knowledge acquisition and modelling decision tables and decision trees

Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling Decision Tables and Decision Trees

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Page 1: Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling Decision Tables and Decision Trees

Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling

Decision Tables and Decision Trees

Page 2: Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling Decision Tables and Decision Trees

Decision Trees Map of a reasoning process Describes in a tree like structure A graphical representation of a decision situation Decision situation points are connected together

by arcs and terminate in ovals Main components

Decision points represented by nodes Actions Particular choices from a decision point represented by

arcs (or straight lines)

Can be left to right Or top down

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Decision Trees Essentially flowcharts

A natural order of ‘micro decisions’ (Boolean – yes/no decisions) to reach a conclusion

In simplest form all you need is A start A cascade of Boolean decisions (each with exactly

outbound branches) A set of decision nodes and representing all the ‘leaves’

of the decision tree

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An Example Bank - loan application Classify application : approved class, denied

class  Criteria - Target Class approved if 3 binary

attributes have certain value: (a) borrower has good credit history (credit rating in

excess of some threshold) (b) loan amount less than some percentage of collateral

value (e.g., 80% home value) (c) borrower has income to make payments on loan

Possible scenarios = 32 = 8 If the parameters for splitting the nodes can be adjusted,

the number of scenarios grows exponentially.

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How They Work Decision rules - partition sample of data Terminal node (leaf) indicates the class

assignment Tree partitions samples into mutually

exclusive groups One group for each terminal node  All paths

start at the root node end at a leaf (terminal node = decision node)

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How They Work Each path represents a decision rule

joining (AND) of all the tests along that path separate paths that result in the same class are

disjunctions (ORs) All paths - mutually exclusive

for any one case - only one path will be followed false decisions on the left branch true decisions on the right branch

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  Disjunctive Normal Form

Non-terminal node - model identifies an attribute to be tested test splits attribute into mutually exclusive disjoint

sets splitting continues until a node - one class

(terminal node or leaf)  Structure - disjunctive normal form

limits form of a rule to conjunctions (adding) of terms

allows disjunction (or-ing) over a set of rules

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Predicting Commute Time

Leave At

Stall? Accident?

10 AM 9 AM8 AM



Short Medium Long

No Yes No Yes

If we leave at 10 AM and there are no cars stalled on the road, what will our commute time be?

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Inductive Learning Making a series of Boolean decisions and

following the relevant branch: Did we leave at 10 AM? Did a car stall on the road? Is there an accident on the road?

Answering each yes/no question allows traversal of tree to reach a conclusion

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Decision Tree as a Rule Set IF hour == 8am THEN commute time = long IF hour == 9am AND accident == yes THEN

commute time = long IF hour == 9am AND accident == no THEN

commute time = medium IF hour == 10am and stall == yes THENcommute time = long IF hour == 10am and stall == no THENcommute time = short

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How to Create a Decision Tree Make a list of attributes that we can measure

These attributes (for now) must be discrete We then choose a target attribute that we

want to predict Then create an experience table that lists

what we have seen in the past

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Sample Experience Table

Example Attributes Target

  Hour Weather Accident Stall Commute

D1 8 AM Sunny No No Long

D2 8 AM Cloudy No Yes Long

D3 10 AM Sunny No No Short

D4 9 AM Rainy Yes No Long

D5 9 AM Sunny Yes Yes Long

D6 10 AM Sunny No No Short

D7 10 AM Cloudy No No Short

D8 9 AM Rainy No No Medium

D9 9 AM Sunny Yes No Long

D10 10 AM Cloudy Yes Yes Long

D11 10 AM Rainy No No Short

D12 8 AM Cloudy Yes No Long

D13 9 AM Sunny No No Medium

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Choosing Attributes The previous experience decision table

showed 4 attributes: hour, weather, accident and stall

But the decision tree only showed 3 attributes: hour, accident and stall

Why is that?

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Choosing Attributes Methods for selecting attributes show that

weather is not a discriminating attribute We use the principle of Occam’s Razor: Given

a number of competing hypotheses, the simplest one is preferable

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Decision Tree Algorithms The basic idea behind any decision tree

algorithm is as follows: Choose the best attribute(s) to split the

remaining instances and make that attribute a decision node

Repeat this process for recursively for each child Stop when:

All the instances have the same target attribute value There are no more attributes There are no more instances

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Identifying the Best Attributes

Refer back to our original decision tree

Leave At

Stall? Accident?

10 AM 9 AM8 AM



Short MediumNo Yes No Yes


How did we know to split on leave at and then on stall and accident and not weather?

