kief update november 2012

Dear Kiwanis Friends, My report for October ended with the words: “A very interesting year is lying ahead of usNobody of us could imagine that only a few days after this message this year would face a big catastrophe when hurricane “Sandy” hit very hard the East Coast of the U.S. and Canada. More than hundred persons died, an unknown number was injured and the material damages will exceed the unbelievable amount of 50 billion US-$. On behalf of all European Kiwanians I have conveyed our condolences to our International President Tom DeJulio and the whole Kiwanis Family in US and Canada. I announced to start a European initiative to raise funds in order to help the victims of the hurricane “Sandy”. For those who are willing to give a private donation please transfer to the account of the KIF International Foundation in Gent: KBC Bank, Latemstraat68 B, B9830 Sint Martens- Latem, Belgium IBAN: BE 62 4495 6600 3161 BIC: KREDBEBB (please name purpose: „Sandy”). In addition to that Valeria Gringeri, European KIF Trustee and I will write a letter to all European Districts asking them for a contribution for the same purpose. I am sure we all feel that in this moment we should stand together and show solidarity with those who suffered from this catastrophe and lost their health and property. And what else happens in our Federation? In these days all European Governor-elect meet in Indianapolis for their training for their year 2013/14 led by International President-elect Gunter Gasser. This reminds us again of the yearly change of all offices. The Committees of this year are intensively working to fulfill their goals concerning training, growth, communication, SLP’s and Junior Programs, branding etc. On 23 – 24 Nov, 2012, the KI-EF Train the Trainers-Conference will be held in Prague where trainers of all Districts, Districts in Pre-Formation are invited to attend. On 25 – 26 Jan, 2013, the KI-EF District Officers Training will be held in Prague to train the officers of the Districts and Districts in Pre-Formation for their offices in 2013/14 The Committees for Growth, Training and Junior are preparing their workshops to be held during the European Convention on 31 May, 2013, in Berlin. At same time a workshop of the Eliminate Campaign will be held. - The Germany District with the cooperation and support of all participating Districts, Districts in Pre-Formation and Kiwanis Nations is preparing the Junior Camp in Wuppertal on 21 – 28 July, 2013. Please, do not forget to register for the European Convention on 29 May – 2 June, 2013 in Berlin and for the International Convention on 27 – 30 June, 2013, in Vancouver (both registrations: ). With my best wishes and greetings Ernst, KI-EF President 2012/13 KIEFupdate Kiwanis International European Federation Serving the children of the world november 2012 The KIEF president message

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KIEF Update November 2012


Page 1: KIEF Update November 2012

Dear Kiwanis Friends,

My report for October ended with the words: “A very interesting year is lying ahead of us…”

Nobody of us could imagine that only a few days after this message th is year would face a b ig catast rophe when hurr icane “Sandy” hit very hard the East

Coast of the U.S. and Canada. More than hundred persons died, an unknown number was injured and the material damages will exceed the unbelievable amount of 50 billion US-$.

On behalf of all European Kiwanians I have conveyed our condolences to our International President Tom DeJulio and the whole Kiwanis Family in US and Canada.

I announced to start a European initiative to raise funds in order to help the victims of the hurricane “Sandy”. For those who are willing to give a private donation please transfer to the account of the KIF International Foundation in Gent:

KBC Bank, Latemstraat68 B, B9830 Sint Martens-Latem, Belgium IBAN: BE 62 4495 6600 3161

BIC: KREDBEBB (please name purpose: „Sandy”).

In addition to that Valeria Gringeri, European KIF Trustee and I will write a letter to all European Districts asking them for a contribution for the same purpose.

I am sure we all feel that in this moment we should stand together and show solidarity with those who suffered from this catastrophe and lost their health and property.

And what else happens in our Federation?

In these days all European Governor-elect meet in Indianapolis for their training for their year 2013/14 led by International President-elect Gunter Gasser. This reminds us again of the yearly change of all offices.

The Committees of this year are intensively working to fulfil l their goals concerning training, growth, communication, SLP’s and Junior Programs, branding etc.

-­‐‑ On 23 – 24 Nov, 2012, the KI-EF Train the Trainers-Conference will be held in Prague where trainers of all Districts, Districts in Pre-Formation are invited to attend.

-­‐‑ On 25 – 26 Jan, 2013, the KI-EF District Officers Training will be held in Prague to train the officers of the Districts and Districts in Pre-Formation for their offices in 2013/14

-­‐‑ The Committees for Growth, Training and Junior are preparing their workshops to be held during the European Convention on 31 May, 2013, in Berlin. At same time a workshop of the Eliminate Campaign will be held.

