keowee courier.(walhalla, s.c.) 1914-07-29. · you need a mighty good medicine if once your kidneys...

4,ft0© PEOPLE GREET SPEAKERS AC LuiuiviiH-Mease Followers Ap- ilar in Mujority-Smith ts Favorite. Laurens, July 22. -The largest | audience which has yet attended the Senatorial campaign was at Laurens to-day to hear the candidates speak. Tho crowd approximated 4,f>00 i>eo- ple. The meeting was called to order by Geo. A. Browning, acting county chairman, in place of W. C. Irby, who is on the canvass for Governor. Governor Please was tho first speaker. He was savage in his at- tack on the newspapers, particularly the Columbia Record. The Governor said a banker and mill president at Whitmlre told bim "to go below" and claimed that, at Anderson, a larke stockholder in a cotton mill came on the stand with a pistol in hand, and he referred to the Norwood incident at Green- ville. "No Blease man," he said, "has attempted to assassinate Senator Smith." "It was reported that I would he assassinated here to-day," claimed the Chief lOxecuitve. "if tho assassin is here there is nothing between me and the dirty cowan'. Let him shoot " Governor Please voiced his belief in fatalism, saying that his death bad been predestined for a certain way and nothing could change the man- lier of his passing. Governoi Blease claimed there ls a rumor In cumulation that he pardoned a negro rapist, Fred EH ed ge. This negro died in the penitentiary, he said, on .May 5, I ¡Ll 2. Predicting that he would be elected to the Senate and making his usual attack against Senator Smith, Governor Blease concluded his speech by eulogizing Thomas B. Crews and John M. Cannon, both deceased. Senator Smith, the last speaker, was heckled by a small crowd, said to be from Anderson, county, as he began. He demanded a quiet and respectful hearing, addressing his re- marks to the chairman. The how- lers then subsided. Senator Smith did not depart materially from his cotton speech. Chairman Browning demonstrated that he is one of the best presiding officers in the State. He had a tur- bulent, record-breaking crowd to con- trol, and attention was given to all speakers, except Mr. Pollock. There was a nervous tension to-day before the meeting started, as there was . n expectancy of trouble, but this did not materialize. However, the boldness and savagery of Mr. Pollock's attack on the Governor seemed to anger the Blease men, but they did nothing but howl. Governor Bleaso received a bou- quet and Senator Smith several cot- ton stalks. L. D. Jennings, the second speaker, was received with cheers. He calmly discussed the record of the Chief Ex- ecutive and ho was heard attentively by the large audience. After paying his respects to the Governor's pardon record, Mr. Jen- nings asked: "Would you get rid of the negro mall clerk by tying him at the end of a hemp rope?" "Yes, yes!" cried several voices. "Well. I am sorry for you," replied Mr. Jennings. 'And 1 am glad that the balance of South Carolina doesn't believe that way." W. P. Pollock, the third speaker, was merciless in his arraignment of the record of Governor Blease. Blease hecklers howled at him throughout his spee: h, and he finished under dif- ficulties. Those howling most were said to be from Anderson, Spartan- burg and other counties. A tense moment in his speech was when Mr. Pollock held up the torn rod Union Republican ticket and an- nounced that the name of J. P. (¡ib- son was on it. "lt ls a lie!" cried a man in the audience. Several policemen sur- rounded the man and Acting Chair- man Browning, told the heckler he must bc quiet. "A man can't come to my face and say that I am a liar unless he de- sires lo take the consequences," re- plied Mr. Pollock. "It is only a cow- ard who stands hack and insults a gentleman." Mr. Pollock then offered to with- draw from tho race if Mr. Gibson's name was not on the ticket referred to above. There is Healing in Foley Kidney Pills. * You need a mighty good medicine if once your kidneys nre exhausted by neglect and overwork, and you 'have got lt in Foley Kidney Pills. Their action is prompt, healing and Ionic. Sound health and sound kid- neys follow their uso. Try them. Bell's Drug Store.-Adv. East St. Louis has a curfew law requiring all children to be off the streets after 9 p. m. Calomel, calomel, you can't stay for LIV-VER-LAX has shown us an easier way. Ask Norman's Drug Store.-Adv. Tl lt Kl), WEAK AND NERVOUS. Why Ar« So Many Walhalla People In this Condition ? Feel tired out, Irritable and de- pressed? Urine irregular; back weak and painful" Tie-.« are symptoms that suggest kidney tn tole. When e kidneys call for help, Assist tnem with a tested kidney remedy. (Jive them the help they need. No remedy more highly recom- mended than Dean's Kidney Pills. Endorsed by grateful people. Convincing testimony follows: Mrs. W. A. Dodd, Seneca, S. C., says: "My back ached most of the time and I was subject to attacks of nervousness and dizziness. The kid- ney secretions also bothered me. I never felt refreshed when 1 got up in the morning. Seeing Donn's Kidney Pills advertised, I got a supply. They gave me great relief. I can say that Donn's Kidney Pills act just as rep- resented." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy-get Donn's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Dodd had. Foster-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.