kentucky living 2015 media kit

Kentucky Living magazine 2015 Rate Card 4/C Rates 1x 3x 6x 12x Full Page $10,970 $10,420 $9,875 $8,995 2/3-page $8,775 $8,335 $7,900 $7,195 1/2-page $6,580 $6,250 $5,925 $5,395 1/3-page $4,500 $4,270 $3,950 $3,600 1/6-page $2,525 $2,395 $2,175 $1,800 B/W Rates 1x 3x 6x 12x Full Page $10,530 $10,005 $9,480 $8,635 2/3-page $8,425 $8,000 $7,585 $6,905 1/2-page $6,315 $6,000 $5,690 $5,180 1/3-page $4,320 $4,100 $3,790 $3,455 1/6-page $2,425 $2,300 $2,090 $1,730 Advertiser Discounts Press-Ready Materials: Advertisers supplying high-resolution press-ready PDFs with ads sized correctly will qualify for a 15% discount. Multi-Book Discounts: Available to advertisers running the same materials in the same month as follows: 5% discount for 8-16 NCM magazines, 7.5% for 16-23 magazines, and 10% discount for all 24 NCM magazines. Local Advertisers*: A 15% discount applies for companies with headquarters and/or locations exclusively in Kentucky. Travel Advertisers*: A 10% discount is offered for advertisers in the travel industry. Charitable Advertising*: Charitable organizations with a 501(c)3 designation may use the 12x rate. *These discounts may not be combined with one another; however, Press-Ready and Multi-Book discounts may apply. Kentucky Living Magazine 800-595-4846 4515 Bishop Lane Louisville, KY 40218 490,094 Households • 1,200,000 Readers

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Kentucky Living 2015 Media Kit


K e n t u c k y L i v i n g m a g a z i n e 2 0 1 5 R at e C a r d

4/C Rates1x 3x 6x 12x

Full Page $10,970 $10,420 $9,875 $8,995

2/3-page $8,775 $8,335 $7,900 $7,195

1/2-page $6,580 $6,250 $5,925 $5,395

1/3-page $4,500 $4,270 $3,950 $3,600

1/6-page $2,525 $2,395 $2,175 $1,800

B/W Rates1x 3x 6x 12x

Full Page $10,530 $10,005 $9,480 $8,635

2/3-page $8,425 $8,000 $7,585 $6,905

1/2-page $6,315 $6,000 $5,690 $5,180

1/3-page $4,320 $4,100 $3,790 $3,455

1/6-page $2,425 $2,300 $2,090 $1,730

Advertiser DiscountsPress-Ready Materials:Advertisers supplying high-resolution press-ready PDFs with ads sizedcorrectly will qualify for a 15% discount.

Multi-Book Discounts:Available to advertisers running the same materials in the same month asfollows: 5% discount for 8-16 NCM magazines, 7.5% for 16-23 magazines,and 10% discount for all 24 NCM magazines.

Local Advertisers*:A 15% discount applies for companies with headquarters and/or locationsexclusively in Kentucky.

Travel Advertisers*:A 10% discount is offered for advertisers in the travel industry.

Charitable Advertising*:Charitable organizations with a 501(c)3 designation may use the 12xrate.

*These discounts may not be combined with one another; however, Press-Readyand Multi-Book discounts may apply.

Kentucky Living Magazine800-595-48464515 Bishop LaneLouisville, KY

4 9 0 , 0 9 4 H o u s e h o l d s • 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 R e a d e r s

T h i s i s l i f e . . . t h i s i s K e n t u c k y L i v i n g

In the magazine…From affordable small-space Marketplaceads to custom publishing and promotionalevents, we’ll help you find the best way todeliver your message to engage our readers.

Preprinted inserts offer high impact andcan be geographically targeted, or you mayprefer an on-page Regional ad.

…and on the web.Kentucky Living’s website offers searchablearchives, events and recipes, as well as web-exclusive content to augment printedfeatures.

Readers visit to provide requested contentfor upcoming features, enter contests,answer survey questions, and submitcomments or story ideas.

Advertisers may target specific topics ordepartments, or they may opt to rotatethroughout the site.

Classified advertising is available both inthe magazine and online.

Audience research is conducted no less thanevery three years, and we maintain a robustdatabase of reader responses by category inaddition to demographic information.

