krugovi u žitu objasnjenje geometrije


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I've been Cubing since I was 10 years old, and as soon as I saw the Cley Hill formation I immediately recognized it as a 3x3 classic Rubik's Cube without the corners. This doesn't necessarily mean anything with regards to any translation, but the picture I've sent shows what is probably the only common object in our every day lives that looks so much like this latest formation. (My 7x7 is shown unsolved due to time constraints in sending this eMail).

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Edward Francis Slayton Jr.

Cley Hill

I felt this CC at Cley Hill also connected to Danebury hill in a continuation of using elements.danbury

I noticed that the cube was the same 9 x 3 as in Danebury (above), however 8 sections were missing. Using this “8” in the elements we come up with “Oxygen”. I felt the CC makers were letting us know of the connection not just to oxygen as a sustainer of all life, but that “air” itself is related to “spirit” in all things. If the Danebury CC was indicating that the world system we are currently in is void of “spirit” then we end up with nothing. Air or “Spirit” was blown into the nose of the first Adam in Judeo/Christian creation myth as an animator of all life.

In Hinduism, Vayu (Sanskrit), also known as Vāta, Pavana (meaning the Purifier), or Prāna, is a primary deity, who is the father of Bhima and the spiritual father of Lord Hanuman. As the words for air (Vāyu) or wind (Pavana) it is one of the Panchamahābhuta the "five great elements" in Hinduism. The Sanskrit word 'Vāta' literally means "blown", 'Vāyu' "blower", and 'Prāna' "breathing" (viz. the breath of life, cf. the *an- in 'animate').

In Indian tradition the element Air is also linked to Shani or Saturn and the northwest direction.



Appearance: The feather is depicted as a tall ostrich plume whose tip bends over under its own weight.

Meaning: The feather, because of its name, "shut", was a symbol of Shu. Shu was the Egyptian god of the air

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of the earth (Geb) and the sky (Nut). Shu was often shown wearing a feather in his hair. Occasionally Geb was shown dressed in feathers, a representation of the air, which covers him. Usually, the feather was a symbol of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and order. The goddess was always shown wearing an ostrich feather in her hair. The feather by itself was her emblem. In art, the feather was shown in scenes of the Hall of Ma'at. This hall is where the deceased was judged for his worthiness to enter the afterlife. The seat of the deceased's soul, his heart, was weighed on a balance against the feather of Ma'at. Also see “weighing of the heart ceremony. If the heart was free from the impurities of sin, and therefore lighter than the feather, then the dead person could enter the eternal afterlife. Other gods in the judgement hall who were part of the tribunal overseeing the weighing of the heart were also pictured holding a feather.

Thank you Lucy Pringle for a good aerial shot of this photo. Thanks Steve Alexander for the Danebury shot.

John Scott

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Windows of the Mind: Activation of the Zeal Point

This chakra is also referred to as the Zeal Point Chakra and the Mouth of God. It is said to be blessed by Buddha and is located at the back of the head at the base of the skull (the medulla oblongata). It is an ancient chakra that is now in a vestigial stage. It reawakens the dreamer in all of us and is the origin of prophetic dreams and visions. It is usually fully activated only in prophetic dreamers and clairvoyants but is becoming activated in more and more of us at this time. When it is fully energized, it will regulate multi- dimensional telepathic communication. It is also said to be important in dissolving the veil between the third and fourth dimensions. Through this chakra, those who are able can peek into the past or the future. Tension in the neck and upper shoulders can signify an opening of this chakra. If this should be the case, stay alert to visions, new insights, and use the ability responsibly. The qualities of this chakra are strength, protection, gentleness and gracefulness. This chakra resonates to the colour magenta.

