kindergarten - eagle creek elementary school...eagle creek elementary 1216 east 5th street -...

Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5 th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu Information: May 11 th – May 21 st Please find the attached Learning Menu for May 11 th - May 21 st . A few notes about the menu (changes from last menu are bolded): - This menu includes two-weeks of learning material and supports instruction through May 21 st . Please note: Friday, May 22 nd and Tuesday, May 26 th have been designated “No School Days” to stay within the 180 school day calendar. - Consider working with your child to plan out how they will work through the menu over the two-week period of time. - Students are asked to submit their work to an assignment or two- we would love to see what your children are doing so we can assess their understanding of material and plan next steps. Directions for this are provided on the menu. - The Specialist Menu is grade level specific. Your kids can pick one Specialist area every day or so to work with. Washington State’s Superintendent’s Office is recommending the following for daily learning times: - Kindergarten/1 st Grade: 45 minutes a day - 2 nd and 3 rd Grade: 60 minutes a day - 4 th and 5 th Grade: 90 minutes a day We are taking weekly attendance and our goal is to check in with students at least once a week. Please be sure to connect with your teacher via e-mail, phone, Zoom, Google Classroom, or by submitting assignments. If you are looking for more learning, consider looking back at previous menus and doing an assignment you may not have gotten to OR check out the many websites listed under “Helpful Websites”. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Teacher e- mails are listed at the bottom of each menu and teachers are establishing Office Hours to provide additional supports as needed. Your teacher will communicate the Office Hour information with you via e-mail.

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Page 1: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275

Kindergarten Learning Menu Information: May 11th – May 21st

Please find the attached Learning Menu for May 11th - May 21st. A few notes about the menu (changes from last menu are bolded):

- This menu includes two-weeks of learning material and supports instruction through May 21st. Please note: Friday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 26th have been designated “No School Days” to stay within the 180 school day calendar.

- Consider working with your child to plan out how they will work through the menu over the two-week period of time.

- Students are asked to submit their work to an assignment or two- we would love to see what your children are doing so we can assess their understanding of material and plan next steps. Directions for this are provided on the menu.

- The Specialist Menu is grade level specific. Your kids can pick one Specialist area every day or so to work with.

Washington State’s Superintendent’s Office is recommending the following for daily learning times:

- Kindergarten/1st Grade: 45 minutes a day - 2nd and 3rd Grade: 60 minutes a day - 4th and 5th Grade: 90 minutes a day

We are taking weekly attendance and our goal is to check in with students at least once a week. Please be sure to connect with your teacher via e-mail, phone, Zoom, Google Classroom, or by submitting assignments. If you are looking for more learning, consider looking back at previous menus and doing an assignment you may not have gotten to OR check out the many websites listed under “Helpful Websites”. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Teacher e-mails are listed at the bottom of each menu and teachers are establishing Office Hours to provide additional supports as needed. Your teacher will communicate the Office Hour information with you via e-mail.

Page 2: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Eagle Creek  Kindergarten Menu  

May 11 - May 21  * Remember to read each day! *  


Eve��d�� , co��� to  100 b� 1s an� 10s.  

 Solve one of  the addition  

and  subtraction  

story  problems .  ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.  

Eve��d�� , co��� to  100 b� 1s an� 10s.  


Play    Subtraction  


• Bonus :Work on Chapter 9

Classify Objects in our MyMath

Volume 2 workbooks   

Eve��d�� , co��� to  100 b� 1s an� 10s.  

 Work on one  

of the Base 10  worksheets.     

 ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.  

Eve��d�� , co��� to  100 b� 1s an� 10s.  

 Play the  

Hippity Hop:  Base 10 game.   

 • Bonus :Work on

Chapter 9 Classify Objects in our MyMath

Volume 2 workbooks .   


Eve��d�� , p�a�t���  yo�� le���r�, le���r  so���s, an� si��t  


Read Decodable 16.

