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Unit 31 Understand the background to organisational strategic change2 Understand issues relating to strategic change in an organisation3 Be able to lead stakeholders in developing a strategy for change4 Be able to plan to implement models for ensuring on going changeUnit 61 Understand the importance of creative and innovative management in organisations2 Be able to support creative and innovative management processes for an organisation3 Be able to influence others to effect change in an organisation4 Be able to plan to overcome barriers to implementation of creative and innovativemanagement ideas in an organisationUnit 101 Understand how the strategic management of human resources contributes to theachievement of organisational objectives2 Be able to develop human resource plans for an organisation3 Understand human resources policy requirements in an organisation4 Be able to examine human resources management in an organisation


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Kingfisher Ltd

Kingfisher LTD Introduction

A market-leading home improvement retailer, the Kingfisher Group comprises a number of companies including B&Q, Castorama and Brico Depot, with stores in the UK, France, Poland, Italy, China, Taiwan, Spain and Turkey. In addition to retail stores Kingfisher has sourcing offices in Eastern Europe, China, India and South Africa, and over 8,000 suppliers based all over the world.

The mission of the company is to be either the largest (or, depending on the country, second largest) home improvement retailer in the European and Asian countries in which it operates. The company includes sustainable development in its vision “….to ensure that the long-term development of our business is sustainable and reflects the values and expectations of our communities”.

In the 1990s B&Q developed a reputation for environmental policies that were driven by risk management. These policies were initiated by a simple question from a journalist, who asked how much tropical timber B&Q sold. B&Q worked with a range of interested groups, including the environmental NGO WWF, to develop a market-based system – the Forest Stewardship Council’s certification scheme – to provide the necessary information to verify that B&Q’s timber and wood based products come from forests that are managed sustainably.

When Kingfisher acquired Castorama in 1999 it realised that, due to differences in approaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR) between Castorama and B&Q, they needed a coordinated approach to CSR. Kingfisher’s response to this challenge began with the development of a plan for CSR and a strategic toolkit approach, which it published in October 2001. The plan described the business case for CSR and outlined six areas where CSR would help the business: being ready for the future; maintaining respect for people; creating stores that are welcomed by communities; product innovation; saving costs; and enhancement of the brand. The plan is now in action and Kingfisher started producing CSR annual reports in 2002.

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Unit 3Kotter's 8-Step Change Model

1. Establish a sense of urgency- make objectives real and relevant- help others see the need for change and the importance of acting immediately- identify crises, potential crises or major opportunities.2. Pull together the guiding team (a ‘powerful, guiding coalition’)- assemble a group with enough power and the right skills to lead the change effort- encourage the group to work together as a team.3. Create a vision- develop the vision with the team to help direct the change effort- develop strategies for achieving that vision.4. Communicate the vision- use every mechanism and involve as many people as possible to communicate the newvision and strategies for understanding and buy-in- communicate the essentials, simply, to appeal and respond to people’s needs- teach new behaviours by the example of the guiding team.5. Empower others to act- remove obstacles/barriers to change- change systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision- encourage risk taking and non-traditional ideas, activities and actions- recognise and reward progress and achievements6. Plan and create short term wins- set aims that are easy to achieve for visible performance improvements- create those improvements in bite sized chunks- Finish current stages before starting new ones7. Don’t let up- Foster and encourage determination and persistence- consolidate improvements and produce still more change- use increased credibility to change systems, structures and policies that don't fit thevision- highlight achieved and future milestones.8. Make change stick (Institutionalise new approaches)- weave change into the culture- articulate the connections between the new behaviours and corporate success- develop the means to ensure leadership development and succession- reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion and new change

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Kubler-Ross model,

The Kubler-Ross model, was first introduced in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying" in which she describes five stages of emotional and psychological response to grief, tragedy and catastrophic loss.

In summary, the 5 stages of the Kubler-Ross model are:

(1) Denial - This is usually a temporary initial response along the lines of: "I feel fine... this can't be happening to me..."

(2) Anger - Once the realisation that that denial cannot continue then anger sets in: "Why me? It's not fair!"; Who is to blame?"

(3) Bargaining - This stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay the inevitable… “Just give me a bit longer… just let me finish…. “

(4) Depression - During this fourth stage, the person begins to understand the certainty of what is going to happen:" What's the point? I cant go on?"

