kka stipendien merkblatt 2011-2012 en 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 KKA Stipendien Merkblatt 2011-2012 en 2010


    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    State Secretariat for Education and Research SERFederal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students FCS

    Swiss Government scholarships for university, fine artsand music schools for foreign students

    APPLICATION GUIDELINES for foreign applicants to a Swiss University orarts scholarship for the Academic year2011-2012



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    2Academic year 2011-2012





    p. 3.

    pp. 4-6.

    pp. 7-8.

    1.1 Eligible Countries p. 4.

    1.2 Study location p. 5.

    1.3 Duration of the scholarship p. 5.1.4 Scholarship amount p. 6.

    1.5 Semester tuition fees and Master fees p. 6.

    1.6 Insurance p. 6.

    1.7 Travel expenses p .6.

    2.1 Motivation and research interest p. 7.

    2.2 Contacting a Professor or the Master program coordinator p. 7.

    2.3 Application and registration to the chosen University p. 7.

    2.4 Cooperation between the home University and a Swiss University p. 8.

    2.5 Multiple Master degrees p. 8.

    2.6 Exclusion Criteria p. 8.




    APPENDIX p. 13--

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    Through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), the Swiss Government grants foreign studentsuniversity scholarships (Swiss universities, Federal Institutes of Technology). These scholarships are offered on the basis of

    reciprocity (fixed number of scholarships for each country) or within the framework of a pool (scholarships without fixeddistribution by country). They are intended for students who have graduated from university (postgraduates).

    Special emphasiswill be put on research fellowships. These scholarships will enable applicants to further their education and to undertakeresearch work in the fields in which the Swiss universities are particularly active.

    The scholarships are in principle offered to foreign governments. The applications have to be submitted for a preliminaryselection to the national institution in charge and/or to the Swiss diplomatic representation in the students country of origin. TheSwiss diplomatic representation will then forward the pre-selected applications to the FCS for final selection.

    A Frequently asked questions section (FAQ) is available at the following link: INTERNET LINKPlease see that section if you have more specific questions.

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    o Scholarships for fine arts and music academies:A special contingent of scholarships is dedicated to advanced music and arts students. These scholarships apply only to the following countries:

    o Scholarships for Universities and Federal Institutes of Technology:University scholarships are granted to candidates from both Group A and Group B (See boards p. 12)

    o Scholarships for Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS):To a limited extent, scholarships are also offered for postgraduate studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences. These scholarships applyonly to the following countries:

    Albania Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Bulgaria Denmark Estonia Finland Germany

    Hungary Ireland Kosovo Latvia Lithuania

    Greece Macedonia Moldova Montenegro The Netherlands

    Portugal Romania Serbia Slovenia Spain

    Sweden Sweden

    Applicants must have graduated from a university or university of applied sciences with at least a Bachelor Degree and enrol in Switzerlandfor studies at post-graduate level. This offer is relevant for the seven universities of applied sciences listed on page 14, (excluding teachingcolleges).

    Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada

    China Czech Republic Denmark Estonia FinlandGreece Germany Hungary Ireland Israel

    Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Mexico

    Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia

    Slovenia South Korea Spain Sweden The Netherlands

    Turkey United States of AmericaFine Arts scholarship applicants that are in Switzerland since more than 1 year will not be taken into account by the Swiss diplomaticrepresentations.

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    1.2 Study location

    The Swiss Government Scholarships are granted for studies in one of the Swiss public Universities, Federal Institutes of Technology or Universityof Applied Sciences. The fine arts and music scholarships are granted for studies in the public music academies, as well as art and design schools.

    The scholarship is valid only for full-time studies in Switzerland. It is not valid for on-the-job studies, part-time studies, correspondence courses ormixed programs (part time in Switzerland and part time in another country).

    1.3 Duration of the scholarshipThe duration of the scholarship is for the nine-month academic year (always from September to June. It is not possible to start the scholarship inthe Spring Semester or any other time in the year).