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Here are my musings on the Cley Hill crop circle, you are welcome to add it to the page if you deem it to apply on a deeper level, and perhaps support any further possible understanding of crop circles in general. The crop circle at Cley Hill, nr Warminster, Wiltshire as reported 9th July, exists out of three crosses facing our view, and three crosses facing away from our view. The depiction clearly resembles a 3D image (shading included). Each cross itself, if meant as such, resembles the Greek cross, used by Eastern Orthodoxy and Early Christianity, also known as the 'crux immissa quadrata'. Here the arms are all of equal length. The cross is one of the most ancient human symbols, and is used by many religions, such as Christianity. It is frequently a representation of the division of the world into four elements (or cardinal points), or alternately as the union of the concepts of divinity, the vertical line, and the world, the horizontal line. Would this depicted 'object' be 'real', then a diagonal cross section (through the middle) would create a cross, and both a horizontal and vertical cross sections (through the middle) creates a square. This crop circle, together with the previous one, both use the cube as a basis; Metatron's cube (it contains 2-dimensional images of the Platonic Solids and many other primal forms). It is a possible reference to the basis of life/reality.. The symbol stands within a lined sextagon. This shape is part of sacred geometry where golden ratios are very important; involving space, time and form in unison with gravity, electromagnetism creating or reflecting harmonics, among other things. All things natural (from the creation itself) adhere to the principles of timeless geometric 'codes' or 'formulas'. The sextagon is what you see when you can only see the silhouette of a cube, as reflected by the cube within the sextagon. One can also draw a star/shield of David/Seal of Solomon (a hexagram) within the sextagon, creating two triangles, one referencing to 'above' and one to 'below'. The centre shape of the hexagram is a sextagon. It symbolically references to 6 + 1 (1 is the centre) signifying the number 7. The symbol can be a reference to the six directions of space (Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Centre). Although many think it is a Jewish symbol, it predates Judaism. In sacred geometry, the hexagram does also refer to the division of a sphere into top, bottom and middle, and has a strong connection with gravity and magnetism. The Seal of Solomon was 'magical', it could hold power over demons and genies (jinni).. it might also be a symbol for a seal, which might refer to a seal being broken, or a pointer to 'this reality's seal being lifted. The number 6 (6 sided) can refer to carbon, or more specifically our known carbon based life form, or generally carbon based life/reality. Carbon can be coal, and it can be a diamond. Carbon is highly stable.

In conclusion these personally picked references could condense into several conclusions as to the meaning of the crop circle. Personally I'd like to think it is about our reality that is drastically going to change, and processes ongoing for such changes to occur. Where 'our' world and its life will be effected, where the divine becomes an equal part of the world, of our reality. Or we, life, a part of a reality that already exists.

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A possible shift in the near future to a higher dimension? A hint that we should raise our consciousness, to prepare for a future where a multidimensional new reality becomes an integrated part of our existence, perhaps. The Vitruvian Butterfly crop circle from the Netherlands (where I live) has three vortexes. Two in the torso, one on the face/head. The bottom vortex/chakra is the naval chakra, where our 'synthetic ki' or life energy for the body exists. The second/middle vortex is the heart chakra, the seat of higher emotions, compassion, love. The third vortex is the ajna chakra, the third eye chakra, to see beyond the seen. There is actually a fourth fortex, but we view it from the side fanning out from the top of the head, the crown chakra, the connector with the divine, the higher self, one's own godliness. Michel D-NL

Cley Hill Warminster crop circle 10th July 2010

Good evening Matthew this is Meroth again. We apologise for the recent break in transmission. So we’d like to give you some information about this recent crop circle at Warminster, and this information is all to do with DNA. Indeed, the imagery used in this circle represents the very building blocks of life.

So DNA is at the very centre of the important changes to mankind which you are the in process of experiencing right now. There are certain qualities, certain abilities, which were very common amongst human beings way back in history; these abilities are going to be re-seeded if you like into those individuals who are recently incarnating to the planet.

It is important that these so-called psychic or spiritual abilities are re-connected, in order for mankind to move forward successfully into the new era, and this is exactly what is represented by these blocks in this design.

These abilities have over the centuries disappeared, and the DNA which enables them has in effect atrophied and fallen away. These abilities are now considered to be unusual or special; this was not the case a long time ago: this will not be the case in the future.

So the key message to take away is that there will be a subtle re-programming of the DNA of mankind, which will enable him to step up to the challenges and to the situation which he faces in the coming period; this will be seen to be the case especially amongst individuals who are incarnating to the planet at this moment in time. They will be seen to be endowed with perhaps extraordinary or unusual qualities; over time these will appear quite normal, and they will be essential in ensuring the successful transition into this new phase.

