kevin galasinao's synopsis' of my stories

FILIPINO STORIES The story is Filipino themed. It includes characters like Tarsier, Carabao, Filipino eagle, Filipino people, creatures in Filipino mythology like tikbalangs aswangs, mermaids, and the mighty and powerful Filipino Gods and Goddesses. Read about their stories. The themes involved are war, poverty, Filipino nationalism, Philippines has a neo colony, and etc. COWBORG Cowborg is an angry misanthropic alien cowboy. He is a hybrid of many different types of lifeforms throughout the Universe like Greys, robots, and humans. He is aided by good aliens and equipped with weapons like his revolvers to fight against evil

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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FILIPINO STORIESThe story is Filipino themed. It includes characters like Tarsier, Carabao, Filipino eagle, Filipino people, creatures in Filipino mythology like tikbalangs aswangs, mermaids, and the mighty and powerful Filipino Gods and Goddesses. Read about their stories. The themes involved are war, poverty, Filipino nationalism, Philippines has a neo colony, and etc.

COWBORGCowborg is an angry misanthropic alien cowboy. He is a hybrid of many different types of lifeforms throughout the Universe like Greys, robots, and humans. He is aided by good aliens and equipped with weapons like his revolvers to fight against evil lifeforms like the evil Annunaki/Reptilians. With so much killing, crime, and other evil he encounters, he has gained a Cowborg loved the animals.

He liked riding different kinds of animals.


THE NEW FEATHERED DINOSAURSBirds are actually descendants of dinosaurs. Brainwashed Christians don’t want to believe this. But it’s true. Birds evolved to become dinosairs. The humans desired to bring back the dinosaurs. But cloning was not an option for dinosaur DNA did not last long. But they could bring back the reptiles through genetic engineering. So theyh did! They turned a chicken into dinosaur. Then they turned different types of birds into dinosuars.

The humans decided to let the new dinosaurs live in the wild. That was when it all went wrong. The humans now had to face the concequences of living with dangerous reptiles. The reptiles once ruled the world. Now they were reclaiming the world from the humans that inherited it..

Humans wanted wild chickensaraus.

So they turned endangered prairie chickens into dinosaurs. They were released into the Great Plains.

Survivor FLORES


Agenda 21 has taken place. Humans can no longer live in rural areas, among nature. It is off limits under the guise of protecting nature. Half of the world has become a nature filled place with animals and plants. Including animals brought back into extinction. But humans can no longer experience this wonderful nature.

Humans are sent to live in settlement zones. It is too crowded. There is a huge fear that most of the humans there are going to be exterminated so the ruling elite has more control of the human race. The powerful wants the humans to rely on them for basic necessities instead being self reliant by using nature.

With fear rampant, the elite sees entertainment has a useful distraction. The last hottest show is Survivor Flores. The Survivor series involves taking humans from the urban areas and placing the humans in the wild where they compete against each other. Some of these contestants are the attractive blonde Kayla; the sexy man which, Alex. Losers get kicked off and get sent back to the settlement zones. The winners stay on to compete on live TV; the ultimante winner gets a LOT of money. Now the current location is the island of Flores. The constentants are all eager to win the money and be famous. Plus, they want adventure. The show is an opportunity for them to go out from the zones and into nature. As they compete for money and to entertain their sick dystopian society, the humans learn of a race of hominids the once lived in Flores, the Hobbits. It gets even more frightening for them, when they encounter Hobbits that still live in the island.


Yellowstone National Park. A nature reserve of wildlife, forests, and geysers. The problem. Too No wolves.There were killed off because the humans killed them off. Without the wolves, there’s too much elk eating the plants. The wolves amust return. The humans have realized how benefical they are to nature.

A Canadian wolf finds himself captured. Afraid of his fate, he finds himself in Yellowstone National Park. He now must learn to survive in this new land despite the many dangers he faces and with other wolves, restore the balance by taking on the many elk.


The world has gone to shit. A nuclear war has brought the Earth into post apocaltyptic wasteland. There are mutant animals, most notably Loch Ness monsters. Scotland is affected. The region is longer part of Britain. It is in a state where different clans of Highlanders control territory. Two of these clans are powerful, the Red Clan and the White Clan. Now, a war is brewing between the clans, one where the ultimate goal is to, rule all of Scotland.



Destiny knew of a great battle that was to take place, one between Dracula and the Devil. Dracula was once an agent of the Devil. He served the Prince of Darkness. But now, Dracula wants to be the most evil powerful being in creation. The only way is to take on Satan himself. Satan accepts this challenge. This feud turns into a war between vampires and demons. Who will win this feud?


Humans fear sharks. But it is humans themselves that are a bigger threat to sharks. They kill them every year like for shark fin soup. The killing continues and pisses monsters off. These monsters are sharks as well. But they can move on land. They appear to be a hybrid of ugly goblin sharks and humans. They look like actual goblins. Where did these sharks come from? Who knows. Now, the goblins are killing and eating humans to avenge shark kind. What will humans do when the goblins attack?


There are hybrids everywhere! They are a mix of invasive gypsy moth caterpillars and humans. They are eating all the plants and crapping everywhere. These giant bug people are scaring all the humans.As the caterpillars consume to become mth people, tensions between the carterpillar and the humans rise. Violence, mayhem, death everywhere. Who will win this war?

HUNTING SEWER GATORSThe sewers are a disrty place. But thanks to them, humans have acess to water. But now, the sewers hold dangerous beasts, sewer gators. These American alligators have expanded to the north because of climate chaos making everything warm, suitable climate for giant reptiles. These gators have ended up in people’s sewers.

