kortnye hurst’s lyme fighter...love “medicine” needs to be served up in a way that their heart...


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Post on 25-Aug-2020




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    AN #OVERCOMEit TOOLrealKortnye.com

  • Dear Lyme Fighter,

    You are not alone. I remember scraping the bottom of the Lyme Dragon’s barrel, having thrown away my hopes and dreams, as a hallowed out person, feeling that I has ceased to be “human.” Meanwhile, the craving for comfort, camaraderie, and identity seemed to erode the remnants of my hollowed-out core, as if by a force that had come to kill, steal and destroy.

    Whether you are fighting as a: • solo soldier crawling on through a personal diagnosis, • cherished caregiver desperately aiming to learn how to lend meaningful support, or • close friend hoping to understand a little more about the “invisible” disease your BFF works to slay each moment of every day; if you are reading this resource, please know that rebuilding past Lyme is possible. You can #OVERCOMEit. Though recovery is ferociously daunting, there’s no better place to rebuild than ground zero.

    You need to be aware that the tendency of Lyme Disease will be to create the severest of isolation. Hold the knowing in your hands that HERE, you may find connections for a new beginning. Finally, step forward with heart, knowing this will not be forever. Your life may be forever changed, but as Lyme Fighters, we help one another find physical wellness, spiritual wholeness and a tribe of like-minded family who point each other toward a well-earned future.

    Welcome to the tribe, dear Lyme Fighter! As a member of our human family, we see you, we empathize with you, and while we’ve also trekked this fire walk, we yearn to learn from you and your unique saga, if in no other way than to find out what it means to show true care.

    Together, we redefine strength!

    With Love,





    TESTS 4 WHY SO MANY OPTIONS? SYMPTOMS complications medical check lists PATIENT PREFERRED TESTING listings and overview

    FOOD 6 DOES EVERYBODY HAVE A SPECIAL DIET? YOU MEAN THERE’S MORE THAN ONE KIND? Are the “diets” permanent? How bad is it if they cheat? CAUTION

    PATIENT EXPERIENCE 8 WHY DIDN’T THEY TELL ME THEY WERE SICK? how to be there for with them yes, non-patients are Lyme Fighters too THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK hurtful things people say things to say instead SPEAK LIFE

    FAST FACTS 11 andwheretofindmore

    EXTRAS 12

    DISCLAIMER: this is strictly an “opinion-piece.” It is collected and shared solely from the perspective(s) of Lyme patients and our closest inner circles. As such, this resource is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Please see your preferred care provider for appropriate medical advise.

  • Q: Is my friend crazy? They went to the doctor, took a test, didn’t like the answer (it came back negative). Now it’s like they want to be sick. So many doctor’s visits. They’ve self-diagnosed using some “DIY” test.

    A: It does seem crazy. Theories on Lyme Disease and the ongoing conversations in medical and patient communities are continually evolving. The frustrating reality can also be that convos are also polarizing, which generally preps those around Lyme Fighters to focus on the conversation more, and on the patient less.

    The controversies range from bizarre conspiracies, to some of the most necessary basics (e.g. how you might have become infected, basic diagnostic symptoms, realistic testing capabilities, treatment options, and how long it “should take” to get well or maybe, to simply “recover.”

    A controversial culture is why those fighting chronic Lyme and co-infections are rarely able to tap into their insurance policies for: medical appointments, in-office treatments, pain management or the other commonsense expectations in prescribed regimens, such as extended doses of antibiotics. The slurry of “bad bugs” usually forces it’s hosts to cut back to 1/2 time work, or quit altogether, reducing coverage and income. Patients often go bankrupt, leaving them at the mercy of any living loved ones to 1) believe them, and 2) to bankroll any life-giving opportunities. In short, patients with Lyme are usually desperate; first for answers, and then for access.

    Q: It could all be in my head, but I seem to have overlapping symptoms, though not exactly. . . What else can come along with “Lyme”?

    A: Symptoms Checklist(s) Below:• Canadian Lyme Disease Association• Centers for Disease Control and

    Prevention• ILADS: Neurological Lyme Considerations

    VIDEO: Lyme Neurology: Brain Related Loss of Health- Dr. Jonathan Streit

    Q: I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews on testing capabilities. What are some testing methods that finally got the ball rolling for the Lyme fighters you know?

