killough conservation area (march 1981) - planning … m that 'maervation h northern lsvllawd...

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fhs aim dpdldeo sat wt in this booklet are for #a guidanoe of District Wndls, public badier, ld ddema, l ~ o p d oand tmantr*

~tsmUngdevelopem, S,andamenity and athergroups.

l P m I .... out theganaml objectimof deo i i -ng Consemon Areas and the prlnciplasofckignatlon.

, 'vll M k w and~Mim~tes. . ., the tlxmv&on h a d Killou$t.

MfIll .*..contahMadevdmrs'brfeffarthedwIgrmdarea 7 -

iI $b600klet shwld bs nsgarded as but m fint strip in m'h~the &d arehitecturat and hirtoplr: interest of the desigprartad Area. It is

p, W2Wpa€dthat l& jnit/&ve and diccusrion will give rise topmpads for reprir drestorative worlrs and developmentr which will not only

k;i prjarenrebatwill pooitiwly mh- the Arm's, special ha-I. Defignstrmwill be of IMe p&wl Wue without thk local mppoh j d

l r l L .

Part 1

A 'In-1. Tkiv Planning (NI1 Order 1g12 provided legislationfor the first d m in Northern Ireland f.or the proteictlonaf the MnceEsheritagta

05 buildings of spscSal alrc)libectupal w historic imemt and for designetion of whde smas of similar interestthe character or

of which itL desirable Mpreserve w enhance.

P. White mspmsibilhy for the rraatmy listing of Historic Buildin@ and for the designating of Gomatim Areas rests with the

Department of the Environment fw Northern Ireland one vitaHy important principle needs m k embllshd at OM. The ask of

comewing the h e r i m of Ulster cannot be left sdely to Government Pepamta , a wrhklinq of waIunt9sy bodies end a k d ,

albeit sgrowing m,of mpalstM@~ o m e m t i o n l ~ ~

hm m that 'maervation h Northern lsvllawd is the ammm of mry#tlle muet find its wrry into bcardroam 05 every kkd.

into public and vduntary bodies with dwm aim and ohjmxives, irrb schools end uniuersides, into fmtork and hopsand i n t ~

the hwna of wwy eitlzen whether k e y be in large murbaticrtls or in lonely mrgl Wdngs. In Killwgh the formation of a Village

ConrmW is a walurble initiaive vPhidh, It is Propad, will fwther the cause ofw1matlon l W l y .

'Ztrs aim of cansenri&r~ must ncrt be cmfiraad simply M heaping amas anb buildings p b t loak at or as a word of goma

w@ectdh b t y . R muot ddldonafly Involve the rxdnoing tife ancl.fPumfon of the a m in a m z day m%


bmIaprment within a tbmerwstlwr Area will bemntrdledwith the pr~snarydm of ensuring the retention Q$ the &arm.fvery

'Wbleeffortwill km& to presew the individu~lbuildings md growpi of buildings onwhich that e h m r m n d s .

1. Ware pemrlalanis sought to demolish or materally altar h e appeamce of a building'ina ~ w ~ a t f o n&m t t will be hacerwary to

demmstraba that W W& W d iri fhdm be an enhancement or thatZhay am required for over-riding and exceptional

masons relating tomdwdopmsrrt crf the h a . (Itshould be; notedthat by virtue of Article 4 of tfte Planning (Amendment) (NI1

Order 1978 a building w i d h a Consewation Area shall not be damdished wird.roult theconsent of the DDeparltmentof the Environ-

mant This is in addition to thecmml ofwMks for the demdidon, elwration or axdension cf buildings listed under the Planning

(NI) Or& 1972 W of special arr;hituetrJral or historic in.aem.1

2 New buildings wUI be a@ to take acownt of thechwazt~rand m i r y of their neighbwraThey ohauld, in nuss ac#J outline,

conbinus (wham applicable)the rhythm of thsstreet m e .

3. Mrraarlak should generally beqmpeeoic In textuml colour and qudity Mtraditsanal +l

4. Material changer of use (requiring planning psrmission) which m likely m hma an dmse @act un l a d or krildnp which con-

trlW signlfka~dyta the c h m r af e Conmrvdw, h a wiH not normally km wrow#l- - " MUWm L 0 M

S. Ihesidnpl of nawpuWbopsrr~paeerwillbecarefuilyamsideredtamwm that thy make 8 potitImmibutimtotheComNatlrwr

&a and that propprovision Ir made far dreir mainmmae.

