kerrang house style analysis

KERRANG - House style

Upload: dominique-bendelow

Post on 06-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Kerrang house style analysis

KERRANG -House style

Page 2: Kerrang house style analysis

The man on the front cover is the front man, Matt Bellamy, of English rock band ‘Muse’. Muse is a very well known and popular band, making this cover very attractive to a lot of people.

The Title ‘KERRANG’ is slightly covered over which shows that it is a well enough known magazine for this to happen, although it isn’t covered over much, possibly showing that the magazine isn’t trying to be too over confident.

There is a basic colour scheme of white, black and yellow carried out around the whole of the magazine front cover, meaning that it doesn’t get too much and over colourful.

There seems to be just one main story on the page, possibly suggesting that the magazine feels it only needs one good story on the front cover to attract its audience. The magazine is accompanied with a very large headline in a ‘broken letter’ type font, that suggests the magazine has a kind of ‘ruggard’ and untidy look to it.

The only other main story on the front cover is a story about a confident band using a violent saying about the UK which could attract readers into wanting to know more. The colour scheme changes for this story for the only time on the front cover which could suggest that the magazine is trying to draw in readers with the different colours, plus making the only other story on the front cover stand out significantly.

The title ‘KERRANG’ is an onomatopoeia word which is complimented by their slogan ‘LIFE IS LOUD’. The title is made of a similar ‘broken letter’ font as

Overall, I think the front cover of this magazine is generally effective as it comes across as confident and dominating. It would attract a wide audience with the artists on the cover as there are a range of different types of artists and bands there. I think it holds together very well in its own ‘ruggard’ way and comes across as slightly unorganised but in a ‘cool’ way. The headline is definitely the most dominant convention along with the title and the large feature article photograph of Matt Bellamy.

Page 3: Kerrang house style analysis

The colour scheme of this contents page is the same as the front cover meaning the magazine, although seems to look untidy, actually runs very smoothly and all fits together

The different sections are broken up by the topics being highlighted in yellow which is a good thing meaning that they attract readers to them first, along with helping them out with what part of the magazine they are wanting to read.

There seems to be a lot more photographs than there is writing on this page, but all of the photographs are numbered, as they are all included in different stories throughout the magazine.

The photos would probably attract readers into reading a certain article more than words would as it shows the more exciting part of the article and gives a ‘taste’ of what the article would be about.

I think this contents page ‘holds’ together very well as, much like the front cover, seems to fit together in a very unusual manner. The colour scheme looks very good, and the writing flows down the side of the photographs, with the photographs then in block sections so it doesn’t look too ‘out of control’ or ‘messy’. The large photograph on this page is definitely the most dominant convention along with the ‘Contents’ title. Overall the whole page is a very bold and it stands out a lot. I think this would be very attractive to its target audience, as it’s a classical ‘KERRANG’ style, ‘more about the music than the look’ point of view.