    A: Diagnostic options (and treatment) are a slurry of debated dialogs. If you’re concerned you may be fighting Lyme, the good news is that there’s never been a time in history with more options available to those who have the money and gumption to request both classical and alternative tests.

    ELSA TESTWHY WE LOVE IT: Almost every doctor’s office will be willing to run it. It’s been considered the gold standard. Church members, medical friends, coworkers and relatives alike won’t question your compitance if you can get diagnosed using this.

    DOWN SIDE: It may be 50% accurate. ,

    IGENEXWHY WE LOVE IT: If you’ve called a list of infectious disease doctors and also had their receptionists reply with, “We don’t treat that here. Don’t call us back,” you’ll appreciate additional options to take testing into your own hands. While none of the tests are perfect, many patients in my personal series of Lyme friends attribute Igenex testing to getting usable information (a diagnosis achieved, usually three or more years after their doctors threw their hands up).

    Igenex offers self-order kits for urine, blood and other miscellaneous bio samples (including breast milk and spinal fluid). Their site is super easy to follow. Once samples are collected, you pop it in the mail and get your

    Bransfield Thorough Head to Toe Assessment for Clinicians

    American Medical Association, Clinical Review & Education


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  • FRIENDS ARE FIGHTERS, TOOPS - we need you.

    #1 TIP: Lyme patients need LOVE. The love “medicine” needs to be served up in a way that their heart can understand.

    Think, styles of love languages, but adapted for where they presently are.

    EXAMPLE: cuddles, becoming a checkin cheerleader, texting us a short prayer, Facebook message that says “I’m here for you even if you don’t feel like replying,” an uplifting note that’s displayed within eye line of their couch or bed, read a book near them while they sleep. (Pssst! Noise, lights, touch and so many things about being around people can hurt, but the loneliness in and of itself can feel almost lethal.)

    In my case, reading became a painful complication. It might have taken all day to email one person back. Responses went through numerous drafts. Same for texts. What I would have given to sit on a park bench with someone and say nothing. Customize your love for the person’s shifting needs and you’re giving capabilities.

    #2 TIP have something to look forward to—a reason to get well—a ray of sunshine in the not-so-distant future.

    It’s easy to stop trying all together. Suicide is the #1 cause of death in chronic Lyme patients (1 in 5). This makes Lyme Disease and the overlapping complications deeply isolating. Nothing is exactly what it seems like from the outside with Lyme. Their life is not “business as usual.” So, if you love someone going through Lyme, consider swapping out your friendship’s usual M.O. for something a bit more in touch with the compromised reality many of us experience.

    Keep in mind that the “thing” in the near future needs to mesh with their more frequent pile of symptoms and may also need to be re-schedul-able. Very little damages the morale of a soul who is fighting to choose to live than when people take offense to the patient’s fluctuating symptoms/intensity, or their personal inability to still do XYZ, or out of nowhere suddenly don’t feel up to the thing their heart was clinging to for a glimpse of joy. Some easy things to place at the forefront might be enjoying tea in the sunshine, a cousin painting your toes, going to a concert, getting well so you can build a life with your partner... Depends on the personality, situation, and resources, but you get the idea.

    results back FYI, or to make a more guided decision of what to do next to procure a doctor, or chase treatment options etc...

    DOWN SIDE: For some of the kits, you’ll need to find a lab (for instance, to perform the blood draw). And, it’s all out of pocket expense. Not exactly pocket change when it can range between $370.00 to $700.00 (per set of panels you order).

    DNA CONNECTIONSWHY WE LOVE IT: They test for the genes present in the pathogens. It’s a different approach to identifying prospective pathogens (as opposed to western blot in the ELSA, which sets out to look for antibodies).

    They also offer additional panels that can have direct overlap with the underlying complications seen on some patients who battle chronic Lyme. HERE

    ZYTO “BIO FEEDBACK” WHY WE LOVE IT: while mentioning biofeedback in medical circles will pique a series of raised eyebrows, we have to admit that if you find it to be a useful modality or “guidance indicator,” it’s probably the most cost-effective and comprehensive series of tests you can do. (Plus, it’s painless and yields an instant battery of printout reports.) Under the direction of a ND (natropathic doctor) it not only addresses pathogens present in your system, but also reports on organ function, hormones, mineral/vitamins, brainwaves and emotional components that might be better in an optimally healthy patient. Point and case, it’s seen as a hooky option. Proceed accordingly. However, it is set up to address the likely underlying issues that allow Lyme to chronically remain, and it’s price point is positioned where patients can schedule regular re-tests to monitor their progress through the treatment and recovery journey (often priced between $150 and $400). TAP to read more HERE.

