kholberg theory of moral development

KOLBERG’S THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT Submitted to: Miss Shaista Ejaz Submitted on: 16-10-2015.

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DEVELOPMENT Submitted to: Miss Shaista Ejaz

Submitted on: 16-10-2015.



His theory of moral development was dependent on the thinking of the Swiss psychologist

Jean Piaget and the American philosopher John Dewey. He was also inspired by James Mark

Baldwin. These men had emphasized that human beings develop philosophically and

psychologically in a progressive fashion.

Kohlberg believed...and was able to demonstrate through studies...that people progressed in

their moral reasoning (i.e., in their bases for ethical behavior) through a series of stages. He

believed that there were six identifiable stages which could be more generally classified into

three levels. On the basis of above information Kohlberg made following classification:

1. Level 1:Pre-Conventional Mortality:

At the pre-conventional don’t have a personal code of morality. At this level judgment is

based solely on a person's own needs and perceptions.

Stage-1: Punishment and obedience orientation: Persons in this stage obey

rules to avoid punishment. A good or bad action is determined by its

physical consequences.

Stage-2: Individualism and exchange: At this stage children are aware of different

perspectives, but it is very concrete. Their actions are determined from the viewpoint

of self-interest. Decisions are based on “you do this me for and I will do this for you”


2. Level-2: Conventional Mortality:

At conventional level a person needs love, care and respect. He or she obeys law and

rules. The expectations of society and society laws are taken into account in a

decision about a moral dilemma.

Stage-3: Interpersonal relationships: Often referred to as the "good boy-good girl"

orientation, this stage of moral development is focused on living up to social expectations and

roles. There is an emphasis on conformity, being "nice," and consideration of how choices

influence relationships.

Stage-4: Maintaining the social order: At this stage of moral development, people begin to

consider society as a whole when making judgments. The focus is on maintaining law and

order by following the rules, doing one’s duty and respecting authority.

Level-3: Post Conventional Mortality: Individual judgment is based on self-chosen

principles, and moral reasoning is based on individual rights and justice. According to

Kohlberg this level of moral reasoning is as far as most people get. Only 10-15% is capable

of the kind of abstract thinking necessary for stage 5 or 6. That is to say most people take

their moral views from those around them and only a minority thinks through ethical

principles for themselves.

Stage-5: Social contract and individual: At this stage, people begin to account for

the differing values, opinions, and beliefs of other people. Rules of law are important

for maintaining a society, but members of the society should agree upon these


Stage-6: Universal Principles: Kohlberg’s final level of moral reasoning is based

upon universal ethical principles and abstract reasoning. At this stage, people follow

these internalized principles of justice, even if they conflict with laws and rules.


Stage-1: Punishment and obedience orientation: To avoid punishment at this level we have

to provide students to work in cooperative groups. This activity explores new ideas in their

minds. They became more creative and show obedience.

Stage-2: Individualism and exchange: At this stage we have to build confidence in them

that they have come out from self and do something for others. We should not response

someone like they respond. They have to exchange dialogues with each other.

Stage-3: Interpersonal relationships: At this stage students are taught to become nice, they

wanted to become more charming, delightful, gracious etc. By obeying laws, rules and


Stage-4: Maintaining the social order: At this age we have to tell students about law, rules

and regulations. So they obey rules and become more reasonable for their society.

Stage-5: Social contract and individual: At this stage we should achieve students trust and

give them company and share their views about particular topic. At this they need a

companion to tell their grief’s and sorrows.

Stage-6: Universal principles: At this level people become universal and do things for

whole world not just for their country or society. They transfer their experience to their young
