k&ifamwrwiilil$mjbsa wf bulletrwon the race! bulletin...entries: pua and ku-aiw- a, 18. dingy raoe....

-- 4.a.HjnaiP3azMnin.l.wli ., , ..l,,.. .,..,, i i iiimih K&ifaMWrWIIlil$mJBSa Wf ... . 3$ . g.gw mmbmimi-- m i.imwi.' fxt.iar m BULLETrWON THE RACE! ; A' The News of the By the Progres- sive Evening Bulletin Bulletin 24 Races Given to HOtfRS ahead of the Public - After the Progressive Bulletin, the Others Came First. its competitors. Vol. VII. No. 1320. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 181)9. Pbiob 5 Oentb. 'A J L' j A - : a til. . Hr 4 ;:, ." v ! . " ... 'i EVERYBODY WILL BE OUT To See Regatta Diy Races In Honololu Harbor Tomorrow. Changes la Hitler of h& and Order of Races Thrto Classts of Yachts-- All ibe Details. All arrangements for tlio Regat- ta Day racoi tomorrow havp been made and there is uothiug left now but t: bave tboiu ruu off. Th-r- e bave been quite n number of cli'iuuea iu tbe program aud tbe time of stnrtiug ot pneb event his beu fl't. Tlio fiuishos oou stitut atiotber story. Following Is a lint of theolliceis of tlip day as rearrauged by tlio Regatta Committee. .lu'ges. Capt. Grifiilhs, GBpt O..I Campbell aud Ohas. B. Qr.y. Btarter. u. i. vinou. Ti iih keepers. Louis Msrx, L P. Sotr, A. U. Brock and Obris. "Willis. Cl tkofOonrse. J.W. Stnitliei Regatta Com i ittee. W.C. Par-k- H. E. P. Taylor and W. E Wall. Reorders. J "W. Short and 0 (Jlurlock. Secretary. J W. Smithies. Tim events will be as follow: 1. ll:80 a m. Five-oare- d wbalo bott. Eutriee: Moanalua, FibIi-iu- u lloat and Hnlnmua. 2. 10 a. in. Six-oare- d btiding sent barge. Entries: Healauiaud Myrtle- - Healaui orew: Rlebnhn, sir ike; Renear, 5; Rhode, 4; Church, 3; Bois-- o, 2, and Water-bom- e, 1. Myrtle: Sorenon, stmke; S iper, 5j Rom, 4; Mtitin, 3; Lishraau, 2, aud Johnson, 1. 3 10 a. iu. Diving for time by Kuaiwa. Op-Mi- . I. Sil-nar- e I nlidtug Meat bargp ("das liopn') Entries: Carl V (H-alau- i) and Alice M (Myrtle). U-ala- crew: A L 0 Atkin-o- u, 0 W MacfarUue, L de L Ward, Jin Spiucer, HA J L Lloy l aud 0 F Herrick, coxswain M.rle: Chat Craue, A G M Rnhivtson, Alex Lyle, Mirnhal Brown, Jui Carter, J L Tor-b.'- it mid W F Love, coxswaiu. 11 a. in First class yaoht bjutrioa: Gladys uud Uoume Diiudf. (j. 11:10 a. m. Seeord class yacht, Eutries: Marion, Hawaii ami fclei.-no- . 7. 11:1") a. m. Six oared qig. E irijs: Kauoelaui mid Kapiu-lan- i. t). 11:20 n,m. I 0 tnrdriswim- - niin i. cintries: Jas MuCandless and Wm Kealnha. !). 11:45 a. m. Six paddle canoe. Eutriei-- : Kakiako, Ala Hnki Mku, Waikiki aud Liloa. IU. 12:03 -- Third cla-- n yacht Entries: Lady L, Vol'inte, Pokii, Civile, Auliio Al, Myrtlo and Pauline. IutermiHsiou for liitiohpon. 11. 1:13 p m. Frojnrnon of Ho'ilani and My i tie Boat Clubs. 12. 1:30 p. m -- - Tub race. Op.ui. 13. 1:45 p. ra. IVo-oare- d ebore Inat Twelve eutries. 11. 2:00 p. iu Diving contost. Entiiod: Pua and Kuaivva. 15. 2:15 p. ra. Steamboats contest. Fivo entries 10. 2:45 p m. Sailing oanoos. Soveu uutrlea. 17. Half railo swimming raoe for trophy. Entries: Pua and Ku-aiw- a, 18. Dingy raoe. Entries : U SS Iroquois, Myrtlo and Red, White aud Bluo. It was decided by tho Rowing Assoshtiou 1& oveniug that tho eix-oure- d Hlidin Bent senior barge race ahould b'i over the spar buoy course as desired by the Hoalauis. The Myrtlos allowed their rivals to bave their own way this year as they have once or twice before. 'the Bonnie Dundee aud Gladys, Bailing iu a class by themselves, will Btait it 11 a. ra. sharp. A S50 cup will lie the prize. Tho owuers of tlio yachts in the Becnud and third olaoaes rofuBed to race for oupa bo money prize mil on awarded. Tho judgos pontoon will up in tho sump old position, nvitationn to newspaper mtu to bo present on the Maud were is- sued today. Iho Has Bpen and Fn shmpn crows nf the Myrtle and Flmlnui crews will pull over the knuckle l)uoy course. INVOLUTION IN VHVIIZI'KLA. Washington, S-p- t. G. After an unusually long period of pence troublo has again appeared iu Venzu'la aud a lpvoluiiou move ment is now iu progress. The in formation has come to the Slate Department from au un fficial source, but one believed to be trustworthy. The extent of the movement is not kumui here, but as there have ho'n for some timo pant rumors of it would tint lie surprixitig if t liirt last manifestation nlinalil prove to be of laryp propDrlimw. U0EI18 OKNY IIHlTtHII HIOllTK. Prptoria, 8ept. G. The latest reply of tho TrauHvaal Republic to the British deuiands hns bi'eu published. In this reuly regret is exproa-e- d that thp proposa's of Great Britain are uunccepttblo. The TrauBvaal Government ad raits Great Britain's rilttn under the convention and international law to prot ct bor subjects, bnt denies a claim of suzerainty The reply agrees to a further confer- ence regarding the franchise and representation. The Orphtura. In yesterday's isBue it was an- nounced that last night's orches- tra would bo strengthened by'tho addition of another piano. No addition was made. Bulletin cnlumua are ever open to the hentldiug of freh attractions at thtii uoubu hut it is equally zealous that roidera be not mislead. Emit Walton, the eccentric musical cumediao, made a RUcaeBoful first appearance. As a Dutch dialnuUt who candidly admit bis "mis- took t" aud a nuiched pUjoron th-- . ennoertina and othtr instru- - ments th- - homo acomdetl him a hearty welcome. El Nino Eddie, king of the boiiudini; rune, is a Bomewtiht portly g"iitleman who uaH pii'BPd lilos meridian. As a poi former iu his class ho U un doubtedly amlo and clever. Though uot intended as such tho audience viewed his "turn" from a highly humorous staud-poiu- t; poss hly a odauue of costume would assist in it- - olaxsiUoation. OonnU Dnnd.r. Had the Bonuio Dundee been freo from accidents Woduesday nho would have come in about nine minutes behind tho Glnihs. Hi block at tho end of thoHpin-unke- r boom win the cauo of all the trouble, causiuu rones to twit and the sheet to do all kiudsof queer thiunB. At the Pearl Harbor strtko bout tuo spiuiiakec boom broke iu two. President Dole is having a uew mo made Bnd will be very cn:fnl to Httao.u. the rope directly to tho end of tho boom. No more block for the Bonnie. Krcplln to Jtlr, Conic, A largo number cf people ga- thered in tho Y. M. O. A. hall last bvoning to welcome A. J. Coates, the now assistant seoretary. Tho musical part of tho progrora was as given iu tho Bulletin yester- day. The romarks of W. O. Weed on wore very complimoutarv to Mr. Goatee. At tho conclusion of tho regular program there was a receptiou during tho progress of whioh refreshments were served. GotoMer'a Inquest. Marshal Brown Btated this morning that, if the body of tho Chinese fisherman run down by the Alameda was not found today a Coroner's Inquest would be held tomorrow to learn tho facts iu tho case. THE HOUSEKEEPERS' LEAGUE ODlcers Elected and Olhir Business Transacted at Meeting Today. Mrs. J. H. Soper Chosen President Letters From Cooking- - School Pttplo Read Address By HlssHcCracken. Tho first annual meeting of tbe Housekeeper's LguPvf,win hld in tun X. iu. U . tins toreiinnu. Nparly all tho momherd were pro-spli- t and an entliuiintic eeflfiiou of tiutiuexs was th- re6iilt. Iho pre- sident, eecretary and tre-Bu- rr read their roport, showing the so- ciety in ilnurisbing circums auceo. the election of ollicer-- t rsnltod in tlio .l"Ction of the following: Mrs. J H. Soper, president, Mrs. T. R. Walko', viee presi- dent, tf Mr H. E Oileninn, secretary. Mis. U-tor- trexrturer. ' J. M. Downett, auditor Mrs W. O. Weedou, Mrs. O B. Co. .per, Mrs. Widlifield, Mrs. Lnuisson aud Mrs. F. W. Mtofnr-lan- e, b ard of dire 'tors. Letterw from M- -. Rirer of Philadelphia, Mra. Riahards of Boston, Mi Spring of the Drexel Iastituto and directors of the Prait Institute, expresiim tuei. opin- ions as to tho proper manner of conducting a cookiug school and offering valuable advice, wore read aud discussed. After this came a short addresB by Mibj MaCraskon, on of ihe new teachers at Eamehameha and a lady eminently fitted to speak ou the subject of conking schools her-ne- lf being a uradua'o of one of the bet in the United States. There wen twenty new names added to the Hit at the meeting thi forenoon. SUGAR TRUST ON TOP New York, Sept. 5. A deal whereby the wholesale grooe.-- a are to purchaeo refiucd sugir ex- clusively of the American Sugar Refining Company, otherwise the sugar trust, bus practiot lly been concluded. TIip following will in the Tribune tomorrow: The sujar trust has ma li a grand coup in the Buuar tra-le- . B its doal with the wholealo grocers it ha ibao ut-l- y cotnered lietween 80 and 07 per cut of the con snmptivo demand. It has made it an gieat an object to the whole--al- u grocers to riecuro their up-pli.- -s of it that thev li'iv.t no ioi hou to buy from or treat with the independent roSnerie. In fuel, the trut has made it prtulicaHy impoHBlble for ILh wln!rsapr in hiiudlo tho product of indep nd-eu- t. Tin sugar trm: hi bargained with the Nat-ona- l AHoci'itiou of Wholemlo Grouurs iu order to have all tliH wliol.'Hiiln groco'8 in agreement with it The whole, sale grpoirs control the retail grocers, booamo wholesalers fur uish tho retailers with thoir stock of general gooiis, and likewise be-cau- tho retailers rely upon tho wholesalers for the credit n-- ce sary to carrying on their business In othor words, tho retailors could not ajlord to obtain their sugars from independent refineries, oven were independent rofinorios to offor sugars to them at prioes lower thau they could procure the sugars from the wholesalers, The position of the independent refiners is now a desperate one. The augar trust has thrown over- board Mollonhauer and the na- tional ooucerns with whioh it worked in harmony before the building of tho Arbucklo and Doacher (New York Refining Company) lofinerios. Tnoy am in the same boat witli Arbuokle nud DoBcher. OSS Mariposa Bails ut G p. m. for San Francisco. IN THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Matters Attended to at a Long Session Tbls FortnooD. Orphcum Theatre Co. Wants Retail Llpuor LI- - censo Hitltr Rtktrtd To Mauhal Browu Otter Mailers of Interest. A long Be?sinn of the Executive Contudl wb helil this forenoon for tbe consiiloratiou of various busiuPHs matters. The matter of the amrndmeut to the charter of the Hawaiian Railway Co., the new corporation that has taken hold of the Eobala Railway, came up aud was thor- oughly difcusaed. A part of tho amendment wa tho purchase of took iu other corporations to au amount less than tho majority in any company will be allowed. The clause in the contract per-milti- the railway company to own aud operate xteamers and ruling vessel was objected to b the Government, uoh a clause having been disnllowid in Ihe eae of other railway corporations iu the Isltnd-i- . The charter was withdrawn for correction. A light wiun and beer license was gtauted D. McOnrriston for Kamalo, Molokai. The applicatiou of theOrpbeum Theatre Co. to be allowed to amend ith charter bo as to buy stock au amount leas than a majority, was grunted. Tho umendmout allowing the orapany to run a re- tail bar in connection with the theatre, was grated. The appli. ca'tiiiii for a liueuso to run the bar was not acted on but uos referred to Martthal Brown. The application of H. Haqk-fel- d & Co. for n holesale liquoi license for Kailna, Eona wa grtutd. The application of W. R Castle fur an exchango of 6 nores of tantalus property for 2 82 acres of- Fnroat Ridge property, was u'r'Hit. d and the exchange author izeil. TO DISFRANCHISE "NEGROES Atlauta.G., September 2. Tho Jouriml this afternoou publishes a seiiMi'ional story from its special Ciiire-poixle- who han recently lie. it in N irlh Carolina, ou, the (iiinpugn coinmeni'Pil there by the whi e peiplo. both Democrat" and io iliefrttnchi-- o 10), IK) yr.i voinr in th it state Flirt Journal will saj : " Norlb Carolina has jut eulerKl upi n one ( f i Iih most eventful cam-ptiitii- rt iu her history. It is a death trnuulo between the Anclo Saxon and die African, and wheu the in k'nfhntth) will have cleaied I" p ihlieal and ociit hupreiniiey of thrt white nmn of North Caroli im, fur tlio time an I for all time, vill either be nbtoliUe ml I uiionu-dil- i iimI or elue nei.'ro dominntiou will ngiiii iimuprrtu the Btate in ig omiuy uild diegr.tco. The cam-piL'- u is waged on a proposed suf frnge iiinendrneiit to the Oouititu-tion- , submitted to the p oplu by the Irnt Legislature It was de signed for tho single purpose of eliminating tlio uegro as a politic al factor, and it is a uotablo fact that tho educational qualification enjoiiied on tho uegro is uot ex- pected of the white man. It is uot intentiod that nn Auglo-Saxo- u shall be disqualified, " Every person of elicible one. who applies for reistration, for instance, must be ublo to read and write any Boution or sections of tho Federal Constitution. Under this clause 100,0l'0 incompetent negro voters iu North Carolina will be forever barred from the polls. " But tho ignoraut whito votors and there are perhaps thousauds of them oin enter through an other gate. Seoliou 5 providos that any lino tl descendant nf any voter in this couutry prior to 18(57, hall bo entitled to vot , whether ho ciu reud and write or not." DEATH WAS BY ACCIDENT i! s Result of Marshal Brown's Investigation at Uannla, Oahu, Yesterday. I Chinaman In Question Was An Oplam Flecd j t Ran Away From Officers and Fll Down Stttp Embankment. : ij Marshal A. M. Brown returned IJ from Hnuiila last evening after having been absent a couple of days making an investigation into the tecent 'death of a Chinaman at that phice whoae body was found in a neighboring stream and whose friends accused n po. lico oracer of tho district of i having over the head, thus cau'lug him to fall in and drown. Soon this forenoon, Marshal Brown said: "I hove msdo a very careful iicmiry iuto this matter aud find that Iho complaints of tho friends of the deceased as made to their Coimil are not sustained by the tacts. " t'ho old Chinaman who fell iuto tho stream was an opium fiend whno placo had alroud.v been raided several times. I learned from his own brotbor that, ou the uigut iu question, when tho olliccru made their last raid, tho old follow hud been smokiuu opium aud was lying in bis bed in a Btupeued condition. "I learned further that when he found tho police were in the house bo was so badly frightened that he ran away as fast as his lens could carry him. "Fuo police deny having fol- lowed iho man as they did not know tho direction he had gone. Instead of having been clubbed In-on-e of the ollioers I think the Chinaman was o frightened tnat 1m did not know just whore In wiih going At all oveuts, the place where he fell ovor is above iheetroim to that in falling he could easily have been stunned aud then tolled into tho drep water. I feel perfeotly satisfied that the death wxs accidental. "Ouo of the city papers made a grpat fu-- s about tho delay of the Corojn t'rt jury in t.ho matt-- j f reud. ring a verdict. Asa matter of ri.c', tho jury met at lOoVloidc nu Ihe morning nf tho fludhiu of the liely and rendered its verdict about u hour later. There doee not hi em to bo very muah delay about th it." NY 'UNlsri'.ll MOTT-lllir- il. Miuirtter M 'If. Smith asked Io tby that the BuLLUTIN rorrt-c- t a Hindu in this morn- ing's paper iu toward to tho name of tho hohnol iu tho Pnlamudis liict, mil the action of both and tho Commissioners ..f Eliu'iitiou. Slid Mr. M.itt ' tho Executive chne tho muiio of Kaiulani for the school in thu Piilnma district early in April, iu view of tho in terest of ihe FriucPBB or that namo in such mattorB. I took a copy of the action to thp Com- missioners of Education, and the action was adopted without this was nil that was done, aud thero wao no question whatever as to tho authority of the CommisBinnors to change tho nnine from Pnlaraa to Kaiulani. there .never was but ono name, uud tho uamo Kaiulani." ArtUt Horrliiif.r VIMtor. Peirro M. Boeringer, artist for tho Siu Franoisoo Call and tho New York Herald during tho Spauijh-Ameiica- u war in the Phi-l- i pin es. came to tho oity in tbo Alameda. Mr. Booringer passed tlirouL Honolulu lp.st year ou his vh) to Uio front whoroho uphold Iiib roputatiou as an aolivo and tun cessful newspaperman, II" i now visiting Honolulu in tho in -- toreat-3 of tho Paris Exposition, ZrjrArjtrArjarArATjrjrAfam lluvvuilan Automobile. The Hawaiian Automobile Co., Ltd., orRanled at a meeting of the subscribers held yesterday. The of- ficers for the year were elected and a fiftten per cent assesment was call cd upon the stock which Is all sub- - scribed. Th pipers asking for a charter have not yet been filed and the officer are not made public ex- - ccpt W. H. Hong who Is to be sec retary, r. M. Hitch is attorney for tne new organisation. "l rjacjl?rzrA7jrATArjzAYjirj& COLONEL BELL Colonel Gonrge Dell tho United States Consul General at Sydnoy a through passenger ou the Ma- riposa for Sm Francisco, whence he will extend his travels to Phila- delphia. The Colonel will re- main iu the States for neveral month after which ho return to resume his duties iu Ausirslm. Since tbe Maripn3a sails fot thp Coast at 0 o'clock this evening, the Colonel i improvinu the short stop in this port by seeing what ho can of Houolulu with a party of friends. Colonel Bell's friends in Amor-ic- a have long been urging bim to make a visit home, but preying duties and many interettts iu Aub-tiali- n have tended to postpone tho Colouel's home going from time to time. Arrtl Poff, Sun Sing a Ohineseduck ranoh cr of Waikiki made his appoaran-c- o at the Police Statiou ubaut noon today with a dog in a basket and a small pig in a most battered condition. The dog and the hiiihII porker had had a dilliculty aud the "p'laa" got very much the worst 'of it. llu diod shoitly after renchiuii ho station house, 'the dog was 1 oked up but uo charue lm yet hoeu lodg- ed aoaiust him. A coronerls juiy will probably be e.lled. tui)kih oii:mji, The tenders fur an addition to tho Insano Asylum won) opnnod thU mnriiing! i'li ' eueos-fa- l bidder was H. F. HertlufUrtuu, who was swarded the ooutriot. Following is tho li-- t of bidders and their bid-- : Lucia Bro- - 82,-7!- )3; V. t. I'at), l87; Allierl Tra-k- , S.'GOO; Oahu Lumber Building C, $19 M)i,J, A. Butter-Hl- d. N.'f. 32(ii:-- and H. F. Bertlomann, 8231)3. C. E. Moore, the soldier eh ngd w'uh piiB-in- g ciiufeili'iato hills on a Cliiuaman is up in the Polios Court (hit, afternoon. I begnu al It . in. Upiu. P,tlnrinii of Bat- tery A is deluding Mo re and a lr.o nuinher nt old is, na wall as aurgon Wood Imv - u'r ady been on th" stnud D nti Mar. -- hat Chiltingw-it- ir aecniiug. The huhling hh,oii iu tbo Isl-- a dB brgiuo todav. A I irge num ber of hunters will uo o tlo ftuin-tr- y districts ofthinida d n'nor-ro- romnining over uu''! Mou-da- y morning. Quit (t , ,'nbor will go to Waiidua. -r- ;,'-ii A PURE CRAPE CREAU OF InRTAR POWOt JDR; CREAM MHN Jll"h?:Houo,. World'aFu dold Medal, iu&f,m-- ? Fnlo Avoid llnliln;; I'oivil ru oontnlaln Rlain. 1 hey uro luJurWua to health 1 11 t 4 - i , : M a- - i ', vd