    FYI: Not all people contract Lyme from ticks. . . but, if you find one attached to you can Google for labs and ship the insect to test for vector-born illnesses… (yes, more than one). There’s also this great list provided by the Global Lyme Alliance. This is as opposed to early testing, which often does not give the body enough time to produce the markers that are usually tested for. Don’t wait to test until chronic symptoms appear. It may be impossible to cure via conventional treatments after stage one.

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    Mold toxicity is commonly observed amongst Lyme patients with “pesterie” forms of Lyme and its co-infections. One Lyme Fighter recommends Real Time Labs to take a better look under the hood.(Mold exposure has strong neurological effects can be a game changing element to improve brain fog, and to sometimes accelerate overall recovery.



  • FOODQ: Do all Lymies have a special diet? Is it permanent?

    A: Diet is crucial.

    PHYSICAL RESERVES CAN INDICATE RECOVERYA patient recovering from a chronic battle with Lyme MUST have calories. Any ICU nurse knows that fuel reserves are critical for recovery. Same here. The body is working overtime, for an extended period of time, to manufacture building blocks and repair and to restrain and kill foreign invaders. PLEASE EAT.

    It’s critical to prioritize quality nutritional building blocks to recover. Strategize how to consistently consume mineral dense foods, quality protein, healthy fats and keep drinking water all-day-strong.

    It can be hard for some Lyme patients to consistently have enough calories of quality nourishment.This may be due to:• limited or inconsistent energy reserves to make food, let alone grocery shop• the stress involved in checking labels or making sure well-meaning others have remembered the guidelines to an exact “T,” to

    obtain “clean” food, or simply the• depression that makes appetite or thirst rise and fall, flavor become less and less appealing, or textures in food become “strange”


    TIP: Hormones can be very “off” during recovery. The stereotyped Lyme patient is rail thin. This isn’t always the case. Low thyroid (or even poor thyroid absorption) amongst other any number of other hormonal and metabolic imbalances may cause the “appearance of health” due to fluctuating water tables and often, significant weight gain.

    PRESCRIBED DIETSShort Term DietsLyme patients are commonly prescribed a “curative diet.” This might include an 8-10 week kick start diet. If this happens, it’s possably prescribed to “boost the immune system,” to minimize nutrients that foreign invaders thrive on, and likely, to reduce systemic inflammation.

    Due to the multi-layered series of co-infections and other systemic complications that frequently accompany Lyme (perhaps including bacteria, viruses, parasites, and systemic yeast and or mold toxicity) the idea to keep in mind is as simple as this: “Why would you feed the bad guys?”

    Overpopulated invaders thrive in an acidic body, and feed on sugar. This is why a strict ketogenic diet (very comparable to what some circles call an “anti-cancer diet”) are commonly prescribed on a temporary bases. Say it with me: tem-por-ary.

    TIP: If you are a born and bread vegetarian or vegan, or if you have conducted personal research and chosen to adopt a diet that is both ketogenic and vegan, please make sure you discuss this with your practitioners when being urged to take on a “curative” diet. If a special diet is prescribed, providers need to be blatantly aware of an individual’s discomfort in learning to eat animal products, or the individual’s choice to refrain from animal products during this time, and address how to incorporate healthy amounts of proteins into your diet throughout this prescribed regimen. The need for increased protein consumption while healing from Lyme is (like everything else) controversial. Meanwhile, balanced health teams across the world will likely agree that depriving the body of essential nutrients for extended periods of time (in this case, prospectively both carbohydrates and protein) can keep the body from having the repair blocks needed to heal and/or cause damage. Actually, inadequate protein consumption in general, but in this case specific to chronic Lyme recovery, can hinder the body from producing it’s own neurotransmitters, deplete or irreparably break the body’s ability to produce digestive enzymes, and even death. FOOD FOR THOUGHT? If you opt this route, make sure your medical practitioners know of your choice, that your quality tribe are part of that convo (so all parties have well-intended accountability and you don’t slip through the cracks), and that your tribe helps you determine and follow through with: 1) how to shovel enough food into your body to makeup for any temporarily missing food groups (nutrients are essential), and 2) how often and with what you will be supplementing your protein sources.

