kundalini mandalam

Kundalini Mandalam: A Physical Review 1. Basic read Electromagnetic Wave An electromagnetic (e-m) wave is the superposition of a electric field (E) and a magnetic field(B) perpendicular to each other as shown in fig 1. Figure 2 The waves are visualized as the dynamic spatial wave moving with time along the axis. Now the wavelength is the peak to peak distance of a wave as shown in fig 2. One complete oscillation means one complete journey from the axis towards upside and then downside and finally ending at the axis again. The number of oscillations per second/Cycles per second (CPS) is the no. of oscillations completed by the wave per second. Now in order to understand the relation between wavelength and frequency, let’s use an analogy to the waves on the ocean. Think about what happens to a small boat bobbing on the ocean. If the distance between the wave crests is large (i.e. the wavelength is long), then the boat bobs up and down less often (the frequency is low); if the distance is small (i.e the wavelength is short), then the boat bobs up and down more often (the frequency is high)( fig 3,4). That means for the long wavelengths we get low frequency and short wavelengths give high frequency. The unit of wavelength and frequency are meter(length) and Cycles Per Second(CPS) or Hertz(Hz) respectively.

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Kundalini Mandalam: A Physical Review

1. Basic read Electromagnetic Wave

An electromagnetic (e-m) wave is the superposition of a electric field (E) and a magnetic field(B) perpendicular to each other as shown in fig 1.

Figure 2

The waves are visualized as the dynamic spatial wave moving with time along the axis. Now the wavelength is the peak to peak distance of a wave as shown in fig 2.

One complete oscillation means one complete journey from the axis towards upside and then downside and finally ending at the axis again.

The number of oscillations per second/Cycles per second (CPS) is the no. of oscillations completed by the wave per second.

Now in order to understand the relation between wavelength and frequency, let’s

use an analogy to the waves on the ocean. Think about what happens to a small boat bobbing on the ocean. If the distance between the wave crests is large (i.e. the wavelength is long), then the boat bobs up and down less often (the frequency is low); if the distance is small (i.e the wavelength is short), then the boat bobs up and down more often (the frequency is high)( fig 3,4).

That means for the long wavelengths we get low frequency and short wavelengths give high frequency.

The unit of wavelength and frequency are meter(length) and Cycles Per Second(CPS) or Hertz(Hz) respectively.

Figure 3 Figure 4 Electromagnetic spectrum

As we can see in fig 5, the e-m wave having lowest frequency(1000 CPS) is long radio waves whose wavelength is very long(few kilometers). Then the frequency gradually increases serially in Radio waves, Microwaves, Infrared waves, Visible light waves, Ultraviolet waves, X rays and finally gamma rays (Frequency 1022 CPS and beyond ; wavelength 10-13 meter or less, Energy 106 electron-Volt(eV) or higher) (see fig 5).


Energy of the e-m wave is, Energy(E) = Planck’s constant X frequency The unit of energy used here is in eV(electron Volt). One eV means the amount of energy (kinetic energy) gained by an free electron, when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 Volt. Elementary particles

We can see that the highest level of energy starts from Gamma rays, which comes from the nuclear reactions. On earth, radioactive materials emit gamma rays and similarly gamma rays are found in nuclear reactor. Since all the stars are the big nuclear reactors, we get cosmic gamma rays in the space.

All the sub-atomic particles like electron, proton, neutron etc. are not elementary. Similarly we get some other the particles produced from radioactivity and scattering like photons(we call it light), neutrino, muon etc. Most of these particles are comprises of quarks, leptons and Bosons. In this finest level, one can neither surely identifies these as particles nor as waves; but both are true simultaneously.

Energies are of two kinds for these particles. One is kinetic energy (due to its

velocity) and the other is the rest energy (due to its own mass which is transferable to

energy). The maximum rest energy found in quark particles is ‘top’ having energy 171.2 billion eV. However, people are in search of another more powerful particle called Higgs Boson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_boson) (sometimes called god particle due to its

mystic nature) which is theoretically present and the search is going on through the world’s largest physics project at CERN (http://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc/). In general, if found, the existence of this particle reveal the mystery of creation of such a big universe from the supervoid !!

2. Kundalini Mandala In this Mandala, the frequencies of the vibrations are given not only for each of the chakras (characteristics frequency of the Chakra) but also for the transient transition phase from one Chakra to the next. The whole process is quite similar like tuning a FM radio manually by either moving the knob (analog radio set) or scanning channels by changing the frequency slowly(digital radio set). We change the frequency of our receiver set to match with the frequencies broadcasted. Once matched perfectly, we get a crystal clear sound. Through Sadhana we continuously try to increase the frequency(energy) of Kundalini vibration. After the kundalini awakening from Muladhara, the energy starts increasing very rapidly in chain reaction. Every time the data of our last progress is always saved just like a computer game.

