kings and · it looks like a...

0430 DAVID BECOMES KING 2 Samuel 2:1-7, 5:1-25 Elementary Lesson Year One, Quarter Four, Lesson Four Sunday, October 22, 2017 AIM: to use the story of David becoming king to teach my students that leadership is a great responsibility OBJECTS TO HAVE: A picture of a train A picture of just the engine A picture of one of the cars A picture of a palace, a throne, a crown, and a scepter Your Bible POINT OF CONTACT: How many of you have ever seen a train? Have any of you ever ridden on a train? Tell me about it. Of course, a train is made up of a bunch of individual cars that are all attached. They all go down the track together. Can anybody tell me what the last car of the train is called? That’s right, the caboose. Can anybody tell me what the first car of the train is called? That’s right, the engine. So, which car of the train is the leader? Yes, the engine is the leader. Let’s pretend something this morning. Suppose this car back here decided, “I want to be the leader!” And so he unhooked himself and went up to the front of the train. Could this car be the leader of the train? No. He can be in front; but he cannot be the leader. He cannot pull the train. Why? Because he was not made to pull the train. He has no engine. He follows the leader, and then he leads those cars that come behind him. But suppose this car goes to the engineer and says, “That’s not fair! How come HE always gets to be the leader? I want to be in charge!” And he begs and he begs until FINALLY the engineer says, “Okay, okay, I’ll put you in front. You can be the leader today!” When the engineer puts this car up front, will he be able to pull the train? No! He can be in front; but he cannot be the leader. He cannot pull the train. Why? Because he was not made to pull the train. He has no engine. He follows the leader, and then he leads those cars that come behind him. You see, being the leader of anything is a lot more difficult than it looks. It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that you have to work very hard at, and that you have to prepare yourself to do. Today I am going to tell you about somebody in the Bible who became a very important leader. And then we are going to learn some very important lessons about being a leader. STORY: When David was still a young boy, the preacher, Samuel, came by his father’s house one day and anointed David to become the next King of Israel. I told you that story two Sundays ago. David knew that God wanted him to be king someday. David spent many years preparing for that calling. He was excited about it, but he knew that it was a huge responsibility, and he knew that it would take a whole lot of work and preparation to get ready. He knew that he was going to need God’s help. It would be a good idea for you while you are still young to decide that you are going to do something big for God when you grow up. You may not know exactly what it is that God wants you to do, but you can live while you are young like you expect to do something great when you get older. Everything that David did, he tried to let it make him a better king someday. When he did a job for his father, he did it exactly the way he was supposed to. Why? Because he was going to be king someday, and a king was supposed to always do right. When David studied for school, he tried to get every single answer right. He didn’t say, “Awe, if I just pass, that’s good enough.” No, he said, “I’ve got to get this exactly right. I’m going to be king someday.” When David was with his friends, and they said, “Hey, let’s go play a trick on farmer Jones. Let’s go down and let his cows out of the pasture;” David said, “No, boys, I’m not going with you. I don’t do that sort of stuff.” Why? Because David behaved himself like a king. He was going to be the king someday. For years, David lived and worked and prayed like a king, because God had told him that he was going to be king someday. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Kings and Prophet

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Page 1: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that



2 Samuel 2:1-7, 5:1-25

Elementary Lesson

Year One, Quarter Four, Lesson Four

Sunday, October 22, 2017

AIM: to use the story of David becoming king to teach my students that leadership is a great responsibility

OBJECTS TO HAVE: A picture of a train

A picture of just the engine

A picture of one of the cars

A picture of a palace, a throne, a crown, and a scepter

Your Bible

POINT OF CONTACT: How many of you have ever seen a train? Have any of you ever ridden on a train? Tell me

about it.

Of course, a train is made up of a bunch of individual cars that are all attached. They all go down the track together.

Can anybody tell me what the last car of the train is called? That’s right, the caboose. Can anybody tell me what the

first car of the train is called? That’s right, the engine.