-Adv. Out of Georgia Guliernatorhil Race. Washington, July 22-Wm. J. Har- ris has retired from the race for Governor of Georgia. Ile has issued a formal statement here announcing his decision. Returning here after several weeks spent in prosecuting his campaign, Mr. Harris found the Census Bureau in Buch shape that he realized it would be necessary to give his undi- vided attention to the bureau or be relieved of all responsibility for thc work. After conferring with the Presi- den) and Secretary Redfield, of tho Department of Commerce, of which the Census Bureau ls a part, he de- cided to give his undivided time to the duties of his important position The Rest. Medicine in the World. "My little girl bad dysentery very bad. I thought she would die. Cham- berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diar- rhoea Remedy cured her, and 1 can truthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the world." writes Mrs. Wm. Orvis, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers.-Adv. Biggest Locomotive In World. The largest railway engine in the world is owned by the 'Frisco Line. A train of 50 freight cars in consid- ered a pretty good load, but giant of the rails can pull 277 cars each of an average weight of 120,- 000 pounds. It bas 16 drivers, a fire-box 10 feet long and 7% feet wide; is 9 5 feet 2 inches lu length and weighs 686,300 pounds. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter ot howlong Standing »re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. 1'orter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve "run and Heals nt the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.0 Prof. D. A. Sargent, of Harvard, physical director, says that ordinary dancing, as an exercise, does not compare favorably with rowing, swimming and many other forms of gymnastics and athletics. Mrs. Winchester, a councilor's wife in Worthing, England, who died on Monday, April 20, was horn on a Monday, christened on a Monday and married on a Monday. Before she was married her name was Munday. Rucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts, Ruins, Sores. E. S. Loper, Marilla, N. Y., writes: "1 have never had a cut, burn, wound or sore lt would not heal." Get a box of Rucklen's Arnica Salve to-day. Keep it bandy at all times for burns, sores, cuts, wounds. Prevents lock jaw. 25c, at your druggist.-Adv. French bankers, aroused hy many recent robberies, have adopted steel clad motors for conveying bullion, currency and other valuables through the streets of Paris, as well as distributing money to outlying banks. Piles Cured In 6 to H Days Your dnifririst wilt refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cute nny case ot Itehiiifir, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding riles in6to H days. The first application sive* Ease and Rest, soc- The invention of a machine to grind sea sand, the particles of which ordinarily are too smotb to be of use, has enabled great masses of lt along tho Virginia coast to be utilized In brick manufacture, lt' you have neglected your kid- neys, and suffer from backache, weak back, headache, rheumatism and distressing bladder weakness, you will find Foley Kidney Pilis to be the honestly made, bealing and cur- ative medicine you need to give you back your health and strength. They are tonic in action, quick to give good results. They will help you. Pell's Drug Store.-Adv. Count. Tolstoy's secretary says tl at the great writer's library numbered 10,000 volumes in thirty-two lan- guages. There were almost as main books In English ns in Russian- 3,115 against 3,505. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening toole, GROVES TA8TELK89 chill TONIC, drives out Malar in.enriches the blood, and builds uptbe sys- tem. A true tonic. Por adulta mid children. 50c BLOODY IIKADS AT HIIHJKLAND. State Campaigners Halted by fright. Police Club Proves Boomerang. Ridgeland, July 22.-Two dam- aged heads and three arrests were the results of a difficulty that furnish- ed the only real excitement at the campaign meeting here to-day, when the candidates for State officers spoke to a crowd of not more than 100, one- third of whom were ladies and chil- dren. None of the candidates, how- ever, was involved in the trouble, which, for a time, threatened to de- velop into a free-for-all fight, tho prompt and effective work of Sheriff H. H. Porter and Chief of Police w. P. Sauls restoring order several min- utes after the fracas began. The in- jured are James Cooler and Harry Bennett, the latter a special police- man. Both men were struck on the head With Bennett's club, blood flow- 1 lg freely from both wounds, which, 1 o A'ever, were only scalp injuries. Those arrested were James Cooler, his son, Kniest Cooler, and Charles Cooler, a brother of James Cooler, all of Jasper county. Charles Cooler was released on a cash bond of $25, but at last reports father and son were still in Hie village lockup. The light took place in front of the speakers' stand while Attorney Gene- ral Thos. H. Peoples was speaking, and started, according to eye-wit- nesses, when Policeman Bennett ar- rested young Ernest Cooler for al- leged disorderly conduct, the latter's lather, it was said, undertaking