    Regulations regarding potential scholarship extensions:

    Research Fellowships:GROUPE A (see Board p.12.): an extension is not possible (with the exception of Japan and South Korea).GROUPE B (see Board p.12.): an extension of maximum 12 months is possible.

    The scholarships are not automatically extended. Every request will be analyzed according to the FCS criteria.

    Master Programs (GROUPE A & B):It is possible to request an extension. The extension will be decided according to the ECTS credits of the Master program, i.e.:

    60 ECTS Credits Master = 9 scholarship months maximum = > no extension possible 90 ECTS Credits Master = 17 scholarship months maximum = > 8 months extension possible 120 ECTS Credits Master = 21 scholarship months maximum = > 12 months extension possible

    Master of Advanced Studies MAS (GROUPE A & B):Some Master of Advanced Studies programs run on a 12 month basis, even though the program has 60, 75 or 90 ECTS credits. If the MAS runs on a12 month basis an extension of 3 month maximum is possible.

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    1.5 Semester tuition fees and Master feesThe Federal Commission for Scholarships does not pay for tuition and/or semester fees. In most cases the universities and the Federal Institute ofTechnology of Zurich ETHZ do not require scholarship holders to pay the semester fees (generally around 600 CHF per semester). In some cases theuniversities do not waive the Master fees. Some programs can cost up to 40000 Swiss Francs. Should the Universities and/or Universities of AppliedSciences and fine arts schools not waive the fees, it is up to the grantee to pay for the fees.

    1.6 InsuranceAccording to the Swiss law, every resident in Switzerland must be covered by a Health Care Insurance (except for dental care). Usually, the scholarshipholders are insured by the FCS. Scholarship holders from EU and EFTA countries have special agreements.

    Grantees from European and East / Central European countries pay for their own travel expenses to Switzerland as well as back to their country oforigin.

    Grantees from non-European countries pay for their own travel expenses to Switzerland, but the FCS pays an allowance (lump sum) for the returnticket at the end of the scholarship.

    However, the return allowance will not be paid if scholarship holders extend their stay in Switzerland beyond six months after completion of theirstudies, if they take up employment pending the continuation of their studies or if they move to a third country.

    1.7 Travel expenses

    1.4 Scholarship amount

    The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1.920 Swiss Francs

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    2. PRECONDTIONS TO APPLY (1)2.1 Motivation and research interest

    Applicants must have a clear study and research goal. They will have to provide with their application:o For Research Fellowships: a complete research proposal (approx. 5 pages), including an overview of the research work conducted until now

    that could be relevant for the granting of a fellowship.

    o For a Master programs: a 2 page personal statement emphasizing the reasons to study in Switzerland, the importance of the choice for yourfuture career as well as your professional projects at the end of your scholarship. .

    This document is a central piece of the application package. Please devote all the required attention to it!

    Information on the universities, programs, and Professors can be obtained on the Internet sites of the Swiss academic institutions, on the portalSwissuniversity.ch and of the Rectors Conference of the Swiss Universities (See pages. 13 to 14). You will also find in appendix I a list of all theMaster programs offered by the Swiss Universities.

    2.2 Contacting a Professor or the Master program coordinator

    To have an eligible application package, the applicant must contact a Professor in Switzerland who can provide him with guidance on his researchproject in the case of a research fellowship or the program coordinator in case of a Master degree. A copy of this contact must imperatively be part ofthe application package. Failure to provide this correspondence will result in the rejection of the application by the relevant institution in the hostcountry or by the Swiss Diplomatic Representation.

    2.3 Application and registration to the chosen University

    For Master programs, the applicant must, at the same time he applies for the Swiss Government Scholarship, apply for the chosen Master program. Thetwo procedures are separate ones and the applicant must undertake both procedures.

    Application deadlines must be respected.

