
2010 Jasmin Canty All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only, and may only be used for commercial purposes with the express written permission of the designer. Please, be cool. The Knitmore Vanilla Sock Pattern by Jasmin Canty (Socks photographed are knit in Cascade Heritage sock yarn. Photo by Jasmin Canty.) Gauge: 8 sts/13 rows per inch Materials: 100g commercial sock yarn. (Regia/Trekking/Opal) 2- 16” US size 1 circular needles Gigi’s variations are in red, Jasmin’s are in (pink). Where both of us do the same thing, the text is in black. Cast on 56 sts using the long-tail cast on (over both circular needles to make sure it’s nice and loose), and divide them evenly on two circular needles. Being careful not to twist the stitches, switch the placement of the first and last stitches. (This puts your knitting in the round.) The tail of your yarn marks the beginning/end of the round. Knit in a 2x2 rib for 1 ½(2”), then knit in stockinette stitch until the total cuff length equals 7”. Divide for the heel flap: Knit across one of the circular needles. (This will be referred to as “Needle 2” moving forward.) Now, turn it around so the purl side is facing you. From here, * Sl1, P1 * across on WS rows. On RS rows, Sl 1 st, knit across. (Note: If you’re familiar with Lucy Neatby’s SlipPurl technique, this is a great time to use it. If you’re not familiar, check it out, it’s awesome.) Work in this manner until the heel flap measures 1 ½(2 ½”), ending with a RS row. Turn the heel: Once the heel flap has measures the correct length, and you have a few uninterrupted minutes to count, starting on the WS: Turn 1: Slip 1, purl 14, p2tog, p1, turn. (10 stitches are remaining on the left hand needle) Turn 2: Slip 1, Knit 3, k2tog, k1, turn. (10 stitches are remaining on the left hand needle.)

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Post on 19-Jul-2016




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Page 1: KnitmoreSock.pdf

2010 Jasmin Canty All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only, and may only be used for commercial purposes with the express written permission of the

designer. Please, be cool.


(Socks photographed are knit in Cascade Heritage sock yarn. Photo by Jasmin Canty.)

Gauge: 8 sts/13 rows per inch Materials:

• 100g commercial sock yarn. (Regia/Trekking/Opal) • 2- 16” US size 1 circular needles

Gigi’s variations are in red, Jasmin’s are in (pink). Where both of us do the same thing, the text is in black. Cast on 56 sts using the long-tail cast on (over both circular needles to make sure it’s nice and loose), and divide them evenly on two circular needles. Being careful not to twist the stitches, switch the placement of the first and last stitches. (This puts your knitting in the round.) The tail of your yarn marks the beginning/end of the round. Knit in a 2x2 rib for 1 ½” (2”), then knit in stockinette stitch until the total cuff length equals 7”. Divide for the heel flap: Knit across one of the circular needles. (This will be referred to as “Needle 2” moving forward.) Now, turn it around so the purl side is facing you. From here, * Sl1, P1 * across on WS rows. On RS rows, Sl 1 st, knit across. (Note: If you’re familiar with Lucy Neatby’s SlipPurl technique, this is a great time to use it. If you’re not familiar, check it out, it’s awesome.) Work in this manner until the heel flap measures 1 ½” (2 ½”), ending with a RS row. Turn the heel: Once the heel flap has measures the correct length, and you have a few uninterrupted minutes to count, starting on the WS: Turn 1: Slip 1, purl 14, p2tog, p1, turn. (10 stitches are remaining on the left hand needle) Turn 2: Slip 1, Knit 3, k2tog, k1, turn. (10 stitches are remaining on the left hand needle.)

Page 2: KnitmoreSock.pdf

2010 Jasmin Canty All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only, and may only be used for commercial purposes with the express written permission of the

designer. Please, be cool.

Now, from here, you’re going to slip 1, then knit (or purl) across until you see a gap. You’re either going to k2tog or p2tog the stitches with the gap between them, then work one more stitch, turn your work, rinse, repeat. When the turning has been completed in this manner, you’ll have 16 stitches remaining on the bottom of the heel. End with a knit row. If you need a little more guidance on the rest of the heel turn, and the “see a gap” instructions aren’t enough, it’s in the right-hand column:

Turn 3: Slip 1, purl 4, p2tog, p1, turn. (8 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 4: Slip 1, knit 5, k2tog, k1, turn. (8 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 5: Slip 1, purl 6, p2tog, p1, turn. (6 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 6: Slip 1, knit 7, k2tog, k1, turn. (6 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 7: Slip 1, purl 8, p2tog, p1, turn. (4 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 8: Slip 1, knit 9, k2tog, k1, turn. (4 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 9: Slip 1, purl 10, p2tog, p1, turn. (2 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 10: Slip 1, knit 11, k2tog, k1, turn. (2 sts rem on the LH needle.) Turn 11: Slip 1, purl 12, p2tog, p1, turn. (No stitches rem on the LH needle.) Turn 12: Slip 1, knit 13, k2tog, k1, turn. (No stitches rem on the LH needle.)

From here, using the same needle (Needle 2) you’re going to pick up 21 stitches, knitwise, up the right side of the heel flap. (This is the side that is facing you at the end of your heel turn.) You might need to pick up more stitches, or less, but 21 is the ballpark you want to be in. Now, you’re at Needle 1. Knit across Needle 1 in pattern. Picking up Needle 2, pick up 21-ish stitches across the left side of the heel flap, then knit the rest of the stitches on the needle in pattern. (58 sts on Needle 2, 28 sts on Needle 1.) Instep Shaping: Round 1:

• Needle 1: Knit across. • Needle 2: K1, SSK, knit to last 3 sts on needle, K2tog, k1.

Round 2: Knit around.

Work instep shaping until you have 56 stitches (total) remaining. Measuring from the center back of the needle, work even until the foot of the sock measures 1 ¾” less than the total foot length.

Toe Shaping:

• Round 1: Needles 1 & 2 : K1, SSK, knit to last 3 sts on needle, K2tog, k1. • Round 2: Knit around.

Repeat these 2 rounds until there are 28 stitches total remaining. Repeat Round 1 every round until 8 stitches total remain. Using the knitted graft (kitchener stitch), close the toe. Weave in ends (find a friend to weave in your ends). Knit second sock (develop ennui).