king edward essay the 1

king Edward school promotional video shows a verity of different things that have to offer at the school. Throughout the video it show a verity of different shot types and camera movements this is used to make the promotional video more effective. For example the opening shot is the mid-shot of the chief master John Claughton also showing the logo repenting the school which allows the audience to identify who and what is in the shot, I know king Edward school promotional video

Upload: jorge-jauadsani

Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: King edward essay the 1

king Edward school promotional video shows a verity of different things that have to offer at the school.

Throughout the video it show a verity of different shot types and camera movements this is used to make the promotional video more effective.

For example the opening shot is the mid-shot of the chief master John Claughton also showing the logo repenting the school which allows the audience to identify who and what is in the shot, I know this because it is shown on the bottom right of this shot.

king Edward school promotional video

Page 2: King edward essay the 1

This next screen shot show a close up of students studying followed but a verity of clips showing clips of boys from the school involved in activates showing a verity of clips creating a montage. mean while this is being shown the audience can hear an L-cut of the head master talking explaining what the school has to offer to these teenage boys.

Page 3: King edward essay the 1

Use of text and titles is used throughout the promotional video shown during an interview quick way of conveying information about the person providing the audience with information about king Edward School. In both clips the camera person uses mid close of up of the characters on one side also showing the background. In the both shots the Mise-en-scene is effective because it shows the Visual coding for example the head of art department the setting shows a art classroom

Page 4: King edward essay the 1

These screens shots that you can see is affective shots and camera movement to allow the audience to identify the school, at the same time the audience can hear an explanation from one of the students this is called an L-cut.

The L-cut is used in number of shots to allow the audience to understand what the character speaking is talking about and also the uses of the students is so the target audience can gather first hand information about the students experience at the school.

For example the establishing tracking shot used to set the setting of the school from the outside and also they get a shot of the school flag (logo).