So, which car of the train is the leader? Yes, the engine is the leader. Let’s pretend something this morning. Suppose

this car back here decided, “I want to be the leader!” And so he unhooked himself and went up to the front of the train.

Could this car be the leader of the train? No. He can be in front; but he cannot be the leader. He cannot pull the train.

Why? Because he was not made to pull the train. He has no engine. He follows the leader, and then he leads those cars

that come behind him.

But suppose this car goes to the engineer and says, “That’s not fair! How come HE always gets to be the leader? I want

to be in charge!” And he begs and he begs until FINALLY the engineer says, “Okay, okay, I’ll put you in front. You

can be the leader today!” When the engineer puts this car up front, will he be able to pull the train? No! He can be in

front; but he cannot be the leader. He cannot pull the train. Why? Because he was not made to pull the train. He has

no engine. He follows the leader, and then he leads those cars that come behind him.

You see, being the leader of anything is a lot more difficult than it looks. It looks like a job that everybody would want

to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that you have to work very hard at, and that you have to prepare yourself

to do.

Today I am going to tell you about somebody in the Bible who became a very important leader. And then we are going

to learn some very important lessons about being a leader.

STORY: When David was still a young boy, the preacher, Samuel, came by his father’s house one day and anointed

David to become the next King of Israel. I told you that story two Sundays ago. David knew that God wanted him to

be king someday. David spent many years preparing for that calling. He was excited about it, but he knew that it was a

huge responsibility, and he knew that it would take a whole lot of work and preparation to get ready. He knew that he

was going to need God’s help.

It would be a good idea for you while you are still young to decide that you are going to do something big for God when

you grow up. You may not know exactly what it is that God wants you to do, but you can live while you are young like

you expect to do something great when you get older.

Everything that David did, he tried to let it make him a better king someday. When he did a job for his father, he did it

exactly the way he was supposed to. Why? Because he was going to be king someday, and a king was supposed to

always do right.

When David studied for school, he tried to get every single answer right. He didn’t say, “Awe, if I just pass, that’s good

enough.” No, he said, “I’ve got to get this exactly right. I’m going to be king someday.”

When David was with his friends, and they said, “Hey, let’s go play a trick on farmer Jones. Let’s go down and let his

cows out of the pasture;” David said, “No, boys, I’m not going with you. I don’t do that sort of stuff.” Why? Because

David behaved himself like a king. He was going to be the king someday.

For years, David lived and worked and prayed like a king, because God had told him that he was going to be king



Page 2: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that


Finally, after many years, the day came. King Saul, the man whom David would be replacing, was killed in battle. It

was time for David to rise up and become the new King of Israel.

You would think that David would step in with total confidence and say, “Okay, men. Here I am. I’m taking over. I’m

in charge now.” You would think that David would slap his hands together and say, “Oh, goody, this is the day I’ve

been waiting for.” But he didn’t. No, instead David bowed before God and humbly prayed, “Lord, show me what to

do. Lord, help me to do everything just right. Lord, help me not to make a mistake at all.” Before every decision, David

asked for God’s help. Before every speech, David prayed for God’s help.

David did not step in and say, “Alright, everybody, here I am. I’m the man. Now sit back and watch me become the

greatest king that Israel has ever had. Give me my throne; give me my robes; give me my crown; give me my scepter.”

No, David approached the throne humbly and prayerfully.

Do you know why David was so careful to do everything just right? Because David knew one thing: Being a leader is

a very big responsibility. It may look like fun, but it is a very big job.

Do you know why some people think they want to be the leader? Because they do not understand just how difficult a

job it really is. They think that they will just go in and shout out a bunch of orders: “Do this, do that, give me this, stop

that.” They think that they will just enjoy a bunch of privileges, or be allowed to break the rules. No, none of that is

true. The truth is being a leader is a very big responsibility. Just like the engine of the train, David knew that he had

a very important job to do, and he wanted to do it just right.

Who are some leaders in life?

Every home has a leader. Your dad is the leader of your home.

Every church has a leader. The pastor is the leader of the church.