    Long Range DietsBeyond a temporary “curative diet” Lyme Fighters have reported a greater long-term success strategy to keep symptoms at bay when they faithfully stay aways from gluten, processed sugar and dairy. Sometimes, they also aim (by an educated preference, or by

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  • doctor’s suggestion) to stay away from GMO’s and eat as much organic as fiscally possible (again, to keep systemic inflammation, or gut permeability down).

    While in recovery mode, patients and our care teams might also consider hyper-nourishing the body. Depending on individual needs and complications, some Lyme Fighters have reported positive progress when adding any of the below, under the care of their primary care team:• juicing daily (particularly heavy on the leafy greens)• liposomal vitamins (reportedly close in their availability as

    IV nutrition - important for those struggling to metabolize nutrition)

    • IV aid, prospectively in the form of + amino acids (not long-term, to prevent dependence) some report substantial progress in neurological functions (a lifting of “brain fog” intensity) + Meyers Cocktails (known especially for bolstering the body’s capability to rally the immune system)

    CAUTIONPLEASE DO NOT casually use ingredient’s banned from a patient’s diet. Additionally, PLEASE DO NOT attempt to “fatten them up” by slipping

    things in their food (unless you are acting power of attorney or have been encouraged by a minor’s care provider).

    This not only:• can feed into possible neuro symptoms they struggle to

    mask, like emotional swings, anxiety, paranoia, or simply “over thinking” things. (Meanwhile, let’s face it, if “overthinking things” is what it takes for them to be consistent with the lifestyle adjustments, good on them! They have every reason to be committed to their prescribed regimen. Their body is at war. They mush have the grit to choose to win, and this takes ever-present intentionality they can’t always “hide” from you to seem less inconvenient.)

    • but also biologically impacts patients, some, as soon as immediately following the meal. Yes, even “just one bite.”

    SHORT-TERM IMPORTANCE One bite of certain substances can rally and spread intestinal colonies that might have otherwise been eradicated in a few more days. Now, the patient starts over on the diet (if their body is even able to healthfully extend the duration).

    LONG-TERM EXAMPLE Mom’s who have a whole family unit fighting personal diagnoses say that the kids may come home from the step parent’s house, or from daycare, having had sugar or dairy or gluten: ” It can take a solid three days to get them sort of back to functioning well again.”

    Research also shows that some pathogens emit chemicals to cause their host to “crave” certain foods. When we go on a protocol that changes our food, we literally fight the normal people addictions to “junk food,” cravings for your normal “healthy food,” and the chemically induced cravings from the bugs we work to kill. If that doesn’t drive ya to comfort eat, I don’t know what will.

    WAYS YOU CAN HELPEncourage us to healthfully commit to

    our in-depth food needs.

    Ask for two ingredient lists: “not allowed right now,” and “my medical provider says ‘yes’ ”

    Help us make this week’s menu.

    Send us Lyme friendly recipes or one you came up with (and tested)! IDEA: We definitely miss mom’s meatball’s and family recipes.

    Help Us Meal Prep

    Make Us A Dish IDEA: We miss food with friends (or humans in general).

    Take Inventory

    Grocery Trip

    Grocery shopping can take us hours. We sometimes get too tired or foggy in the middle and have to either turn back without purchasing, or buy part of the list while somewhat unsure if the items are actually what we need. You can A) offer to give us a ride (which lowers our processing output #winning). Many of us would appreciate it if you B) help scour the supermarket for the specialty items on our list and the better price, or C) cross reference shopping list to menu items with the budget. D) Policing ingredient labels is always an important task.

    Just remember we need someone who is reliable and won’t “reschedule” or cancel, BUT frankly, who is flexible enough to be loving if, or when we do.

    Yes - some of us will likely prefer for you to wait—not do it for us—because we miss getting out of the house. It’s another great example of “just ask.”