    If the university does not accept your direct enrolment in the Master program (complementary ECTS credits requested, preparatory/complementaryprogram) no FCS scholarship will be granted. If such is the case, your scholarship application will not be taken into account.

    Furthermore, FCS will not pay any costs that you may encounter while processing your application.

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    2.4 Cooperation between the home University and a Swiss UniversityCandidates submitting their applications within the framework of a cooperation program between their home academic institution and a SwissUniversity/Institution have a certain priority.

    2.5 Multiple Master degreesCandidates who already hold a Master degree and wish to undertake a second Master degree in one of the Swiss Universities are not consideredas a priority for a Swiss Government Scholarships.

    2.6 Exclusion Criteria

    Applications will not be taken into consideration if they are in one of the following situations:

    o The applicant is older than 35 (born prior to 1.1.1976)

    o The applicant has applied for 2 or more Swiss Universities (Ex: ETHZ & EPFL). Applicants must apply for only 1 University .In case of multiple applications, the Swiss Diplomatic Representation will not take the application into consideration.

    o The applicant is already attending the first year of a Master Program in one of the Swiss Universities. People already embarked in a Master programin one of the Swiss Universities are not eligible for a Swiss Government Scholarship (except for Fine Arts candidates, see conditions Page 4).The Swiss Diplomatic Representation will not take these applications into consideration.

    o The applicant must have a sufficient knowledge of the teaching language. The Swiss Diplomatic Representations will organize a preliminarylanguage examination. In case of insufficient proficiency in the teaching language the Swiss Diplomatic Representation will not take theseapplications into consideration.

    o The applicant is required to attend a complementary program or to catch up ECTS credits in order to comply with the University requirements.If such is the case, the Swiss Diplomatic Representation will not take these applications into consideration.

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    3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP HOLDER3.1 Scholarships holders must live in Switzerland (study place). They must comply with FCS instructions, regulations concerning the residence for

    foreigners in Switzerland and with university / art institution regulations.

    The FCS does not have the authority to decide on the possibility of bringing the family of the scholarship holder to Switzerland. This is left to theFederal Migration Office, which at present deals with requests very restrictively. As a rule, family members cannot be brought in Switzerlandduring the first year of study.

    3.2 Scholarships of the FCS cannot be coupled with other grants. If a scholarship holder benefits from another scholarship or other financial means(salary), he has to choose between the FCS scholarship and the other source of income.

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    4. APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (1)The application package can be obtained from the Ministry or national authority in charge of scholarships in the country of origin of thecandidate or from the Swiss Diplomatic Representation. The Swiss representation will gladly supply further information if needed.

    Applications for scholarships have to be sent in 3 copies to the national institution / or Swiss Embassy within the deadline, usually by theend of October of the previous year . More information about the precise deadline can be obtained from the national institution or from theSwiss Embassy.

    Every application must include the following documents in the given order:

    Please do not put the various documents into plastic sheets or binders.

    a) The FCS 2011-2012 official application form (typed and printed). No handwritten form will be accepted;

    b) photocopies of certificates from previously attended universities/colleges and diplomas with grades.for arts students, photocopies of certificates and diplomas with grades of previously attended conservatories, music colleges or arts and craftsschools;

    c) letters of recommendation from 2 professors;d) For Research Fellowships: a complete research proposal (approx. 5 pages), including an overview of the research work conducted until now that

    could be relevant for the granting of a fellowship.

    For a Master programs: a 2 page personal statement emphasizing the reasons to study in Switzerland, the importance of the choice for yourfuture career as well as your professional projects at the end of your scholarship;

    e) curriculum vitae;

    f) For Research Fellowships: a copy of the confirmation from a Professor at the intended Swiss University that he/she will supervise the research;

    For a Master programs: a copy of the correspondence with the Master director / coordinator.The applicant does not have to be admitted in the program at this stage of the application procedure;

    g) 1 health certificate (on the FCS form only);

    h) other documents (language certificates, etc.);

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    Applicants for scholarships in the area of graphic and applied arts as well as music (only for arts fellowships) have to include the following additionaldocuments:

    i) for painters, graphic artists and sculptors: copies or photos of 3 pieces of their work, rough drafts (with date of creation);

    (imperatively put a label with name, surname and country on the work)

    j) or musicians: high-quality CD of 3 different styles of music if the music involves interpreters and directors. Composers have to submit theirscores;

    (imperatively put a label with name, surname and country on the CD)


    If the above list of application documents (a-j) is not submitted in German, French, Italian or English, then an authenticated translation in oneof these languages must be included.