to in- terfere In behalf of his son. Ben- nett, it was further stated, then struck the elder Cooler with his club. Charles Cooler, it seems, took a hand about this time, and In the mix-up lernest Cooler secured tho officer's club and planted a blow on the lat- ter's head. A large crowd congre- gated about the belligerents, who were soon overpowered and removed from the scene. The Attorney Cene- ral then resumed his sjieech and the incident, so far as its effect upon the meeting was concerned, was at an end. Another Incident. A near-feature of the meeting was the threat of C. D. Portlier, candidate for Railroad Commissioner, to put J. A. Hunter "out of the race" for Lieu- tenant Governor "if he attacks me again," Mr, Fortner charging that Mr. Hunter "butted into" the race for Railroad Commissioner in his speech at Beaufort last Saturday. Has Your Child Worms ? Most children do. A coaled, fur- red tongue; strong breath, stomach pains, circles under "eyes, pale, sal- low complexion, nervous, fretful, grinding of teeth, tossing in sleep, peculiar dreams-any one of these indicate child has worms. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It kills the worms-the cause of your child's condition. Is laxative and aids nature to expel the worms. Sup- plied in candy form. Kasy for chil- dren to take. 25c., at your drug- gist.-Adv. The University of Wisconsin regi- mental lia nd expects to make a con- cert tour to the Pacific coast during 1916, probably appearing at the Panama-Pacific and the Panama-Cali- fornia expositions at San Francisco and San Diego. IN SUCH PAIN WOMAN CRIED Suffered Everything Until Re- stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. Florence, So. Dakota.-"I used to be very sick every month with bearing down pains and backache, end had headache a good deal of the time and very little appetite. Tho pains were so bad that I used to sit right down on the floor and cry, be- cause it hurt mo so and I could not do any work at those times. An old wo- man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and I got a bottle. I felt better tho next month BO I took three more bottles of it and got well so I could work all the time. I hope every woman who suffers like I did will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "- Mrs. P. W. LANSENG, Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out or drag out a sickly, half- hearted existence, missing three-fourths of tho joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ? For thirty years it has been the stand- ard remedy for female ills, and has re- stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail- ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. If yon want special advice irrite to Lydia fi. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mans. Tour letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. A MILLION DOLLAR DA MA CJK. Furniers Suffered Severely froM Hail. Estimate* Lona nt ?i .ono,<HM>. Columbia. July 24.-"The situa- tion IIIS not been painted black enough. It ls the duty of the people of the State to help the stricken dis- tricts," said O. K. LaRoque, adjuster for a well known hall and storm in- surance company, who was among the visitors In Columbia yesterday, hav- ing returned after visiting tho devas- tated BOCtiou of York county. He said that hall storms during the past sev- eral weeks had badly damaged the crops In sections of York, Laurens, Union. Spartanburg, Anderson. Greenwood and Aiken counties. "I estimate that the damage to crops In the State h* the hall storms will be abcul $1.000,000," said Mr. LaRoque. "In the hall section of York coun- ty it looks like winter time," said Mr. LaKouque. "and the farmers need sed for replanting. 1 have been wir- ing all over the country to secure Irish potato seed, but have been un- successful. Some of the farmers of York county arc in destitute circum- stances. They certainly need help, and 1 hope thal the people of the State will respond favorably on the resolutions that have been Introduced by members from the districts." Stops Neuralgia-Kills Tain. Sloan's Liniment gives instant re- lief from neuralg'i or sciatica. lt goes straight to tlu painful part- soothes the nerves and stops tho pain. lt is also good for rheuma- tism, sore throat, chest pains and sprains. You don't need to rub-it I penetrates. J. lt. Swinger, Louis- ville, Ky., writes: "I suffered for | four months without any relief. 1 I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and 1 haven't suffered with tay head since." Get a bottle to-day. Keep in the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 2">c., I âOc. and $1, at your druggist. Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve for all sores, adv. j 0$< »$« '$« '$« »$"$« It Alwaj says Mrs. Sylvania Woods writing of her experience > tonic. She says further: Cardui, my back and he; thought the pain would ki to do any of my housework of Cardui, I began to feel li gained 35 pounds, and no as well as run a big watt 1 wish every suffering CAR The Worm a trial. I still use Cardui and it always does me gc Headache, backache, tired, worn-out feelings, etc. ly trouble. Signs that you tonic. You cannot make i for your trouble. It has b women for more than fifty Get a Bott BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY-I1ETW Time Table No. l l-Effective EAST-BOUND- Lv. Walhalla. Lv West Union . Lv. Seneca . Lv. Jordania . Lv. Adams' Crossing . . .. Lv. Cherry's Crossing . . . Lv. Pendleton . Lv. Autun. Lv. Sandy Springs. Lv. Denver. Lv. Wost Anderson. Ar. Anderson . Lv, Anderson . Lv. Anderson ( Frt. Depot) Lv. Erskine's Siding Ar. Belton . Train Number. 