keynotes - transcription...medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to...

Where Do Your Reports Go? By Karyn Binter Do you ever stop to consider what REALLY happens to that report after you hit the save button? Who is it that may be looking at the report you just transcribed or edited? This was a topic of discussion that I listened to when I sat in on a meeting earlier this year for the AHDI Florida Chapter. An attorney was brought in as a guest speaker to discuss this topic, and it is something that I often think about, both before and since. These reports are not just filed away and forgotten. They are poured over, chopped up and analyzed by any number of professionals after it leaves your computer screen. Of course there are the obvious places that the report will go. It will be reviewed by other doctors in the facility or by a referring physician to help decide on a course of treatment. It will be reviewed by various doctors, nurses and assistants who are helping with that patient’s care. A patient may receive medication or surgery based on what is in that report. Let’s not, of course, forget the insurance companies. The report probably needs to go through the coding department. Those coders need an accurate report to be able to code it correctly for the insurance companies, and the report may be reviewed by insurance adjusters. The patients themselves or their families may get copies of the reports. Sometimes cases end up in risk management or legal departments with every chart and report being picked through and reviewed word by word. The patient may possibly be involved in a lawsuit. If that is the case, the report you just transcribed might end up being reviewed by attorneys, expert witnesses, paralegals, judges and juries. How embarrassing to think that a whole courtroom full of people might be looking at your little typo! Hospitals also participate in medical research projects, and report data is used for data mining, clinical trials and research projects. How many reports do you transcribe every year that have your name attached to the audit trail? Scary stuff if you really think about it. However, you are all skilled professionals in your industry, and the work you produce is something you should be proud of. Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate and complete before it continues on its journey. So, please stop and remember that the report you are transcribing is pertinent and important medical information that is helping someone’s child, parent, spouse, sibling or friend. It is never just “a report” or mere words on paper. It directly represents a very real patient and their medical care. KeyNotes From Keystrokes EXCLUSIVE NEWS From the Corner Office November 2010 MT Spotlights Q&A’s Birthdays Anniversaries MT Humor Horoscopes Recipes Reminders In This Issue Happy Thanksgiving!

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Page 1: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate

Where Do Your Reports Go?

By Karyn Binter Do you ever stop to consider what REALLY happens to that report after you hit the save button? Who is it that may be looking at the report you just transcribed or edited? This was a topic of discussion that I listened to when I sat in on a meeting earlier this year for the AHDI Florida Chapter. An attorney was brought in as a guest speaker to discuss this topic, and it is something that I often think about, both before and since. These reports are not just filed away and forgotten. They are poured over, chopped up and analyzed by any number of professionals after it leaves your computer screen. Of course there are the obvious places that the report will go. It will be reviewed by other doctors in the facility or by a referring physician to help decide on a course of treatment. It will be reviewed by various doctors, nurses and assistants who are helping with that patient’s care. A patient may receive medication or surgery based on what is in that report. Let’s not, of course, forget the insurance companies. The report probably needs to go through the coding department. Those coders need an accurate report to be able to code it correctly for the insurance companies, and the report may be reviewed by insurance adjusters. The patients themselves or their families may get copies of the reports. Sometimes cases end up in risk management or legal departments with every chart and report being picked through and reviewed word by word. The patient may possibly be involved in a lawsuit. If that is the case, the report you just transcribed might end up being reviewed by attorneys, expert witnesses, paralegals, judges and juries. How embarrassing to think that a whole courtroom full of people might be looking at your little typo! Hospitals also participate in medical research projects, and report data is used for data mining, clinical trials and research projects. How many reports do you transcribe every year that have your name attached to the audit trail? Scary stuff if you really think about it. However, you are all skilled professionals in your industry, and the work you produce is something you should be proud of. Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate and complete before it continues on its journey. So, please stop and remember that the report you are transcribing is pertinent and important medical information that is helping someone’s child, parent, spouse, sibling or friend. It is never just “a report” or mere words on paper. It directly represents a very real patient and their medical care.

