governor in chief, that an American citizen named Thomas Vance or Vant, who wa taken prinuer 111 the actl m at the River Raisin, on uie 220 January, 1B13, is rtctained in captivity by an tnd'anin Quebec, or its vicinity, and his excellency having caused every enquiry to be maue, inoiign without success, to discover the said American citizen, has directed public no nce to uenereoy given, that 11 the said Tho- mas Vance or Vant is in any part of these provinces in captivity and will make known lus situitinn to his excellency, measures will oe taKcn :or ins immediate release and resto ration to his mends. Andany person possess- ing information respecting the detention or present situation of the said Thomas Vanes or V nt, are requested to communicate the same lo his excellency. By his excellency's command. ANDREW WI. COCHRAN. ; Secietary. New-Yoii- March 10. Hy the Anrt, captain Crocker, the editors of the Gazette have received London papers, and find in Uiem the subsequent artibles. A frigate, well manned, was on the. eve of sailing from England torCanada. Tile all od army in France is to be reduced 50,000 men the Uritibb, 3 000 a month." Since lhe4tli of June, 1SI4, the British y lus losti in the field, or by natural deaths, 110 leer than sixty three general officers. The following ships have been commission- ed upon the lakes of Canada : Kingston, 55, com sir Halls llurlington, 44, captain N Lorkyer; Uiiarvvell, 06, captain Montresor, on lake Ontario ; Chaplain, 3, captain Duell, on lake Champlain ; Cunfiance, 32, captain D. IVuig, on lake Erie 1v'le Courier, 'a ministerial paper, of the 2d January, conuins a long- string of compliniuUary remarks on President Madi son's last message to congress The King of lingland's bodily heslth re mained g .ml. The (iueen had been ill of a vit lent indainm-.tiu- u of her bowels, but was oetler. Londov, Dec St. Mr. Howard Payne, tlife American Rocius, who had been perfoiming with great success in Dublin, is to appear atCnvent Garden The- atre, 0,1 his etui 11 fiom Ireland Sir II. Davy lias founiL hv different experi-tnent- s, that by 2 i or 30 grains ot com- mon mairnesia wi'h each apou id of Mi Uorst will make bread of the best quality. London-- , Jan . Tcs Aat' The Prince Urgent has direct-rd- , by an Older in Counc 1, that all the Vessels 111 the Nv. shall m suture be distinguished ly he number of guns and carronades they Actually 'mntiut, and not according to the denomilutions wluch have lung since jfiowjnn ue. Pirns, Jan 5 A'Gcofnelricrah of the Pays lias announcer, that he will publish a b.vjfc, in which he will esHbliih t1m squaring us the circle by sour different means The ccihijs of Russia is at present forty-thre- e millions f inluhitfcnt& Conslant Matliicu has otleied to the Pajs Uas a sine secret tn destroy , mice, nils, and other animal? of the couutiy : he asks for compensation and horiist living. His petition has been put into the hands of a committee .7iit 7 General bariu de Vincent, plenipo- tentiary minister of Austria, had this day an audience of the king, and piescnted tohis ma- jesty the letter of declaration of the marriage of the emperor his master with the princess of Havana. From late I u ii papers received at 11 oston. P,iris,Jan 12. This day Marshal l.efebvre, Duke of D intzic, has taken the oath btf e h King Ettiie Minister ol War who has restored him I i bainn as A ineiohant at Lojujii has lately received from Jamaica 400 ounces of dollars truck in the insurgent States ot Span'sh menca The I'ank, refused to receive tliehl, but they were assaj-e- and sound to be 42Q ounces us sine silver. Jt.11 17. The case of Dr. Gilles is trying at Pa-i- s. The question is, whetllcr a woniin in- fected with a disorder cf which she soon dies does by marrying her Physician possess him of all her prrperty The case is no.v oh ap- peal, The first court decided against the Doc- tor. The advances weie repeatedly made by the female The Dr does not appear to have been in fault He was CO she 7- - There wa a deficit of 30 millions in the re venue ofspain last year. An extraordinary con- tribution is resorted to. Vienna, flee 24 Mr. Penckney,- - Minister from the V. 9. passing here, for St. Petersburg upon his obstinate retul to submit to the reve- nue laws, was stopped lor some hours with his suite, at the principal custom house Upon his complaints, they made him the satisfabtion the circumstance required. lAnis, Jan 19. Count Tolstoy, Grand Marshal rit the Cuurt of Russia, has just died at Dresden. Captain Krej cenet, is about embarking in thesloop of war Urania; his principal-objec- t is to ascertain the form of the South hemis- phere of the earth, &c &c and to make obser- vations on its natural history. No expedition of this kind has been undertaken in England or France since that of captdfi Baudin, of which captain P made one of the party The lesult obtained from that first expedition, g'uesa justidea of what we may expect from this. Panis, Jan. 21. The learned are much occupied in England . . ., .1.1. :u e. - examining a new uiscovery, wintu lurmsncs to an extraordinary power it is sire ofa new species resulting from the compres- - sion ot a mixture or umgen uu uymugcu sin it mlN iii an instant the hardest metals even platina it (cducs pipeclay (o brilliant ,,',t changes (is ve may use the expres- sion) the elements and opsna .1 cours; ty ex- traordinary esperyssnls. Banks pv the Cise, ITec 31. It is Raul that the country people of Upland (Narverge) have revolted ; that seven thous- and went to Christiana, pillaged the stores, fixed the p. icfe of grain, aster having driven a ay the troops and muidered several of the inhabitants ; but it is not as bad as represent ed. Detected Conspiracy at JJardeaui: LiVMiroar. Dec. 28. Letters from Ilordeaux of the 21st inst were received in town on Satin day. One is from a irenllernaii theie addiessed to the firm With which he is connected 111 London. It counnu nicates intelligence that a considerable mini ber ot person S'Weie apprehended at Ilordeaux J .1. .. K. -- f .l. nn.U 1... nl i.n. arrival SALU, low 22011 "LAMPI!L"CK, or bailer. given of country pio-dn- on at his bloreSboi t strict. TAJMED sheepskins, uur...K u.c ..,.. u. uie .,, "'-- "" -- the best lii,kbi,.deis or ernment, on a charge of being concerned in a Osel90om WfnTE WKLTIXG. cnspiracv to restore the Uonaparteanjaytias-- j Cash will be given for untannc-- Deerskins, ty to the Fieni.h throne The intention of the1 LeHn-fnn- , Aonl 7th. 14-- tf conspiratois, it is understood, was to declare the Archdutches3 Maria of France. - 1 1 1 t- - unu during the minority of her son. The attempt" UUUltlllU JUl OUie. ha3 excitted the greater surprise coosidei ing y HAVE for thirty acres of prime the quarter where it has been made, as Bor- - J. WOODL .ND, about sour miles from Lex-deau- x lias taken the lead in loyalty among jngtrm For terms apply to the cfiies of There are other places April 7,- -1 4-- 3t ACHILLES 'TAXDY. in the South France in which fidelity to the government is said to be questionable. ' E S T The French Government, we understand, ,. .., . has mven orders for the purchase of 40,000 'S'1"' citizens ot Lexington its Vicinity barrels of flour in America, for the supply of cm get any quantity oi hSl iresli theiiity Pans. Savijjkah, March 7. LATEST FROM CAD 'A. By the of the ship Croline, captain Titcomb, in 51 days from Cadi?, we have re ceived the following verbal intelligence : for old two be antl D1'(1RD ihe On the 6th Jan a 40 sail of Spanish be has moved ms shop fiom transports, with about 2,500 soldiers