kick start graph visualization projects

by Sébastien Heymann [email protected] Kick-start Graph Visualization Projects.

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Post on 11-Aug-2014



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Create and use graph visualizations efficiently in your projects.


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by Sébastien Heymann [email protected]

Kick-start Graph Visualization Projects.

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...with software.

Co-founder of the Gephi project - 2008Co-founder of the Linkurious startup - 2013PhD in computer science, UPMC LIP6 - 2013

A few words about me

I democratise graph thinking (with pink titles)

makes graphs handy

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Open source project started in 2008Built to solve large graph visualization problemsLatest version downloaded ~ 400,000 times

A few words about me / Gephi

makes graphs handy

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A few words about me / Gephi

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A few words about me / Linkurious

Started by a collaboration with Stanford - Mapping the Republic of Letters and DensityDesign in 2012.Now French startup of 3 people.

Linkurious helps companies make sense of data with user-friendly visualization software.

We help business analysts, R&D teams, developers and scientists.

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A few words about me / Linkurious

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Beautiful but unreadable pictures?Let’s make graph visualization useful.

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0. Why?

1. Key takeaways a. The 5 questions b. User stories c. Design visualization + interaction

2. Fraud detection use case

3. Q&A

How to create and use graph visualization successfully?




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0. Why graph visualization?


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What is a graph?

This is a graph.

Father Of

Father Of


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What is a graph? / Nodes & relationships

A graph is a set of nodes linked by relationships.

Father Of

Father Of


This is a node

This is a relationship

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People, objects, movies, restaurants, music...

Antennas, servers, phones, people...

Supplier, roads, warehouses, products...

Graphs can be usedto model many domains.

Supply chains Social networks Communications

Differents domains where graphs are important

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Graph visualization can help you in many ways.

Do you have a graph project?

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“The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.”


John Tukey (1962)

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How to create and use graph visualization successfully?

1. Key takeaways to kick-start your projects.a. Ask 5 questions.b. Write user stories.c. Design visualization and interaction.

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Ask 5 questions / Q1: Data, tadaa?

You need data.sourcing - cleaning - update

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sensemaking - scale - complexity

Ask 5 questions / Q1: Data, tadaa?

Can you model data as graphs?

image: Martin Grandjean

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Hypothesis discovery, evidence finding

Impact analysis, reportingData modelling, database administration

Set up your goal.

Administrate Understand Monitor

Ask 5 questions / Q2: Why using graph visualization in your project?

images: XKCD & the web

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Ask 5 questions / Q3: Who will use it?

Define personas.

data scientist business analyst

developer public audience

images: PhdComics & Despicable Me

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Short-term memorymax 7 items otherwise the ability to make decisions drops

Visionmore than 10 000 nodes is generally useless

Ask 5 questions / Q4: What are the constraints?

Acknowledge human limits.

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50 nodes – 1B nodes Graph size

Machine performances

Server side VS client side rendering

Interactive VS print

Ask 5 questions / Q4: What are the constraints?

Acknowledge technical limits.

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individual use VS collaborative work

artwork VS integrated into an application

Ask 5 questions / Q5: How is it used?

Define scope.

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1. What are the data?

2. What is your goal?

3. Who is your end-user?

4. What are the constraints?

5. How is it used?

Ask 5 questions / Summary

The 5 questions

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Ask 5 questions / Your turn!

Answer the 5 questions of your project.


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How to create and use graph visualization successfully?

1. Key takeaways to kick-start your projects.a. Ask 5 questions.b. Write user stories.c. Design visualization and interaction.

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I define a data model.I generate a significant graph sample.I create a business query with Cypher.I visualize the query result.I iterate on the data model until it is satisfying.

Write user story / The developer story

“I am creating a Neo4j graph database for my application.”

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Write user story / Your turn!

Write your own user story.


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How to create and use graph visualization successfully?

1. Key takeaways to kick-start your projects.a. Ask 5 questions.b. Write user stories.c. Design visualization and interaction.

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Graph visualization in practice

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Design visualization

How to represent graphs?

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(a) Nodes are ordered as rows and columns; connections are indicated as filled cells. (b) A matrix representation of a typical biological pathway. in (Gehlenborg 2012)

Design visualization / Common graph representations


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(a) A directed graph typical of a biological pathway. (b) An undirected graph with nodes arranged in a circle. (c) A spring-embedded layout of data from b. in (Gehlenborg 2012)

Design visualization / Common graph representations

Node-link diagrams

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Design visualization

Let’s choose node-link diagrams because it’s more common.

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Design visualization

Map data to visual variables.

proximity hierarchy group

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Design interaction

Add interactivityDetails on demand


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Design visualization and interaction / Graph Viz 101

Learn more at

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How to create and use graph visualization successfully?