Make a word  

game (use  letter  

flashcards  from earlier  



Eve��d�� , p�a�t���  yo�� le���r�, le���r  so���s, an� si��t  

wo��s.   Work on one  of the writing  

opinions  prompts.  

Remember to use  inventive spelling,  write the letters for  

the sounds you hear  in words and draw a  picture to show your  

words.   ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your teacher.  

Eve��d�� , p�a�t���  yo�� le���r�, le���r  so���s, an� si��t  


Read Decodable 17.

Work on one  of the Read  and color  

worksheets. . ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.  

Eve��d�� , p�a�t���  yo�� le���r�, le���r  so���s, an� si��t  


Read Decodable 18.

Play Sight  

word tic tac  toe.   

Use the one  provided or  make your  


Page 3: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu


Work on the  Life cycle of  

seed  worksheet.   ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.  

 BONUS : Plant a seed that you got

from the Learning Menu

Pick Up.  

Work on the  name and  label the  

parts of the  plant  

worksheet.   ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.  

 * BONUS : go read a book in your teacher’s

Plants collection on

Email your teacher if you did

not receive an invite in your


Write two  sentences  

about if you  had a garden,  

what would  you grow   and why?  

Remember to use  inventive spelling,  write the letters for  

the sounds you hear  in words and draw a  picture to show your  

words.   ❏ Take a  

picture and  email it to  your  teacher.

*BONUS go read

a book in your teacher’s Plants

collection on Email your

teacher if you did not receive an invite in your


Make a  card/picture  

for your mom,  grandma,  

aunt, and/or  another  

special lady in  your life. Write  

about how  much you love  her.(use what  is provided or  

make your  own )





Page 4: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Sample Kindergarten Schedule  Washington State’s Su[erintendent’s Office is recommending that K/1 students should be engaged in

at-home learning for 45 minutes daily.

This is meant to guide you for schooling at home. Please do what is best for you, your student and your


1. 10 minutes : practice letter sounds, sight words, numbers, counting (flashcards, games, online

resources, etc.)

2. 15 -20 minutes : Work on one or two activities from our Learning Menu. (Remember, we

encourage games to be played multiple times.)

3. 10-20 minutes: listen to a grown-up and/or sibling read you a story or independently read one

of your little books from school or from your home library.

4. Make sure to take movement breaks in between activities (go on or do jumping

jacks, go for a walk, play outside etc.

Health & Wellness :    Believe in Yourself  

● Find something you love to do  ● Do it everyday  ● Use your imagination  ● Write down your goals or draw a picture of what you want to do  ● Set small goals – knock them o� – set more goals  ● Work hard – it builds confidence  ● The secret is to enjoy the journey – the highs and lows – be patient  ● Never stop reaching for your goals till you get there  

Please watch these videos!        

Library :   ● Continue reading daily with your child. Have your child find sight words s/he  

knows within the pages of the book. Ask your child to retell the story after  reading it together, by looking at the pictures.   

● Technology : Big exciting news: we are beta-testing a virtual coding program that  allows our students to complete coding challenges online. If you are interested  in trying this with your student, go to The teacher  code is: pc8gm. Look under “Kindergarten,” then scroll until you find your child’s  name. Your child can try to complete puzzles and have some fun exploring this  site! If you run into any glitches, please email me (see Ms. Arnold’s email below)  and I will forward your comments and questions to the company, since this is a  beta test, there may be some! Also, this only works with ChromeBooks and  laptops and is not compatible with iPads or phones, yet!  