on board, Mill street, td the corner ot MmOciry ami aler here Ml business w.ll b can ie.l with streets, w under 3 Sloops cortvoy of 2 frigates war, sailed for CruPz. where they were to re- - neatness Qndevi.tin", and despatch, t.utts iym constant main until the of another sleet, which sharfe r 1)!c pa,ipiuKe. was to sail about the middle of February, hrst LuX;ct0n 7tb ui atujj ai, Havana, aim anciwiiiiia .u.w.... . junction at Vera Cruz ; whence lhey( y. j, , ..v., . . would proceed tor the Main. TJieob-- i , J. 11. , trulO 1 lwV , jectof this expedition was not made known TAK,.g aA of ,e ,,,; at Cadiz, but was generally believed Were to Centlenen of this town its vkimtj, that he atiacii tne - is now iirenai ns Ins U LLOUN and Mr Meade had been liberated from his WORKS, will the the mi'nAy sho.ul rLeri,!"" ll" confinement and no hopes ot it course of nex He flatters himself as when captain l'itcomb sailed heill spare no the fptctacle as The Coast very infested by Car- - brilliant as possible, he shall meet with thatencou- - lliageman hnvatcers ; everal vessels raijemeiit In.s always distinguished tlicrn- - Lima to Cadiz, laden specie, had Habitants 01 mis state captured by them The Spanish govern- - ment tue purchased a number of English brig9, filled them out, and wevt expec.ed to sail shortly, in quest of the CarthagenidRS Captain Titcomb is the bearer of despatches for government, from Mr Erving, miimtsr at the court of id. It is said they relate to ill. nxfriT.. mmmittpA r.n ttie United Fne brand. . off HavaHa, and believed iray be had to to be ot a pracihc K'iosroM, Feb G. We learn that two vessels, one, a brig of 20 guns and 192 men, and the otbeVj a schoonei 16 guns and 100 men, aie crursingi in the Uite ot L- -, gaii. I he crews consist of, Englishmen and A.uel-ican- s ; they had beenj previously ciiiisihg in the European se-'s- , were boarded off Cadiz by Lard Etmoulb, he endorsed their pipers. On lhe28tti tilt, a number priehts and wo-- . men arrived at St. Doming fiom llu Caraccas.l having obliged to sly in conseiuence,-- t U said, of the Independents obtaining a .signal vicloiy over the Itoyah-'t- s UO THE SfTim HESTUCKI 0A7.KTTE. Cliiims lot Military Lands &.e. During the late War. Sliurviiv aSo Gl? mul AoEcr. Main Urt-'et- , For About FIVE sine, made il REMOVAL. CTtnilor.) RESPECTFULLY sleet merit A1111I I'HIE. which there May pains rendu much which .Madi U SUGAR. ORLEANS SUGA brig by application nature when ID'Tin 7. BRICK HOUSE. lexms tn NOTICE.- said "Washington CiUylOth cb, 1817- - may of dry said For your put it into complete to take proper publish it, I take ' convenient Warehouse to be inspect-thel.beit- y td you tliat.the ea'and to retain tile original tl.enii.tli ilav Annl " an ot each h?head )u toulhorueth'ep.ynientforp,-pertytoSt,cap.lrecelv:1"- l,ie "'Pe"0' certificate, ihat lured while in service, ""ltiegt with, in relation ot and other hogsheads as may sound to belong to dt 'the they will to the has been by an Congress, s,o Hilt .presenting such ot Ten limits provis.onof the presei ved, and a reasonable fordet same. It ivenng tormer act building, occupied presumed, that of Tobacco as a ..a-...- ! ..tor or Wacks inUiUrv taken will equally disposed to Claims under this and ninth section, suu aforesaid, to inves.1g.1ted Conrmis-'i""- ) v r.rnesi ana jonua. Snead sinner and to see. appointment cial Commissioners formerly, who to take office. Comnrisio'n- - ers authorised to appoint an agent in behalf the U. States, to join with Com. missioners, when may it expedient. 3d. Sec. Pro ides payment arty horse, waggon, c sleigh harness lost interuce, except when the risk to liae been insuitd Owner. 4th. Sec. Eend p.ovisWnsOf this ar.d lormer act, calla ol ppipeity lost, cap- tured destnAed in the Indian tribes subsequent the lS'Ji February, and prior first S'pt. 1815, and 5th J Sec'ion, that all claims ot hundred dollars upwards, bereviewed Secietary ut' War, and may be confirmed or rejected by him- I am Sir, most respectfully, 4 JOSEPH WATSON. P. S. This will to collect claims of above description and on eminent Law of Kentucky. AS ACT Authorising couit of Faette levy a tax exceedm; three thous dollars, lor Ueuehtot r ayette Hospital Arpriovfcn, Jan Sec. I. it enacted General Assembly of Com.urmvafta Kentucky, lhat county court of connty of at their next April or May term, mav, they hereby authorised to levy a updn the citi- zens of said county, exceeding dollars, the use and benefit ol the contributors to the Fayette Hospital in iheir to be paid over when collected, to managers said Hospital, in the funds, and tlie more to promote the legitimate objects that liislnu tion : Provided however, that it shall be ne cessary a majority justices ol said county court to concur .11 and consent to levying of the afoesaid tax, at terms. Six. 1 Jnd be it further enacted, That the county cobrt shall full potter and ailtllnrity , and they are hereby authorised and empoweied, rrovide and en force 'he collection ot- - aforesaid jvlien levied, in tbc-sa- minner, ill winch they are" liotV a.lUi'.riseU by the law!, ii,.uttiininwe lth. to provide and er ( ce cou;s:iou 01 tle-- ; . County JOHN 8TTCKNEY, HAS FOR Clean FLAX-SEl'.- somr, IU;MP do. do. Also . auilO of COF"F.P., sine f!aorat Oil pricuol sinlliiiKsHTlb. at ret'.il, ic weight forcasli CASH for all kinds Paint Apiil 7lli, 117 li--- 2t Sale. HUNIHtrcn Of Saddles D Louisa regent " sale, about its France of of arrival all nd and ofa superior quality, fresh every day at the Alluv or) ills. 14-- tf BR & BOWLES. - JOSEPH F.LYCE, his fiicmls of and of on l.e Ins Vera attention business 14-- tf frem Spanish Wethoc, !nformi and ami public "P"1- - was that, was from bound with been States" of been of 10 lo a to to Paiticdars be distributed in hand b Is A Few barrels of First Ra(e Is,- aie early April A. 14-- tf or - TUG rwo STOUY ' Water Slieet, the New-Maik- House, DLAXCHAItO. For Sale Rent. immediately lor Lexington, 7lU April, 1817. F1SHCL. 14-- tf THE lat rise in the Kentucky tliver having carried away from seveial of tlie Warehouses large quantities of 'I OIJ.vCljO, ma.y hogs- heads of wliied have been slopped and depos- ited on the margin of is earnest, ly recommended to thoe who have taken, or Mai take possesion the same, 10 Sin, the information of readers, Jubicco, oiiler, should ,ou think to to ome apprise act passed maiks entitled a"u number respectively. on pf 1816, act this has been tompl.ed lo or dutroyed the military the United States, for purpose."' s,ucu be amended act Uie late subsc.ibeis, pay penon Certificate the sum ihe as 1st Sect, the ninth' Hollars for each hogshead so section of the 10 price the is by order, of deposit lor military and' other owners as for the so care ot, be foices. the peiisaie mr . Bervccs, on conimnnic be by the lu i"us reported Congress. 2d Provids for the of spe as are an oath of 0f the special he deem for of mule, ox, ut, or was by the the the to or the vars,witli to to the day the last Provides two or shall by the agency undertake the others Hoi the county to and collect not ind tlie the 30. Se By the Ihe of the the Fayettea, and are tax nut three thousand fur corporate capacity, the of aid speedily of sir of all the the two aforesaid, to for the tax exi.ting ,f for Uie ouuiary kiy. ofa uill anil inlorms and and will lis. On below" apply river U Co. at Lexington, the character ofeadi hogs ueaia as aoo-- , JOILY tF IlXl.T, GEO G TA Yh O It i) Co. HYJMjY GJIATZ, IVU.KWiSS Ell.VEST, V.1VW DODGE, J S SjVEADX Co'. J. D CLIFFOKD, IUY CL.I11KE, J. V V. G PltEJYTISS Lesir.gton, April 2, 1817. 