kisssys template for a load -...

KISSsoft AG Rosengartenstrasse 4 8608 Bubikon Switzerland Tel: +41 55 254 20 50 Fax: +41 55 254 20 51 [email protected] www.KISSsoft.AG KISSsys Template for a Load Spectrum

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KISSsys Template for a Load Spectrum

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General Information

KISSsys allows user to build a complete gear box or drive train in a single file. Calculations can be then

performed easily for the whole system using KISSsoft modules. In case of several load cases (load spectrum

or duty cycle) KISSsys can be used to make an analysis of a complete system using this load spectrum. This

can be done with the help of a special table or template called “301-LoadSpectrum”.

Using this template user is able to define load cases for the system and to perform the calculation for all the

components with the user defined load spectrum. The lifetime calculations with spectrum are available for the

same components as in KISSsoft level. The safety factors and lifetimes of different gears and bearings can

be calculated using the spectrum. Additionally shaft fatigue safeties can be calculated using spectrum

(DIN743). The rest of the components (where the calculation with spectrum is not possible) are considered

to only as check of a “weakest” component.

The load spectrum template functionality allows following types of calculations:

1) Calculation of a gearbox or a transmission with a single load level taken from the load spectrum. 2) Calculation of a gearbox or a transmission with a load spectrum results only with a complete

spectrum. 3) Calculation of a gearbox or a transmission with a load spectrum including intermediate results of

each load step and results with a complete spectrum. 4) Calculation of a gearbox or a transmission with user defined load (current load)

This document describes how to implement and to use the functionality. There is a possibility to extend the

spectrum with additional values or setups, this document will also describe where and how user is able to do

this (requires administrator to be activated).

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1 What can be calculated ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 The following can be calculated ..................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Available calculations ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 How to calculate ............................................................................................................................. 5

2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 KISSsoft and KISSsys modules ..................................................................................................... 5

3 Flow chart................................................................................................................................................. 6 4 Import load spectrum functionality ........................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Open templates .............................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Copy function to tree structure ....................................................................................................... 8

5 Functionality ............................................................................................................................................. 9 5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 9

5.2.1 Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2.2 Calculation .................................................................................................................................. 9

6 Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 “Define” “DefinitionDialog“ ....................................................................................................... 10

6.2.1 Manual definition ...................................................................................................................... 11 6.2.2 Read from file ........................................................................................................................... 11 6.2.3 Spectrum type as percentages ................................................................................................. 12 6.2.4 Spectrum type as absolute values ........................................................................................... 12 6.2.5 Attaching the load spectrum information to a load input and/or output .................................... 13 6.2.6 Additional data in spectrum ...................................................................................................... 13

6.3 CreateSpectrum ........................................................................................................................... 13 6.4 ExportSpectrum ............................................................................................................................ 13

7 Calculations............................................................................................................................................ 13 7.1 “Calculate” “CalculationDialog” ................................................................................................ 13

7.1.1 Single load level from spectrum ............................................................................................... 14 7.1.2 Load Spectrum (fast) ................................................................................................................ 14 7.1.3 Load Spectrum with details (slow) ............................................................................................ 14 7.1.4 Current load settings ................................................................................................................ 14 7.1.5 KISSsoft results ........................................................................................................................ 15

7.2 External files with spectrum .......................................................................................................... 15 7.2.1 Lifetimes and safety factors according to the calculation ......................................................... 15 7.2.2 Damages with Spectrum calculation ........................................................................................ 15

7.3 Special remark .............................................................................................................................. 16 8 Variables with results ............................................................................................................................. 17

8.1 Bearing results .............................................................................................................................. 17 8.2 Gear results .................................................................................................................................. 17 8.3 Shaft results .................................................................................................................................. 17

9 Functions inside the calculations ........................................................................................................... 19 9.1 Calculation functions inside template ........................................................................................... 19

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9.2 Formulas used in lifetime and damage calculation ....................................................................... 19 9.2.1 Lifetime ..................................................................................................................................... 20 9.2.2 Damage .................................................................................................................................... 20

10 Modifying the functionality .................................................................................................................. 21 10.1 Gear consideration ....................................................................................................................... 21 10.2 Additional data .............................................................................................................................. 21 10.3 Debug ........................................................................................................................................... 22