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ID3 Heuristic To determine the best attribute, we look at the

ID3 heuristic ID3 splits attributes based on their entropy. Entropy is the measure of disinformation Entropy is minimized when all values of the

target attribute are the same. If we know that commute time will always be

short, then entropy = 0 Entropy is maximized when there is an equal

chance of all values for the target attribute (i.e. the result is random) If commute time = short in 3 instances, medium in

3 instances and long in 3 instances, entropy is maximized

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Entropy Calculation of entropy

Entropy(S) = ∑(i=1 to l)-|Si|/|S| * log2(|Si|/|S|) S = set of examples Si = subset of S with value vi under the target attribute l = size of the range of the target attribute

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ID3 ID3 splits on attributes with the lowest

entropy We calculate the entropy for all values of an

attribute as the weighted sum of subset entropies as follows: ∑(i = 1 to k) |Si|/|S| Entropy(Si), where k is the

range of the attribute we are testing We can also measure information gain (which

is inversely proportional to entropy) as follows: Entropy(S) - ∑(i = 1 to k) |Si|/|S| Entropy(Si)

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Given our commute time sample set, we can calculate the entropy of each attribute at the root node

Attribute Expected Entropy Information Gain

Hour 0.6511 0.768449

Weather 1.28884 0.130719

Accident 0.92307 0.496479

Stall 1.17071 0.248842

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Problems with ID3 ID3 is not optimal

Uses expected entropy reduction, not actual reduction

Must use discrete (or discretized) attributes What if we left for work at 9:30 AM? We could break down the attributes into smaller


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Problems with ID3 If we broke down leave time to the minute, we

might get something like this:

8:02 AM 10:02 AM8:03 AM 9:09 AM9:05 AM 9:07 AM

Long Medium Short Long Long Short

Since entropy is very low for each branch, we have n branches with n leaves. This would not be helpful for predictive modeling.

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Problems with ID3 Can use a technique known as

discretization choose cut points, such as 9AM for splitting

continuous attributes generally lie in a subset of boundary points,

such that a boundary point is where two adjacent instances in a sorted list have different target value attributes

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Pruning (another technique for attribute selection) Pre-Pruning

Decide during the building process when to stop adding attributes (possibly based on their information gain)

May be problematic Individually attributes may not contribute much to a

decision But what about in combination with other attributes

may have a significant impact

Post-Pruning waits until the full decision tree has built and then

prunes the attributes Subtree Replacement Subtree Raising

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Subtree Replacement

Entire subtree is replaced by a single leaf node




1 2 3

4 5

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Subtree Replacement

Node 6 replaced the subtree Generalizes tree a little more, but may

increase accuracy



6 4 5

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Subtree Raising

Entire subtree is raised onto another node




1 2 3

4 5

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Subtree Raising

Entire subtree is raised onto another node

This was not discussed in detail as it is not clear whether this is really worthwhile (as it is very time consuming) A


1 2 3

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Problems with Decision Trees While decision trees classify quickly, the time

for building a tree may be higher than another type of classifier

Decision trees suffer from a problem of errors propagating throughout a tree A very serious problem as the number of classes


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Error Propagation Since decision trees work by a series of local

decisions, what happens when one of these local decisions is wrong? Every decision from that point on may be wrong We may never return to the correct path of the


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Decision tree representation of salary decision

Modern Systems Analysisand DesignFourth Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer , Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich

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Decision Tables Used to lay out in tabular form all possible

situations which a decision may encounter and to specify which action to take in each of these situations.

A matrix representation of the logic of a decision

Specifies the possible conditions and the resulting actions

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Terminology Decision Table

A decision table is a tabular form that presents a set of conditions and their corresponding actions.

Condition Stubs Condition stubs describe the conditions or factors that will affect the

decision or policy. They are listed in the upper section of the decision table.

Action Stubs Action stubs describe, in the form of statements, the possible policy

actions or decisions. They are listed in the lower section of the decision table.

Rules Rules describe which actions are to be taken under a specific

combination of conditions. They are specified by first inserting different combinations of

condition attribute values and then putting X's in the appropriate columns of the action section of the table.

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Modern Systems Analysisand DesignFourth Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer , Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich

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Decision Table Methodology 1. Identify Conditions & Values

Find the data attribute each condition tests and all of the attribute's values.

2. Compute Max Number of Rules Multiply the number of values for each condition data attribute

by each other. 3. Identify Possible Actions

Determine each independent action to be taken for the decision or policy.

4. Enter All Possible Rules Fill in the values of the condition data attributes in each

numbered rule column. 5. Define Actions for each Rule

For each rule, mark the appropriate actions with an X in the decision table.

6. Verify the Policy Review completed decision table with end-users.

7. Simplify the Table Eliminate and/or consolidate rules to reduce the number of


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A Simple Example Scenario: A marketing company wishes to construct

a decision table to decide how to treat clients according to three characteristics: Gender, City Dweller, and age group: A (under 30), B (between 30 and 60), C (over

60). The company has four products (W, X, Y and Z) to

test market. Product W will appeal to male city dwellers. Product X will appeal to young males. Product Y will appeal to Female middle aged shoppers

who do not live in cities. Product Z will appeal to all but older males.

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Identify Conditions & Values The three data attributes tested by the

conditions in this problem are gender, with values M and F; city dweller, with value Y and N; and age group, with values A, B, and C

as stated in the problem.