8 4;/ w fi J si UH ~ Lv. Lv, Lv, WEST-BOUND- Lv, Belton . Lv. Erskine's Siding Lv. Anderson ( Fit. Depot) Lv. Anderson . West Anderson. Denver . Sandy Springs. Lv. Autun . Lv. Pendelton . Lv. Cherry's Crossing . . . Lv. Adams's Crocslng . . Lv. Jordnnla. Ar. Seneca. Lv. Seneca. Lv. West Union. Ar. Walhalla. Train Number. Flag Stations: Anderson (Freight Sandy Springs, Autun, Cherry's Crossli Steam trains will stop at following passengers: Welch, Toxaway, Phlnney Motor brains will stop at following ongera: One-Mile Crossing, Keya' Cro bins' Crossing, Harpor's Croaslng, Bro\ Avenue. J mi m ? fe I ALCOHOL 3 PUK CENT. AVcgclablc Preparation rorAs- similalii^iiicFoodandRci'ii'a lui^Uic Stomachs andDuwclsol' INFANTS CHILDREN Promotes Di$cstton,Chwrfitr ness and Rest.Contalns neither Ophnn.Morphine nor Mineral NOT N.\HCOT¡C. itfcipeor M/täuamnuim Í\nm/ct'it Sud" Jh .Samn + >fwi 'Seed * /imrffititlf - J>i VuikixL-SeJa Ji'irvi Scfd- (?/..../,. rf ter . }>«-j. ataiflattr. ApnrtVot Kerne-ty for vonsilpa- Mon, Sout- Stomacli.Dlairlioea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- nosaudLossoFSLSiîR Pac Simile Signature of TILE CENTAUR COMPAKT, NEW YORK. Atb months old 32ÏÏ Guaranteed undcrihe ^odj Exact Copy of Wrapper. Two Austrian engineers have In- vented a process for casting false teeth in metal hy which the neces- sary uniform density ls obtained. '$< $>$<>$< >$< >$Q rs Helps >, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in vith Cardui, the woman's "Before I began to use ad would hurt so bad, I ll me. I was hardly able . After taking three bottles ke a new woman. I soon w, I do all my housework, îr mill. Vwoman would give .DUI m's Tonic when I feel a little bad, .od." side ache, nervousness, , are sure signs of woman- need Cardui, the woman's 1 mistake in trying Cardui cen helping weak, ailing years. le Today! wk «JEN HELTON AND WALHALLA, duly 12, 12.01 A. M., 1014. wa1 ll 2 , a 2 S!0 ES ¿1 Hi a o S I SO 3 Ii* * I M. I.20 .25 .43 .46 .01 .04 .16 .24 .27 .33 .47 .52 A. M. 11.40 11.45 1.20 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.50 1.58 2.01 2.06 2.18 2.25 P. M. tt.HO 6.35 7.1 5 7.17 7.31 7.33 7.4 5 7.53 7.5 6 8.0 1 8.13 8.15 A. M. .55 .15 .25 0. 2.27 2.40 2.5 0 24. 80. 5.00 5.03 5.2 5 5.28 5.4 2 5.53 5.56 6.03 6.21 6.2 8 7.3 5 7.38 7.50 8.00 G. P. M. 1.28 1.38 2.32 2.35 2.55 2.58 3.13 3.2*3 3.26 3.33 3.50 3.58 4.20 4.23 4.40 4.50 8. M. .22 .32 .47 .50 .57 .10 .16 .18 .26 .36 .39 .57 .00 .05 .23 .28 O. A. M. 7.20 7.25 7.37 7.42 7.4 5 7.56 8.06 8.08 8.22 8.25 8.45 8.50 20. P. M. :î.or> 3.15 3.28 3.4 5 3.5 0 4.02 4.07 4.10 4.16 4.26 4.29 4.43 4.45 5.05 5.25 ft.ttO 2(5. A M. D.lft 9.35 9.5 2 9.55 10.03 10.20 10.27 10.30 10.40 10.55 10.58 11.20 11.23 12.05 12.30 12.8ft 7. A. M. 1.16 1.22 1.10 1.47 1.50 2.01 2.15 2.18 2.40 2.43 ft. Depot), West Anderson, Denver, ag, Adams's Crossing, Jordania. ; flag stations to take on and let off 'fl, James. : points to take on ind let oft pass- BBing, Erskine's Siding, Welch, Rob- les' Crossing, Toxawp.y and Jefferson . R. ANDERSON, Superintendent. CUSTODIA For Infants and Children. Nie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Ilse For Over Thirty Years (¡ASTORIA THK O K NT AU PJ OOM TA NV, NSW VOA* OITY. »j. »j« .j« .j. »j* .*« t|t «i* «|i t|i «j» »j» *|* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .§* -fr-+ DR. W. R. CRAIG, Dental Surgeon. WALHALLA, 8. CAROLINA. Ofllce Over O. W. Pltcliford's Store. Olli co Hours: O A. M. to 12 M. 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. W. P. AUSTIN, t|« .|«Dentist, -fr »J. Seneca, South Carolina. -fr .J. - + .I* Phone 17. »j-- JULIUS E. ROGGS, -J. 4- LAWYER, 4*. .J« Hleckley Building, Â ANDERSON, S. CAROLINA. .I* MARCUS C. LONG, .I» Attorney-at-Law, .}. .j* Phone No. 00, -f, Walhalla, South Carolina. «|* .I* - «fr .fr Office Over Oconee Newr. -fr 4.-.{. . .J- E. Ii. HERNDON, «fr »I« Attorney-at-Law, -fr .J. Walhnlla, South Carolina. -J« PHONE NO. 61. 4* * -- «I» R. T. J A YNES, t|* »J« Attorney-at-Law, <{. -I- Walhalla, South Carolina. eg* 4* Dell Phone No. 20. .{. * - «fr ?I« Practice in State and Federal «|l .|«Courts. .{. 4.-4, ?I- J. P. Carey, J. W. Sholor, *|» Pickens, S C. W. C. Hughs. 4* .I- CAREY, SHELOR & HUGHS, «fr ?I« Attorneys and Counsellors, «fr *** Walhalla, South Carolina. «fr .I« Practice in State and Federal »fr ?I« Courts. afr Kurfees Paints and Oil. Gutter and Repair Work. t>. E. GOOD, TINNER, - WALHALLA, S. O. I OFFER Tho Service of my Jersey Bull to the Public Fee #1.00 Ctish. Also DUROC JERSEY ROAR. Fee ritluv Cash or Pig. W, Pat Dickson, Seneca, S. C. Route No. 4. Cancer Experts Abandon Radium. Berlin, Germany, July 24.-Profs. Hu mm and Bier, two leading Berlin specialists, have abandoned the ra- dium treatment of cancer and revert- ed to tho Roentgen rays. They bad observed that many pa- tients dismissed ac cured after ra- dium treatment returned with other cancerous growths. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of