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1 What can be calculated

1.1 The following can be calculated

Table 1 Available calculations

Element Safety factors Lifetime

Spur-, Helical-, Planetary- and

Crossed helical gears

SF, SH, SSint, SB LF and LH per each gear

Bevel gears SF, SH, SSint LF and LH per each gear

Bearings fs (static safety factor) Lh (according to selected


Shafts SD (fatigue) and SS (static) in the

defined cross sections


Other components Weakest component per pin Weakest component per pin

1.2 Available calculations

Calculations can be performed with

selected load level (single level)

according to the spectrum (fast, no details of the pin values)

complete calculation results with spectrum and values per each pin

1.3 How to calculate

Calculations are performed using KISSsoft and KISSsys functionalities. All the results according to the

spectrum (final results) are calculated using KISSsoft spectrum functionalities (except for bearing modules).

The results per pin are calculated as well using the KISSsoft calculations with normal settings (single load)

and are saved in arrays for latter use. After the calculations the results are written in text- or other types of

files and exported from the program. The arrays with detailed results are deleted after the export as a default,

but can be saved if “debug” flag is set on manually (user definition under the functionalities see chapter 10.3).

2 Requirements

2.1 KISSsoft and KISSsys modules

To perform the calculations the following KISSsoft modules are required additionally to at least one strength

calculation method for the elements which are needed to be calculated.

Gear lifetime and safety factors with load spectrum:

ZZ1 (Load spectra) including modules Z16, Z16a, Z18, Z18a

Shaft calculation with load spectrum

WA8 (Load spectra) including modules W01s, W06s

KISSsys full version for template implementation and setup

SYS module K11c

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3 Flow chart

Yellow fields are only for single load case. Gray fields are only for load spectrum case


Manual Read from



With spectrum Single load





Set load step






Load Spectrum





element files


Nof Steps


Nof Steps

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4 Import load spectrum functionality

4.1 Open templates

The template for the load spectrum calculation is not included in the default templates. It can be downloaded

from ( and saved for the latter use. User

receives a file “301-LoadSpectrum.ks”. This file can be copied e.g. into the installation directory of KISSsoft

as shown below.

Figure 1. Add the templates to the installation directory of KISSsoft

An existing KISSsys model can be then opened or a new model can be created for the load spectrum

calculation to be added. The administrator mode needs to be activated using “Extras/Administrator” as shown

below to be able to add new functionalities.

Figure 2. Open a model and change to administrator mode

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Then the template can be loaded using “File/Open templates…” and choosing the template file “301-

LoadSpectrum.ks”. The template will be imported as shown below. The template contains only one table

element “LoadSpectrum”, which includes all the functionalities.

Figure 3. Importing templates "301-LoadSpectrum.ks"

4.2 Copy function to tree structure

Now that the table “LoadSpectrum” of the template “301-LoadSpectrum.ks” is available, copy and paste the

table “LoadSpectrum” from the “Templates” to the “Model”. It is possible to change the name of the table in

this process.

Figure 4. Copy and paste the table "LoadSpectrum" from the "Templates" to the "Model"

After this at least function “DefinitionDialog” needs to be run once, before switching off the administrator mode

again (See more details in chapter 6.2).

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5 Functionality

5.1 General

User needs to define at least three things for the load spectrum (Frequency/Hours, Torque and Speed). Input

values can be given to the desired “kSysSpeedOrForce” point (a power input or a power output) and values

can be entered as absolute values or as fractions of nominal load.

Note that values can be only given for those “kSysSpeedOrForce” points where these values are constrained.

User may select if frequencies (fractions of one) or hours are defined in the spectrum. In case if frequencies

are defined also total required lifetime needs to be set. If hours are to be defined, total operational (required)

lifetime and frequencies per step are calculated automatically.

In case if there is also a gear selection (e.g. vehicle gear boxes) to be considered user may define this in the

“DefinitionDialog”. Additionally to this extra values can be considered in the spectrum. See last chapter of

how to do the required setting in this case.

