kllll - university of hawaiʻi · 2015. 6. 1. · tmrtt" "--wtfv "v 1 y--wt rth rwr"iffy-"f-;...

TMrTT" "- - WTfV "V 1 y -- wt rth rwr"iffy-"f- ; ""W ,T" J f WW VIww',,',Wl''S?i pM , Vol. V. Honolulu, ii. l, Wednesday, august n, 1897. No. 058. r in - mmmmmmmmxaMitimitmrttwmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmammarnmmmmmMmmtmmmm 1 , . -- I J y it II I .? Theo 1 111 SUGAR FACTORS. 4 IMPORTEKS .General Mercliandise AND commission :DBOE:j.sr,s Agents for Lloyds, x Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino, British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer -- Line of Packets from Liverpool. Telephone 92. HAST OORNEtt FORT fc KINO STS. Box IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New and Fresh Goods recolved by overy packet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade of Gsnnefl Vegetables, Fruits and Fish. 8w Goods delivered any part the Olty " IHf.A'Nn TIlATJU1 RW.rniTjrn QA'rrni.'wiTTnM nnmiTUPn Oceanic Steamship Company. TIME TABLE: Tho Fine Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave This Port Hereunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA AUG. 17th MARIPOSA AUG. 19th ALAMEDA AUG. 26th AUSTRALIA Aug, 25lh connection with tho sailing of tho above steamers, the Agents aro preparod to issue, to intending passeugers, coupon through by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from New York by any steamship to all European ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Go. IIvIT3D. General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company. Camping Season is Coming WHEN YOU -- GET OUT INTO THE MOUNTAIN we can bo with you. The moniory of a d larder In your camp will help tho enjoyment of the scenery picturesque or majestic, aa It appeals to the eye. Tho climate genlol, bracing, rejuvenating will ho aided by good groceries. Whatever you do rusticating, hunting, fishing, rid- ing, boating, wheoling, mountain climbing or in valcly roposlng onr goods are the best and necessary accompaniments. The season for tltis sort f thought ami action is upon us. All tho world, tuUes an outing onco a year if it doesn't, it ouuht to. whllo making up your mind where you will go, put thoso placos before your mind's ove: ON MAUI-Haleak- ola, Laholna, Wal-kap- a. Makawao, liana, Kula, Kahului, Haiku, Nakena, ON KAUAI HanaloI.Hanapope, Llhno, Koloa, Waimoa, Nawillwlll aad Kauai-ha- ON HAWAII Kllauea mid Halcmau-mau- t, tho rainy city, Kapapala, Kcalake-kn- a Jlav ana Dr. Llndloy's Banttarium, Walpio, Kohala, Pima, Konn, Luupahoo-ho- o and Hamakua. ON OAHU-Wolk- lki, Tantalus, Puo-waln- a, Olympus or Loahl Makapuu and Mokapu, Woionae, Pearl Harbor, ltomoud Grove, Moanalua and Manoa, Tho Islands of Lanai, Molokai, Kahoo-l- a wo and Niihau. LEWIS & GO HAS THEM ALL Telephono 210. Free delivery twice daily Subscribe for Tug Independent, CO cents per month. OF 7 P. O. 115. 0 to of as FOR SAN In tickets lino HAWAIIAN Hagey Institute HONOLULU, H. I. ? FOR THE TREATMENT OF Alcoholic, Opium, Morphine, Cocoaine AND OTHER Kindred Diseases. 13G Boretanla Street, between Emma 4 Fort Private carriage ontranco ou lane, Emma street, opposito Chinese Epis- copal Church. Ono hundred and sixty-thre- e por-so- havo bpon successfully treated from Novembor, 189G, to May 80, 1897. Satisfactory arrangements made for patients from tho Islands or from abroad or for private treatment. Separate Cottage for Medical Ad- vice and Treatment. Patients under treatment havo freo uso of tho Social Club Parlors. DIRECTORS : Alox. Young, President; W. R. Oastlo, Vice-Preside- J. A. Magoon, Treasurer: A.V. Gear, Secretary; R. S. Sorimgeour, Auditor. 0SF" For furthor information, ap- - PROBT. SWAN SCRIMGEOUR, Manager. Office Tel. 700. 599-fl- m ead Tulophono Polos and Tramcnro. In connection with recent acci- dents to passengers on tho stroet cars caused by the daugorous tolo-phon- o posts near Waikiki, and also at Palama, Acting Manager Gilbert publishes tho following explantiou. Ho has also takon tho necessary steps to request the assistance of tho government in having tho posts re-m- o vod: 1. The lines were laid in accord- ance with tno directions of the Bu- reau of Public Works. 2. For several years (up to tho time that tho telephone posts wore eracted) the position selected for tho rails proved safe and convenient. 3. Somo two or throe yoars ago the telephono posts were erected in tbeir praont position, and have ever, since boon a menace to lifo nnd limb. . 4. At tho time those posts wero be- ing erected the manager of the tram- way company pointed out to tho manager of tho telephone company the danger likely to ariao from tho close proximity of the post, but his warning was unheeded. 5. When in May last an accident occurod, owing to this cause, tho danger was again urged by tho tram- way company upon Iho tolephono company. But again no notice was taken of the warning. In view of theEO facts the tram- way company donies all liability in respect of such accidents, and holds tbat it is the duty of the telephono company to remove its posts to a safe distance. Tho Sandwich Islanda Annexed The first step has been taken by the Uuitod States Government to- ward incorporating Hawaii in the Union. A Treaty of Aunoxation haB been pigned botwt-e- n tho United States and tho Hawaiian Provisional Government, by which tho islands will constitute a "territory," but no provision is mado in it for an in- demnity to Queon Liliuokalani and tho members of tho Royal Family. Tho public debt will, of courso, bo takon over. Tho troaty will require ratiOcation by the Senate, and strenuous opposition is anticipated, but tho votes will probably bo post- poned until tho next session. Thin commencement of a colonial polioy is regarded with apprehension in conservative quarters. Tho Hawai- ian they aro better known as tho Sandwich Islands aro a group of thirteen" in tho Northern Pacifio Ocean, of which eight aro inhabited. Tho population of 109,000 includes" about 23,000 whites of European or American descent. Honolulu, the capital, has about 28,000. These islands wore discovered by Captain Cook in 1778, and tho next year Cook was killed on Hawaii. Tho namo Sandwich was takon from that of the then Earl of Sandwich, who was a Lord of tho Admiralty. Chris- tianity was introduced in 1820, and an English bishopric formed in 18G1, It became a republic in 1891. Lon- don Ohriitian World. Responsibilities Incurred by the Annotation of Hawaii. If tho United States is to aunex Hawaii and there seems now eyory probability that this will bo done the Government must bo prepared to accept tbo responsibilities which tho new acquisition will entail. Not tho least of these necessities is a much larger navy, to bo ready to protect tho annexed territory in caso of noed, Our Washington correspondent, in his spooial diipatch by Commercial Cable says that tho Navy Depart mont officials aro fully convinced tbat this viaw of tho question, which was tug-goste- d by tho Horald, is correct. The Government is evidently pre- parod to go to any lengths that aro nooessary, and our correspondent iulimatos that Congress will bo ask- ed to appropriate money for the construction of battleships and torpedo-boat- s on the Pacific coast. No trouble with Japan is anticipat- ed but tho country must bo ready for all eventualities. European Ed, N. Y, Herald, BUSINESS LOCALS. Mous Hats at 25 and 35 cents each at Kerr's. Mens ready mado pautB at $1 per pair at Kerr a. ' Mens Suits ready to wear at the suit at Kerr's. All Silk Neckties, mado up and to tie 2 for 25o. at Kerr's. Childrons trimmed sailor hats in all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snnh'R. Buifalo Beer, half and half, with tho boBt of ambrosial brews rule at the Paoifia Saloon. Tho chocks are transferable at the Royal and Cos- mopolitan. "Historical Truths" may be had at 827 King street, if applied for early. Although the edition was considered largo enough for. all tho books are already be- coming rather scarce A lady, who is an accomplished teacher of music, (Jo3ires to give lessons to a law pupils at tbeir homo, at 50 cents a lesson. Address, tho editor of The Independent. Paddy Rvan is now assisted by popular William CarliRio at tho An- chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer is always on draught and other stimu- lants furnished. Pointers ou all sporting ovout1 can be had, free of charge from tho athlotic manager of tho Anchor. Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan is recommending tho celebrated Put- nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonic which is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excellent "half and half" is served to tho thirsty customers of tho Cosmopolitan There is only one place where tho proper drink can be obtained when loyal Americans, calibrate, "Annex- ation" and tho Fourth of July. Pomorj Sec. and Gold Lac, aro tho special brands of Champagne served by tho Royal Annex. Como on, you annexationists, and lot the corks fly, nud the wino flow. One ounce of prevention is better than ten ounces of euro. Tho Em- pire boasts of infallible remedies against the varioloid. Wioland beer on draft boats vaccination, aud Doctor Charlie Andrew presides over tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can be found in town. All for modi-cin- al purposos and cash. TWO REASONS Why peoplo come long distances to buy at I he 3?alama CHrrocery REASON customor tells anothor how much they havo savel by dealing at this llvo and let live establish- ment. REASON 2 Becauso tho savltic from their grocory bill helps thorn to pay tho house rent. If you ilon't bullevo what our customor say just givo us a call and be convinced. Hay a,d Orain HARRY OANON, Pulamu Grocory. TEL 7 Opposito Railway Depot THESE MOONLIGHT NIGHTS. When Luna lights Our tropic isle and sea ' Just tako 'his tip 06 pet a dip At Lotto Branch, Waikiki. Bathing parties ran obtain special ac- commodations; clean sulis atM propor treatmont' Tramcars passihn dnr. a j. Sherwood, Proprietor Long Itranah Baths, TO ET. npO A DESIRABLE TEN-J- L limit, a beautiful resl-dcur- u furnished tluouwhout Bltuated at tho Prninsula. Good boating Cloy" tn tho Rallroid, For further particulars apply to J. O UAltTHH, JR. at tho Bank of Bishop & Co 02J--tf NOTICE. BEING NO LONGER A ptibltu resort, tho Propr etruss will be gltt'i to lot- tho whole or prt (with board ft desired ) to private families wishing a healthy summer resort. For terms, ad- dress P. 0. Box 248, or ou tho premises, 615-ln- i, Wilder's Steamship Go. TIME TBLE. 0. b. WIGHT, Pies B. B. ROBK, Heo Oapt. J. A. KING, Port Snpt. Stmr. KINATJ, OLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. M.,tonchlDgat Lnhnlna, Maalaca Bny and Makena thf same day; Mahukena. Kawaibaoand the following day; arriving at HIlo the same afternoon. LKAVS3 ItQ.VOLPm. ARRIVES IIONOlUXtT. rldoy AugVO Tuesday Auk 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday fc'ept HI Friday Oct 1 Muesday Oot 12 Friday Oct 22 Tuesany Nov 2 I'nd-.- Nov U Tueduy .... Nov 23 Friday Deo 3 Tuesday ....Dec 11 Thursday... .DtoiKl Tuosday Aug 17 ,fi'lay Aug 27 Tuelday. Bept 7 Friday Sept 17 Tuosday Bept 28 Friday Oot 8 'luc-da- Oct 19 Friday Oct 29 Tuesday Nov 9 Fruliiy Nov 19 Tuesday Nov St Friday Deo 10 Tu-sd- ay Deo 21 Friday Dec 31 Returning will leave Hilo ot 8 o'clock a m , touching at Laupahoehoe. Mann-kon- a und Kuwaihao same day; ilnkena. Maalaea Bay and Lahuiua the followine day ; arriving at Honolulu the afternoon of luusdays and Fridays. war Will tall at Pohoiki, Puna, on trips marked. iter- - No Freight will be received after A. m. on day of sailing. The popular route to tho Volcano is vi Hilo A good carriage road the entiro q. Round tiip tickets, corerinir all expenses, $50.00. Stmr. OLA.UDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r. u. touching at Kahului, Huna, Hamoa ond Kipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco oach month. - r- - No Freight will be received after i r. m. on day of sailing. This Company will reserves the right to make changes in tho tiuioof departure and arrival of its (Steamers without notice ani it will not be responsible for any conse- quences arising therefrom. Consignees muBt be at the Landings to receive their freight; this Company will not hold itsolf responsible for freight after it has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk. This Company will not be responsible foi Monoy or Valuables of passengers unless placed in tho care of Pursers. tXF" Passengers are requested to par-cha- se Tlckots before embarking. Thoat f (i 1 n tn si.. n- .111 t ..1.1 i. a Fa ""MK ' "U ou Will UC BUUjeUt vo tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent. OLAD3 SritEOKELS. WM. Q. IBWIN. Glaus Spteckels & Co., 3KTK1GKLS. HONOLULU San Francisco Agents. TJ1B NEVADA SANK OF SAN FliANCISCO. DltAW EXCIIANOK OH SAN FKANOI8CO The Nevada Bank of Ban Francisco. LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of London Lt'd. NEW YORK Amerlcau Exchange Na- tional Bank. CHICAGO Merchants National Bank. PARIS Comptolr National d'Escompte de Paris BERLIN Drcsdnor Bank, HONG KONG AND YoKuHAMHoJig Kong it hhanghal Banking Corporation. NEW SfKALANIi AND AUSl'UALIA- - Bank of New Zealand. VlOiORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank of British North America, 'Dansacl a General Hanking and JSxchanqa Business. Deposits Recolved. Loans made on Ap- proved Commercial and Travel- ers Credit Issued. Bills of KioaJnga bought nnd sold. Collections Promptly Accounted Fof 90Q..W