Page 5: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Music :    SpotLight On Percussion! [Week 6] and Woodwind Instruments [Week 7]. Listen  to and Learn about Instruments by clicking on the links. Make a “Music  Dynamic Paddle” to practice switching from very quiet (Piano) to very loud  (Forte) during a song. Keep Singing and send us a pic or recording, I would  L-o-v-e to hear from you!   Spotlight on Percussion! / Piano/Forte Paddle Project (5/11-15)  Spotlight on Instruments - Woodwinds (5/18-22)   

PE:    Baseball / Softball Skills  This week you will be working on your underhand tossing and overhand  throwing. Check out the attached posters to see the correct form for tossing  and throwing.   Equipment:    Any ‘soft’ ball that can fit in your hand or a “sock ball” (a couple of socks balled  into each other) - use whatever you can find to replicate a ball.    We recommend Baseball/Softball skills be practiced outdoors whenever  possible.  Underhand Toss: Practice tossing to a target on the floor. Your target can be a  laundry basket or any “ground area” you designate as your target. See if you  can toss accurately into your target 10 times.  Overhand Throw: Practice throwing to a target ona wall or even to a partner.  See if you can throw accurately to your target 10 times.  Extension(s) of the Week:  How many times IN A ROW can you accurately throw to your target. Try to beat  your last record.   

General Wellness :    How to lift your spirits! Students make a list or a poster of 10 to15 things that:  make them happy; they can do by themselves; doesn't require adult assistance;  costs any money; or requires a screen. Hang the list or poster in their room.  When they are feeling bored, upset or lonely go to their list for ideas to find fun  and healthy activities. Examples: Create a 3-D animal out of recycled materials;  write a poem or a song; work on a puzzle or make your own if you don't have  one; paint your nails; try an experiment you learned about in school; take a  dog for a walk, climb a tree... Try something you may have never done before  but wanted to try. Have fun with this!!   For more social emotional skills, lessons and helpful stories visit our Google  Classroom. Log in to Google, Open Google Classroom, click the “+”; join the  class Social Emotional Support During School Closure; enter in the code  kyufbxn  


Page 6: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Helpful Websites:  ● Arlington School District School Closure Page (printable resources)  ●   ● Mo Willems on YouTube (art lessons)  ● Jack Hartman on YouTube (educational songs)   ● (movement breaks and educational songs)  ● (read-alouds)   ●   ● Khan Academy  ● ht tps:// ,   ●  

(Scholastic has daily lessons that the kindergarten teachers love)  ● (wait for your teacher to email you an invitation)   ● (wait for your teacher to email you an invitation)   

 Teacher Emails:   Mrs. Cofer: [email protected]  Mrs. Ford: [email protected]  Mrs. Hargraves: [email protected]  Mrs. Harrison: [email protected]  Mrs. Johnsen: [email protected]  Mrs. Jones: [email protected] ,  Ms. Lorello: [email protected]   Specialist Emails:   Ms. Arnold : [email protected] (Library/Technology)  Ms. Hallanger : [email protected] (Music)  Mr. Mclaughlin : [email protected] (Health and Wellness)  Mr. Robison : [email protected] (PE)  Ms. Jablonski: [email protected] (School Counselor) O�ce Hr 9-10 AM  


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Page 11: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Subtraction Smash  1. Student rolls out 5 playdoh spheres (balls)  2. Student rolls dice (use one from an old game or use the dice template  

included to make your own).   3. Student smashes that many play-doh spheres (balls) and tells you how  

many are left.   


Use your own play-doh or use this  No Cook Playdough Recipe *Just add hot water!  


● 2 cups all-purpose flour  ● ½ cup table salt  ● 2 tablespoons cream of tartar *find this in the spice aisle of the grocery  

store  ● 2 tablespoons vegetable oil  ● 1 to 1.5 cups boiling water *added in increments until the dough feels just  

right, not too sticky  ● Add in food coloring/scents/glitter as desired  


1. Mix the dry ingredients and make a little dent for the wet ones  2. Mix the wet ingredients (including any additions like color/scent) and pour  

into the dry ingredients.  3. Mix all ingredients together, stirring vigorously  4. .Let the mixture cool  5. Play and learn with the dough!  