(5) Acceptance - This final stage comes with a measure of peace and acceptance of the inevitable. "It's going to be okay… can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

ADKAR model

The ADKAR model consists of five sequential steps or actions:

1. Awareness of the need for change.Understanding why change is necessary is the first key aspect of successful change. This step explains the reasoning and thought that underlies a

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required change. Planned communication is essential. When this step is successfully completed the individual (employee) will fully understand why change is necessary.

2. Desire to participate in and support the change. In this step the individual is able to reach a point where they make a personal decision to support the change and participate in the change. Naturally a desire to support and be part of the change can only happen after full awareness of the need for change is established. Building desire is partly achieved by addressing incentives for the individual and creating a desire to be a part of the change.

3. Knowledge on how to change.The third building block of the model, providing knowledge about the change, can be achieved through normal training and education methods. Other methods of transferring knowledge, such as coaching, forums and mentoring, are equally useful, so don't limit this process to formal training. Two types of knowledge need to be addressed: knowledge on how to change (what to do during the transition) and knowledge on how to perform once the change is implemented.

4. Ability to implement required skills and behaviors.In the ADKAR model Ability is the difference between theory and practice. Once knowledge on how to change is in place (theory) the practice, or actual performance of the individual, needs to be supported. This can take some time and can be achieved through practice, coaching and feedback.

5. Reinforcement to sustain the change.This final stage of the model is an essential component in which efforts to sustain the change are emphasised. Ensuring that changes stay in place and that individuals do not revert to old ways can be achieved through positive feedback, rewards, recognition, measuring performance and taking corrective actions.

Why use the ADKAR model of change in Kingfisher?

Most importantly, when you're focusing on the individual you're able to measure where they are in the change process and what is required to assist them. You are not simply relying on running a certain number of training programmes, or communicating a particular message, and expecting everyone to follow.

The ADKAR model directs change management activities. It's focused on outcomes, not tasks to be performed. Many change models describe what needs to be done - this model describes the outcomes (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement).

Communication strategies can be focused.

The ADKAR model helps to measure the effectiveness of the change process. Progress can be measured down to the individual level, gaps diagnosed, and corrective action is directed.

Managers have a tool they can use. Each part of the model gives manager's a specific role. For example, an individual struggling with change may need knowledge on how to change or may lack the ability to implement necessary skills or behaviours. The manager is able to discern between the two and can provide training (knowledge and information) or work closely with the individual, coaching them to give them the confidence (and ability) to perform effectively.

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This change management model can be used for both project and non-project change, and is effective as a model of individual change outside of the organisational setting as well.

What is 7-S Model?

7-S Model – A Systemic Approach to Improving Organizations

The 7-S diagram illustrates the multiplicity interconnectedness of elements that define an organization's ability to change. The theory helped to change manager's thinking about how companies could be improved. It says that it is not just a matter of devising a new strategy and following it through. Nor is it a matter of setting up new systems and letting them generate improvements.

There is no starting point or implied hierarchy - different factors may drive the business in any one organization.

Shared Values

Shared values are commonly held beliefs, mindsets, and assumptions that shape how an organization behaves – its corporate culture. Shared values are what engender trust. They are an interconnecting center of the 7Ss model. Values are the identity by which a company is known throughout its business areas, what the organization stands for and what it believes in, it central beliefs and attitudes. These values must be explicitly stated as both corporate objectives and individual values.


Structure is the organizational chart and associated information that shows who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated. In other words, structures describe the hierarchy of authority and accountability in an organization, the way the organization's units relate to each other: centralized, functional divisions (top-down); decentralized (the trend in larger organizations); matrix, network, holding, etc. These relationships are frequently diagrammed in organizational charts. Most organizations use some mix of structures - pyramidal, matrix or networked ones - to accomplish their goals.


Strategy are plans an organization formulates to reach identified goals, and a set of decisions and actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over the competition.