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AC LuiuiviiH-Mease Followers Ap-ilar in Mujority-Smith ts Favorite.

Laurens, July 22. -The largest |audience which has yet attended theSenatorial campaign was at Laurensto-day to hear the candidates speak.Tho crowd approximated 4,f>00 i>eo-ple. The meeting was called to orderby Geo. A. Browning, acting countychairman, in place of W. C. Irby, whois on the canvass for Governor.

Governor Please was tho firstspeaker. He was savage in his at-tack on the newspapers, particularlythe Columbia Record.The Governor said a banker and

mill president at Whitmlre toldbim "to go below" and claimedthat, at Anderson, a larke stockholderin a cotton mill came on the standwith a pistol in hand, and he referredto the Norwood incident at Green-ville."No Blease man," he said, "has

attempted to assassinate SenatorSmith."

"It was reported that I would heassassinated here to-day," claimedthe Chief lOxecuitve. "if tho assassinis here there is nothing between me

and the dirty cowan'. Let himshoot "

Governor Please voiced his beliefin fatalism, saying that his death badbeen predestined for a certain wayand nothing could change the man-

lier of his passing.Governoi Blease claimed there ls a

rumor In cumulation that he pardoneda negro rapist, Fred EHedge. Thisnegro died in the penitentiary, hesaid, on .May 5, I ¡Ll 2.

Predicting that he would beelected to the Senate and making hisusual attack against Senator Smith,Governor Blease concluded his speechby eulogizing Thomas B. Crews andJohn M. Cannon, both deceased.

Senator Smith, the last speaker,was heckled by a small crowd, saidto be from Anderson, county, as hebegan. He demanded a quiet andrespectful hearing, addressing his re-

marks to the chairman. The how-lers then subsided. Senator Smithdid not depart materially from hiscotton speech.

Chairman Browning demonstratedthat he is one of the best presidingofficers in the State. He had a tur-bulent, record-breaking crowd to con-

trol, and attention was given to allspeakers, except Mr. Pollock.There was a nervous tension to-day

before the meeting started, as therewas . n expectancy of trouble, butthis did not materialize. However,the boldness and savagery of Mr.Pollock's attack on the Governorseemed to anger the Blease men, butthey did nothing but howl.

Governor Bleaso received a bou-quet and Senator Smith several cot-ton stalks.

L. D. Jennings, the second speaker,was received with cheers. He calmlydiscussed the record of the Chief Ex-ecutive and ho was heard attentivelyby the large audience.

After paying his respects to theGovernor's pardon record, Mr. Jen-nings asked: "Would you get rid ofthe negro mall clerk by tying him atthe end of a hemp rope?"

"Yes, yes!" cried several voices."Well. I am sorry for you," replied

Mr. Jennings. 'And 1 am glad thatthe balance of South Carolina doesn'tbelieve that way."

W. P. Pollock, the third speaker,was merciless in his arraignment ofthe record of Governor Blease. Bleasehecklers howled at him throughouthis spee: h, and he finished under dif-ficulties. Those howling most weresaid to be from Anderson, Spartan-burg and other counties.A tense moment in his speech was

when Mr. Pollock held up the tornrod Union Republican ticket and an-nounced that the name of J. P. (¡ib-son was on it.

"lt ls a lie!" cried a man in theaudience. Several policemen sur-

rounded the man and Acting Chair-man Browning, told the heckler hemust bc quiet.

"A man can't come to my face andsay that I am a liar unless he de-sires lo take the consequences," re-

plied Mr. Pollock. "It is only a cow-ard who stands hack and insults a

gentleman."Mr. Pollock then offered to with-

draw from tho race if Mr. Gibson'sname was not on the ticket referredto above.

There is Healing in Foley KidneyPills. *

You need a mighty good medicineif once your kidneys nre exhaustedby neglect and overwork, and you'have got lt in Foley Kidney Pills.Their action is prompt, healing andIonic. Sound health and sound kid-neys follow their uso. Try them.Bell's Drug Store.-Adv.

East St. Louis has a curfew lawrequiring all children to be off thestreets after 9 p. m.

Calomel, calomel, you can't stayfor LIV-VER-LAX has shown us aneasier way. Ask Norman's DrugStore.-Adv.


Why Ar« So Many Walhalla PeopleIn this Condition ?

Feel tired out, Irritable and de-pressed?

Urine irregular; back weak andpainful"

Tie-.« are symptoms that suggestkidney tn tole.When e kidneys call for help,Assist tnem with a tested kidney

remedy.(Jive them the help they need.No remedy more highly recom-

mended than Dean's Kidney Pills.Endorsed by grateful people.Convincing testimony follows:Mrs. W. A. Dodd, Seneca, S. C.,

says: "My back ached most of thetime and I was subject to attacks ofnervousness and dizziness. The kid-ney secretions also bothered me. Inever felt refreshed when 1 got up inthe morning. Seeing Donn's KidneyPills advertised, I got a supply. Theygave me great relief. I can say thatDonn's Kidney Pills act just as rep-resented."

Price 50c, at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy-getDonn's Kidney Pills-the same thatMrs. Dodd had. Foster-MUburn Co.,Props., Buffalo, N. Y.-Adv.