5.2 Functions

“LoadSpectrum” table includes several functions to operate. Some of the functions are for definition, some to

perform calculations and some to write results. Order to operate functions in normally as following:

5.2.1 Setup

1. DefinitionDialog 2. CreateSpectrum 3. ExportSpectrum

5.2.2 Calculation

1. CalculationDialog 2. SaveLoadValues (initialization) (hidden) 3. SaveResultValues (initialization) (hidden) 4. SetLoad (hidden) 5. SaveLoadValues (load spectrum loop) 6. SaveResultValues (if needed in load spectrum loop) 7. CalculateWithSpectrum (hidden) 8. WriteResults (hidden)

Hidden functions are automatically operated during the calculation and it is not recommended to use these

manually. (Note: if you are still in administrator mode, you will see additional functions (hidden), we therefore

recommend to switch of the administrator mode after the definition of the spectrum)

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6 Setup

6.1 General

The following functions are available to do the setup of the spectrum (their use is described in the sections


Table 2 Functions for load spectrum setup

Name Purpose

DefinitionDialog This function will define types and style of data used

in the spectrum. It is recommended not to use this

function after the first definition if you do not want to

change something. When this function is used

and “OK” pressed data in spectrum table is

initialized if you have administrator mode


CreateSpectrum This function can be used in any time to read in

spectrum data from a file

ExportSpectrum The load spectrum information can be written in a

“*.csv” file including the header.

6.2 “Define” “DefinitionDialog“

First point is to create a load spectrum. That can be done through definition dialog which is called

“DefinitionDialog”. Executing the function a dialog will appear to do the setup for the data.

Figure 5. Load spectrum definition dialog

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Table 3 Load spectrum definition dialog, fields

Field Purpose

Definition: Define load spectrum manually or import from a

“*csv” - file.

No. of Steps: In case of manual definition number of load steps to

be given. (Inactive if import from a file selected)

Spectrum type (speed and torque): Select definition of Torque and Speed as absolute

values or percentages/fractions of user defined

nominal load. (Note! If you want to define spectrum

as absolute values take care of signs for speed and

torque / direction of rotation and Input or Output)

Duration type: Select if Frequency (percentages/fractions of one) or

absolute operation hours are to be defined

Required lifetime [h]: Total required lifetime (operational time) needs to be

given if duration type “Frequency” is selected

Speed defined to: Select from list “SpeedOrForce” point where you

want to define speed for spectrum. (Only speed

constrained points can be selected)

Torque defined to: Select from list “SpeedOrForce” point where you

want to define torque for spectrum. (Only torque

constrained points can be selected)

Consider gears shifts: Select if there are gear / power flow shifts in the


No. of additional columns Set numbers of how many additional data are

defined in the spectrum

6.2.1 Manual definition

If “Manual definition” is chosen for field “Definition:” and “No. of Steps:” is defined, you will see empty load

spectrum table with given number of load steps. User must then manually type in values for all steps.

Figure 6. Left: Undefined load spectrum. Right: Defined load spectrum

Note! Values for frequency must add up to 1.00. In case of “percentage” input selected torque and speed

definition must be fraction of nominal values and if inputs as “absolute” values selected define real values for

torque and speed with correct signs.

6.2.2 Read from file

If “read from file” is selected for field “Definition:” user must pick up ready made file (*.csv). The file dialog is

not automatically shown and needs to be manually opened by executing the function “CreateSpectrum”- from

the table.

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Figure 7. Text file with load spectrum must be selected

A text file with a load spectrum must have the following structure: Semicolon (;) as a separator of the fields,

at least three values per line in order of “frequency/hours;torque;speed”. After that the file should contain

gear name definition if needed and then all the additional values. See example shown below. This file can be

directly generated from the Excel when saving format is selected to “*.csv”. Note order of the data in the file

must be the same as seen in the table header after the definition.

Figure 8. Example of spectrum definition as a text file (*.csv)

Spectrum is automatically created according to the selected file and will appear to main window as seen in

Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden. Right. This file should not contain any other

information e.g. no headers of the columns. It is always possible to read in a file later even if manual definition

is selected at the beginning. The length of the spectrum can also vary in different files and is not needed to

ne adjusted from the “DefinitionDialog” manually.