1. Key takeaways to kick-start your projects.a. Ask 5 questions.b. Write user stories.c. Design visualization and interaction.

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Use case

2. Bank loan fraud detection use case.

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Use case / The cost of fraud

$28.6BAITE Group estimates that first party fraud will cost $28.6 billion in credit card losses a year by 2016.

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A criminal uses the fake identity to register a bank

account. He acts like a normal customer and tries to

secure a loan.

Once the criminal feels he cannot get access to more

money he carefully prepares his exit : in a short amount of

time he empties all of his accounts and disappears.

A criminal or a group of criminal mix pieces of

information (addresses, phone numbers, social

security number) to create a “synthetic-identity”.

A look at a common fraud scenario banks face.

Create a fake identity

Go to the bank, ask for a loan

Disappear with the money

Use case / A common fraud scenario

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Use case / How do we set up a graph-based fraud detection system?

Let’s ask our 5 questions.

1. What are the data?

2. What is your goal?

3. Who is your end-user?

4. What are the constraints?

5. How is it used?

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Use case / Q1: What are the data?

We model customer data as a graph.


Home address58, Eisenhower Square

Customer nameJ. Smith

Phone number+33 5 68 98 25 74

Credit card1 234$

IDJ. Smith

A graph showing a legitimate customer and the information she is linked to.

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Use case / Q1: What are the data?

In a fraud ring people share the same information.

58, Eisenhower Square

14, Roses Street

+33 6 75 89 22 14


P. Martin

$12,5k +331 42 58 66 00

J. Smith

SSN 17873897893



E. Selmati

SSN 1787576553


P. Smith

SSN 1787579953SSN 1267576553


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Use case / Q2: What is your goal?

We want to detect fake customer identities.

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She is a fraud expert but has limited data and computer skills.

She works with a team of data analysts for a large bank.

When an alert is triggered, she checks if the customer account belongs to a potential fraud ring.

Use case / Q3: Who is your end-user?

Our user is a fraud analyst.

image: PhdComics

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Thousands of new loans per month.

Time: a few daysInvestigate before transferring more money.

InteractionDetect fraud rings by exploring the graph gradually.

Use case / Q4: What are the constraints?

We have a large graph on a single database.

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Use case / Q5: How it is used?

The visualization is embedded in a business process.

Lifecycle events trigger security checks

A new customer opens an account

An existing customer asks for a loan

A customer skips a loan payment

A Neo4j Cypher query runs to detect patterns

An analyst visualizes the connections to make an informed decision.

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Use case / The user story

The fraud teams acts faster and more fraud cases can be


If something suspicious comes up, the analysts can use Linkurious to quickly assess the situation.

Linkurious allows the fraud teams to go deep in the data and build cases against fraud


Treat false positives

Investigate serious cases

Save money

Linkurious allows you to control the alerts and make sure your customers are not

treated like criminals.

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Max 200 nodes visualizedRelationships information is importantMultiple node categories (address, phone, ..)-> node-link diagram-> icons or node colors by category

Interactivity : yesDisplay node and rels information on demandExpand node connections on demand

Use case / Visualization and interaction design


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Use case

Proof-of-concept demo with Linkurious.

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Graph visualization can add a great value to your project, learn to leverage it.

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Contact us to discuss your projects: [email protected] studies: @linkurious #GraphViz101

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3. Q&A

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Detailed use case on our blog :

● Part 1 :● Part 2 :● Neo4j data set :

GraphGist by Kenny Bastani :

Video demonstration : (around the 12 minutes mark)

Graph Visualization 101:



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Research papers

Visual Analysis of Complex Networks for Business Intelligence with Gephi. Sébastien Heymann and Bénédicte Le Grand. to appear in the Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Visualisation and Business Intelligence, in conjunction with the 17th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV 2013 - VBI).

Gephi: an open source software for exploring and manipulating networks. Mathieu Bastian, Sébastien Heymann and Mathieu Jacomy. in Proceedings of the Third International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM'09), in American Journal of Sociology (2009), pp.361-362

Points of View: Bar Charts and Box Plots. M Streit and N Gehlenborg. Nature Methods 11(2):117 (2014).

Book chapters

Exploratory Network Analysis: Visualization and Interaction. Sébastien Heymann and Bénédicte Le Grand. to appear in Hocine Cherifi (editor), Complex Networks and their Applications, Cambridge University Press.

Gephi. Sébastien Heymann. to appear in the Encyclopedia of Social Networks and Mining (ESNAM), Springer.


Exploratory data analysis. Tukey, J. W. (1977).



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Linkurious technology

Cloud ready and open source based.