Out of Georgia Guliernatorhil Race.

Washington, July 22-Wm. J. Har-ris has retired from the race forGovernor of Georgia. Ile has issueda formal statement here announcinghis decision.

Returning here after several weeksspent in prosecuting his campaign,Mr. Harris found the Census Bureauin Buch shape that he realized itwould be necessary to give his undi-vided attention to the bureau or berelieved of all responsibility for thcwork.

After conferring with the Presi-den) and Secretary Redfield, of thoDepartment of Commerce, of whichthe Census Bureau ls a part, he de-cided to give his undivided time tothe duties of his important position

The Rest. Medicine in the World."My little girl bad dysentery very

bad. I thought she would die. Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diar-rhoea Remedy cured her, and 1 cantruthfully say that I think it is thebest medicine in the world." writesMrs. Wm. Orvis, Clare, Mich. Forsale by all dealers.-Adv.

Biggest Locomotive In World.

The largest railway engine in theworld is owned by the 'Frisco Line.A train of 50 freight cars in consid-ered a pretty good load, but .h.isgiant of the rails can pull 277 carseach of an average weight of 120,-000 pounds. It bas 16 drivers, a

fire-box 10 feet long and 7% feetwide; is 9 5 feet 2 inches lu lengthand weighs 686,300 pounds.

Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure.The worst cases, no matter ot howlong Standing»re cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr.1'orter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieve"run and Heals nt the same time. 25c, 50c, $1.0

Prof. D. A. Sargent, of Harvard,physical director, says that ordinarydancing, as an exercise, does notcompare favorably with rowing,swimming and many other forms ofgymnastics and athletics.

Mrs. Winchester, a councilor'swife in Worthing, England, who diedon Monday, April 20, was horn on a

Monday, christened on a Monday andmarried on a Monday. Before shewas married her name was Munday.

Rucklen's Arnica Salve for Cuts,Ruins, Sores.

E. S. Loper, Marilla, N. Y., writes:"1 have never had a cut, burn, woundor sore lt would not heal." Get abox of Rucklen's Arnica Salve to-day.Keep it bandy at all times for burns,sores, cuts, wounds. Prevents lockjaw. 25c, at your druggist.-Adv.

French bankers, aroused hy manyrecent robberies, have adopted steelclad motors for conveying bullion,currency and other valuablesthrough the streets of Paris, as wellas distributing money to outlyingbanks.

Piles Cured In 6 to H DaysYour dnifririst wilt refund money if PAZOOINTMENT fails to cute nny case ot Itehiiifir,Blind, Bleedingor Protruding riles in6to H days.The first application sive* Ease and Rest, soc-

The invention of a machine togrind sea sand, the particles of whichordinarily are too smotb to be of use,has enabled great masses of lt alongtho Virginia coast to be utilized Inbrick manufacture,

lt' you have neglected your kid-neys, and suffer from backache, weakback, headache, rheumatism anddistressing bladder weakness, youwill find Foley Kidney Pilis to bethe honestly made, bealing and cur-ative medicine you need to give youback your health and strength. Theyare tonic in action, quick to givegood results. They will help you.Pell's Drug Store.-Adv.

Count. Tolstoy's secretary says tl atthe great writer's library numbered10,000 volumes in thirty-two lan-guages. There were almost as mainbooks In English ns in Russian-3,115 against 3,505.

Invigorating to the Pale and SicklyThe Old Standard general strengthening toole,GROVES TA8TELK89 chill TONIC, drives outMalar in.enriches the blood,and builds uptbe sys-tem. A true tonic. Por adulta mid children. 50c


State Campaigners Halted by fright.Police Club Proves Boomerang.

Ridgeland, July 22.-Two dam-aged heads and three arrests werethe results of a difficulty that furnish-ed the only real excitement at thecampaign meeting here to-day, whenthe candidates for State officers spoketo a crowd of not more than 100, one-third of whom were ladies and chil-dren. None of the candidates, how-ever, was involved in the trouble,which, for a time, threatened to de-velop into a free-for-all fight, thoprompt and effective work of SheriffH. H. Porter and Chief of Police w.

P. Sauls restoring order several min-utes after the fracas began. The in-jured are James Cooler and HarryBennett, the latter a special police-man. Both men were struck on thehead With Bennett's club, blood flow-1 lg freely from both wounds, which,1 o A'ever, were only scalp injuries.

Those arrested were James Cooler,his son, Kniest Cooler, and CharlesCooler, a brother of James Cooler,all of Jasper county. Charles Coolerwas released on a cash bond of $25,but at last reports father and sonwere still in Hie village lockup.

The light took place in front of thespeakers' stand while Attorney Gene-ral Thos. H. Peoples was speaking,and started, according to eye-wit-nesses, when Policeman Bennett ar-rested young Ernest Cooler for al-leged disorderly conduct, the latter'slather, it was said, undertaking to in-terfere In behalf of his son. Ben-nett, it was further stated, thenstruck the elder Cooler with his club.Charles Cooler, it seems, took a handabout this time, and In the mix-uplernest Cooler secured tho officer'sclub and planted a blow on the lat-ter's head. A large crowd congre-gated about the belligerents, whowere soon overpowered and removedfrom the scene. The Attorney Cene-ral then resumed his sjieech and theincident, so far as its effect upon themeeting was concerned, was at an

end.Another Incident.