Once again we would ask your readers Matthew to study other material on this topic, already published on your website. This will enable a greater understanding of this important area of change. A very good evening to you.

Matthew Lewin

Click above to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership

I am a credential-less reader from the US with a part time interest in physics and numerical computation. Upon seeing this crop circle I had a funny interpretation. In the field of reactive-diffusive (partial differential) equations, it is generally required that one use a numerical approach as the equations are almost never solvable. The easiest method used to approximate the solutions is to discretize the domain (turn it into a grid of points) and update them using finite difference

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schemes. Due to the discretization, one is forced to approximate the diffusion operator (diffusion ==> tendency to spread out, think drop of food dye in a glass of water). A scheme that can be used to do this in 3-D is the 19-point scheme:

To approximate the diffusion at a single point you are required to take into account both the nearest neighbours (1 + 6 = 7-points, like a 3d plus sign in both directions) plus the neighbours shared by the nearest neighbours (an extra 12 points) which increases the accuracy of your approximation. The necessary points then look like a rubic's cube with the corners taken out.

Why think reactive-diffusive equations here? Simple: Several of the crop circle formations with the spiral-weave-patterns laid on top (intentionally raised tufts of grass/wheat/whatever that look similar to an archimedean spiral) look almost identical to approximate solutions that can be obtained from certain reactive-diffusive equations, most particularly the ones that are trying to simulate the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. If you think I am full of it I can send you some links and references (hint: winfree turbulence).

Sean Hirtle

Zdenka Pávková

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My nickname is Arkhangels and I've noticed a similarity between the crop circles "Cley Hill, nr Warminster, Wiltshire. Reported 9th July." and the "Danebury Hill, nr Nether Wallop. Hampshire. Reported 6th July." Both of them have the same geometrical configuration, with the edges of the cubes being aligned. The large circle of the Danebury cc, fits inside the large hexagon of the Cley Hill cc. Both of them are formed by 19 smaller hexagons, but in the Cley Hill we only see the external faces of the cubes formed by the hexagon pattern. I've made a gif using the website images were both crops are aligned (anexed). Check it out.

ArkhangelsThis interesting formation shows one large cube with eight cubes removed. The result is the appearance of sixcrosses. The hexagon behind represents The impacts of six comets over the cometary period of about 250 years. Christianity, according to this crop circle, will become more unified with fewer points of disagreement in the coming centuries, partly due to the comet impacts fulfilling biblical prophecy. The missing eight cubes represent erroneous thinking or beliefs about the Christian religion. The original large cube represents our current ‘box’, or understanding of Christianity. The ‘box’ is derived from the phrase “think outside of the box.”

The six crosses imply that Christianity will become more dominant in society in the long term future since the number six represents domination.

Ken Heck

The latest crop circle at Cley Hill, Warminster and the new one in Noord Brabant, Holland seems to be about the Cardinal Grand Cross occurring 11 July, I have taken a description from wiki, the key thing for us all to remember is to slow down within this acceleration, breathe, relax and be gentle with ourselves and one another, love Karen James

In astrology, a Grand Cross is said to occur when four planets are all separated from each other by Square aspectsdegrees apart). A Grand Cross can also be viewed as two oppositions (180 degrees apart) separated from each other by a square. In a Grand Cross, there is one planet in each astrological element (fire, earth, air and water) but all the planets are in

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signs of the same modality or quality.

A cardinal Grand Cross is said to cause a particular difficulty in accomplishing goals because the individual wants to accomplish everything at the same time: usually he/she ends up accomplishing very little if anything,

Unless we consciously make an aware effort of course, these are testing times and the Cardinal Grand Cross denotes this in the grand play of life, so lift up your spirits, connect with Great Spirit or whatever term you use, trust your intuition and take steps to raise your self esteem if need be and know that you are beautiful, amazing and blessed!

I got the following from '' website

June 25 to August 5, 2010 is when Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars finally create their Grand Cross pattern, all aligning at the beginning degrees of the four Cardinal signs! This will indeed be a time of intense and dramatic change worldwide. Look to your own natal chart Houses of Life Experience to see where the signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be dancing and making changes in your life.

