kever rochel 5772


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An entire year at Kever Rochel


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Entire YearKever Rochel



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Mamme11 Cheshvan


Tens of Thousands of TefillosOver the past two thousand years, countless Yidden have wept at the silent tombstone. Tens of thousands of hot tears have been absorbed by the velvet paroches. Hearts beat with pain, hope, prayer, love, yearning, longing. Mamme Rochel.

Rochel Imeinu's burial is discussed in the Torah. Her gravesite was declared a makom tefillah by Yaakov Avinu himself. It was Hakadosh Baruch Hu Who designated this site as a makom tefillah, a gateway to Shamayim, a place from where prayers ascend and are willingly received.

Yosef Hatzaddik inaugurated this makom tefillah with his tears en route to his own personal exile. Completely alone, wrenched from his father's house and sold as a slave by his brothers, he wept bitter tears at his mother's grave. Generations later, when the Yidden were exiled as a nation, they followed Yosef 's example and stopped at the very same spot to pour their hearts out to Mamme Rochel. The voices of Am Yisrael's young and old, men and women, prophets and simple folk – all joined together to form one desperate cry to Mamme Roche that rent the very heavens.

Keep crying, Mamme…

And Rochel Imeinu never falls silent. She goes to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and weeps and pleads incessantly, citing herself as an example of vatranus… and Hakadosh Baruch Hu accepts her arguments! "You can stop crying," Hakadosh Baruch Hu tells her. There is no other incident in the Torah or the medrash where Hakadosh Baruch Hu kavyachol personally wipes a person's tears away. And what a promise Rochel was given! "You will be rewarded for your actions! Klal Yisrael will return home from their enemy's land!"

The midrashim about Rochel Imeinu and her prayer are intensely moving. It is impossible to remain indifferent

in the face of her cries, her words, her compassion for her descendants.

It is Impossible Not to Join Rachel's CriesOnce, when Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Shmuelevitz, zt"l, was praying at Kever Rochel, he suddenly cried out in a voice choked with emotion: "Mamme! Hakadosh Baruch Hu requests that you stop crying, but we, your children plead with you: Don't stop…"

And Rochel never stops. She intercedes on her children's behalf without letup, and everyone who prays at her gravesite senses an undercurrent of emotion rippling beneath the silent stone. One can feel the tears in the air there and it is impossible not to join.

Every single day, and especially on the eleventh of Cheshvan (the anniversary of her passing), Yidden stream to Kever Rochel and pour their hearts out in prayer. Rochel Imeinu, for her part, pleads with Hashem on behalf of each and every name prayed for… and her efforts are rewarded!

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit"a, has advised on numerous occasions that Kever Rochel is the very best place to daven.

The Vilna Gaon, zy"a, writes that in our times, the Shechinah rests mainly at Kever Rochel.

Maran Hagaon Harav Y. Edelstein, shlit"a, has added: The tefillos at Kever Rochel are the most important

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and most superior of the tefillos conducted by Kupat Ha'ir.

And what tefillos those are!

Last year and the year before that, Kupat Ha'ir conducted prayers at Kever Rochel on 11 Cheshvan and for forty days thereafter, thinking that the "forty-consecutive-days" segulah would surely be enhanced by such a holy location. Rivers of tears were cried as messengers of Kupat Ha'ir whispered name after name in front of the stone covered by the velvet paroches. People waited in their homes with bated breath, knowing that at a certain precise moment, Mamme Rochel was interceding on their behalf.

The Gedolei Hador joined these prayer sessions, augmenting their power. The earnestness, the concentration, the fervor, the caring, the yiras Shamayim and the strong desire to be loyal, trustworthy messengers… all these turmed the Kupat Ha'ir minyan into a formidable ko'ach. The mitzvah of tzedakah paved the way and the tefillos soared heavenward, bringing salvation in their wake.

Last year, Kupat Ha'ir introduced the awesome segulah of 516 tefillos, the numerical equivalent of Va'eschanan plus one more. This year, Kupat Ha'ir is introducing a new prayer campaign at Kever Rochel, breathtaking in the scope of its power: Imagine being prayed for at Kever Rochel every single day of the year, from 11 Cheshvan to 11 Cheshvan. A full year in the presence of Mamme Rochel…

Maran Hagaon Harav Y. Edelstein, shlit"a, praying at Kever Rochel on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha'ir.

The Nadvorner Rebbe, shlit"a, praying at Kever Rochel on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha'ir.

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Fervent LongingEvery day has its own unique blessings, its own mazel. Every day brings with it new challenges. Every single day, deep down, every Yid longs to rest his head on Mamme Rochel's kever and pour out his heart in tefillah. Sometimes we aren't even aware of this longing, but deep down, every adult is still a child and every child longs to pour his heart out to his mother.

One glance at the people streaming out of the Kever Rochel area tells the story: everyone who davens there, who weeps with emotion, whose prayers soar through the wide-open gates directly to Hashem – finds it hard to leave. A part of him will remain there, with Mamme Rochel, forever and ever.