Responses can also be profiled based ongender, age, income of $60,000+, thosewho took a trip or did home improvements,and more.

Let us design a program to meet your goals and budget.

K e n t u c k y L i v i n g d e l i v e r s

• an audience that’s difficult to reach and ready to buy.• readers who are involved in and interactive with the

magazine and all its components.• the largest circulation and highest readership in the state.

• credibility through partnership with a 65-year-old trustedmagazine that’s a tradition for many families.

• the most cost-effective statewide vehicle for deliveringyour message.

Source: All audience research, unless otherwise noted, is derived from GfK MRI Custom Division 2013. Kentucky population data is from Census 2010.

• With 2.4 readers per copy, more than 1.2 millionKentuckians read Kentucky Living each month.

• Readership encompasses nearly 37% of all KentuckyAdults.

• 80% of all respondents surveyed had read 4 of the last4 issues.

• 88% read at least 3 of the past 4 issues.• Readers spend an average of 43 minutes with each

issue.• 85% consider Kentucky Living a good source of

purchasing information.

Nearly 85% of all readers – more than 1 million people –took some action after reading Kentucky Livingmagazine.

• Saved something..............................................79%

• Visited a website...............................................21%

• Bought a product or service ...........................12%

• Requested product or service info .................11%

• Sent for a catalog...............................................8%

Kentucky Livingenjoys not only a

large audience,but also a very

loyal one.

Kentucky Livingreaders are a large,

active group ofconsumers. They aremore mature, better

educated and have moredisposable incomethan the average


Fast Facts89% of Kentucky Living

readers have a high schooleducation or more,

compared to 82% of thestate’s population.

While the mean householdincome for Kentuckians is$42,248, Kentucky Livingreaders earn 34% more

at $56,400.

56% are female and44% are male

75% are married

70% are in the desirable 25-64 age group

Age18-24 .......................................................................2%25-44 .....................................................................20%45-54 .....................................................................25%55-64 .....................................................................25%65+ ........................................................................30%

EducationLess than High School Graduate .........................11%High School Graduate..........................................33%Some College........................................................57%College Graduate or More ..................................26%Post-Graduate Study ............................................13%

Household IncomeUnder $25,000 ......................................................23%$25,000-$39,999 ...................................................23%$40,000-$59,999 ...................................................19%$60,000-$99,999 ...................................................25%$50,000+ ...............................................................48%$75,000+ ...............................................................22%

Children at HomeChildren at Home.................................................37%Age 5 or younger ...................................................8%Age 6-11................................................................14%Age 12-17..............................................................15%Source: GfK MRI Custom Research 2007

Home oWnership KL Readers MRI Index

Home Ownership 90% 67% 133

Home Value$150,000+ .............................................................51%$100,000-$149,999 ...............................................16%$50,000-$99,999 ...................................................22%Less than $50,000 .................................................10%

Acreage KL Readers MRI Index

1-3 Acres 23% 10% 2233+ Acres 43% 10% 445Average Acreage 33 10 609

Types of Property OwnedFarm 47% 2% 2127Vacation/Weekend Home 29% 3% 1063Investment Real Estate 28% 3% 875Retirement Real Estate 21% 1% 1882

Source: GfK MRI Custom Research 2007

Home ImprovementPast 12 months

KL Readers MRI IndexAny 55% 18% 316Flooring 21% 6% 362Kitchen/bath 21% 8% 260Deck/porch/patio 15% 2% 629Doors 14% 3% 428Roofing 14% 4% 374Windows 12 3% 422(Request the complete list.)

Performed energy efficiency upgrade 82%Average amount spent $1,538

GardeningKL Readers MRI Index

Have a garden 49% 33% 150Average size (square feet) 562 404 139

Garden Items BoughtPast 12 months Insecticide/weed killer 58% 24% 245Seeds 57% 21% 277Fertilizer 49% 30% 161Plants/shrubs 46% 17% 267Soil 43% 31% 139Bulbs 37% 13% 275(Request the complete list.)