11-- tt Kentucky Agricultural Society. TTN PURSUANCE of a call from the Vice JL Preesident, the Society" met at the house of Capt. IWleihwait 111 the town ot Lexington, on the fth day of March , It was resolved to notify the absent member-.- . through the Lexington New-spaper- that the Society would, atthe quarterly meeting, to be held on the third Monday of Apnl next, pro. ceed to consider the propriety of electing off- icers for the preenteai. Mesiihed, That the net Fair shall take place at Capt. John Fowler's Garden on the last Monday ul May. " Tlie following premiums 'for the next Fair were voted : For the best Bull, a Silver Cip the best Cow, ... tbe same, the best 2 earold Ihill, the same, the best 2 ear old Co w, - - the same, the best yearling Bull, ... the same. Tthe best veai ling Heifer, the same, the best Buliock, " - the same. the best merino ltam imported or not, ... the Ham exhibiting the best wool for Blanketing, uth the heaveist fleece -- . -- the best Boar, the largest and best Cheese of domestic manufacture, - - same. same. piece of Domestic Wool- len Cloth to contain at least 20 jards . i . the piece or Home made 7 1.1I11IC11UI nut lc- - man ,v iiuua. 'ir. .!. .1.. ,:!.. ...K ..1. .11" U : same. f 11 till; v,iu uiiuii . gallons Of 'liebes;' 't:?,VnZ' ,!SJprod.ici. the T UARSec, tAS rei the the same, the same. the the best the sarae- - best luiiiuei 10J same, cTCiOli JJUDLWY ines the budding .i.'piiung Mi Wnrsle), being the I third house from Mi. Coly'a ccr.u.1. PROPOSALS: Br BEK7AMINS BTLITSTII, FOR PUBUSniA'G BY SVBCiaPTIOh", OKIGIN VL POKMS, OX SEYMIM S OBJECTS. TO THE PUUHfi. r ' THE Author Ins no design of pecuniary in olleiing ins piopusals to the public he thinks not ot the meanness tint always tot-lo- duplicity m a word he s thr. Ugii the aid of the public, that he may be suppor-te- d in this respect. !lls design is laudable, he intends that a part of the proceeds of the v..i tc shall be applied in charry. Citizens of not baikwaj-- on this occasion .ti.l think of those who live in igiinrance-tiiin- of the benighted soul of the Hindoo. Il is expec- ted that eeiy man who has benivolf nceHn hi heart will sub-enh- Extract .n the Jlftttii.r's Preface. " It is lor the patriot, the soldier sud the statesman to gather laurels in their dirferent avocations ; but it "remains only Xr the Son4 humble roET to 1 v down his inn at the te. t ofa candid public, and await ihe decision ns their just tribunal. I he rmlriot at the helm ol slate; the soldier in the field and she ora tor in me Kuslinin, luve oil eveiyoccaioi looked tor the metd of Diaise. and have worn the chaplel of public savor wiihlmn, r tnthem. selves, and their connection Witne .h,. jveneiable Washington ; Jackson, and Ames. liarlow, and hundreds of war patriots and statestnen-- it was sin Iheni to di ink at 'he toun. tain head ot P'.pu'atilt : but it n lor the Poet j to sit and sip at the stream of Parnassus, and court uie lavorsoi tancy. ' cosvnwiQjvs. 1. The work will be primed on fiie paper and new tjpe. 2. Jt will contain about 155 page", p. ice to suftscubers one dollar nan subscriber gi 25 cents. 3. Subscribers cannot withdraw their names without the Author's coifsent. 'k 4- - "The Woik Will be nrinted n'f ani.n na suf. ficicntlubscnb'eis todetiay the expenses ; and not he exhibit in y uhcr se of it s, s, ses are paid, it rull becbeeifully given to the siinni.rt ln?,' l..; .... . It. S HULHNC.II. Nashville, March, 1S1T. liii'OirH'AAT. To the Ladies aid Gentlemen of Ltxington and the niydxiiiMgtOttnsinJ coantits. TIIOS T. BURN'S, uulorms hit fi lends and the pnbhc gciierallj , that be still contin- ues locarry on the Painting, tihtzing, ,iml Papn Hanging business, 111 nil their various brain. lies -- Those briQuiigliim witb their custom, m..t dqicml oji the strictest pui.ciuallity. Uispiices I01 pape. UHinjIiig are aslol.ous, mi: lu Lqhigton the side walls at TO cents, ceiling at "5 perpiece, 111 Fraiikfoi t, the side wal's it 1 emu ceding at l dollar per puce in Georgi town the s'do walls at cents, coiling at 37 cei.n per piece in Pins, the side walls at "3 cents, teilmg at I dollar per piece in Washington the sMii walls at 75 cents, ceiling at 1 di.ltor perjnece Moaritstelliiur, ihe side walls at 3 I 'J5 c. M-- , 1 5l enis per piece N 11 l.obswhe, t'ne side wallsat 75 cent., ceiling at 1 dollar pel pieee iVei sailles-- , the si. e walls at "0 cents, ceih. ing 1 dollar pel- - piece, and 111 ilnytoautry actoidins to the distance. ft' Letters from the albie towns will be sti icllv at- tended to, for signs or paper Hanging, in Uie new- est and most fashionable tj Ic ; no pains shall, bit Spared to please the public. Letters dnecied 10 rne on r e. neai I) oprwite the In- dian QuieiiTaiern and ,M U. Ash'tou't lainago shop, adjoining Mr. Bobt Holmes- - THOMAS T.DUKNS. Lex. March 20. , j3(;St N li. The Punters in the above s ill pub-hs- h this advertisement three times, and forward their accounts lor puj ment, To tlicheiisandileviseesol" lticnrd Cave, dec. Take Nbtice. TH VT we shall applj to the ho.iorable tbe coun. t) court of Woodford, at their July tei m, m l suc- ceeding, sop the appointment ot tlir-- e co.nniusion-er- si lor the mirpose ol co..viig lo us,b assijine.s ot the heirs of Thomas' Iu nliam, di or pal eel of and in the si.l ot Woodford, including Case's mill, and for th'e conveinnceof which the Said Itjthaid Cave.itvcM executed Ins bond to ihe said Thoi'ias TurMfam All the'coni'itionsof the contract On t!io,partot" said Turiihani, hai.ig bden compl ed iidi.''t'" Lr.WIS PKHlty, " SAMUEL TOUIITT. March 29. 13.3 ALEX. P VilKKli $ SfN. 1IAVJ1 just recehad f.oin Philadelphia, anil noir opening at tbeir Store on Maa.-stree- oppo- site the Couit house in LeXnigtOr, a large and wtIL c.iosen assorlineut of llry Goods, Groceries, Ojteens Ware, China, & Hard Ware. Which they Mill sell at die most re bleed prices for cash. ' t Lex. .MarJiC9 l3-4- t. . IL I). A quantity of Ton- - Linen wanted, for which Goods and a pail Cab given a. Pviiitr.itfcSON The Subscriber WST'ILL OELIVEII at his Laboratory, "during v V the Summer, a course ol Lectin es on Na- tural Philosophy and Vstronomv, and also giva essons on the Mathematics. With.lifs lecturei vill be connected sucli Chemical experiments as tend to shed light upon Various parl3 of Na-ur- al Phitosophy. The,course will commence 611 the first Mon. lay of Alay.andbe continued until thelast week in September. The hour of attendance will be 5 o'clock, P. M. every day in the week except S.turday. Having a tblerably complete Phi- losophical and Clu-mic- Apparatus, Orrery, Globes, &c. no pains shall be spared to render the course useful. Tlie female part of his school shall continue to meet with lii"mst as- siduous care, tlie Senior class in wh'r, will. during the summer, beattendirtgto in'lructiona on Astronomy, Chemistry, and tho Belles-Let- . tre.3. .' . JA.MR ULVTHB. Letington March 16. 12-- tf, -- Stop the Kunawav. ISiL'EL GIilSON, a boy bqand to ilie-b-y the ravette County Couit, tr the Spinning vhecl making busin ss, he is aidiHiont (u yesrs of age biown hair, down W., ve iiiucjmdiclod tolling and ill pilf rol" ho has an nntiprtiinitv : had on. when be went awv-- a iol Int. hlnrtc domestii t Iclolfioat, tiile waistcoat, bluo litiscy overalls. J Wliocvef ill secure ai.l Boy in Jail and Rive mo j information so tint I can get him nmiin, shall be Li. ..I. .!.. l.l 'P , im.iimmii r i c in n i ,v VJ lltlU li Ilall IlllieS II Olll to.Ior.lans occu- - Geor.-eto.- Sco.t eoun.v. y.rcliq-J- . B. IIOIMC

