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The KI}IGDOM oi YAHWEH THE THllUSA]'III YEAR MESSIANIG REIGII lIN EABTH Jacoh 0. Meyer C 1975, Assemblies of Yahweh All Rights Reserved

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Jacoh 0. Meyer

C 1975, Assemblies of Yahweh

All Rights Reserved

It is truly remarkable to observe howmany of the basic doctrinal truths of theScriptures have been ignored or completelydistorted by denominational Christianity.Theological interpretations have supplantedthe plain and simple Truths which weretaught by our Savior and the prophets of old.Among these distortions of the true Scriptur-al message we must place the doctrine of theKingdom of our Heavenly Father Yahwehand its establishment on this earth. If youhave never learned the importance of thisvital truth which forms an integral part of themessage of salvation, you are missing one ofthe concepts which our Heavenly Fatherwishes you to understand.

From childhood almost everyone istaught that when a man dies, he goes

immediately to heaven and lives forever withthe Savior. However, to formulate a teachingsuch as this, a multitude of Scriptures areignored which teach that a righteous govern-ment will be established on this earth.This government will restore this earth to itsEdenic state. This earth-ruling governmentwill be headed by our Savior Yahshua theMessiah at His return and assisting Him ingoverning will be the resurreeted saints whohave overeome in this life. Let us examinesome of the Scriptures which teach us thesedoctrines.

In the first five verses of Isaiah chapt er 2is painted a beautiful picture of an earth atpeace and rest. Men have decided that theyhave had their fill of war and have turnedtheir instruments of hate and internationalmurder into farming implements. They havedecided that there is no gain in being lawless,making war, and so they have turned tocompletely lawful living. All this has eome

about through the intervention of AlmightyYahweh in world affairs through sendingback to this earth His son, Yahshua theMessiah, our Savior. On His return from HisFather's Heavenly Kingdom, Yahshua ourSavior has established His capital which is tobe the capital of all the world, on Mt. Zion inJerusalem, Israel. From this central head-quarters He will rule the world by Hisrighteous laws. However, in the interveningyears between now and then, there will be aterrible time of world-wide trcuble, which


Yahshua tells us that if He were not tointervene in the affairs of men, there wouldbe no human being left on the face of thisearth. This is what is prophesied in the latterhalf of this 2nd chapter of the book of Isaiah.

In this article it will be our purpose todescribe the time when the Kingdom olYahweh will rule on this earth. We shall omita detailed review of the current trends so

evident in our decaying society, such as theimmorality, Iawlessness, perversion andwickedness on every hand. We wish to focusour attention to the time ahead, not so manyyears in the future, when the earth will be

made new, when an era of true peace will be

established, when righteousness will be

reigning in the hearts of the people and thisearth will be restored to the potential forwhich it was originally created. Such an eracan be created through the righteous govern-ment of Almighty Yahweh that He will senddirectly to this earth through His 'son

Yahshua the Messiah.This Kingdom of the Heavens on this

earth will at that time take over the reins ofWorld Government that is depicted in themetallic image of Daniel 2, and will inaugu-rate righteous rule for this strife-torn earth.Let me read to you verse 44 of this 2nd

chapter of Daniel. "And in the days of thesekings shall the Mighty One of Heaven set upa Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed;and the Kingdom shall not be left to otherpeople, but it shall break in pieces and

consume all these Kingdorls, and it shallstand forever." What a great advantage willbe enjoyed when a stable government rulesover this earth and there will be no moremilitary eorps, no more governments risingand falling weekly, &s they do now, to keepthe people of the world in a state of tensionwondering if their country's government is tobe the next to fall. We read in Daniel 2:35,

that the stone which crushed the ten toesbecame a great mountain and filled the wholeearth. Then we read in Daniel 7 :17 -18,"These great beasts, which are four, are fourkings, which shall arise out of the earth, butthe saints of the Most High shall take theKingdom and possess the Kingdom forever'even forever and ever." If we adhere strictlyto the context of this passage we will have to

