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KIRK BYTE Autumn 2015 The Magazine of Redgorton & Stanley Parish Church Church of Scotland Scottish Charity No. SC010629

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Autumn 2015

The Magazine of Redgorton & Stanley Parish Church

Church of Scotland

Scottish Charity No. SC010629

Kirk Byte Autumn 2015

Thank you to everyone who provides information for Kirk Byte,

there would not be a magazine without you doing so! Please

pass all material for inclusion to the editor -

Tel: (h) 827957 (m) 07584 473062

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for the Winter 2015 edition is 18 November 2015

Our faith

Central to the Church of Scotland is our love and worship of God through following the teachings and examples of Jesus


We express our love for God by our love and practical care for each other and for those we live with and encounter in our daily


Message from the Minister

The last two weeks before the schools went back were full and frantic, exhausting and exhilarating as we had our two holiday clubs, first in Bankfoot and then in Luncarty. On the Friday between the two holiday clubs we had a fantastic evening with a barbecue at Active Kids. It was great to see so many young families and folk of all ages having fun together.

At an average Sunday service, we do not see the same age range within our congregation. The reasons are many and complex, but with limited resources of people and finance I believe it is important to decide as a congregation what our future priorities should be. To help us to do that, by involving as many people as possible, the Kirk Session has decided to invite the Church of Scotland Mission Development Worker, Rob Rawson, to lead us in Future Focus.

Future Focus is a facilitated process in which congregations can better discern God’s vision for them. It consists of two evening sessions and a daytime session, each separated by a couple of weeks. Designed for a broad age range, from 11 to 111, Future Focus is interactive in nature, light and will be enjoyable! At the end, we should have a much clearer sense of “Where are we going?” and how to prioritise what is needed in order to get there.

Rob joins us on Sunday 30 August to give us a little taste and also to give us a chance to ask our own questions about it all. The dates for Future Focus in Redgorton and Stanley will be: Session 1: 7- 9 pm Tuesday 20

th October 2015

looks at the community and the nature of the parish

Session 2: 7 - 9 pm Tuesday 3rd

November 2015 examines the congregation’s “health”, and aspects of the local ministry Session 3: 11.30 - 4pm Sunday 15

th November 2015

deals with the future, in terms of hopes and vision and then how to begin the journey, and also how to cope with, and manage changes.

Please put these dates in your diary. It would be great to have as many of the congregation as possible to come along to these events so that we can all be involved in the process of discerning where God is calling us, as together we decide our future priorities and direction as a congregation.

Your Minister and friend, Adrian

The World’s Largest Coffee Morning!

(in aid of MacMillan Nurses)

This will be held by the Honeypot Nursery and Perth and

Kinross Healthy Communities, in Luncarty Church Centre on

Friday 25th

September at 2.30pm. Entry will be by donation

and any baking etc. will be gratefully received.


A Remembrance Day Prayer

The Minister asked Laura Fermor (Captain (retd), late The

Royal Logistic Corps) to pray at last year’s Remembrance

Sunday Service in Stanley Church, focusing on the modern day

sacrifices of our Armed Forces.

It is reproduced here for those who were elsewhere on

Remembrance Day last year and missed hearing it, and for us

all to reflect on this forthcoming Remembrance Day.

Dear God, on this Sunday of Remembrance, we pause to remember with gratitude the sacrifice of others during the World

Wars. We also remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in conflicts since.

Today, God, we pray also for those service personnel and

veterans, who are living with life changing injuries from modern day conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Father, we ask you to comfort those facing the uncertainty of

life outside the Armed forces, and who suffer pain of body and mind as a result of their military service.

God please give them the strength to face the long road to

recovery and to know they are not alone. Bless those whose lives have been torn apart by injury and support them as they

begin to repair strained relationships with loved ones, and whose faith in you has been tested.

Continued -

Remembrance Day Prayer continued

We remember with thanks, those who have put their own lives

on hold to care and support injured service personnel through

what can be a challenging and soul destroying period of their

lives. Give them the strength and understanding to continue to

do such a vital job in the recovery of their loved ones.