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  • TMrTT" "- - WTfV "V 1 y -- wt rth rwr"iffy-"f- ; ""W ,T" JfWW VIww',,',Wl''S?i



    Vol. V. Honolulu, ii. l, Wednesday, august n, 1897. No. 058.r in - mmmmmmmmxaMitimitmrttwmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmammarnmmmmmMmmtmmmm


    , .

    -- I






    Theo1 111


    .General MercliandiseAND

    commission :DBOE:j.sr,sAgents for Lloyds, x

    Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Lino,British & Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,

    Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

    Pioneer --Line of Packets from Liverpool.

    Telephone 92.




    Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods recolved by overy packet from California, Eastern

    States and European Markets.

    Standard Grade of Gsnnefl Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.8w Goods delivered any part the Olty "

    IHf.A'Nn TIlATJU1 RW.rniTjrn QA'rrni.'wiTTnM nnmiTUPn

    Oceanic Steamship Company.

    TIME TABLE:Tho Fine Passongor Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive and Leave

    This Port Hereunder.



    connection with tho sailing of tho above steamers, the Agents aropreparod to issue, to intending passeugers, coupon through by anyrailroad from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and fromNew York by any steamship to all European ports.

    For further particulars apply to

    Wm. G. Irwin & Go.IIvIT3D.

    General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company.

    Camping Season

    is Coming



    we can bo with you. The moniory of ad larder In your camp will help

    tho enjoyment of the scenery picturesqueor majestic, aa It appeals to the eye. Thoclimate genlol, bracing, rejuvenatingwill ho aided by good groceries. Whateveryou do rusticating, hunting, fishing, rid-ing, boating, wheoling, mountain climbingor in valcly roposlng onr goods are thebest and necessary accompaniments.

    The season for tltis sort f thought amiaction is upon us. All tho world, tuUes anouting onco a year if it doesn't, it ouuhtto. whllo making up your mind whereyou will go, put thoso placos before yourmind's ove:

    ON MAUI-Haleak- ola, Laholna, Wal-kap- a.Makawao, liana, Kula, Kahului,

    Haiku, Nakena,ON KAUAI HanaloI.Hanapope, Llhno,

    Koloa, Waimoa, Nawillwlll aad Kauai-ha-

    ON HAWAII Kllauea mid Halcmau-mau- t,tho rainy city, Kapapala, Kcalake-kn- a

    Jlav ana Dr. Llndloy's Banttarium,Walpio, Kohala, Pima, Konn, Luupahoo-ho- o

    and Hamakua.ON OAHU-Wolk- lki, Tantalus, Puo-waln- a,

    Olympus or Loahl Makapuu andMokapu, Woionae, Pearl Harbor, ltomoudGrove, Moanalua and Manoa,

    Tho Islands of Lanai, Molokai, Kahoo-l- awo and Niihau.