admit that the Kingdom which is going to begoverned by the saints, which will lastforever and ever, will be the Kingdom whichAlmighty Yahweh sets up with iahshua theMessiah at its head. The Kingdom will becomposed of the remnants of the govern-ments that were established by men to rulethis earth. These governmenti have allowedthemselves to be influeneed by the mightyone of this world, Satan the devil. DLwnthrough the annals of history sinee ancientBabylon, through the empires of Media-pers-ia, Greece and Rome, the nations of thisworld have been in rebellion against Al-mighty Yahweh, just as is proflh"sied inPsalm 2. In the end times worldly govern-ment will culminate in the beast empiredescribed in Revelation 18, which will u" ala_tter-day resurrection of the Roman Empire.when the Kingdom of yahweh rules supremethe.kings of the earth will pay homag"io thecapital city, New Jerusalem, and to ihe king,Yahshua the Messiah, Revelation 2L:24.satan will no longer be able to influenee thegovernments of the earth because he willcome to his end in the lake of fire, Rev. 20:10.

Turn with me in your own Bible and weshall read together Isaiah 11, verses 1-10.

"And there shall eome forth a rod out ofthe stem of Jesse, and a Branch shallgrow out of his roots: And the spirit ofYahweh shall rest upon him, the spirit ofwisdom and understanding, the ,pirit ofcounsel and might, the spirit of knowl_edge and of the fear of yahweh; Andshall make him of quick understandingin the fear of Yahweh: and he shall notjudge after the sight of his eyes, neitherreprove after the hearing of his ears:But with righteousness shall he judgethe poor, and reprove with equity forthe meek of the earth; and he shill smitethe earth with the rod of his mouth, andwith the breath of his lips shall he slaythe wicked. And righteousness shail bLthe girdle of his loins, and faithfulnessthe girdle of his reins. The wolf alsoshall dwell with the lamb, and theleopard shall lie down with the kid; andthe calf and the young lion and thefatling together; and a little child shall

lead them. And the cow and the bearshall feed; their young ones shall liedown together: and the lion shall eatstraw like the ox. And the sucklingchild shall play on the hole of the asp,and the weaned child shall put his handon the cockatriee' den. They shall nothurt nor destroy in all my holy moun-tain: for the earth shall be full of theknowledge of Yahweh, as the waterseover the sea. And in that day thereshall be a root of Jesse, which shallstand for an ensign of the people; to itshall the Gentiles seek: and his restshall be glorious."

You will note that the Kingdom which iscoming will be right here on this very earthand not floating around in space somewhere.verse 9 of this 1lth chapter of Isaiah statesthat the earth shall be filled with theknowledge of Yahweh as the waters coverthe sea. verse 4 of this same chapter statesthat the Branch, the rod from the stem ofJesse, will smite this earth with the rod of hismouth. verses 6-8 speak of the changednature of the animals which live on this

"r"th.These animals are to be found on this earth,not in heaven! Please observe also thatchildren are playing with the animals whosenature is naturally ferocious. Certainly thereis no scripture which explains that childrenwill be born in Heaven, so we ean onlyconclude that the government which wiil bLruled over by Yahshua the Messiah, thedeseendant of Jesse, the Milrennial Kingdomwill be on this earth. It will be a governmentwhich will demand a change of c"haracter inthe people and a change of animal nature.

- Many people are fond of quoting fromthe passage of Scripture in Matt. b, which wecommonly call the Beatitudes. Most peopleread right over this passage and never seemto see the importance of verse b, whichstates, "Blessed are the meek: for they shallinherit the earth." If the earth is going to u"d_estroyed as mdst people today uelieve, thenthis inheritanee which the meek are toreeeive is a rather empty promise. we mightsay that Almighty Yahweh is playing a jot<eon bhem. They are absorbing perseeution inthis world, learning humility, for a non-exist-

ent inheritanee. It is time that we began toread our Bibles and believe what they say.They have a message from our HeavenlyFather, whose Name is Yahwgh. Thismessage is not some mysterious jumble