0, RpplbWs an,adddtowrmltwith the Divisional Rannlng Office b e f a theprepadon of plmor$te oubwnisionof e @arming

applMon. Ptanning appIMcwl0 far I d wkhin Conservation Areas will be expected to idude full LmiC of ttia existing site

4 0 1 " blldlngr, ibs propoesdder;elapmmtand its relationshipto &joining land orbuildings.

7. Molffnent m,krt not whhh r Cammation A m ,and riulally r e l d ta it should be sited amt dgscigned in size, form and

mmrlab tcr be En harmony with the krildrrgsand mmral a m l c e of the Conservation Am.

8. h d w the Ptming(Gmed Wommt) Or* Narrhem Ireland 1973 certaEn types af developmerrt do not mquire rpeclific

planning psrmIaiw, unlars %bydrrteto tirtsd bulldirlg. The Oemrtmnt hp p m , however, to direct that h a particular m

such as a thm@rnIonA m $I- Wpgs of dewlapment shall require planningpermidon. Likewir U& the Hanning>jComrdof

A b @ m w t s ) l k d a t i 9 ~(SJI)IQ73mrtain mW olasses -of a d e m a n t nay b~W a y e d withoutcarrpent. ftegul&on 10

givesthe D a p m t pamrbo d i mtha-t a daw or dwmofpermittedI dqmmt ba wi~drawn,

Mmes halving 'the visual improvemem d buildings and will he enmrapd by the D e p a m s . It is antieiptated that 1Diatr3~t

thmd?llsmy play e leading rde in the formuiation of auch ocrhemes. These warld lnslude the rewinding of neglemd bulldiw, Itha

mcwdand replmmentof wte$and broken fences and the ctsariq a w y of rubbish.

Stlltmrwy u-ers will b~encwtaged ta Doe appropriate action to tidy up, Emgrove and cmhana the appearance of Consmation

A m by the control ofstreetfumbre, werhead Omsmissimlines of all kl& and to ensure the remwal of undesirableexamplmof the

latoerwherre at ad1 passible.

Existing advertisamants and signs of all typs displayed in tfae Arsa will be the subject of sppqitd zdideration d it is hoped thatwirh

the w-ogmretion of I dbusiness m,Ihs number af adwm188mts dbpIayed within a Cmwwation Area could be reduced to a die

crest level. New adwtking &add besympathetictothesatling.

mmapproptjata tbp e p e m t will &a Reservstion Orders to protreet orees or groups of trees w h i form en e s s e l l ~feaglrcr of

$ra e h a r n of a Conservation Area Ihs gensral agmm of many of these will be further enhanoed by the pfandng af

additional tme$end w i n g of areas. Consideratianwlll also be giren to thrr nmre of mad irnd pinrsmentsurfaeaC in new work.

, m n 7

Ithe R d s &c&a will Fake all pacr1We action to ensure the management af C)BdasorIan and vehicular traffic movement b d~ int@msts

OX gle9me2lm~lri@ngha,bmendpn+m. Actiacr wit! aimbe@kmta+mumt h s theperking of rnmrveh'iea and the I d o n of

D. R~~

In consbring slwmes far consawation thepotantid for m&-finmt~gopemdo~~ a d the fullgst m'lder-hwldnot b lightly l-

atlm shwld be $mat an earfy xtaga to the use of veSuntsry cmtdhtions, gifb, inoome from saler and L wthecmdonofa

revolving fund etc. -sm umfer 'other grants" below.

k is Importanttoco-ordinate action and financial assistancsl from various bodies.

Dsparhnentofthe The Department may give f i n d a l mistam t d .the codt of repairs or maintmahw-aP vlrhieh EnrimnmentEM11 hsve~lisliedapbeingofspecidhi~ra9orhi&cinterast.Tharr,k~1W~dsa~dsach

clsse b ddered on Its menis. Grants are made m the vmmmm-ons of tha I+Mat%: Couren for I .I+

Northem Ireland. - C - " ' "

L: , t f r

~ r n t a b s ~ i n ~ w t t t r *

' w g * @ w a r c r d ' w d laqm*&d;*M

Datailo frcun ........ . . H b r l C Monuments aand Btrildingp ST1Ylch. 1 Gcwr-ook Avenue, EelfastBT4 1EH

District Councils have a duty 60 seatre for thair areas adequabe faeilMccs far

mltural aMlvitSss and the approred expenses of a District (=oundil far pu

the Recrsaaiorr d Youth Service (Northern tnland) Order fg73. %; The aoquEim of OM for public o p a $pmsfor purfm&m$y-

h.,-of Emfmnmmt 4~~ Ifeland). *-m

Grants of up to 76% may k made under Stction 16 of the Local Gwernment A a (Northm Idd)1968.