    Telephono 210. Free delivery twice daily

    Subscribe for Tug Independent, COcents per month.

    OF 7

    P. O. 115.


    to of






    Hagey InstituteHONOLULU, H. I.



    Alcoholic, Opium,

    Morphine, CocoaineAND OTHER

    Kindred Diseases.

    13G Boretanla Street, between Emma 4 Fort

    Private carriage ontranco ou lane,Emma street, opposito Chinese Epis-copal Church.

    Ono hundred and sixty-thre- e por-so-havo bpon successfully treated

    from Novembor, 189G, to May 80,1897.

    Satisfactory arrangements madefor patients from tho Islands orfrom abroad or for private treatment.

    Separate Cottage for Medical Ad-vice and Treatment.

    Patients under treatment havofreo uso of tho Social Club Parlors.

    DIRECTORS : Alox. Young,President; W. R. Oastlo, Vice-Preside-

    J. A. Magoon, Treasurer: A.V.Gear, Secretary; R. S. Sorimgeour,Auditor.

    0SF" For furthor information, ap- -


    Office Tel. 700. 599-fl- m ead

    Tulophono Polos and Tramcnro.

    In connection with recent acci-dents to passengers on tho stroetcars caused by the daugorous tolo-phon- o

    posts near Waikiki, and alsoat Palama, Acting Manager Gilbertpublishes tho following explantiou.Ho has also takon tho necessarysteps to request the assistance of thogovernment in having tho posts re-m- o


    1. The lines were laid in accord-ance with tno directions of the Bu-reau of Public Works.

    2. For several years (up to thotime that tho telephone posts woreeracted) the position selected for thorails proved safe and convenient.

    3. Somo two or throe yoars agothe telephono posts were erected intbeir praont position, and have ever,since boon a menace to lifo nnd limb.. 4. At tho time those posts wero be-ing erected the manager of the tram-way company pointed out to thomanager of tho telephone companythe danger likely to ariao from thoclose proximity of the post, but hiswarning was unheeded.

    5. When in May last an accidentoccurod, owing to this cause, thodanger was again urged by tho tram-way company upon Iho tolephonocompany. But again no notice wastaken of the warning.

    In view of theEO facts the tram-way company donies all liability inrespect of such accidents, and holdstbat it is the duty of the telephonocompany to remove its posts to asafe distance.

    Tho Sandwich Islanda AnnexedThe first step has been taken by

    the Uuitod States Government to-ward incorporating Hawaii in theUnion. A Treaty of Aunoxation haBbeen pigned botwt-e- n tho UnitedStates and tho Hawaiian ProvisionalGovernment, by which tho islandswill constitute a "territory," but noprovision is mado in it for an in-demnity to Queon Liliuokalani andtho members of tho Royal Family.Tho public debt will, of courso, botakon over. Tho troaty will requireratiOcation by the Senate, andstrenuous opposition is anticipated,but tho votes will probably bo post-poned until tho next session. Thincommencement of a colonial polioyis regarded with apprehension inconservative quarters. Tho Hawai-ian they aro better known as thoSandwich Islands aro a group ofthirteen" in tho Northern PacifioOcean, of which eight aro inhabited.Tho population of 109,000 includes"about 23,000 whites of European orAmerican descent. Honolulu, thecapital, has about 28,000. Theseislands wore discovered by CaptainCook in 1778, and tho next yearCook was killed on Hawaii. Thonamo Sandwich was takon from thatof the then Earl of Sandwich, whowas a Lord of tho Admiralty. Chris-tianity was introduced in 1820, andan English bishopric formed in 18G1,It became a republic in 1891. Lon-don Ohriitian World.

    Responsibilities Incurred by theAnnotation of Hawaii.

    If tho United States is to aunexHawaii and there seems now eyoryprobability that this will bo donethe Government must bo preparedto accept tbo responsibilities whichtho new acquisition will entail. Nottho least of these necessities is amuch larger navy, to bo ready toprotect tho annexed territory in casoof noed,

    Our Washington correspondent, inhis spooial diipatch by CommercialCable says that tho Navy Depart montofficials aro fully convinced tbat thisviaw of tho question, which was tug-goste- d

    by tho Horald, is correct.The Government is evidently pre-parod to go to any lengths that aronooessary, and our correspondentiulimatos that Congress will bo ask-ed to appropriate money for theconstruction of battleships andtorpedo-boat- s on the Pacific coast.No trouble with Japan is anticipat-ed but tho country must bo readyfor all eventualities. European Ed,N. Y, Herald,


    Mous Hats at 25 and 35 cents eachat Kerr's.

    Mens ready mado pautB at $1 perpair at Kerr a. '

    Mens Suits ready to wear atthe suit at Kerr's.

    All Silk Neckties, mado up and totie 2 for 25o. at Kerr's.

    Childrons trimmed sailor hats inall colors only 50 cents at N. S.Snnh'R.

    Buifalo Beer, half and half, withtho boBt of ambrosial brews rule atthe Paoifia Saloon. Tho chocks aretransferable at the Royal and Cos-mopolitan.

    "Historical Truths" may be hadat 827 King street, if applied forearly. Although the edition wasconsidered largo enough for. all

    tho books are already be-coming rather scarce

    A lady, who is an accomplishedteacher of music, (Jo3ires to givelessons to a law pupils at tbeirhomo, at 50 cents a lesson. Address,tho editor of The Independent.

    Paddy Rvan is now assisted bypopular William CarliRio at tho An-chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught and other stimu-lants furnished. Pointers ou allsporting ovout1 can be had, free ofcharge from tho athlotic manager oftho Anchor.

    Ned Doyle at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending tho celebrated Put-nam's Blackberry Brandy, a tonicwhich is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalf" is served to tho thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

    There is only one place where thoproper drink can be obtained whenloyal Americans, calibrate, "Annex-ation" and tho Fourth of July.Pomorj Sec. and Gold Lac, aro thospecial brands of Champagne servedby tho Royal Annex. Como on, youannexationists, and lot the corks fly,nud the wino flow.

    One ounce of prevention is betterthan ten ounces of euro. Tho Em-pire boasts of infallible remediesagainst the varioloid. Wioland beeron draft boats vaccination, audDoctor Charlie Andrew presides overtho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan be found in town. All for modi-cin- al

    purposos and cash.

    TWO REASONSWhy peoplo come long distances to buy at

    I he

    3?alama CHrroceryREASON customor tells

    anothor how much they havo savel bydealing at this llvo and let live establish-ment.

    REASON 2 Becauso tho savltic fromtheir grocory bill helps thorn to pay thohouse rent.

    If you ilon't bullevo what our customorsay just givo us a call and be convinced.

    Hay a,d OrainHARRY OANON,

    Pulamu Grocory.TEL 7 Opposito Railway Depot


    When Luna lightsOur tropic isle and sea 'Just tako 'his tip06 pet a dip

    At Lotto Branch, Waikiki.Bathing parties ran obtain special ac-

    commodations; clean sulis atM proportreatmont' Tramcars passihn dnr.a j. Sherwood,

    Proprietor Long Itranah Baths,

    TO ET.

    npO A DESIRABLE TEN-J- Llimit, a beautiful resl-dcur- u

    furnished tluouwhoutBltuated at tho Prninsula.Good boating Cloy" tn tho Rallroid, Forfurther particulars apply to

    J. O UAltTHH, JR.at tho Bank of Bishop & Co



    BEING NO LONGER Aptibltu resort, tho Propr etruss will be

    gltt'i to lot- tho whole or prt (with boardft desired ) to private families wishing ahealthy summer resort. For terms, ad-dress P. 0. Box 248, or ou tho premises,

    615-ln- i,

    Wilder's Steamship Go.


    0. b. WIGHT, Pies B. B. ROBK, HeoOapt. J. A. KING, Port Snpt.