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Post on 22-Apr-2018




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7, X 1






f .null llui '.am il. 2nevens Joseph

i. ott WinS.a 1I1 John M.Steplit'iMnTh.03.2R ip Vhr.s,Ni,.e Alt aSo 11I1 J.u.nfiimUismi .1 dmSi tune GeiTgiSearl M G. 2i.iai.r Jacob

Stedman B.SiUner JohnSmiley JonathanS.mpsnn Jame 4"mull nn f ...Stubblefidd Win.'; -

Sprake TIioj. "

Seacatt Magdalen'- -

Salee E, W.Stone NatlfanStuart KoGertSniggatd JohnRlupp DudleySUnock MatthiasSulumon J. II. M.

Thompson AsaTrimble JamesTliutnas Emily II.TruscUle Wm.Tomlin CharlesTucker RobeitTodd CharlesTodd I)at idTliornton JohnTdton Jas 1.

Temple BenjaminTodd Wm. I.. 2

r.n.AM Ttinmn T..

Yalandingham Isaac

"Williams Mis..AVeir JamesWalker Elizabeth"Warden VI. A.Yyalt John

"Whitney Orlandp"West diariesWhite Jnnas"Wai ner Anson"WorleyFrareis"WilsouJohn

VoodnffV Aaron"WraggWise KosWallace JohnWilson MiltonWhite DanielWheelock Nancy

James Dr."Whttesides Charles"V sties Thos II.W.lliams EdwardWilson Samuel

Young Eliza D 3Young Amorose J




Suinmeis Wai ii.Siiii.r JosephUeay SamuelSiutherlaiid Sarah

AnthonyStout JediahSummers JulmSutton .lo'.in .

Sally S.K.

Seal'li Unllic'T'Sutcliffe Jrldi.,

,.SluppSaery Elizabeth

'Simmus J .iStinson JohnSterling JamesSheaier BenjaminStiaws HaiimualSwuzler SimeonScrivenerS tinges JosephPMephard DavidScroglum Jos. Col.

Teague JamesTalbott Daniel 3Temey David 2Taylor RobertTaylorTo'ney PolleyTuder ThomasT nplett WilliamThompson LucyTylor ElizabethThompson llemyTrimble David

V .

Varble Jacobaw lit ..

James Vanlear





Witener FrederickWanhir JutnWalker

ungateWicltes Win.AVdliams DavidWood James 2Wr-Rh- t John"Welts IsaacWilcox OrrellWilson lliorutonWhip MartinWilison DavidWillson GeorgeWcbli WilliamWright Pel'esW1IU011 John E

'Wheelock Wattstill'V.' igait Jacob"Willia-n- Matgvet'Williams CharlesWhits Ihos. Rev.Weight Aim

YYeson LeviVeier"

persons enquinn for letters m the foregoing

1st wi I please to say mey e ""'"JOHN FOWLKR. P.M.