We also pray for those who dedicate their lives to alleviate the

suffering of others - doctors, nurses, surgeons and mental health professionals.

Our Father, please be with those struggling to adapt to their

new lives; unable to do the things they love and many of whom find each day a torment of agony.

Comfort those who suffer mental anguish, in their darkest hours

when many others are asleep. We remember at this time of year, those who are cruelly reminded of horrors they shall

never forget by the many fireworks displays over the next few weeks. Help them to conquer their fears and achieve peace

with themselves.

Our God, we pray that we shall have understanding of the road these brave men and women have travelled, many of whose

treatment pathways will last for the rest of their lives.

We will remember these also.

Amen .

From the Registers From the Registers of our Parishes of Auchtergaven & Moneydie linked with Redgorton & Stanley


03/05/15 Jamie Van Luik Chapple (Bankfoot Church Centre)

26/07/15 Kody Allan Dunbar (Bankfoot Church Centre)


24/04/15 Pamela McLelland and Alex Brymer

25/05/15 Lisa Donaldson and Ciaran Bryce

30/07/15 Diana Currie and James Mackay

01/08/15 Rosanna Young and Lukasz Kudelski


28/05/15 Fiona Hawkins (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

06/06/15 Harry Canning (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

10/06/15 Helen Evelyn Watson (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

03/07/15 Beatrice Murray (Redgorton & Stanley)

10/07/15 Alice Reid (Redgorton & Stanley)

10/07/15 Edna Gourlay (Redgorton & Stanley)

13/07/15 Billy and Lisa Graham (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

23/07/15 Isabella Blair (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

13/08/15 Mary Paton (Auchtergaven & Moneydie)

24/08/15 Winton Brunton (Redgorton & Stanley)

Redgorton & Stanley


The first meeting of the new session will be on Tuesday, 6th

October at 2.00pm in Luncarty Church Centre, when the Very Rev Dr James Simpson will be speaking on the theme

“Go in Peace”

In November, we will be having a speaker from the Samaritans and the meeting in December will be the Christmas party with


To celebrate Guild Week, there will be a “Songs of Praise” which will be held in Stanley Church on Sunday 15

th November

at 6.30pm. This will be an evening of praise, when we will be singing many favourite hymns – all chosen by men! It goes

without saying that refreshments will be served to round off the evening.

We are always happy to welcome new members to our group –and if you have never considered joining the Guild, think about

it now – for friendship, fellowship and fun.


Joy is not the absence of difficulties, but the presence of God

Holiday Club 2015 Polar Explorers

In August Luncarty Church Centre was transformed into a polar

base camp and 24 young people went on expedition with ten

huskies (adult leaders), led by chief Husky Karen

Kelman, our youth worker. We explored God's big expedition

for us to be a friend of Jesus through crafts, songs, races,

jokes, science, drama, competitions and memory games.

We learned from the life of Simon Peter that no matter how

many mistakes people make we should forgive them; and

Jesus never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, gives up on us,

even if we mess up. We learnt that Stephen did a lot of ordinary

jobs to serve God and 2,000 years later we still know about him

because these jobs are really important. We learnt that Paul

had been a real baddie but his life was completely changed

because of Jesus, and he is now in the history books for his

travels and writings serving God. We learnt that young Timothy

was a good example and that you are never too young or too

old to be part of God's big expedition.

One evening when the weather warmed up, we left the polar

base camp to spend a perfect summer evening together with

the Bankfoot holiday club for a BBQ at Active Kids.

Many thanks to all the leaders and thank you to everybody who

prayed for us and collected and provided stuff for activities!

Bible Quiz

Who -

1. Wrote the book of Acts?

2. Killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone?

3. Appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?

4. Led the Israelites into the Promised Land?

5. Was exiled to the Island of Patmos?

6. Saved David from the sin of killing Nabal?

7. Obtained his father Isaac’s blessing by trickery?

8. Preached to the people of Nineveh?

9. Was rebuked by Paul for refusing to eat with Gentiles?

10. Was the sister of Mary and Lazarus?

Answers later >

Strollers Strollers have enjoyed walks along the river at Dunkeld, to the Hermitage and Rumbling Bridge, and also to Little Glenshee

We also walked from Birnam up Craig Wood then to Loch of

the Lowes where we viewed the ospreys with the three chicks

After refreshments, we walk back to our cars. We welcome new strollers to enjoy some fresh air and friendly chatter.