    Stmr. KINATJ,

    OLARKE, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. M.,tonchlDgatLnhnlna, Maalaca Bny and Makena thfsame day; Mahukena. Kawaibaoand

    the following day; arriving atHIlo the same afternoon.


    rldoy AugVOTuesday Auk 31

    Friday Sept 10Tuesday fc'ept HIFriday Oct 1Muesday Oot 12Friday Oct 22Tuesany Nov 2

    I'nd-.- Nov UTueduy .... Nov 23Friday Deo 3Tuesday ....Dec 11

    Thursday... .DtoiKl

    Tuosday Aug 17,fi'lay Aug 27Tuelday. Bept 7Friday Sept 17Tuosday Bept 28Friday Oot 8'luc-da- Oct 19Friday Oct 29Tuesday Nov 9Fruliiy Nov 19Tuesday Nov StFriday Deo 10Tu-sd- ay Deo 21Friday Dec 31

    Returning will leave Hilo ot 8 o'clocka m , touching at Laupahoehoe. Mann-kon- aund Kuwaihao same day; ilnkena.

    Maalaea Bay and Lahuiua the followineday ; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof luusdays and Fridays.

    war Will tall at Pohoiki, Puna, on tripsmarked.

    iter- - No Freight will be received afterA. m. on day of sailing.

    The popular route to tho Volcano is viHilo A good carriage road the entiro q.

    Round tiip tickets, corerinir allexpenses, $50.00.

    Stmr. OLA.UDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

    Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r. u.touching at Kahului, Huna, Hamoa ondKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco oach

    month. -r-- No Freight will be received after ir. m. on day of sailing.

    This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in tho tiuioof departure andarrival of its (Steamers without notice aniit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

    Consignees muBt be at the Landings toreceive their freight; this Company willnot hold itsolf responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

    Live Stock received only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible foi

    Monoy or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced in tho care of Pursers.

    tXF" Passengers are requested to par-cha- seTlckots before embarking. Thoatf (i 1 n tn si.. n- .111 t ..1.1 i. a Fa""MK ' "U ou Will UC BUUjeUt votional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


    Glaus Spteckels & Co.,


    San Francisco Agents. TJ1B NEVADASANK OF SAN FliANCISCO.


    SAN FKANOI8CO The Nevada Bank ofBan Francisco.

    LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of LondonLt'd.

    NEW YORK Amerlcau Exchange Na-tional Bank.

    CHICAGO Merchants National Bank.PARIS Comptolr National d'Escompte de

    ParisBERLIN Drcsdnor Bank,HONG KONG AND YoKuHAMHoJig

    Kong it hhanghal Banking Corporation.NEW SfKALANIi AND AUSl'UALIA- -

    Bank of New Zealand.VlOiORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank

    of British North America,

    'Dansacl a General Hanking and JSxchanqaBusiness.

    Deposits Recolved. Loans made on Ap-proved Commercial and Travel-ers Credit Issued. Bills of KioaJngabought nnd sold.

    Collections Promptly Accounted Fof90Q..W


    issued --


    (Kxuopt Bnndny)

    At "Brito Hall." Koniu Struct.

    gS Telephone 841 0SUBSCRIPTION RATES:

    Por Month, anywhere In tho Ho- -wallan Islands ? CO

    Per Year 0 00Per Year, postpaid to Foreign Ooun-tries.- ...

    8 00

    Payable Invariably In Advanco.

    F. J. TESTA, Propriotor and Pub-Hono- r.

    - EDMUND NOKRIE. Editor.

    W. HOBAOE WRIGHT, AssistantEditor.

    Residing in Honolulu.

    WEDNESDAY, AUG, 11, 1897.


    Capt. (August llt&, 7:30 n. m.)You bot! Tho China will uevor beregistered lioro or fly tlio Hawaiianflag. Never mind Wilder.

    (Same Speaker, 1 p. ui.) Sho isregistered. Confound Hatch. Hofixod it with HiiuUiitoii. What'nthat! His fee? Don't know, buttho Shoony is thoio every timp.Going to wharf to see how manysheep, calves and cattle Mokolii willcarry without lhneruoltj-to-anima- lofficer intorforos. Stockholder inW. S. S. O. and won't kick.


    It is natural I tint in a small com-munity liko Honolulu, misuudor-otandiu- gs

    will arise from time totime even among friendo, but it is" apleasing trait in tho character ofour people that all are anxious tocorrect supposed errors aud to dis-pel any feelings of dissatisfactionor ill-wi- ll erroneously created.

    Our Hawaiian friends yesterdayfelt deeply hurt because thoir bandwas not assigned an activo positionin tho funeral procession of tho latoBritish Consul-Genera- l. For somenyiteriouB reasous they laid theblamo for this alleged slight on thoboulders of tho Hawaiian Govern-

    ment, and more especially on Colo-nel Fisher.

    That gentleman was seen thismorning and stated that neither henor any othor official of tho llepub-li- o

    had any responsibility in regardto the maaagomont of tho funeralof Mr. Hawes. The gentlemen hav-ia-g

    charge simply asked tho Gov-ernment for an escort, which waswillingly furnished, tho authoritiesalso .Bonding the Governmentalband, and polioo officers besides thohighest official! attending in a body,

    Vice-Cons- Walker stated thismorning that ho regrottod that anyatisunderstandins should have arisenon this sad occasion. Tho friendsof Mr. Hawes, ho said, desired thefunoral to bo as eimplo as possible.The prosenco of the military bandawore simply the outcome of the de-sire on tho part of tho different au-thorities to give a military funeralto tho late Consul.

    Any one knowing tho British Vico-Consu- l,and uoarly all Hawaiians

    do, must know that Hawaii has nostaunchor friend thau he, and thatno ono regrets tho misapprehensionand misunderstandings in connec-tion with tho Hawes funeral moredeeply thau ho aud his friends,

    Tho misunderstandings were prob-ably due to the ovor sensitiviuuss ofsome of our Hawaiian friends; fool-ing- s

    that, undo; present circum-stances Consul Walkor can appre-ciate aud forgivo. Tho Hawaiiansare now fully aware of the inno-cence of all parties in tho unpleas-ant mattor, and tho inoideut isforgotten,


    Tho Hawaiians aud thoir friondBopposed to sacrificing the independ-ence of tho country ought to rallynow aud enter, a solemn protestagainst tho unwarranted actions ofthe unscrupulous adventurers whohave stolon thoio islands. There isno time to loso. ,

    May wo suggest to Fop-Cor- n audthe other annexationists that a judi-cial investment be made in spirit-uous liquors prior to tho arrival ofSenator Morgan. If tuoy try thogentleman of Alabama on lemonadeand bananas, Hawaii will novor boannoxed. Lot him have straightpuro okolehao. The fact that thosale and manufacture of it are con-trary to law will mako it moro pala-table to tho Alabama senator.

    Damon returned thismorning, and the business commu-nity heaved a doep sigh of rnliof.Somehow or othor tho dear pooplefool that thoir welfare is bettor

    when Sammy is around, audseveral prominent capitalists havodelayed their last gasp during hisabsence, waiting for some ous will-ing to inherit them. Sammy is nowhere, however, nud Theocioro Lan-sing, will probably be obliged lostep down aud -- out. Wo say, wel-come homo to Mr. Damon not an anofficial, but as a friend who thopeople of Hawaii cannot spare evenfor a brief vacation, and wo aro all-rig- ht

    glad to seo plain Mr. Damonlooking happy and healthy andhoartily cheered upon his arrival.

    Tho Now Admiral.Tnn Independent wolcomes Ad-

    miral Miller to Hawaii. The Ad-miral will find several old friendshero who have stood shoulder toshoulder with him in days gone by.Tho following is n description of thuAdmiral aud his staff:

    Admiral Miller is a native ofSpringfield, O. Ho was not quito15 years of ago whon he entered thoNaval Academy in October, 1851, asan aotivo midshipman. He wasgraduated with honors in June,1851, after serving two yearn on thofrigate Independence in tho Pacific,he was promoted to passed midship-man in Novomber, 185G, his twen-tieth birthday. Ho saw some stirringservice on tho Florida Coast duringthe exciting times of tho war andwas aboard when tho brig capturedtho privateor Savannah. Tho Ad-miral bnlongs to tho old school oflino officers and has many goodqualities as an officer that make himloved by tho officor aud men underhim.

    Accompanying him on his triparo Lioutonant T. S. Rodgors, hisflair lioutonant, and LioutonantPhilip Andrews, his flag secretary.Tho former belongs to ono of tholargest families of naval men overidentified with the Unitod StatesNavy. His fathor was Admiral C.It. P, Rodgors, and ono of his unolesis Captain Jack Rodgers, captain pftho Light House Board at NowYork. Lieutenant-Command- er Raymond itougers is his brother and healso has a cousin who holds a posi-tion as Lieutenant in the service.