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  • -- 4.a.HjnaiP3azMnin.l.wli ., , ..l,,.. .,..,, i i iiimihK&ifaMWrWIIlil$mJBSa Wf ... . 3$ . g.gwmmbmimi-- m i.imwi.' fxt.iar m


    The News of the By the Progres-siveEvening Bulletin Bulletin 24Races Given to HOtfRS ahead of

    the Public - After the Progressive Bulletin, the Others Came First. its competitors.

    Vol. VII. No. 1320. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 181)9. Pbiob 5 Oentb.




    A -







    . "




    To See Regatta Diy Races In Honololu

    Harbor Tomorrow.

    Changes la Hitler of h& and Order ofRaces Thrto Classts of Yachts-- All

    ibe Details.

    All arrangements for tlio Regat-

    ta Day racoi tomorrow havp beenmade and there is uothiug left

    now but t: bave tboiu ruu off.Th-r- e bave been quite n numberof cli'iuuea iu tbe program aud

    tbe time of stnrtiug ot pneb event

    his beu fl't. Tlio fiuishos ooustitut atiotber story. FollowingIs a lint of theolliceis of tlip dayas rearrauged by tlio RegattaCommittee.

    .lu'ges. Capt. Grifiilhs, GBptO..I Campbell aud Ohas. B. Qr.y.

    Btarter. u. i. vinou.Ti iih keepers. Louis Msrx, L

    P. Sotr, A. U. Brock and Obris."Willis.

    Cl tkofOonrse. J.W. StnitlieiRegatta Com i ittee. W.C. Par-k-

    H. E. P. Taylor and W. EWall.

    Reorders. J "W. Short and0 (Jlurlock.

    Secretary. J W. Smithies.Tim events will be as follow:1. ll:80 a m. Five-oare- d wbalo

    bott. Eutriee: Moanalua, FibIi-iu- ulloat and Hnlnmua.

    2. 10 a. in. Six-oare- d btidingsent barge. Entries: HealauiaudMyrtle- - Healaui orew: Rlebnhn,sir ike; Renear, 5; Rhode, 4;Church, 3; Bois-- o, 2, and Water-bom- e,

    1. Myrtle: Sorenon,stmke; S iper, 5j Rom, 4; Mtitin,3; Lishraau, 2, aud Johnson, 1.

    3 10 a. iu. Diving for timeby Kuaiwa. Op-Mi- .

    I. Sil-nar- e I nlidtug Meat bargp("das liopn') Entries: Carl V(H-alau- i) and Alice M (Myrtle).U-ala- crew: A L 0 Atkin-o- u,0 W MacfarUue, L de L Ward,Jin Spiucer, H A J LLloy l aud 0 F Herrick, coxswainM.rle: Chat Craue, A G MRnhivtson, Alex Lyle, MirnhalBrown, Jui Carter, J L Tor-b.'- it

    mid W F Love, coxswaiu.11 a. in First class yaoht

    bjutrioa: Gladys uud UoumeDiiudf.

    (j. 11:10 a. m. Seeord classyacht, Eutries: Marion, Hawaiiami fclei.-no- .

    7. 11:1") a. m. Six oared qig.E irijs: Kauoelaui mid Kapiu-lan- i.

    t). 11:20 n,m. I 0 tnrdriswim- -niin i. cintries: Jas MuCandlessand Wm Kealnha.

    !). 11:45 a. m. Six paddlecanoe. Eutriei-- : Kakiako, AlaHnki Mku, Waikiki aud Liloa.

    IU. 12:03 -- Third cla-- n yachtEntries: Lady L, Vol'inte, Pokii,Civile, Auliio Al, Myrtlo andPauline.

    IutermiHsiou for liitiohpon.11. 1:13 p m. Frojnrnon of

    Ho'ilani and My i tie Boat Clubs.12. 1:30 p. m -- - Tub race.

    Op.ui.13. 1:45 p. ra. IVo-oare- d

    ebore Inat Twelve eutries.11. 2:00 p. iu Diving contost.

    Entiiod: Pua and Kuaivva.15. 2:15 p. ra. Steamboats

    contest. Fivo entries10. 2:45 p m. Sailing oanoos.

    Soveu uutrlea.17. Half railo swimming raoe for

    trophy. Entries: Pua and Ku-aiw- a,

    18. Dingy raoe. Entries : U S SIroquois, Myrtlo and Red, Whiteaud Bluo.

    It was decided by tho RowingAssoshtiou 1& oveniug that thoeix-oure- d Hlidin Bent senior bargerace ahould b'i over the spar buoycourse as desired by the Hoalauis.The Myrtlos allowed their rivalsto bave their own way this year asthey have once or twice before.

    'the Bonnie Dundee aud Gladys,Bailing iu a class by themselves,will Btait it 11 a. ra. sharp. A S50cup will lie the prize. Tho owuersof tlio yachts in the Becnud andthird olaoaes rofuBed to race for

    oupa bo money prize mil onawarded.

    Tho judgos pontoon will upin tho sump old position,

    nvitationn to newspaper mtu tobo present on the Maud were is-sued today.

    Iho Has Bpen and Fn shmpncrows nf the Myrtle and Flmlnuicrews will pull over the knucklel)uoy course.


    Washington, S-p- t. G. After anunusually long period of pencetroublo has again appeared iuVenzu'la aud a lpvoluiiou movement is now iu progress. The information has come to the SlateDepartment from au un fficialsource, but one believed to betrustworthy. The extent of themovement is not kumui here, butas there have ho'n for some timopant rumors of it wouldtint lie surprixitig if t liirt lastmanifestation nlinalil prove to beof laryp propDrlimw.


    Prptoria, 8ept. G. The latestreply of tho TrauHvaal Republicto the British deuiands hns bi'eupublished. In this reuly regretis exproa-e- d that thp proposa's ofGreat Britain are uunccepttblo.

    The TrauBvaal Government adraits Great Britain's rilttn underthe convention and internationallaw to prot ct bor subjects, bntdenies a claim of suzerainty Thereply agrees to a further confer-ence regarding the franchise andrepresentation.

    The Orphtura.

    In yesterday's isBue it was an-nounced that last night's orches-tra would bo strengthened by'thoaddition of another piano. Noaddition was made. Bulletincnlumua are ever open to thehentldiug of freh attractions atthtii uoubu hut it is equally zealousthat roidera be not mislead. EmitWalton, the eccentric musicalcumediao, made a RUcaeBoful firstappearance. As a Dutch dialnuUtwho candidly admit bis "mis-took t" aud a nuiched pUjoronth-- . ennoertina and othtr instru- -ments th- - homo acomdetl him ahearty welcome. El Nino Eddie,king of the boiiudini; rune, is aBomewtiht portly g"iitleman whouaH pii'BPd lilos meridian. As apoi former iu his class ho U undoubtedly amlo and clever.Though uot intended as such thoaudience viewed his "turn" froma highly humorous staud-poiu- t;poss hly a odauue of costumewould assist in it- - olaxsiUoation.

    OonnU Dnnd.r.Had the Bonuio Dundee been

    freo from accidents Woduesdaynho would have come in aboutnine minutes behind tho Glnihs.Hi block at tho end of thoHpin-unke- r

    boom win the cauo of allthe trouble, causiuu rones to twitand the sheet to do all kiudsofqueer thiunB. At the Pearl Harborstrtko bout tuo spiuiiakec boombroke iu two. President Dole ishaving a uew mo made Bnd willbe very cn:fnl to Httao.u. the ropedirectly to tho end of tho boom.No more block for the Bonnie.

    Krcplln to Jtlr, Conic,A largo number cf people ga-

    thered in tho Y. M. O. A. hall lastbvoning to welcome A. J. Coates,the now assistant seoretary. Thomusical part of tho progrora wasas given iu tho Bulletin yester-day. The romarks of W. O. Weedon wore very complimoutarv toMr. Goatee. At tho conclusion oftho regular program there was areceptiou during tho progress ofwhioh refreshments were served.

    GotoMer'a Inquest.Marshal Brown Btated this

    morning that, if the body of thoChinese fisherman run down bythe Alameda was not found todaya Coroner's Inquest would be heldtomorrow to learn tho facts iu thocase.


    ODlcers Elected and Olhir Business

    Transacted at Meeting Today.

    Mrs. J. H. Soper Chosen President Letters

    From Cooking- - School Pttplo Read

    Address By HlssHcCracken.