Amount spent last 12 mos. $296 $112 214

TravelTook a domestic trip 64% 51% 1261-3 trips/year 68% 79% 864-8 trips/year 24% 16% 1509+ trips/year 9% 5% 180Average trips/year 4.1 3.3 124Average spent/hh $1,800 $1,100 165Spending Power: 64% of 510,000 households at $1,800per trip = $587.5 Million

Stayed in a hotel/motel 64% 43% 149Average nights 5.8

Home Improvement82% of our readers spent an

average of $1,538 last year onenergy efficiency upgrades,

totalling $643 MILLION

Gardening 49% of our readers spend an

average of $296 per year on theirgardens, totalling


Travel64% of our readers spend an

average of 5.8 nights per yearin a hotel, totalling

1.9 MILLION ROOMSspending $1,800 per year, totalling

$587.5 MILLION

internet & catalogshopping

80% of our readers spend an average of $483 per yearon internet and catalog

shopping, totalling $197 MILLION

Pet Ownership# of KLHH Readers MRI INDEX

Own a pet 73% 56% 131Pets per household 5 2 221Dog 2/HH 80% 76% 106Cat 3/HH 58% 45% 125Bird 15/HH 4% 5% 88Horse 4/HH 13% 2% 700

Source: GfK MRI Custom Research 2010HH is households


Own/lease a vehicle 97% 87% 111Average # per household 2.5 2.2 114Car 76% 69% 110SUV 34% 36% 95Van/Mini-van 16% 15% 103Pick-up Truck 67% 33% 207

Source: GfK MRI Custom Research 2010

Internet & Catalog ShoppingPast 12 months

KL Readers MRI IndexBought anything 80% 44% 179Travel (airline, hotel, other) 40% 25% 159Clothing/apparel 52% 22% 234Cooking/kitchen accessories 20% 4% 464Educational programs 12% 2% 612Garden supplies 14% 2% 618Health/medical 31% 8% 395Pet products 18% 6% 318

Average amount spent $483 $575 94(Request the complete list.)


4515 Bishop LaneLouisville, KY 40218P.O. Box 32170Louisville, KY 40232


National Sales Representative:National Country Market611 S. Congress Avenue, Suite 504Austin, TX 78704


contact us...

Source: U.S. Census 2010Kentucky Living distribution as of 9/30/14

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

DMA Circ. Readers

Bowling Green 28,366 68,078

Charleston-Huntington 25,821 61,970

Cincinnati 50,612 121,469

Evansville 4,296 10,310

Knoxville 10,133 24,319

Lexington 175,252 420,605

Louisville 119,395 286,548

Nashville 27,493 65,983

Paducah-Cape Girardeau-Harrisburg-Mt. Vernon 27,493 65,983

Tri-Cities 1,243 2,983

County Households KL Circ.

Adair 7,285 5,025 Allen 7,848 52 Anderson 8,369 3,586 Ballard 3,397 11 Barren 16,999 9,455 Bath 4,587 2,620 Bell 11,787 705 Boone 43,216 18,647 Bourbon 7,976 1,552 Boyd 19,787 220 Boyle 11,075 2,983 Bracken 3,317 1,404 Breathitt 5,494 1,640 Breckinridge 7,827 7,493 Bullitt 27,673 20,464 Butler 5,057 1,443 Caldwell 5,393 620 Calloway 15,530 46

County Households KL Circ.

Campbell 36,069 3,349 Carlisle 2,116 362 Carroll 4,061 1,721 Carter 10,760 3,370 Casey 6,351 4,704 Christian 26,144 11,696 Clark 14,267 2,653 Clay 7,732 5,607 Clinton 4,358 3,589 Crittenden 3,781 14 Cumberland 2,883 49 Daviess 38,619 514 Edmonson 4,857 1,186 Elliott 2,773 2,414 Estill 5,984 3,489 Fayette 123,043 8,129 Fleming 5,729 4,504 Floyd 16,060 4,488 Franklin 20,662 3,269 Fulton 2,864 871 Gallatin 3,160 1,160 Garrard 6,668 3,608 Grant 8,614 5,561 Graves 14,978 86 Grayson 10,082 2,654 Green 4,601 3,512 Greenup 14,671 3,143 Hancock 3,285 52 Hardin 39,853 22,850 Harlan 11,789 1,435 Harrison 7,343 3,983 Hart 7,097 4,005 Henderson 18,705 121 Henry 5,963 2,953 Hickman 2,028 1,157 Hopkins 18,980 160 Jackson 5,486 5,013 Jefferson 309,175 6,698 Jessamine 17,642 8,694 Johnson 9,362 4,163 Kenton 62,768 11,249 Knott 6,414 292 Knox 12,722 6,199 Larue 5,615 3,310 Laurel 23,014 14,119

County Households KL Circ.

