konstantina foti candidacy for socialerasmus & erasmus in schools national coordinator

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Post on 19-Jan-2018




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SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Turku, Finland Spring Semester, 2014


Konstantina Foti Candidacy for SocialErasmus & Erasmus in Schools National Coordinator SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| 23 years old BSc in Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Prospective Master degree Student MS c SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Turku, Finland Spring Semester, 2014 SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Section: ESN AUTH SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| NP December 2014 Volunteer NeC Winter Meeting 2015 NBM Thessaloniki 2015 Volunteer SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| SocialErasmus Local coordinator Photo Team member of ESN Thessaloniki NeC member (HR Team) ESN AUTH Board Member Communication Manager Head of SocialErasmus Team of Thessaloniki SE & EiS Events in Thessaloniki SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| CollaborationParticipation WHY ME? The best does not come alone. It comes with the company of the all R. Tagore SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti | ESNers from the SE team of ESN Thessaloniki will tell you why SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Katerina Maria Lakka Valia Tsiala Gavriela Senteri Kostis Yiannidis SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Christina Kyriakou Kyriakos Kalantaridis Georgia Anastasopoulou Mixalis Naris SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti | What can we achieve? The Action Plan SE & EiS Candidacy| Konstantina Foti | SE & EiS NC Candidacy | Konstantina Foti | Small steps SE & EiS NC Candidacy | Konstantina Foti| Strong internal communication Follow SE pillars Create list with organizations we can cooperate EiS: Create List of Schools National Events Early preparation Promotion Involve Locals Reward System Best event - Promotion in FB page Make our SE events widely known through media LCs in every town SE & EiS NC Candidacy| Konstantina Foti| Thank you!