    Tho first annual meeting of tbeHousekeeper's LguPvf,win hldin tun X. iu. U . tins toreiinnu.Nparly all tho momherd were pro-spli- t

    and an entliuiintic eeflfiiou oftiutiuexs was th- re6iilt. Iho pre-sident, eecretary and tre-Bu- rr

    read their roport, showing the so-ciety in ilnurisbing circums auceo.the election of ollicer-- t rsnltod intlio .l"Ction of the following:

    Mrs. J H. Soper, president,Mrs. T. R. Walko', viee presi-

    dent, tfMr H. E Oileninn, secretary.Mis. U-tor- trexrturer. 'J. M. Downett, auditorMrs W. O. Weedou, Mrs. O B.

    Co. .per, Mrs. Widlifield, Mrs.Lnuisson aud Mrs. F. W. Mtofnr-lan- e,

    b ard of dire 'tors.Letterw from M- -. Rirer of

    Philadelphia, Mra. Riahards ofBoston, Mi Spring of the DrexelIastituto and directors of the PraitInstitute, expresiim tuei. opin-ions as to tho proper manner ofconducting a cookiug school andoffering valuable advice, woreread aud discussed.

    After this came a short addresBby Mibj MaCraskon, on of ihenew teachers at Eamehameha anda lady eminently fitted to speak outhe subject of conking schools her-ne- lf

    being a uradua'o of one of thebet in the United States.

    There wen twenty new namesadded to the Hit at the meetingthi forenoon.


    New York, Sept. 5. A dealwhereby the wholesale grooe.-- a areto purchaeo refiucd sugir ex-clusively of the American SugarRefining Company, otherwise thesugar trust, bus practiot lly beenconcluded. TIip following will

    in the Tribune tomorrow:The sujar trust has ma li a

    grand coup in the Buuar tra-le- . Bits doal with the wholealo grocersit ha ibao ut-l- y cotnered lietween80 and 07 per cut of the consnmptivo demand. It has madeit an gieat an object to the whole--al- u

    grocers to riecuro their up-pli.- -sof it that thev li'iv.t no ioi

    hou to buy from or treat with theindependent roSnerie. In fuel,the trut has made it prtulicaHyimpoHBlble for ILh wln!rsapr inhiiudlo tho product of indep nd-eu- t.

    Tin sugar trm: hi bargainedwith the Nat-ona- l AHoci'itiou ofWholemlo Grouurs iu order tohave all tliH wliol.'Hiiln groco'8 inagreement with it The whole,sale grpoirs control the retailgrocers, booamo wholesalers furuish tho retailers with thoir stockof general gooiis, and likewise be-cau-

    tho retailers rely upon thowholesalers for the credit n-- cesary to carrying on their businessIn othor words, tho retailors couldnot ajlord to obtain their sugarsfrom independent refineries, ovenwere independent rofinorios tooffor sugars to them at prioeslower thau they could procure thesugars from the wholesalers,

    The position of the independentrefiners is now a desperate one.The augar trust has thrown over-board Mollonhauer and the na-tional ooucerns with whioh itworked in harmony before thebuilding of tho Arbucklo andDoacher (New York RefiningCompany) lofinerios. Tnoy amin the same boat witli Arbuoklenud DoBcher.

    OSS Mariposa Bails ut G p. m.for San Francisco.


    Matters Attended to at a Long Session

    Tbls FortnooD.

    Orphcum Theatre Co. Wants Retail Llpuor LI- -

    censo Hitltr Rtktrtd To Mauhal Browu

    Otter Mailers of Interest.

    A long Be?sinn of the ExecutiveContudl wb helil this forenoonfor tbe consiiloratiou of variousbusiuPHs matters.

    The matter of the amrndmeutto the charter of the HawaiianRailway Co., the new corporationthat has taken hold of the EobalaRailway, came up aud was thor-oughly difcusaed. A part of thoamendment wa tho purchase oftook iu other corporations to au

    amount less than tho majority inany company will be allowed.

    The clause in the contract per-milti-the railway company to

    own aud operate xteamers andruling vessel was objected to bthe Government, uoh a clausehaving been disnllowid in Iheeae of other railway corporationsiu the Isltnd-i- . The charter waswithdrawn for correction.

    A light wiun and beer licensewas gtauted D. McOnrriston forKamalo, Molokai.

    The applicatiou of theOrpbeumTheatre Co. to be allowed toamend ith charter bo as to buy stockau amount leas than a majority,was grunted. Tho umendmoutallowing the orapany to run a re-tail bar in connection with thetheatre, was grated. The appli.ca'tiiiii for a liueuso to run the barwas not acted on but uos referredto Martthal Brown.

    The application of H. Haqk-fel- d& Co. for n holesale liquoi

    license for Kailna, Eona wagrtutd.

    The application of W. R Castlefur an exchango of 6 nores oftantalus property for 2 82 acres

    of- Fnroat Ridge property, wasu'r'Hit. d and the exchange authorizeil.


    Atlauta.G., September 2. ThoJouriml this afternoou publishes aseiiMi'ional story from its specialCiiire-poixle- who han recentlylie. it in N irlh Carolina, ou, the(iiinpugn coinmeni'Pil there by thewhi e peiplo. both Democrat" and

    io iliefrttnchi-- o 10),IK) yr.i voinr in th it state

    Flirt Journal will saj : " NorlbCarolina has jut eulerKl upi none ( f i Iih most eventful cam-ptiitii- rt

    iu her history. It is a deathtrnuulo between the Anclo Saxon

    and die African, and wheu thein k'nfhntth) will have cleaiedI" p ihlieal and ociit hupreiniiey

    of thrt white nmn of North Caroliim, fur tlio time an I for all time,vill either be nbtoliUe ml I uiionu-dil- i

    iimI or elue nei.'ro dominntiouwill ngiiii iimuprrtu the Btate inig omiuy uild diegr.tco. The cam-piL'- u

    is waged on a proposed suffrnge iiinendrneiit to the Oouititu-tion- ,

    submitted to the p oplu bythe Irnt Legislature It was designed for tho single purpose ofeliminating tlio uegro as a political factor, and it is a uotablo factthat tho educational qualificationenjoiiied on tho uegro is uot ex-pected of the white man. It is uotintentiod that nn Auglo-Saxo- ushall be disqualified,

    " Every person of elicible one.who applies for reistration, forinstance, must be ublo to read andwrite any Boution or sections of thoFederal Constitution. Under thisclause 100,0l'0 incompetent negrovoters iu North Carolina will beforever barred from the polls.

    " But tho ignoraut whito votorsand there are perhaps thousauds

    of them oin enter through another gate. Seoliou 5 providosthat any lino tl descendant nf anyvoter in this couutry prior to 18(57,hall bo entitled to vot , whether

    ho ciu reud and write or not."


    sResult of Marshal Brown's Investigation

    at Uannla, Oahu, Yesterday.I

    Chinaman In Question Was An Oplam Flecd jt

    Ran Away From Officers and FllDown Stttp Embankment. :


    Marshal A. M. Brown returnedIJ

    from Hnuiila last evening afterhaving been absent a couple ofdays making an investigation intothe tecent 'death of a Chinamanat that phice whoae body wasfound in a neighboring streamand whose friends accused n po.lico oracer of tho district of ihaving over thehead, thus cau'lug him to fall inand drown. Soon this forenoon,Marshal Brown said:

    "I hove msdo a very carefuliicmiry iuto this matter aud find

    that Iho complaints of tho friendsof the deceased as made to theirCoimil are not sustained by thetacts.

    " t'ho old Chinaman who felliuto tho stream was an opiumfiend whno placo had alroud.vbeen raided several times. Ilearned from his own brotbor that,ou the uigut iu question, whentho olliccru made their last raid,tho old follow hud been smokiuuopium aud was lying in bis bedin a Btupeued condition.

    "I learned further that whenhe found tho police were in thehouse bo was so badly frightenedthat he ran away as fast as hislens could carry him.

    "Fuo police deny having fol-lowed iho man as they did notknow tho direction he had gone.Instead of having been clubbedIn-on-e of the ollioers I think theChinaman was o frightened tnat1m did not know just whore Inwiih going At all oveuts, theplace where he fell ovor is aboveiheetroim to that in falling hecould easily have been stunnedaud then tolled into tho drepwater. I feel perfeotly satisfiedthat the death wxs accidental.

    "Ouo of the city papers made agrpat fu-- s about tho delay of theCorojn t'rt jury in t.ho matt-- j freud. ring a verdict. Asa matterof ri.c', tho jury met at lOoVloidcnu Ihe morning nf tho fludhiu ofthe liely and rendered its verdictabout u hour later. There doeenot hi em to bo very muah delayabout th it."

    NY 'UNlsri'.ll MOTT-lllir- il.

    Miuirtter M 'If. Smith asked Iotby that the BuLLUTIN rorrt-c- t a

    Hindu in this morn-ing's paper iu toward to tho nameof tho hohnol iu tho Pnlamudisliict, mil the action of both

    and tho Commissioners..f Eliu'iitiou. Slid Mr. M.itt

    ' tho Executive chnetho muiio of Kaiulani for theschool in thu Piilnma districtearly in April, iu view of tho interest of ihe FriucPBB or thatnamo in such mattorB. I took acopy of the action to thp Com-missioners of Education, and theaction was adopted without

    this was nil that wasdone, aud thero wao no questionwhatever as to tho authority ofthe CommisBinnors to change thonnine from Pnlaraa to Kaiulani.there .never was but ono name,uud tho uamo Kaiulani."

    ArtUt Horrliiif.r VIMtor.Peirro M. Boeringer, artist for

    tho Siu Franoisoo Call and thoNew York Herald during thoSpauijh-Ameiica- u war in the Phi-l- i

    pin es. came to tho oity in tboAlameda. Mr. Booringer passedtlirouL Honolulu lp.st year ou hisvh) to Uio front whoroho uphold Iiibroputatiou as an aolivo and tuncessful newspaperman, II" inow visiting Honolulu in tho in --toreat-3 of tho Paris Exposition,

    ZrjrArjtrArjarArATjrjrAfamlluvvuilan Automobile.

    The Hawaiian Automobile Co.,Ltd., orRanled at a meeting of thesubscribers held yesterday. The of-ficers for the year were elected and afiftten per cent assesment was callcd upon the stock which Is all sub- -scribed. Th pipers asking for acharter have not yet been filed andthe officer are not made public ex--ccpt W. H. Hong who Is to be secretary, r. M. Hitch is attorney fortne new organisation. "l



    Colonel Gonrge Dell tho UnitedStates Consul General at Sydnoy

    a through passenger ou the Ma-riposa for Sm Francisco, whencehe will extend his travels to Phila-delphia. The Colonel will re-main iu the States for neveralmonth after which ho return toresume his duties iu Ausirslm.

    Since tbe Maripn3a sails fotthp Coast at 0 o'clock this evening,the Colonel i improvinu theshort stop in this port by seeingwhat ho can of Houolulu with aparty of friends.

    Colonel Bell's friends in Amor-ic- ahave long been urging bim to

    make a visit home, but preyingduties and many interettts iu Aub-tiali- n

    have tended to postpone thoColouel's home going from timeto time.

    Arrtl Poff,Sun Sing a Ohineseduck ranoh

    cr of Waikiki made his appoaran-c-oat the Police Statiou ubaut noon

    today with a dog in a basket anda small pig in a most batteredcondition. The dog and thehiiihII porker had had adilliculty aud the "p'laa" got verymuch the worst 'of it. llu diodshoitly after renchiuii ho stationhouse, 'the dog was 1 oked upbut uo charue lm yet hoeu lodg-ed aoaiust him. A coronerls juiywill probably be e.lled.

    tui)kih oii:mji,The tenders fur an addition to

    tho Insano Asylum won) opnnodthU mnriiing! i'li ' eueos-fa- lbidder was H. F. HertlufUrtuu,who was swarded the ooutriot.Following is tho li-- t of biddersand their bid-- : Lucia Bro- - 82,-7!- )3;

    V. t. I'at), l87; AllierlTra-k- , S.'GOO; Oahu LumberBuilding C, $19 M)i,J, A. Butter-Hl- d.

    N.'f. 32(ii:-- andH. F. Bertlomann, 8231)3.

    C. E. Moore, the soldier eh ngdw'uh piiB-in- g ciiufeili'iato hills ona Cliiuaman is up in the PoliosCourt (hit, afternoon. I begnu alIt . in. Upiu. P,tlnrinii of Bat-tery A is deluding Mo re and alr.o nuinher nt old is, na wallas aurgon Wood Imv - u'r adybeen on th" stnud D nti Mar.-- hat Chiltingw-it- ir aecniiug.

    The huhling hh,oii iu tbo Isl-- adB brgiuo todav. A I irge num

    ber of hunters will uo o tlo ftuin-tr- ydistricts ofthinida d n'nor-ro-

    romnining over uu''! Mou-da- ymorning. Quit (t , ,'nbor

    will go to Waiidua.-r- ;,'-ii




    MHNJll"h?:Houo,. World'aFudold Medal, iu&f,m-- ? FnloAvoid llnliln;; I'oivil ru oontnlalnRlain. 1 hey uro luJurWua to health

    1 11

    t 4

    - i ,:

    Ma- - i



  • w .'-- ?


    I- -


    ' .',

    S. ii


    W'y' i

    Henry H. Worthington,

    Engineers and Builders of Hlh Duty Pumping Enginestor Water Works and Irrigation.

    ME SPECIAL ATTENTION OF, PLANTATION MANAGERS ANDAGEN rS Is called u. the fact that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehouse

    assortment of pumps lor all kinds of sugar house seivlce, Including vacuumalV pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumDS, molasses pumns, etc.,


    with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attentionJtven all oiders, and prompt shipment guaranteed.

    Estimatesfumlshed for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or


    it6oCor. Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu, II. I.

    Telephone 506.

    Fraternal Directory.

    HAItMONY LODGE No. 8,I. O. O. F

    Moou ovcry Monday evunltig at 7:30,In Harmony Hull, KM tret.

    J. I. MoVKKilI, S. G.K. H. HBNDKY, Secretary.

    M vIsltliiK hrothorw vory cordiallyInvltod. .

    MYSTIO LODGE No. 2, K.o P.,Meets every Wednewlny evening at

    T:30 o'clock, Caatle Hall, Fort street.Yisltlui; brotliuro conllnlly Invited to

    iaJT A.K.MUlU'HV.K.It.B.


    Meets every third Thumlny evoulng InMasonic Tflinpln All visiting compan-ions cordially Invltod.

    A. P.ait.l-'IMiAN- , H.P.J. D. TUOKlMt,


    MoetN in Masonic Temple on tho bocoihjXhurwUy evening of each month. AllTlsltluc Sir KnlglitH conrtoonily invited.