Lawrence 6,239 952 Lee 2,910 2,048 Leslie 4,555 398 Letcher 10,014 845 Lewis 5,497 3,204 Lincoln 9,777 6,448Livingston 3,985 17Logan 10,666 5,719 Lyon 3,287 584Madison 28,227 11,128 Magoffin 6,477 2,854 Marion 3,833 4,131 Marshall 31,973 34 Martin 5,309 668 Mason 7,358 2,005 McCracken 13,073 101 McCreary 4,516 4,404 McLean 7,031 29 Meade 10,471 8,501 Menifee 2,440 2,070 Mercer 8,682 3,265 Metcalfe 4,055 2,441 Monroe 4,509 38 Montgomery 10,435 3,206 Morgan 4,860 3,804 Muhlenberg 12,052 1,857 Nelson 16,826 11,862 Nicholas 2,809 1,474 Ohio 9,176 1,484 Oldham 19,431 534 Owen 4,296 2,828 Owsley 1,914 1,416 Pendleton 5,494 3,878 Perry 11,319 171 Pike 26,728 345 Powell 4,834 3,529 Pulaski 25,722 16,876 Robertson 902 531 Rockcastle 6,750 4,091 Rowan 8,864 4,356 Russell 7,401 4,805 Scott 17,408 2,894 Shelby 15,321 5,715 Simpson 6,753 791 Spencer 6,165 4,845 Taylor 9,832 6,639 Todd 4,647 4,216 Trigg 5,883 4,981 Trimble 3,420 2,348 Union 5,549 30 Warren 43,674 4,762 Washington 4,507 3,165 Wayne 8,646 7,190 Webster 5,272 49 Whitley 13,575 6,604 Wolfe 3,065 2,407 Woodford 9,806 826

circulation by county & DMA


kentucky LIVING




2/3Vertical 1









Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

Closing DatesKentucky Living is published 12 times a year. Space reservations are due the 15th of the month,two months prior to publication. Ad materials are due the 25th of the month, two months prior.Example: for the March issue, space reservation is due January 15 and materials on January 25.

January, February, and some special sections close early. Please see Editorial PlanningCalendar for details.

Standard Ad SizesPublication Trim Size 8.125” x 10.875”

8-1/8” x 10-7/8”

Live Area 7.75” x 10.125”7-3/4” x 10-1/8”

Full Page w/bleed 8.375” x 11.125”8-3/8” x 11-1/8”

Full Page w/o bleed 7.3125” x 10”7-5/16” x 10”

2/3 Page 4.8125” x 10”4-13/16” x 10”

1/2 Page Vertical 4.8125” x 7.5”4-13/16” x 7-1/2”

1/2 Page Horizontal 7.3125” x 5”7-5/16” x 5”

1/3 Page Vertical 2.3125” x 10”2-5/16” x 10”

1/3 Page Square 4.8125” x 5”4-13/16” x 5”

1/6 Page Vertical 2.3125” x 5”2-5/16” x 5”

1/6 Page Horizontal 4.8125” x 2.5”4-13/16” x 2-1/2”

Bleed available on all sides. Please keep alllive material 1/4” from trim on all sides.

Printing: Web Offset, Heatset,

SWOP standards

Color: CMYK 4-color process

Bind: Saddle-stitched, high folio

Bleed: Minimum 1/8”

Live Matter: 7.65” x 10.375”


For more info:Advertising Department

[email protected]

kentucky LIVING

Preparing FilesDimensions: Please produce ads to actual size and include all linked images such asnested and embedded files. Do not place an image within files at less than 75% or morethan 125% of actual size. (Linked file may need to be resized to meet limits.)

File Type: PDF files are preferred. Fonts should be embedded with the PDF file. Export PDFusing “Press Quality” settings. If sending a Vector-based illustrator file, convert all text tooutlines before sending.

Type/Fonts: For PostScript Type 1 fonts, please include both screen and printer fonts. TrueType, Dfont, and Open Type fonts are supported. If you are unable to send fonts, send aPDF as described above or convert all text to outlines.

Resolution & Color: Save color files as CMYK 300 dpi, EPS. No RGB or spot color. Savegrayscale with special effects such as clipping paths as 300 dpi, EPS; without special effectsas 300 dpi TIF. Save line art as TIF or BMP, 1000-1200 dpi. Do NOT use LZW compression.