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Systems define the flow of activities involved in the daily operation of business, including its core processes and its support systems. They refer to the procedures, processes and routines that are used to manage the organization and characterize how important work is to be done. Systems include:

Business System Business Process Management System (BPMS)

Management information system

Innovation system

Performance management system

Financial system/capital allocation system

Compensation system/reward system

Customer satisfaction monitoring system


"Style" refers to the cultural style of the organization, how key managers behave in achieving the organization's goals, how managers collectively spend their time and attention, and how they use symbolic behavior. How management acts is more important that what management says.


"Staff" refers to the number and types of personnel within the organization and how companies develop employees and shape basic values.


"Skills" refer to the dominant distinctive capabilities and competencies of the personnel or of the organization as a whole.

Kurt Lewin Change Management Model

Unfreeze, Change, Freeze

Kurt Lewin proposed a three stage theory of change commonly referred to as Unfreeze, Change, Freeze (or Refreeze). It is possible to take these stages to quite complicated levels but I don't believe this is necessary to be able to work with the theory. But be aware that the theory has been criticised for being too simplistic.

A lot has changed since the theory was originally presented in 1947, but the Kurt Lewin model is still extremely relevant. Many other more modern change models are actually based on the Kurt

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Lewin model. I'm going to head down a middle road and give you just enough information to make you dangerous...and perhaps a little more to whet your appetite!

The Basic Philosophy of Burke and Litwin Change Model

Here are some of the key points of this change model:

1. The most dominant factor that triggers organizational change is the external environment. It is the external environment that makes an organization to change its mission, culture, leadership and its operating strategies.

2. The changes in the 12 key dimensions, as identified by the Burke and Litwin model, bring about a series of changes in the structure, practices and the system of the organization.

3. All the affecting factors put together affects the motivation level of the individuals in an organization, which in turn impacts the overall performance.

4. The 12 key dimensions of the change model interact with and affect each other. And understanding the linkage between these supportive pillars is the key to effective and smoother change.

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Kingfisher Ltd

Kingfisher began life as Woolworth Holdings back in 1982, as a parent company for Woolworths, B&Q and Woolworths Properties. The group acquired the electricals chain Comet and health retailer Superdrug in the 1980’s before changing its name to Kingfisher in 1989. The group has rapidly expanded, acquiring retailers all over the world, but in 1999 its plan to buy supermarket group Asda was thwarted by US giant Wal-Mart. In 2003 the group demerged its electrical & furniture arms to form Kesa Electricals.

Unit 6SWOT ANALYSISKingfisher operates home improvement retail stores in the UK, continental Europe, and Asia. It is the largest home improvement retailer in Europe, and the third largest in the world. The group is the market leader in the UK and France, two of the largest retail markets in Europe. Strong market position, indicating effective strategic guidance and execution, would also facilitate

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customer acceptance in new markets due to the creation of strong brands. The interest rates hikes in Europe, however, would negatively impact the revenues and profits of the group.

StrengthsMarket leaderKingfisher is the largest home improvement retailer in Europe, and the third largest in the world. The group is the market leader in the UK and France, two of the largest retail markets in Europe. It operates 324 B&Q and 38 Screwfix stores in the UK, 98 Castorama, and 81 Brico Depot stores in France. Castorama France is ranked the leading home improvement retailer in the French market.Strong brand portfolioKingfisher has a strong brand portfolio, comprising prominent brands and own brands.The group markets products of prominent brands such as Whirlpool, Bosch and AEG. The group also offers a large number of own brands, including Airforce, Bodner and Mann. During fiscal 2007, the group launched the Performance Power and MacAllister range of power tools and the ’Colours’ range of paint and decorative ranges

WeaknessesLow marginsDespite consistent growth in revenues in the last five years (2003-2007), the margins of the group have trailed the industry average. During the historical period, the group’s average operating margin and average net profit margin at 5.9% and 3.2%, respectively, were significantly lower than the industry average of 9.7% and 6.1%.

OpportunitiesExpansion in Chinese market

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Demand for home improvement products is rising in China, fuelled by rapid economic growth, increasing personal incomes and migration to urban areas. In recent years, millions of Chinese have been migrating to major cities. This has led to higher demand for new homes in cities, which in turn has fuelled the rapid growth of the home improvement market, particularly design, decorating and installation services. It is estimated that the Chinese do-it-yourself (DIY) market size is £27 billion and will grow by 14% per year during 2006-2009.Penetration in to Russia

Russia, with 142 million people, has the largest population in Europe. 85% of Russian homes need refurbishment. It is estimated that the Russian home improvement market is £10-billion worth, but the market is very fragmented. Consumer demand in Russia is growing fast and the DIY market has grown by 11% on average per year during 2002-2006. Kingfisher entered the Russian market by opening its first Castorama store in Samara, Russia in February 2006. The 8,500 square meter store offers 35,000 home improvement products targeted at consumers and trade specialists.