A near-feature of the meeting wasthe threat of C. D. Portlier, candidatefor Railroad Commissioner, to put J.A. Hunter "out of the race" for Lieu-tenant Governor "if he attacks me

again," Mr, Fortner charging that Mr.Hunter "butted into" the race forRailroad Commissioner in his speechat Beaufort last Saturday.

Has Your Child Worms ?Most children do. A coaled, fur-

red tongue; strong breath, stomachpains, circles under "eyes, pale, sal-low complexion, nervous, fretful,grinding of teeth, tossing in sleep,peculiar dreams-any one of theseindicate child has worms. Get a boxof Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. Itkills the worms-the cause of yourchild's condition. Is laxative and aidsnature to expel the worms. Sup-plied in candy form. Kasy for chil-dren to take. 25c., at your drug-gist.-Adv.The University of Wisconsin regi-

mental lia nd expects to make a con-

cert tour to the Pacific coast during1916, probably appearing at thePanama-Pacific and the Panama-Cali-fornia expositions at San Franciscoand San Diego.


Suffered EverythingUntilRe-stored to Health by LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegeta-

ble Compound.Florence, So. Dakota.-"I used to be

very sick every month with bearingdown pains andbackache, end hadheadache a gooddeal of the time andvery little appetite.Tho pains were sobad that I used tosit right down on thefloor and cry, be-cause it hurt mo soand I could not doany work at thosetimes. An old wo-

man advised me to try Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound and I got abottle. I felt better tho next month BOI took three more bottles of it and gotwell so I could work all the time. Ihope every woman who suffers like I didwill try Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound."- Mrs. P. W. LANSENG,Route No. 1, Florence, South Dakota.Why will women continue to suffer day

in and day out or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three-fourthsof tho joy of living, when they can findhealth in Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound ?For thirty years it has been the stand-

ard remedy for female ills, and has re-stored the health of thousands of womenwho have been troubled with such ail-ments as displacements, inflammation,ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.

If yon want special advice irrite toLydia fi. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi-dential) Lynn, Mans. Tour letter willbo opened, read and answered by awoman and held in strict confidence.


Furniers Suffered Severely froM Hail.Estimate* Lona nt ?i .ono,<HM>.

Columbia. July 24.-"The situa-tion IIIS not been painted blackenough. It ls the duty of the peopleof the State to help the stricken dis-tricts," said O. K. LaRoque, adjusterfor a well known hall and storm in-surance company, who was among thevisitors In Columbia yesterday, hav-ing returned after visiting tho devas-tated BOCtiou of York county. He saidthat hall storms during the past sev-eral weeks had badly damaged thecrops In sections of York, Laurens,Union. Spartanburg, Anderson.Greenwood and Aiken counties.

"I estimate that the damage tocrops In the State h* the hall stormswill be abcul $1.000,000," said Mr.LaRoque.

"In the hall section of York coun-ty it looks like winter time," saidMr. LaKouque. "and the farmers needsed for replanting. 1 have been wir-ing all over the country to secureIrish potato seed, but have been un-successful. Some of the farmers ofYork county arc in destitute circum-stances. They certainly need help,and 1 hope thal the people of theState will respond favorably on theresolutions that have been Introducedby members from the districts."

Stops Neuralgia-Kills Tain.Sloan's Liniment gives instant re-

lief from neuralg'i or sciatica. ltgoes straight to tlu painful part-soothes the nerves and stops thopain. lt is also good for rheuma-tism, sore throat, chest pains andsprains. You don't need to rub-it Ipenetrates. J. lt. Swinger, Louis-ville, Ky., writes: "I suffered for |four months without any relief. 1 Iused Sloan's Liniment for two orthree nights and 1 haven't sufferedwith tay head since." Get a bottleto-day. Keep in the house all thetime for pains and all hurts. 2">c., IâOc. and $1, at your druggist. Buck-Ion's Arnica Salve for all sores, adv. j

0$< »$« '$« '$« »$"$«It Alwaj

says Mrs. Sylvania Woodswriting of her experience >tonic. She says further:Cardui, my back and he;thought the pain would kito do any of my houseworkof Cardui, I began to feel ligained 35 pounds, and noas well as run a big watt

1 wish every suffering

CARThe Worm

a trial. I still use Carduiand it always does me gc

Headache, backache,tired, worn-out feelings, trouble. Signs that youtonic. You cannot make ifor your trouble. It has bwomen for more than fifty

Get a Bott


Time Table No. l l-Effective


Lv. Walhalla.Lv West Union .

Lv. Seneca .Lv. Jordania .

Lv. Adams' Crossing . . ..

Lv. Cherry's Crossing . . .

Lv. Pendleton .

Lv. Autun.Lv. Sandy Springs.Lv. Denver.Lv. Wost Anderson.Ar. Anderson .

Lv, Anderson .

Lv. Anderson ( Frt. Depot)Lv. Erskine's SidingAr. Belton .

Train Number.

8 4;/

w fi JsiUH ~


WEST-BOUND-Lv, Belton .

Lv. Erskine's SidingLv. Anderson ( Fit. Depot)Lv. Anderson .

West Anderson.Denver .

Sandy Springs.Lv. Autun .Lv. Pendelton .

Lv. Cherry's Crossing . . .

Lv. Adams's Crocslng . .