    J. D. TITKKH,

    OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of PMeet ovory Hun-win- nvonlng at theirOantlo Hull, 42K Fort street, at

    of Mystlr Iodgo No-- 2, andTUltlng brotliore, cordlallj Invited.

    0. K. WAKD, U. C.V 1I.KIL1IKY,

    1019 K. of K. mid 8.

    COURT LUNALILO No. CG00,A. O. l.

    Meots every firt am' third Friday, atK. of P. Hull, Fort street. A cordial.nvitatloii Is extended tci visiting broth-n- .

    Por ordor C. It.V. A. FETTER,

    1023 Secretary.


    No. 1, A. & A.- - 8.'. R.Meotsthu (1rl Thursday In each month,t Mawnlo Tnniplo. Sojourning and

    ttoitliiK brothors cordially Invltod to at-tend all meeting.



    lUtonlc Templf . N. E corner AUV nd Hottl StiStated mooting", urn montmy emu

    month. SjKielal ineotlngs, when callod(will bo noted in this sUH'o). I

    Muiiiliors lougo ijo muiuuLodge , and all sdjournlng brethren cor-iial- ly


    t..ft. G. WAU ACE, StcreUry


    No. I, A.'. & A.-- . S.. It.Moots at Masonic Tcmnlo tho fourthThursday In each month. Sojourningand visiting brothers urn cordially in-vited to attend all ineotlngs.

    V.'. M.'.niAKK II. AUl'.HBACH.OLAHKNTK L. C'KAHnK. Sperm-tr- y.


    No. 121. A & A S. Rito.Stated montlns on tho last Monday of

    tach month, in Its hull, Masonic Tenip'.o.fllCO. C'AMPTOS.W M.

    WJM. V. JOHNSON. Sectetiiry.

    8EO. W. DsLONG POST No.4f,0. A K

    Department of California nnd Nevada,mnnts at Ilnriiini.v Hall. King street,first ThurwMy evening of oery month.Sojourning comrades aro cordially In-vltod to attend.

    I Ij. I.aPIKUUK,P. 0.JAS. T. COPKIjAIs'I). Ailjt.


    tovo nlook, Fort streot. Ttinrilng roomopen day and evotttng for reading andoctal luteroourso. Itegular meotlngs

    Friday, 7:30 p.m. Visiting Scotsmenspecially wolco'iie nt nil tlmos.

    (IKO. I.. DALL, Ohlof.ALEX. B. KKNNT.DY, SecriUiiy.


    No. 171,Regular Army and Navy Union of thoUnlt"d States of America, meets atHarmony Hall, King Mreet, nvnry so- -ond and fourth FrhUj In each month.

    Ylsltlng poiiinMlc are cordially Invited.MAWJUS n. 8AVNDi:S,

    Commandor.I. K. Iimhan. A'llntnnt.

    'a )

    THE WAVER LEY CLUB.Wve rley filock. Belli I street. SlmJar J mocmlnc'

    mi pefloilc.l. Pbr". tilliarj.pnol tnicara u-l-for IrecuMof inemberi Airir ceinxrti lortrnnilmtTldton. Intrntetn)$i.s monihlydue$i Open(loin 8 a. rn.to 11 p. m

    A. V. OKATt, President.AMK3 T.COPKI-ANI)- , ItooirdlngSeo'y.

    ALLEN 11 SClllMOi:OHR, Fin. Soc.'y.

    Cn coupon and 25 cents securesa .splendid historical review ofXo(jSpanish war in the Philippines.


    Salicylic add Is an organic add. It haspowerful antiseptic qualities, prevents the

    souring of beer, also the development of

    bacteria contained! In fluids. Applied ex-

    ternally It will remove corns and warts.

    TAKEN INWARDLY salicylic add rap-Idl- y

    lowers the bodily temperature, re-

    duces the pulse rate, blood pressure, and

    rapidity of respiration ; some people being

    peculiarly susceptible to Its action.

    The Board of Health has condemned

    all beers containing salicylic add. Amongthose proved to be free from this adulter-ant was the OLYMPIA BEElt, sold byLarry Dee of the Hoffman Saloon.



    You Bro worn out, tired, can't" puttho enorgy you desire into yourduties. Woll, then, you must trysomething that 'will overcome thisfooling and restore ypu to porfocthoalth.

    PleasantFrom childhood wo are taught to

    rospoct the curative features of herbs.Our grandirothers nnd them, andwcro, as n rule, verged in the art ofpreparing remedies from variousplants.

    asWo liavo a preparation that la of

    tho t.vpe puiely vego-tnbl-mado of herb wllh wine. For

    a geDoral tonic to piodnco vigor andstrength, you cannot Hud a bettorone.

    Wine.For malarial dlsinders, los of ap-

    petite, that tired foiling, loss of en-ergy, it Is a true panni ea.

    Jloynl Hitlers u Hit mnne,They gnie me at my Itirth,

    From Jloynl one need rerain,lit use nill lurely Imug mirth.

    Put up in pint bottles at Ml centsOnly of

    Hollister Drug Co,

    Art Depju'ttnent o)f

    Dahu College.CLASSES OPEN TO ALL at moderate

    tuition rate?.OIL, WATER-COLO- PAS TEL and

    China Painting; Charcoal and Pen nndInk Drawing.

    STUDIO CLASSES: Tuesdays andThutsdays, 2 to 4:30 p. m.; Fridays, 9a. in. to 12 m.

    PRIVATE LESSONS may be arranged.'1322

    Tho UBa of ttiu Hinder in mil-lions of homes ahowa the unpre-cedented succohH of tlieso idealamviny mnchiuce. It in conviuc-in- g

    proof Hint the 8ino,er excelniu all kinds of family sewing nndart upedjo work. All onr sewiuumHuhiiiPH nrn of tLc l,HBt construc-l.-- n,

    beautifully deuirnted, anda . mounted on delected woods infinely finished cabineta of artisticileoiBDB. B. Borgornen, agent, 16Bpthol street.


    'Cyolono OameraB aro the beBtand cheapest.

    Lots at Walklki for salo SeeFor Bale column.

    For rofriueratora and ice boxesseo Ditnoud & Co.'e ad on page4.

    Pure soda water, the bpst intown. Hawaiian Soda WorkB.Tel. 632.

    Captain Harry EvauB has awhftlebotit, a gig and a steamboatin the races tomorrow.

    A Speoial meeting of Lodge leProp'ress taken place this evening.Work in the third degree.

    A corapplitivo drill betweon tinvarious compnniea of tho N. G. Hwill" toko placrt early during thomonth of No-emb- er.

    Mr. nnd Mrs. Olarenco Mncfnr-lau- eare mnkiug tbe-i- r homo uu

    the La Pnlomn, anchored iu PearlHarbor off theii pretty residence.

    A great deal of money is beingplaced on tho Myrtles for to-m-row eventa. Natives aloug thowater front are botting on theBed.

    J. T. McQrow has nccopted aposition in Bishop's bnnk. W.M.Johuson will tnko his placo iu theCollector's oflJco at tho CustomHoubo.

    Mechanic's Homo, corner Hoteland Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 50 cents per night. $1 and$1.25 per week.

    The Catholic Benevolent Unionof Hawaii will give an entertain-ment at St. Louis College hall,Friday ev nicg, Sfptembor 22, fortho benefit of the poor.

    The Reuatta Day raoes beginwith the wbaleboat race at 9:30o'clock tomorrow morning. Thesix-oare- d sliding seat bnrgo comesnext. Tho races will commetjcopromptly nt the time mentioned.

    Tho Lo Munyon Photo SupplyCo. received a large concigumentof fresh 61ms and plateB on thelast steamer See what they haveto eay about the races in their adon page 8 iu (his isbue.

    The Regatta Day committee hasceased worrviuc anou moneymatlere. The sum of $1200, theamount required for the expensesof the day, wmb rnised in ono dayfrom the various business bousesof tho city.

    m- m


    Washington, September 5. Asa rouaid for hie services in con-nection with tho Snutingo cam-paign, President MeKinley proposes to continue Minor GeneralShafter in command ot theDepart- -ment of the Jfacibu with his present volunteer rauk after the timereached fur his retirement fromthe regular Army, September14th.

    With General Shafter's retire-ment Major-Gonei- nl Lawlon, whoIimb only the inuk of Colonel iuthe regular Army, will, it is

    bn made a Briundier.Gpnoinl of " tho regu-lar Army. Gnnenil MhoArthur, who holds the rank ofLieutenant- - Colonel iu tho regularArmy, is to pet the pame stepwheu Brlpndier General Am'eist.n retires in Jiiuuiuy, and Gen-eral Wheaton, Cnlouel of ngularInfantry, is booked for a Briga-ilie- r

    (ieiieinlship on the retirementof Genoinl Alerritt, which williiho open the whj for the appoint-ment of n Mhjoi-Goncr- in theregular Army.

    Fmr of h liner IVnr,Atlanta (Ga.), September 5.

    Governor Ohaudler wni nsked yto feud a Gntling gun to

    Biunswick, Gn. The request wnsmade bmnuse of the impliedthreat in a ftntemout recentlyuindo by u negro editor that arm-ed negroes were ready to sustainhim in whatever he said or did.

    Pltffon Jll'kra l Loiiir Fllitlil.Dener, September G. Word

    has been received hero thnt nhoming pigrou belonging to R. E,Blapey of Graf Ion, V. V'a.,

    in Denver on Ju)y 2il(h,reached home on August '2'Jlh,covering a dmtancn of 13 0 milesairline in thirtj-on- o days andbreakinu the world's record for along flight. ,


    vwiiiw wvwuw W'rjuiiadil ' ' irtWSssSSH

    CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer anil Builder ot Hlgh-Urtd- e

    Yachts, Boats and Launches!Worki,9iKINaST.

    P, O Boi 63, Telephone tc.


    To know about your food is

    its Duritv. No one can affordto overlook this importantthing in beverage. Peoplewho know say that womenand children can use and besure of ils absolute purity-m- ild

    and delicious


    It's ideal for home use a trialconvinces

    Desks!Desks !

    Desks !Chairs!

    Chairs!Chairs !




    Best Goods! Lowest Prices 1

    Henry Walion k CoWarerooms, Merchant street.Telephone, 313.




    New Stock Just Opened.

    Lewers & Cooke,

    FORT ST.


    Paper te&?, Latest styles. A large

    irjvoicejust received. .

    Wilder &1C0., Ltd.1231


    General WriterBUSINESS AGENT.

    II4 King St. P. 0. Box 93.

    BEN HAAHEO,King Btreot, near Hallroml Depot,

    Plumbor nnfl Tinsmith.Satisfaction guaranteed.

    AH work promptly and carefullyttondod to. 1277

    We have been authorizedto

    i .sell


    At "f.oo per case of $o bottles.IAWWWWWWVM'WV'WV'''1' jiiiii

    Owing to spurious imitations having been brought to

    this market, the public is hereby notified that the only

    "GENUINE SAUERBRUNNEN" is bottled by the Harzer

    Koenigsbrunnen-Quell- e, and every bottle bears their trade

    mark and stamp.

    H. HACKFELD & CO. LtdSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

    TTirr:CreamChocolate1 ablets Delicious Bating.

    Also just received, FRESH CAKES and CRACKERS, and a full line of

    Fancy and Staple' Groceries.At lowest market rates.

    Tolephono 110.

    ,. And all for

    Chas, Husiace,King

    RISDON IEON WOEKS,Saza. ZFiaricieco, Cal.



    OFFICE, Room 9, Spreckels Block, Honolulu, H. I.1200 1 J Box 651.

    Protect Your Family and Property I

    od Se- - 5-- G CJ u. C3 CO w

    Gear, Lansing & Co.INSURANCE DEPARTMENT.

    Mcrclinnt Street SideJudd KulldlnA

    212 tho

    Horses, Cattle, Sheep and DogsALL :E?.rXH......,E.-E.??.:!c:- ILLS.

    REMEDIES MADE JOHN POTTIE & SONS,Veterln-ir- y Surgeons World-wid- e Fame, willOURE:THOSE:ILL3, . tMoney is Saved by Investing in Pottle's Remedies.

    Black Oils for Sprains. Gull S.ilve for Sore Necks, While Oils for Swollen GhndsGteen Lotion, great healing Jgent, Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions,

    Ulack Ointment for Horses' Feet, Electric Oils, a mild bl.ster. .Pottle Eye Salve for Sore Eyes.

    Vermin Soap for Dog, Sheep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Trees.JSTThls Is only a partial list; you don't see what you want ak

    C. MACFARLANE,Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

    Coney EstateLANDS.


    Nuuanu Avenue, at Niolopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to

    J. M. MQNSARRAT, ,Cartwrlght Blockt Merchant' street.


    FOR StLE, ,Beat ProDBPty at ffiffi.


    A valuable residence lot situated in onethe best locations on the Waiklld beach,

    and having a sea frontage ubout 250feet. This property Is well laid out withfruit and 'ornamental trees. There Is acomfortable dwelling1 on the property.withcottages, stables and bath houses.

    For terms and other information apply

    1293-t- f Judd Building. I




    Btroot, next to Arlington.







    tlio complete oqulpmout of Sugar lllUa.

    & to 0 U) c--S 9 v 9) B CC3i) c ca eo e Sn " "" m. x o. a g K3LL

    EMMETT MAY. Manager.





    H. Gh. BIABT,Manufacturing Jeweller,

    aoa'X Fort Street,

    The latest designs in Bracelets,Pins, Rings, &c, on hand or madeto order. Stones of a(ltinds neatlycut, polished and mounted.

    Th6 Evening Bulletin gives ALLthe news for 76 cents a month

  • , JI





    ;v IB11

    1 I .i.jts,ids





    Roger and Gallet,Lundborg's,

    Rlcksecker's,Gosnell's, in all odors

    Toilet Sets,Sachet

    Malle Cologne,

    Benson,Smith &Co.,LtdFORT AND HOTEL STS.- -


    Furniture at San Francisco Prices!t:e3::e3 ,

    I. X. E. STORES, -Corner Nuuanu aod King Streets, Honolulu,

    Are now selling a fine lot of BEDROOM SETS, CHIFFONIERS, MATTRESSES,CHAIRS, &C, &C, at remarkably low rates.

    JtSTCall In and Inspect the goods.S. W. LEDERER,

    P. O. Box 5J5. Telephone 478. Proprietor.

    Bedroom Suites!A splendid variety of Bedroom Suites just landed.

    Before purchasing elsewhere see oar goods and get ourprices.

    Coyne -- Meiirten Furniture Co., Ltd.Progress1 Blook, Fort & Borota-nia- . Sts.


    ORPHEUM HOTEL,Orpheum Building, Eort Street.