    Under tho Hawaiian Flag.

    At 9 o'clock this morning thesteamship China arrived from SanFrancisco in the natty time of 5days and 21 hours. She brought intho cabin and saloon the followingdistinguished passengers for Hono-lulu: Roar-Admir- al Miller, ColonelGoo. W Maofarlano, Hon. S. M.Damon, Lieut. Phillip Andrews andLieut. T. S. Rodgors.

    Froo Concert.

    At Kaumakapili Churchovoniug another free concert

    will bo givou under tho direction ofRev. E. S. Timoteo. It will bo

    that tho last ono wasalmost a phonomonal success, and

    ovoniug's porformanoowill probably rival its predecessor.

    A recently patented chopping axhas its hond in throo sections, thoblade having a recess out in eachsido to rocoive tho onds of the headportion, whiah is, hinged in thohead, tho two back piocos surround-ing tho handlo and boing attaohodto tho blade by moans of n screw.


    Morgan and Quay to Study UpAnnexation In Hawaii.

    New York, August 1. A dispatchfrom Atlantic City says that SenatorMatt Quay, informally acting ai theagout for tho Committee on ForeignRelations' will mako a personl visitto Hawaii to make thorough studyof tho country aud its advantagesaud disadvantages. Ho will mako aroport upon tho reconvening of Con-gress in December, upon tho foasibi-- 'iity and advisability of confirmingthe treaty of annexation.

    Senator Quay will leave AugUBt12th, and aftor a three weeks' fishingtrip, will go dir.oot to San Franciscoaud sail to Hawaii. Ho wil roturnas soon as possible aud submit thereport of his observations to theForeign Relations Committee.

    Senator Morgan will also leaveSeptember 1st for Hawaii as a Rep-resentative of tho Foreign RelationsCommittee. He will be absent tillDecember. Senator Morgan's re-port will be looked forward to withgroat interest by public moii, andhis statement, it is safe to say, willbo n strong appoal for annexation.

    It will do much to makos the an-nexing of tho Hawaiiau islands acertainty.


    Peru. Must PayNew YonK, August 1. A special

    to tho Horald from Washingtonsays: An ultimatum has been pre-sented to the Poruvian Governmentby tho AdminBtration, requiring thoimmediate payment of the McCordclaim of 50000. While no t hreat ofcoercion ia made in case of refusaltho note makes tho statement thatany further delay on the part ofPeru to close tho incident will beconsidered as injurious to the cord-ial relations existing between theGovernments.


    HAWAIIAN KELIEF SOCIETYTHE meet nt tho residence of Mrs. S.C. Allen, on FKIDAY, the 13th Inst., ot10:30 a, M. A lull ntteiulanco is desired.

    G53 2t 1'Ell OIIDEH.



    Europe to Hold tho Purso.

    Paths, July 27. dispatch fromnniiRt.nntiniinlft savs that as tho ro- -

    I suit of tho iuiliativo of Germany,backod by Austria and Italy, aclause has boon drafted for ombodi-mon- t

    in tho peaco treaty wherebyEuropoau financial control will boestablished at Athens. , The variousforeign officers are now consideringtho clause .

    Tho Marquis of Buto has cole-brato- dhis silver wedding by giving

    1000 to tho town council of Cardiff,tho income to bo given to poor girlsto assist thorn to marry. The onlycondition attached is that the Mayorshall read to the reoipient tho firsteleven versos of tho second chapterof John.


    lTIE PUT!raniM.And Hor Comedy Company.

    THURSDAY, AUG. 12:Swnrtz's lleau'ifiil tdyllio l'Jay,

    DAD'S GrIEL.

    SATURDAY, AUG. 11:Charles Dickon's Immortal Siory,

    The Old Curiosity Shop.,KATIE PUTNAM ns I.lttlo Noll

    and the Marchioness,

    C8T-- GHAKD FAMILY MATINEESaturday Afternoon,


    Honolulu, Aug. 9, 1897.The Outer Tost of a

    Gentleman according to thoOhesteiTieldian Code is to bowell shoed, hatted and gloved,well grooihed, in fact. A truegentleman also looks after thecomfort of his horse, and inno way can he do this betterthan in seeing that his ani-mal's shoe gear is also thebest the market can give

    The almost universal ex-perience of all horseshoers inthe Hawaiian Islands and inthe United States, provesthat SUIIOEIS" B ERG-ER'-SHOES stand without a rivalin all respects, and wo are theEXCLUVE AGrEISTTS forthem. Ask any of our leadi-ng- horseshoers and they willtell you that they give excel-lent, and the very best, satis-faction. The line quality ofmaterial, make andfinish rcfommend them to all.The general shape of the shoeful litis the latest and most ap-proved idcab of practical horse-shoerf- c.

    They are smooth andin form the concave made toconform to the horse's hoof,the creasing neat, punchingclean and properly done, andin a word they are the finest,best shaped and cheapestshoes on the market. ThePUTNAM, CIIAMPLAXN"and LTG HTNIffG- - shoenailsare also the best that can bomHintfactured. The Light-ning is a new brand that haswon very great favor in the

    market on accountof its quality and low priceTry itTne Hawaiian flardraii Co., L'o

    2G6 FoitT Sthket,

    ! !

    The made on many of thelines means an actual loss


    Ktneiy Topics.




    A Dollar Saved is a Dollar earnedYon can save lots of Dollars

    In addition to the various lots adver-tised last week we shall sell you

    Ladies BlaoiJfC. Sailor lECats at lOo.Ladies IBlaols: Sailor 'JESats at ISo.

    Ladies Blaols: Sailor UHEats at 25c.These Goods are worth respectively,

    50c, 75c. and $1.00. W e shalloffer a choice lot of

    Ladies Trimmed ZECeits.nillnwMuii 233


    9Queen St,, Honolulu



  • &-





    v' '



    Board of Huallh this aftomo.,u.

    j. M. VoUloaon loft for Kauaiyastorday.

    Orinkot Olub Smoker Lbin eveningnt American loaguo TTnll.

    Company D minstrels' rohoar,l ntOapt. Bergor'a tliis avouing.

    Big reductions in Ghildrous trimmod hats for ouo week ouly at N. S.Saoh's.

    If you wish your horses' feot tobo properly tonded, thou road Time-ly Topics.

    Senator Morgan of Alabama andSenator Quay of Philadelphia willarrive horo by the Australia.

    Th China coals at this port about800 tons and is up to loavo at 4 p. m.

    for Ohiua and Japan.

    Dr. H. V. Murray will happilypreside oror this evening's sruokorconcort of the Honolulu CricketOlub. "

    Mr. E. 0. Maofarlano is improvingrapidly, but will probably not returnby the Australia. Ho needs perfectrest aud aare.

    It is learned by tho vry latest in-formation from tho mail stoamorto day that Hou. V. G. Irwin isgetting steadily bettor.

    At last wo have a "Hawaiiau Mail"wagon, imported from America d

    of being built here. It Alls along felt want at any rate.

    Crickot Smoker this evening nuwhich oocaaion Robert Scrimgeourcelebrates tho 18th anniversary ofhis arrival in this couutry.

    A coroners' inquest was held thismorning by Marshal Browu on thebody of John Milton, who it isalleged was killed at Iwilei.

    Take in tho Crickot Smoker thiaovening at tho American LeagueHall. All you can masticate andcarry doar boys for one dollar.

    Col. George W. Maofarlano arriv-ed in his stoamer China this morn-ing. Tho colonol looks slightlyfatigued and was not opon to inter--"viewers.

    There will bo a special dinnor auddance at the Hawaiian Hotel thisevening. Tho Hawaiiau .QuintetOlub will furnish tho aweot aud en-tertaining music.

    Charming Katie Putnam offers"Dad's Girl," for favorable endorse-ment evoning. She

    a much largor patronage thanis being extended te her.

    Tho Phillies, Marions and TownSwells will play their baseball gameat 3:30 on Friday aftornoon. Thoquarter's admission foo will bodouated to tho Straugors' FriendsSociety.