One man by the name of former dentist Dereck Jones just loves hunting and killer animals. It gives him a thrill. Even if he is a very controversial figure. He gets hatemail and deaththreats for killing beloved animals like lions and bears. But he doesn’t give a shit what some animal lovers think. He’s has a lot of money and he’s famous!

But now these gators are quite a problem. The world has not enough problems as it is like a failing economy, end of cheap oil, mafia, perpetual wars, and etc. So Dereck Jones and some others decide to hunt these gaators for the thrill of it and to be heroes.

One of his companions is sexy young rich female teenager, Kendall Palmer.


But as these hunters kill gators, they realize how wild the sewer has become. There’s more than just one species of crocodilian. Not just gators but other types of crocodilians. Plus, there’s radiation down there thus causing all sewer lifeforms and plants to evolve. How will these hunters cope with a radioactive sewer holding dangerous gators? Are they ready for his biggest hunting trip? It’s not in pristine wild far away from civilization, where they’ll be going their hunting, it’s in human civilization itself.

REWILDINGLong ago, there used to be many kinds of mammals in North America like American cheeatah, mammoths, and glypodonts. Alas, these beasts were eradicated by humans for food. The world currently faces the Sixth Mass Extinction which is created once again, by humans. Humans kill the natural environment through logging and oil drilling for resources like food and oil.

Therefore, a group of humans decided to bring animals who can fill the ecological roles of the extinct mammals. Asian elephant acting like mammoths, for example, so that they can help the environment. This is called Pleistocene Rewilding.

Different kinds of animals like tigers, lions, camels, elephants, rhinos are ready to reclaim North America. Humans are for and against the very idea of Pleistocence FRewilding for many reasons like nbeing killed by dangerous animals and helping the environment and saving the megafauna.

A tiger is ready to be released into North America. He ends up gaining a friend, a skunk. The story follows the adventure of this tiger has he learns to cope in this new world while facing the concequences, pros and cons of Pleistocene Rewilding.

SPECI;ATIVE EVOLUTIONHumans are bad. They do all sorts of evil like killing, raping, gossiping. This view is held by amyn misanthropes including Ling Lee. She loves animals instead of people. Instead of following a Rebecca, Eucy, or Timothy. She cares about species like the townsend mole, spring and hoatzin bird.


But she is very sad and angry to be stuck living in a city full of humans. She envounters and learning of so many bad humans in her city. She longs for escape. But like other humans, her parents need their city jobs to survive. Why must humans be the only species to pay to live on Earth. She believes the Illuminati is in power and using humans as domesated pets to make themselves powerful.

She only has the urban wildlife to look at like rats and pigeons. But it’s dangerous going outside with criminals and rapists prowling about.

But suddenly, she has the opportunity to escape. While walking, she ends up in a world with no humans at all! Instead, it is a world where animals have inherited it and evolved to live in it. She becomes the only human. It’s as if she gets to be Tarzan of the entire world!

Thrilled with a post human world, she decided to live in it and explore it. Thrilled with watching fascinating beasts, she ends up realizes that even being among the different animals can be dangerous. Even without the humans, life is still one dangerous game.

SMOKING CIGARETTESMark Colengalo is a bad teacher from the city of Toronto. He’s just teaching art for the money. In the capitliast society that is not regulated, the people have become greedy for money, people are mean to each ther in jobs, and it is hard to find a job. He doesn’t really care for his students especially when they fail; he can make them fail on purpose. He just wants their money. He has favourites, especially the hot female students he wants to shove his dick on. Only those few favurites of the greedy mean college orofessors will get diplomas. Frustrated that he’s very fat, isn’t famous, not a good artist, and not making a lot of money, he smokes cigarettes illegaly. It relieves him of tension.


Illegally. Tobacco is outlawed like other drugs. People got sick of cigarettes injuring and killing people so governments banned them. Tobacco corporations have come to an end. But with tobacco banned, criminals have decided to produce and sell tobacco in order to make money. The War on Tobacco is on.

Even if countries trample on the rights of the people in order to catch illegal tobacco.

But there is more to Mark than just being an art teacher. He likes the fact that tobacco is being still sold and the money made from it. These criminals make a lot of money. Therefore, he is part of a tobacco selling gang. The college job is a low paying part time job.

Being part of this gang means encountering Toronto’s criminal underworld that sells tobacco. Selling tobacco illegaly means murder, crime, greed, the rise of the police state, and what happens to humans when they go on the wrong path.


Skeeter Joe loves human females a lot. But the problem is that he is just too unattractive and fat for a woman. No chicks dig this 16 year old. He is considered a loser. Plus, he’s a virgin. So he just masturbates too women; he even pictures himself getting revenge on them by raping them in his fantasies.

He continues on his solitary path of masturbation until he finds a card. He realizes that this card is a like a library card. Instead of taking out books, he can take out women. He can make women do sexual acts with him by using the card like missionary position and dirty sanchez. This ability is actually rape.

The card belonged to the King of West Dreams. He is a creature that looks like a mix between a sexy human and a fish. He put it in the human world to see who would pick it up and use it. He wanted entertainment. He calls the card, the Card of Lust.

Skeeter goes on a mission to rape every attractive human female on Earth with the card.

But as the rapes continue to rise, he is noticed. It’s up to the good people to stop him from raping women.

Beariett Tubman

Synopsos: This story is based on Harriet Tubman’s experience with slavery. But instead of humans, the characters are bears!


Beariett Tubman lives in a horrible world. In the southern states of Bearica, evil polar bears have turned black bears into slaves. They are no longer hunter gatherers who respect the land. They work in the plantations. With the desire to free her fellow black bears, she leads him to freedom by helping them escape to Canada. She is part of the Underground railroad. Unfortunately, her good actions make her a target. Slave owners want her dead so they send bounty hunters to capture her and her slaves.