Lexington, April 1. HNOW TV 'VllR Pil.iSS,

And will be read Subscribers in

The Beauties of Divine ''octi-if- r

A Book oCAppropriatc Hymn's'ASD

"SPIRITUAL SONGS,For .the use of all Saints ;

Principally Oiiginal or .diten-i- t

THE REV M. SMITH.Author of the view thv B.iri-i- i Posses-

sions in Nor h America, and lustory of tneWp. Sir:. &c."- ,

Those who luive any mviXE soVos on lian1.i..Ai. tn lip iiuhri!.liLil. will nlease Lo sen'

them to tliia as soon as convenient, th-i-

.. . ....t .I.mi ii t!i V may oeiirniicu, wiLit ...I. ....-- . - -

It is i itcndeil have this 01 k ci 'Cii- -

teil will contain neaiiy ' 4WKCI ' -- '"'i,..r,,l in. liltprcnt stile, cdculatidto saitsaliscii- -

bers ami punbiistit The prise will In 75 ctnts

N.n. Subset-irtio- retched attbisnlice.Lexington pnl4th. ti

BLUE DYiNti.THE SinSSCRlHrllt nas commenced the

Rhie Dyins bus ness, and dying of lilacs, on

Stree', below the Indian Queen Tavern,wneiehecan accommodate alt persons, theabove line and will also clean and icour allk.nds of cloth, upon the lowtat terms


TAKEN Ul. lit the mouth of Haven Creek, bjthe subsci ibe'n, ten Hogsheads of Tobacco atlnjt.two suipo3c! not to

s as follows :

k 11. w c c.K It H.K R. II. W.I C.K. It. II. W. 1. R.K. 11. H W.O II.K R. B. W. II E.K 1. V It. Ci'2

K a. II. V. I- - Y. S3t

& ca.




W C.




tii.....I. imuc



c inspected. TI.u maiks and

No. Grtss. Ni-tt- .

7"3 14S0 110 13703G(i 1530 117 13SJS27 1710 15G 15fi4

937 1330 1G0 11708()'J 1570 200 1305

277 144 lSSOf1305 151 11541302 123 1173

Urotz- - "ineail k Co- -















Two Hogsheads supposeil notlo be Irspecteil,one is mai ket with Tar on one lie .11 Driest, itieotner marked on one head l". W-n- li I'aralso- -


N-- B- - "We will dry anil piizelhe abovein the best manner the ciixumstances of the

plaje wil nilmit- -Mareb3Ut. 13 3'

Jessuminc (youotv. tint.T VKEN UP bv William Jamison, a BAY

MARE with a small St.r in U'T fordicad, lesthind soot u'hite, about 14 1 bainls high, andabout 14 years old. Ap r to 12 dollars


Jamury lif, 1317. 14 3

TMvpVUI' b) Isihc M'Claii', 11 JossaniincConnty, mi cl"ai- cn'kk, one U VY MARE, withIn ize laer. In) b oi her sore feet white nearly toiW knp- - , hi r lest bind soot white, S jcais old,about It 2 liaii'N lush, blind in the right eyeApprahi I to fi"ntv dollars, before me, this 30lhday of O. cenibLi', lSlC.


TAKEN til' bv lolm Ashli.r.1, Wfoilloil"?untj , ii-'- i t'iroill ulni in Shawnee inn lei"

rv,n riiesn'itsoml MVItE, near 14 Hands higli,9 or 1 in3olil, lias OM s'iol. on belun-l- , nearliiull mt ,.iiilv bite, bis .1 mm-- in the sorehead,.1 m. li 1. n. In nrflv tn l.i .. it titiiii ititTtllMlll- -.W 1,1111.11 ir . I , .. v ii, y - - - ,,

Apo Un ij , beiorc me, this Stb day olJann-i- i v. I SI 7

A tiic cop. f.0111 im r.s-n- boo!;. MulbCC,isr, I. M- - niO.i.V3, J 1 V e

1'. 7i

" Fine ta Ins charge' lie comes, the Herald of a noisy woildVi.i tiom-il- l nations lutnb'i in': at Ins WV. "


A JVrw Oileans l'nce Current of March 5Inch ts a sew days before our first shipmen Is

rould lise reached there) quotes supeihnefluiratltj to 17S p'er bbl ; middlings to1 2 ; butter, per lb CS cts (sales); cotton, firstquality, 28, (do ) tifigslard, 15 (do); pjtk mess,B20 per bUI. scarce; caig-j- 18; coftee, per lb.21 cts. dull.

Letters from New-Orlea- of a later date saythat tloCir was falling, and that the stationarypriCe would be ientlollan Cincinnati pap.

CAS rt.E OF ST. LEWIS.Qoebec. Feb. 25.

A report havintr reached h.s excellency thegovernor in chief, that an American citizennamed Thomas Vance or Vant, who wa takenprinuer 111 the actl m at the River Raisin, onuie 220 January, 1B13, is rtctained in captivityby an tnd'anin Quebec, or its vicinity, and hisexcellency having caused every enquiry to bemaue, inoiign without success, to discover thesaid American citizen, has directed public nonce to uenereoy given, that 11 the said Tho-mas Vance or Vant is in any part of theseprovinces in captivity and will make knownlus situitinn to his excellency, measures willoe taKcn :or ins immediate release and restoration to his mends. Andany person possess-ing information respecting the detention orpresent situation of the said Thomas Vanes orV nt, are requested to communicate the samelo his excellency.

By his excellency's command.ANDREW WI. COCHRAN.

; Secietary.

New-Yoii- March 10.Hy the Anrt, captain Crocker, the editors of

the Gazette have received London papers, andfind in Uiem the subsequent artibles.

A frigate, well manned, was on the. eve ofsailing from England torCanada.

Tile all od army in France is to be reduced50,000 men the Uritibb, 3 000 a month."

Since lhe4tli of June, 1SI4, the British y

lus losti in the field, or by natural deaths,110 leer than sixty three general officers.

The following ships have been commission-ed upon the lakes of Canada : Kingston, 55,com sir Halls llurlington, 44, captainN Lorkyer; Uiiarvvell, 06, captain Montresor,on lake Ontario ; Chaplain, 3, captain Duell,on lake Champlain ; Cunfiance, 32, captain D.IVuig, on lake Erie

1v'le Courier, 'a ministerial paper,of the 2d January, conuins a long- string ofcompliniuUary remarks on President Madison's last message to congress

The King of lingland's bodily heslth remained g .ml. The (iueen had been ill of avit lent indainm-.tiu- u of her bowels, but wasoetler.

Londov, Dec St.Mr. Howard Payne, tlife American Rocius,

who had been perfoiming with great successin Dublin, is to appear atCnvent Garden The-atre, 0,1 his etui 11 fiom Ireland

Sir II. Davy lias founiL hv different experi-tnent- s,

that by 2 i or 30 grains ot com-mon mairnesia wi'h each apou id of Mi will make bread of the best quality.

London-- , Jan .

Tcs Aat' The Prince Urgent has direct-rd- ,by an Older in Counc 1, that all the Vessels

111 the Nv. shall m suture be distinguishedly he number of guns and carronades theyActually 'mntiut, and not according to the

denomilutions wluch have lung sincejfiowjnn ue.

Pirns, Jan 5A'Gcofnelricrah of the Pays lias announcer,

that he will publish a b.vjfc, in which he willesHbliih t1m squaring us the circle by sourdifferent means

The ccihijs of Russia is at present forty-thre- e

millions f inluhitfcnt&Conslant Matliicu has otleied to the Pajs

Uas a sine secret tn destroy , mice, nils,and other animal? of the couutiy : he asks forcompensation and horiist living. His petitionhas been put into the hands of a committee

.7iit 7 General bariu de Vincent, plenipo-tentiary minister of Austria, had this day anaudience of the king, and piescnted tohis ma-

jesty the letter of declaration of the marriageof the emperor his master with the princessof Havana.