- The Germany District with the cooperation and support of all participating Districts, Districts in Pre-Formation and Kiwanis Nations is preparing the Junior Camp in Wuppertal on 21 – 28 July, 2013.

Please, do not forget to register for the European Convention on 29 May – 2 June, 2013 in Berlin and for the International Convention on 27 – 30 June, 2013, in Vancouver (both registrations: ).

With my best wishes and greetings

Ernst, KI-EF President 2012/13

Serving the children of the world november 2012

KIEFupdate Kiwanis International European Federation

Serving the children of the world november 2012

The KIEF president message

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Page 3: KIEF Update November 2012

Serving the children of the world november 2012

Greetings Kiwanians

November is Kiwanis Family Month, when we pause to express our collective gratitude to the entire

Kiwanis family who are living the Golden Rule, a universal belief that shapes our desire to live for others.

I’m pleased that the Kiwanis family continues to see tremendous growth, setting membership records each year. Kiwanians are now connected to a network of young leaders surpassing 300,000 members.

As president, I am privileged to see the service performed by all generations who are part of our network.

Every day, the hungry are fed, children are clothed and newborns are being protected from preventable disease through The Eliminate Project. Our members of all ages and abilities are performing outstanding

service and fundraising projects.

Our attitude of giving forms habits, and our habits of service forge distinctive character. What makes Kiwanis distinctive is that the vast majority of individuals within our diverse global network are under the age

of 25. Our family members reflect our character and comprise clubs known by different names: Key Club, CKI, Builders Club, K-Kids and Aktion Club.

Names of clubs help define their unique identities, but they are all part of one Kiwanis house. And what a

wonderful, caring and compassionate home it is.

Thank you for all you will do this year.

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Registration is open at

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Serving the children of the world november 2012


Divisions 10

Clubs 68

Members 1.455 male 1.155 female 300

Governor 2012-2013Arne Johan Sigstad

District service projects are: The Kiwanis doll,

The Kiwanis Model – service and support for

children in poor families, Albanian Aid, Burn

Camp and suuport to summercamps for The

Norwegian Association for Youth and Mental


Let us know

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Page 7: KIEF Update November 2012

Serving the children of the world november 2012


The World Health Organization recently conducted validation surveys in China, and the

results show that the country has eliminated maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT).

More newborns and mothers’ lives are now free from the anguish of tetanus.

Since 1999, UNICEF and its partners have eliminated the disease in 28 countries.

Countries that have recently eliminated MNT include East Timor (Timor Leste),

Tanzania (United Republic of Tanzania), Liberia and Senegal. MNT still remains a

deadly threat in 31 countries.

The final push to eliminate MNT globally will require US$110 million and the dedicated

work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Thank you for your

commitment and support.

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.......Club Tips & tricks......

How a service project can be more than “the same old thing”**This article has been published in winter 2011-2012 on BUILDER

Serving the children of the world november 2012

When it comes to service projects, Kiwanis members are dedicated. Each year, we devote more than 6 million hours worldwide to service projects-and our choices are as creative as they are varied. These service projects are popular because they work, they raise awareness, and they're fun.

What is service?Community service is defined as "donated service or activity that is performed by someone or a group of p e o p l e f o r t h e benefit of the public or its institutions."

In general terms, volunteering is the practice of people working on behalf o f o t h e r s o r a part icular cause without payment for t h e i r t i m e a n d services.

Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their ownskill development, to meet others, to makecontacts for possible employment, to have fun, and a variety of other reasons.

Engaging youth in deliberating, planning, implementing, and reflecting on their community service can turn that service into an effective learning tool for learning leadership and compassion.

Reasons to get involved in service

• It feels good. The satisfaction and pride that come from helping others are important reasons to volunteer. When you commit your time and effort to an organization or a cause you feel strongly about, the feeling of fulfillment can be endless.

• It strengthens your community. Organizations and agencies that use volunteers are providing important services a t low or no cost to those who need them. When a community is doing well as a w h o l e , i t s i n d i v i d u a l s a r e better off, too.

• It can strengthen y o u r f a m i l y . Volunteerism is a

great way for families to have fun and feel closer.

Many people say they don't have the time to volunteer after fulfil l ing work and family commitments. If that's the case, try rethinking some of your free time as a family. You could select just one or two projects a year and make them a family tradition (for example, making and donating gift baskets to care facilities for the elderly around the holidays).