Background: White or colored (not “none”) so that Kentucky Living special backgroundsdo not show through.

PROOFS: All ads must be accompanied by an acceptable proof. Laser or inkjet proofs for4-color ads are not acceptable. Digital proofs such as Kodak Approval or a SWOP-standardcolor film proof are preferred. If you do not provide the required proof, Kentucky Living willnot be responsible for accuracy of color.

SENDING YOUR AD: No matter what format your ad is, it must be accompanied byall source files, including final layout file, images, logos, screen and printer fonts. Fontsused in placed EPS files should be included if not converted to outlines. Even if submittingfinal PDF, EPS or TIF file, source files should be included in case corrections are needed.

Media: CD-ROM or DVD. Please scan disk for viruses before sending.E-mail: Send to [email protected] AND to [email protected]: Please call for FTP instructions.

PROBLEMS: Any disk intervention required by Kentucky Living or our printer mayresult in additional charges. Where materials do not conform to specifications,advertiser will be offered the choice of sending new materials, time permitting, or havingKentucky Living make the necessary alterations, which will be billed at cost.

QUESTIONS: Please call the Advertising Department at 800.595.4846.

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

2015 EditorialPlanningCalendar

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

JANUARYClosing Date: November 14, 2014• Celebrity Resident Linda Bruckheimer

Restores Bloom to Bloomfield• Economic Development Rises to the Top in


FEBRUARYAnnual College Preview IssueClosing Date: December 16, 2014• E-Guide to Colleges Puts Education in

Students’ Grasp• Plan for Success: Campus Visits• Learn from Home: Online Degrees

MARCHAnnual Lawn & Garden IssueClosing Date: January 23, 2015• Edible Landscaping: Beyond the Vegetable

Garden• 10 Hardy Plants You Can’t Kill and

10 Common Gardening Mistakes

APRILAnnual Travel IssueClosing Date: February 25, 2015• Best in Kentucky Reader Vote• Become a “Road Scholar”: Take a Learning


MAYAnnual Home Improvement IssueClosing Date: March 25, 2015• DIY Decks and Porches• Sustainable Lifestyles: How to Clean Green

JUNEClosing Date: April 24, 2015• Families Share Favorite Camping

Destinations• Reel Stories of Fishing Tournaments

JULYClosing Date: May 26, 2015• Kentucky Chautauqua Characters• Moonlight Canoe Trips

AUGUSTAnnual Education IssueClosing Date: June 25, 2015• Alleviating Student Struggles• The Write Stuff: Crafting Better Essays with

Creative Thinking

SEPTEMBERFall Travel & FestivalsClosing Date: July 24, 2015• Impacted Communities Address Fire Safety• Alltech: Putting Technology to Work for

More than Agriculture

OCTOBERAnnual Energy IssueClosing Date: August 25, 2015• Kentucky Living 2015 Energy Guide• Linemen: Keeping the Lights On

NOVEMBERClosing Date: September 25, 2015• Today’s New Doctor• POW: Family Gains Closure After 63 Years

DECEMBERClosing Date: October 23, 2015• Holiday Essays and Other Reader Stories• George Ella Lyons: A Kentucky Christmas


January Friday,November14,2014

February Monday,December16,2014 Brochure Travel Sectioncloses College Guide Monday,December1,2014

March Friday,January23,2015 Lawn and Garden

April Tuesday,February25,2015 Spring Festivals Section Travel closesFriday,February6

May Tuesday,March24,2015 Home Improvement

June Friday,April24,2015

July Tuesday,May26,2015

August Thursday,June25,2015 Education

September Friday,July24,2015 Brochure Travel & Fall Festivals closesMonday,July6

October Tuesday,August25,2015 Energy Guide Resource Directory:Friday,August14

November Friday,September25,2015 Health Focus

December Friday,October23,2015


Nobody covers Kentucky better!


Advertising [email protected]

Cynthia [email protected]

David [email protected]

Monica [email protected] cell

2015 specialtravelsections

brochure Travel Guides festival Guides Annual travel Issue

brochure Travel Guides

2015 Publication Date Closing Date

February Dec 1 (2014)

September July 6

Cost: $665 net each or $625 net each fortwo or more. Includes production and color.

Reader Response included: please specifylabels or Excel file.