Finally, November 1 to December 26, 2010 is round two of the Grand Cross Pattern, adding in the Moon's Nodes to the mix. The bottom line: be as positive and loving as you can every day; be patient with yourself and others; be pro-active and take responsibility for your own stuff, rather than blaming others (i.e. the governments, doctors or lawyers).

Karen James

Light to illusion.

Dear people; some observations that could be helpful for interpreting this formation I would like to share.

The centre of the formation shows a remarkable outstanding cube while at first sight it is only an empty corner in which a cube could fit. According to my idea, this beautiful illusion points out the essence of the formation as it is given a central place. It can lead the mind to thoughts like “inside out”, “upside down” or “turned around”. These qualities only become clear in contrast with the wider picture in which they are embedded. I hope the metaphysical character of the figure is recognised by my explanation so far.

Another observation I made has to do with what I confider strange when using the technique of shading. As an artist/illustrator I’m very familiar with this technique and it can easily be stated a three folded figure like this screams for three different frequencies in light expression. Would you like to involve the background lay as the third frequency than still the figure looks from an aesthetic point of view incomplete as the three sides have only two different tints.

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The diagrams show what I mean. (computer screens can have difficulty with this type of stuff, resizing your window might help) Diagram 1 shows the original pictogram. Diagram 2 shows the more aesthetical solution that I would almost call more logical. But here is the powerful nuance that must not get overlooked… The question lays open if indeed it would be more logical to add the third “colour”? The circle makers, I’m convinced, would sure be able to put these straight lines in, but they did not. This is done on purpose and needs to be taken as relevant information. The best explanation I can think of is that expressing the three folded figure like this allows us to contemplate about it in the context of duality...

Finally, I would like to say that this relatively simple graphic work has very deep soul connections. I won’t explain these here or at this moment, if can be explained at all, but hopefully my reflections until here has already opened some perspectives in that direction.


Just a quick add to the commentary on the cubed formation at Cley Hill. Someone mentioned that it reminded them of Hinton's Cube. I did a bit of research and found this astonishing painting by Salvador Dali - based on Hinton's 4th dimensional cube. The resemblance IS goose-bump making. Fay

Crop Circle observation and coincidence noticed regarding this:

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An organization within the US where many (such as myself) may donate blood to help save lives 2.

Chevy car symbol--I just bought one too-(had a VW) Love it! :) 3. The crop design also obviously resembles the famous religious cross. The holistic and reductive (diverse) shared information via mass posted comments is a very good thought provoker for discovery- thanks, Lisa

Danebury and Cley Hill Circles

The two crop circles at Danebury Hill and Cley Hill bear a remarkable resemblance to a geometric puzzle I found encoded in the events of 9/11, and may, in fact, be a reference to that object. If I am correct, 9/11 was the most important event of the last 2000 years -- a reenaction of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ -- and the crop circles, taken together, could be another sign pointing to that event. The 9/11 Cube, as I call it, is based on the cube of 9, with 729 units. This is illustrated alongside the Danebury Hill Cube in figure 1.

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Cube 729 was constructed from the gematria (numerical value) of the 9/11 targets. This is based on the ordinal value (position in the alphabet) of the letters, which are then summed, in a similar fashion to Roman numerals. The cube is actually three nested cubes, those of 5, 7 and 9. The Pentagon = 125 = 5 x 5 x 5The World Trade Centre + The Pentagon = 343 = 7 x 7 x 7The North Tower + The South Tower + The World Trade Centre + The Pentagon = 729 = 9 x 9 x 9 If we now colour three slices through the centre along each axis of cube 729, representing the three plane strikes on that day, the three men crucified at Calvary and the tearing of the temple curtain at the moment of Jesus' death on the cross (in the tabernacle there were three curtains), we obtain the 9/11 Cube. This triple strike is also illustrated by the Cley Hill circle. The significance of the Greek crosses on each face is now obvious (figure 2).

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The reason why the Cley Hill figure includes a hexagon is because 19 units form a regular hexagon. This also true of the 9/11 Cube; the three slices colour 217 units, which also form a regular hexagon (figure 3).