    Sometimes, we don’t eat or drink because we can’t get our body to move. Other times, we literally forget. Other-times yet, we don’t experience hunger or thirst sensations. (Yes, these tendencies depend on the patient, and can also come and go in frequency and duration.)

    Be aware: causes of stress can come from excess stimulation such as lights, loud noise, the need to project/speak louder, the need to make eye contact, to use of processing information with our eyes (such as reading, depth perception, or reading faces/nonverbals)

    So yeah - encouragement is useful.

  • 8

    PATIENT EXPERIENCEQ: Why didn’t they just tell me they were going through that?

    A: Simplest answer...they may not fully have their baring on what all “it” is they are going through, let alone what they need so they can address those multi-pronged complications, who else should actually know about it, or even, how to share it well. Frankly, having this diagnosis can feel like it discredits your preceived credability.

    Some of the prospective reasons are bulleted further down, but most of all, if you love them:1. believe them.2. be patient.3. use empathy to understand more of what you might need if you were in their shoes.

    Depending on the patient’s age and their unique needs etc... a) ask them if they would like your idea(s) as ways to show care, and/or b) thoughtfully step up to the plate and just.be.useful.

    Lyme Disease is insidious. It affects each patient differently. Additionally, it is often difficult for patients to express symptoms. This can be for many reasons, but maybe one of these is a “fit” for the scenario(s) you are engaging in.


    • Beyond a singular symptom of overwhelm, panic or anxiety, this disease and it’s frequent accompanyment of coinfections or “co-complications” come and go. “Am I sick, or am I not?”

    • There’s an incredable kalidascope of overwhelm that can be experienced in Lyme. Think of it like a rave the kids threw ni your house, but you’re not even out of town yet.,The party crashersinclude requlars who opportunistically frequent your crib, but also end up chilling in different rooms of the house, possablly with a flavor of the month friend, and all jamming out to the DJ’s remix. They likely occure simultaniously, though at varying times or for differing durations, and in multiple systems of the body. This “shifting” of disease expression combined with a series of “piled on” symptoms can make it hard for the individual to pinpoint the many (and sometimes, frequently shifting) symptoms that occur all at once.

    • Many of the symptoms occurring in Lyme Disease are not common symptoms for “sick people” (vertigo, sound sensitivity, joints “feel like something is in them”, dexterity, loss of blood circulation, stiff neck, reading issues, short term memory in and out, trouble swallowing, rapidly firing mind that may be disconnected from the physical ability to implement executive function, using too many words, panic, insomnia, appetite change). Would any of these cause you to call an infectious disease specialist?

    • Many Lyme-related experiences (“symptoms”) are not circulated in common language. After-all, how do you explain something that you’ve never heard put into words before? People are raised with language that helps us tell mommy what’s wrong: runny nose, tummy ache, hurt feelings,etc...A major challenge of Lyme is that we aren’t raised around language to give a framiliarity or relative background to identify or be specifically

    “People are raised with language that helps us tell

    mommy what’s wrong: runny nose, tummy ache, hurt

    feelings,etc...However, one major

    challenge of Lyme is that we aren’t raised around language that identifies

    these disease-related sensations, let alone to use

    words, to then, communicate the symptoms back to

    others. I’m not actually sure that these words exist.”

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    ONLINE: 10 Things to Know When Somebody In Your Life Has Lyme Disease

    What Does Lyme Disease Feel Like? (on patient’s view)

    When People Think Your Illness Isn’t Real Because You Don’t Look ‘Sick Enough’

    A Guide To Understanding

    25 Ways to Be a Good Friend to Someone with Lyme Disease

    BOOK: When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: a parent’s survival guide

    Pg. 9 LYME FIGHTER Q&A Share copies: realKortnye.com/LymeFighter

    aware of these disease-related sensations (let alone to use words to, then, communicate the symptoms back to others). In many cases, I’m not actually sure that these words exist.

    • The inability to consistently access the language part of the brain and other communication skills may become a symptom...thus reducing the patient’s ability to latently make friends, family, caregivers, and medical personal aware...let alone in a credible, and disarming way (usually, demonstrating tack, warmth and a lack of hostility are necessity to effect understanding in another person, let alone elicit the heart reaction that moves them to action on the patient’s behalf). The further the journey, the more difficult it can become to communicate in socially acceptable ways, particularly on isssues you’ve been working so hard to understand, or get other’s to show they understand.