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Make a CVC Word: Nonsense or Real?    Materials :   

● ABC flash cards  ● Writing tool  ● Writing surface   

  Set up:  

● Sort vowels (a, e, i, o, u) into their own pile  ● Place consonant cards upside down, spread out on surface  ● Place one vowel card in front of the student   ● On the writing surface, create an area for the student to record nonsense words, and a  

separate area for students to record real words. This is their recording sheet.    Game Play:  

1. Student chooses two consonant cards (at random) to place on either side of the vowel  card to create a CVC word.   

2. Student sounds out word.  3. Student identifies if the word they made is a nonsense word or a real word.  4. Student records their word in the appropriate “nonsense” or “real” word area on their  

recording sheet.   5. Return the consonant cards to their upside down playing area.  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to continue game play.   7. When the game is ended, have the student practice reading their word list.   

  Things to Consider:  

● A vowel card can be strategically chosen if the student is still working on mastering that  sound! Is your student still working on /e/? Consider having them work with that vowel  during the game.   

● For added challenge, the vowel card can be replaced each turn like the consonant cards.   ● For added challenge, when the student creates a real word, have them use it in a  


● Recording sheet example:  Insert blank page  

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Week 6 K/1 (5/11-15)

Spotlight on PERCUSSION ! How is Percussion sound produced? By striking, shaking, or scraping. How do you play these instruments? Hint: most percussion is hit or struck to make a sound.

snare drum maracas

timpani cymbals

Musical Expression “Dynamic Conducting Paddle” Project:

(1) Print out the dynamic markings below, and cut into four squares.

(2) Use a popsicle stick, pencil, or stick as the base. Tape or use a glue stick to stick the letters together, face out on either side of the stick to make a Conductor’s “paddle”. Put about 2 inches of the stick in between the papers (trim as needed).

(3) Get another person (Sibling, Parent, Friend) to sing or play a song you know, or use the composition you created using the rhythm cards from previous weeks activities, while you hold up one side to face them, then flip (rotate) the other side of each paddle. Explain what the letters mean:

f = Loud, p = Quiet, ff = Very Loud, pp = Very Quiet [Practice each one first]

Place one paddle in each hand. Raise one hand to start song ( only one hand can be up at a time ). “Conduct” the dynamic changes by twisting your wrist back and forth (to show the other side), and raising/ lowering your hands, to get 4 different markings. The “musician” has to change their volume level to match, but don’t switch too fast! Have fun taking turns “Dynamic Conducting” and “Performing”!

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Do you remember these great songs from Music Class? Click on the button, or sing along from memory to your parents and others.

Forte Piano

Forte! Forte! Pi-a—no.

Forte! Forte! Pi -a -a no.

FORTISSIMO! Pianissimo.

Big Crescendo - Forte! Forte!

Pi-a-a-a-no, FORTE!

Presto Largo From

Presto, Presto Presto, Presto, Presto! (Repeat)

Really, really really really super mondo fast,

Presto Presto!

Really, really really really super mondo fast,

Presto Presto!

Largo, Largo, Very Slow Largo,

Largo, Largo, Very Slow, Whoah!

(ending: Largo, Presto! )

Page 48: Kindergarten - Eagle Creek Elementary School...Eagle Creek Elementary 1216 East 5th Street - Arlington, WA 98223 Office: 360.618.6270 - Fax: 360.618.6275 Kindergarten Learning Menu

Music – K-1 – Spotlight on instruments – Week 7 & 8 Timbre (pronounced tamber) is the unique quality of the sounds of instruments. During the last months of school, we would be listening to the sounds the instruments make.. This is the story of the Little Red Hen – using instruments as the characters. The 5 instruments used in this musical story are trumpet, trombone, flute, clarinet, and violin. Listen to the Little Red Hen. Sing along with the music. The Little Red Hen Play it again and try to sing along. Listen to the Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra – to hear more trumpet. Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra Listen to Boogie Woogie to hear more trombone. Boogie Woogie . Listen to The Little Shepherd by Debussy to hear more flute. The Little Shepherd Listen to Let’s Dance to hear more clarinet. Let's Dance Listen to Caprice Basque to hear more violin. Caprice Basque