kool & the gang fresh 1984

There is intertexuality in this video of the Walt Disney fairy tale of Cinderella. This is one of the points that Goodwin identified. The effect of having the ideas of a famous fairytale allows the viewer to relate to the video/ song more because their target audience would have read these fairytales in their childhood. It creates a sense of nostalgia for the audience. They are sticking to the iconography of the 70s and 80s which was big hair. This allows the audience to feel apart of belongingness with which was the third need of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Establishing a sense of belongingness in the song is vital because it makes the audience feel connected with the video and the song. The positioning of the big sisters over ‘Cinderella’ allows the audience to realise that these big sisters overpower and control her consequently allowing them to feel sympathy for the performer. There is also light shining on the main protagonist, this connotes that she is a vital person in this video, that at a pinnacle point in the video something good will happen to her, which it does. Although the audience may already know this because they are aware of the story of Cinderella it allows the audience to identify with the character and follow her The fact that she is secluded to one area will heighten the audiences sensation when she breaks free and becomes “fresh” and “exciting” consequently allowing the audience to enjoy the song more.

Upload: rayanne-litchmore

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Kool & the gang fresh 1984

There is intertexuality in this video of the Walt Disney fairy tale of Cinderella. This is one of the points that Goodwin identified. The effect of having the ideas of a famous fairytale allows the viewer to relate to the video/ song more because their target audience would have read these fairytales in their childhood. It creates a sense of nostalgia for the audience.

They are sticking to the iconography of the 70s and 80s which was big hair. This allows the audience to feel apart of belongingness with which was the third need of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Establishing a sense of belongingness in the song is vital because it makes the audience feel connected with the video and the song.

The positioning of the big sisters over ‘Cinderella’ allows the audience to realise that these big sisters overpower and control her consequently allowing them to feel sympathy for the performer.

There is also light shining on the main protagonist, this connotes that she is a vital person in this video, that at a pinnacle point in the video something good will happen to her, which it does. Although the audience may already know this because they are aware of the story of Cinderella it allows the audience to identify with the character and follow her journey.

The fact that she is secluded to one area will heighten the audiences sensation when she breaks free and becomes “fresh” and “exciting” consequently allowing the audience to enjoy the song more.