    • Lyme patients are notorious for becoming increasingly isolated. Chronic, isolation can even manufacture social anxiety, and decreased social skills (in addition to the prospective neruo complications and pain exacerbated by heightened adrenaline or 360 egree stimulous. Generally, Lype patients are suprized when close friends or loved ones fall away, or don’t know how to show genuine care, support, or encouragement. Compounding this effect,Lyme disease is considered an “invisible disease,” making it seem to most onlookers as attention seeking, as mentally unsound, or..preventing our inner circle from being able to fully “connect” with useful understanding and application.

    • Trying to present in relatable ways, while being direct about our needs (or feelings) and trying to educate others about the unique ways that we suffer make for the perfect social storm. Which only adds to the potency of the experienced paradigm patients often journey into on this fight: implosions of identity, pain, and dispare; and explosions of heart-felt pleas, desperation, and boundaries that, often, make things worse before they get better...if they get better.”

    • Oh! Did we mention that it’s EXHAUSTING to try to explain all of it to people? To explain anything, let alone show sincere interest in what you ask, or to even respond, yes, even to make eye contact and not cry, often requires titan-like fortitude because the gift we are now socially obligated to give you (a loving response) essentially robbs us of energy we wanted to use to do something else. And now... (whispers) we probably can’t. The heartbreaking thing is, we need to feel understood. We desperately crave that “knowing” and acknowledgment. Loop back full circle: symptoms ebb and flow and so do our capabilities and their duration. We’re afraid that if you ever half way “get it,” you’ll either treat us like even more of a sick person than you already do (no offense), or, that you’ll begin to “get it,” see us doing better, and then think we were just looking for attention, or are suddenly available to commit to something you want from us today, or even next week. With us, everyday is not promised. Not even each hour. Our cherished good moments are not an “open for business” sign to volunteer, or take on [fill in the blank] . #TRUTH #ImGuiltyToo

    http://ARTICLES RELATED TO PATIENT EXPERIENCEONLINE: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-things-know-when-someone-your-life-has-lyme-disease-annie-dance/http://whatislyme.com/what-does-lyme-feel-like/https://themighty.com/2017/09/lyme-disease-invisible-not-looking-sick/https://www.tiredoflyme.com/so-you-have-a-friend-or-family-member-with-chronic-lyme-disease.html?fbclid=IwAR02ZGrvGmSDONTKW9FrjPUVdG-8953Pn7BTwQpQsXeM8kTMNpp1q2M51wMhttps://globallymealliance.org/be-a-good-friend-to-someone-with-lyme/?fbclid=IwAR0N8oO2IB3yVvqGZaJb759pS0KlYU6x3zVHpHQkH7_9eWDJWKf5UIH9r70


    We know words have creative power. So, why do we talk to people and casually say things like “YOUR cancer,” “YOUR disability, and “YOUR family drama”?

    If the person truly wants things to improve, it is neither their identity, nor does it belong to them.

    The last few years I’ve worked very hard to not only be culturally correct, but also to overcome an “invisible illness.” While I understand most people never had a clue what the diagnosis meant, there have been so many times I wished I could stop ‘whoever’ mid-sentence and make them aware of what they were creating with their words. Strange enough, if someone asked about my health journey, nine times out of ten, they used the phrase “your Lyme,” or “your disease.”

    It’s not “my” Lyme!!! (Ditch that sucker!)

    Full disclosure? Whatever obstacle you and I face, keeping our mind and heart and faith focused on victory is a defining difference in the outcome. And likewise, saying someone owns the obstacle (especially in their darker moments) is literally like handing somebody a gift wrapped pile of smelly trash with their monogrammed initials.

    To be fair, I didn’t have a clue about this before I got sick! But now I know. You and I can support anybody on their journey to #OVERCOMEit by instead, asking things like:• “How’s your courage?” And• “My family is keeping you in prayer. How can we update our prayer requests?”

    This week, let’s gift one another with words that create AMAZING things!! Our words can create wholeness.

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    THINK (then speak)QUESTION TO PATIENTS: Would you mind sharing some of the things you’ve gotten (probably from well-meaning people) that urk you?