KeyNotes From Keystrokes


From the Corner Office

November 2010

MT Spotlights Q&A’s Birthdays Anniversaries

MT Humor Horoscopes Recipes Reminders

In T




Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 2: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Q & A With Keystrokes

Lee Tkachuk, CEO What book are you currently reading or would you recommend? I am re-reading Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer.

What movie are you looking forward to seeing this month? I want to see Toy Story 3 – with Jeffrey leaving for college this fall, I was too emotional to see it at the theatres but I think (I hope) I’m ready to see it now!

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? I love turkey but my favorite is actually the day after … leftover turkey and a lot of gravy over white bread – pure comfort foods!

What is your pet peeve? The word “anyways” throws me over the edge.

What are you thankful for? Too much to list – my son, my husband, extended family, health, friends, Keystrokes, employees, clean warm clothes, change of seasons, sunshine, food on the table, and having a job that I love. I forgot to mention shoes. I am thankful that we have purses and shoes; they never make you look fat and if you choose the wrong one, you can return it or replace it pretty easily.

John Paull, Staff Accountant

Where will you be spending your Thanksgiving? In Georgia. (With a lady friend) What is your favorite movie of all time? The Believer. What are your favorite sport teams? The Chicago Bears, The Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Blackhawks. What is your pet peeve? People who complain about everything. What is your best attribute? Ladies man.

Page 3: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Crystal Vine- Cedar Rapids, IA Well I guess first off I owe my mother a huge thank you for convincing me to take a typing class when I was a freshman in High School. Yes. Typing, not keyboarding as it is now….. and so with that….eventually after trodding my way through life, I eventually ended up at a local hospital as a file clerk in Radiology. After a year or so of that monotony, I moved up to a secretary, at which point as luck would have it, or a cold winter in Iowa not sure, a gal took maternity leave and I gave transcription a whirl. I figured after seeing what one gal typed- OVULATION FRACTURE… and A PICKLE, (I kid you not) that I could do this. Turns out I loved it and was able to stick with it. That was back in 1994. I did transfer to another local hospital in Cedar Rapids and as many of you can sympathize with voice recognition took our jobs away. However the local Radiology Group asked if I would edit from home. With some trepidation, I replied Heck YES! From home, really? I had no clue how that would work. I eventually became bored with only 32 hours so looked for work alongside that job. I started at another company to remain nameless. I was less than satisfied with their management and many other things. A friend recommended Keystrokes and from October 2008 on I have been employed and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE working for Keystrokes and from home. Needless to say I am no longer bored! I am on the Hackensack account and also Pitt County. I have learned more than I ever thought I would and continue to do so every day. I have met so many wonderful, smart, helpful people along this journey at Keystrokes, more than I could have ever imagined. Case in point, Hackensack, I met Amy Frahm, my lead, and then met her in person. What a riot. Finally someone who worked “close to me”. We have got to be twins from different mothers! We had so much fun meeting and then going to Illinois to meet another co-worker. Tracy Glasgo. It’s nice to put names with faces and personalities as well. Now just a little about me personally. I recently moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa after living in Center Point (very small town) for nearly all of my life. Big change. I live with my boyfriend Scott, (wonderful man) after two divorces (yah two) I can truly say I am blessed with his love. I have two daughters (twins) that will be 21 this month. Jenny and Jessie. Scott has two children as well, Michael (22) and Megan (19). Thank God we didn’t meet when they were all young, can you imagine? It would be like quads…. YIKES. I have a dog I love dearly Nelly, and a grand puppy, which suits me just fine as of now. Scott had two cats that I’m becoming attached to as well. I my spare time (hah) I like to scrapbook, mess around with gardening (flowers), going to the Friday night stock car races with Scott, and pretty much anything outdoors, which is much needed after sitting on the ole butt for a full day. I would like to thank everyone that I’ve met along the way for all your help and kind words. Gals at the office this includes you as well! What patience you all must have for the number of emails, calls, etc that you get each day. (Laura G. you especially).

