kerrang and nme · nme nme ( new musical express) is a music magazine aimed at rock/ indie music....

Magazine cover Analysis Kerrang and NME Thursday, 3 May 12

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  • Magazine cover Analysis

    Kerrang and NME

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • KerrangKerrang promotes A new wave of British Heavy Metal and other hard rock acts in all their various forms along with sub genres such as rap-metal.

    There audience is 13-21 year olds, interested in Heavy metal or rock music. This apparent from the use of slangy, informal language, Bright vibrant colours and free offers such as posters .

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • Photographs The Photographs used in Kerrang are often Large, bold and at the forefront of the magazine so as to give a hard-hitting representation of what the reader can expect to find inside. They often obscure the Magazine’s name giving an even bigger impression. This Issue has the Scottish rock band Biffy Clyro as its main image. They have cold and possibly moody rock and roll faces fitting with the magazines target Audience.

    There are also some smaller photos at the bottom of the magazine show images of a free Poster offer inside the magazine. This would be effective in persuading some one to buy the magazine.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • FontsThe Magazine Name is black showing the darkness of heavy metal and split by lines. This could represent lasers at gigs or a jagged effect or could also be viewed as guitar strings.

    The main Sell line/ Story inside is a Clear bold font which is white so it stands out from the rest of the cover. This needs to be clear as it the Main Article which will essentially sell the Magazine to casual readers.

    The font on the bottom sell lines is small yet clear due to it being only small storeys and articles in side the magazine.

    The Font used In Kerrang is not as varied as other magazines but this is effective in giving the reader clear information

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • Colours

    The Colours used in Kerrang represent the dark heavy metal genre with blacks (gothic) and red( commonly associated death) whites. There is also an element of Gothic Genre with the background of this issue as it presents the band as dark and mysterious complementing the menacing picture.

    The colours are common in any rock magazine expecially heavier rock or Metal magazines due to their auidence and bands covered often mentioning death and gothic prospects in their lyrics

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • Design Style and The Design style Commonly involves a large Picture for the Head Line story With a Sell line with smaller photos and articles/offers around the edges. The magazines name is of ten obscured by the picture. This not only gives more room for the picture butShows the magazines arrogance that it is well enough known to not have to display its full name constantly.

    The Smaller sell lines are often accompanied by pictures to attract any potential buyers picking up the magazine of any music genre. These range from Special offers, information or pictures

    Offers are also used to persuade more people to buy the magazine. This is placed with Pictures giving a visual element to what the buyer will receive

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • LanguageThe language is short and simple . The classic heavy metal audience are not stereotypically Intelligent or looking for long intellectual articles. Short Snappy Lines have been used to sell the magazine.

    The Use of Buzz words such as “MASSIVE” “GIVE AWAY” “ FREE” all Stimulate the readers or “passers-by” attention By the use of Free or interesting Items. My Issue for example is offering Posters inside every Magazine.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • NMENME ( New Musical Express) is a music Magazine aimed at rock/ indie music.

    It along with Kerrang, is aimed at teenagers aged 14-21 years old which is again apparent through its newer music stories appealing to a younger generation along with informal slangy language.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • PhotographsThe Main image on this issue of NME is of the Drummer Dave Grohl. His expression is Angry showed by his gritted teeth and frowned eye brows. The Picture is to go with the main story covering the allegations of Dave’s death. The image is effective in representing the main story giving a quick insight and entising the audience curious over the expression.

    There are smaller photographs surrounding the main image , all accompanied with writing about their article. these could atract an audience interested int hat particular artist or what the might be in that article.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • FontsThe Font used in this issue NME ranges in size, colour, font style and size much more than the issue of Kerrang. This Keeps the Magazine exciting and draws allot of attention to it.

    Here The Writing changes in size several times with the name of the band been biggest as it is most recognisable and most likely to grab attention. “Foo Fighters” also has a black frame as to make it stand out more. Its font has marks on it as well to provide it with emotion and character.This sell line is white as to stand out from the red back ground and the main Image.

    This article is coloured differently to the main image as to provide a variety and also maintaining its ability to stand out. It also has the recognisable name, “Gnarls Barkley”, in a larger font as it a know name.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • ColoursThe colour scheme In this issue of NME is Mainly Yellow and reds used for the Font, back ground and frames for writing.The colours are effective because they co-ordinate with each other yet have differences , making the magazine appealing and interesting to look at.

    Yellow is a colour rock magazines use frequently as it stands of black ( the standard font and drop shadow cover.

    The Black frame behind “NME” is extremely effective in making the Magazine name stand out and known. It is also covered slightly showing they are care free and arogant about people knowing there title.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • Design Style and .

    The Layout Involves the Magazine name and other articles being In front of the main image. This is to make them clear but plenty of room is still provided for the main image on the left of the cover.

    Another Big story is placed above the magazine name disjointing the normal approach to a magazine cover. This is Effective due to its appealing audience of individuals and the rock audience.

    The Sell lines are Predominantly on the left of the magazine keeping an ordered and easy to follow appearance but the random scattering of offer articles or offers gives the classic messy impression of something involved in Rock.

    An article is placed in the top right which spreads the attention more evenly across the magazine and uses up valuable room to try and persuade the reader to purchase the story.

    Thursday, 3 May 12

  • LanguageThe Language used in NME is quite dramatic and could be closely associated with a gossip magazine. Interviews with celebrities about there tragedies are used with Buzz words DEAD and SPLIT and exciting captions to emphasise misfortunes.

    “Kaisers'” is used instead of Kaiser chiefs in the presumption all its readers will know who the band is as well as referring the band member by his first name as if familiar with him. This creates a friendly and casual atmosphere which would attract most teenagers who are not looking for a difficult , lengthy read.

    Thursday, 3 May 12