which has to be untangled and interpreted.The Bible can be read and believed, literally!When a passage of Scripture states that themeek shall inherit the earth, we can believethis message, beeause it is coming from thelips of Almighty Yahweh who created it.Almost everywhere we may open our Bibles,we find some kind of promise to the trueworshipers. These promises NEVER refer toany life floating around in spaee, on somecloud playing a harp. These promises alwaysrefer to a life of everlasting existence in theKingdom of the Heavens on this very earth.This earth will indeed be the place on whichthe Millennial government will be estab-lished. We read in Proverbs 11:31, "Behold,

the righteous shall be reeompensed in theearth: much more the wicked and sinner."How different this teaching of the Scriptureis compared with that which you may havebeen taught from a child! And yet we canfind almost numerous passages of Scripturewhich declare unequivocally that the earth isto be the reward of Yahweh's people.Among them we may refer to Psalm 115:16,"The heaven, even the heavens, are Yah-weh's: but the earth hath he given to thechildren of men." In Psalm 78:69 we read,"And he built his sanetuary like high palaces,like the earth which he hath established forever." Certainly this earth will stand foreverand will be the basis for a righteousgovernment after it has been rehabilitated.Here is where the action will be!

Some time ago I sat in an evangelisticserviee which was being preached by a ratherwell known evangelist cousin of mine. In hismessage he was preaching on the 21stchapter of Revelation and, I might add,making the same kind of mistakes which areso common among modern preachers. Hestated, without using any Scriptures tosupport his theory, that this earth was goingto pass away with some big bang and

completely disintegrate. Then he stated thatwe , the saved ones, would fly off into space tothe heavenly city. Next he read verse L0


which states, "And he earried me away in thespirit to a great and high mountain and

shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusa-Iem, descending out of Heaven from Yah-weh." I do not interrupt serviees which arein progress, however, I asked myself justexactly where this great and high mountainwas if not on this earth? And then questionnumber 2 came right on the heels of this one.Why will we fly away in space to this city, if itis depicted as coming down from Yahweh outof Heaven? Perhaps my cousin had neverread in Heb. 11:10 that Abraham was lookingfor this city also in his life, and the city whichhe was looking for has foundations. If it wasnot going to land on this earth, it surelywould not need foundations. For a city whichwill reach up into the sky for a height ofabout 1250 miles, the foundations would haveto be very well built, and most prominent.Rev. 2l:19-20 bears this out very well.We read there that there will be 12 founda-tions in all, each built of hard precious stones.

All Yahweh's true people, those whohave accepted the Sacrifice of Messiah fortheir sins, who have washed their robes andmade them white in the Blood of the Lamb,those who remain faithful unto death, willhave a part in this world-ruling righteousKingdom. Let me read to you the 21st verseof the third chapter of Revelation. "To himthat overeometh will I grant to sit with me inMy throne, even as I also overeame and amsat down with My Father in His throne."

Let us now go also to the fifth chapter ofRevelation, verses 9-10. "And they sung a

new song, saying, Thou art worthy to takethe book, and to open the seals thereof :

for thou wast slain, and hath redeemed us tothe Mighty One by thy blood out of everykindred, and tongue, and people, and nationand hast made us unto our Mighty One, kingsand priests; and we shall reign on theEarth." This thought is echoed also inRevelation 2:26-27 and 20:4.

A study of the Kingdom of the Heavensis not complete without a study of the eventswhich will precede the setting up of thisKingdom. Matt. 24, Luke 21, Daniel L2 and

almost the entire book of Revelation predict a

time of very great trouble just before the end

when Yahshua the Messiah returns to set up

this Kingdom. We find in Hosea 1 that theentire 12 tribes of Israel would again bejoined into one union to form a worldgovernment which was to be invincible,standing as a mighty power bloc to forcepeace upon the world. It would be a new typecf the old "Pax Romana" or "peace of Rome."Just as Rome was involved in numerousbloody wars in irying to subdue the civilizedearth, so this coming government will alsohave trouble almost from the very day itbegins. The only way men's hearts can bechanged so that they may truly find peaee, isby the second coming of the Savior, Yahshuathe Messiah, the Mighty Prince of PeaceHimself. All human efforts at trying toestablish a lasting peace on this earth will befutile, since the very nature of man is a lustfor power and position. A change in the heartof man must take plaee, his very outlook onlife must be changed before we can have anykind of lasting peace on this earth.