Crystal Vine

Crystal & Husband Scott Crystal and daughters Jenny & Jessie Crystal at work

MT Spotlight Written and Submitted by Crystal Vine

Page 4: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Most likely due to the relentless, impulsive and mind-staggering volume of emails I send to Colleen Sullivan every time I have an idea or come across something funny, I strongly suspect Colleen has asked me to be featured in MT Spotlight, perhaps to pacify me for a while and get me out of her hair. At any rate, my wild and crazy adventure with Keystrokes began May 10, 2010, the GO-LIVE day for a new account, Hackensack, NJ. Being a brand-spankin’ new Keystrokes employee, I simply wanted to “get my feet wet”, “test the waters”, and work just a few hours each afternoon. Sounds good, doesn’t it? That never happened. I mean the few hours each afternoon idea. Nope. Laura asked if I would be willing to stay on full time for a week or two until we became acclimated with this new account. And here I am, Senora DIVA MT for Hackensack. Having just turned 54 years young, I have not decided as of yet what I want to be when I grow up. But until I do, I am a transcriptionist, specializing in Radiology. I learned radiology transcription in the early 80s, before (GASP) computers. We wore the nice crisp white uniforms, scheduled appointments, copied x-rays on a Picker Duplication/Subtraction Unit, hung films, took down films, and my personal favorite: handing out colon prep kits and explaining the procedure to the poor unfortunate souls scheduled for a barium enema. As the hospital was based in a university town, there were many students and professors who didn’t quite understand our English. I never will forget one co-worker simply turning up the decibel level of her instructions, pointing to her derriere with regards to the suppository. She never did quite understand that yelling didn’t improve the language barrier. But I learned on an IBM Selectric typewriter with green triple carbon reports and the radiologists signed them. Then, within a year, we were given two state-of-the-art items: an Olympia SuperType that showed an entire sentence before it printed out, AND HOLD ONTO YOUR HAT ETHEL, rubber stamps with the radiologists’ name!! Much like the proverbial small fish that gets thrown back into the pond, I seem to have “resurfaced” in the radiology transcription field throughout the years – but I LOVE it. There isn’t another work type I would rather do. And working from home has surprised me – I thought I would be lonely or bored. Hardly! Some days when I seriously RUN to go take a shower, type all day in the clothes I slept in the night before, or eat yet another meal at my keyboard – I think of working in an office, having to get dressed up, hearing those ringing phones and/or deal with John Q. Public. Ummm, no thanks! But without the support of my husband, Steve, who is the Supreme Master of Keystrokes Excel Spreadsheet (love him or hate him), I doubt I would be as successful in earning a living. He eats many a leftover and never complains. We are blessed with three adult children, the youngest a sophomore at Iowa State, and two grandchildren, Mena age 6 and Parker age 5. We are your “blended family”, you know – second marriages for each of us, kids, stepkids, step grandkids, you name it. It occurred to me one day not so long ago as I was running up the basement stairs with a grandkid on one hip and my stepdaughter in college running down the stairs on the other side….would we ever be done with kids? But during that same lightning-quick muse, I not only counted my lucky stars but thanked my heavenly Father to be surrounded by all of them. I consider Keystrokes a class act. My previous job was eliminated due to outsourcing to…guess who? Keystrokes. And who would have known, on that very drab, cold, dreary and scary day in November when I learned I would not have a job, that I would consider it such a blessing now? And the funny thing is, the major reason I started working in that radiology department all those years ago was because my job as switchboard operator was absorbed by budget cuts. Who knew?

Amy Frahm Continued on next page

MT Spotlight Written and Submitted by Amy Frahm

Page 5: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Amy & Husband Steve Grandchildren Parker & Mena

Over the course of the past couple of months, Amy has shared many stories and pictures with me. She has kept me quite entertained. With her permission of course, I have shared a few of them here with you. I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did.

~Colleen S.