    The Rogimentsl officers havo ap-pointed Major McCarthy, aud Cap-tains Paul Smith, E. O. White, O.Borgstrom and T. B. Murray to ar-range for battalion encampments atItomond Grovo.

    Col. Fisher's friends state that heis in nowiso responsible for any un-fortunate inoidonts in connectionwith yesterday's funeral program.Ho, himielf, was but an invitedparticipant aotiug under orders andnot giving thorn.

    Tho British Vice Consul begs tobo allowed to uso this means of ox- -

    sincere thanks for tho manyoautiful flowors which woro pro-

    vided by kind friends on thoof the funeral 'of the late

    British Commissioner aud Consul-Genera- l.

    Mr. H. Z. Austin of Kauai receiv-ed a vory ohoorful lottr from hiswife who through some mistake wasroportod dead. Tho friends of Mrs.H. Z. Austin will be glad to learnthat she is U. K. aud has no inten-tion of making "Harry" more than agrass-widowe- r.

    "Lovo Finds a Way" was prosHiit-o- dat tho Opera House last night by

    the Katio Putnam Company, Theplay wos greatly onjoyod by thoaudienco and all tho mombors show-o- d

    their ability as first-clas- s notoraaud actresses. Honolulu wants some

    Nmoro "Lime Kiln," however, andtopical songs with an ovordose ofannexation should be avoided.Katie's mauagor ought to know thatthe majority of her patronB aro uotannexationists, Do drop politics!

    Ed. Ronear, a pleasant youg manabout 18 years of ago and whoweighs close on to 170 pounds, is atpresent in town, and although notparticularly noticoablo for his ago,characteristics or weight, is so fromthe fact o his holding champion-ship records in swimming in thoUnitud States and is open for busi-ness of like nature, with any aspiringFawailans, for long or short dis-tance swims. Clifford May no, an-oth- or

    aqueous athlete is Mr. Reneor'snext friond in town during his stay,


    Japan Wants tho Unitod Statoo to5ct ns Guarantee in tho Arbi-


    (Sjicclnl DUint;h to tlio Chronicle )New York, Aug. 4. A special to

    tho Herald from Washington says:Japan will insist that tho UnitedStatos assume n enntiugont'responsi-bilit- y

    in tho matter of the arbitra-tion of her differences with Hawaiion the subject of immigration andthe tariff.

    It is uudorstood that this is ouoof tho esioutial conditions uponwhich Japan will consent to arbi-tration, and that if this responsi-bility is not assumed by tho UnitedStates Japan will break off nego-tiations looking to arbitration andback up her demands by a navaldemoustratiou in Hawaiian waters,

    Tbe State Department has notyet received any official communi-cation from the Japanese Govern-mon- t

    on this matter and tho Admin-istration hat not indicated whetheror uot it will comply with tho Japa-nese demand when made.

    An official of the Japanese Legatiou said in an interview: "I am notofficially informed concerning thelimits of arbitration, but that Japanshould ask tho United Statos to takerecognition of it and assume an ulti-mate responsibility for tho decisionsof the arbitor as regards Hawaiiboing carried out, Beems to be verynatural.

    "If tho United States refuses togive us a guarauteo it is probablethat tho arbitration proposition willfail. We prefer to entertain agriovauoe and tolndemnify our sub-jects ourselves than to arbitrateafter tho indignity of the refusal bytho United States of so just a re-quest. Neither tho United Statesnor the Hawaiiaus can justly ploaddisiutorestoduess. Frequently intho Hawaiian-Japanes- e correspon-dence of lato tho ponding annexation has hgurod as a factor in thesituation. This orperatea the arbi-tration case as well."

    Washington, Aug. 4. In tho lastHawaiiau mail to reach tho StatoDopartmonl, bringing the record ofovonts on tho islands up to tho 21stof last month, MiniBtor Sewall tellsin dotail of tho diplomatic corre-spondence betwoou Japan and theHawaiian Government growing outof tho labor controversy, and roportsthat in the opinion of tho best in-formed people on tho islands thoJapuuoso Govorumont will be amplycoulout with a recognition by thoHawaiiaus of tho principle forwhich thoy contend, without in-sisting upon substantial pecuniarydamages, It was also reported thattho conduct of tho negotiations hadboon transferred entirely from Ho-nolulu to Tokio. No referencewhatovor was made in the dispatchesto the -- reported intention to estab-lish a protectorate.


    England's Position Btatod to theCommons.

    London, August 2. In tho housoof Commons to-da- y tho Parliamen-tary Soorotary for the Foreign OfficoMr. Curzon, replying to a questionof Michael Davilt, said that a British protectorate was proclaimed

    Palmyra island in May, 1889, audthat tho occupation would bo main-tained.

    Mr. Curzon also said it was uotnoaeBsary to notify any of tho poworsof these facts, and he asserted thatHawaii and Palmyra had no presentcounotion.

    Uolgium tho Arbitrator.

    Yokohama, Aug. 5. It is semi-officially stated that tho JapauosoGovernment has auuounced thatBelgium will bo seloclod to act asarbitrator iu tho questions in disputebotwoon Hawaii and tho JapaneseGovorumont.

    Blue Sorgo Suits well made for $7at Korr'e.

    The odncatioua comraittoo of thoY. M. G A. meet this aftomoou tomake Had arrangomouts for theoomiug term's oIobsos. Tho termopuus 011 Sept. 20th and lasts 13wooks.


    The Proposed Chango in TreatiesOn ada's Resolutions Declarodto Indicato a Dosire for KvouCloser llolationn With Britain.

    Special Dispatch to tho Chronicle

    London, August 4 The Secretaryof Stato for tho Colonics Mr. Cham-berlain, answering a question in theHouse of CommoiiB to day on thosubject of tho denunciation of thotreaties with Germany and Belgium,said tho denunciation was tho un-animous wish of thecolonies, who desired to deal withthe United Kingdom on prefer-ential terms.

    Mr. Chamberlain added that atthe conferonco betwoon tho ColonialPromiers and himself a resolutionwas passed unanimously, in sub-stance boiug that the Premiers ofthe" colonies hoartilyrecommended tho oarliest denuncia-tion of the treaties, and this was accompanied by an important andsignificant resolution, namely thatin tho hopo of improving the traderelations between tho mothor coun-try and tho colonies, the Premierspresent undertook to ooufor withtheir colleagues as to what resultcould bo secured by a preferencegiven by tho colonies to tho pro-ducts of tho United Kingdom.

    On receipt of tho results of theioconference1', Mr. Chamberlain fur-ther explained, Hor Majesty's Gov-ernment resolved immediately towithdraw the treaties with Germanyaud Belgium.

    Tho Secretary of State for thoColonies said also that tho law off-icials of the Crown were now con-sidering tho question whether theresolution of the Canadian Parlia-ment infringed these treaties. ThoCanadian Government, Mr. Cham-berlain said, has asked to bo allowedto be ropreRonted before the lawofficers of jtho Crown. This was un-usual, but the request of the Gov-ernment of Canada had beongranted.

    In conclusion, Mr. Chamborlain as-sured tho House that the action ofCanada in this matter, was not aatop toward separation, but distinct-ly a movemout against separation,tho intention being to show grati-tud- o

    and to prove tho loyalty of thocolonies.


    The Reply to Scare AonexationlstYarns from This City ThatEotirdsloo Bad Annexed Hawaii.

    Washington, Aug. 3. It is declar-od positivoly at tho State Depart-ment that there has boon no changein the instruotionB givou eithor toMinister Sewall or to AdmiralBeardslee touching their attitudetoward tho Hawaiiau question. TheAdmiral's instructions woro to pro-to- ct

    American interests at all points,and to establish a protectorate onlyin tho ovent of serious disturbanceor the commission of some overt act.It is not understood that the execu-tion of this order was at all depend-ent upon tho aotiou or non-actio- nof Congress upon the annexationtreaty.

    At the Navy Department it wassaid that Admiral Beardsloo's ordercontemplated a landing iu emergencies to preserve the status quo,and tho lauding iu that case willnot bo for a longer poriod of timethan was nonessary to restore conditions to thoir former shape.