It makes no difference when he will next be able to visit. Whenever it happens, he'll be "returning." Returning home, returning to his mother, to Mamme Rochel who never stops weeping on her children's behalf and whose cries Hashem hears and whose children He helps.

Never before has there been an opportunity to visit Kever Rochel every single day, day in day out, even

for those living in Eretz Yisroel. There is no nearby settlement; Rochel Imeinu's tombstone is situated at a crossroads. Even nowadays, with convenient roads and modern ease of mobility, a daily trip is close to impossible.

Impossible to an individual, that is – but definitely far more feasible for Kupat Ha'ir's messengers. The members of the minyan are not miracle workers and the tense security situation or other restrictions on the entry of visitors to the tomb may present obstacles. It's impossible to make a promise.

But it's possible to desire, and to try, and to make every possible effort in the world, bli neder. And, as has been proven countless times, the minyanim of Kupat Ha'ir merit astounding siyatta dishmaya.

Not just 40 consecutive days. Not just an ancient, holy

Entire YearKever Rochelat


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The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, shlit"a, praying at Kever Rochel on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha'ir.

Hagaon Hatzaddik Rav Sender Erlanger, shlit"a, praying at Kever Rochel on behalf of contributors to Kupat Ha'ir.

Entire YearKever Rochel

segulah of inestimable power. Not just 516 tefillos. The prayer campaign we are now offering is all that plus more: forty consecutive days; 516 tefillos, the numerical equivalent of Va'eschanan, and every single day, day after day, from 11 Cheshvan to 11 Cheshvan. An entire year at Kever Rochel!

An Entire YearAn entire year at Kever Rochel! Every single day for an

entire year, a messenger of Kupat Ha'ir will approach

the holy tziyun and mention your name and specific

request at Kever Rochel. An entire year of the recitation

of chapters of Tehillim, of ta'anis dibbur, of Yehi Ratzon

prayers followed by your name and a request, a plea for

the yeshuah you need.

How many days are in a year? How many events transpire

in that period of time? How many issues crop

up, how many nisyonos? How many times of

danger, how many moments of hardship?

But Mamme Rochel weeps on her children's

behalf. Mamme

Rochel is

told that her

efforts will

be rewarded.

Mamme Rochel

never steps

pleading for her


This year, for the first time, it will, bli neder, be possible to

merit the tefillos of Kupat Ha'ir at Kever Rochel every single

day, from 11 Cheshvan 5772 all the way until 11 Cheshvan

5773. Everything that will transpire throughout this year

will be characterized by the prayers of Mamme Rochel.

Everything that happens will be influenced by her

prayers and her blessings. Everything that occurs will

occur on a day that a messenger placed his head on the

kever, recited your name and uttered your request.

Can anyone dispense with something like this? Can

anyone say such tefillos are superfluous as far as he's

concerned? Is there a single Yid out there who can

manage jus fine without Mamme Rochel's prayers for

him, his children, his parents, his family?

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The kvittel sent by Maran theRachmastrivka Rebbe


The kvittel sent by Hagaon Hatzaddik Rav Sender

Erlanger, shlit"a

The Kvitlach

of the Gedolei Hador

to the Messengers

of Kupat Ha'ir at KeverRochel

The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Pinchas

Scheinberg, shlit"a

The kvittel sent by Maran the Sanzer Rebbe, shlit"a

Just once, go watch Maran Hagon Harav

Aharon Leib Steinman as he writes. Note his intense

concentration as he grips a pen and moves it slowly

across a sheet of paper. Even signing his name, an act

most people do in the blink of an eye without a moment's

thought, requires a significant amount of preparation

and concentration on Maran's part.

If this is true with regard to signing his name, how much more

so when writing a kvittel based on which the minyan of Kupat

Ha'ir messengers will pray on his behalf at Kever Rochel!

This kvittel, kept and preserved by loving hands, has been copied

and entered onto the list of contributors to Kupat Ha'ir. It is

just one of an entire bundle of kvitlach sent by Gedolei Hador

who have requested inclusion in this unique tefillah campaign.

Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner shlit"a; Maran

Hagaon Harav Aharon leib Steinman shlit"a; Maran Hagaon

Harav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg shlit"a; Maran the Sanzer

Rebbe shlit"a; Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky shlit"a;

Maran Harav David Abuchatzeira shlit"a; Maran Hagaon

Harav Y. Edelstien shlit"a; Maran the Rachmastrivka Rebbe

shlit"a; hagaon Hatzaddik Rav Sender Erlanger shlit"a. All these

kvitlach are part of the system, part f the tefillos, part of the

requests that will soar heavenward, taking your name and

request with them as well!

The Gedolim wrote down their special requests. In some

cases, the Gedolim requested that their personal requests

not be publicized. Others had no objections, and you can see

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The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim

Kanievsky, shlit"a

The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Yaakov

Edelstain, shlit"a

The kvittel sent by Maran theRachmastrivka Rebbe


The kvittel sent by Maran Harav Dovid Abuchatzeira,


The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib

Steinman, shlit"a

The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi

Wosner, shlit"a

The kvittel sent by Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Pinchas

Scheinberg, shlit"a

the pleading quality of their words even in the photos of their kvitlach.