Crystal is on the far right in the picture on the right. It is not something she shares with everyone, as events surrounding this picture still bring up painful memories. You see, this is the life she had before working for Keystrokes. She was shy, unassuming and never went outside without her bonnet. The religious sect she was raised in mandated women's heads be covered at all times, especially out in public. The two girls with her are simply 2 of her 15 siblings, some are sisters from different misters, some are brothers from different mothers....but I digress..... It wasn't until she was exposed to the Internet that Crystal discovered a whole new friends, new web sites, new job!!!! Well, they are still talking about her fleeing back where she came from. I have even heard it from one of my best sources that this very picture was on some milk cartons, although I can't say that with 100% certainty. So, please, be gentle....she is still trying out her wings, my Keystrokes BFF....

This is what happened when three of Keystrokes' professional and polished MTs met in person for the first time. It could happen to you.

Amy, Crystal & Tracy Hackensack Account

Another Side of Crystal By Amy Frahm

Click on the link below to view Amy’s ever so creative idea of a Halloween potluck with some of the Hackensack MTs. ..\Desktop\Keystrokes MT Halloween Luncheon.pptx

Page 6: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


MT Humor

Dictator guidelines:

Adherence to these guidelines will assure the highest quality transcribed reports in the shortest amount of time. At the beginning of each dictation, take as deep a breath as you possibly can. Now, try to dictate the entire report before you have to inhale again. When dictating a particularly difficult word or phrase, please turn your head and speak directly into your armpit. We charge per character, including periods. An effective way to cut your cost is to dictate your entire report as one sentence. It is not necessary to repeat the same sentence multiple times in the same dictation. If you have to sneeze or cough suddenly, please remove your head from your armpit and sneeze or cough directly into the microphone. If you must eat while you dictate, please stay away from foods such as marshmallows, bananas, and pudding. Apples, pretzels, and celery are much better choices. Please don't stop dictating when you yawn. It throws off our rhythm. If the patient's name is Alan Ratzlaffenhasenphepherzinsky, please have the courtesy to spell "Alan"--there are several possible spellings, you know. For the last name, simply state "the usual spelling." It is not necessary to repeat the same sentence multiple times in the same dictation. Please note--the phrase "well-developed, well-nourished white female" is only three syllables. Cardiologists, it is not necessary to dictate at the rate of your patient's atrial fibrillation. Do not stop dictating in the event of minor background noise such as an office party, the janitor's vacuum cleaner, a screaming infant, etc. Again, it throws off our rhythm. Be sure to place the emPHAsis on the CORrect syLLABLE, especially if enGLISH is your SECond lanGUAGE. It is not necessary to repeat the same sentence multiple times in the same dictation. Talk as fast as you can. Fair is fair; after all, we type as fast as we possibly can. Please speak quietly as you can.....we want to be able to hear what is going on around you. If you need to pause for 5 or 10 minutes between words or phrases, pounding the receiver on the desk or repeatedly saying, "still dictating....still dictating....still dictating....still dictating" reminds us indeed, you are still dictating. Just because you need to use the restroom is no reason to stop dictating. Time is money! Don't dictate so loudly that you disrupt your fellow physicians' football game in the doctors' lounge. In fact, you really should whisper all of your dictation, since the information is confidential. Similarly, if you are going to watch TV while dictating at home, please watch a war movie with lots of bombing, and be sure to have the volume high enough so everybody in your living room can hear above your talking. If you need to correct yourself--sorry, correct an error, please do not rewind the tape--sorry, do not back up and record over the error--sorry, wait, the mistake--just continue with the sentence--wait--go back--with the paragraph and fix the error--er, the mistake. Please go back and delete that last guideline. When dictating on your cell phone from your car, be sure to go through as many tunnels as possible. This will ensure confidentiality of the information. You (y-o-u) do not need (n-e-e-d) to spell (s-p-e-l-l) obvious words (w-o-r-d-s) for us (u-s). It is our job (j-o-b) to know (k-n-o-w) how to (t-o) spell words that (t-h-a-t) we learned in third (t-h-i-r-d) grade (g-r-a-d-e). One last thing, it is not necessary to repeat the same sentence multiple times in the same dictation.

