korean war - 5/6/09

The “Forgotten War” The “Forgotten War” Police Action in Korea Police Action in Korea (1950 - 1953) (1950 - 1953)

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The “Forgotten War”The “Forgotten War”

Police Action in KoreaPolice Action in Korea

(1950 - 1953)(1950 - 1953)

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American Policy and Asia After WWII Growth of Communism in Asia New Policy towards Japan Korean War

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The Chinese Revolution Mao Tse-Tung (Mao

Zedong) - Communists

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek) - Nationalists

People’s Republic of China

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Fear of Communism Grows People’s Republic of China (1949) Soviet Union has nuclear power (1949) Alliance between People’s Republic of

China and Soviet Union (1950)

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China and the UN China was a Security Council Member of

the UN What happened to its seat on the Council

after the Chinese Revolution?

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American Policy towards Japan Gen. Douglas MacArthur: democracy and

security Economic recovery Key to defense against communism in


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The Korean War Japan ruled Korea from 1910 to 1945 Allies divided Korea at 38th Parallel U.S. and Soviet Union could not agree Communist govt set up in North and

American-backed govt. set up in South U.S. and Soviet troops left in 1949 Soviets gave aid to North’s military

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North Invades South June 25, 1950: Northern troops invade the

South U.S. Containment policy is tested Truman ordered U.S. navy and air force to

action Truman appeals to U.N. to act Truman sends MacArthur to lead troops

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InvasionJune 25, 1950 - September 1950

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NSC-68 1950 - U.S. should quadruple defense

spending Resurrected by Korean crisis Truman ordered massive military buildup 3.5 million men in arms and $50 billion per

year on defense (13% of GNP)

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“Pusan Perimeter”

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Behind Enemy Lines Sept. 15, 1950

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North Korean Troops Retreat

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China Enters the WarNovember 1950

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Truman v. MacArthur Truman wanted “limited war” - feared that all-out

war in Korea might lead to nuclear war. MacArthur went to public: “There is no substitute

for victory.” April 11, 1951: Truman fires MacArthur MacArthur remained popular in the public eye

and received hero’s welcome July 27, 1953: Armistice signed

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Public Opinion of the War Almost 3 million Koreans dead/wounded 33,600 American soldiers died in action 2,800 died from accidents or disease Public opinion polls from 1953

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Was it worth fighting a stalemate?

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Effects of Korean War U.S. military buildup Expanded Cold War to Asia

SEATO (1954): Southeast Asia Treaty Organization - Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Australia

America gave aid to French forces fighting Communists in Vietnam

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Korean Relations Today N. and S. Korea never signed treaty 1991: Both accepted into UN 2000: Signed N-S Joint Declaration 2007: Pledged to hold talks about

reunification 6-party talks: S. Korea, N. Korea, U.S.,

Russia, China, Japan N. Korea has 4th largest military in world

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Korean DMZ