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  • 8/10/2019 kpdl


    LBM I

    Infectious Diseases

    STEP I


    Symptoms : a sign or an indication of disorder or disease.

    2. Sub febris fever : Fever that have temperatur under 38 degree celcius.

    3. Malaise : general feeling of being unwell


    Infection : agent that find in human body that occuring imune response with clinical symptoms.

    5. Promotive : promotion efforts is an attempt to improve the community through learning or

    conseling from, by, for, and with the community.


    Preventive : an effort to take precaution against the risk of disease transmition and spread of

    potentially infectious disease or causes disease outbreak.

    7. Follow up : a continue action to control or look for know the development of treatment or

    condition of patient.8. Home visit : activity that is done by doctor to give explanation for the family.

    9. Fever : body temperature above the normal.


    Infectious diseases : the disease that can spread to another people.


    Infectious Disease


    Mention any factor that caused infectious disease !

    2. What is the example and the symptomp of an infectious disease ?


    How to avoid our body from infectious disease ?

    4. How is the process of infectious disease transmition ?

    5. What kind of medication we can take when we are suffered from infectious disease ?

    6. What the medium of infectious disease ?


    Why somebody can be easily infected by infectious disease ?

    8. How many factor that influence insident of infectious disease ?

    Natural History of Disease


    What is the definition of natural history of disease ?2. The benefits of natural history of disease ?

    3. The stage of NHD ?


    What is contained in NHD ?

    5. What is the relation between NHD and Infectious disease ?

    Promotive and Preventive Management


    What is promotive and preventive management ?

    2. What the contrains and solution of promotive and preventive management ?

    3. What activities of PPM ?


    In what situation doctor can conduct home visit ?

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    5. Whats the benefit of PPM ?

    6. Whats the purpose of PPM ?

    7. What should be done in home visit by doctor ?


    How the step of promotive to prevent infectious disease ?


    How the step of prevetive to prevent infectious disease ?


    Who can be involved in PPM ?

    11.When we need to do PPM ?


    What kind of indicator that show the effectiveness of PPM ?


    Infectious Disease

    1. Mention any factor that caused infectious disease !

    Bacteria, Protozoa, Virus, Fungi, Environtment, Internal and external parasit, the condition of

    people (immunity, disease, life style).

    2. What is the example and the symptomp of an infectious disease ?

    Influenza : fever, mucus from nose, discomfort, sneeze, pale face.

    Varicella : red spots, fever, pale face, weary, itch.

    TBC : cough every night, night sweat, weight loss.

    Dangue fever : red spot on skin, irregular fever, decreasement of trombocit.

    3. How to avoid our body from infectious disease ?

    Wash hand, take an enough rest, using mask, consume suplement or vitamins, sterilitation,

    consume healthy food and meal pattern, imunisation or vaccination.


    How is the process of infectious disease transmition ?

    Direct : without host

    Indirect : with vector.


    What kind of medication we can take when we are suffered from infectious disease ?

    If our disease caused by bacteria we need to consume antibiotic, when it caused by virus take

    some rest and do activity that can increase our imun, also consume vitamins.

    6. What the medium of infectious disease ?

    Air, water, soil, vectors, food borne disease.

    7. Why somebody can be easily infected by infectious disease ?

    Low human immunity. Unhealthy environment. Bad life style.

    8. What factors that influence insident of infectious disease ?

    The knowledge of the people in an area. The health facilities. Sanitation. Condition of an area.

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    Natural History of Disease

    1. What is the definition of natural history of disease ?


    The benefits of natural history of disease ?

    3. The stage of NHD ?


    What is contained in NHD ?

    5. What is the relation between NHD and Infectious disease ?

    Promotive and Preventive Management

    1. What is promotive and preventive management ?

    The acitivity to promote the healt degree and prevent from the spreading of the diseases.

    Promotive : explain about the diseases

    Preventive : action to prevent from the diseases


    What the contrains and solution of promotive and preventive management ?3. What activities of PPM ?

    4. In what situation doctor can conduct home visit ?

    5. Whats the benefit of PPM ?

    6. Whats the purpose of PPM ?

    7. What should be done in home visit by doctor ?


    How the step of promotive to prevent infectious disease ?


    How the step of prevetive to prevent infectious disease ?

    10.Who can be involved in PPM ?


    When we need to do PPM ?


    What kind of indicator that show the effectiveness of PPM ?