~stailsfrom ..,...... . Spms9nd Recrstatlon Bran&, Deplstrnent of Mudan, "kmfmderry W*, C h m r Strest, Wfsrt BT14U I T d mNo 322S3)

Cmsmatlon Brweh, Depsrrtment of the Enwironment (NI), M(IGmnL, Saonnont, Belfast BT4 355 (T&@mne No 7m7f0)

The Housing (NI)Order l9X enables the Northern lmfand Hausing ExgWtiw to pay ~~towads the

of i m p r m m t and !ixmvmicrnup taatrtain maximum amwmts.

Grant may alm be paidtohelp meet theerwt of imprwlng houses by provMingfarthsfiMtimW& &d

mmitk es a fixed bsth, washhad M n , wrrter closet, hat and woohl watar supply et,-1n fixed pdmhi.

G m & #ward$ mPBlf~may also kpaid. dll grans am subject to -in condram nd full dstallp may h

nbtdnrld fran any ofnw of the NoRhern Ireland Housing Exmmive. Northern lmland Houdng Exeeuth

granlsdonot n a m d f y exelude Hirtoric Bulldim Council graner.

H t d q w b m ... . . . ....The Housing Cenw, 2 Aaatlalde Street, WlFast BT2 8PB (Tdephrme No -1 Oownpmil DmictOffice 3g Endish S m , DompstrW. (Telaphona Mas Dolrmpatridr 2138 or 2724)

Qnntr ... . Chdsl.TtaMeTNsta are sometimes willing bo help with cmmnrWlonof building^ Jn charitable w ottraP nm-proflt making

ownemhip. Tlw Pilpim Trua may hiprepared to give grants of this sMt The trrndmsrk Trurt h in in pumharlng prapmdmof

his~aricar ardhitectural hwrest which: can be w m m d into letEebIe holiday hwnar. Ttrey partIculady f a r buliidigsof indbidusl

chmmm. 'The Carnsgis Uaited Kingdom Truft mkes grants bo arpp~tccruntry3ide projets of w h ~ s forkinds.Them include

prmkd consawationbut notfor the pmservatian ofbuEldinga

Iktpitrmay be hodfrom

(a\ Pilgrim Tmt, Fiddsn How, UrtteCollege W,London SWlP 3SH England;

(b) bndmrk Trust, Shotmbrooke, White Waltham, Berkchire, w e n d ;

(C) thmgie United Kiworn Trust*Comely Park Houee, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland.

For d d l s of other gmt giving Wet, r e f e r n may be made to "the Directory of Grant-MakingTrum" published by the National

Council of SocM Servihs.

Part 2

Kill& is l e in dm d m t parkh of BrfgM wme tan k k m a m owth%aptofOnrmplaEdr mtha COB? of the W e Psnlnwfa;

kl- ofAsrlglms end emamted from DdnrrnBay by St MnsPoint

A h r rhe attainder of John R d l , the owner of the Klllwgh intodw care of dw Duke ofYork efbwwnFdchll.Follannlng

the Wi l lh ibe wars it wm werW W the Wads. Although Killough Bay has beebeen FegaKdsdea S& h w n for shippbug in the 17thCentury itp

u r h dadopment began law in the ce~turyunder the patmnaga and tireetion of theWards, I t was calledPortofStAnne afterAnne H a m i h

wffb of Mlchae! Ward.

W Dolrm has always been ~ w o f t h e m o d t i m p o f b v l t g r e i n ~ n g ~ i nI te landdmtoiBdrye l l~and~solkWeatwar~rcrmin

the nrea arawMj Killough from garb h\ the 18th Centarry. Thk wer shipped kr Combsr to be milled md later m Bad* w h i i by 3830 had

bewme thm chief marlrrtt Kitloughhad two windm~llrand nine grain $bores, most of hWMIkilns attached In which tfie @n ww d M .

Wdlfamwn'smapof 18012drcrwrtbtamvirtually, S it istoday.

