know the common gout causes

Know The Common Gout Causes

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Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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DESCRIPTION Gout is caused by hyperuricemia. This high concentration leads to the formation of urate crystals, as a result the joints become inflamed and stiff, which causes significant pain.


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Know The Common Gout Causes

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There are many different possible gout causes.

Understanding what triggers your gout is an essential first step towards bringing the

condition under control.

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Gout is caused by hyperuricemia, in which the level of uric acid in your blood is raised well

above normal levels.

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This high concentration leads to the formation of urate crystals, which get deposited in the tissues

surrounding many of the joints in your body.

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As a result the joints become inflamed and stiff, which causes significant pain.

There are many factors that raise the chances of you getting an attack of gout.

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Some of the most well-known are lifestyle, medical conditions, heredity and

family history, obesity, age and sex.

These play a major role and have been identified as major gout causes.

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When you have gout you may need to make a lot of adjustments in your life to minimize the

risk factors and avoid painful gout attacks.

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The triggers that cause an attack of gout may vary from person to person, so you must find

out your own triggers and avoid them.

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Diet and lifestyle are probably the most common gout causes.

If you do not take sufficient steps to identify the issues, and adjust your life accordingly, you will likely continue to have problems.

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Obesity has been identified as a major gout cause, if not the most significant of them all.

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If you are overweight and experiencing gout, you must reduce your body weight to within

the recommended levels.

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However take care, as rapid weight loss can trigger higher uric acid levels due to the

presence of ketones.

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Eating too many purine-rich foods helps lead to the build up of uric acid and will likely

lead to repeated gout attacks.

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Understanding which foods are high in purines is essential to avoiding gout attacks in the future.

Gout may possibly be a result of other diseases.

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Untreated hypertension, where the blood pressure remains high for long periods, is known to increase the risk of gout.

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Diabetes also leads to an abnormal increase in the blood uric acid.

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Yet another known condition that leads to high uric acid in blood is hyperlipidemia

where there are excessively high amounts of fat and cholesterol in the body.

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If your gout is caused by these other conditions, then obviously treating the gout itself is only

the tip of the iceberg.

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These other conditions must also be addressed at the same time.

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Taking care of these alone might reduce your gout symptoms drastically.

Certain medications may lead to gout as they can cause an increase in the level of

uric acid in your blood.

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For example, if you use aspirin for longer periods it may cause gout, depending on the dosage.

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Diuretic substances, used to reduce the level of salt and water in the body, is also among the

known gout causes.

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Family history, age and sex of the person are also known to play a significant factor in gout


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Gout is seen far more often in men than women, as women normally have lower levels of

uric acid in their blood.

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Men generally develop gout in middle-age, but it is not entirely uncommon to get it

even in your twenties.

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Women may find they develop gout after menopause, as their uric acid level rises to

levels similar to that of men.

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It is important to identify the particular gout causes that are triggering your condition.

Because there may be many issues at play, it is important to seek out professional help.

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However, diet and being overweight are the most common gout causes, and you can usually get rid of gout by making a few relatively minor

changes to your lifestyle.

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For more details and information to get rid of gout forever,

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