    It was Br id that as President Mc-Kinl-had referred tho whole mat-

    ter to Cougross along with tho an-nexation treaty, it would uot bocourteous to that body for theExecutive to act now unless Cou-gre- ss

    had expressed its will. It wasfurther said that there was no truthiu the story that thebattleship Oregon was under ordersto sail for Honolulu.

    It was stated at tho State Depart-ment that no special commissionerhas boon sent to Hawaii by Presi-dent MoKiuJoy, as is stated in a SanFrauoisoo dispatch, aud that anyperson roprosouting himsolf as suchhas no authority to do so.

    , Ohildrous trimmed sailor hats inall colors only 50 conts at N. S.Saoh'o. .


    Founded, 170 Cash Capital, $8,000,000Oldest fr'iro Insurance ' Company In tho tinitod States.Losses paid since organization over - - x - $00,000,000.


    Established, 1859. .... Capital $5,000,000.Insurance effected on Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Mofchaudiso

    0T For lowest rates apply to 1UBS. LOSEGeneral Agout for tho Hawaiian Islands.



    Improved Planters HoSolid Cast Stoel Eyo aud Blado Forged Entire.




    VACUUM OILS,The Standard of Merit'Ujraiu'srsal Stoires and Eanges,


    A Large. Assurtmenl ui General Hardware.


    HAWES'-- At Hilo, Flawaii, on Fri-day the sixth August, 1897, AlbertGeorge Sidney Ha wos, F R G.S. HorBritannic Majesty's Commissionerand CohsuI General. Aged 51 yoars.


    Miss Gay aud hor familv desire toexpress their most heartfelt thanksfor the many kindneses and thewarm sympathy extended to themduring their sad trial by friond?,whoso arts helped to lighten thoirburden.

    Big FreightsBy the "Wilder for W.

    "W. Dimond and now wo arebus' getting- - goods in positionfor customers to examine.Three extra clerics in the cellarthis week unpacking goods.Don't look like dull times,does it? Wo are here forbusiness and the Wilderbrought the goods that willmake things hum. "We fixtho prices to suit the custom-ers and mark tho goods inplain figures.

    Another carload of JewellStoves and Ranges is not toomuch. We have a carloadon the way all the time ; its abreezy busy lino with us, be-cause everybody likes theJewell.

    In other lines by tho Wilderwe havo onough glass, bothcut or pressed, to stock anyordinary store. With us it isonly a department, but wemake it a good 0110 by con-stantly bringing in new goodsat prices which win consider-ation from the masses.

    An innovation with us isa complete line of kitchentables, cupboards and safes.These aro made of tho bestseasoned material and may bekept free from ants orroaclies.The ordinary "made to orderin Honolulu" sort cannot bedepended upon in this robpect.

    Our house furnihsing de-partment is complete. El veryone will tell you this.

    J. T. Waterbonse.

    There aro three brands ofJams and Jellies known to beabsolutely pure. Crosse &Blackwells, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co. Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-fornia the goodrt of the latterpassed every inspection andnow como out of the factoryspecially stumped "PureFood.'' We have a completestock of these goods and offerthem to the public at very lowptices.

    Our grocery department isfull to the brim with reliablegoods and our prices aro lowenough as to draw commentfrom other dealers. Wo buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythey are always fresh.

    "Wo handle the celebratedAlbeit boneless sardines andthe Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that are unexcelle'd.

    "Wo curry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-phon- o

    and careful attentionpaid to the selection of oods.



    TTAViNQ minx T1IIB DAY Al-t- hoXX minted by Hor Mn OaconDownuor. Kiuilohmi. ns A iron (KonohikUof thu rishcrips of Himuuma nnil Awmvivmain, obtnluod by her nnilor Lease fromtho Truhtcos of tho J). ! lilahop Kstnto,otendlng from Mnbaimu J'oint to KokoHead to tho south of this Inland, 1 hore-h- y

    warn all persons from fishing in ortiuspaHsing upon tlio sumo without firstobtaining permission. Anyone disregard-ing this notlco will bo piostouted to thofullost extent ot tho law.

    WJIi AUL1).Honolulu, July 28, IH)7. OlMm

  • JUST ARRIVEDA now lot of the Finest

    Musical Instruments.Autohnrps, Guitars, Violins, Etc.

    Also n new lnvolco of tlio Celebrated

    Wostermeyer Pianos,Specially manufactured for tho tropical

    ollmnte, second to nono,


    On the Hawaiian Islands during the lostyears.



    General Merchandise.

    Also tho choicest European and Amorl- -

    Beers, Ale, Wines & LiqnorsAT MOST REASONABLE PBIOES.


    Corner King k Bethel Streets.

    T. B. MURRAY321 fc 323 King Street.

    The Leading

    Carriage and

    Wagon Manufacturer.. ALL MAtKCIALS OH IIAHD . .

    Will furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers.

    Horse Shoeing a Specialty.

    TK.T.KPHONR fi72. --WC&

    rii.srnoNE C07. P. 0 Box 321.


    Carriage Manufactory,128 & ISO Fort Btreet.

    Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

    Blacksmitliing in all Its Brauclies

    Orders from tho other Islands in Building.Trimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

    promptly attended to.

    W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.1 (Bdccessor to G. West).

    Wm. 6. Irwin & Co.i 'i


    Win. G. Irwin i President & Manager' Glaus Bprockels nt

    XT. M. Giffard Secretary & TreasurerTheb". C. Porter Auditor


    Commission Agents.AGENTS OT THE

    Oceanic Steamship Comp'yQf Ban Frannlnrn. C!al.

    Metropolitan Meat Go.


    G. J. Wallib, Manaukr.

    Wholesale andRetail- - . . .


    Navy Contractors

    tt If

    A. Family Hotel.T. XBOTJBE, ... Propr

    Fer Day ? 2.00PcrWeeV 12.00


    The Beit of Attendance, tho Best Bltuattnn.n4 ib VI- -. vr..t. Ir, H.I. OH-- r

    WM Rfffl.u. y, iu.(LIMITED.)


    San Francisco, Cat.

    BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.,Philadelphia, Ponn., U B A.

    NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO..(Manf. "National Cnne Shredder'1 1.

    Now York, U. 8. A.

    N. OHLANDT & CO.,San Francisco, Cal.


    582-- tf San Francisco, Cal.

    Occidental HoteLCorner Klnc and Alakca Streots,


    Mrs, A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress,

    Rooms Enstiito and Single, withBoard, from S5 50 per wwik, accord-ing to requirements of the guests,with Hot and Cold Bath.

    Tho only Promenade Roof Gardenin tho city. GEO. CA VENAGH,

    Manager.t5T Telephone : : : 654


    W. H. RIOKARD,

    General Business Agent


    Conveyancing in All Its BranchoaCollecting and AH Business

    Matters of Trust.

    All business entrusted to him will reoeivoprompt and careful attention.

    Office. Honnkaa. Hmrmkiin. Hawaii.


    that Subscriptions to The Inde-pendent aro payable in advance attho rate of GO cents a month or $6 ayear.

    Tho papers of those in arrear willbo stopped unless payment ispromptly made.

    No former subscriber desirous ofrenowing will be sorved unless ar-rearages are paid. -

    The Independent i3 conducted onthe cash and contract priciplo inpayments and receipts, and is nowso firmly established on a payingbasis that it declines absolutely toservo subscribers who do not pay.If you want The Independent youmust buy it.

    Businoss Cards.


    Real Estate and General BusinessAoents, Also Surveyors.

    OlBco Vi Konia Btreet, Honolulu.

    B. N. BOYD,

    Surveyor and Real Estate Aoent.

    Office : Bothel Street, over tho New '230 Model Rostaurant. ly


    Pldmbino, Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iro- nWobk.

    King Street-- , Honolulu.


    Attorney- - at-La-

    Kaabumanu Btreet, Honolulu.


    Frank Brown, Manager.9 nl vn Mornlio.it Oot, Unnnlnln W. T,


    Dealers in Lumber and Goal andBuildino Materials of

    All Kinds.

    ()nn !, TTonnlnln


    Acquitted n Woman of n FiendishMurdor and are Mobbed.

    Human stupidity could hardlygo further than that displayed bytho jury at tho Assizos in Epinal.One of the prisonors was a womanproved guilty of the most fiendishcruelty toward her child, whomfinally she killed by throwing itdown a flight of stairs. The torturosshe had inflicted upon tho infantwere so diabolical that no doubtwas entertained about hpr convic-tion. But no.