6.2.3 Spectrum type as percentages

If spectrum should be defined as percentages, user must enter values in table (or in file to be imported) as

fractions of nominal load. (e.g. 0.5 means that calculation is made with 0.5*nominal value or 1.2 means that

calculation is made with 1.2*nominal value.)

6.2.4 Spectrum type as absolute values

In case of definition with absolute values user must enter values in table (or in file to be imported) as real

values without unit (e.g. 100 (Nm), 1000 (rpm)). It is very important to take care of signs of values in this case,

because sign of the speed defines direction of rotation. Message box of reminder of that will also appear.

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Figure 9. Remember signs of load spectrum values

6.2.5 Attaching the load spectrum information to a load input and/or output

Use the fields “Speed defined to:” and “Torque defined to:” to define at which “kSysSpeedOrForce” element

the speed and torque information as given in the load spectrum will be used.

6.2.6 Additional data in spectrum

Normally, the calculation of the load spectrum can be run when frequency, torque and speed are defined.

There may anyway be cases where the model needs some extra definition (e.g. another input speed or

activation of extra connection). In this case user can add additional columns to the spectrum to add these

conditions. The additional variable names can be defined using the dialog appearing. Only the valid variable

names are accepted. After the definition the variable names will appear in the table definition. Note:

Afterwards the setup for the values must be done in the function “SetLoad”!

6.3 CreateSpectrum

This function can be used to read in spectrum data from a ready made file (*.csv). The file dialog is not

automatically shown even if “read from file” is selected in “DefinitionDialog” and needs to be manually opened

by executing the function “CreateSpectrum”- from the table. Note! Be careful that data is defined similarly in

the file as in the definition dialog. If all the information is not available in the file fields are left empty. For more

info see chapter 6.2. It is always possible to read in a file later even if manual definition is selected at the

beginning. The length of the spectrum can also vary in different files and is not needed to ne adjusted from

the “DefinitionDialog” manually.

6.4 ExportSpectrum

The load spectrum information can be written in a “*.csv” file including the header. If this file needs to be read

back to the spectrum user have to modify it so that the header values are removed, otherwise values are not

set correctly to the spectrum.

7 Calculations

7.1 “Calculate” “CalculationDialog”

Once the spectrum has been set up as shown above, calculations can be executed using function

“CalculationDialog” under “LoadSpectrum” from tree structure. The following dialog will appear to be able to

select different calculation types:

Figure 10. Calculation type selection dialog

Table 4 Calculation types that can be selected in using "CalculationDialog"

List position Purpose

Single load level from spectrum User may select one load step out of the spectrum

and calculate with that value. (Note! After this

calculation new nominal load values are according

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to selected line) load case number needs to be set

in the filed below the selection

Load Spectrum (fast) Calculates model with given spectrum. Only results

with complete spectrum are shown. Calculation is

relatively fast, because only kinematic calculations

are performed per each step. The KISSsoft results

are saved at the end.

Load Spectrum with details (slow) Calculates model with given spectrum. After every

step KISSsoft calculations are called and

intermediate values are saved. Calculation is slow,

because all KISSsoft calculations are performed per

each step

Current load settings Calculation with single load that user has defined for

model. This does not really use load spectrum for

calculation, but can be used instead of separate

calculation function for single load stage.

Calculation procedure is also ready made and

stores results to the same variables as with load

spectrum calculation.

7.1.1 Single load level from spectrum

With this calculation user should select one line/step from load spectrum model to be calculated as a single

load. In this case “nominal” speed and torque are set according to the selected load step, means that current

values in selected spectrum definition points are considered as nominal or reference values.

Figure 11. Notifications of possible change of nominal load values

7.1.2 Load Spectrum (fast)

With this calculation method results are calculated using the complete spectrum. Load according to the each

load step is set on and after that kinematic calculation is performed. Load values of the components are

saved. At the end load spectrums for every calculation are created and KISSsoft calculations are performed

using these spectra.