The next prominent event of propheticimportanee will take place imminently. It willbe the return of our Savior to establish lawand order on this earth after the great era ofiniquity or lawlessness which is just aheadfor us, just prior to the Kingdom beingestablished. Many people today are deceivedinto believing that they are living in subjec-tion to the Almighty, when in faet, disobedi-enee is being preached from almost everypulpit. By breaking even one of theCommandments of Almighty Yahweh we are,in fact, breaking every one of them. Break-ing just one makes us just as guilty andearries the same penalty as if we had brokenthem all. The mystery of iniquity hadalready begun to work in Paul's duy, but theretarding force of the Holy Spirit was andstill is today acting as a brake on thissituation and will soon be removed to test thepeople of this earth.

THE I.,AWS OF THE KINGDOMPick up your Bible. When you hold your

Bible in your hand, you are aetually holdingthe greatest code of laws which has ever beenassembled on this earth. The Pentateuch orthe first five books of your Bible contain acode of laws which would make any societyhappy, eontented, and prosperous, if theywould be obeyed. These books contain laws

and statutes which apply to almost everysituation which might conceivably occur inlife. They would regulate our conduct in ourdaily lives and if we were to obey each andevery one of them, they would steer our livesinto a completely different course then whatwe find in our world today.

As Yahshua the Messiah returns fromHeaven He will send His Holy angels togather all the true worshipers to Him for themarriage supper of the Lamb. This will bethe resurrection for which we all so eagerlyawait. Not that we all will be dead at thattime, but this will be the time we shall havethe faith which we hold so dear within usrewarded by being made into Spirit beings.All the suffering which the true worshipershave endured in the past and in the present,as a witness for the Faith which was oneedelivered to the Saints, will be nothingcompared to the joys of life eternal thatawaits us in the Kingdom.

As Yahshua Messiah returns with HisSaints who have met Him in the air, He willsweep over the hills of Meggido where thenations of this earth are squaring off for thedecisive battle of the ages, as they try toannihilate each other. But rather thanweleoming Him with open arms as the onlysolution to the problems on this earth, theywill actually turn their weapons toward theheavens to fight against Him. Perhaps theywill presume that an attack from outer spaceis occurring.

Your Bible actually predicted that in theend time, just prior to the second coming ofour Savior, man would fall into the trap oflawlessness from which there would be noescape except for our Savior, YahshuaMessiah to return.

This modern anarchy which now holdsour world in its death grip can be traced toonly one souree. That is to the men who wereto teach Israel the laws of the Almighty.Please read from Ezekiel 22:23-31. Noticejust how applicable these words are for ourday.

"And the word of Yahweh came unto mesaying, 'Son of man, say unto her, Thouart the land that is not eleansed, norrained upon in the day of indignation.There is a conspir acy of her prophets in

the midst thereof, like a roaring lionravening the prey; they have devouredsouls; they have taken the treasure andprecious things; they have made hermany widows in the midst thereof. Herpriests have violated my law, and haveprofaned mine holy things; they haveput no differenee between the holy andprofane, neither have they sheweddifferenee between the unelean and theclean, and have hid their eyes from mysabbaths, and I am profaned amongthem. Her princes in the midst thereofare like wolves ravening the prey, toshed blood, and to destroy souls, to getdishonest gain. And her prophets havedaubed them with untempered mortar,seeing vanity, and divining lies untothem, saying, Thus saith Yah-Yahweh,when Yahweh hath not spoken. Thepeople of the land have used oppression,and exereised robbery, and have vexedthe poor and needy: yea, they haveoppressed the stranger wrongfully.And I sought for a man among them,that should make up the hedge, andstand in the gap before me for the land,that I should not destroy it: but I foundnone. Therefore have I poured out mineindignation upon them: I have eon-sumed them with the fire of my wrath:their own way have I recompensed upontheir heads,' saith Yah-Yahweh."