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Planning service projects with your Club or Division

Identify a need in your communityConduct a community analysis to ensure club projects and services are still needed and identify new initiatives the club can support. You can download a Community Analysis form from

Evaluate your club's current role in the community.

• Does another agency offer the same services?

• Are a significant number of people being served?

• Are positive public relations opportunities available to the club through its projects?

• Are members still interested in the projects?

• Does the community still value the projects as much as the club does?

Invite club members to participate.

Identify key people and service

providerswithin the community. Include elected

and public off icials, advocates, religious leaders, and company CEOs.Weigh the club's resources against the community's needs.

El iminate impract ical project recommendations.

Prioritize remaining projects according to need, urgency, potential impact, club interests, community support, and resources available.

Define your project's scopeOnce you have chosen a project, get everyone on the project committee "on the same page" by focusing on the details:

• Why does this project matter?

• Who does this project impact?

• What is the club going to do? (be as clear and complete as possible) and Who is "in charge"?

• What are the tasks? A break down of responsibilities is a great way to figure out how many people and what resources you will need. Who is responsible for each task? Set a timeline.

• When and Where will the service project happen - is it a one-time project, or does it happen on a regular basis?

• How will you know the outcome?

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Get support• Let your club members know what is

going on, and encourage them to participate.

• Enlist the support of your Service Leadership Programs. Consider having a representative from the SLP be on the planning committee - kids have great ideas, too!

• Look for help within the community. Everyone wants to be associated with community-building, family-supportive events and projects!Ask for sponsors, donations or other support. Here are a few options:• Restaurants and caterers• Grocers and wholesale food stores• Community centers• Churches

• Schools• A neighboring community that recently

sponsored a similar event• Another Kiwanis club in your district

• Publicize what you are planning. Let your community know how Kiwanis cares and makes a difference.

Put your message together and knock on some doors! Your message should include:• Event or project details, especially any

partners that you already have on board

• How your local club works as a part of a global organization - tell everyone about Kiwanis!

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

K.I.E.F. Calendar


Oct 11 - 12 Leuven Board and Growth meeting

Nov 7-11 Indianapolis KI Governor Elect Conference Training

Nov 23-25 Prag Training Trainers Conference

Nov. 23 Prag Executive meeting


jan 25-27 District Officers Training Conference

Mar 7-9 Hiroshima Aspac Convention

Mar 15-17 Vienna Board meeting, 50th Anniversary of KC Wien

Apr 12-13 Convention Romania

Apr 20 Executive meeting (provisional/Preparation European Convention)

May 2-4 Austria Convention

May 9-11 Convention France-Monaco

May 24-25 Convention Czech Rep & Slovakia

May 29-June 1 Berlin KIEF Convention

June 14-15 Convention Hungary

June 27-29 Vancouver K I Convention

Aug 17 Executive meeting (provisional/Chairs meeting)

Aug 30 Convention UKS

Sep 6-8 Conventions Norden - Italy San Marino

Sep 13-15 Conventions the Netherlands - Belux - Iceland-Faroes

Sep 19-22 Convention Germany - 50th Anniversary KC Frankfurt am Main

Sep 26-29 Conventions Switzerland-Liechtenstein - Poland

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Serving the children of the world november 2012

Francesco ValentiKI-EF Chairman

Communication [email protected]

[email protected]

Committee: Jean-luc Pozniak

Translations Traductions Ǖbersetzungen Vertalingen

TraduzioniPaul Schenaerts, Axel

Geiger, Roelant van Zuylen, Joe Smith

Dead line for contributiion

D a t e l i m i t e p o u r l a procraine edition

Termin für Beiträge ist Dead line volgende editie

Inviare i vostri articoli entro

5th of the month, le 5 du mois, der 5. jedes Monats, vijde van de maand, il 5 del mese.

K. I. E. F. Executive Board

President: Ernst von der Weppen (Germany)

Past President: Paul Inge Paulsen (Norden)

President Elect: Marie-Jeanne Boutroy (France.Monaco)

Vice President: Vincent Salembier (Belux)

Secretary: Ralf-Otto Gogolinski (Germany)

Treasurer: Karl Heinz Berger (Austria)

KIEF UPDATE is a monthly newsletter designed to keep members informed about Kiwanis International European Federation news. The newsletter, which is available at no cost, can be delivered monthly by e-mail. Simply fill out the form at to begin receiving your KIEF UPDATE.