    A: “I just always got... ‘Well at least you don’t have cancer.. you’ll pull through this.’ Which was upsetting because I still was pretty much dying.”-Jazzy

    A: “I lost around 40 pounds when I was very ill and I asked a doctor for help as I was so thin, bruised all over, sick and weak. She diagnosed me with an eating disorder and depression and wouldn’t listen to me after that. Random diagnosis and guesses from doctors and people really hurt me during that time. I later found out that I have a gluten allergy. I have no problems gaining weight now.”-Britney

    A: “The biggest ones I’ve gotten, and I’ve gotten many, is ‘You don’t look sick,’ and I’ve had people say they wish they xyz so they could be skinny. Most people are just uncomfortable when it comes to illness so they try to bring levity to the situation and it can backfire really easy.”-Lindsay

    STOP. DROP. AND ROLE PLAY.What NOT to say to a friend/family member/coworker

    going through major illness.

    A frequent phrase: You can go back to bed now.Better alternative: I know you have a lot on your plate, so I’ll let you go.

    A: I bet you love Jesus a whole lot more now.B: I imagine you’ve acquired some hard-earned lessons on your journey.

    A: You can go back to bed now.B: I know you have a lot on your plate, so I’ll let you go.

    A: You really aught to get involved in volunteering with xyz. Giving always comes back to you.B: You’re always welcome to come and be near us if you just need bodies nearby.

  • FAST FACTS2x’s more prevalent than breast cancer.

    6x’s higher than HIV/aids. Love YOURSELF and loved ones enough to consider,

    is this possible?

    Lyme is known as the great imitator. It’s exceedingly difficult to diagnose. As a spirochete, it is a shape

    shifter, and can alternate symptoms by the day or hour.

    Lyme disease is caused by a spiral shaped bacteria (spirochete) called Borrelia.

    There are 100 different strains of Borrelia in the USA and 300 worldwide.

    The CDC states that it does not know how many cases of Lyme disease there are in the US.

    Estimates range from 300,000 to 1 million new cases each year, the majority of which are unreported. Source: CDC, NIH

    Short courses of antibiotics lead to upwards of a 40% relapse rate especially if treatment is delayed.

    There has never been a study demonstrating that 30 days of antibiotic treatment cures Lyme Disease. However there is much documentation that short courses of antibiotics fail to eradicate

    the Lyme spirochete Source: ILADS

    Bartonella: a facilitative intracellular parasite and opportunistic pathogen. It can be transmitted by ticks, fleas, sand flies, and

    mosquitoes. It’s generally resistant to penicillin, amoxicillin, and nafcillin. Bartonella is known to be a possible co-infection of

    Lyme Borrelia. Source: Wikipedia

    Babesia: is a genus of protozoan apicomplexan piroplasms which infect the blood and cause a parasitic, hemolytic disease called

    babesiosis. Babesiosis is the most common disease transmitted by blood transfusion and can cause malaria-like and other

    symptoms. Source: Wikipedia

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    We love LymeStats.org for simplifying the patient education process. THey provide inFOgraphics for all of the above details, and many more, all hyper-linked to the original documentation.

    http://CDChttp://NIHhttp://ILADSBartonella:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartonellahttp://we love http:// for simplafying the patient edUcation process. THey provide ingraphics for all of the above detailshttp:// for simplafying the patient edUcation process. THey provide ingraphics for all of the above details

  • extras

    SLEEPMake sleep hygiene a discipline.

    If you can’t function during the day, and commonly have an up tick in the evening - you may join the large group of fighting Lymies who hate putting themselves to bed at the time of day they - the likeliest time of day - we feel most human. It’s such a relief!! Time to think. Time to harness body mechanics to clean out a closet, call friends, or build our online empire. It’s enough to make us put off the “bed thing” until the early hours of pre-dawn. “I’ll sleep in the morning...when I’m most tired.” But it doesn’t exactly work like that. Day light comes and the exhaustion steps up double time to compound on a harder thud accompanied by less sleep, followed by an evening of relief. The tendency of Lyme (in some patients) creates cycles where we don’t sleep for 2 nights, upwards of 2 weeks at a time. If you find yourself tempted to “just be human tonight,” or if insomnia kicks in, TRY ANYWAY.