ThreatsIntense competitionKingfisher operates in an intensely competitive market. In each of its markets, the group competes with other home improvement stores, electrical, plumbing and building materials supply houses and lumber yards. In some segments, the group also competes with discount stores, local, regional and national hardware stores, mail order firms, warehouse clubs and independent building supply stores. Intense competition could lead to loss of market share and lower margins due to pricing pressures.Rising steel pricesSteel prices after reaching historic heights in early 2005 underwent a correction towards the end of 2005 owing to de-stocking in inventories and changeover of China from a net importer to a net exporter. In 2005, China accounted for 30% of the global demand. Steel prices, after a volatile 2006, have stabilized but could rise to higher levels if industry consolidation continues.


Kingfisher is uniquely placed to benefit from this trend. As the largest and most international home improvement retailer in Europe and Asia, with operations in 11 countries, there is a large pool of talent and new ideas from which all the businesses can draw. Today, capitalising on Kingfisher’s international scale and diversity is one of the Group’s four key strategic priorities.


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Backed by its significant buying strength and international sourcing network, Kingfisher has made many products accessible to a much wider market, enabling more people to improve their homes at affordable prices.


Operating in 11 different countries, Kingfisher has developed a strong record of store format innovation, adapting stores to their local environment. In Taiwan, a densely populated island, B&Q developed a more compact format, often multi-storey, to minimise the impact of space restrictions. Merchandising techniques from these stores have been used in other Kingfisher businesses and this will again be evident in the format used to enter the densely populated Hong Kong market in 2007.

Customer service

Although large-scale home improvement stores have typically been mainly self-service operations, rising customer expectations mean that good quality customer service by knowledgeable staff is a growing priority. In the UK, B&Q has introduced ‘Service Squads’, store staff wholly dedicated to customer service, using radio communications to speed up service levels.


As more consumers in many of Kingfisher’s markets become increasingly ‘cash-rich and time-poor’ the offer of installation services becomes more and more important for shoppers who may not have the time or knowledge to tackle certain home improvement projects. In the UK, B&Q has offered a kitchen and bathroom installation service for some time and typically installs around 25,000 kitchens and bathrooms a year.

Influence of Mission and vision statement

1. The organisation has a clear and aspirational vision of what it means to be sustainable, and understands that sustainability is an essential part of creating value. It has also begun to investigate what sustainable consumption means for its business model.

2. The business strategy is set to deliver sustainability as well as profit. There is an increasing recognition that strategies based on sales of increasing volumes of low-priced commodities may not deliver long-term profit.

3. There is active engagement with the retail sector on sustainability – influencing others to improve performance and address global challenges, such as labour standards and climate change.

Kingfisher – Influenced by Mission,Vision StatementsKingfisher, a leading home improvement group with an international reach, has a clear ambition to fully integrate sustainability into business thinking. The company wants to be the one that customers choose for sustainable home improvement products and services. In 2007, it set about developing a vision and long-term sustainability goals using Forum for the Future’s Five

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Capitals model. A process was designed to take Kingfisher’s executive committee through the strategic implications of future social and environmental trends, confirming that ‘business as usual’ would not equip the company for these changes. With this in mind, Kingfisher developed a set of strategic sustainability goals that enable it to be prepared for, and capitalise on, opportunities presented by the growing market for sustainable products and services. Kingfisher has the challenge of coordinating its sustainability activities and maintaining leadership across a diverse group, with operating companies around the world including B&Q in the UK and China, and Castorama in France, Poland and Russia. Its ‘Steps to Responsible Growth’ management system helps its subsidiaries at different stages clearly understand the way forward and what is expected of them. Kingfisher is now working on embedding the detailed actions that will deliver its vision.