Page 7: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Dawn R. Danville, IN Kathy L. Anniston, AL Cheryl R. Maroa, IL Patrica R. LaCygne, KS Barbara B. Kalispell, MT Marie V. Fargo, ND Janie H. Silver City, NM Nancy E. Buford, GA Diana C. Jupiter, FL Don D. Glenn Dale, MD Janice R. Lake Mary, FL Patsy G. Lowell, IN Cynthia G. Spring Lake, MI Mary K. Streamwood, IL September L. Palm Coast, FL Donna K. Streamwood, IL Karen Z. Naperville, IL Christine E. Cedar Springs, MI

Information For New Employees



MT Toolbox

Below are a couple helpful links for Medical Transcription word help.

MT Word Help

Help Desk Ticketing System

1. Go to

2. Login with your email and password.

3. Click on new ticket.

4. Select the type of ticket you are opening.

5. Every ticket will need a contact number. Please make sure that you can be reached at the number you input.

6. In the description part of the ticket please be as detailed as possible. Do not enter “help I cannot connect.” If you are getting an error, please include the error. Screen shots are not allowed but you can attach a document to the ticket. If you need to attach a screen shot save it in Word and attach it to the ticket.

7. To attach a file to the ticket, click the link in the lower left hand corner labeled “Attach File.” Click browse and navigate to where your attachment or screen shot document is. Select the document to attach. Click the create ticket button.

How to Make Changes to Your Personal Information With the click of a button, you can access Keystrokes’ Human Resources Forms. New employees can print the required forms right from our website, complete them and fax or email them back to us. Whenever there is a change of address or any change to your email or phone number, we need to update your record. Forms online are as convenient as logging onto and navigate to Employment, then Employee Login, which will open the main employee page. From here you will select General Keystrokes Forms. Select the form you need. The USER NAME and PASSWORD can be found in the email you receive with your paystub. For further assistance, contact Vicki Stokes @ [email protected] or 630-385-7534.

Page 8: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Katie A. Yorkville, IL 11/01 Tammie M. Grass Valley, CA 11/02 Crystal V. Center Point, IA 11/02 Taresa C. Saint David, AZ 11/04 Alice L. Milwaukee, WI 11/04 Georgianne G. Boynton Beach, FL 11/05 Laura M. St. Charles, MO 11/06 Wanda C. Surprise, AZ 11/08 Wendy S. Reno, NV 11/09 Marie V. Fargo, ND 11/09 Diana F. Minooka, IL 11/12 Jennie M. Cary, IL 11/12 Carol H. Sparks, NV 11/13 Laura F. Saint Joseph, MI 11/14 Karyn B. Batavia, IL 11/15 Christine N. Miramar, FL 11/15 Lori S. Fort Worth, TX 11/18 Nancy E. Buford, GA 11/19 Joy H. Two Rivers, WI 11/20 Sharron O. Batavia, IL 11/20 Kim M. Williamsport, PA 11/21 Dale M. Lockport, NY 11/21 Donna H. Dover, DE 11/22 Diane B. York, SC 11/22 Marilyn S. Panama, IL 11/22 Janie O. Pottsville, PA 11/23 Carol C. Milan, IL 11/25 Gisele T. San Antonio, TX 11/25 Pam D. Kent, WA 11/25 Cindy C. Columbia, SC 11/25 Sandi A. Magnolia, TX 11/30 Cheryl R. Maroa, IL 11/30 Mary D. Clinton, IA 11/30 Vickie A. Cameron, OK 11/30