    Sleep before midnight is the most critical for tissue repair, and immune function. Do whatever it takes (healthfully) to establish a solid sleep routine. Invest in patterns that can establish your circadian rhythm.

    VIDEO:“How Your Circadian Rhythm Tunes Your Health: Satchin Panda”

    You may also consider sun gazing as a supplemental activity to reset your circadian rhythms and hormones. Checkout THIS POST from a nerdy Lyme patient, and fellow comrade.

    BREATHINGCliche. I know. But there’s something about oxygenating your body. Something about

    expelling toxins . . . better? Something about the effect on the autonomic nervous system, and more!! PLUS, I’m probably not the only recovering Lymie who literally holds her breath, merely sipping air in as needed.

    YouTube: BREATHE. | Joe DiStefano

    YouTube: Breathe to Heal | Max Strom


    HUFF POST: Lyme: The Infectious Disease Equivalent of Cancer, Says Top Duke Oncologist

    WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION.:W.H.O. Reclassification of Lyme Disease

    BLOG: When Lyme Disease Strikes an Unborn Child

    TREATMENT RELATEDThe PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL: Treating Lyme disease: when will science catch up?

    BLOG: How To Pulse Antibiotics




    BLOG: Depersonalization And Derealization From Lyme Disease And Its Coinfections

    EXCERPT: “Depersonalization and derealization are psychological symptoms, so the only person that can truly observe this symptom is the person enduring it. And if the person enduring

    Pg. 12 LYME FIGHTER Q&A Share copies: realKortnye.com/LymeFighter

    it has no knowledge of what they’re enduring, not only will they continue to endure it and have lower odds of being able to treat it than someone who can identify their psychological state as depersonalization and/or derealization, they’ll be without that inherent comfort, closure, or sense of relation or belonging that comes from being able to know.”

    BLOG: Suicidal Behaviors in Patients with Lyme and Associated Diseases

    Take A Bite Out of Lyme: The Connection between Lyme & Autism

    YOUTUBE: Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017

    SOURCES:1 International Lyme And Associated Diseases Society: https://www.ilads.org/research-litera-ture/controversies-challenges/

    2 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Lyme Disease, Human Granulocytic Anaplas-mosis, and Babesiosis: Edgar Sanchez, MD; Edouard Vannier, PhD; Gary P. Wormser, MD; Linden T. Hu, MD

    3 https://globallymealliance.org/about-lyme/diagnosis/testing/

    4 https://www.lymedisease.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/lymedisease.org-patient-sur-vey-20151.pdf

    5 http://www.lymedisease.org.au/transmission

    6 www.globallymealliance.org/feed-body-fight-lyme

    7 RECIPE: Lyme Fighter Approved Lasagna (GFDF)

    GROUP PINTEREST BOARDFor permissions to add your fave resources to our group board, email us at [email protected]


    Click here to keep the random acts of kindness rolling forward! And, for more encouraging content to grow disruptively whole.


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    A series of unfortunate events led to committing her life to helping others spark life, growing disruptively whole!




    Kortnye Hurst’s modeling career took off, as her health suddenly declined and she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Fighting to get well, she ditched her hopes and dreams, and relocated to Dallas for treatment.

    “I never imagined I would be diagnosed with any life-altering condition. . . just as I was revving up for an international carer, planning a one-of-a-kind wedding, and dreampt to conquer the world with the love of my life. It’s not something you plan.”

    When Kortnye hit the bottom of the barrel, God dumped the desires of her heart in her lap—a television platform that brings out the best in you! Now, as host of DFW’s lifestyle series, SPARK Life, Kortnye’s discovered God wants conquering success for our lives. She’s digging deep into her spiritual heritage, as the healthiest people in the world, finding evidence that she and the SPARK Life health tribe (online viewers), can still join the global population who live 10 years longer than most, and ultimately, that she is not alone in her battle to #OVERCOMEit.

    Visit her at realKortnye.com

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    Do you need more to lift you up?

    Make sure you JOIN THE LYME TRIBE’S

    LymeFIGHTER Group Journal (private Facebook group)

    a safe place to authentically share the journey and glean insights on bio-psycho-social connections

    from Lyme patients and our quality tribe members.


    3-part audio course“How To Redefine Strength”



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