Contact Moira for more information (82870)

Blythswood Christmas Shoe Boxes It’s almost time to start thinking about shoe boxes for people in need across Europe and Asia. This year, as always, the Blythswood Christian charity will be collecting shoe boxes you fill with items for distribution to communities in need. For many, these shoe boxes are the only gifts they receive, as families struggle to house and clothe their children. Leaflets will be coming out soon, but why not start now? Items such as shampoo, soap, tooth brushes and toothpaste, face cloths, deodorant, hats, scarves, and small gifts are ideal. For more information, please see Laura Fermor, who is our congregation coordinator for collection of shoe boxes. The deadline for handing in full shoeboxes is 13

th November.

Coffee & Cakes : Tea & Traybakes :

Super Scones

Cards for all occasions

The Worship & Nurture Group will host a Coffee Morning on

Saturday 3rd

October in Luncarty Church Centre, 10 – 11.30am.

Sheila Walker has agreed to provide a wonderful selection of

her exquisitely crafted cards. You will have the opportunity to

choose a unique card for birthday, thank you, sympathy,

congratulations, Christmas, etc., etc. Special orders can be

taken on the day.

There will be stall with home baking goodies to tempt you.

We look forward to welcoming you and enjoying your company

at this event.


Favourite Bible Text The Editor’s favourite Bible text is Psalm 55, v. 22 “ Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall”

Perth & Kinross Foodbank The Perth & Kinross Foodbank people have written to all churches with an urgent message regarding donations. Due to challenges faced by having a new storage warehouse, combined with a 3 -day Tesco collection event, the Foodbank now has shortages of some items and surpluses of others. They ask that people consider donating fewer of the products of which they have ample supplies, namely -

* boxes of cereals * tins of beans * tins of soup * pasta They ask that people consider donating more of the products in demand and of which the Foodbank has shortages, namely - * 0.5 kg bags of sugar * long life milk * cartons of fruit juice * toiletries ( incl. feminine hygiene products) * toilet rolls . The message from the Foodbank says also - “Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to supply 1701 people (helping 2925 in total) over the past year. We give out an average of 35 parcels per week. At least 80% of people who have been using the Foodbank use it only once, indicating that we are proving to be a real help and lifeline at times of crises for many individuals and families. Many thanks for all the support which your congregation has been giving to Perth and Kinross Foodbank since we opened

Farewell Enid!

Church of Scotland Reader Enid Chappell has been well

known to the congregation of Redgorton & Stanley for several

years. As well as attending our services with George, Enid

helped Adrian out by conducting worship, taking funerals and

carrying out visits.

Sadly, George died earlier this year while they were on holiday

and Enid has decided to move to Buckinghamshire to be nearer

her daughter.

Her last time with us was when she conducted the service at

Luncarty Church Centre on 26th July 2015. After the service,

the Rev. Bill McGregor payed tribute to Enid, and thanked her

for all her contributions to the life of Redgorton & Stanley


May God’s richest blessings be on Enid in her pastures new.

Who's Who

Minister Rev. Adrian Lough B.D. 827952 The Manse, 22 King Street, Stanley, Perth PH1 4ND e-mail : [email protected] Session Clerk Miss Moira Hutchison, Lismore, 828750 Redgorton Asst. Session David Walton, 6 Maxtone Court 827000 Clerk Luncarty, PH1 3FF Youth Worker Karen Kelman 07557874865 [email protected] Child Bill McGregor, 7 Taypark Road, 827866 Protection Luncarty Treasurer Mrs Mhoira Pendleton, 23 Marshall Road 828040 Luncarty FWO & Gift Miss Nan Tait, 30 Athole Drive, Stanley 828465 Aid Treasurer Roll Keeper Mrs Marjorie McFarlane, 2 Yew Gardens 828637 Luncarty Assistant Roll Sam McGowan, 828438 Keeper 39 Duchess Street, Stanley Fabric David Walton, 6 Maxtone Court, 827000 Convener Luncarty, PH1 3FF Flower Convener: Luncarty Miss Jean Dickson, Wilmarean 828654 Fairview, Luncarty Stanley Mrs Kate Baldie, 828263 10 James Street, Stanley