The number 217 is also represented by the three WTC buildings that fell on 9/11: buildings 1, 2 and 7, which fell in the order 2, 1, 7. Why would the number 217 be highlighted in this way? Because it is the gematria of this momentous phrase: Christ's Second Coming = 217

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Astonishingly, this is also the gematria of the two crop circle locations! Danebury Hill + Cley Hill = 217 The gematria of the first location also supports my hypothesis that this is linked to the 9/11 event, which was a symbolic crucifixion: Danebury Hill = 131Crucifixion = 131 I think the two hills may also have been chosen because in their prominence they represent the twin towers, which in their eschatological context represented the horns of the beast/duality. The twin towers simultaneously represented the two criminals crucified alongside Jesus, who is represented by the Pentagon, the five points of a pentagon/pentagram traditionally representing the five wounds Christ received during his passion. Note here that the gematria of "The Pentagon" is the cube of 5. If you imagine the 9/11 Cube to be made from coloured glass spheres then shine a light through it, you obtain the 2D projection shown in figure 4.

The colours split the number 217 into the gematria of each individual word in the above phrase. Christ's = 96 = rhombii

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Second = 60 = trianglesComing = 61 = hexagon Notice also how the internal Star of David represents the words "Second Coming" (figure5).

The Cley Hill fgure similarly hides a Star of David, or more accurately a hexagram, this time the simplest member of the series, with 13 units (figure 6).

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Thirteen is the Hebrew gematria of the word transliterated as "Ahavah", which means "love". The dates on which the circles appeared also seem to be significant. These are 3474 and 3477 days into the new millenium. The words "Jesus" (= 74) and "Christ" (= 77) are implied here by the last two digits of each number. 34 is the value of "Immanuel" under another system of gematria. For a fuller discussion of the symbolism of the 9/11 Cube please see my article in the webmag Reality Sandwich: This is a small part of a code hidden within the events of 9/11, other world events and cultural artifacts, including the NIV Bible, which proclaims the Second Coming of Christ and which I call the New Bible Code: Bill Downie

Decoding Pictogram 9 July 2010 Wiltshire, England

© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova 2010

We are Victoria Popova Dr.Sc., Ph.D. and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. – two women-scientists from Russia. This is our research for decoding of crop circle pictograms.

We decoded thousands of Extraterrestrial Civilizations’ (ETC) pictograms and composed a dictionary on aboutcommon used ETC symbols. ETC created all over the world the System of the Information Transmission which include a set of objects: Stonehenge, moai of Easter Island, complex «pyramids Giza-Sphynx», Machu Picchu, the Nazca Lines, crop circles and others. ETC transfer information about the program of humanity’ consciousness development on Earth, in solar system and in the universe.

The purpose of ETC is to give humanity instructions through crop circles for continuation of life before the beginning of

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global cataclysms and to help people make the Transition through the unification of consciousness.

Additional information you can receive on our website:

e-mail: [email protected]

A detailed decoding of this ETC pictogram you can read in CropCirclesConnector part «articles».

The pictogram represents the 3-D image of the information cell of civilization. Thus, ETC show that our individual consciousness corresponds to fourth level. However, such heterogeneous structure will lead to destruction of humanity in global cataclysms, because we will remain on the same level of the Crystal structures. For continuation of our life we have to make the Transition to the Highest level of material world. For the Transition is required homogeneous structure of civilization' united cell. It corresponds to the fifth level of consciousness – united consciousness. This required structure of our consciousness ETC demonstrated on pictogram 6 July 2010 Hampshire, England. In this pictogram ETC through external hexagon specifies on a carbon basis of our life indicating that this information is for us.

ETC showed that now on Earth is emergency situation, connected with misunderstanding the necessity of the united consciousness formation. It will causes the destruction of our civilization in soon began global cataclysms. ETC insist to spread this information widely.

ETC confirm that only high homogeneity structure of the united cell with resonant activity can cause the united consciousness action of huge power in the form of bio-laser beam. It will arise at the moment of civilization’ consciousness’ synchronization and will remove our body from the level of global cataclysms – the level of Crystal Structures. So, we will begin the new cycle of life at the safe Highest level of the material world.

This principle of the Transition ETC constantly use for intergalaxies flights in the universe. It is known as teleportation.

So, the pictogram informs: if our civilization in short time not create the united cell with deeply homogeneity structure, then, we ourselves put a cross on our future.