Jackie B. Florence, SC 4 years Carrie B. Prince Frederick, MD 3 years Karen F. Palm Beach, FL 5 years Terri L. Sugar Grove, IL 8 years Lisa L. Enhaut, PA 4 years Sherry M. Portsmouth, VA 3 years Kim M. Williamsport, PA 3 years Sandy P. Waxhaw, NC 4 years Jacqui S. Mokena, IL 3 years Cheryl S. New Lenox, IL 8 years Wendy S. Hickory, NC 4 years Sue S. Downers Grove, IL 4 years Sherrie G. Ingram, TX 2 years Kristy B. Thomasville, NC 2 years Debbie H. Cincinnatti, OH 2 years Carol R. Ocean Shores, WA 2 years Mindy F. Spring Hill, FL 2 years Cindy S. Dandridge, TN 2 years Colleen M. California, MO 2 years Millie P. Mountain Grove, MO 1 year Jennifer B. Monroe, WI 1 year Frankie T. Iowa City, IA 1 year Windi H. Pueblo West, CO 1 year Lori B. Syracuse, NY 1 year Lynne K. Aptos, CA 1 year Diane F. Moyock, NC 1 year __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Happy Birthday!

Happy Keystrokes Anniversary!

Page 9: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate



Stedmans has extended its promotional offer of a 25% discount for employees that wish to purchase any books from Stedmans. Please visit and enter the new promo code ENLTA12 to receive your discount. This offer is valid from 07/01/10 and will run through 12/31/2010. Orders can be placed through Customer Service at 800-638-3030. Be sure to mention the promo code for the discount. Keystrokes is offering a referral incentive. For each FT hire, Keystrokes will award a $100 gift card. For each PT hire, Keystrokes will provide a $50.00 gift card. Gift cards will be sent after the new hire has been employed with Keystrokes for 90 days. There are many gift cards to choose from such as: Borders, Macy’s, Walgreens, Chili’s and AMC Movie Theaters. This incentive started 11/01/09 and will run through 12/31/10. Be sure to let me know of any referrals so that I can keep track of the new hire’s start date and send your gift card when the new hire reaches their 90th day of employment. Please send referral to [email protected]


We are always looking for new ideas and content for the newsletter. If you would like to submit a recipe, contest idea, MT Blooper, article or be featured as one of our MT Spotlights, please send it in today to [email protected]

Vacation Photo Contest And the winner is......................

Sandy B. from Brinkhaven, OH Whale watching excursion, Victoria, BC

Sandy will receive a $25.00 gift card to Congratulations!

October Riddle Answer & Winners

What common English word has 3 sets of double letters all in a row?

answer: bookkeeper

Winners: Kim W. Anderson, IN

Janine P. Gurnee, IL Pam H. Fredericktown, OH

Each winner will receive a $10.00 e-gift certificate to Bath & Body Works

November Riddle

What is the longest word in the English alphabet that requires only the left hand to type it?

Email your answer to [email protected]

3 winners will randomly be selected from all eligible entries received

and will receive a $10.00 e-gift certificate to Bath & Body Works.