    . is a first-clas- s modern hotel. A German chef has beenpeclally Imported, and every attention will be given to the culinary department. A

    tirst-cia- snori-orde- r Dill ot tare. Kefuiaruinnerat j:jop. m. Dining nan 00x30.Private supper rooms; billiard tables; barber

    A tew otnees to let In the building.




    and- -









    Ont and

    ! !

    AsZ IWe have purchased a fine line of SAMPLES a

    tost offer at a abovecost. See them In

    a few from last" 'soapisc'a box? 2 35c I " ''

    ' ' Holt

    - SOME3 '

    J for '2 Jcasks, per

    1ST.Hop Boor No. 11 Konla (fonnerlj



    'WWHmZv It1 rWTT9rr-: HONOLULU, H. 1., 8EPTEM EU 15,

    Perfume Bottles,Powders,

    Without a Rival.

    shop, and convenience,


    Ohia, Algerooa 'Firewot

    (ready for the Store).


    WHITE BLAOKBAHDAt lowest Prices, delivered to any per


    TfcBiHOMH AU

    HUSTAOE & CO.,31 Queen

    tTusTt Xja,nded,EX MOHIUAK, H

    A Splendid Consignment Surreys, Pluotons, ii Jinnies, ltoad. Oarts, and Humes1).

    Specially Solectotl Lnctil Requirements. Ip

    I Honolulu Carriage Hanufactory--W. W. WRIGHT, Prop'r. HV STRECT, ABOVE HOTEL, ill


    Brushes Brushes--For lKa,ir etib.a.

    DRUMMERS' (every one'wlected brush), at manufacturers' prlce.-whl-ch we slight advance

    our window.JAlso, dozen, TOLU TOILER SOAP, our" week's sale-o- nly

    for .''"'Honolulu Drug Co.,

    Von Block, King st.MA.DE

    SAJJ'EKP'AUTpounds cents.

    60-pou- nd '$4 cask.










    Almost Blindi

    Scrofula Affects tho Eyos LlttloBoy Troatod p) an Oculist With-out RoHof But Now Ho Is Well."When my llttlo boy was three months

    old his eyes became very sore and ho wasalmost blind. I took him to an oculistwho treated him for six months, and Ufthtm as bad as ho was at tho beginning.Finally Hood's Sarsaparllla was recom-mended and I began giving it to him.in less than throo weeks ho was abloto go Into tho sun without coveringhis oyes, and today his eyes aro perfectlywell, and his cars and nose, which werobadly affected, aro also well. Hood'sBareaparllla has cortalnly dono wondersfor my boy." Mns. James u. fainter,Amador, California. Remember

    HoodsSarsaparillarir,rdrutlncr. All druggists. $l,slx tor ?3. Oct Hood's.

    . arc Hie only pills to takeH00d S PUIS wlthllooU'sSarsaparlUa.

    Hotels and Restaurants.


    Best 5c. CigarTo bo had for tho money.


    Beaver Lunch Rooms.H. J. NOLTE.

    $35..During June, July

    and August, the above rate forBoard and Lodging per month will

    prevail atthe ,

    Queen Hotel.Ocean View Saloon,

    WAIKIKI,-- End of Car Lino

    W. OTTMAN, Proprietor.

    Draught nnd Bottled Door.WInos of nil brands of tlio best quality.TIjo only llconwd ostabllshraont In

    tho district. 1230

    Notice.Persons wishing to obtain board at

    Makawao, Mnul.can be rrotninodaUdnt MRS. II. H. HYILIVV'S

    Tortus, 810 jwr wok.

    Beer and Wine Dealers.

    Having thoroughly renovated the


    and resumed Its original name,

    "Bee Hive,"I will be pleased to see my friends andpatrons as before.

    H. A. JTJEN.Telephone ;8q. 1287

    LOVEJOY &C0.Importers, and Wiiolkhalk

    Wine Mi Lipr Dealers.Agents for the Bottled Rainier Deer of Seattle.

    N0. 19 NUDANU STREBTFoster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

    P.O. Box 1 it. Mutual Telephone o.



    '325 Queen afareot, Honolulu, H, 1,

    oasolidated Soda, Water Co., LI''vEisplo,iitiie,

    :orner' Allen It Fort Stt., Honolulu.

    HOLLI8TER & CO.,. . . Airenta. 1

    Myrtle Soda Stand,Mauka of'therOrpheumiBlock;

    Aerated drinks of every description.Milk Shakes a specialty.Cigars, Tobacco, Stationery, etc. 1260

    --FOR SALE, n ,


    Fresh Milkat 10 cents

    a Quart!Delivered In any quantities to ault.

    Loavo your orders at STAR DAIRY,or TELETIIONE 103.



    Tho Commissioners of Educa-tion succeeded in netting a quorumyesterday nud held the meetingthat has heeu postponed fromtime to time. Tlio appointmentsand transfor mndo by InspectorQonornl TownBend on account oftlio inability to got a meetingworo ratified. They nre as fol-lows:

    W. M. Judkins, principal atPnauilo, Elawaii; P. L. Tuple,principal nt Kupaa, Kauai; MissMaude Chase, assistant teacher atEoalin, Kauai; A. D. Wishord,substitute for J.' F. Scott untilotherwise ordered by tho Hoard;Miss Ruth Arnold, tmhstitutn forMrSr J. N. Tni;garii during horabsence from Kalihi wnona schoolMiss Linda Pnrmonter, toucher oftho school ni Moannlua; MissEllon H. Uickvvell.nssiitnut tenchor in tho Honolulu Nnrmnl andI'rAiuiug School, to tnku the placeof Miss Wntson, reslgued; MiesM, Ida Ziegler, nssi-tau- t tpauherin the Honolulu Normal andTraining School, to tnko p-,- ceof Miss Mary S. Hobb. to bo transferred; Miss Mary Acliuck, assiet- -ant in tho Kalihi uku school;Miss Charlotte Mumford, assistant in tho Libuo school; Missattenrietta Christian, assistant inthe Libne school; W. Elmo Reavis, tomporary priucipal of thoLahainaluna Seminary, to holdtho position until othurwiso ordored by tho Board; Fred P. Rosouorane, temporary vlco principal ofLahainaluna Seminary untilotherwise ordered by the Board;Mrs. Ura Scrimgor, assistantteacher in the Labaina eohool, totako place of Mrs. 0. E. Roaen-cran- s,

    resigned; Miss Emily F.Williams, assistant in tho Wai-ohi- nu

    school, to take thoDlaco of Mrs. True, resigned;Mibs Annio Akamu, assistanttenouor in the Hanhoo eohool, toto Inko the placo of Miss Ellen A.Pomeroy, resigned; MissAIargaretBarton, principal at Waimea, Ha-waii, to take place of S. O.Biddell,resigned; Mies Bertha B. Taylor,principal of the Waiohinu sohool;Mrs. P. L. Tople, assistant in thoKapaa sohoolj to tako placo ofB. P. Smith off on a year's leavoof absonco; W. B. Weiglo, princi-pal at Honnkohau, Hawaii; Mrs.Kate Howland Phillipo, teacher inthe Royal Sohool, in place of MissSorenson, who has a lertvo of abneuce; Mjbb Daisy Lishman, assis-tant in tho Pulama school; H. V.Kinney, teacher at Kahuku; MissJune Nahiwa, assistant tenchor atH tnukohau, Hawaii; Wtu. Abbey,nstistaut tenchor nt Hanalei schooluntil otherwise ordered by theboatd; Miss ChriHtinu Smith, ant

    at Hoou; Miss Mr.ria Ma-helo-teacher Bt Kamaoa; Win.

    IsaHO, at Kailun; Miss Mary Silv. ,assistant teacher at Waialuaschool; Miss Mary 8. Ross, teach-er nt Wnipahu.

    Rev. Miisuio was appointedschool agent tit Waimea, Kauai, toact during tho disability of J. F.Scott.

    Tho recommendation of theExecutive Council that the newschool at Pnlnmn be called theKniulani school whb adopted."Nvr Uurn n Candlo at Uolli KndeIt you do your light will soon

    be pone, and you will bo in thedark. Don't think you can go ondrawing vitality from the bloodfor nerves, storaaoh, brain, audmuscle without doing somethingto replace it. Hood's Sarsapnrillagives nerve, mental aud digestivestrength by enriching and vitalis-ing the blood. Thus it help'speople who are overworked andtired.

    Hood's Pills are non-irritati-mild, effective.

    A -

    Hcattl iUr.This over nonnlar Raininr rtAnr

    is becoming a household wordand "will you .have a 'glass ofSoattle'Vismoro ofton beard thananytning else. Tbo CriterionSaloon have the beer on tan or inbottles.

    Orpheum Theatre tonight. "Amorioaa Messenger Service

    Masonic Temple. TelorjhoneHi. '

    Honolulu Messonror Service do.livers messages and paokaces.Telephone 878. ,

    There is onlyono Jesse MooroWhiskev in the world nnd that incold and puro. Lovejoy & Co.,nro distributors for tho HawaiianIslands.

    If ypu want a nioo rubber tirehack with a careful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tol. 019,and wo guarantee yon will bontk&od.

    tkdi bstdib dud Insurance.

    Tr,Tp,t,-'.'- rL.1JPJ-1- ) and IH1RK


    New England Mutual Life In-surance Co. of Boston.

    tna Fire Insurance Companyof Hartford.HENRY ST. COAR.EDWAR0 POLLITZ.

    Members Stock and Bond Exchange.


    Particular attention given to purchase and tale otHawaiian Sugar Stock

    Loans NeKotlateJ. Eastern and Foreign Stocksand Bonds.

    403 California St.,8an Francisco, Cal. 1172

    W. C. ACHI & CO.,

    Brokers & DealersIK- -

    REAL &TATECS" We will liny or Sell Real EiUtfla.

    U parts of the group.OT Wo will Boll FroperUea on Ueaaotv

    hle OommisaloDHi

    3FFICE. 10 West King Street


    Real . Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.


    Twelve Chlueso Granite HitchingPosts, $5 oach.

    Property in town.IIOUHIS TO IiUT.

    Eleal Estate TransaotionRBabsoribera are tarmoaed with from thi

    to six lists tioT woek, giving an aoourattrseord of all tiooda.taortRapM, leases, .tsases, powars of ottorney, eto., eto., wWt itre pUoed on record.Subscription I'rlco, 32.00 por Monttl

    A. V. GEAR,JuiM Itnllillnit. Hondo!".

    OHAS. .1. EALK,

    Membor Honolulu Stock Exchange.HcomSUl, Jiuld Iltiildlug.

    is 50


    No 5 Qncen Btreet.

    Expert Appraisement of BoslSstate and Furn'titro


    Stock and Bond BrokerMember ot HawalUn Stock Eacnang.

    Mcltirruy lllork. Fort Street.

    P. E. It. STHATJOH,

    Real Estate BrokerFinancial Agunt and Collootor.

    Lincoln Mock, - 030 King street.im8 Telephone 641.

    A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and .Bond Broker.

    Member of the Honolulu Stock Eichang.Office Queen utroot, opposite Union

    Feed Company.Telephone 506. P.O. Boa ii.


    Meobei of Honolulu Stock Esckaaga.Qiteao street, .

    Telaohooo t. P. O. Boa 194,BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,

    . General Manager of

    The Equitable Lift Issurtnto SociebOf the United, States foi the Hawallai

    ' '' Islands.Uittosii Merchant street, Hondaloi

    EDMUIO) b:. hart,Notary Public and Typewriter

    Convtjrencer and Searcher of Records.

    kVOfflco No. 15 Knahumanu street.gTlop1)ono No. 870.


    NOTARY POBLIC and TYPEWRITEROfflce. sol Merchant street Camps b ock rearO.Carter ionic P. O Box 104

    Ageuts, brokers and Jobbers.

    tV.a.rwin&Go.Limited ,

    forWestern bngar ltotinery Oo. ot Bar

    Francisco,Ualdwin Looomotive Works of Phitei

    cl(lpUIn,I'unu. U. 8. A.Newell Universal Mill (Jo. (Notion

    Cano Bhreddorl, N- - 3 Tork, U. B. A,N.OUiandt & Oo'u Chemical t'ortilizeniAlex Crosi & Bons, liirb Rtade fertile

    iiera for Csnc nnd Coffee.Beeds SUnm l'ipo Covering

    sllsoOffer for Sale

    Parafflnn Paint IVa P & H Points andI'aiHiraj nd Llnsssd nils, rawand boiled.

    Inditrl ., (s odIJ uater putnt) in wbiMand oolorf.

    FlIfT Prow C'otlm. Cmnt, t.Irce andOliCHS.


    Commission Merchants,SUGAR FACTORS.

    AGENTS FORrti Cwa plantitlon Co.The Waialua Agricultural Co , Ltd.The Kohala Sugar CoThe Walamea bagtt Mill Co.The Koloa Actlcultural Co.The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo.The StinJiri Oil Co.The Ceo. F. UlaVa Steam Pumps.Weston's Centrifugals.

    1 New CnjIanlLlfo Insurance Co.ofBottee.The Etna Tire Ins. Co. of Hartford. Coaa.Th Alliance Assurance Co of LonJon.




    MERCHANT- S-Agents for the California and Orients

    Steamship Company.



    Jin. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

    V'm. Q. Inviu, - Prwjdont and MauamMtins Bpreokels, . . .7. M. QilTard, floorolory and TrosatxrsitTteo. O. Porter, ... AndJtoiSoav i?sc4ora


    Commission AgentaJAOCNTH OF XII


    Election 01 Oilficers.At a mectlnj; of the Stockliolders.

    HENRY MAY & CO.. LTD., held on th.22nd day of July, the followlnc officer,were duly elected to servo until the nexannual meeting:

    P. May, President and Min.ieer.H. E. Aklntvre.P. T. P. Wwrhouse, Secretary.F. U. Auerbach, Treasurer.F. W. .Mactarlane, Auditor.E. F. Bishop and E. D. Tenney, D 'tictors.

    F. T. P. WATERHOUSE,'too-i- Secrettrv.

    .1 HULLLlPiS ,5: CO.,'Vhoteiolo Importora and Joblmrs o!

    hvojMs anil American Dry GooPort and Qneou titreets.

    fE HACKFEJD&.CO.,Ltd


    Ihr Port nd Oneen Htrwtg Hoaol&CITY REPAIR SHOP

    11$ Bethel Street, opposite Water-hous- e& Co.

    Strictly new 8o8 Cleveland Bicycles for Real. .Secona-han- l Bicycles foi sale.Repalrtnr prosiptly and thoroughly attenlel 1

    All work (uarantad.TB.JONB- -B.CUftk

    Honolulu Iron Works Go.Improvod and modern SUGAR MA.

