kong zi

Kong Zi Kong Zi’s Philosophy is secular Anthropocentric Invested in a study of philosophy centered on Man. Determined the outstanding characteristic of a philosophy that is centered on Humanism. Proposed a socio-politico-Moral philosophy founded on Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Sincerity. Towards this goal offered a positive, construction decorous and Humanistic course.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Kong zi

Kong Zi Kong Zi’s Philosophy is secularAnthropocentricInvested in a study of philosophy centered on Man.Determined the outstanding characteristic of a philosophy that is centered on Humanism.Proposed a socio-politico-Moral philosophy founded on Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Sincerity. Towards this goal offered a positive, construction decorous and Humanistic course.

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The ideal society was one that promoted harmonious relationship among morally perfected individuals with a well-ordered structure based on the citizen’s mutual attachment to individual obligation. Never did propose a religion nor did he claim to have introduced anything new. (Transmitter of ancient wisdom) by this claim he became the first professional teacher of China. Lun Yu – the book attributed to him- collection of 20 books of aphorisms and Politico-Moral discourse between the Master and his disciples. He did not write this, but this are the collected sayings of the Master after his death. These are instructive but not dogmatic; sincere and inspiring but never pedantic.

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• Kong Zi on Ren• Ren translated in the West as Jen• James Legge translated it as Benevolence, Arthur

Waley as “Goodness”, some as Human Heartedness, Compassion, Pity, Love, Virtue, Virtue of Virtue, Supreme Goodness, but always with reservations.

• In fact, Ren is a term of plurisignifications that embraces all of the above and yet signifies something more.

• Ren, 仁 is infact a compound ideogram taken from 2 characters _____ literally meaning man, and erh signifying two or second in Chinese numerical system. “Man and second”.

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• Kong Zi on Zhong and Shu• Superior character Zhong signifies center, central or

middle which the inferior Xin literally means heart which is essentially associated with emotions.

• Xin also signifies the mind, the unwavering reason. • Shu is a complex ideogram• Nu – meanign a woman or feminine• Kuo meaning mouth imlying the idea of

communication;• Xin heart or mind, both characters relate the

interrelationship of Ren and the human reason.• Zhong therefore is the the positive aspect of the

practice of Ren.

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• Kong Zi on Yi• Some sinologist translate it as rectitude or duty.• Some obligation or righteousness.• Superior character Yang thus claim the Character

Wang• Wo is placed at the inferior part of the compound • Suggest I carry something.• Second interpretation Wang literally means King.- “I

carry a King”• Duty imposed upon me from which I have no way of

escaping.• Consciousness of one’s moral imperative is something

that one inherits at Birth.

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• A social philosophy based on duty.• Doctrine Zheng Ming, we find Kong Zi’s famous

conversation with the desciple Chi Kang. Chi Kang asked Kong Zi how to govern a state. The Master answered “To govern means to rectify”.

• “Rectification of Names”

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• Made up of two components to worship _______, a person worshipping ceremoniously before an urn where the two joss sticks have just been planted.

• May be taken as rite, ceremony, decorum, deportment, politeness, good manners, propriety or civility. – proper ritual of a civilized life.

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• Complex ideogram – the act of knowing.• Kuo literally means mouth, Yueh __ to say, or to

express or spoken.• Chinese used the word Zhi to signify transmitted

knowledge in expressing the highest of rational enlightenment,

• Zhi implies the necessity of possessing and transmitting wisdom.

• To possess Zhi means to possess virtue, for the virtue is at the same time knowledge.

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Ren Xin

• Ren= Man• Xin = Word• Faithfulness or goodfaith• In Spanish Palabra de honor