knowledge and innovation in the arab region: realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index...

Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab Knowledge Report

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Page 1: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region:Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index

Prepared by:

Ghaith FarizDirector / Coordinator

Arab Knowledge Report

Page 2: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab


The concept of “knowledge” expands to embrace all forms of a society’s epistemological and cultural assets. It is a

major organizing principal of holistic human development, aiming to expand the choices and opportunities available to the individual Arab to enjoy freedom and an honorable life.

Knowledge in terms of its acquisition, production, indigenization, and deployment, thus becomes a tool and

goal that affects all levels of society equally and involves all fields, from the scientific, artistic, cultural and traditional to

accumulated social experiences.

Arab Knowledge Report 2009

Page 3: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Knowledge is an entry point to reform and human development: a tool and product of development

Knowledge is a human rightAdopting the broader concept of knowledge, which

includes humanities, art, literature, in addition to applied sciences

The tight connection between the status of knowledge and the enabling environments (Political, economic and social environments)

Intercommunication; within the inside and with the outside, is a founding pillar

Page 4: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

The Arab Region

and the Aspired Knowledge Society

Page 5: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

General Environment

• Human development… the broader framework of knowledge society: A slight improvement with the persistence of many structural problems (Poverty, unemployment among youth, illiteracy among adults)

• Additional pressures: Negative impact of wars, occupation and internal conflicts, extremism

• The global financial/economic crisis: Opportunities and challenges for the establishment of the knowledge society

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Education: The founding tributary of knowledge society

Page 7: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Despite the Arab region having spent about 5% of GDP and 20% of government

budgets on education over the past 40

years, around 1/4 of the population (15 years & older) is unable to read or write,

and there are still some 48 million illiterate individuals in the Arab region.

Page 8: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

• About one third of the Arab countries suffer

from significant school drop out rates• Children in many Arab countries receive less

than 70% of the time allotted for their formal education

Some 5 million school age children in the Arab countries are out of school of which over 60% are females

Page 9: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Minimum Required Score

Cognitive Skills

(Searching for information, written communication, problem solving and use

of technology)

Conative skills(motivation to learn, self

esteem and planning for the future)

Social Skills(communicating with

others, teamwork, public participation)

Values(cognitive, conative, social and universal)

Quality of Education

Source: Arab knowledge Report 2010/2011

Page 10: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Up to this date, the educational systems in the Arab region were

not able to create a critical mass of technicians capable of meeting the

demands of the labor market

Enrollment in higher education=24.1% compared to world average of of 28.7% and

57.5% in Europe and Central Asia, and 59% inJapan, and 75.8% in countries of very high HDI

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Enrollment in Higher Education



Humanities and


Social Sciences,Law and Business




manufacturing and





/Other Unknow




11.7*13.25* 1.63* 3.47*







18.68*** .. ..


..Jordan 19.43* 17.6* 28.06* 9.72* 6.4* 5.44* 2.98* .. *9.88Lebanon 5.1* 12.62 46.49 10.99 12.35 .. 11.19 0.81 ..Morocco





12.4*** 1.12***6.65***







17.41** 0.84**10.22**







7.27 .. 8.46


..Qatar 5.23 18.64 34.59 6.35 27.22 .. 5.49 2.49 ..Saudi Arabia





8.3 .. 8.5


..Tunisia 0.5 18.74 23.72 25.92 16.45 1.54 9.19 3.92 ..

*2011 Data **2010 Data ***2009

Page 12: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Information and Communication Technologies The pillars and tools of knowledge

Page 13: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

• Arabic is among the top ten languages used on the net. Arabic-speaking internet users are the fastest growing group (>2000%).

• Arabic digital e-content is still relatively weak

• Rates of internet use in most Arab countries are less than the prevailing global rates

• Dissatisfactory levels of ICT applications for development (Education, health, media... with the exception of GCC countries)

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Arab Performance in Innovation

Page 15: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

• Spending on scientific research in the Arab region is among the least worldwide (Ranging from 0 to 1 % of GDP, most of it depends on government funding with minimal involvement of the private sector )

• Scientific publishing and patents...modest achievements • Arab citizen’s share in published books equals 4 per cent

and 5 per cent of the share of British and Spanish citizens

• Loss of Arab human capital (brain drain)...the ultimate result of low incentives and high constraints (45% of Arab students who study abroad do not return to their home countries)

• Weak link between innovation and production/development

Page 16: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Country PopulationNumber of papers in

2013Saudi Arabia 28 287 855 3 266

Tunisia 10 777 500 1 140Lebanon 4 424 888 354Kuwait 3 250 496 249Jordan 6 318 000 451Oman 3 314 001 203UAE 9 205 651 506Bahrain 1 317 827 72Egypt 80 721 874 2 940Palestine 4 420 549 127Algeria 38 481 705 804Morocco 32 521 143 609Libya 6 154 623 75Iraq 32 578 209 274Syria 22 399 254 122Sudan 37 195 349 104Yemen 23 852 409 66Mauritania 3 796 141 7Comoros 717 503 1