    OHINERY of every capacity and detarlptlon made to order. Boiler worknd IUVETED PlrES for irrigation

    purposoa a opoolalty. Partlo'ilar atten-tion pnld to JOB WORK, nnd repairs ex.cutoI at Bhortet notice .

    U. M. DUNCAN, ,Collector and General Busi-

    ness Agent.Onico, - 113 Kaliiiniflritt street.

    Also pro pa rod to U1K0 ordorH for fllUnfin low hints and torraoinR. Workpromptly atUmded to. 1253MORRIS K.KEQHQKALOLE

    United States CuWom ITouw IttoLer.Accotitltant, Soarchor or Titles sodGoiiHrnl Buaineos Afjent. 1Tulopliono b20.

    OKnciS No, 15 Kaahutmni Btreat.Honolulu. Fonnorly A. Row' ofiVw,

    '' I t ,W '1;j.M,i ,UUf,i; j,;Jtlit ai? 'v . i. W" ft wETiSti flr ($am Wj..?:?





    tr .

    $9 ..

  • 9- -


    i.it f

    Evening Bulletin,f Win4 Cvtty Cay. eacept Sunday, at aio Ktfli

    itreel, HonMslu, H. I by tba


    "9.P FARRINGTON .. . EditorHN1M l('V City Fdlt

    subiTlUiuu t Intra IPer month, anyvthtre tn Hawaiian Island!.. ..$ 75Paryear SouPtryeAf.poitpaM.ta orMealco.io ooP year, roitpalJ, other torelpi countrlei II oo

    WPiyable Invariably In advance.C

    TtLCPHONE $6

    Post Office Box ti3

    FRIDAY, bEPT. 15, 1899.


    (rrum Uw New York Sun.

    About (li- - worst tiling yon cut)find to H'i of tbo Hon. WilliamMeKinlcj, P.eMtlcnt i f lueUuit-cc- !

    St it. e, in tlint li tries toIdei t fy lii-- i Adiuiiiistintion withthe llt nf this country. Theworst tliifp, wo irjp'iui, from yourpoint llf VIHW- - ,

    It i- - tni--- . lie dnc8. IIo didfo boldly hiid openly in bis finrlittlu of Monday at CliffHaven, whim bo snid:

    "LoMil'y In the Govroment isonr Kiititmal cri'id. Wo follow,all of ue, one Hug. It symbolizeour puipc-s- wid our nipirations;it rcpfc ts ttlmt e bohevo midwbiit we meno to mniulriiu; nmlwbi'iPN r it ilonlf, it is llf ilng oftbe frM tlm Iwjip f the oppreerland wliiMovi-- r it is nsnulfd, hiint rncrilico it will bacairiedtontrinii'pbrtiit pcHce"

    You imiy ifftiit nrRumeuts, youmny iuveut pbrnsec, you mny pileon riilicu'c nnd (.Iium-- , but t liePresident of tbe United Smlrwbo lioldri tbnt po-nii- n, Imltlba pot it inn wliicb i impreijunble.

    AVberi'vo. tbo Atnencau Qng isBEBnilid, itt any faciilice it "ill lcarried on to n Iriutnpliniil pence

    Tbttt is tbe declaration ot theFre?Meul, the pulny of bis

    nid tbe fixed purpose of the pe plf if this couutrj.


    Wbnt burin tbo "fool fiipndu"of HavHii Ihvo tlnue ad whitbarm they may do, if sent toWusliin:loii iu tbo interest i I

    cliqilO at til ii Exf"U'IVe13uiliiu' it- - hliown by tbi following t'StrHct from the nowfamniiH It-- or rou-nl- ly pulilifht'ilby au admirer of Goueial A'gpr:

    "II nil General A'uer u Pre.eideni ins cad of Major MoKinley,Americnu ius'i utioiin uoulil havebeen innio thnioiihly estatiliihedin lb Hawaiian and theywould be rami' ort'OubtPiy undertbe onirol of tLi Gnvfmin. irand in 1 re in accord uiili the civ Ii.BHtion of the New instead of theOld Wi rid "

    Tlio writer of t'n's U the obiprivate of Zich Oh nndler, fonneily Secretaryof the (JoiiresMnuat Nuti inalOomruiitHp, and also of tbe Miohigan Reoublicau State Ooinuiittee.

    We publi'h it to show one of(he ro-nl- ls of tU- - ajtiou of these"fool friend-,- b-- re iu their tit-li- tto ward off tbo Couotituti m of tboUnited Siates aiid everything thatwould tend to incurp irate these isl-ands within tbu sphere of Federaljurisdiction.

    Adoptiug lo the locality, tliothe N-u- York Tribuue

    makes iu publisbing the letterfrom which wo qu te, we printthis beomse it is "mighty inter-ostin- g

    rending, because if dam lin-ing to anyhoJy, it will not bo totbo President of tbo United Stater,or to tbo crune of rsttibliahiugAoiprioau insMtuliotiS hero whichattracts tbo Bulletin.


    Slowly but hurely are tbe wallsof th it sacred edifice Hawniiuiiautonomy, tumbliug down aboutthe bends of llitj hih pnefeto whoBit stroking their benrda andmumbliiif! tliH.ii1 prayers within.

    Thn indepeudoi t aotion ot tlioUnited Stated in t iking whatland it wants for militiiry ubimx- -ftUooB doos violence to thoeberiob.


    ed view at the Executive Building,i Inn the Hawaiian Goyjruinent

    tin continue to disp'lse of pjblictin (Ii on tbe lines ''We have beouriinniug mi."

    But Secretary of War Root iciilsn new to hiaoffioe us PresideniDole said of Secretary of StateHay iu reference to the orderdealing witb Olaa lands.

    Tbo Springfield Ropublicau,tbe organ of Atkinson's anli-i-perial society gi.es tohn editorialleader the title "We Need a High!Good Licking." The SpriugtieldRepubticND i8 right. As. yiarsimsB and tbe wisdom of PiesideutMcKiulev'e doIiov is lul'y do- -munstrnti'd, the Republictu willb'come so impressed with the

    of a liokini that it uillproceed to kick ilpelf.

    If Mr. ivnlo wlabe to do smoIh'ui; bo.efioialfor tlr people, undtbe country at larg., win doe bonot obthin authority fr in Washingtou to expend Btirplus funda intbe Hnwaiian Treasury for publicimprovoinenta and the inepapeilwork if uovernment burpau-- . 'i Oris this a matter in which 'ho n

    Executivo will '"bionke nointerference."

    Arnnrtg tbe varieties of valuablewoods foiiud in the Philippine bapi oi r the uames dii glnn, batlan-a- u,

    cimnuon, gulo, nairs, auiipnlo,inolave, dungous, bells, uia'ahonga, maiigacbapuy, cala- - tras, ipil.aiiHgap, apiton and liiidnlc. Atlast the aiiti-irapcri- al foices havean argument that w II npp-- nl tobe people.

    When in the cuun-- e of iiiiuexattou events it becoiupn n censaiyfor Federal authorities In give or-ders iu kieping with n proper in-t-i-

    taliou of the Ncw'iiuiIh Re-solution, tbo Hawaii Ex culive

    ui ounces that Federal nuthoritieHneed

    EfTor b of Georgia wbi'os lodi finiichise the neros n a noess to bo condemn d tli-- the

    con-ta- n manipulation of IIm- -waii's sebct official ui.eln to dif- -frHiicliiB.. a goodly poni ri of theoitiZ'UB of this territorv. lo be.

    Gient Uritiiiu is treating tbeTrtiii-vn- nI witb rasrkol con-- i Urnii"U l allowing President K'ligerplenty of time to prepare for alight. The stupriun will bo ccaMontri by failn o to resort eventu-ally to the arbitrament of arms.

    The tniuipulalioriH of SueurTrut In -- fcuring assistance of tbeWhol sain Grocer ionbus tumid the sugar of tbo inde-pendent r (inerieH int nr pickle.


    TO-NIGH- T !

    NEW COMPANY.First App?arance of the Ecctntrlc Musical

    Comedian,Emil Walton,

    In his Original Musical Act. direct from(lie leading vaudeville hou-e- i

    of America.

    Our Big Feature I Engagement Extraor-dinary or

    CI Nino Eddie,King of the Bounding Rope, In Marvelous

    Feats ofDating.

    The Society Duetists,CHANDLER AND MCPHERSON.

    The Charming Soubrette,t:.:x:s cqleman,

    I1::-'- ?.- R"-:- wl Wiim L'ncer.Th VWj.z: fi- - r;n..r7(;, ,

    , LILLIAN LbSLIt,Uc.r'f.-v-s ar-'-J Coxi: V-i- 'ist.

    The Talented Sketcn Artists,HOCCS AND HAEWARDIn th: Cymedy Sketch. "I he First Kiss."

    Continued Success of

    A1Y T'JrtN NEXT !kj. .l AJmiulon, 15c. and joe,lax six tor Children under ycari, ix,JrvelChaii, ;x.Vatican b booked hy ,,iwlnj up Tclcpbona 5,0

    Changs of Program MonOa p.ndThursdajX.

    Family Matinee Every Saturday, 2:jo p.m.


    "As the constant of waterWears away the hardest stonej

    As the constant gnaw of tigerMasticates the toughest bone,

    As the constant cooln z loverCarries off blushing maid,"

    S3 the constant cvcle riderSays, the Sterling's best wheel made.

    Many and varied are the bicycles whichare now offered to the riding public; somegood, others fairly so; but more which arescarcely worthy of the name. To the in-experienced wheelman all wheels lookalike to him, as they are enamelled, nickel-ed and decorated to produce a like effect.The best fittings. as tires, saddles, etc.,are abo sometime to be found on thecheapest wheels; this being possible, asthe monev which should be expended onKOdd material and tbe skillful manufactureof same, Is used Instead, for the outsideappearances; thus bright nickel and goodenamel may cover the cheapest cast Ironand gas pipe.

    In th every day use of a cycle, It Issubjected to verv severe strains, and amachine upon which the owner Is tt) trusthis safety should be carefully selected, asan Imperfectly brazed tube, o other simb

    ir dele Is liable to causs serious Injuryto the rider. Therefore it is well, whennurdi ising a wheel, to examine fully IntoIt construction, material used, and I lieamount of experience its makers have hadIn the building of cycles. Before youfinally decide to buy a wheel, the P. C.Mfg. C. on Fort Street would like toshow you the V; Model Sterling and ex-plain llieir superior points to you. Lady'sand Gent's high grade Sterling fGo.oo onsmall weekly or monthly instalments.

    Five Milesof


    Have been received by the


    The litill:tli) told you a few diys agoof the scareffv of bird woods such as areused for mouldings, and the large advanceIn price of the same.

    Our orders were placed at old prices,.ind the goods have just arrived.

    With these we hive received the verylatest designs In PICTURK FRAMESand EASELS an assortment such as hasnever before been seen in Honolulu.

    CjII early and have your choice.

    'anil Ibliviire I!am Hi).

    Art Rooms.1.



    A well selected stock with i good assortment of goods are both the buyer's

    and seller's delight.

    We have Just received a large assort

    ment of

    Iron WireNos. 4, 5 and 6.

    Galvanized Ferce Staples, In Kegs,assorted sizes, i,iU and 2 Inch.






    Machine Oils.No. 1 nnd 2 Engine Oil W.S Lard OH,

    In tins and barrels.Spurn Oil In tins and barrels.Neats Foot Oil. Carbolinlum.Coal Tar. Axle Grease. Best Refined

    Tallow.C01 ton Waste. Varnish of all kinds.Packing, Asbestos, Soap Stone, Sheet

    Rubber.Pipe Covering, assorted sizes.

    The above are only a few of the manyarticles we keep constantly In stock,and our prices will stand competitionwith any other dealers.

    The Hawaiian Hardware Co.

    Fort streets, opposite Spreckels1 Bank.

    St :"''


    137Arrived by the "Albert," In perfect




    and Ice Boxes.ALL ONE MAKE,

    The CelebratedGurneyCleanablerff

    The name Is sufficient. We slmnlvwish to announce the arrival of thesegoods.


    --Von Holt Block, Kim? street.Irrporters of Crockery, Lamps and House

    Fumbhlnc Goods.Sole Acents Jewel Stoves, for coa! or

    wood; Gurney Cleanable Refrigerators,New Wlckless Blue Flame Oil Stoves,uerm rTnoi filters, Primus Oil Stoves.


    ISN'T EVERYTHING to goodstorekerplng ; even a good salesmanfalls when he tries to sell, cautious'ly, clothing that Isn't made as Itshould be. In the long run onlythe best clothing pays; especiallywhen the best clothing cin be hadat the price of the next best. Ourclothing Is so well made, so at-tractive In appearance, ai-- looks sodesirable that It requires less energyand breath and persuasion on thepart of the salesman to sell it.

    After we h ive sold It once, wean sell It with less effort to

    the same customer. It Is the kindof clothing that bring your custo-mer back agiln and ngiln the kindwith which we can build up a lastIng trade. AnJ tint Is what weare doing In nil our lines.

    'The l(ishDHotalStrut : : WRVfirlO? BlOCl

    We Make Shirts tn Order.Telephone No. 676 No. 0 11, Hotel St

    Agents fnt Dr. Delmel's Linen MeshUnderwear. Send for Catalogue.




    GoldenRule Bazaar

    "In the Forbidden Land," 2 vols., by A.Henry Savage Landon.

    "My Lady Rotha." Stanley Weyman."The Castle Inn," Stanley Weyman."Tekla," Robt. Barr."Heart and Sword," John Strange Winter."Au Original Sinner." Albert Ross."The Gift of Bonaparte," Shortz."A Lost American," Gunter."The Dreamers," Bangs."The Cruise of the Cachalot," (In paper

    edition)."DAVID HARUM.""Our Navy In the Spanish War," John

    R. Spears."The Scape Goat," Hall Cafne."The Swallow" Haggard's Best Book I"From Sea to Sea," (2 vols.), Kipling.Kipling's Complete Works, In 15 vols.,

    H5.00."Reminiscences." Justin McCarthy."Heart of the World," Haggard.

    Waldtrant." M. Rudlger."Joan Haste," Haggard."The King's Rivals," E. N. Barrow.

    Over 900New BooksEx Australia !


    r 1

    RemindersWe have just

    choice selection ofSAILORS, in theBlack and White.

    received anotherROUGH STRAWnewest shapes.


    Tlae People's Providers.Fort Street.


    Commencing August 7th, at the


    Ribbons ! Ribbons ! Ribbons !Laces ! Laces ! Laces !

    At prices that can't be duplicated; af

    Hawaiian Dry Goods AssociationMOSES PALATJ, Manager.