Every business has a leader. The boss is the leader of the business.

Every nation has a leader. The president is the leader of our nation.

Every class has a leader. The teacher is the leader of the class.

Every team has a leader. The coach is the leader of the team. Anytime a bunch of people work together, there must

be a leader.

So, what does it take to be a leader?

First of all, a leader must be strong. I don’t mean that he has to have big muscles. No, I mean that a leader has to be

strong enough to say “no” to sin. A leader has to be strong enough to keep going when things get tough. He has to keep

moving forward when others quit. He has to be strong enough to keep going the right way when everyone else seems to

be going the wrong way. Just like the engine, and just like the king, a leader has to be strong.

Not only that, a leader has to stay on track. He has to stay on the track of going to church. He has to stay on track of

reading his Bible every day. He has to stay on the track of praying. He has to stay on the track of telling others about

Jesus. The devil will try to get him off track, but a leader has to stay on track.

A leader also has to help others push ahead. When those who are following want to slow down or stop, the leader has

to keep moving, and pulling them along.

A leader also has to follow the engineer. You see, the engine goes where the engineer sends him. The king goes where

God sends him. And any leader has to know how to keep the rules. A rule breaker will never be a leader.

Maybe you’re sitting here thinking, “Well, if I ever get made a leader of something, I’ll have to remember those things.”

But you know what? You are a leader RIGHT NOW! Whether you know it or not, other people are watching you all

the time, and some people who watch you will follow your example. You are either leading them to do right, or you are

leading them to do wrong.

If you have brothers or sisters, they are watching how you live. You are leading them. The other kids in your class at

school are watching you. You are leading them by how you live and how you act. Your neighbors, your cousins, and

even the other people here at church, they are watching you, and many times they follow your lead. You need to be sure

that you are the right kind of leader.

David knew that God had called him to be the king, but he knew that it was going to be a very big job. And kids, being

a leader is always a big job. If you are going to be the leader of anything, you are going to need God’s help.

Let’s learn our memory verse: Psalm 1:6 – For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the

ungodly shall perish.

Page 3: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that



2 Samuel 2:1-7, 5:1-25

Teen and Adult Lesson

Year One, Quarter Four, Lesson Four Sunday, October 22, 2017

Teacher, choose one of the following truths to expand upon in teaching this portion of Scripture to your

teen/adult class. Teach and apply the truth that you choose using statements and illustrations that are most

helpful and applicable to your students.


GREAT HUMILITY. 2:1. David had been anointed king years before. There was no doubt

that, with Saul dead, it was time for him to ascend to the throne. Yet, David didn’t push his

way in anywhere and say, “Alright, I’m in charge now.” He humbly sought God, and said,

“Should I go?” and “Where?” Even when we think we are supposed to take charge, and even

when we might think we are entitled to some opportunity, we should still approach it with

great humility and submission to God’s will.


AND PROPERLY PREPARED. The move of David to the throne, though it was not without

human opposition, was still a very clearly-paved path. God had David covered every step of

the way. David did not have to force any doors open. The reason is that David had been

preparing himself properly for many years. Every believer ought to see himself as preparing

for something great that God has for him, and we ought to make every decision accordingly.


PEOPLE TO HELP YOU. 2:4. David didn’t have to get up and announce, “Okay guys, I’m

here; come anoint me!” God put it in their hearts to make David the new king. When you

follow God’s plan, God provides the right people to help you fulfill His plan.


history of the world, a new king has had everyone killed who had been loyal to the previous

king, especially if the previous king was his enemy. Saul had made himself David’s enemy,

even though Saul remained loyal to Saul. Yet, when David took the throne after Saul’s death,

David was gracious to those who had been loyal and faithful to Saul. This was not a scheme

on David’s part, to win their loyalty; rather, it was a manifestation of the gracious man that

David truly was. Gracious leadership is the result of having a heart like Jesus Christ.


reigned for 7 ½ years before the entire nation of Israel was officially on board with him.