Djibouti 859 652 1Somalia 10 195 134 0

Arab countries according to the number of research per million in the first half of 2013

Source: Arab Scientific Community Organization 2013

Page 17: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Number of Patents Granted by the U.S Patent and Trademark OfficeCountry Patents (2013)

Saudi Arabia 237

Kuwait 84Egypt 34UAE 18Lebanon 7Morocco 1Tunisia 4Jordan 6Syria 0Jordan 3Qatar 7Algeria 0Iraq 0Bahrain 2Sudan 0Libya 0Yemen 0Mauritania 0Total Arab* countries 403Malaysia 214Finland 1221South Korea 14548Germany 15498Greece 65Turkey 74Philippines 27

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Overall Indicators

Page 19: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Knowledge Index

Knowledge Economy Index

Innovation Education & Training













KEI for the Arab Region 2000 & 2012

Source: World Bank Knowledge Economy Index (KEI), 2012:

Page 20: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Knowledge Economy Index Arab Countries 2000-2012



nOman KSA










cco Syria
















Source: World Bank Knowledge Economy Index (KEI), 2012:

Page 21: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

North America

Europe & Central Asia

East Asia & the Pacific

Latin America


Arab Region

South Asia


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Knowledge Economy Index for the World Regions (2000-2012)

2012 2000

Page 22: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

North America

Europe & Central Asia

East Asia & the Pacific

Latin America


Arab Region

South Asia


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Innovation Index (2000-2012)

2012 2000

Page 23: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Despite the multiplicity of institutional initiatives in the Arab region, they neither cover all the domains of knowledge, nor do

they reflect a clear policy for doing so.

Arab legislation remain insufficient/inadequate in terms of either

adoption or implementation to address the questions and issues of the knowledge society.

Institutionalism and Legislation…..

Page 24: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Comprehensive Vision for ChangeDevelopment…Openness and Intercommunication…Knowledge

PoliciesRegional and National

Change Management Institutions and Project Implementation

Business and

investment environment

Education, training

and media

ICT and communi-


System of innovation

and creativity

Social, political

and cultural


Arab YouthSkills…Values…Enabling…

Knowledge Society

Sustainable Human Development

Moving Toward Preparing the Youth for the Knowledge Society

Page 25: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Innovation…. The locomotive to catch up

A suggested framework for an innovation index

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Productive Intercommunication

and Openness



Page 27: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Chronic problems, ambitions and catching up with the world

• Education– Illiteracy over 25%– Quality??

• Rentier economies – No need to be innovative…

• Resource based economies

• Openness and productive intercommunication– Innovation and knowledge require openness and productive


Page 28: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Required scales and indices of innovation in the Arab region

• Most of the available scales and indicators are designed for developed or emerging economies… in the Arab region we are neither nor…..

• How much do we really have of that in the Arab region?

• Are these indicators OK for us???• What should we do..??

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Page 30: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab
Page 31: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Key points for an Arab innovation scale

• Directing the indicators to address our pressing developmental issues

• Can we wait …..Burning stages• Critical mass approach• Democratization/dissemination of innovation

and knowledge• Productive intercommunication and


Page 32: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

Impact/Output(social, economic, environmental, cultural)

Governance of Innovation

Linking knowledge/innovation with production and


Translation and Languages



Partnerships (regional/international

Capabilities (Human/ knowledge


Legislative tools

Societal tools

Institutional tools

Financial tools

Intercommunication and openness Values

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Innovation Doable

Absorptive Capacity

Responsive to Developmental



Efficient and


Page 34: Knowledge and Innovation in the Arab Region: Realities and a suggested framework for a guiding index Prepared by: Ghaith Fariz Director / Coordinator Arab

ImpactBasis Mechanisms Enabling Environments

Employment/povertyPolitical support


Financial tools

Economic (FDI, ODA, Debt…)

Economic environment R &D Legislative tools

Social (health, education, Societal support ICT Institutional tools

EnvironmentalHuman/knowledge capital

Partnerships (regional &


Societal tools

CulturalValues Translation and languages Overall governance

Wellbeing , dignity and prosperity

Protecting legislations

Governance of innovation

Incentives (financial and non-financial)

Elements of Knowledge and Innovation Scale for the Arab Region

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The required change is, at its core, a comprehensive economic, social, political, and cultural process of mobilization to build the Arab renaissance project with and through which the young Arab generation can prepare for a new society that lays the foundations of knowledge and brings openness to the world to serve sustainable human development for the dignity and wellbeing of the Arab people.

Arab Knowledge Report 2010/2011