    Whitney Marsh, Ltd.Successors toJ.J. EG AN CO.,

    Will shortly open open up a com-plete and carefully selected newstock of DRY GOODS.



    Alpha Home Pudding !N(iF,'tP"iyirie you ever ate. Not simply a cornstarch preparation. SOMETHINGNEW. RVE KINDS TO CHOOSE FROM, AT 10 CBNT8 EACI- I-Cocoanut Fatlna, Cocoanut Chocolite, Cocoanut Rice, Cocoanut I aploca. Cnco inutLemon Cream. Any one puddiig enough for six persons. Buy one to try moneyback If dissatisfied. Saves lime, labor and money. At

    Salter's GroceryTelephone 680. Orpheum Block; Fort Street,


    Fort and


    Sr- -



    Merchant Tailor534

    -- Near comer Uuand Short


    Powder.HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd.


    J. T. Waterhouse, H. B. Mclntyre & Bros.,Way &

    Wholesale and Retail GrocersTEA DEALERS and COFFEE MERCHANTS

    STORES:King Streets,

    Waverley Block, Bethel St.Fort Street, 22 ond 02 tkmcnionks - 24 and OO

    1'. O. IJOX 88--


    Clothes made to ordor at a reasonablecost. Clothes cleaned, repaired anddyoil. Flrht-cln- work ituarunused, F,O. box 260. street, HonoluluH, L 1268


    FORT ST.,of Chaplain

    Clianln Repairing at Notice,

    Henry Co.

    Botliel Stroot.

    Unionil In the beat potilbla duhi





  • r4fe




    Between Boards YesterJay 100 Ookata ti.'HAWAIIAN EXCHANGE.


    Between Boards jooOtaa.jo.Session 7 Olaa .)o.

    M. B. O,

    At a mpttiiig of tbe Myrllo BoatClub last cveniog tb? follow inncom mitt t war appointed to Inkcharge of tlio entertainment nf Ibguests of tliHolulint tin uoatlioutotomorrow: H. A. Wilder, L IJAnnua, H. A Gilr. Dr. W. TMonsnrrat uud O..S. Cruo. TboMyrtle lioyn will lie gld to fee hIIthoir friotidt) nt tbo boat lioueu to-morrow l any time diiriu- - theproyroHn of tbo raced. Lunchi'miTrill bo served and mafic f r dimeinp, by Hmvaimu nnisiuiiiiii-- , willcontiuno thi'Migliout llio day Tbowhole bouo ie to be prettily de-corated for the occasion.

    Now Euulntid Bakery fc CandvCo., Hotel street mnnfctiirn nfine lino of bread, pu-tr- y, weddiDg cnk'8, ice creaum, nIihiIuMhand cnuditH (iueflt iu tbe cityBnd prices vi ry low. Telephouu74. J. OSWALD LUTTCD, .Mfilit--.ger.

    1 9 caluhrimi



    Tribune!IF YOU WANT A


    WMITMAN & CO.,Tribune Agents.

    Teles'ione 746.

    Pacific Heights Notice.

    Applications will be received at the office of BRUCEWARING & CO. for the purchase of Lots on

    Situated, on the magnificent hillside between Nuuanu andPauoa Valleys, and commandinjj a superb marine and scenicview stretching from Diamond Head over Punchbowl to theWaianae ranjje of mountains.

    A broad, winding Boulevard giving access to the propertyis now in course of construction, and choice lots of sufficientarea for magnificent will soon be available.

    On the Nuuanu side of the hill is a Pali protecting it fromthe high winds and heavy showers of Nuuanu Valley, ensuring

    rhmafe.r Tl ,,, tan t 4Ua rfreiftt t A f lr 10 fnnt1IIC ClCVdllUll Ul IIIC iJiupcujr Id IIUIH IJJ IVJ JJJ 1CCI

    above sea level.Applications will be numbered and filed, and choice will

    be allotted according to the uumher of the applications.Only SI ,000 for a lot 100 x 200 feet. Terms easy.

    BRUCE WARING & CO.,Rooms 7 and 8, Progress Block.

    : JUST OUT :

    Aloha Collection --


    Price $3.00, 71 cents a Song !Contains the Following Cioico Selections:

    1. Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee). 20. Sweet Lei Lehua.

    2. Ua Like no a Like. 21. N i'l Aupunl.

    3. Ke Aloha 1 Hlkl Mai. 22. Kaplllna.

    4. Forget-Me-No- t. 2j. Remember, Be Sure and Be

    5. Maul (Two Step). There.

    6. Kalakaua's Serenade (Duet). 24. Pua 0 ka He--1 (Sweet Rose Bud).

    7. Makalapua, LiliuokalanPs Ser- - 25. Pua Sadinta (Gardlnlas).

    enade (Duet). 26. Akahl Hoi (For Once Again).

    8. Awalaulu. 27. Ol Hoi Ha.

    9. Lei Ponl Mol (Wreath of Car-- 28. Adlos Ke Aloha (Adieu, My

    nations). Love)'

    10. Vloleta. 29- - Walplo.

    11. He Lei No Kalulanl (Wreath for 30. Paahana, "Hula."

    Kalulanl). 31' Na Molokama.

    12. Alnahau (Kalulanl's Home). 3Haiti Po 1 ka Lehua.

    3 J- - SunnV Manoa- -I j. Nu'a 0 ka Palal.34. Maunawlll, "Hula."14. Nuuanu Walpuna.

    -- 15. Wal 0 Punalau (Waters of Puna-- 35. Hone Sakalx

    lau 36. MnanlKe Ala (Two Step).

    Toml, Toml, "Hula.",6. Sweet Violet. 37.

    17. Malkal Walplo (Beautiful Wal-- 38. Lei Ohaoha.

    39- - Willwill Wal.pIo),40. Sweet Lei Mamo.18. Poll Pumehana.

    19. Ka Inu Wal.

    BERGSTROM MUSIC C0,Ltd.Proeress Blook.







    Tim Block ezebnogrB bavo noeessiouB tomorrow.

    Ciplain K- - kai of tbe polico liraentered the Hulumua iu the wbaliboat rnuo.

    There will lie no matinee at tbeOrpbeum tomorrow uu account ofthe boat rucen.

    Umkoutuo S Q Wilder from8 in F'Hucikco imcbot'd in thestrr'niij late ymterdny nftortmon.

    A lid'n brlt with gold bucklowiiii lout on lower Nuunun, Vine-yard or Tort ftrect. Read Loetcolumn.

    The 8100(1 built bond requiredby I ho autborilieB for (be relentpof Elibr iMrsrHhnl Mill bo tntis-liu- il

    this afteiuoou.Wiijht'B Villa Moonliubt Imlh-mi- ;,

    wiib fiui-hu- thin wet k; boardnuii room S1'2 pr week includingiitiibiiiL!. MohIs 5U cents.

    Liner, Nippou Maiu from onuFruticiccii and America JMaruIroT Y kobiiniH are duo bore ouTuet-da- tbe liltli iiiHtant.

    Snmuel Parker goes to Hawaiinext week on business. He willtop at KapnpHla Iltinob, Kau, to

    atlei d to some inaltotH tbore.It iii expected that by next Tiuk.

    dny all of tbn Victoria'" iininig nuts-wil- l have been sent to theiruittiie homes ou these

    Tbe 8 8 Eliliu Thompson willmil for l'ugot Sound tomorrowmoiuiu ; slit is oulimdiuK fr gbtTor thin port with quick despatch.

    Walter A. Edgerly, a son of tbeowuer of tbo Olnd Darter, wko istrwt-llin- uitb tbe vp?bfl, recentlyreceived $24,0' 0 dumnues for theloss of both 1 f his leun iu hii acci-dent ou (ho Now York CeutralIt. It.

    William Berliner of the ClubStiihlt-- came very neir briuidumped off the Irmgaid hitjepieirihy, tbo ho'se lie was driviug nltemptiug o bilk rig and nilinto tbe water. Brliuer got a falllint 6U8laiued no injuries.

    Ghao. David lins opened a fineItlhC" nt Waialua near tbo depot.Ho will give brut rate HccomodatioiiB to ppoplo iu boarding, lodg-ing mid hxthing. Those going toWaialua over dnuilav would dowell to make him a call.

    As a result of tlio 13 hourstouudiuu tbo Coilioya rec-ie- d

    n the roof the other dny, she islinking at tbe Blight rate, of halfan iicli an hour. Beyond theloos-uiu- of a bolt or two tbo ironbaik received no damage.

    The oliHlltngfl issued by a tm-of- war1 01 cap aiued by David

    NHeole has been accepted byof tbo lootl eteve-dnr- en

    who will ho capiaiued hyJoe Fern; Joe Morse acting asuuchor. The couteat to take oIhchou the occasion of Jim Post'scomplementary benefit.

    Spanish and Portuguesn immi-grnDt-were tmnrferred from tbe

    S S Victoria to the quarantinestation today by the steam cowThe fiist lo'd was wildly enthusi-astic, htid tbe Spa'ish brnsa bauwas included, txecutioe "God Savethe Quo u" in energetio stylo ontbe way from tbe boat to tbe laudiog.

    At the request of a number ofinterested parties tbo terms of tbeRitie matches havebeen changed so that th distribation of prizes will be made attin end nf each match ioitead ofwaiting till the four matches havebeen shot. This is to enable suchas may be unable to be present atevery matoh to oompeto in thosewhich bo may be able to attend,

    Ballentyne & Eakin




    If you want to buy either RealEstate or Sugar Stocks, call andsee us.

    Careful attention given to everycommission.



    ".VT.-ll.r- f .,, ..ut,.!.-- . ...... L, ...M,.ilm.i,Aui.jJ.,.,.


    S BISiJOss! m

    TTvrrt? nrrrvs'MSjaS'iSi



    In thismake.

    Easy, andA of

    ?rj that re

    There Is that wecan add to the

    of JOHNSTONES3 & MURPHY Shoes They stand preeminently In a distinct class of

    their own. If you haven't worn a J. & M. you don't know what com-fort Is.


    t t



    Mclnerny Shoe Store,



    We are to that we are now In to take meas-urements, Rive estimates, make, deliver and put up, anything In the line ofplain white, or fancy stride duck awnings, at short notice. soadds to the comfort and beauty of a house as InnJsome lanal, porch andw Indow us and we will s.huw you and makeestimates.

    PEARSON & POTTER Ltd.,312 Fort street. Telephone 565.

    Souvenir Photo. Jewelry

    was first introduced here by

    King Bros, represent themanufacturer of the very bestof this class work. A viewof their samples is invited.Color work a specialty. Leaveyour orders at KING BROS.,110 Hotel street.


    Another winnercelebrated

    comfortablesensible. combinationeverything denotesfinement.


    increase repu-

    tation the


    pleased nnnoume position


    awnings. Telephone samples



    nmmmmmmijwujwuv v.. v rj. V v v w. N

    sP? THIS COUPON. $

    g--t 25 Cents,





    fOn to Manila,'!Sg By DOUGLASS WHITE, ijrb "Eomlntr" Wr Contiponjfnl p


    No. ST.





    Is a prettygood paper for

    $2.50 per an-

    num, preferably

    in advance.



    Advert is enwho use its col-

    umns GET


    MANUEL NTJNES,Manufacturer of


    Workmanship and Material Guaranteed. Repatttaa Specialty.

    1130 :: No. 21BX KINO ST,

    Jose de Osiirlto Saulus.King itreel, - two doors beluw Punchbowl site


    Gultarw, : I Ilitilelef,TARO PATCH FIDDLES.

    Workmanship and material guaranteed. RepaMfspecialty.

    On To Manila, a complete his-tory of the Philippine campaign jhandled inclusively by the BULLE-TIN.


    Real Maltese,Valancenes andTorchon : :

    Laces andInsertions, also

    Tuckings,JUST RECEIVED.






  • F$- -rv.' TBI, EVElSINd UUlsLKI'l. HONOLULU, H (., 8EPTEMHER 15, JUflhi.




    iW -ft





    V. L. C. ATKINSON,

    Attorney-at-Law- .

    Olllco, corner King and llothol stroot",Up Stairs. 1227

    T. MoOANTS STEWART,Attornoy andCounsellor at Law.

    Pi jgrovi Block, oppnstto Cathollo ChurchFort street, Honolulu, II. I.

    1252 Tolcphouo 1122




    Attoinev at Law andISTofcarv Public.

    KasihumaiiU rttreet.


    Lawbethel St., Honolulu.

    W. O. Aciu. Ksocit Johnson.AOHI&.T01TNTSON,

    Attorneys ami Ootuisolorsat Law.

    OiHco No. 10 Wort King street.Tnlopnono 884.


    iAS MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

    Surgeons and Physicians.


    DR JENNIE L.HILDEBRAND.Han removed from Fort street.

    ' OFFICE, M2 Dorotanla twodoors other sldo of AUpal.

    TJOURS, 0 to 12 a in.; 1 to 4 p. m.TELEPHONE QIC 1314


    1ERETANIA STREETS, (oppoilto tboHawaiian Hotel.)

    Offlco Hours: 8 to 10 a. in.; 1 to 8.m.i 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays: 8 to 11

    t. tn. Tolephono 610. P.O. Box 501.


    mrirrnu! A'n TtKSTDENCE. QEDQECOTTAGE. comorHotol and Richardsstreets. Offlco Hours: 9 to 11: 2 to

    '4, 7 to 8. rolophono 053. 1245


    Hours: 9-- a. hi., 3 p. ni 7-- 8 p.m.londavs. 12-- 2 p. m.

    Tolephono 741. H07-3I- U

    DR. C. L. GARVIN,

    'tflce: 537 Kino Stiikkt, near L'uncii- -bowl, Honolulu, II. I.TELEPHONE No. 448

    Jours: 0 to 11 h. m.i 1 to 3 p. in.:7 to 8 r. in.


    Skin Diseased of all kinds a specialty.Olllco Room 11, Sprockles Building.Hours 0 in 4.Tolephono 474. Rosidunco tolophono

    tg)3. 1215

    DR. I. MORI,136 Beretania street, between Emma

    and Fort streets.Telopbono 277. P. O. Box 813.

    Offlco Hours: 0 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 8?. m.: Sundays, 9 to 12 a. in. 1229

    DR. T. MITAMURA,fcosulting Rooms. 427 Hunanu Street. '

    Vclophono 132. P. O. Box 842.Residence, 524 Nuuanu St.

    Hours: 0 to 12 a. m. and 7 to 0 p. m.inndays, 2 to 0 p. m. 1212 0m

    Hawaiian Medicine Co.KING ST., NEAR ALAKEA.

    r..... Manufacture a full line o(


    Free consultation 1 1 a. m. to 12 m. Sales-room open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.

    Telephone No. 363. 1283


    A.C.WALL,r.D.S.,O. E. WALL, D. DS.,

    t .-- DBNPIBTB.