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2. Compute Maximum Number of Rules The maximum number of rules is 2 x 2 x 3 =


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3. Identify Possible Actions The four actions are:

market product W, market product X, market product Y, market product Z.

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4. Enter All Possible ConditionsRULES

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sex m f m f m f m f m f m f

City y y n n y y n n y Y n n

Age a a a a b b b b c c c c

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5. Define Actions for each Rule


Market 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12





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Full table

RULES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sex m f m f m f m f m f m f

City y y n n y y n n y Y n n

Age a a a a b b b b c c c c

ActionsMarket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12





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6. Verify the Policy Let us assume that the client agreed with our

decision table.

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7. Simplify the Table There appear to be no impossible rules. Note that rules 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12 have the same action

pattern. Rules 2, 6 and 10 have

two of the three condition values (gender and city dweller) identical and

all three of the values of the non- identical value (age) are covered,

so they can be condensed into a single column 2. The rules 4 and 12 have identical action pattern, but

they cannot be combined because the indifferent attribute "Age" does not have all its values covered in these two columns.

Age group B is missing.

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The revised table is as follows:

RULES1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sex M F M F M M F M M F

City Y Y N N Y N N Y N N

Age A - A A B B B C C C

ActionsMarket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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Step 1. Identify Conditions & Values We first examine the problem and identify the

data attributes upon which the decision or policy depends.

We then list the possible values of each data attribute. Often, answering the question: "What do I need to

know in order to take action in this situation?" will help identify the appropriate condition attributes.

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Step 2. Compute Maximum Number of Rules A rule is determined by a different combination of

the condition attributes values. Since we have listed these values in the previous step,

the multiplication rule of counting tells us that there will be no more columns than the product of the number of values for each of the condition attributes.

This can be easily verified by constructing a tree diagram listing all possible values of each attribute for each branch of the preceding attribute.

The number of leaves of the tree will be the product described above.

Since some combinations of attribute values may be impossible, the actual number of rules may be less that the maximum.

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Step 3. Identify Possible Actions The actions describe the decisions to be made

or the policy rules to be followed. Asking the question, "What are the different

options for implementing the decision or policy?", should help identify the possible actions.

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Step 4. Enter All Possible Rules We now begin to build the decision table by listing

the condition descriptions in the left margin of the upper part of the table and

the action descriptions in the left margin of the lower part. Then we write consecutive numbers from 1 to the maximum

number of rules across the top. In the rule columns and the condition rows, we list all

possible combinations of condition attribute values. A rule of thumb for arranging the rule combinations is to

alternate the possible values for the first condition, then repeat each value of the second condition as many times as there are values in the first condition, repeat each value of the third condition as many times as needed to cover one iteration of the second condition values, etc.

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Step 5. Define Actions for each Rule In this step we decide which actions are

appropriate for each combination of condition attribute values and mark an X in that column of the action row.

This should be fairly straightforward if the decision making procedure is well defined.

If it is not well defined then the organization of the decision table makes it easier to get the end-user to specify the action(s) for each rule.

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step 6. Verify the Policy Review the completed decision table with the

end-users. Resolve any rules for which the actions are

not specific. Verify that rules you think are impossible or

cannot in actuality occur. Resolve apparent contradictions, such as one

rule with two contradictory actions. Finally, verify that each rule's actions are


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Step 7. Simplify the Decision Table In this step we look for and eliminate impossible rules, and also

combine rules with indifferent conditions. An indifferent condition is one whose values do not affect the decision and always result in the same action.

Impossible rules are those in which the given combination of condition attribute values cannot occur according to the specifications of the problem. (E.G. if we assumed for marketing purposes that all middle-aged men

lived in the city). To determine indifferent conditions, first look for rules with exactly the

same actions. From these, find those whose condition values are the same except for

one and only one condition (called the indifferent condition). This latter set of rules has the potential for being collapsed into a

single rule with the indifferent condition value replaced with a dash. Note that all possible values of the indifferent condition must be

present among the rules to be combined before they can be collapsed.

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Exercise A student may receive a final course grade of A, B, C, D, or F. In deriving the

student's final course grade, the instructor first determines an initial or tentative grade for the student, which is determined in the following manner for a student who has: received a total of no lower than 90 percent on the first 3 assignments and received a

score no lower than 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of A for the course.

scored a total lower than 90 percent but no lower than 80 percent on the first 3 assignments and received a score no lower 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of B for the course.

received a total lower than 80 percent but no lower than 70 percent on the first 3 assignments and received a score no lower than 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of C for the course.

scored a total lower than 70 percent but no lower than 60 percent on the first 3 assignments and received a score no lower 70 percent on the 4th assignment will receive an initial grade of D for the course.

a total lower than 60 percent on the first 3 assignments, or received a score lower than 70 percent on the 4th assignment, will receive an initial grade of F for the course.

Once the instructor has determined the initial course grade for the student, the final course grade will be determined.

The student's final course grade will be the same as his or her initial course grade if no more than 3 class periods during the semester were missed.

Otherwise, the student's final course grade will be one letter grade lower than his or her initial course grade (for example, an A will become a B).