Page 10: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


November Horoscopes SCORPIO OCT 23 - NOV 22 Insecurities lose their power now. Bring it on! You cannot be surprised or intimidated in this cycle. On the Full Moon, Sagittarian Mars as it conjoins both Pallas Athena and Mercury; is in square to Jupiter in Pisces and Pluto lines up even more closely with the Dragon! Right may equal might but choose your battles with care. You could create a snowball effect with very little effort. Creativity is abundant! Choose wide open spaces and investors with vision! SAGITTARIUS NOV 22 - DEC 21 You will be the life of the party and others will see a side of you that they have not seen for awhile! It will be great fun! Mixing work and pleasure can be a little tricky. Be sure you know who you are talking to! CAPRICORN DEC 21 - JAN 20 Do not hesitate to state your case and let everyone know your truth. In this cycle you will look at clubs, groups, associations and associates with great clarity. If you can work with policy and create a better space it is time to step in. If this is not possible, bow out! Thank me later! AQUARIUS JAN 20 - FEB 19 This is an excellent time to generate ingenious philosophy. Amazing revelations can come in a flash! It is also a good time to refurbish antiquities and preserve those people and items in your life that bring to mind happy memories. On the Full Moon, your ruler is trine to the Sun in Scorpio, sextile to the Moon in Taurus and is part of a Yod formation with Venus in Libra! You may have always felt you should be loved for exactly who you are – and now you realize it is truly so. Friendship and family gatherings can fill you will glee! Enjoy! PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 20 This lunation expresses the opportunity to look beyond grudges of the past and embrace forgiveness on the soul level. This is regarding others as well as self. Take the opportunity to reflect and be well! On the Full Moon, you ruler is now direct and still conjoined to Chiron. In this chart, this conjunction is in a T-square with the Lights as it forms a double trine to Venus, now direct in late Libra. Be at peace with love – its ups and downs – joys and pains. It is simply what it is – LOVE. ARIES MAR 20 - APR 20 You may feel much braver about approaching travel and socialization at this time. Insecurities of the past dim now. You can really get fired up! On the Full Moon, your ruler is still in Sagittarius and forming a square to Juno in Virgo. Expect mates, friends and allies to discourage you from taking unnecessary risks – particularly in contract or business. Try to remember that their intentions are pure! If you travel in business or are planning on doing so for the holidays, be sure to make it an adventure! Laughter and being pleased by where you find yourself is seen! TAURUS APR 20 - MAY 21 A strong desire to delve into the past issues regarding love and romance will be evident. Your time to ponder events of the past and motives in the present can be quite telling. On the Full Moon, Venus is now direct but in late Libra. It is positioned at the pinnacle of a Yod with the Moon and retrograde Uranus in Pisces as it forms a double trine to both Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. Time to embrace peace with those you love. Replace drama with simple acceptance if you can!

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GEMINI MAY 21 - JUN 21 These ponderous planets angling off with your ruler help you to see patterns that have been active a long time in your life. This long view can prove to be very enlightening. Take time to journal at this time for best results. On the Full Moon, you ruler is now in Sagittarius and kissing both Pallas Athena and Mars as they all are in square to Juno in Virgo! Although you and your friends can get fired up, one person will be the voice of reason and prudence. Listen. CANCER JUN 21 - JUL 22 This can be a very motivating and intense period for you. The Lights form a sweet sextile to Juno in Virgo helping you to get organized in thought and deed. On the Full Moon, your ruler is in the Anaretic degree of Taurus – exalted! As it opposes the Scorpio Sun it also is in square to both Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. This configuration opens up a large window to the Infinite. Being able to grasp, understand and even be grateful for the changes in your life will be within reach. Bask in the inspiration of being one with your Higher Power! LEO JUL 22 - AUG 23 You will be challenged to honor your personal identity as you move towards greater intimacy in your closest personal relationships. Warmth and depth blend well now. On the Full Moon, Your ruler, the Sun, is in the last degree of Scorpio is in a T-square to the Taurus Moon and Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. The Sun’s single trine to retrograde Uranus in Pisces is a saving grace. Expect intense moments of decision to pervade this cycle. Chose the uncommon path and break tension with humor whenever possible! VIRGO AUG 23 - SEP 23 You will feel very motivated to create a healthy lifestyle and be reconnecting with many you love in this cycle. Memories shared now can bring deeper understanding and the roar of laughter! On the Full Moon, you ruler is now in Sagittarius and kissing both Pallas Athena and Mars as they all are in square to Juno in your sign! Although you desire to be protective and profound you will find that few will take you seriously. Choose the opportunities to state your case with care! LIBRA SEP 23 - OCT 23 It is in trine to both retrograde Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius as it is in sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Peering through the retrograde window you may perceive past relationships differently. This is a quiet awakening that comes from deep within. On the Full Moon, Venus is now direct but late in your sign! It is positioned at the pinnacle of a Yod with the Moon and retrograde Uranus in Pisces as it forms a double trine to both Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. You will feel a bit of bliss about the life you have created and those precious ones in it! You will feel a sense of victory in the challenges you have successfully met! Happy Thanksgiving!