Guild Mrs Alison McGregor, 7 Taypark Road, 827866 President Luncarty. [email protected]

Guild Mrs Aileen Richardson 828853 Secretary 3 Marshall Crescent, Luncarty PH1 3YU Rascals Karen Kelman, Youth Leader Lunch Club Miss Moira Hutchison, Lismore 828750 Redgorton Kirk Byte Gillian Anderson, 28 King Street, Stanley 827957 [email protected] Serendipity Yvonne Baillie, Kintyre, Perth Road, Stanley 827616 Open Door Mrs Edna Rodgers, The Langlands, 828549 Luncarty Pins & Needles Mrs. Johanna Anderson, 3 Marshall 828729 Place, Luncarty Rainbow Guiders: Luncarty Mrs Pamela Bicocchi 827294 19 Coates Drive, Luncarty Brownie Guiders: Luncarty Mrs Lisa Potter 10 Isla Rd. 697447 Luncarty Stanley Jacquie Lawson [email protected] Guide Guiders: Luncarty Mrs Gillian Telford, 828035 37 Marshall Way, Luncarty Hall Lettings: Luncarty Mrs Johanna Anderson, 3 Marshall 828729 Place, Luncarty Stanley Robert Baldie, 828263 10 James Street, Stanley

Flower Festival 2015

Many thanks to all who helped in any way to make this year’s

Flower Festival so successful. The floral arrangements were of

a high standard and without the arrangers, there would be no

Flower Festival. They were equally supported by all the

stallholders, waitresses, bakers and cooks.

The weekend was rounded off in style by our closing concert

when Limelight entertained us royally and we enjoyed a

delicious finger buffet.

The sum realised was £4,042-71 and this will greatly help our

Church funds.

Sincere thanks for your support

Ken McFarlane (Convener)

Lunch Club

The Lunch Club resumes on Monday 5th October in the

Luncarty Church Centre, starting at 11am.

The new programme will be out soon, After an interesting talk,

we serve homemade soup, filled rolls, tea and coffee – all for a

bargain price of £4.

All welcome, and bring your friends along!

Forthcoming Services


6th 10am Luncarty Church Centre: Joint Communion

13th 10am Stanley Church

20th 10am Luncarty Church Centre

27th 10am Stanley Church: Harvest Service


4th 10am Luncarty Church Centre (Rev. Bill McGregor)

11th 10am Stanley Church: Communion Service

18th 10am Luncarty Church Centre

25th 10am Stanley Church


1st 10am Luncarty Church Centre

8th Remembrance Sunday

15th 10am Luncarty Church Centre


10am Stanley Church

29th 10am Luncarty Church Centre

Our next production will be

“Once Upon a Make Believe”

based (loosely) on the story of Snow White.

The music will be by Michael Ellacott.

The dates of the production are Thursday, Friday and

Saturday, 3rd

, 4th & 5

th December at 7.30 pm

in Luncarty Church Centre

Tickets will be on sale early in November.

If you would like to be a part of Serendipity, you can be sure of

a very warm welcome and you should speak to me, or any

member of the group.


Christian Aid Collection

The total amount raised in our parish was £1459.67. Thanks to

all who supported this effort. Kate

Bible Quiz Answers

1. Luke

2. Samson

3. Moses and Elijah

4. Joshua

5. John

6. Abigail

7. Jacob

8. Jonah

9. Peter

10. Martha

Pins & Needles

The Pins & Needles group meet on the second and fourth

Mondays of the month, in Luncarty Church Centre, at 2pm.

Anyone who would like to join us will be made very welcome,

even if you can’t knit very well! We still need double knitting

wool for our projects – so if you have any, please contact me.

As Serendipity will be performing on the first weekend in

December, the Pins & Needles Christmas Coffee Morning will

be on 12th December at 10am in Luncarty Church Centre. Put

the date in your diary!


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares

the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11