    New Lovo's Ihilldlng, Foit Street.TELEPHONE 434.

    DR. R'. 1. MOORE,Dentist.

    So 2lf Dole- - ntrooJt Tolophono 605.HOURS- - 0 to 12 a, in. und o 4 p.iu.

    Food Prepared With "Calumet" laFree from Roohello Salts. Alum,

    Lime and Ammonia. "Calu-met" Is the Housewife'


    tmaaksaT NOT



    Peck, Frean & Co.'s


    London Biscuits

    DeliriouslyAppetizingBiscuits for










    In tins

    Lewis & Co.111 FORT STREET.

    Telephone 240



    Q. J. ALLElt, ManagerWholesale and Rotail


    Navy Contractors.

    best of meats.Families desiring tendor roasts,juicy steaks and chops shouldcall on tho

    Central Meat MarketWo mako a spoclalty of family tradeand sell tho best at reasonablefigures.

    214 NuunnuSt. Tolophono 104.



    embaTmingA specialty.

    Office and Parlors514 & 616 Fort Bt. , near Hotel.

    Telephone 179.


    pig1.w'Queen and Fort Stt.


    Sole Agents for PORT COSTA FLOUR.PHONE 422.

    TcltphoaiS 1086 & .56. P. O. Box T9.

    .' HAWAIIAN.Mercantile Agency

    Q. H. BERREY, : Manager.juaa uunuing.

    Difficult Collections a Specialty.

    ; ,&f&&&m,;--

    AUtU'HT MfrroitOOlCAIi HUMMAItY.

    Ti'toppraturB menu for thomonth 77.3 F ; normal 77.0; ayer-ng- i!

    daily maximum 84,0; minimnm, 73.1; average dnilv rang"1,10 9; greatest do, 1JM); least, 7.0:highest temperature, 8G degree;lowest, G7 decree.

    linrometer average, 29 9G; (nor-mal, 29.98 corr, frtr cravity) Iu'rIient, 30.04; lowest '29.71);.very HttlochauKO dnritig tlieraonthi

    llelntivo humidity, averago of 9h. iu. to 9 p. m. 08: mean dow-poi- nt, 1.

    05 0; normal CG.0.Rainfall, 1.63 inchoa; normal, 2.

    2.12; total since January 1, 1G.77 3.ineliOH. G inches loea than normal.

    Trado-wind- s woreonly interrupt-ed


    oue-ha- lf day; force of trade-wind- s 5.about as usual. Cloudiness

    slightly in excess, viz., 4.5 (tenths 6.of sky).

    The artesian well level fell tar-ring


    tho month from 34 G foet to 8.31.4 feet abovo sea-lve- l; total fallsince March 1, 1.4 feet. 0.

    Tlio rainfall has boon above thenormal iu Hilo and Koiih, onLlmviiii. Iu IInnmkua, Kohnla,and, in fact, ireiiorally throughthe group, below the normal.

    Earthquakes on Hawaii on the23d und 24th.

    Cciitib J. Lyons,Government Moteorologist.


    JAPAN'S! PU1M K MAItim:i).

    YoshI Hito, Haru no - Miya,Princo Imperial of Japan, onAug-us- t

    31st colebrated his twontiothbirth anniversary by wedding thePrincess Teiko. The Prince is of

    vory feeble constitution. Thogreatest care has teen given to hisbringing up in the hope that hewould live to receive the crownBUu prevent its passine out of thedirect lino of descent. It is, therefore, o sonrceof great joy throughout Japan that he has attained hismujority, and most elaborato prep-arations were made to celebratetbo evont. The Princo is not a sonof tho Empress, who is childless,but of ono of tho Mikado's pluralwives.

    Tho Princess Teiko is of thosamo royal blood as tho Prince,but removed a number of degrees.Her greatgrandfather, who reign-ed for thirty years as Mikado, wostho grandfather of tho present Mikado. Jfrincoss Teiko Is now 17years old. Her father, Prince.Fn- -suima, is a mau of groat promi- -nenco.


    Hlnipllclly of Science.Science is always simple It's

    only quackery that juggles withjargon. Medical treatmont of thepast dealt with "Himnlce. thepure vegetable remedies providedby .Nature, ongwa is compounded of simples. It is purely vogo- -table. It is Buiontiuo, because itis based ou the known enrativoproperties of the herbs, roots,barks and gums which it con-tuiu- s.

    It is the ment eilioiontblood purifier and blood buildeiknown.. Nitiety per cont, ofdiseases begin iu the blood, nnduinety per ceut. of diseases arocurablo by tho prompt ami properuse of Sagwa. It expels from thoblood all the corrupting and cor-roding elements and builds up anow body with new blood. Thereis no subtituto for Kickapoo In-dian Sagwu, Hobron Drug Co ,Agents for the Kickapoo IndianRemedies. "


    Muuihi, September i, G fl m,Ittuaol Dpi fun, a Spanish bornin tuo i'uilippines nnd recentlyidentified with the Filipino juntaat Madrie, has gone from Hong-kong to Japan. It is reported inFilipino circles hero that DelPan's purpose is to request theJnpanoso Government to recog-nize the Filipino insurgents. Itis assorted that Del Pan was re-cently working in the Filipino in-terest on tbo Chinese coast.


    Experience is the onlythorough teacher. In photo-graphing particularly, you willfind that conditions in Hawaiiare not the same as elsewhere.We have an experienced manto handle kodak developingand printing.

    KING BROS.,110 Hotel street.

    Nicely furnishou rooms at thePopular House, 164 Fort street,from $1.00 per weok up.

    Dr. Posoy, specialist for Eye,Eur, Throat 'and Nobo diseases andCatarrh. Masonic Temple.

    Oamarino3 has just received di-rc- otfrom Lucin, Italy, a consign- -

    ment oE pure olive oil, Try it.

    l!'Xr uutissmm wetiammaijuammtjnaura

    OP THEFourth Celchrntton


    Regatta Day!To be held In


    Saturday, September 16, 1899,C6mmenclnj at 9:30 a. m.

    Whale Boat Race.First Prize $30, second $10.

    Slx-oare- d Sliding Seat Barge. .$50 Trophy.

    Diving Contest, for time.Prlze'Js- -

    Two-oare- d Shore Boat.First Prize Sio, second t$.

    First and Second-Clas- s Yacht Race.Prize

    Slx-oare- d Gig Race (stationary seats).Prize $30.

    Swimming Race (100 yards).$15 Trophy.

    Caiioe Race.First Prize $15, second $5.

    Third-Clas- s Yacht Race.Prize,

    'INTIiRMISSION FOR LUNCH.10. Punt Race. Prize i 15.n. Slx-oare- Slldlng-sca- t Barge.

    SioTronhv,Tub Race. First Prize $5, second J2.50.Diving Contest, distance. Prize $5.Steamer Boat Race.

    First Prized, secondly, third? 10.Sailing Canoe Race.

    Flrt Prize $15, second $5.Half-Mil- e Swimming Contest.

    Trophy Si J.Four-oare- d Dingy Race.

    first rrize 515, secona fio.18. Slx-oare- Slldlng-sea- t Barge Race.

    "Old Timers.7' PrizeAbove Progwni subject to change. Races

    open to all; no entry fees. Swimming,Diving and Tub Races, entries open Untilthe start of the races.

    All rowing races are to be governed bythe Racing Rules of the Hawaiian RowingAssociation.

    For the other races entries must be madeto J. V. Smithies at the Pacific HardwareCo.'s. Entries close Thursday, SeptemberMill, at ; p. m. bacn entrv snail inciuuethe name of the boat, or if it have none,the name of the person who enters It Inthe race. There must be at least threeboats entered before the second prize canbe awarded, at least four boats before thethird orlze can be awarded.

    r turtner information apply 10 tneREGATTA COMMITTEE YV. CParke,S. E. P. Taylor, and Walter E. Wall.



    ENTS, that I, JAMES A. KING, Ministerof the Interior of the Hawaiian Islands, dohereby certify and make known, that 1have examined Into the condition of 'THEFIRST AMERICAN BANK OF HA-WAII, LIMITED," and it satisfactorilyappearing to me that the sum of FiveHundred Thousand Dollars has been paidIn on account of Its capital stock; that theDirectors of said Bank are B. F. Dillingham, owning 200 shares of stock, Mark P.Robinson, owning zoo shares, G. W. Mac- -

    farlane, owning 25 shares, Bruce Cart-wrigh- t,owning 50 shares, and Cecil

    Brown, owning 36 shares, and that all areresidents of Honolulu, In the Island ofOahu ; and It also appearing to me thatsaid corporation has complied with all theprovisions 01 tne uanuing Act or ibb4,required before commencing business, andis lawfully entitled to commence the busi-ness of banking, permission Is thereforeHEREBY GIVEN to 'THE FIRSTAMERICAN BANK OF HAWAII, LIM-ITED," to commence such business.

    GIVEN under my hand and theseal of the Department of the

    SEAL. Interior, this 5th day of Sep-tember iSqq.

    (Signed), JAMES A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

    The above is a true and faithful copy ofthe Certificate granted to The First Ameri-can Bank of Hawaii, Limited, under theprovisions of the Banking Act of 1884.

    E. M. BOYD,1319 Secretary.

    f.VJ Ol .!." ".' ,l ")

    Before Buying .Typewriter, see the

    "Oliver,"..ATj. ..;.,..

    WallNicholsCo.'sr it tJOQ .

    BY AUTHORin.

    . Irrigation Notice.Holders of "water "prlvifegts, or tnost

    paying water TatesA are hereby notifiedthat the hours for Irrigation efrom 6 to 8 o'clock a. in. and from 4 to 6o'clock p.m.

    ANDREW BROWN.Superintendent Water Works.

    Approved by 4. A. KING.Minister of ' lptetlcr

    Honolulu, June 14, iKyQ.ivitt


    ' JUDD BUILDING.- -Incorporated Unfed the Laws!

    I of tub Hawaiian Republic.

    Capital $400,000

    OFFIOEltS AND DIKEOTOH9:'Ciias. M. Cooke, I'rosldont.

    1. C. jonks, Ylco-rresise-O. II. Cookk, Cashier,

    F. C. ATHKnTON, Assistant Cashier,Henry Watorhouso,

    Toin May'F. ,W. Macfiirlano,

    E.,D. Tonnoy,J. A. McCandloss.

    Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Corporations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcarefully and promptly nltnnd to all ofbusiness connected with banking en-trusted to it. Soli and purchaso ForeignExchungo, lssuo Letters of Crodlt.

    SAVINGS DEPARTMENT !Ordinary olid Torm Do posits rocolved,

    and Interest allowed In arcordancu withrules and conditions minted in Passhonks, copies of which may bo had uponapplication. v

    O. G. TRAPHAGEN,A.ROECIT2SOT223 Mnrohant St,, Honolulu,

    Between Fort aud Alakea,Tblkphone 734

    Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

    Dealers in. Lumber and Goal.

    ALLEN & ltOBINSON,Queen stroot, Honolulu. it

    .1. OTTDEKKIRK,Contract ir and Builder.Houm Movine. I Kinds of Htavy WtlgMHindi).

    NO. 6. hORT STREET. HONOLULU.(Opposite Club Sublts).

    Rtslieno Telephone 490. ii67tf

    H. U KERR &.CO.,Architects and Builders

    Rooms u-i- t,

    :: PROGRESS BLOCK.Telephotr m.

    JAMES T. TAYLOR,M. Am. Soc. C. E.


    Hydraulic Engineer.300 JUdil Dlock. Tolo. 033.

    F W. THRUM,Surveyor.

    SOOM NO. 10, SPltECKELS DLOOKPlantation Work a Sjieelrtlty.


    O.W.Kinney J.K.NahakuCABINETMAKERS.

    TURNERS AND POLISHERS of all kinds ol NttvWoods. CALABASHES In stock n4 to order.

    ftirRepalrsEfTtcteJ.KING STREET. - NEAR ALAP

    FRED J. CROSS, .CouMiltlng and Sujiorliitondlng

    Electrical 0 HydraulicENGINEER.

    Eloctro-IIydraul- Powor TransmissionREPORTS AND ESTIMATESFUltNlSUED. . . .

    With C'atton-No- ll Co., Quoon streot.Olllco noxt to Postoffleo 1223

    To My Patrons and the Pablic.

    Having recovorod from my re-cent illness, I am again preparedto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbiuc work . as heretofore.Thanking you for" past favors, 1respectfully solicit a continuanceof tho saroo.

    JAS. NOTT, Jr.Tel. 844.

    ArtisiJrainingJi lEoRAVlNO-A'rlD'rjXTUR-


    "House Painter,v'Paper HAWger',

    Grainer, Glazier, andTinter : : :


    Next toiPolloe Station

    The World RegisterKeeps tho Ca8h'l'iTh'lle',you are bmy.

    Try one' - , 0 '

    ;,Rook .Pjiiqes

    On Maible and Granite,MONUMENTSand CEMETERY

    Penoea and LawnFurniture.

    Haw'n Iron Fence and Monumental Co.oil King Stroet,


    OLAUB dl'SBOKKLS. Wm. a. Inwni.

    dlaug piteckelg uo.

    BANKERS.ONObUIU in. 1.

    San Francitco AgtnltTnr. NkvapaNational Dank op HAt Fhancisco.

    San FnANCisco Tho Novmlii NationalDank of San Francisco,.

    London Tho Union Bank of London,Ltd.,

    New Yomc American Exchango Na-tional Dank.

    Chicago Merchants National Dank.Paiiis Crodlt Lyonnals.Dkiilin Drosdnor Dank.IIonkono and Yokohama Honkong A

    Shanghai Danking Corporation.Nkw nAMsn and Austuama Dank

    Now Zealand.VioToniA and VANCouvi:n Dank of

    Dritlsh North America.Transact a General Banking and EicHasge Business

    Dcpolsta Received. l.onn tarnie ou Ap--Security. Commercial and Traveler!

    'redlts Iaencd. Kills of Exchange boughtsod sold.OOLLBCTlQKg 1'HOUlTtT AOCOPNTZD FOB.


    Savings .Doposlta will bt-rocelvod ami lnterowt allowed by thisDank at four and one-ha- lf per cent,per annum. Tho tonus, nilos andregulations of tho Hawaiian .Postal Sayings Dank have boon adopted as far m

    is practlcablo to apply tho in, and theCash Roservo of $50,001) as required un-der tho Postal Act will be maintained.

    Printod copios of tho Bules nnd Kegulatlons may be obtained on application.


    --Established 186S


    Traosact a Goneral Bankingtnd Exchange Business.

    Commercial and Traveler'betters of Credit issued, avail-able in all the principal citiesf the world.Interest allowed