    The FCS will inform you around May whether your application has been successful or not.

    Incomplete or badly prepared applications, will not be taken intoconsideration !

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    12Academic year 2011-2012

    Albania Australia Austria Belarus

    Belgium Bosnia and


    Bulgaria Canada

    Croatia Czech Republic Danemark Estonia

    Finlande Germany Greece Hungary

    Irlande Isral Italy Japon

    Kosovo Latvia Lithuania Macedonia

    Moldova Montenegro Poland Portugal

    Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia

    Slovenia South Korea Spain Sweden

    The Netherlands Turkey Ukraine United States of


    Algeria Argentina Bangladesh Bolivia

    Brazil Cameroon Chile China

    Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador

    Egypt India Indonesia Ivory Coast

    Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghizistan Lebanon

    Madagascar Mexico Mongolia Morocco

    Prou Senegal Singapore South Africa

    Sri Lanka Tadjikistan Tanzanie Thailand

    Tunisia Uruguay Uzbekistan Vietnam



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    University of Basel

    University of Bern

    University of Fribourg

    University of Geneva

    Swiss Federal Istitute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL)

    University of Lausanne

    University of Lucerne

    University of Neuchtel

    University of St.Gallen

    Swiss Federal Istitute of Technology of Zurich (ETHZ)

    University of Zurich

    University of Lugano

    Swiss Universities Portals

    Portal of the Rectors Conference of the Swiss Universities















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    University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland

    Bern University of Applied Sciences

    Lucerne University of Applied Sciences

    Zurich University of Applied Sciences

    University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland

    University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

    University of Applied Sciences Southern Switzerland








    Only for the countries mentioned on page 4

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    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    Federal Commission for scholarships for foreign students FCS



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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Philosophisch-Historiche FakulttMaster of Arts in African Studies d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Etudes franaises et francophones f 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Mehrsprachigkeit f d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Sprache und Kommunikation d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in gyptologie - Egyptology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Alte Geschichte - Ancient History d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Deutscher Philologie - German Language and Literature d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Englisch e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Ethnologie - Social Anthropology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Franzsischer Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft - French Language and Literature f 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Geschichte - History d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Geschlechterforschung - Gender Studies d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Griechischer Philologie - Greek Philology d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Hispanistik - Spanisch Language and Literature S 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Islamwissenschaft - Islamic Studies d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Italianistik - Italian Language and Literature i 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Jdische Studien - Jewish Studies d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Klassischer Archologie - Classical Archaeology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Kulturanthropologie - Cultural Anthropology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Kulturwissenschaft der Antike - Cultural Anthropology of Antiquity d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Kunstgeschichte - Art History d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Latinistik - Latin Philology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Medienwissenschaft - Media Studies d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Musikwissenschaft - Musicology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Neuerer deutscher Literaturwissenschaft - Modern German Literature d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Nordischer Philologie - Nordic Philology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Osteuropischer Geschichte - Eastern European History d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Pdagogik - Educational Sciences d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Philosophie - Philosophy d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Religionswissenschaft d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Slavistik - Slavic Studies d 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Master of Arts in Soziologie - Sociology d 120 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Peace and Conflict Trasformation e 60 LINKMaster of Arts in Ur- und Frhgeschichte und Provinzialrmischer Archologie - European Archaeology d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Vorderorientalischer Altertumswissenschaft - Ancient Near Eastern Studies d 120 LINK

    Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche FakulttMaster of Science in Animal Biology d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Chemistry d e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Erdwissenschaften - Earth Sciences d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Geographie - Geography d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Geowissenschaften - Geosciences d e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Infection Biology and Epidemiology e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Informatik - Computer Science d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Mathematik - Mathematics d e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Actuarial Science d e 120 LINKMaster of Science in Molecular Biology d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Nanosciences e d 90 LINKMaster of Science in kologie - Ecology d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Pflanzenwissenscahften/Botanik - Plant Science d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften/Pharmazie - Pharmaceutical Sciences/Pharmacy d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Physik - Physics d e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Prhistorische und naturwissenschaftliche Archologie - Prehistory and Archeologic d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Umweltgeowissenschaften - Environmental Geosciences d e 90 LINK

    Wirtschaftwissenschaftliche FakulttMaster of Science in Business and Economics d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Finance, Controlling, Banking d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Marktorientierte Unternehmensfhrung d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Organisation, Fhrung und Personal d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Mrkte und Institutionen d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Monetre konomie und Finanzmrkte d 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics / Quantitative-empirische Methoden d 90 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Master of Science in Business and Economics / Wirtschaftsinformatik d 90 LINKMaster of Science in International and Monetary Economics d 90 LINK

    Fakultt fr PsychologieMaster of Science in Psychologie / Klinische Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften d 120 LINKMaster of Science in Psychologie / Persnlichkeits- und Entwicklungspsychologie d 120 LINKMaster of Science in Psychologie / Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Entscheindungspsychologie d 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    Federal Commission for scholarships for foreign students FCS



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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Theologische FakulttMaster of Arts in Theologie d 120 LINK

    Master of Arts in Interreligise Studien d 90 LINK

    Rechtswissenschaftliche FakulttMaster of Law (M Law) /Betriebswirtschafslehre d 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Public Management and Policy (PMP) d f 120 LINKMaster of Law (LL.M.) d 120 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Psychology of Law d 120 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Criminology and International Criminal Law d 60 LINKMaster of International Law and Economics (MILE) e 60 LINK

    Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche FakulttMaster of Science in Business Administration / Betriebswirtschaftlehre d e 90 LINKMaster in Politikwissenschaft d e 90 LINKMaster of Science in International and Monetary Economics e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Business and Economics e d 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Soziologie d 90 LINKMasterstudium in Volkswirtschaftslehre e 90 LINK

    Medizinische FakulttMaster of Science in Biomedical Engineering e d 120 LINKMaster in Biomedical Sciences e d 90 LINKMasterstudiengang in Humanmedizin d 180 LINKMasterstudiengang in Zahnmedizin f d 120 LINK

    Veterinrmedizinische Fakultt (Vetsuisse)Masterstudiengang in Veterinrmedizin d 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Philosophisch-Historische FakulttMasterstudium Antike Kulturen und Antikekonstruktionen (AKA) d 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Archeology d andere 120 LINKMaster in Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft d 120 LINKMaster in Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in English Languages and Literatures e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Modern and Contemporary Literatures in English e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Medieval and Early Modern English Literatures e 120 LINKMasterstudium Franzsische Sprachwissenschaft/Literaturwissenschaft f 120 LINKMaster in Geschichte/Master of Arts in History d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Islamic Studies and Oriental Literatures d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Italian Linguistics / Literature i 120 LINKMaster in Klassische Philologie d 120 LINKMaster in Kunstgeschichte d 120 LINKMaster in Lateinamerikastudium (LAS) d andere 120 LINKMaster in Linguistik d 90 LINKMaster in Musikwissenschaft d 120 LINKMaster in Philosophie d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Political and Economic Philosophy (PEP) d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts Religionskulturen: Historizitt und kulturelle Normativitt d 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Religionswissenschaften d 120 LINKMaster in Zentralasiatische Kulturwissenchaft d e 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Slavische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften d andere 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie / Ethnologie d e 120 LINKMaster-Studium Anthropologie des Transnationalismus und des Staates (ATS). d e 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Soziolinguistik d andere 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Ibero-Romance Languages and Literatures andere 120 LINKMaster of Arts in Theater, Film, Theater und Tanzwissenschaften d 120 LINKMaster in Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte d e 120 LINKMaster of Worldarts e d 120 LINKMaster of Wordliterature e d 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Philiosophisch-Humanistische FakulttMaster in Erziehungswissenschaft d 120 LINKMaster in Psychologie d e 120 LINKMaster in Sportwissenschaft d 120 LINK

    Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche FakulttMaster of Sciences (MSc) in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences e d 90 LINKMaster of Sciences in Climate Sciences e 120 LINKMaster in Ecology and Evolution e 90 LINKMaster of Sciences in Earth Sciences e 120 LINKMaster in Geographie d e 120 LINKMaster in Informatik d e 90 LINKMaster in Mathematik d e 120 LINKMaster of Sciences of Molecular Life Sciences e d 90 LINKMaster in Philosophie und Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften d e 90 LINKMaster in Physik/Astronomie e d 90 LINKMaster in Statistik d e 90 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

  • 8/8/2019 KKA Stipendien Merkblatt 2011-2012 en 2010


    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    Federal Commission for scholarships for foreign students FCS



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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Facult des sciencesMaster of Science in Mathematics f/d/e f/d/e 90 LINK

    Master of Science in Computer Science f/d/e f/d/e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Physics e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Chemistry e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Earth Sciences e e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Geography e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Biology e 90 LINKMaster of Science in Biology / Biochemistry e 90 LINK

    Facult de thologie

    Master of Arts of Theology f/d f/d 120 LINKMaster of Arts en tudes thologiques f/d f/d 120 LINKMaster of Arts en tudes des religions f/d f/d 120 LINK

    Facult des LettresMaster of Arts en Philosophie f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Franais f 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Sprachen und Literaturen: Germanistik d 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Italien i 90 LINK

    Master of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Espagnol andere 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Langue et littrature anglaises e 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Slavistique diverse 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Philologie classique f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Littrature gnrale et compare f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts in Sprachen und Literaturen: Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Deutsch als Zweitsprache d 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Franais langue trangre / Franais seconde langue f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Rhto-Roman andere d 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Langues et Littratures: Sciences et didactique du plurilinguisme f/d d/f 90 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    E C T S C r e

    d i t s

    W e b p a g e

    Master of Arts en Sciences historiques: Histoire f/d d/f 120 LINKMaster of Arts in historischen Wissenschaften: allgemeine und schweizerische Zeitgeschichte d/f f/d 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences historiques: Histoire des socits contemporaines f/d d/f 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences historiques: Anthropologie et Mdiologie de l'image et de l'espace architectura f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences historiques: Archologie f d 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences historiques: Musicologie et histoire du thtre musical f/d d/f 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Etudes europennes f/d d/f 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences sociales: Sociologie f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences sociales: Problmes sociaux, politiques sociales et action sociale f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences sociales: Ethique, responsabilit et dveloppement f 120 LINKMaster of Arts en Sciences sociales: Cultures, politique et religions f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Pdagogie curative f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Arts en Pdagogie curative: Enseignement spcialis f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Science in Erziehungswissenschaften f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Science en Sceinces de l'ducation: Pdagogie / Psychologie f/d d/f 90 LINKMaster of Science in Psychologie f/d d/f 120 LINKMaster of Science in Psychologie: Psychologie clinique et psychologie de la sant f/d d/f 120 LINK

    Facult de droitMaster of Arts in Legal Studies f d 90 LINKMaster of Law f d 90 LINKMaster of Arts interdisciplinaire en Droits de l'enfant (MIDE) f 90 LINKMaster of Laws in Cross-Cultural Business Practice (MLCBP) e 60 LINK

