know & go volume 1 | issue 29

@your Library Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 29 Thinking about Nancy’s NOOK Ordering Database Procedures Updated (for High School ). Please see the attached .pdf in the Updates @your Library email. If you have any questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to call or email Nancy. Other Reminders The End of Year MeeƟng is this Thursday, May 8th from 4:30—6:00PM (followed by the reƟrement dinner at Spiros) at Central High’s Library Classroom. End of the Year Procedures DUE this week—Core Data worksheet, reecƟve narraƟve, eporƞolio sharing need to be complete by May 9th. Final due dates for students that checked out books is also May 9th. Webinars—As the year is drawing to a close don’t forget to record all the webinars that you parƟcipated in this year. The number of hours need to be calculated and put into PEERS so please have all webinars viewed and the data inpuƩed by May 9th. If you have special circumstances, please let Kim know so that we can make arrangements if necessary. Personalize Learning –Webinar Form Inventory—Many of you have been asking about inventory procedures. AƩached in the Updates @your Library email there is a .pdf that explains the procedure in Horizon. If you have further quesƟons or need assistance, email or contact Jim at ext. 58456 Many of you are using your end of the year budget for puƫng books on your FolleƩ Shelf, if you order interacƟve books from FolleƩ, know that they are coming from a dierent publisher. This means that you will be sent a one Ɵme username and password to set up those interacƟve books within your FolleƩ Shelf. MASL Wrapup Due May 9th If you went to MASL this year please be sure to complete the Conference Sharing Form along with your Most Important Point Slide in the shared MASL WrapUp Google PresentaƟon. As you are looking at those databases that you would like to provide for your library next year, please check out St. Louis County Library’s list of free databases in the aƩached email. Knowing what resources are available may help you in deciding what to oer your building. 4 Advanced Search Operators to Help Find Elusive Google Drive Files Organizing Google Drive can be a liƩle tricky, but luckily you can quickly idenƟfy and access what you need by searching Drive more eciently. The video will cover how to best search Drive by using the following operators: Title—search by the les’ Ɵtle (group phrases in quotaƟon marks) Owner—search according to who owns the item (works best with owner’s email address) Type—search by the le type (document, spreadsheet, presentaƟon, drawing, image, video, .pdf, and textdoc). Is:starred—search items that are marked with a star

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Year end reminders, search operators to find Google Drive files, 7 best STEM resources, Youngzine, perfect author visits, geek the library, terrific web tools for digital portfolios, Worldometers, Wellcome creative common images, National Children's Book Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Celebrating Baseball, and St Louis County Library's Summer Reading Club


Page 1: Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 29

@your Library Know & Go

Volume 1 | Issue 29

TTThhhiiinnnkkkiiinnnggg   aaabbbooouuuttt


Nancy’s NOOK  Ordering Database Procedures Updated (for High School). Please see the attached .pdf in the Updates @your 

Library email. If you have any questions or need assistance please don’t hesitate to call or email Nancy.  

Other Reminders   The End of Year Mee ng  is this Thursday, May 8th from 4:30—6:00PM (followed by the re rement dinner at Spiros) 

at Central High’s Library Classroom.  

End of the Year Procedures DUE this week—Core Data worksheet, reflec ve narra ve, e‐por olio sharing need to be complete by May 9th.  

Final due dates for students that checked out books is also May 9th. 

Webinars—As the year is drawing to a close don’t forget to record all the webinars that you par cipated in this year. The number of hours need to be calculated and put into PEERS so please have all webinars viewed and the data inpu ed by May 9th. If you have special circumstances, please let Kim know so that we can make arrangements if necessary.  Personalize Learning –Webinar Form 

Inventory—Many of you have been asking about inventory procedures. A ached in the Updates @your Library email there is a .pdf that explains the procedure in Horizon. If you  have further ques ons or need assistance, email or contact Jim at ext. 58456 

Many of you are using your end of the year budget for  pu ng books on your Folle  Shelf, if you order interac ve books from Folle , know that they are coming from a different publisher. This means that you will be sent a one  me username and password to set up those interac ve books within your Folle  Shelf.

MASL  Wrap‐up  ‐ Due May 9th  ‐ If you went to MASL this year please be sure to complete the Conference Sharing Form along with your Most Important Point Slide in the shared MASL Wrap‐Up Google Presenta on.  

As you are looking at those databases that you would like to provide for your library next year, please check out St. Louis County Library’s list of free databases in the a ached email. Knowing what resources are available may help you in deciding what to offer your building.  