    The jurymon of thn Vosges areevidently oppononU of capital punishment and returned a negativeanswer to all the questions proposedby tho Procurour, with the resultthat tho prisonor was acquitted.The public was so indignant thatthe jury was mnbbod and only savedfrom a ducking by tho gendarmes,while the liberated woman was halfkilled beforo tho police protectedhor by reimptisoning her. AlbertBattaillo adduces this fresh instanceof the astounding idiocy displayedby juries upon occasion as a goodreason for tke entire reorganizationof trial by jury. Paris Letter, N. Y.Herald.

    Annoxition of Hawaii.

    While we in England aro bendingall our onorgios to the celebration oftho glorious anniversary of Tuesdaynest, an event of tho utmost im-portance is proceeding in the othercontineut. Tho projected annex-ation of Hawaii by the Governmentof tho United State?, which is nowall but an accomplished fact,caunotbe without results of tho most

    character, not only to thoUnited States but to tho world atlarge. No American Governmenthas ever beforo sought to take aplace as a colonising power amongthe kingdoms of the world. Thonorthern continent has hitherto con-tented itself with the assortion oftho Monroe doctrine, which holdsthat no Eastern Power can bo allow-ed to acquire fresh territory upontho maiuland of America, and, apartfrom its longing look towardsCanada, tho Government of thoUnited States has never betrayedany symptoms of the land-grabbin- gfevor. Of course it must be admit-ted that tho United States has everyright to take such precautions as itthinkB necessary to protect itscoasts, and we have no reason to ob-ject. The greatest of the Americannaval strategists so far as English-men know, the only one CaptainMahan, has deolared that Hawaii isthe key of the Pacific, and com-mands the American seaboard onthat side. And in this state ofaffairs what Power has more interestin the command of tho Americanseaboard than the United States?Japan has protested, but her pro-test is littlo likely to be pressed toan issue. It is stated this morningthat the President's friends are dis-appointed became ho does not, infeoommonding the annexation, giveany "great arguments of State." The"political consoionce of the nation,"it is said, will not otherwise be satis-fied. We have scarcely such anopinion of tho political consciencein question. Wo prefer the Presi-dent's attitude, It is more honest.He sees that America wnnta Hawaii,and ho is in favor of taking it.

    Evening Neivs, London.

    Tho United States and Hawaii.

    It is probable that tho people oftho United States are about to makea new departure-- iu national policyand to begin to annex. Tho Presi-dent if) understood to bo in favourof allowing Hawaii to enter the Uni-on as a "territory." Certainly noobjection will bo made by this coun-try, and if Japan has objections thoyare are not likely to bu prossed. Thepeople of Hawaii aro auxioua for thoprotection of America; and unlesstho Senate prefers to stand by thoold tradition which onforces the wis-dom of avoiding all such occasionsfor foreign complications as distantcolonies afford, tho annexation islikoly to bo speedily accomplished.-T- he Tablet.

    Rudyord Kipling Wrkos AnotherPoom

    The London Times publishes fivestanzas by Rudyard Kipling,

    Tho first stanzais as follows:

    God of our fathers, known of oldLord of our far-flun- g battlo line

    Beneath whoso awful hand wo holdDominion over palm and pine;

    Lorli God of hosts, bo with us jot,Lost we forget, lest wo forgot.

    Describing the cessation of thejubileo festivities, tho poom con-tinue:Lo, all our pomp of yesterday,

    Is one with Nineveh and Tyre;Judge of tho nations, spare us yet,-Le- st

    we forget, lest wo forgat.

    Then, as a warning against idleboasting, the final stanza rends:For heathen hoart that puts hor

    trust,Tn reeking tube and irons hard,

    All valiant dust that builds on dust,And guarding calU not thee to

    Ruard;For frantic boast and foolish word

    This mercy on thy people,Lord, amen.

    NEW STORIES RETOLD.Certain members of the Chamber of

    Commerce were discussing the abilityof Germans to drink beer, and one ofthem offered to wager that any Teu-ton out of a crowd at work on a build-ing near, by could drink a gallon oflager without stopping. The party ap-proached a sturdy-lookin- g stone ma-son, and tho sporting man asked:"Will you drink a bucketful of beerif I pay forlt?" The mason, thoughta minute. "Veil, I drink it "if I can.I don't know,tliough,. if I can. Youwait a minute." He disappeared intoFort street, but returned a mo-ment later, smiling. "All right," hesaid, "I vas ready." They went intoan adjoining saloon nnd the. Teutondrang the gallon of lager without awink. Coming back to his mallet andchisel, ho said: "I vas not suro if Icould drink a pall of beer or not, soI vent into Tho Criterion and tried aglass of Italner first."

    The English governess of AlfonsoXIII., King of Spain, is responsiblefor this story about her royal charge:His Majesty evinced ono day atluncheon a decided preferonco forfingers in place of forkes. After hehad ofTendod several timos in thisway his govorness roraoustratedgently, "Sire, Kings do not eat withtheir fingers." "This King doesl"came tho gleeful reply.


    Counsellor at Law,

    20-- Morchaut Street (.ono door fromFort Street.)

    C55 Hono.lulu, H. I, tf.


    rpHE HERETO--foro existing between A. S, Humphreys

    and h. J. Mucdonald for tho prw iioo oflaw under tlio linn name of liumphioys& Mucdonald has been dissolved. Mr.HuniphrcAB will occupy the ollues at cor-ner King and Bethel btreo h, and will cl

    to h!1 civil matters now In the handsof tho firm


    Honolulu, August 4, 1897. C5J lw


    TTtURNISHKD OR UN-- - --,...,L1 furnished House: Par- - azlMC .lor, Dining, Room, Two p sm jfmBedrooms, Kitchen. Bath.oio , aU in first claps condiiion, Stableroom and Servants' quarters; groundn Inelegant condition, l.uoitlon uppor'LIUhaStreet; pobsession given Aug. 1. Apply atIndependent Oilico, OU-- tf


    A COTTAGE ON KINGex. Street, KulaokahuaPlains, containing sixroams, with nuthouses between tlio residences (if tho Hon A. Rosaand T R. Walter, Esq and lately occupiedby B. Thocl Artoslau water laid on.For furtht-- r purtlculais, apply to

    Aimn.iin.iU ire.uaAaiim4,Honolulu, July 15 1897 Telo. k80.


    THOS. LINDSAY,Jeweler,is prepared'to

    Manufacture and RepairAU kinds of Jewelry,


    503 Love Bnlldlne. Fort St. tf


    First-olas- a Gauoos With Exporioncod

    Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on fivo minutes no-

    tice at any hour in the dayfrom tho

    (I HOI PAKAKA NAM"Of Waikiki.

    F Tickets, $1 per hour for eachperson, to bo obtained from'tho

    "Hale Oiwi"(W. W. Dimond's store, von Holt

    Block) or ot any of tho popularbeach resorts or by telophone "56"on week days or "92-t- on SundayB.Oano63 sent nnywhero on tho Boach

    581-- tf

    Merchants' Exchange

    S. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

    Corner King ana Nuunnu Streets.

    sAND- -

    eas telephone jih. --wh

    Eiifire Saloon,Corner Ntiuanu nnd. Hotel BU.

    Oii&rleh W. Andrews - - Manager

    CiioicG Wiies, UprUhiHALF-AND-HA- ON DRAUGHT.

    Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

    Rainier in Bottles.

    Handmade Sour MashA BFKOIAITY.

    Bruce Waring & Go.,

    Real Estate Dealers.603 Fort St., near King. -

    building lots,Houses and lots, and

    "Lands For Sale

    SQV PartieB wishing to dispose of theirPropnrMfiH. nr Invlrpd tn cull nn tin.

    Hawaiian GrownOysters.

    Tho above delicacy jan now boprocured in suoh quttutitios as re-quired upon leaving orders with

    H. E. Mclotvre & Bro.307-- tf


    JOHN PHILLIPSHas romovid his Plumbing Business, from

    King streo t to tho premises on

    Hotel - StreetFormerly occupied by "Wnwn


    Horse or DogIS 8IOK '

    Call on A. R. ROWAT, D. V. a666 OfHoo-O- lnh Stabler tf