    Facult des sciences conomiques et socialesMaster of arts en Economie politique f d 90 LINKMaster of arts en Gestion d'entreprise f d 90 LINKMaster of arts in Accounting and finance d f / e 90 LINKMaster of arts en Informatique de gestion e f / d 90 LINKMaster of arts in Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung d f / e 90 LINKMaster of arts in European Business e f / d 90 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    Federal Commission for scholarships for foreign students FCS



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    Facult des lettresMatrise universitaire s lettres / Egyptologie et copte f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Franais langue trangre f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Histoire ancienne f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Histoire de l'Art f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Histoire des Religions f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Histoire et civilisation du moyen ge f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Histoire gnrale f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Informatique pour les sciences humaines f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature anglaises e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature armniennes f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature franaises f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langues et littratures franaises et latines mdivales f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature grecques f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature italiennes i f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue et littrature latines f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation allemandes d f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation arabes andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation chinoises andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et culture hispaniques andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation grecques modernes andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation japonaises andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langue, littrature et civilisation russes andere f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Langues et civilisation de la Msopotamie f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Linguistique f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Littrature compare f andere 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Musicologie f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Philosophie f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s lettres / Tradition classique f 90 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Matrise universitaire en mathmatiques et sciences informatiques f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en pharmacie f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gologie f 120 LINKMaster d'tudes avances en biologie orale f e 60 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Urbanism 'Eco-Urban Planning, Sustainable Urban Developm f 60 LINK

    Master of Advanced Studies in Hospital Pharmacy f e 180 LINK

    Facult de thologieMatrise universitaire en thologie f 120 LINKMaster of Theology in Ecumenical Studies e 120 LINKMaster of Theology f 120 LINK

    Facult de droitMatrise universitaire bilingue en droit de l'action publique f d 90 LINK

    Matrise universitaire en droit civil et pnal f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en droit conomique f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en droit international et europen f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en droit de l'action publique f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en droit f 90 LINKMaster interdisciplinaire en droit du vivant f e 90 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in International Humanitarian Law f e 75 LINKMaster in International Dispute Settlement e 60 LINKMaster of advanced studies in international und european security e 60 LINK

    Master of Advances Studies in Banking and Finance (LLM Banking and Finance) f 75 LINKMaster of Advances Studies in Tax (LL.M. en droit fiscal) f 75 LINK

    Facult en psychologie et des sciences de l'ducationMatrise universitaire en sciences de l'ducation orientation: Analyse et intervention dans les systemes f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences de l'ducation orientation : Formation des adultes (FA) f 90 LINKMaster of Science in Advanced Learning and Teaching Technologies f 120 LINKMaster of Science in Psychology f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire en logopdie f 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    MAS - Sciences de l'ducation - Mention Thories, pratiques et dispositifs de formation d'enseignant f 60 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies en psychologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent f 60 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Human Resources and Career Management f 60 LINK

    Ecole de traduction et d'interprtation (ETI)

    Matrise (Ma) en interprtation de confrence f 90 LINKMatrise (Ma) en traduction f 120 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies for Interpreter Trainers e 60 LINK

    Facult de mdecineMatrise universitaire en mdecine dentaire f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire en mdecine f 180 LINKMaster of Science in Proteomics and Bioinformatics e f 90 LINKMaster of Science in Human Movement and Sports Sciences f 90 LINK

    Master d'tudes avances (MAS) en mdecine clinique f 150 LINKMatrise universitaire en informatique mdicale f 120 LINKMaster in neuroscience e 90 LINK

    Institut de hautes tudes internationales et du Dveloppement IHEIDMaster in International Affairs (MIA) e f 120 LINKMaster in Development Studies (Mdev) e f 120 LINKMaster in International Studies (MIS) / specialisation in International Economics e f 120 LINKMaster in International Studies (MIS) / specialisation in International History and Politics e f 120 LINK