From late I u ii papers received at 11 oston.P,iris,Jan 12. This day Marshal l.efebvre,

Duke of D intzic, has taken the oath btf e hKing Ettiie Minister ol War who has restoredhim I i bainn as

A ineiohant at Lojujii has lately receivedfrom Jamaica 400 ounces of dollars truck inthe insurgent States ot Span'sh menca TheI'ank, refused to receive tliehl, but they wereassaj-e- and sound to be 42Q ounces ussine silver.

Jt.11 17. The case of Dr. Gilles is trying atPa-i- s. The question is, whetllcr a woniin in-

fected with a disorder cf which she soon diesdoes by marrying her Physician possess him

of all her prrperty The case is no.v oh ap-

peal, The first court decided against the Doc-

tor. The advances weie repeatedly made bythe female The Dr does not appear to havebeen in fault He was CO she 7- -

There wa a deficit of 30 millions in the revenue ofspain last year. An extraordinary con-

tribution is resorted to.Vienna, flee 24 Mr. Penckney,- - Minister

from the V. 9. passing here, for St. Petersburgupon his obstinate retul to submit to the reve-

nue laws, was stopped lor some hours with hissuite, at the principal custom house Uponhis complaints, they made him the satisfabtionthe circumstance required.

lAnis, Jan 19.

Count Tolstoy, Grand Marshal rit the Cuurtof Russia, has just died at Dresden.

Captain Krej cenet, is about embarking inthesloop of war Urania; his principal-objec- t

is to ascertain the form of the South hemis-phere of the earth, &c &c and to make obser-vations on its natural history. No expeditionof this kind has been undertaken in Englandor France since that of captdfi Baudin, ofwhich captain P made one of the party Thelesult obtained from that first expedition,g'uesa justidea of what we may expect fromthis.

Panis, Jan. 21.The learned are much occupied in England

. . ., .1.1. :u e. -examining a new uiscovery, wintu lurmsncsto an extraordinary power it is sire

ofa new species resulting from the compres- -

sion ot a mixture or umgen uu uymugcusin it mlN iii an instant the hardest metalseven platina it (cducs pipeclay (o brilliant

,,',t changes (is ve may use the expres-

sion) the elements and opsna .1 cours; ty ex-

traordinary esperyssnls.

Banks pv the Cise, ITec 31.It is Raul that the country people of Upland

(Narverge) have revolted ; that seven thous-and went to Christiana, pillaged the stores,fixed the p. icfe of grain, aster having drivena ay the troops and muidered several of theinhabitants ; but it is not as bad as represented.

Detected Conspiracy at JJardeaui:LiVMiroar. Dec. 28.

Letters from Ilordeaux of the 21st inst werereceived in town on Satin day. One is from airenllernaii theie addiessed to the firm Withwhich he is connected 111 London. It counnunicates intelligence that a considerable miniber ot person S'Weie apprehended at IlordeauxJ .1. .. K. -- f .l. nn.U 1... nl i.n.



low22011 "LAMPI!L"CK, orbailer.

given of country pio-dn-

on at his bloreSboi tstrict.

TAJMED sheepskins,uur...K u.c ..,.. u. uie .,, "'-- "" --

the best lii,kbi,.deis orernment, on a charge of being concerned in a Osel90om WfnTE WKLTIXG.cnspiracv to restore the Uonaparteanjaytias-- j Cash will be given for untannc-- Deerskins,ty to the Fieni.h throne The intention of the1 LeHn-fnn- , Aonl 7th. 14-- tf, it is understood, was to declarethe Archdutches3 Maria of France. -

1 1 1 t-- unuduring the minority of her son. The attempt" UUUltlllU JUl OUie.ha3 excitted the greater surprise coosidei ing y HAVE for thirty acres ofprimethe quarter where it has been made, as Bor- - J. WOODL .ND, about sour miles from Lex-deau- x

lias taken the lead in loyalty among jngtrm For terms apply tothe cfiies of There are other places April 7,--1 4--3t ACHILLES ' the South France in which fidelity to thegovernment is said to be questionable. ' E S TThe French Government, we understand, ,. .., .

has mven orders for the purchase of 40,000 'S'1"' citizens ot Lexington its Vicinity

barrels of flour in America, for the supply of cm get any quantity oi hSl ireslitheiiity Pans.

Savijjkah, March 7.


By the of the ship Croline, captainTitcomb, in 51 days from Cadi?, we have received the following verbal intelligence :






iheOn the 6th Jan a 40 sail of Spanish be has moved ms shop fiom

transports, with about 2,500 soldiers on board, Mill street, td the corner ot MmOciry ami alerhere Ml business w.ll b can ie.l withstreets, wunder 3 Sloopscortvoy of 2 frigates war,

sailed for CruPz. where they were to re- - neatnessQndevi.tin",

and despatch, t.utts iym constant

main until the of another sleet, which sharfe r 1)!c pa,ipiuKe.was to sail about the middle of February, hrst LuX;ct0n 7tbui atujj ai, Havana, aim anciwiiiiia .u.w.... .

junction at Vera Cruz ; whence lhey( y. j, , ..v., . .would proceed tor the Main. TJieob-- i , J. 11. , trulO 1 lwV ,jectof this expedition was not made known TAK,.g aA of ,e ,,,;at Cadiz, but was generally believed Were to Centlenen of this town its vkimtj, that heatiacii tne -

is now iirenai ns Ins U LLOUN andMr Meade had been liberated from his WORKS, will the the mi'nAy sho.ul rLeri,!"" ll"

confinement and no hopes ot it course of nex He flatters himself aswhen captain l'itcomb sailed heill spare no the fptctacle as

The Coast very infested by Car- - brilliant as possible, he shall meet with thatencou- -

lliageman hnvatcers ; everal vessels raijemeiit In.s always distinguished tlicrn- -

Lima to Cadiz, laden specie, had Habitants 01 mis state

captured by them The Spanish govern- -

ment tue purchased a number of Englishbrig9, filled them out, and wevt expec.ed tosail shortly, in quest of the CarthagenidRS

Captain Titcomb is the bearer of despatchesfor government, from Mr Erving, miimtsr atthe court of id. It is said they relate toill. nxfriT.. mmmittpA r.n ttie United

Fne brand. .off HavaHa, and believed iray be had toto be ot a pracihc

K'iosroM, Feb G.

We learn that two vessels, one,a brig of 20 guns and 192 men, and the otbeVja schoonei 16 guns and 100 men, aie crursingiin the Uite ot L- -, gaii. I he crews consist of,Englishmen and A.uel-ican- s ; they had beenjpreviously ciiiisihg in the European se-'s-


were boarded off Cadiz by Lard Etmoulb,he endorsed their pipers.

On lhe28tti tilt, a number priehts and wo-- .men arrived at St. Doming fiom llu Caraccas.lhaving obliged to sly in conseiuence,-- t U

said, of the Independents obtaining a .signalvicloiy over the Itoyah-'t- s


Cliiims lot Military Lands &.e.