In the pwid 1821-24 Vhmum BangM spent fl7,000irnprovlngthe amenftEes cf the harbur and by 1m the town cont~fnsda ndthary

lxmch and 247 hwm Wlt a r d ihe rnargSn of the bsy. In 1892 the County Down mitway a ken& Iim Phriawh KlWaugh to

hdghss. Earfyinthkcenturythe~opmsntd ~ ~ ~ m g & ~ g ~ m e t d m ~ ~ m t . T h e t a r w n M , h o w r r w # , # r f f s F e d

M y frma decline ingrainpmduch'on aftar 1M;zhe bibour silted up anf thepier end wsrehousr M1InW d i i and dIla(ptdatlon.

Even InitsdeeIIne, b m t t In 1- wol d'fk4mt.I~hnpmmdto remark at the tree l idstmt mdtad IKillough The Ollrdejl of Ireland'. In

factmneh afthe&m hedepod~tanrainstndnymdilrthebarbof theamafwmmmrvadon.

Notim b hemby given that the Departmentof the Emlronment(NI) inpunwnee of the powersCWIW Pknninqupan itby Article37of-

(NarlhePn Ireland) Order l Q 1 2 h e r d e r l ~ ~ a r a a o u d i n e d m t h e C # r e h e d ~ c a a C o M e r w t i o n ~ t # i n g m m 0 4 ~ d ~ -

A map af the Mgmedm8har bssn depositd at ths D i i c t C o d 1 Offioe, District DswlopmentOffice MdDivislondRnnTngOffios at I

* m w e s m f s i ~ b e l & :

6ownDMetCoUnen.. .......... 24Strdndord~oad,t)ownpatrickC r ~ N o ~ ~ 4 3 3 1 l

Dktrin Dewlopmm OHim .. . ..... Mdwey Building,Mount Cmusnt, Dormpatfidc (Tdaphone No Oorwnpraiek3821)

D W m IPIming OfnOB .. . . .. . .. Rllthdune W,New Eri* Skeet,Downps~idc(Tdephme No Down- 5121).

BlBLtOGRAPHY Killough B-GH ......................... ~ o ~ p e md h ................ DubwrdieuJ ........................ Famlly Papers of ttmWads . . . . . . . . . . . . S .

G m E R R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . .

Down. 1888 Idand. 1m1-1603 Statistical Surrey af County Dawn.1 a MSS in the Public Rmrds Office Idustrial Archasology of Co Down

HacriaW ...........................The Ancient and PresentSeaae of tha Cwnty of Down, 1744 h d w J ........................... H M S 3 ............................ LanrhS............................ O ' L a m . Rw T ..................... Steph-J ........................ The Parf imtary G m r .............. U W Archiaecarrel H- Mefl ........ BovaJameo ......................... FFgPerJamer m - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wiliamwol . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

m CaMwell P and Dixon H ................. Q M b G ................**...,., CivicTrust .....................,... CivicTrust ......................... Civlc Tnwt ......................... CivEeTrust ......................... Dewammmtof EnvironmentIN I1 .......... O / m H m..........................

&sons Heri.tase5er'iNu 25 ............. Edfnh&~ New T m ConoervationComrnitblre GrmsdlP ......................... HMSO ............................ HMSO ............................ P r l m J ......................... Wel)letyS .......................... Shaf4tP ..........................

M o w Plans in Four Villagm In County hm.Ulster Fdklife Vdume 20 P m 49-ArchamlogicalSurvey ofCwnty Down. 1Beifaa, -Topoetaphical Dlctlonary d Ireland. 1837 V d 1 1 Di- ct Downand Connor. 1878 Two Centuries of Ufe k Down 1800 - I-. 1920 Yol2. 1848 East Down. 1q73

Mm. 1830 Map.1844 MW. ~ B f B

Building Conmation in Northern Ireland.1976 T h Torm in Ulster. 1861 Conwnr9tlon in Acdan. 1972 fhe Houser and CMtage Handbodr Manual of U r h Interpretatton. 1979 Pride of Him. 1972 PlanningPermission.A Guida for Householders An Introduction of UlsterArchitscture. 1B76 rtirh 1-0- MCIviltw The Care and Consenratlon of Georgian Wcruser EnviminrrvenZ An Aiphahtical Handbook. 1071 The Planning (NI) Ordsr 1972 The Planning (Amendment) (NE)Order 1978 Your H m m - lfheQlatside View. 1876 Shops of Ireland. 1878 The Irish Town an approach towrvivsal. 1875.