The priests or ministers of Yahweh areto be the teachers of the law. They are tomake Israel understand the laws which willgive them happy fruitful lives. They are notjust to feed themselves, they are to feed theflock of Yahweh, His congregation of wor-shipers, spiritual food. We read in Malachi2:7 -9, "For the priest's lips should keepknowledge, and they should seek the law athis mouth: for he is the messenger ofYahweh of hosts. But ye departed out of theway;_ye have caused many to stumble at thelaw; ye have eorrupted the eovenant of Levi,saith Yahweh of hosts. Therefore have I alsomade you eontemptible and base before allthe people, according as ye have not kept myways, but have been partial ,in the law."

During the reign of the righteous King in



Jerusalem, law and order will be establishedwhich will never be destroyed. This law isnot some yoke of bondage which is used tomake life miserable for people, &s someministers state. James the Apostle waseonfronted with similar arguments in his day.He answers advocates of lawlessness in thisway. James l:21-25, "Wherefore lay apart allfilthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, andreceive with meekness the engrafted word,which is able to save your souls. But be yedoers of the word and not hearers only,deceiving your own selves. For if any be ahearer of the word and not a doer, he is likeunto a man beholding his natural face in aglass: For he beholdeth himself, and goethhis w&y, and straightway forgetteth whatmanner of man he was. But whoso lookethinto the perfect law of liberty, and continueththerein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but adoer of the work, this man shall be blessed inhis deed." We are to live by every wordwhich proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh,we read in Matt. 4:4 and Deut. 8:3. This isexactly what the Apostle James illustrates inhis referenee to the mirror. 'We are not tolook at our lives in comparison with theScriptures and then walk away and forgetabout it all. We are to compare our lives tothe pattern laid down for us in the Scripturesand then do something about it. We are toobey the wishes of our Heavenly Fatherwhich are His commandments. If we persistin disobedienee we are children of the devilsays Romans 6:16. If ministers persist inpreaching a doctrine of disobedience to theeommandments of Almighty Yahweh, theybeeome ministers of Satan, as we read in 2Cor. 11:13-15. "For such are false apostles,deceitful workers, transforming themselvesinto the apostles of Yahshua. And no marvel;for Satan himself is transformed into an angelof light.Therefore it is no great thing if his ministersalso be transformed as the ministers ofrighteousness; whose end shall be accordingto their works." What a wonderful worldthis would be if only the forces of Satan wereheld in check so that the carnal natures of thepeople could be controlled completely. Didyou know that this will be one of theblessings of Yahweh to oceur in the Millen-

nium? In Revelation 20:1-3 we read, "And Isaw an angel come down from heaven, havingthe key of the bottomless pit and a greatchain in his hand. And he laid hold on thedragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,And cast him into the bottomless pit, andshut him up, and set a seal upon him, that heshould deceive the nations no more, till thethousand years should be fulfilled: and afterthat he must be loosed a little season."Notice in this passage that Satan will be heldin check so that he will not be able to deceivethe nations. These nations are people on thisearth! We could hardly say that unconvertedearnal people would be in heaven, but thesewill be human beings who constitute thenations of this earth.

For many centuries in the past, theworld has not understood the importanee ofthe thousand-year reign on this earth be-eause they have not observed the command-ed Holy Days which are listed in Leviticus 23.This list of Holy Days or Feasts begins withthe weekly Sabbath, Lev. 23:2-3. While theTen Commandments are committed to mem-ory by multitudes of people, and their strictadherence is urged repeatedly by publicofficials in times of national moral decay, onlya few people seem to comprehend that thefourth commandment dictates that we ob-serve the twenty-four hours of the seventhday of the week as a day of rest and worshipfor our Heavenly Father. This special day ofrest which He alone has set apart for thispurpose will make His people who observe itfor worship, a bright beacon of witnessagainst the theory of evolution, since weproclaim to the world that we believe in aCreator Mighty One. Observanee of thisSabbath of rest points to the last thousand-year (the 7th) era in the age of man on thisearth. We are rapidly approaching the end ofthe sixth thousand-year period in which manhas sought to establish his own governmenton this earth apart from the direction of theHeavenly Father Yahweh. When the nextthousand years begins, the seventh, ourHeavenly Father Yahweh will take a hand inthe affairs of men and enforce a time of restfor this earth, Isaiah 35. Please pay specialattention to this coneept which is explained in