During the late War.Sliurviiv aSo Gl? mul AoEcr.

Main Urt-'et- ,

ForAbout FIVE

sine, madeil






there Maypains rendu





ORLEANS SUGAbrig by application






lexms tn



"Washington CiUylOth cb, 1817- - may of dry saidFor your put it into complete to take

proper publish it, I take ' convenient Warehouse to be inspect-thel.beit- y

td you tliat.the ea'and to retain tile originaltl.enii.tli ilav Annl " an ot each h?head )u

toulhorueth'ep.ynientforp,-pertytoSt,cap.lrecelv:1"- l,ie "'Pe"0' certificate, ihatlured while in service, ""ltiegt with, in relationot and other hogsheads as may sound to belong to

dt 'the they will to thehas been by an Congress,s,o Hilt .presenting such ot Ten

limits provis.onof the presei ved, and areasonable fordet same. Itivenngtormer act building, occupied

presumed, that of Tobaccoas a..a-...- ! ..tor or Wacks inUiUrv taken will equally disposed to

Claims under this and ninth section, suu

aforesaid, to inves.1g.1ted Conrmis-'i""- ) v r.rnesi ana jonua. Sneadsinner and to

see. appointmentcial Commissioners formerly, who

to take office. Comnrisio'n- -

ers authorised to appoint an agent in behalfthe U. States, to join with Com.missioners, when may it expedient.

3d. Sec. Pro ides payment arty horse,waggon, c sleigh harness lost

interuce, except when the risk to liaebeen insuitd Owner.

4th. Sec. Eend p.ovisWnsOf this ar.dlormer act, calla ol ppipeity lost, cap-

tured destnAed in the Indiantribes subsequent the lS'Ji February, andprior first S'pt. 1815, and 5thJ Sec'ion, that all claims othundred dollars upwards, bereviewed

Secietary ut' War, and may be confirmedor rejected by him-

I am Sir, most respectfully,4 JOSEPH WATSON.

P. S. This will to collectclaims of above description andon eminent

Law of Kentucky.AS ACT

Authorising couit of Faette levya tax exceedm; three thous

dollars, lor Ueuehtot r ayette HospitalArpriovfcn, Jan

Sec. I. it enacted General Assemblyof Com.urmvafta Kentucky, lhatcounty court of connty of at theirnext April or May term, mav, theyhereby authorised to levy a updn the citi-zens of said county, exceeding

dollars, the use and benefit olthe contributors to the Fayette Hospital iniheir to be paid over whencollected, to managers said Hospital,in the funds, and tlie more topromote the legitimate objects that liislnution : Provided however, that it shall be necessary a majority justices olsaid county court to concur .11 and consent to

levying of the afoesaid tax, atterms.

Six. 1 Jnd be it further enacted, That thecounty cobrt shall full potterand ailtllnrity , and they are hereby authorisedand empoweied, rrovide and enforce 'he collection ot- - aforesaidjvlien levied, in tbc-sa- minner, ill winchthey are" liotV a.lUi'.riseU by the law!,

ii,.uttiininwe lth. to provide and er (

ce cou;s:iou 01 tle-- ; .



Clean FLAX-SEl'.- somr,IU;MP do. do.

Also .auilO of COF"F.P., sine f!aoratOil pricuol sinlliiiKsHTlb. at ret'.il, ic

weight forcasli

CASH for all kindsPaint

Apiil 7lli, 117 li--- 2t


Of Saddles


Louisa regent "sale, about





ndand ofa superior quality, fresh every

day at the Alluv or) ills.14-- tf BR & BOWLES.


JOSEPH F.LYCE,his fiicmls


and of onl.e Ins

Vera attention business

14-- tf


Wethoc, !nformiand ami

public "P"1- -was that,


bound withbeen





10 lo a



Paiticdars be distributed in hand bIs

A Few barrels of First Ra(e


aie early


14-- tf

or- TUG rwo STOUY

'Water Slieet, the

New-Maik- House,


For Sale Rent.


Lexington, 7lU April, 1817.F1SHCL.

14-- tf

THE lat rise in the Kentucky tliver havingcarried away from seveial of tlie Warehouseslarge quantities of 'I OIJ.vCljO, ma.y hogs-heads of wliied have been slopped and depos-ited on the margin of is earnest,ly recommended to thoe who have taken, or

Mai take possesion the same, 10

Sin, the information of readers, Jubicco, oiiler,

should ,ou think to to ome

apprise act passed maiksentitled a"u number respectively.on pf 1816, act

thishas been tompl.ed loor dutroyed the military

the United States, for purpose."' s,ucu beamended act Uie late subsc.ibeis, pay penon

Certificate the sumiheas1st Sect, the ninth' Hollars for each hogshead so

section of the 10 price the is

by order, of deposit lor military and' other ownersas for the so care ot, be

foices. the peiisaie mr . Bervccs, on conimnnicbe by the lu i"us

reported Congress.2d Provids for the of spe

as arean oath of

0fthe special

he deemfor of

mule, ox, ut, orwas

by thethe

the toor the vars,witli

toto the day the

last Provides twoor shall

by the

agency undertakethe others


the county toand collect not ind

tlie the30.

Se By theIhe of the

the Fayettea,and are

taxnut three

thousand fur

corporate capacity,the of

aid speedilyof

sir of all the

the two


to forthe tax

exi.ting,f for

Uie ouuiarykiy.



inlorms and


will lis.

On below"apply


U Co. at Lexington, the character ofeadi hogsueaia as aoo-- ,



Lesir.gton, April 2, 1817. 11-- tt

Kentucky Agricultural Society.TTN PURSUANCE of a call from the ViceJL Preesident, the Society" met at the house ofCapt. IWleihwait 111 the town ot Lexington,on the fth day of March ,

It was resolved to notify the absent member-.- .

through the Lexington New-spaper- that theSociety would, atthe quarterly meeting, to beheld on the third Monday of Apnl next, pro.ceed to consider the propriety of electing off-

icers for the preenteai.Mesiihed, That the net Fair shall take

place at Capt. John Fowler's Garden on the lastMonday ul May. "

Tlie following premiums 'for the next Fairwere voted :

For the best Bull, a Silver Cipthe best Cow, ... tbe same,the best 2 earold Ihill, the same,the best 2 ear old Co w, - - the same,the best yearling Bull, ... the same.

Tthe best veai ling Heifer, the same,the best Buliock, " - the same.the best merino ltam importedor not, ...the Ham exhibiting the bestwool for Blanketing, uth theheaveist fleece -- . --

the best Boar,the largest and best Cheese ofdomestic manufacture, - -


same.piece of Domestic Wool-

len Cloth to contain at least 20jards . i .the piece or Home made 7

1.1I11IC11UI nut lc-- man ,v iiuua.'ir. .!. .1.. ,:!.. ...K ..1. .11" U

: same.

f 11 till; v,iu uiiuii .

gallons Of 'liebes;''t:?,VnZ' ,!SJprod.ici. the


tAS rei


the same,the same.

thethe best

the sarae- -best




ines the budding .i.'piiung Mi Wnrsle), being theI third house from Mi. Coly'a ccr.u.1.