    Master in International Studies (MIS) / specialisation in International Law e f 120 LINKMaster in International Studies (MIS) / specialisation in Political Science e f 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

    Federal Commission for scholarships for foreign students FCS



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    Facult des gosciences de l'environnementMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gologie / gologie sdimentaire f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gologie / gologie structurale et alpine f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gologie / gochimie, ptrologie et gtes mtallires f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gologie / gologie de l'ingnieur, risques gologiques f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gographie f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gographie / Etudes urbaines f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gographie / Environnements alpins f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en biogosciences f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gosciences de l'environnement f e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gosciences de l'environnement / Processus physiques et chimique f e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gosciences de l'environnement / Analyse, monitoring et reprs f e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gosciences de l'environnement / Enjeux sociaux de l'environneme f e 90 LINK

    Facult de biologie et de mdecineMatrise universitaire s Sciences en comportement, volution et conservation e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en gnomique et biologie exprimentale e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en Mdecine f 180 LINKMaster s Sciences en sciences infirmires f e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en biologie mdicale f e 90 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies in Hospital Pharmacy f e 180 LINK

    Facult des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC)Matrise universitaire s Sciences en comptabilit, contrle et finance f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en systmes d'information f 90 LINKMaster of Science in Actuarial Science e 120 LINKMaster of Science in Economics e 120 LINKMaster of Science in Finance e f 120 LINKMaster of Science in Management e f 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Facult de thologie et de sciences des religionsMatrise universitaire en sciences des religions f e 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en Thologie f 120 LINK

    Facult de droit et des sciences criminelles

    Matrise universitaire en Droit en sciences criminelles, mention criminologie et scurit f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en science forensique, mention identification f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en science forensique, mention criminalistique chimique f e 120 LINKMatrise universitaire en Droit, criminalit et scurit des technologies de l'information f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en Droit f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en Droit en sciences criminelles, mention magistrature f 120 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies en droit des affaires (MBL) f e 120 LINKLLM - International and European Economic and Commercial Law e 60 LINK

    Facult des lettresMatrise universitaire s Lettres f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Philosophie, sciences et socit f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Franais langue trangre f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Formation didactique et pdagogique en italien langue premire f i 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Histoire de l'art rgional f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Sciences de l'Antiquit f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Thories et pratiques du cinma f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Ecrire, traduire, publier en Sciences de l'Antiquit f 90 LINK

    Matrise universitaire s Lettres / Langues et littratures europennes compares f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Littratures suisses f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Communication et culture du Moyen-Age l'aube des temps modernes f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Sciences historiques de la culture f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Histoire du livre et dition critique des textes f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire s Lettres / Analyse des discours et de la communication publics f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en tudes musales f 120 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language

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    Facult des Sciences sociales et politiques (SSP)Matrise universitaire s Sciences en sciences du mouvement et du sport f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Anthropologie culturelle et sociale f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Etudes genre f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Parcours de vie f 90 LINK

    Matrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Politiques sociales et dveloppement social f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Psychologie sociale f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Sant, Mdecines, Sciences f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en sciences sociales / Sociologie de la communication et de la culture f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en science politique / politiques publiques f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en science politique / relations internationales f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en science politique / sociologie politique f 90 LINKMatrise universitaire en politique et management publics (PMP) f d 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychopathologie et anthropologie clinique f 120 LINK

    Matrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychologie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychologie de la sant f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychologie du conseil et de l'orientation f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychologie exprimentale f 120 LINKMatrise universitaire s Sciences en psychologie / Psychosociologie clinique f 120 LINKMAS en psychosociologie clinique / Identit; groupe et organisation f 60 LINKMaster of Advanced Studies en urbanisme durable / Eco-urbanisme, dveloppement urbain durable et go f 60 LINK

    f = French d = German e = English i = Italian andere = Other language