    FactorInfectious diseasesNHDPromotive, PreventiveDecrease the infection.



    food borne disease

    Foodborne diseases are the illnesses contracted from eating contaminated food or beverages. Illnessesinclude foodborne intoxications and infections, which are often incorrectly referred to as food poisoning. There

    are more than 250 different foodborne diseases. They are caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins,

    metals, and prions. Symptoms of foodborne illness range from mild gastroenteritis to life-threatening

    neurologic, hepatic, and renal syndromes.

    Source :


    What is the definition of natural history of disease ?

    Natural history of disease refers to the progression of a disease process in an individual over time, in

    the absence of treatment. For example, untreated infection with HIV causes a spectrum of clinical

    problems beginning at the time of seroconversion (primary HIV) and terminating with AIDS and

    usually death. It is now recognized that it may take 10 years or more for AIDS to develop after

    seroconversion.(43)Many, if not most, diseases have a characteristic natural history, although the
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    time frame and specific manifestations of disease may vary from individual to individual and are

    influenced by preventive and therapeutic measures.

    Source :

    3. The benefits of natural history of disease ?

    The primary benefit is improved understanding of the disease, which can support informed

    treatment and management decisions. Natural history of disease registries can also facilitate

    the creation of a community of clinicians who can share their experiences and work

    collaboratively to develop treatment guidelines or recommendation. Natural history can also

    provide a foundation for the development of new treatments.

    Source : Patient Registries for Understanding the Natural History of Diseases

    Richard Gliklich, MD and Michelle B Leavy, MPH





    The stage of NHD ?

    a. Tahap Pre-Patogenesis ( Stage of Susceptibility)

    sudah terjadi interaksi antara host dengan bibit

    penyakit serta lingkungan

    interaksi ini masih berada diluar tubuh. penyakit belum ditemukan

    daya tahan tubuh host masih kuat. kondisi seseorang masih terlihat sehat.

    b. Tahap inkubasi (Stage of Pre symptomatic Disease)

    bibit penyakit sudah masuk ke dalam tubuh host gejala penyakit belum tampak dlm keadaan latentatau sub klinik (bisa dikenali dg uji serologi). masa inkubasi yang berbeda-beda, ada yangbeberapa jam, hari, minggu, bulan bahkan sampaibertahun-tahun. tahap inkubasi dimulai dari masuknya bibit penyakit

    sampai sesaat sebelum timbulnya gejala. Jika daya tahan tubuh tidak kuat maka penyakitakan berjalan terus yang mengakibatkan terjadinyagangguan pada bentuk dan fungsi tubuh, sehinggapada suatu saat penyakit makin bertambah hebatdan timbul gejalanya.

    Horison Klinik : adalah garis yang membatasi antara tampak atau tidaknya gejalapenyakit.

    c. Tahap Penyakit Dini ( Stage of Clinical Disease)

    dihitung mulai dari munculnya gejala penyakit. penjamu sudah merasakan sakit tetapi sifatnya

    masih ringan. umumnya penderita masih dapat melakukan
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    aktifitas sehari-hari shg sering tdk datang berobat. Perawatan penderita pada tahap ini biasanyacukup dengan berobat jalan. Jika tidak diobati dapat mendatangkan masalahlanjutan yang makin besar antara lain:penyakitnya akan semakin parah danmemerlukan perawatan yang relatif mahal.dapat menularkan kepada orang lain dan dapat menimbulkan KLB atau wabah di


    d. Tahap Penyakit Lanjut:

    Apabila penyakit makin bertambah hebat,penyakit masuk dalam tahap penyakit lanjut.

    penderita sudah tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan jika datang berobat umumnya telah memerlukanperawatan (bad rest).


    Tahap Akhir Penyakit Perjalanan penyakit pada suatu saat akan berhenti. Bisa menjadi beberapa keadaan yaitu:a. Sembuh Sempurnab. Sembuh dengan cacatc. Karierd. Kronise. Meninggal Dunia

    Source :

    Suyatno, Ir. MKes

    Contact:E-mail:[email protected]


    Hp/Telp: 08122815730 / 024-70251915


    How the step of prevetive to prevent infectious disease ?

    Primary prevention is the protection of health by implementing personal

    and community-wide actions, such as preserving good nutritional status, physical

    activity and emotional well-being, immunizing against infectious diseases and

    making the environment safe.

    Secondary prevention encompasses measures for early detection of

    departures from good health and for prompt and effective corrective actions.

    Tertiary prevention consists of measures to reduce or eliminate longterm impairments

    and disabilities, minimize suffering caused by existing

    departures from good health and promote the patients adjustment to

    irremediable conditions. This extends the concept of prevention to the field of


    Source :

    Policybrief_Health_promotion.pdf[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://