Risks and benefits and barriers of creative and innovative management ideas for Kingfisher Ltd

The Board considers risk assessment, identification of mitigating actions and internal control to be fundamental to achieving Kingfisher’s strategic corporate objectives. The Corporate Governance report section describes the systems and processes though which the directors manage and mitigate risks. The Board considers that the principal risks to achieving its objectives are set out below.

Economic and market conditions

The economy is a major influence on consumer spending. Trends in employment, inflation, taxation, consumer debt levels and interest rates impact consumer demand for discretionary spending on the home. Whilst predicting future trends is very difficult, Kingfisher reflects the latest independently sourced estimates in its internal plans.

Entering new markets

International expansion provides the opportunity for sustainable long-term growth and economic returns for shareholders. In some instances the best opportunities are in less well-developed markets where demand is growing fast and competition has yet to capitalize on the market potential. This represents a good opportunity for Kingfisher but exposes it to new cultural, regulatory and political risks.

Kingfisher only enters new markets where the potential long-term growth and returns opportunities outweigh the risks. Extensive research is conducted before entry and a strong management team is recruited from local nationals who understand the local culture, market regulations and risks Expansion in new, higher-risk developing markets represents only a small proportion of Kingfisher’s overall invested capital and is unlikely to rise to a significant level..

Competitive product ranges, prices and customer service – In retail the only thing that never changes is the need to keep changing. Customer demand for products and services can change rapidly and in a competitive market only those retailers that can keep evolving will be successful over the longer-term. Kingfisher continually monitors and anticipates consumer trends and the

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activities of its competitors. It works with the best suppliers in the world to find the latest products customers want, at the best prices.

Innovation in big, developed businesses – Kingfisher’s two biggest businesses, B&Q UK and Castorama France, have reached market leadership in two of the largest and most competitive markets in Europe. Constant innovation is needed to keep these businesses ahead of changing customer trends. Both are of a size where constant innovation is more challenging.

Attracting and retaining the best people – Retail is a people business. Each individual business has local initiatives in place to recruit, train and develop the best people. In addition, Kingfisher runs a number of cross-border senior management programmes to retain the best international talent and develop leaders of the future.

Financial resources

Kingfisher continues to look for working capital efficiency improvements and ways to minimise the cost of store expansion. During the year, over £200 million was raised by selling freehold assets in the UK to help fund freehold asset purchases in Europe and Asia needed to support expansion. Kingfisher’s credit rating was lowered but remains ‘investment grade’ quality and is now described as ‘stable’ by the credit agencies. The full year dividend payment was kept at the same level as last year.

Crisis affecting trading and Kingfisher’s reputation – A crisis can come in many different forms and it is impossible to anticipate and plan for every eventuality. However, crisis management programmes are well established in every business and steps for identifying and dealing with a crisis, including internal and external communication, are clear and have been successfully deployed.

In-store safety

The health and safety of all our employees and customers is extremely important. Six million customers a week visit Kingfisher stores across the world and every effort is made to make their visit as safe and enjoyable as possible.

Strategy and Leadership

This CR report signals Kingfisher's ambition to transition its approach to social and environmental issues, from a solid CR programme to a sustainability programme, where the intent is to put sustainability issues at the heart of the business. The Panel warmly welcomes this evolution of Kingfisher's CR strategy, and is pleased to see the stated future focus on the four key areas of product innovation, energy-efficient homes, selling good wood and local communities. These are all areas where Kingfisher has significant impact and opportunity to make sustainability a reality for its customers.

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The Panel is also pleased to see the explicit recognition that the fundamentals of Kingfisher's business model need to evolve as sustainability issues become mainstreamed into all business practice. Equally, we welcome Kingfisher's recognition that in order to succeed in the long-term, the business will need to play its role in helping shape the external context in which it operates, specifically we applaud Kingfisher's willingness to begin tackle such vexed issues such as sustainable consumption.