Hebrews 4:3-11. "For we which havebelieved do enter into rest, as He said, As Ihave sworn in My wrath, if they shall enterinto My rest: although the works werefinished from the foundation of the world.For He spake in a certain place of theseventh day in this wise, And Elohim didrest the seventh day from all His works.And in this place again, if they shall enterinto My rest. Seeing therefore it remaineththat some must enter therein, and they towhom it was first preached entered not inbecause of unbelief: Again, He limiteth acertain duy, saying in David, To duy, after so

long a time; as it is said, To day if ye will hearHis voice, harden not your hearts. For ifYahshua had given them rest, then would Henot afterward have spoken of another day.There remaineth therefore a rest to thepeople of Elohim. For he that is entered intoHis rest, he also hath ceased from his ownworks, as Yahweh did from His. Let us labortherefore to enter into that rest, lest any manfall after the same example of unbelief."Do you need more incentive to observe theSabbath now, before you are forced to keep itthen?

The Feast Day which bears specialmeaning for the thousand-year reign of theKingdom on this earth is the Feast ofTabernacles, Lev. 23:34-36. This Feastdepicts a time of great rejoicing, an era ofpeace and plenty such as this world has neverknown in its Adamic history. After the battleof Armageddon in which all of the armies olthe world will be destroyed by a returningMessiah so that His righteous rule ean beestablished, all the world will be forced tokeep the Feast of Tabernacles or suffersevere penalties for continued disobedience.You may read this prophecy in Zechariah14:16-19. Please read the entire chapter togain the full impact of the eontext. It isimperative that we consider the fact thatthose people who will be spared from theend-time judgment of the wicked will bekeeping this Feast, and it will have specia)significance for us throughout the Millen-nium, Hosea L2:9.

In this present life we are actually intraining to become the spiritual army whichwill rule with Yahshua the Messiah, our

Savior in the world made new. It is up to usto overcome our carnal, fleshly natures, andwith the help of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh,rise out of our environment into which wewere born to become like our Savior, finallyto be born again into Spirit beings at theresurrection of the dead, at His secondcoming. We must look into the Word ofYahweh to find His will for our lives. In theWord of Yahweh it is revealed how He thinksand why He does things as He does. Itreveals to us why we must keep Hiscommandments and how this really willimprove us physically, mentally, and spirit-ually. It reveals to us our human failings anderrors and invites us to a higher life which wemay attain by overeoming this carnal naturewhich drags us down continually. Why notsee exactly how this message of the Kingdomcan assist you in your own life? Yourproblems are not so great that you cannot behelped by the living Word and Holy Spirit ofYahweh. If the new order of the ages, justaround the eorner, is to be obedience to theLaws of Yahweh, why not begin right now tolive in harmony with them? The incentivewhich Yahweh offers is a close relationshipwith Him, the opportunity to be called Hischild. Did you know that it will only beeommandment keepers who will be invitedinto the Holy City of New Jerusalem? In

Rev. 22:14 we read, "Blessed are they that doHis eommandments, that they may have theright to the tree of life, and may enter inthrough the gates into the City." If you arenot a eommandment keeper in this life, youwill never be allowed to enter.

In conelusion, I would like to emphasizeanother portion of Scripture which is recitedeonstantly, without a clear comprehension ofthe thoughts being registered upon theeonsciousness of the people. This passage isthe Savior's model prayer which is found inMatt. 6:9-13 and Luke lL:2-4. When yourepeat this prayer, do you really petition ourHeavenly Father to do what you are asking,or is it just another bit of religious phraseolo-gy which must be interpreted by theology?Let us understand and comprehend com-pletely. Let us pray this prayer togetherright now and fathom the meaning of thewords which you may be grasping for thefirst time in your life. "Our Father which artin Heaven, hallowed by Thy Name. ThyKingdom come, Thy will be done, ONEARTH as it is in Heaven." May AlmightyYahweh bless you as you prepare yourself tobe a part of that Kingdom which is coming tothis earth, the Kingdom of Yahweh whichwill be ruled by our Savior Yahshua theMessiah at His second eoming.


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