Page 12: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Ingredients 3 cups peeled chopped apples (preferably Granny Smith) 2 cans of whole cranberries 1/2 cup flour, plus 2 tablespoons flour, divided use 1 cup sugar 3 (1 5/8 ounce) packages quick-cooking oatmeal (cinnamon & spice) 3/4 cup chopped pecans 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup melted butter

Ingredients 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pinch ground cloves 1 pinch ground nutmeg 1 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker crust 1/2 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). 2. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Blend in eggs one at a time. Remove 1 cup of batter and spread into bottom of crust; set aside. 3. Add pumpkin, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to the remaining batter and stir gently until well blended. Carefully spread over the batter in the crust. 4. Bake in preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until center is almost set. Allow to cool, then refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. Cover with whipped topping before serving.

Apple-Cranberry Casserole Submitted by Colleen Sullivan (my personal favorite at Thanksgiving

Ingredients Ingredients 1 can (8 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated crescent dinner rolls 4T cranberry chutney or whole berry cranberry sauce 4 slices (about 5 oz) thinly sliced turkey breast 2/3 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Turkey Cranberry Pinwheels Directions 1. Heat oven to 375°F. Spray large cookie sheet with cooking spray. 2. Unroll dough; press into 12x8-inch rectangle, firmly pressing perforations to seal. 3. Spread cranberry chutney on top of rectangle, within 1/4 inch of edges. Arrange sliced turkey evenly over cranberry chutney. Sprinkle shredded cheese over sliced turkey. 4. Starting with longest side, roll up; pinch long side to seal. With serrated knife, cut into 24 slices. Place cut side down on cookie sheet. 5. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from cookie sheets. Serve warm.

Double Layer Pumpkin Pie

Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F degrees. 2. Mix the apples and the cranberries with 2 T flour until coated. 3. Add 1 cup sugar and mix well. 4. Put it all in a 2 qt. casserole. 5. In a seperate bowl, mix the oatmeal, rest of the flour, pecans, brown sugar, and melted butter 6. Spoon it over the fruit. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes.

Thanksgiving Day Recipes

Page 13: KeyNotes - Transcription...Medical transcriptionists are often a doctor’s first line of defense to catch inconsistencies and to help ensure that a patient’s medical record is accurate


Irene Anderson Production Assistant Contact for: Equipment, ID’s for HIM or RAD accounts, back up for Tonda Archibald & Laura Gargaro [email protected] 630-385-7520 Karyn Binter Director of Operations Contact for: PTO questions *[email protected] 630-385-7507 Becky Bombacino Contact for: Template changes, Chartnet and Cphone questions. *[email protected] 630-385-7501 Paul Cunningham Support Manager Contact for: IS Problems Help Desk Ticketing System * *create a help desk ticket

Sheri Cunningham Receptionist Contact for: General information & routing [email protected] 630-553-3680 Stacy Ferguson Production Assistant Contact for: Intranet questions, assistance with accounts when Laura Gargaro is out of the office [email protected] 630-385-7519 Laura Gargaro

Production Coordinator - Radiology Division Contact for: Radiology related questions/problems/ concerns, issues with their lead, account, or wanting more work [email protected] 630-385-7524

Drew Kenton IS Support Services Contact for: IS issues * *create a help desk ticket

Meredith Kenton Production Coordinator and Lead Clinic Division & some HIM accounts Contact for: Clinic related questions/concerns *[email protected] 217-234-4128 Beth Miyata HR Manager/Recruiter Contact for: HR related issues [email protected] 630-385-7513 Kathy Perry Production Coordinator Pathology Division Contact for: Pathology related questions/concerns [email protected] 630-301-2478 Vicki Stokes Human Resource Assistant Contact for: New Hire information/questions, PTO confirmation [email protected] 630-385-7534 (office) 815-301-2602 (fax) Colleen Sullivan Customer Service/Media Relations Coordinator Contact for: Newsletter ideas/comments, employee referrals *[email protected] 630-385-7509

Cheryl Sparks Production Coordinator Orthopaedic Division Contact for: Orthopaedic related questions/concerns *[email protected] 630-385-7512 Sue Swanson Controller, Insurance Administrator Contact for: Insurance & payroll questions and issues *[email protected] 630-385-7511

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