There has been sustained improvement across a wide range of environmental KPIs and, the Panel was particularly pleased to see reductions in carbon emissions, importantly expressed as both normalised and absolute targets. The report also gives examples of ways in which Kingfisher is successfully offering eco-services to its customers; making green living easy for consumers is key to delivering mainstream sustainable living.Progress with the Kingfisher Sourcing Office (KSO) has also been made, and as part of the assurance process the Panel heard how KSO is adding value to the business through conducting robust and consistently applied factory assessments. There has been notable progress in other Operating Companies, particularly in Russia, where progress has previously been slow, and in Screwfix, where an Eco Home Squad has been trialled. Operating companies in both the UK and France (B&Q UK and Castorama France) continue to perform ahead of the targets set by Group, a great achievement. case studies

Unit 10Why Managing Virtual Teams? Most large organisations are now spread across numerous locations and with matrix management structures increasingly prevalent, it is inevitable that the structure of teams is changing significantly. Many managers are now responsible for virtual teams distributed across geography and even across organisations. And these are sometimes short term project teams with members belonging to a number of different teams at the same time.

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Managing a virtual team is considered to be one of the toughest tasks in today’s organisations and many of these teams are seen to fail. In addition to the usual challenges of managing a diverse group of individuals, the manager of a virtual team is faced with further challenges including different time zones, shifting team membership, managing at a distance, lack of time and the use of communication technology. Virtual team managers require support to acquire the specific knowledge and skills they need to enhance their traditional leadership competencies.


Communicaid’s Managing Virtual Teams course will provide you with:

Increased awareness of your own management style and areas for greater emphasis when managing a virtual team

A greater understanding of the practical and behavioural challenges of managing virtual teams

The opportunity to explore your own context and share best practice with other delegates

Enhanced communication skills to positively interact with virtual team members

Practical strategies for using a variety of technologies more effectively

Who should attend?

Communicaid’s Managing Virtual Teams course will be of benefit to you if you:

Manage an established dispersed team Are responsible for building a new virtual team

Regularly manage virtual project teams


Managing Virtual Teams courses are available seven days a week, 365 days a year, either at one of our training centres in London, Paris, Frankfurt and New York or at your offices in any location worldwide. We usually recommend a one or two day course but can also offer a more flexible format to suit your schedule.

Suitably tailored materials will be used throughout your Managing Virtual Teams course and your trainer will provide a balance of structured input and discussion of case studies and scenarios relevant to your own particular context.

The most appropriate training format, content and approach for your Managing Virtual Teams course will be discussed during your diagnostic consultancy.

Managing Virtual Teams course trainer

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Your Managing Virtual Teams trainer will be assigned to you following the results of your diagnostic consultancy according to your objectives and areas of focus. Detailed below is a sample profile of a member of Managing Virtual Teams trainer team.

CR – Cross Cultural Specialist

CR has over twenty years international management and intercultural training experience with corporate and non-profit clients in both the US and UK.  She has worked with a number of major multi nationals across a wide range of sectors including engineering, energy, finance, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries.  Her areas of expertise include diversity training, intercultural coaching, UK and US business training and cross border communication.

After graduating, CR moved to Chicago where she lived and worked for over ten years.  She spent the first four years as Training Manager with International Orientation Resources recruiting and supervising trainers in addition to delivering training herself.  She then moved to Bennett Associates where her projects included Train-the –Trainer, cultural adaptability, cross cultural awareness for international management and intercultural training for HR.  CR’s final position in the States was as Project Manager for the Anti-Defamation League developing materials and seminars for diversity training.

Strategic Human resource management

In her role, Lee holds global responsibility for the creation of infrastructure and systems to drive a high performance, customer centric culture and the activities that support the attraction, development and retention of talent. This includes employee engagement, total reward programs, facilities, security, organization design and development; change management and internal communications.

As a member of the Travelport corporate executive team, Lee works closely on Travelport’s critical strategic initiatives of growth, operating effectiveness and innovation.Lee has been with Travelport since 2001 and during that period held several roles including Senior Vice President, Human Resources, for the global Galileo business, Group Vice President, Human Resources for Travelport’s Business Group in EMEA, Asia & Pacific. In these roles she was responsible for supporting the acquisition and integration of new businesses, the recruitment and retention of key talent, succession planning and people development.Before joining Travelport, Lee held a number of senior international HR roles including HR Director of Chordiant Software, a US based CRM enterprise software provider and Head of HR at Kingfisher Plc, the UK based international retailer.

Human resource planning

We are passionate about attracting talent into B&Q, to enable us to engage our customers and drive business performance.

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The HR team at B&Q work together to deliver a complete HR solution across SSO and store operations. There are opportunities to work in generalist and specialist roles.