Ad Size: 2.3125” square

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

spring & Fall festival Guides

2015 Publication Date Closing Date

April February 6

September July 6

Cost: $310 net. Includes production andcolor. 2.3125” x 1”

highlighted event Listing

Available any month except April andSeptember. Regular closing dates apply.

Cost: $310 net. Includes production andcolor. 2.3125” x 1”

Annual travel Issue

2015 Publication Date Closing Date

April February 25

Ad Size Rate CPMFull Page $7,645 $14.962/3-page $6,115 $11.971/2-page $4,585 $8.971/3-page $3,060 $5.991/6-page $1,530 $2.99

Reader Response included: please specifylabels or Excel file.







Reach moreparents


than withany other



February 2015 College Preview Issue • August 2015 Education Issue

1.2 Million Kentuckians • 37% with Children at Home


Kentucky Living readers are more likely than the national averageto be married (75%) and to own their own homes (90%). Theyvalue their families, church and community, and they want thebest for their children.

Reach them efficiently and effectively in a magazine theyhave trusted and welcomed for more than 65 years.



Special RatesAd Size Rate CPM

Full Page $7,645 $14.96

2/3-page $6,115 $11.97

1/2-page $4,585 $8.97

1/3-page $3,060 $5.99

1/6-page $1,530 $2.99


2015 Annual Issues – Lawn & Garden • Home Improvement • Energy Guide

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •


1.2 MillionReaders Reach them

efficiently andeffectively in a

magazine they havewelcomed and

trusted for morethan 65 years.

Special Issues RatesAd Size Rate CPM

Full Page $7,645 $14.96

2/3-page $6,115 $11.97

1/2-page $4,585 $8.97

1/3-page $3,060 $5.99

1/6-page $1,530 $2.99

85% of readers consider Kentucky Living a useful source for purchasing information.

MARCH LAWN & GARDEN CLOSES JANUARY 23• 49% of Kentucky Living readers have a

garden.• Readers spend an average of $296 on

gardening each year, for a total of $74Million annually.

• Their average property size is 33 acres,and gardens are 562 square feet onaverage.

MAY HOME IMPROVEMENT CLOSES MARCH 25• 90% of Kentucky Living readers are

homeowners.• 46% performed some type of home

remodeling in the past 12 months.

OCTOBER ENERGY GUIDE CLOSES AUGUST 14• 82% of Kentucky Living readers

performed some type of energy-efficiencyimprovement to their home in the past 12months.

• They spent an average of $1,538 perhome, for a total of $644 Million inenergy-efficiency upgrades.

• 60% look to Kentucky Living forinformation on energy savings.

Kentucky Living Magazine • 800-595-4846 • 4515 Bishop Lane • Louisville, KY 40218 •

For classified line ads (text only), go andclick on Place an Ad.

All ads are 2.3125” wide.Rates include production and color.Contracts for 6 months or more qualify forfree web link.

2” AD2.3125” x 2”3-5x $560/Mo.6-12x $485/Mo.

3” AD2.3125” x 3”3-5x $835/Mo.6-12x $725/Mo.

4” AD2.3125” x 4”3-5x $1,100/Mo.6-12x $970/Mo.


Reach 37% of all Kentuckians for less than a pennya household...that’s over half a million homes

and 1.2 million readers...every month.





Leaderboard: (top ad banner) 728 x 90 pixels $375 $325 $300

Square Button: (side ad) 300 x 300 pixels $310 $280 $275

Note: Ads will be placed by section as requested: Life in Kentucky, Energy, Cooking, Travel, Events, Home & Garden, and Creature Comforts. Ads will also rotate on home page.


Contest Sponsor: As part of a contest package, which may be online-only or may include magazine component. Image, link and text. Not including prize(s).

Featured Event: Purchase, schedule and prepay at

Leaderboard (728 x 90 pixels)

Square Button (300 x 300 pixels)

2015 DigitalAdvertising Rates

For complete multimedia solutions and package pricing, ask your ad representative, call our advertising department at (800) 595-4846, or e-mail [email protected].

Submitted artwork file size 20 MB or smaller. GIF, JPG. Animation :15, 4 loops max.

Featured Event (image 320 x 230) pixels

Examples of Featured Event Listings

Featured Event Image: 320x230 pixels

Contest Image: 205 x 205 pixels