5rief for Developers

~ d m o f ~ a S ~ i f n d e r l ~ n g a ~ r v a t f o n A n r e b t o ~ d m h a n c e i ~ ~ e h a r a c t e r d a p p a a r ~ . T h e p r r p o r s d ~ I t s

parr of the repart k to Umtify t)lr#e feoarras w(hMgive KElleugh Its W e characder, to atline the DeparMmt6spotides towards

~ t i a l d s v s ~ o p m e n t ~ ~ ~ ~ a n a t h e t m ~ ~ k e h ~ b V t B ' b D t h 8 ~ ~ d f t C B . d l ~ ~ .


the predominant I duse inthe am hm i b t i a l w i d ~only e smll number of cmmsdal or other usas. I t is expectedthatmast dewrl~pment

will e r k with pmptmis to alter w extend mistingIchnellinmwid~thrhap~oorna llmitied mdmdapment or new Etevdopment on vacant sItm.

Any lnereaPed demand for mrnercid floonpeee can k accommodated in Castle .Street &mghble expansion of exldng operations or the

@an@ of upe of existing buildings. In ~ m r acasec other &mm of rrse whit& did not adversely altar qpmwanes of a buildingor Its settfns

may he -table.

Plrm hm:

ihsdon of Killwgh io met ofsbroad maindrset CedHa Street flanked by buildings on bodr ddsr with two wingo of QD- stretching no&

and routh a t q the coast The hildins are m e in brreeer f m located directly behhd the pav~ment.At the MHth of W e Stmt,

Pldrrdne Square is a farrnal focal poinr for the ullDap while at the mth Quay S m t IWstoaheharbour, o#meof Killought former prosper-

ity. It ?Sthe Depmmnt's policy to teek to rnd.ntaln the existing stmt patmrn, building lines and huiDdfnaw W s . Generally, new development

rWlould respect principleof near continuous street from@ abutdngthepavement.


T b buildings dong Castle Street are m d y two rtomy with m e of thm storeys. Along Main S t m grid Fhtwrrnans Raw cmagw are mostly h g l e Wimy. It is the Department's pdlw te ensue that hdopment proposalsam in keepingwith thsdesign d eof the immrsdim

locality. Where itk pmgmd to extend a sinae+tomy dwelling it will d y be a#re@atde toprovidean addtslonal stow or m h theroof. If

thsnt Is sdequats height In the existing roof then ~on9ldsrtffimwwld be given bp tha prwldan of tkmn of a witable

extandons will h m tu,be at the reart7he gerseral ouline and f m of rrxtsnsionsshould & in krrepingwith thsparent building Ln~tWHJI e rear

exW#Ion mm'freedom In &a wa of maasrialr and in the size andtherm of opmblgs is permidble.

While drsra are faw buildings of wmmding [Rdivldual marit hconrbinad e f f m of these lwrd the~rouplngrd ather krldqp wrllJlbuPe to

the wmll appearance of the village. Tha hpammmthas completed its lklingof WldEngs of tmhiteeartd orhirtwk: in- W k of thor#r

within the Consawadon Am am camalttad In Appendix one. Ropwds ta altmr listad buildm or bo demolishany buildingwill repulrew tre

approved by theDmmmtby applidon to .the PlanningServicefot listed bulldingccrntent

R i d s :

R& are pitched at 360-400with the rimparallel Oo the SVeet d ornrered generally in mtal slw. In m i r or mmudon work on

roofs fmnting lSle stnrw It Is preferable to urn n m n l data In new building adastas &t of an approlpriste ccrlar and d m a

dles and c o r n d m would ba seeptab, In new work pitched Mwill be thenorm In order to retain the chamtw of the~i~Ztoingroof-

line, Uiwh exceptional!y it mlry b aoeepoaMe to prwlde s flat mfon s single sbmy reer ~OensZanto an exking two tEMey buRdng.

Birnneyt m an SPnportantfaaturn in the hDstork appearanoa of thrr raafliners in athevillege.


Wdlt were tradlbicvnally rsndend In #no& limor oemsnt plaobcw or hadad. Pdkda darh f i n i h All nut be e in mmmtion w

t txkwdmt Roughctla in hbmof a fine 'slapdash' may sometlrnes be aeceplable for example Ln mar ~~f~ or new d.Surroundr

todar end windows, qudnotonrrs and oXhsr featurn ohwld be mined M r e p l d . W h m buildingsam kriltof eirtter plain w whit6

washed thees finishes sbrould be retained. In the pointingof &mewark thseonerqth snd d o u r of the mix and itt mladcmhipwith the faoa of

ttomrm Impmart el~mentrInobtaininga dsfwtowwbpmam.