Lv. Jordnnla.Ar. Seneca.Lv. Seneca.Lv. West Union.Ar. Walhalla.Train Number.

Flag Stations: Anderson (FreightSandy Springs, Autun, Cherry's Crossli

Steam trains will stop at followingpassengers: Welch, Toxaway, Phlnney

Motor brains will stop at followingongera: One-Mile Crossing, Keya' Crobins' Crossing, Harpor's Croaslng, Bro\Avenue. J


ALCOHOL 3 PUK CENT.AVcgclablc Preparation rorAs-similalii^iiicFoodandRci'ii'alui^Uic Stomachs andDuwclsol'INFANTS CHILDRENPromotes Di$cstton,Chwrfitrness and Rest.Contalns neitherOphnn.Morphine norMineralNOT N.\HCOT¡C.itfcipeor M/täuamnuim

Í\nm/ct'it Sud"Jh .Samn +

>fwi 'Seed */imrffititlf -J>i VuikixL-SeJaJi'irvi Scfd-(?/..../,. rfter .

}>«-j. ataiflattr.

ApnrtVot Kerne-ty for vonsilpa-Mon, Sout- Stomacli.DlairlioeaWorms .Convulsions .Feverish-nosaudLossoFSLSiîR

Pac Simile Signature of


Atb months old

32ÏÏ Guaranteed undcrihe ^odjExact Copy of Wrapper.

Two Austrian engineers have In-vented a process for casting falseteeth in metal hy which the neces-

sary uniform density ls obtained.

'$< $>$<>$< >$< >$Qrs Helps>, of Clifton Mills, Ky., invith Cardui, the woman's"Before I began to use

ad would hurt so bad, Ill me. I was hardly able. After taking three bottleske a new woman. I soonw, I do all my housework,îr mill.Vwoman would give

.DUIm's Tonicwhen I feel a little bad,.od."side ache, nervousness,

, are sure signs of woman-need Cardui, the woman's1 mistake in trying Carduicen helping weak, ailingyears.


duly 12, 12.01 A. M., 1014.



, a

2 síS!0ES

¿1Hia o SI SO


Ii** I


A. M.11.4011.451.201.221.301.381.501.582.

P. 57.177.317.337.4 57.537.5 68.0 18.138.15

A. M.




2.272.402.5 024. 80. 55.285.4 25.535.566.036.216.2 87.3 57.387.508.00G.

P. M.1.281.382.322.352.552.583.133.2*33.263.333.503.584.204.234.404.508.


A. M. 57.568.068.088.22


P. M.:î.or> 53.5

A M.D.lft9.359.5 29.55



A. M.



Depot), West Anderson, Denver,ag, Adams's Crossing, Jordania.; flag stations to take on and let off'fl, James.: points to take on ind let oft pass-BBing, Erskine's Siding, Welch, Rob-les' Crossing, Toxawp.y and Jefferson

. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent.

CUSTODIAFor Infants and Children.

Nie Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears theSignature



For OverThirty Years


»j. »j« .j« .j. »j* .*« t|t «i* «|i t|i «j» »j»*|* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .§*-fr-+

DR. W. R. CRAIG,Dental Surgeon.


Ofllce Over O. W. Pltcliford'sStore.

Ollico Hours:O A. M. to 12 M.

1 P. M. to 5 P. M.

DR. W. P. AUSTIN, t|«.|«Dentist, -fr

»J. Seneca, South Carolina. -fr.J. - +.I* Phone 17. »j--4« JULIUS E. ROGGS, -J.4- LAWYER, 4*..J« Hleckley Building, ANDERSON, S. CAROLINA..I* MARCUS C. LONG,.I» Attorney-at-Law, .}..j* Phone No. 00, -f,4« Walhalla, South Carolina. «|*.I* - « Office Over Oconee Newr. -fr

4.-.{. .

.J- E. Ii. HERNDON, «fr»I« Attorney-at-Law, -fr.J. Walhnlla, South Carolina. -J«4« PHONE NO. 61. 4*

* -- «I»4« R. T. J A YNES, t|*»J« Attorney-at-Law, <{.-I- Walhalla, South Carolina. eg*4* Dell Phone No. 20. .{.* - «fr?I« Practice in State and Federal «|l

.|«Courts. .{.4.-4,?I- J. P. Carey, J. W. Sholor, *|»4« Pickens, S C. W. C. Hughs. 4*.I- CAREY, SHELOR & HUGHS, «fr?I« Attorneys and Counsellors, «fr*** Walhalla, South Carolina. «fr.I« Practice in State and Federal »fr

?I«Courts. afr

Kurfees Paints and Oil.Gutter and Repair Work.


I OFFERTho Service of my Jersey Bull to the

PublicFee #1.00 Ctish.

AlsoDUROC JERSEY ROAR.Fee ritluv Cash or Pig.

W, Pat Dickson,Seneca, S. C. Route No. 4.

Cancer Experts Abandon Radium.

Berlin, Germany, July 24.-Profs.Humm and Bier, two leading Berlinspecialists, have abandoned the ra-dium treatment of cancer and revert-ed to tho Roentgen rays.

They bad observed that many pa-tients dismissed ac cured after ra-dium treatment returned with othercancerous growths.

CASTOR IAFor Infanta and Children.

The Kind You Have Always BoughtBears the

Signature of