know how ayurveda is helpful in many diseases

Presented by Neelam Toprani CEO Padmashri Naturals Inc. Sewanti Ayurvedic Series Formulator & Ayurvedic Researcher Ayurveda for Fall Health

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Post on 20-Jun-2015



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Sewanti is the leading supplier of herbal remedies throught canada, offers extensive range of Ayurvedic products & massage oils.


Page 1: Know how Ayurveda is helpful in many diseases

Presented by Neelam TopraniCEO Padmashri Naturals Inc.

Sewanti Ayurvedic SeriesFormulator & Ayurvedic Researcher

Ayurveda for Fall Health

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Ayurvedic Perspective on Fall Health According to Ayurveda: Autumn is the beginning of Vata Season. Vata season starts from late autumn in

October continues till Feb. in colder parts of the country

As nature sends blowing cold and dry winds, we need to prepare our immune system to protect against virus and infections.

We need to prepare our body for the winter.

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Ayurvedic Focus on Fall Health

Importance of fall Cleanse

Why it is different from Spring cleanse ?

Strengthen Immune system

Improve digestion

Improve metabolism

Protect against seasonal virus, cold and flu

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Ayurveda and Vata Season

What is Vata ? Literally means one that

moves. It is composed of Air and Ether

elements Vata governs physical and

psychological movements, circulation and activities of nervous system within the body.

Vata governs the life force within us and is the leader of all doshas.

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Vata Dosha Imbalance Physical symptoms of Vata

Dosha Imbalance:Dry and flaky skinAnxiety and insomniaDiseases of nervous system Intestinal gas, constipation

and bloating. Aches and painScattered energy Low energy

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Ayurvedic Fall Clease Outline

Daily Abhayanga with Nourishing Vata oil

Mono Diet with Kitchari or Moong Bean soup

Herbal Support with Triphala Plus and Ashwagandha Root powder

Warm beverages Ginger, fennel and

cardamom tea

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Ayurvedic Diet plan for Fall Cleanse Mono diet of Moong Bean soup or Khichari fast to provide rest to the

digestive system Restore digestive fire with spices like fresh ginger, cardamom, cumin.

Fennel and turmeric Drink ginger + fennel tea through out the day Avoid dairy, meat and heavy foods Plan for 3 day mono diet or vegetable juice fast or khichari fast as per

the advice of your healthcare practitioner. Limiting and eliminating distractions during meals allows us to focus on

food and the sensations of hunger as well as satiety. Eating till we are ¾ full provides space for our body to digest without

discomfort. Saying Grace before meals and pausing at the end of a meal brings a

message of gratitude and the food nourishes mind, body and the spirit.

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Herbal support for fall cleanseSewanti Triphala Plus Ancient detoxification formula Supports digestive function and

improve nutrient assimilation Cleanses colon, bladder and

kidneys Protects and improves liver and

gall bladder function Removes gall stones Dispels fatigue, boosts energy Detoxifies the body on cellular


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Triphala herbal formula: Ayurvedic Panacea

Sewanti Triphala Plus Sewanti Triphala Plus Can be used for all age groups. Non habit forming. Strengthens eyesPrevents oxidative damage Dosage : 2 capsules twice a

day before breakfast and before bedtime

Ophthalmic care & rejuvenation: 1-2 capsules daily

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Herbs to Balance Vata dosha Ashwagandha Root

Powder Promotes relaxation and reduces

mental and physical stress Vitality herb - rejuvenates &

nourishes the nervous system Promotes male reproductive

balance & sexual function Brings strength to muscles and

bones Clears toxins from the body Certified 100% Organic GMO free

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Ashwagandha Root Powder Dosage: Take 1 - 2 tsp. in warm cow's milk

( preferably raw or organic, whole and sweetened with raw organic sugar with a hint of ghee) or with warm water before bedtime. Beneficial for children as well as

people with weakness.

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Herbs to balance Vata doshaSewanti Joint Flex Relieves joint inflammation and

renews connective tissues Promotes elimination of toxins

from the joints Relieves joint pain and improves

mobility Prevents cartilage degradation

and strengthens joints Enhances digestion Dosage: 2 capsules daily after

breakfast and dinner.

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Nourishing Vata Oil

Excellent support for all Vata disorders

Nourishes dry skin Strengthens joints and muscles Relieves aches and pains Relaxes mind and brings calm Uses: Mental agitation, weak

digestion, aches and pain Contains: Nourishing herbs like

costus, ginger, calamus and cold pressed sesame oil

Massage daily before shower

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How to use the Padmashri Oils ?

• The technique of self massage is simple. • Dip your fingertips into warm oil and apply it lightly to scalp, ears

and face first and then working the oil into the rest of the body to promote absorption.

• Massage with circular motion over rounded areas such as head and joints.

• Use straight stokes on arms and legs moving towards the heart. • Do not apply heavy pressure on sensitive areas as abdomen and

heart. • Relax for 10-15 minutes after the massage. • The transdermal oil is absorbed by the body and therapeutic

benefit of the herbs is carried to the different parts of the body.• Follow the massage with a warm shower or a bath to remove the

dead skins and toxins. • Self massage is contraindicated in pregnancy and during

menstrual periods.

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Ginger and Fennel Tea

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Ginger and Fennel Tea RecipeGinger and Fennel Tea

2 tsp Fennel seeds2 inch piece of fresh ginger minced2-4 Cardamom pods6 cups of purified water

Place all ingredients in pan and boil together 5 minutes.  Fill the thermos with the tea and spices. Let the spices settle at the bottomDrink warm tea throughout the day. Add more hot water if needed Add honey or raw sugar if neededDiscard the spices and make a fresh batch every day.

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Thank You

For more information

Contact: Neelam TopraniEmail: [email protected] Tel: 604-628-2003 Vancouver