In tantra, each Chakra is geometrically represented as a lotus and the number of petals of the lotus increases in the upward journey upto Bisuddha Chakra. A letter is written in every petal which corresponds to a particular colour(frequency/energy). Although there might be a number of colours in a Chakra, but all the waves are superimposed making a single, gross characteristics colour of the Chakra. During awakening of Kundalini, bioplasma with tremendous energy activates some parts of our brain with the help of a typical endocrine gland (Pineal gland). This activation enables some gray matters to act as direct receptors of the Kundalini energy. Result? We feel like watching colours(energies of our own Kundalini) from inside without using our physical eyes. After some progress in Kundalini sadhana our system trains the brain to match the cosmic frequencies with our own Kundalini frequency. Quantum Mechanics considers all particles as a wave function. If we could read the wave function, we get all the data about the particle. The complex the particle, more complex its wave function. Quantum concept says that the existence of any particle(wave function) is infinitely spread all over the universe. But If you calculate the probability of existence of the particle at the place, the particle is supposed to stay, You will get the maximum. For example, the probability density of my existence at my home in India is maximum, but still, if someone calculates my existence on moon or mars, then he will get a very very small value over there. Interesting to understand that, when the matching of cosmic frequency occurs with our own Kundalini frequency, we experience our existence in other planets (astral travel). This is more interesting to understand how our probability of existence here, in deep silence and meditation, is minimized and our probability of existence (mainly the causal body) in other planet/place is increased. It’s a pure quantum concept.

Now we will take a look on the frequencies and corresponding energies in various Chakras , as described in the script. Table -1 Chakra Muladhar Swadhistan Manipur Aanahata Bisuddha Aagna Sahasrar Beyond

Freq. (Hz)

102 104 105 106 108 1010 1011 1012 1014 1016 1032 1096 10108 10972 101080

Energy (eV)

10-12 10-10 10-9 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-3 10-2 1 102 1018 1082 1092 10958 101066

From the table this is evident that the energies in first five Chakras are very low(between zero to one eV) (for example 10-2 eV= 0.01 eV, 10-4 eV =0.0001eV) and increases in the rate of few 100 or 1000 times of the previous. In the entry point of Bisuddha Chakra the energy required is above one eV. Next, to reach the entry point of Aagna Chakra it requires one million trillion times of the energy of the previous. Isn’t it huge? But this is nothing in comparison with the next Chakras. Entry points from Aagna Chakra to Sahasrar, the outburst of energy is a hundred of trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times! This can be defined as Chakra Transition Energy Ratio(CTER). Now finally in the last step (rupture of Sahasrar/ SUPERMIND), the jump of energy is more than 81 times a trillion of the energy of Sahasrar entry point!!! From the above discussion this is clear that, why the last three Chakra journey is described as the toughest in various spiritual books.

With this data a graph is plotted to understand the energy exploration. This is a special graph where energies at various Chakras are plotted in log scale. Log scales are necessary to concisely describe the situation when a parameter changes abruptly (similar to the degree of earthquake, plotted in Richter scale).

Fig-6: [Colours are as shown in the Mandalam]

Rules to read the log graph: 1. One scale of increase is equal to 10 times (i.e.,0 means 1; 1 means 10 times an eV, 2

means 100 times an eV, 3 means 1000 times an eV and likewise). 2. All the negative values of energy (first four Chakras) mean a value between zero

and one eV.

The individual vibrational frequency range as given here is from 104 Hz (characteristic frequency of Muladhara) to 10972 Hz (characteristic frequency of Sahasrar), whereas the terrestrial vibrational frequency range is given from 8 Hz to 101080 Hz. This means the journey from the Sahasrar and onwards is ruled by the divine power as the individual existence merges with the supermind/immanent spirit itself. Scientific inquisitive thoughts: 1. A good exponential growth fit is expected to describe infinity with the exponent. 2. Till date the maximum energy attained at Large Hadron Collider, CERN is 7 TeV (7

trillion eV), which is less than the threshold energy needed to move into Aagna Chakra.

3. Planck’s scale is a limit of quantum field theory. Beyond this limit Quantum Mechanics breaks down. Planck’s scale breaks down in the energy range of Aagna Chakra as per the script. Physicists are expecting a new mechanics very soon that can explain even more finer level of manipulation beyond quantum limit. New mechanics which is yet to be evolved, might successfully explain Kundalini energy outburst.

4. Bypassing our eyes and sensing the colour means sensory organs are not the must to get sensations. This might be the point of great interest for the biophysicists to extrapolate the system to sense without other organs also.

Subrata Kabiraj