TO THE PUUHfi. r 'THE Author Ins no design of pecuniary

in olleiing ins piopusals to the publiche thinks not ot the meanness tint always tot-lo-

duplicity m a word he s thr. Ugiithe aid of the public, that he may be suppor-te- d

in this respect. !lls design is laudable, heintends that a part of the proceeds of the v..i tcshall be applied in charry. Citizens of

not baikwaj-- on this occasion .ti.lthink of those who live in igiinrance-tiiin- ofthe benighted soul of the Hindoo. Il is expec-ted that eeiy man who has benivolf nceHn hiheart will sub-enh-

Extract .n the Jlftttii.r's Preface." It is lor the patriot, the soldier sud thestatesman to gather laurels in their dirferentavocations ; but it "remains only Xr the Son4humble roET to 1 v down his inn at the te. tofa candid public, and await ihe decision nstheir just tribunal. I he rmlriot at the helmol slate; the soldier in the field and she orator in me Kuslinin, luve oil eveiyoccaioilooked tor the metd of Diaise. and have wornthe chaplel of public savor wiihlmn, r tnthem.selves, and their connection Witne .h,.

jveneiable Washington ; Jackson, and Ames.liarlow, and hundreds of war patriots andstatestnen-- it was sin Iheni to di ink at 'he toun.tain head ot P'.pu'atilt : but it n lor the Poet

j to sit and sip at the stream of Parnassus, andcourt uie lavorsoi tancy. '

cosvnwiQjvs.1. The work will be primed on fiie paper

and new tjpe.2. Jt will contain about 155 page", p. ice to

suftscubers one dollar nan subscriber gi 25cents.

3. Subscribers cannot withdraw their nameswithout the Author's coifsent. 'k

4- - "The Woik Will be nrinted n'f ani.n na suf.ficicntlubscnb'eis todetiay the expenses ; and

not he exhibit iny uhcr se





ses are paid, it rull becbeeifully given to thesiinni.rt ln?,' l..; .... .

It. S HULHNC.II.Nashville, March, 1S1T.

liii'OirH'AAT.To the Ladies aid Gentlemen of Ltxington and

the niydxiiiMgtOttnsinJ coantits.TIIOS T. BURN'S, uulorms hit

fi lends and the pnbhc gciierallj , that be still contin-ues locarry on the Painting, tihtzing, ,iml PapnHanging business, 111 nil their various brain. lies --

Those briQuiigliim witb their custom, m..t dqicmloji the strictest pui.ciuallity. Uispiices I01 pape.UHinjIiig are aslol.ous, mi:

lu Lqhigton the side walls at TO cents, ceiling at"5 perpiece, 111 Fraiikfoi t, the side wal's it 1 emuceding at l dollar per puce in Georgi town thes'do walls at cents, coiling at 37 cei.nper piece in Pins, the side walls at "3 cents,teilmg at I dollar per piece in Washington thesMii walls at 75 cents, ceiling at 1 di.ltor perjnece

Moaritstelliiur, ihe side walls at 3 I 'J5 c. M-- ,

1 5l enis per piece N 11 l.obswhe,t'ne side wallsat 75 cent., ceiling at 1 dollar pelpieee iVei sailles-- , the si. e walls at "0 cents, 1 dollar pel- - piece, and 111 ilnytoautry actoidinsto the distance. ft'Letters from the albie towns will be sti icllv at-

tended to, for signs or paper Hanging, in Uie new-est and most fashionable tj Ic ; no pains shall, bitSpared to please the public. Letters dnecied 10rne on r e. neai I) oprwite the In-

dian QuieiiTaiern and ,M U. Ash'tou't lainagoshop, adjoining Mr. Bobt Holmes- -

THOMAS T.DUKNS.Lex. March 20. , j3(;StN li. The Punters in the above s ill pub-hs- h

this advertisement three times, and forwardtheir accounts lor puj ment,

To tlicheiisandileviseesol" lticnrd Cave, dec.

Take Nbtice.TH VT we shall applj to the ho.iorable tbe coun.

t) court of Woodford, at their July tei m, m l suc-ceeding, sop the appointment ot tlir-- e co.nniusion-er- si

lor the mirpose ol co..viig lo us,b det.l.asassijine.s ot the heirs of Thomas' I u nliam, di

or pal eel of and in the si.l cou.itvot Woodford, including Case's mill, and for th'econveinnceof which the Said Itjthaid Cave.itvcMexecuted Ins bond to ihe said Thoi'ias TurMfamAll the'coni'itionsof the contract On t!io,partot"said Turiihani, hai.ig bden compl ed iidi.''t'"


March 29. 13.3

ALEX. P VilKKli $ SfN.1IAVJ1 just recehad f.oin Philadelphia, anil

noir opening at tbeir Store on Maa.-stree- oppo-site the Couit house in LeXnigtOr, a large and wtILc.iosen assorlineut of

llry Goods, Groceries, Ojteens Ware,China, & Hard Ware.

Which they Mill sell at die most re bleed pricesfor cash. '

t Lex. .MarJiC9 l3-4- t.

. IL I). A quantity of Ton- - Linen wanted, forwhich Goods and a pail Cab given

a. Pviiitr.itfcSON

The SubscriberWST'ILL OELIVEII at his Laboratory, "duringv V the Summer, a course ol Lectin es on Na-

tural Philosophy and Vstronomv, and also givaessons on the Mathematics. With.lifs lectureivill be connected sucli Chemical experiments

as tend to shed light upon Various parl3 of Na-ur- al


The,course will commence 611 the first Mon.lay of Alay.andbe continued until thelast weekin September. The hour of attendance will be5 o'clock, P. M. every day in the week exceptS.turday. Having a tblerably complete Phi-

losophical and Clu-mic- Apparatus, Orrery,Globes, &c. no pains shall be spared to renderthe course useful. Tlie female part of hisschool shall continue to meet with lii"mst as-

siduous care, tlie Senior class in wh'r, will.during the summer, beattendirtgto in'lructionaon Astronomy, Chemistry, and tho Belles-Let- .

tre.3. .' .JA.MR ULVTHB.

Letington March 16. 12-- tf,

--Stop the Kunawav.ISiL'EL GIilSON, a boy bqand to ilie-b-y the

ravette County Couit, tr the Spinning vheclmaking busin ss, he is aidiHiont (u yesrs of agebiown hair, down W., ve iiiucjmdiclod tollingand ill pilf rol" ho has an nntiprtiinitv : had on.when be went awv-- a iol Int. hlnrtc domestii t

Iclolfioat, tiile waistcoat, bluo litiscy overalls.J Wliocvef ill secure ai.l Boy in Jail and Rive moj information so tint I can get him nmiin, shall be

Li. ..I. .!.. l.l 'P ,im.iimmii r i c in n i ,v VJ lltlU li Ilall IlllieS II Olllto.Ior.lans occu- - Geor.-eto.- Sco.t eoun.v.

y.rcliq-J- .B. IIOIMC