In mdon ar redevelopment the lwoporZIcm of window Po wdl on the public el&m should d e c t dhe&ma5n&W rbw# wdlt

which normally do notWwldeapenings.Qf~dlmportranaeinth8~e~~ofwfndarvsirthePhapsofrhe~ing.Thic~ldkaWfdon-

ally pmpmionedIrr toheight and width.

If a wider w i n g h eamtial then 'the wrtid d L rhwld be m a i d by ~Whridingtha opening with a mullion or twllim.Openiw

wlmhwm &add m i l y be of the sliding cwh in repelr and mwatiwl.In new buSUwwindmm ne%dm be diding tacfr but thwld retain the a~Wona1p m - . Figure one ahlrm s ~ m rawmplm of tradfdonalwindow propwtfwlr, Wbm daeratianram pmpeosdincm-

&m with dw mmendal ure of pre~nkeo*o#s should be emfined tatha ground floor, Figuretwodtuw wme differentways ofprovldlng

a shop wi-,

l h m m

Skwn hwld prafsrably be solid either boarded orpawlfed. If daylistis requiredthis can kt achieved by a g l a d panef In a rheetd dow, by

a fmlitehf wer thrt &Kw ar by the lndwlon of a lobby or vestibule with an inmrnal g l a d door.

Jhe Dqxrhmtwilt mistthe i n a r ~ o n bow window w elaborately panelledof fske ptwW details such es fibre glmporch-,

Ill.wmMeFedsigm md advdremen~esn be vidly diaruptiw. The prlindpall fecWrs m b talcan into m tIn arch Welopm%nte am dta

&a. tke ddonr;hlp w M the dad* of the building, the style of the slgn, the materids and the colour. Imwmlty il!urnlnated dgns will

BBnerallynotbe aowptabltt. Hend painbedsf- paktsdd l d y on to thewalls or -a b a r & areprefensd.


Pdntlns is permitted devslofmmt. Nevertheha It is InadvisaMe to paint large a m of wall in ctrong colwra -white,crearm and tight greys

lodc best on tradMtional wttager, Gemally all cmpcwed timber mpublic alwatlonashould be painted. Strong colwna d M& mbe u d on

doon and windmm and on plecter features sudr ar ourmundc a d quoins.

Raimmrm guttering and downpijm should be painted the same sdwr as ths wall unless they ate e -c &ign faaturn. RaiEinp look bert

palnded either black w whb.-'The two ram of mahrm symm tnrer along Main &em and Casds Street make a wry significant contributionto,the heracterof Killwgh.

Vhebr#rr&mgChurch A w w ~ a d j a O B M t o ~ ~ w a l k ~ p l a y a p e r t I n d . l e w ~ ~ o f t h e v i l l a g e . ~ a g e s i n ~ m

Stmtam thewbjectufamanagemantrohamebtJw3 RoidsRoads ilncluding~acementwhennmwwy. Alrtmitarpdky diorthemh

prlvare ommhip d d emure that ttrey me of lasting bandit Adddonal plantingof rtaandandsycamores would be Mrdble Inrhe publlc

open space to the north of the n'llags behveen Mdn Stnret and the oea and et other selected sites within the AreaAreaThe Dapartmwctwill

SWthe applkationof Tree ?rematkm Odm where appmprim.

Wdmr M m snd rtn#t hrnhuraouch af seats, fi#tlng and tamps, litter bim, trdlards and signsdrwM bof 8 M i n s t R l d desOgn wiWa

far uilt*.

F u m r advice on Consmadon Arms grmarally itnd Klllotmh in wthlrw an be o b t a i d f m HistoricM m m mand BuSiCdtngr Btanch of

the Departmentof the Enuitmmmt {NE), 1 Con&& Avenue, Bdfast BT4 1EH (Telephone No Belfast 653251).


Nwnber 5 The Squase

Number 7 The Square

St Annm Partoh Church and Gaer

33um&ers =,31 and 33 Ca%tteStrset

Pdnt View and rsJllngs number 46 Castle %.met

~ a r ~

Numbem t0,12,14 and 14 W t l e Stma


Kitlough Clink (former Wdgyan MBt)ld'kt W i n g House)

St JooephsRC Church,

~ ~ 1 ~ ~

Fii. 7 Example of Traditional Window Propot.tfotrJ.