"A good life of Torah and yiras shamayim and zikkui

harabbim," reads one. "Siyatta dishmaya in doing the will of Hashem," reads another, and just a simple "siyatta

dishmaya," reads a third. The Gedolei Hador, the giants of our generation, send their personal requests so that the messengers of Kupat Ha'ir will pray for them at Kever Rochel.

And the messengers do indeed pray, fervently and passionately and with a deep sense of mission. They recite the seder hatefillah determined by Maran Hagaon Harav Edelstien shlit"a, and then slowly and deliberately pray on behalf of each and every person on their list.

People usually don't think to call the members of the minyan and inform them of the good tidings when they merit a yeshuah, but the mispalelim notice these things on their own. One year, the couple Yisaschar ben Leah and Dina bas Sarah requested that the minyan pray for them to be blessed with children, and the following year, their request was that their son grow up to be a talmid chacham. Baruch Hashem! One year, the minyan prayed that Yosef ben

Rochel find his true zivug very soon; the following year, he was asking to be blessed with a child! One year, Moshe ben Yocheved and his wife, Tzipora bas Esther requested that their older single children find their zivugim. The following year, the oldest child's name was missing from the list, appearing instead in a separate box along with

the name of his wife. The accompanying request? That

the impending birth of their first child be quick and easy.

When you daven with deep concern for the people you

are representing in your tefillos, when you become one

with the names and accompanying requests – how can

you forget? What difference does it make which person

bears which name? All that matters is that a fellow Jew

is in pain or distress, that he needs a yeshuah, and that the

messenger can do something to help.

Among the names on the list are those of the Gedolim

as well, and the messengers pray for them with great

emotion as well.

If the Gedolei Hador need Kupat Ha'ir's tefillos at Kever

Rochel, how much more so do we! If they have enough

time and strength and ability to personally fill out these

kvitlach in their own hand – so can we. So should we. We

dare not lose out. This is a once-a-year opportunity. Our

kvitlach are precious and important in Hashem's eyes.

Not only the Gedolim's kvitlach come before Him; He sees

every single one.

And all these kvitlach, along with our tefillos and

our contributions, come before Mamme Rochel.

Together, these tefillos will soar heavenward, sail

through the gates of Heaven and reach the Kisei

Hakavod. May it be Hashem's will that we merit the

fulfilment of the promise: There is a reward for

your efforts…

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I have contributed _____________ to be distributed to the poor and needy, the sick and brokenhearted, and please mention my name in prayer to Rochel Imeinu and

ask her to intercede on my behalf before the Ribono shel Olam.

To th

e Mes

sengers of Kupat Ha'ir at Kever Rochel

Montreal: Rabbi Y. C. Wenger Shlita, 2227 Goyer Avenue, Montreal Quebec H3S 1H1

Toronto: Rabbi M. M. Lowy Shlita, 240 Carmichael, Toronto Ontario M5M 2x4 Please make checks payable to: Canadian Friends of Kupat Ha׳ir

In Canada: Send your donation to:

How do I donate to Kupat Hair?

By mail: Kupat Hair 4415 14th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219

By contributing to rabbanim accepting contributions on our behalf:

Via Email: Send your credit card or bank info to: [email protected]

Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein Shlit"a

1608 46th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11204

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlit"a

1336 East 21st Street

Brooklyn, New York York 11210

Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Shlit"a

568 Kensington Place

Cedarhurst, N.Y. 11516

Rabbi Chaim Schabes Shlit"a

7 Barrie Drive

Spring Valley NY 10977

Rabbi Aron Schechter Shlit"a

1248 East 12th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11230

Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Shlit"a

521 5th Street

Lakewood, New Jersey 08701

Home of Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum Ztl

1795 East 7th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11223

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlit"a

1574 43rd Street

Brooklyn, New York 11219

Rabbi Don Blumberg Shlit"a

4 Yale Drive

Monsey, NewYork 10952

Rabbi Ephraim E. Shapiro Shlit"a

971 NE 172nd Street

North Miami Beach FL. 33162

1-888-KUPATHAIR5 8 7 2 8 4 2

Online at:

Donate and submit names at our Donation Center 4714 13th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219

Via credit card or check by phone 24 hours a day at:

For all information or to receive a pushka call 1-800-233-2188 Our office number in Israel: 03-671-6994



Please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir


Name: Request: Name: Request: Name: Request: Name: Request:

On the day of the yahrtzeit 11 Cheshvan By

a minyan of outstanding

Torah scholars

With a minimum donation of $36 per name

For 40 consecutive


By a minyan of outstanding

Torah scholars

With a minimum donation of $180 per name

Throughout the Year

Every Single Day Beginning on 11 Cheshvan 5772 through 11 Cheshvan 5773

With a minimum donation of $360 per name

Deadline Monday night 10 Cheshvan - November 7 at 12 AM