king david junior school linksfield

King David Junior School Linksfield Call Ruth Isaacson (Principal): 011 480 4718 or Email: [email protected] At King David Junior School Linksfield, from Grade 1 to Grade 3, we offer a warm, nurturing environment in which every child is valued. We encourage children to actualize their potential both academically and socially. King David Junior School Linksfield aims to provide the best possible Jewish and General Studies education for our students in the partnership it creates between pupils, parents and teachers.

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King David Junior School Linksfield

Call Ruth Isaacson (Principal): 011 480 4718 or

Email: [email protected]

At King David Junior School Linksfield, from Grade 1 to Grade 3, we offer a warm, nurturing environment in which every child is valued. We encourage children to actualize their potential both

academically and socially. King David Junior School Linksfield aims to provide the best possible Jewish and General Studies

education for our students in the partnership it creates between pupils, parents and teachers.



Our core subjects are English, Maths and Hebrew. In

addition, we provide a variety of supplementary

enrichment subjects which include Art, Music, Drama,

Computer skills, Physical Education and a STEAM

programme. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,

Art and Maths) teaches skills required for the 21st century,

such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and

teamwork. All our teaching and learning occur in an

environment that encourages the child to improve their

performance. Students learn that when you deliver your

best efforts, results take care of them selves.

Our social workers offer emotional support to learners

and parents. The social work services curriculum

includes life skills lessons that build self-esteem and

encourage good inter-personal skills.

For those students who may not be ready for

thedemands of mainstream education but do not

necessarily need remedial intervention, King David

Junior Primary Linksfield offers a bridging class option in

each grade. The bridging classes have a smaller

number of learners, and teachers are able to offer more

indiv idual ized at tent ion. There is cont inuous

communication between parents, teachers and

therapists to monitor progress ensuring that learning

support is appropriate and effective. The objective of the

learning support programme is to reintegrate these

learners back into mainstream when they are ready. As

the child improves cognitive skills, and experiences

success, self-concept improves and learning enjoyment

increases. In addition to the bridging classes, every

grade also has a remedial therapist who works with

students from the mainstream classes to strengthen and

consolidate skills. These therapists also work closely with

the bridging class teachers.

We reward hard work with certificates for progress,

diligence and excellence. Parents are invited to

assemblies to help reinforce the practice of students

taking responsibility for their progress. We ensure our

curriculum meets national and international standards

by continuous bench-marking with top schools in the

world. Our Grade 3's write the ACER International

Benchmark assessment. High levels of accountability

and continuous communication encourage and

support our students.



Extra murals provide opportunities for students to make

new friends, learn skills and explore different interests. At

King David Junior Primary Linksfield, there is an activity

every day, after school.

Sport at the Junior School is inclusive. Whilst we

encourage a healthy spirit of competitiveness, our

main focus is to teach the rules of the game and the

invaluable life lessons sport offers, such as

discipline, commitment and team work. We

encourage learners to participate in at least one

cultural and one sporting activity every week.

Hebrew and Jewish Studies have been at the cornerstone of a

King David education. Each daystarts with tefillah (prayer) where

our children learn to daven (pray) and sing Hebrew songs. Our

Hebrew curriculum begins in Grade 1 with the oral teaching of

the Hebrew alphabet, learning vocabulary, sentence

construction and reading.

Our Jewish Studies teachers share their passion about the

chagim (festivals) and impart fundamental Jewish values

with dynamic activities designed to provide knowledge to

build a strong Jewish identity. Middot (values) such as

chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity), care for the less

privileged and love and respect for others are fundamental

values that are lived in a King David education.

The Hebrew and Jewish Studies syllabus, develops and extends

in Grade 2 and 3 to ensure that the students are well prepared

with the oral and written skills necessary for Senior Primary


Collaborating with the DIJE, (Department of Informal Jewish

Education) our students participate in informal, fun

educational activities that develop knowledge and build a

love of Israel.

Students can participate in a rich variety of extra-murals

that include art, drama, board games, science club, chess,

Israeli dancing and seasonal sports. We offer swimming,

cricket, ball skills, netball, soccer and athletics.

Music is included in our curriculum. We offer a

varied musical programme which entails basic

music theory, knowledge and practical aspects

of various instruments, as well as music


King David Jewish Academy of Music (KD JAM)

is our very own music department on the King

David Linksfield campus. As a voluntary

additional offering to our students, we offer

private, paid-for lessons within, or after school

on guitar (acoustic / electric / bass), drums,

voice, saxophone, clarinet, flute, trumpet,

trombone, piano, violin, and cello. Along with

performing in the various assemblies, there are

two concerts a year featuring the students. KD

Jam has various bands, ensembles and a choir

under its umbrella with the Jazz Band being the

most popular.


Pictures taken before Covid.