7.1.3 Load Spectrum with details (slow)

This calculation method performs a damage accumulation using Miner rule over the load spectrum. Safety

factors for gears are calculated according to spectrum as well as lifetimes for gears and bearings. Single

lifetimes of every step are also saved for later use. Damage values for each load step in the load spectrum

are also calculated. After calculation user defined nominal load is set back to model.

Before the calculation user should take care of application factors for gears (KA). These should be set to 1,

but also different values are possible depending on place of the gears in the power train.

7.1.4 Current load settings

The program calculates the model with nominal load which user has defined for model. The results for

lifetimes and safety factors are available. It is recommend to use this calculation method instead of KISSsys

default calculation method, to ensure that results will be presented in same variables as with other calculation

methods and are automatically written out.

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7.1.5 KISSsoft results

After using any of above described calculations results are saved in default KISSsys values. E.g. gear safety

factors SF1 and SH1 are according to the spectrum if spectrum calculation was selected.

7.2 External files with spectrum

After the calculations external result files are created for more detailed results investigation. These files are

located in the project folder. Files are called “Results.csv” and “Results.txt” including all the calculation results.

Further files “Damages.csv” and “Damages.txt” are created to show damages of gears and bearings if “Load

Spectrum with details (slow)” is selected.

Figure 12. Information about external files created

These results files are example files and users are able to adapt the content and appearance of the file by

changing the template function for the files. This anyhow requires some in depth knowledge how to do it.

7.2.1 Lifetimes and safety factors according to the calculation

An external “Results.csv” file is automatically created if calculation is performed with the load spectrum. In

this file, all the safety factors and lifetimes for each step are shown. Also frequency, torque and speed values

for every gear stages are shown. This file is located in the project folder.

Figure 13. Lifetimes and safety factors as listed

7.2.2 Damages with Spectrum calculation

External “Damage.csv” file is automatically created if calculation is performed with the load spectrum in

details. In this file, the partial damages for all steps in the load spectrum are listed. This file is located in the

project folder.

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Figure 14. “Damages.csv” with partial damages, opened in Excel

7.3 Special remark

In case of centrical load elements is present in the calculation model the load and torque values for this

element are behaving linearly between all the directions. This is due to the fact that load values Fx, Fz, Fy,

Mx, Mz cannot be varied during the spectrum calculation individually and can therefore cause some problems

especially if they are expressed with formulas in KISSsys.

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8 Variables with results

8.1 Bearing results

The bearing lifetimes with nominal load are saved to the variables (Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 and Lh4). Following new

results are available with the load spectrum. The same variables are also available under each bearing

element and results are saved in the same manner as under calculation module, but including the values for

a single bearing only.

Table 5 Variables for bearing results

Variable Type Description

Lifetime Array Total lifetime according to spectrum of bearings.

Lifetime[0] (1st element) shows the frequency of

calculation and should be always one after the

calculations. Lifetime[1] (2nd element) is the lifetime

for bearing1, Lifetime[2] (3rd element) is the lifetime

for bearing2 and so on.

lifetimes Array Single lifetimes of every load spectrum step. Each

array element include lifetimes of all the bearings in

the calculation

safeties Array Single static safeties of every load spectrum step.

Each array element include safeties of all the

bearings in the calculation

Forces Array Includes the bearisng forces Fr (Fx, Fz) and Fa (Fy)

of the every step.

8.2 Gear results

The gear safeties with nominal load are saved to variables (SF1, SF2, SH1, SH2…) and lifetimes to the

variable lifetime. Following new results are available with the load spectrum.

Table 6 Variables for gear calculation results

Variable Type Description

Lifetime Array Total lifetime according to spectrum of all gears.

Lifetime[0] (1st element) shows the frequency of

calculation and should be always one after the

calculations. Lifetime[1] (2nd element) is the lifetime

for root of the gear1, Lifetime[2] (3rd element) is the

lifetime for flank of the gear1, Lifetime[3] (4th

element) is the lifetime for root of the gear2 and so


lifetimes Array Single lifetimes of every load spectrum step. Every

element in array has all lifetimes for whole gear pair

(roots and flanks) in same order as in variable

Lifetime excluding the first index.

safeties Array Single safety factors of every load spectrum step.

Every element in array has all safety factors for

whole gear pair (roots and flanks) in same order as

in variable Lifetime excluding the first index.