4 Advanced Search Operators to Help Find Elusive Google Drive Files 

Organizing Google Drive can be a li le tricky, but luckily you can quickly iden fy and access what you need by searching Drive more efficiently.  The video will cover how to best search Drive by using the following operators: 

Title—search by the files’  tle (group phrases in quota on marks) Owner—search according to who owns the item (works best with owner’s email address) Type—search by the file type (document, spreadsheet, presenta on, drawing, image, video, .pdf, and textdoc). 

Is:starred—search items that are marked with a star 


Page 2: Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 29

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources

7 Best STEM Resources  Looking for online STEM resources to share with students and staff, use with Maker Spaces, or Google’s 80/20 innova on model. The New England STEM ini a ve has a many viable op ons (some have been shared in previous newsle er, but are worth men oning again)! Resources include Makersate, Minecra  Edu, MakerBot Replicator 2, Enterprise City, Hour of Code, Design Squad Na on (in partnership with PBS),  and Northeastern University Center for STEM Educa on (if you want to stay in the loop about STEM—this is your site). 


News & More—Youngzine This site is great for current news and events. It is one of AASL’s Best Websites for Teaching and Learning recommended sites to excite readers (K‐8) with the news of the day.  The site can be embedded into your Edline page too!  

Perfect Author Visits Are you planning to have an author visit your school or even thinking about Skyping with an author? Dan Gutman has sugges ons for planning and execu ng the perfect author visit.  It’s about prepara on ahead of  me and then what to execute on the day of to get the most out of your visit. Reading through this sugges ons and then crea ng your own checklist maybe the way to go.   h p:// 

 GEEK The Library  “Whatever your geek, the public library supports it all.” This campaign is geared for public libraries, but think about how you can help your students discover what they “geek” and help them learn more about their passions, especially this summer. As you view the site you may see ideas on how to promote your own library, they have done a nice job with web presences.  h p://   

Terrific Web Tools to Create Academic Digital Por olios Many schools are looking at the best way to incorporate digital por olios so that students can showcase their work. This ar cle from Educa onal Technology and Mobile Learning looks a wide variety of web tools for the task. Some of the featured tools are: Pathbrite, Google Sites, Silk, Weebly  and Dropr.‐terrific‐web‐tools‐to‐create‐academic.html 

 Not New But S ll a Great Awareness Site— The place to get real world sta cs on popula on, economics, media, food, water, energy, and health. They also have other stat sites like Internet Live Stats, USA Live Stats, and 7Billion World.  h p://   

 Wellcome Images releases 100,000 images under crea ve commons liscesnce. "The Wellcome Library recently made more than 100,000 drawings, photographs, pain ngs, and adver sements available to the world under Crea ve Commons licensing. The images available through the Wellcome Images library are primarily of a historic nature. You can browse the galleries or search for images by keyword."  Posted on h p:// 

Page 3: Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 29

Contact Information

Bill Bass

Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer

Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library Na onal Children’s Book Week  @your Library 

It’s the 95th anniversary (May 12th ‐18th) of Children’s Book Week and it’s the longest‐running na onal literacy ini a ve in the country. The website has a digital toolkit, teachers& librarians page, and  celebra on for elementary and secondary students.   

 Teacher Apprecia on Week @your Library 

Celebrate yourself as well as the teachers in your building. On NEA’s site you can find posters, web art, hashtag informa on (#ThankaTeacher), ac vi es, quotes and more. 



 Celebra ng Baseball @your Library 

The New York Times has put together an interac ve website that illustrates baseball’s borders in rela on to fans. Some fun conversa ons could come from this na onal map. Check out Up Close on Baseball’s Borders.  


Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series  Archived Links to Google Collabora ve Tools, Elements of Digital Ci zenship, the AASL Conference Wrap‐up, Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes, and METC Wrap‐Up can be found on the Library Services webpage.  



Student Opportunities St Louis County Library’s Summer Reading Club The Kid Reading Club (ages 3 to entering grade 5) and the Teen Reading Club (Entering grades 6‐12) starts on May 12th! There are two promo onal videos showcasing how the club works and this year’s prizes are now available on the library’s YouTube channel. The direct links are:     Kid Club Promo onal Video      Teen Club Promo onal Video The videos  can be use to promote the club to your students and parents. Other ideas for sharing include: showing the videos during library or assembly  mes, pos ng them on your website, or sending the link in your newsle er. 

I’m of a fearsome mind

to throw my arms around every living

librarian who crosses my path on behalf of the souls they never

know they saved.

~ Barbara Kingsolver