That’s a long time to be left in uncertainty. But God knew exactly what needed to be worked

out, and how it was to be done. He was in total control. We are so prone to want what we

want, HOW we want it, and WHEN we want it, even when it comes to God’s will being done

in our lives. But we would be wise to trust God’s timing in our lives. God knows exactly

what needs to be worked out, and when, and how. He can see the obstacles and challenges

that we cannot see. He can see the long term. He can see the whole picture. Stay yielded

and obedient to Him, and let Him bring it together.


Page 4: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that



I. 2 SAMUEL 2:1-3 David Asks for God’s Direction

2:1 A Godly Leader seeks the LORD in his decision-making.

II. 2 SAMUEL 2:4-7 David Honors Saul’s Followers

2:5 A Godly Leader gives honor where honor is due.

III. 2 SAMUEL 2:8-32 Saul’s House sets up Saul’s Son as King

2:8-9 The Godly Leader understands that he will always have opposition.

IV. 2 SAMUEL 3:1-21 David Makes Peace with Saul’s House

3:21 A Godly Leader makes peace when it is proper and possible.

V. 2 SAMUEL 3:22-39 David Mourns the Death of Saul’s General

3:38-39 A Godly Leader is a man of deep feelings.

VI. 2 SAMUEL 4:1-8 David’s Followers Murder Saul’s Son

4:5-7 A Godly Leader expects to attract a few unsavory followers.

VII. 2 SAMUEL 4:9-12 David Executes the Murderers

4:12 A Godly Leader has a strong sense of justice.

VIII. 2 SAMUEL 5:1-5 All Israel Crowns David King

5:1 A Godly Leader earns the respect of his followers.

IX. 2 SAMUEL 5:6-10 David Takes Jerusalem

5:9-10 A Godly Leader takes new ground for God.

X. 2 SAMUEL 5:11-25 David’s Interacts with Other Nations

5:11, 17 A Godly Leader establishes proper relationships.

Adult Bible Class

David Becomes King 2 Samuel 2-5

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Page 5: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that



Sunday, October 22, 2017

David had been chosen by God to be king while he was still a young boy. After years of

preparation, David was finally ready to wear the crown as King of Israel.

For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous:

but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6

Page 6: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that


________ 1. Saul was the first king of Israel.

________ 2. God removed Saul from being king because Saul was not

handsome enough.

________ 3. When David was a boy, Samuel anointed him to be king of

Israel after Saul.

________ 4. David was the son of Joshua.

________ 5. David had killed a giant named Goliath, with just a sling and a


________ 6. When David thought it was time for him to become the king,

he prayed first and asked God what he should do.

________ 7. Being a leader is not a very big responsibility.

________ 8. A leader has to be strong enough to keep going when things

get tough.

________ 9. It’s not a big deal if a leader gets off track.

________ 10. It is part of the leader’s job to help other people push


David Becomes King

2 Samuel 2:1-7, 5:1-25 Sunday, October 22, 2017

From today’s Bible lesson, write “TRUE” next to each true statement below,

and “FALSE” next to each false statement.

For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous:

but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Psalm 1:6

Page 7: Kings and · It looks like a job that everybody would want to do. But the truth is, being a leader is a job that


TRUE 1. Saul was the first king of Israel.

FALSE 2. God removed Saul from being king because Saul was not

handsome enough.

TRUE 3. When David was a boy, Samuel anointed him to be king of

Israel after Saul.

FALSE 4. David was the son of Joshua.

TRUE 5. David had killed a giant named Goliath, with just a sling and a


TRUE 6. When David thought it was time for him to become the king,

he prayed first and asked God what he should do.

FALSE 7. Being a leader is not a very big responsibility.

TRUE 8. A leader has to be strong enough to keep going when things

get tough.

FALSE 9. It’s not a big deal if a leader gets off track.

TRUE 10. It is part of the leader’s job to help other people push


David Becomes King

2 Samuel 2:1-7, 5:1-25 Sunday, October 22, 2017

The answers to this week’s puzzle