8.3 Shaft results

Safeties of the defined cross sections are saved under variables SDX, SSX, RDX and RSX.

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Table 7 Variables for shaft results

Variable Type Description

RXY Real (default variable) Result safety X [%] (S/Smin) at cross-section Y.

X=D: fatigue, X=S: at yield point, Y from A-J

SXY Real (default variable) Safety X [%] (S) at cross-section Y.

X=D: fatigue, X=S: at yield point, Y from A-J

safeties Array All safety factors fatigue and static for cross sections

over the load spectrum

See further chapter 10.3 Debug for information how to save these values.

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9 Functions inside the calculations

9.1 Calculation functions inside template

Load spectrum calculation includes a lot of hidden functions, which are used to calculate everything while

calculations are executed. Following table explains briefly what all this functions are for.

Table 8 Functions in LoadSpectrum

Function Explanation

DefinitionDialog Dialog for defining load spectrum to select

necessary inputs for spectrum.

CreateSpectrum This function creates values for the spectrum. In

case of manual definition values are set to zero. If

this function is called separately user can read

values from a file and spectrum is filled according

to the data from the file

ExportSpectrum User can write spectrum table to an external “*.csv”


CalculationDialog Dialog to select calculation method. According to

selection further functions will be executed.

SaveLoadValues If this function is called with parameter -1 it will

initialize new variables “Loads” for the elements to

save load values per each load step. In spectrum

calculation this function will save component load

values after each step

SaveResultValues If this function is called with parameter -1 it will

initialize new variables “safeties” and “lifetimes” for

the elements to save intermediate results values

per each load step. In spectrum calculation this

function will save component results values after

each step

SetLoad This function will set correct loads according to the

selection or per each load step. If gear selections

are activated or there are additional columns in the

spectrum, the settings for the data handling must be

done here

GearSingleLife Operated for every load spectrum step to calculate

single lifetime for gear with load conditions

according to current step. Results save for later

use. Called from function “LifeWithSpectra”

CalculateWithSpectrum Calculates lifetimes, safeties and other values

according to the spectrum

WriteResults Writes results according to the calculations in

external files “Results…” and “Damages…” These

files are saved in the project folder.

WritekSoftReport This function will automatically create whole

KISSsoft documentation after each calculation

9.2 Formulas used in lifetime and damage calculation

Following formulas are used to do the lifetime and damage calculation for the gears and bearings. Palmgren

– Miner - rule is used in the calculations.

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9.2.1 Lifetime

The total lifetime of a component is calculated from the summarized method from the single lifetimes and time

fractions on each bin.

i hi





9.2.2 Damage

The total damage of a component is calculated against the total lifetime of the component and required lifetime

compared to the bin lifetimes. When the total damage of the each component equals to 100% over the whole

spectrum then failure is expected.

Against component lifetime







itot DD (9-2)

Against required lifetime






itot DD (9-3)

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10 Modifying the functionality

10.1 Gear consideration

If the load spectrum includes the gear selections, a function to do this can (or needs) to be added in the

“SetLoad” function in the table. In case if functionality is not defined there will be a message to do so.

Figure 15. Gear selection functionality needs to be defined here

E.g. using other special template called “305-SpeedTable” gear definition can be defined as follows:

Figure 16. Example of definition using "SpeedTable"

User may also call hear some own functionalities to do a gear selection or write new function here to do it.

10.2 Additional data

In case of additional data is set use the same function “SetLoad” to define functionality for the additional

values. Because there are basically no limitations for these values functionality needs to be set manually as

needed case by case.

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Figure 17. Area in "SetLoad" function to define functionality for additional data

10.3 Debug

With the load spectrum calculation user can have some more results compared to single load calculations.

Additional to the total safety factors and lifetimes, results for lifetimes and damages of single steps are

available. See chapter 7.3 for the names of these variables.

As a default all these values are deleted after results are written and exported, but it is possible to change

local variable “debug” inside function “CalculationDialog”. If the values is set different to zero (e.g. debug =

1;) then variables are not deleted and can be searched after the calculations.

Figure 18. Saving the intermediated results with debug value different to zero (0)