The SSO and Retail HR teams provide generalist support to their customers with Learning and Development teams in each to support them. In SSO, the teams are set up to support by function and in store operations, the teams are split geographically to support regions and divisions.

The Organisation Development (OD) team supports the key business work stream activity required to drive us towards a high performance based culture and aligned with the business strategy. The team also provides specialist support centrally in the following areas:-

Business Engagement Benefits and Reward

Employment Relations

Employment Law

HR Systems

Organisation Development

Corporate Communications

Kingfisher LTD: Organizational structure and cultureThis company profile is a premium company information product offering an unmatched depth and breadth of content. It analyzes the strategic positioning of the company - how the company has evolved and how it has been performing over the years.

Environmental performance summary

Timber – Kingfisher’s target is for 75% of timber sold to be proven as well managed or recycled by 2010/11. A new timber data collection tool has been developed to monitor progress. Data for 2006/07 on timber certification will be published in the CR Report.

Climate change – Energy efficiency of stores was 220 Kwh/m2 of commercial floor space in 2006/07 and a five year target has been set to improve energy efficiency of stores by 10% by 2011/12 (from 2006/07). In addition, Kingfisher is developing a climate change strategy for 2007/08, including a greenhouse gas reduction target. Kingfisher has produced guidance to help operating companies develop energy action plans. A number of operating companies will set their own specific climate change targets during 2007.

Chemicals – Kingfisher plans to work with its suppliers to substitute or eliminate chemicals which are considered to have potential health and safety issues. As a first step, all operating companies are required to have an action plan in place by 31 January 2008 to identify products containing certain chemicals and work with suppliers to investigate opportunities for removal or substitution.

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Social performance summary

Factory working conditions – Kingfisher’s overseas sourcing offices audited 644 factories in 2006/07 to assess compliance with Kingfisher’s Code of Conduct for Factory Working Conditions. A Group-wide factory assessment and audit process will be introduced in 2007/08 for use by Kingfisher operating companies.

Diversity – Across the Group, women accounted for 40% of total employees and 26% of managers. Guidance on diversity for Kingfisher’s operating companies will be produced

A sustainable future?

Kingfisher recognizes that global sustainability issues such as climate change and deforestation will require companies to significantly change the way they do business over the long-term. As part of this, Kingfisher is working with Forum for the Future to develop a sustainability strategy for the next decade.


- Structure of the organization, partnerships, mergers & acquisitions and recent developments have been examined- Business segments of the company have been explored alongwith analysis of key products and services- SWOT Analysis highlights the weaknesses of the company and the threats to which it is exposed; the strengths of the company and the way the company has positioned itself to

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take advantage of the opportunities- Business and marketing strategies boosting earnings, brand value and competitive edge have been discussed- Key financial indicators have been analyzed- Competitive positioning of the company has been evaluated in terms of sales, profitability and stock performance, as compared to its competitorsKey Benefits- Provides input for strategic business planning- Targets business opportunities & risks- Exploits competitive intelligenceTarget Audience- Investment Managers- Venture Capitalists- Management Consultants- Research Companies- Other Industry Professionals


Blake I and Bush C – Project Managing Change: Practical Tools and Techniques to Make Change Happen (Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 2008) ISBN 0273720457 Cameron E and Green M – Making Sense of Change Management (Kogan Page, 2009) ISBN 0749453109

Carnall C – Managing Change in Organizations, 5th Edition (Financial Times/ Prentice Hall, 2007) ISBN 0273704141

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Diamond M A and Allcorn, S – Private Selves in Public Organizations: The Psychodynamics of Organizational Diagnosis and Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) ISBN 0230613098

Dunphy D, Griffiths A and Benn S – Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability (Routledge, 2007) ISBN 0415393302

Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management) British Journal of Management (John Wiley and Sons) California Management Review (University of California, Berkeley) European Management Journal (Elsevier) Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business Publishing) Change management articles and links

Useful articles on strategic change by leading theorists Articles on strategic change and further links The ‘7s’ model of change Lewin’s change

management model Articles on the framework for change Business Link – information on human resource management policies The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has a range of material on strategic human resource management Business Link – information on human resource management policies The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has a range of material on strategic human resource management

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