kv erwin news mmmm - digitalncnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn97064590/1954-01-01/ed-1/... ·...

mmmm HnnHnHHßwl 2g wl ffleaweel StikMaa* Is m* ahsari the »iaM|i an a *»h Iswm eraias. He la the sea ef Mr. aai Mia. 11. E Strickland who are employed la He. 5 fffiaalag tbmm. Gleaweed waa am- |hpi la He. 5 Spiaaiag foam he- fere hs satstel the Havy ia 1992. His totofrr kaewa arsaad Erwia as CARDING NO. 2 Reporter: Edna Johnson Everybody we talked to said Banta Clans was real good to them. Me, too! We want to thank the Mill for the niee sheets and pillow slips. Everybody was happy about the gift Tour reporter went to Wilming- ton just before the holidays and saw the largest live ehristmas tree in the world. It is a beautiful thing when it ia lighted up but looks like an ordinary tree when it isn't. The children of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Avery had their Christ- mas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Avery Dee. 20th. Several games were played then a buffet supper was enjoyed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Blake Avery and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Avery and Sylvia and Nora Etta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avery and Michael and Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Avery and Teresa, Mrs. M. C. Stewart, Mrs. Edna Johnson, and Rex Avery. No. 2 Card Room had a roomer for a week in Deeember. We don't know where he got his board. Yes, a pigeon stayed in the department for a week. Several efforts were made to get him out but he didnt like to be shoved around! We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Thomas B. Moore in the death of his brother during the Christmas holidays. Just ask Myatt if a planer is dangerous. He lost the end of a finger in his?that should be proof enough. If you know any news bring it to me. Others would enjoy reading it «w*er, Ms mveliesßtk birthday m December a. tfet IMI Mr JMM Hff- TVr pjjm aad his matter to $ S i- ' ,'f SPOOLING AND WARPING Sepottm: Trmuc MeEee Alliens Mim We ladies were proud of oar sheets and pillow eases. They sue were nice. The men liked then, too. I think Santa Clans was very niee to every one?according to what some say they got Sorry to hear of lfrs. Inez Pen- ay's brother getting hurt in a wreck during the holidays. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith and children spent part of the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MeKee. Mrs Nellie Prince's son, George Hodges, and Miss Agnes Smith are to be married December 31st at the Presbyterian Church on the Dunn- Erwin highway. We wish them a long happy life. It seems that no one has any news. I heard a lady say that she went to town and they had signs "walk" and "don't walk" and die was watch- ing and stomped her toe and was really sore. Alliene says she had lots of com- pany Christmas?sisters and their families, mother and dad, and several friends. I guess everyone did get to see Santa?hope 80. SPINNING Reporters: Mildred Tyndall Evedine Olover It seems that everyone on the second shift enjoyed a nice quiet Christmas. Mr. snd Mrs. N. J. DiOregorio and sons, Greg and Nelson, have returned to their home in Osuego, N. Y., after a two weeks visit with Mrs. DiGregorio's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Wade. While here Mrs. Wade had a party for the two little boys and Santa came and gave pres- ents to the 26 children present Mrs. Wade served them candy, cake, and iee cream and they all bad a wonder- ful time telling Santa what they wanteds for Christmas. Mrs. Annie Parker had as her guest December 27 her brother Honee Loekamy, of Wilmington, N. C. Miss Reba Altaian of Dunn was the holiday guest of Mrs. Thelma Howard. Landis and Blanche Phillips spent Christmas visiting relatives, eating with all . What fun! Mr. and Mrs. Java Williams had a wonderful Christmas entertaining guests from California, Virginia, Fort Brag, and friends and relatives of near home. They're especially happy to have Larry Williams of Erwin make his home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Glennie Langdon had their son, G. W. Langdon, home for Christmas. He is stationed at Boiling Air Force Base, Washing- ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tart of Dunn were the Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Autry. Willie and Blanche Matthews en- joyed having as their guests for the holidays their two year old grandson, Gray, and bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Stephens of Durham. It would be hard to say who had the most fun riding the hobhy horse and playing with the train?Gray or Willie. Too bad we didnt have a flash camera. rUis K&WXSF a yyßit IN GERMANY: Mis. Jaaet Jose, sad sons Resale aad Mkhssl, left Hessmbsr 30 fer Genaaay where hsr haabaad, Bft, Pied Jeaes, is stall east Mm. Jsnss will he 1a Genaaay fer twe years. She is ths daaghter ef Mr. aad Mia. Jaame Mem ef He. S Weave Ilia. her daughter's sprained ankle. Hope Billie's ankle will soon be OX Frank said he didn't get his two front teeth for Christmas. He is going to wait and get them all. Can you imagine? No one having to restf Frank in a hurry f Earl S. with curly hairf The boys not swiping John's pieeesf Harvey Tyndall driving his Henry J.f CLOTH ROOM Reporter: Esther Alien Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Norris bad as their guests Christmas Day their son, W. H. and his wife, Ruby, of Savannah, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Willie Baker, Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Cross and children, Wil- mington, N. C., Mrs. Ethel Williams, Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dixion of Golds- boro, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Strickland were happy to have with them on Christmas Day their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Phillips, her husband, and all those grandchildren. Mrs. Carl Gregory and two aons spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bass and children of York Road, Maryland, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bass of Fayetteville, N. C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bass during the holidays. Mrs. Maggie Oakley visited her daughter, Mrs. Howard Kimball of Charleston, S. C., during the holi- days. Mrs. Melissie Ennis, her daughter, Peggie, her son, Larry, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles High and Ricky spent Christmas Day in Sanford with Mrs. Ennis's sisters, Mrs. J. B. Hall and Mrs. L. N. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Turlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart and daughter, Sindy, spent Sunday in Raleigh. Blanebe Matthews says this waa the nicest Christmas she has had in a long time. She saw the Christmas programs put on by various ehurehes and on Saturday, Decem- ber 19, she entertained her Sunday School Class with a party. The 10 girls present exchanged gifts and all enjoyed an evening of games, con- tests, singing and good eating. Prices were awarded Becky Earp, Janie Underwood, aad Patricia Mrs. Eula Parker and son, Gra- ham Allen, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Parker's mother in Ben- son. Mr. and Mrs. Don Waller and son, Donny, of Raleigh, and Mr. and Mm. Bobby Carr and sons, Robby and Harold, of Lynchburg, Ya. spent the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Helen Aiken Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Aiken, Sr. of Langley, S. 0., spent the holidays with Mr. B. F. Aiken, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Aiken of Statesville, N. C. announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Ajtrn, on December 23rd in States- ville, N. C. Mrs. John Ashley had as her guests Christmas Day her sister-in- law, Mrs. Laykra Holland and fanu- Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Norris and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norris visited Mr. Hughie Norm's father at Me- Kain Sunday. CpL BUI Pate and wife, Joann, of Atlanta, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pat*, during the holiday*. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Hudss«» of 51 MXSKM S nn?. Butler. Evedine says she didn't get out much during Christmas because of ERWIN NEWS Greensboro were also guests of the Partes. Mrs. Thurman Allen had as her guests Chrutau Day her punt% Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Tart of Lflling- ton, N. C. On Saturday Mrs. ABn had aa her guests for dinner, Mm. Alvin Tart and family of Dunn, Miss Linda Floyd of Lomberton, N. C., and Mr. V. L. Tart of New- port Hews, Va. Mr. MHA Mrs. Hatet Gary of Mismi, Fla., were guests of Mrs. Eola Parker daring the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Allen spent Sunday after Cbristmaa with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tart of falling- ton, N. C. Mrs. Eola Parker visited Mrs. Louise Brantley, a patient at Watts Hospial, Saturday. Guess what Jean Smith foond under her Christmas Tree? Everyone in our department seems to have had a very niee Christmas. Hope the New Tear brings happiness to all. BEAMING * SLASHING NO. 5 Reporter: Zola West John Ballard said that Locke (Ike) Barbour and Uriah (Truman) O'Quinn are arguing shout the short time lately. J. E. Wicker said that he seemed to have a lot of Saturdays and Sun- days through the holidays. Miekey 0' Quinn said that he en- joyed Christmas very mueh. Most of the folks said that it was too rainy to get out and they stayed in Christmas. No. 5 Slasher Room wishes to ex- tend sympathy to Bradley Godwin and family at the death of his sister, Mrs. Ludie Clyde Morrison. Preston West and wife visited their son, Fredrick, in Fayetteville Christmas. Your reporter and wife, our daughters, Doris Lambert, Pam Lambert, and our son, Robert West visited our daughter, Deraline Fer- guson, in Greenville, N. C., Christ- mas Day. Every one appreciated the Christ- mas gifts that the .Company gave us. WEAVING NO. 5 Reporter: Kathleen Byrd Norris Lois Ivey is back at work after being out for some time. Woodrow has finally learned how Jesse likes rabbit the best Have you ever tried any rabbit salad f Bet- ter try some. It's good. I want to thank the Chattir for my niee Christmas present. The few Battery Fillers who drew names really had a niee time, and had lots of fun. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Keene visi- ted Almeta LoLovick the week end of the 12th mid during the holidays. We have enjoyed Pearl Strick- land working with us. We hear she hopes to go back to the first, though. We hate to see her go but wish her luck. Charles Co* has returned from service and is back on the 2nd shift. We're glad to see yon back, Charles. Mrs. Joseph L. Tyndall and Mrs. Joe R. (Mom shopped in Raleigh. I bet they had a lot of fun talking to Ssnta Clans in the rain. We know Virginia will really en- joy her Christmas present this year more than ever before. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wert Waited relatives in Raleigh recently. We are sorry to hear that Louise Brantley is baek in the hospital. She is in Watts Hospital and we all wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Butler at- tended the Christmas parade at '"ayettevilfck Their daughter, (feral dine, ha* lieen sick. We are glad to JMf that ifee is better. \u2713We are sorry Burt Bayles was out some of ttte week before Chriatmac. We hope it didn't keep him from having a Merry Chtwfanas. kV . jmUSim Herbert E. NORM was home for the Christmas holidays. He ia (ta- ttooed in Germany. He is a former employee of No. 5 Weave Roma and 4 brother of Woodrow Norria. Mr. and Mia. N. E. Tew and daughters, Doris Jean and Juanita, of Wert Durham were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tew the week- end of the oth. We want to thank Erwin Mills for our nice gifts and wish than a Hippy New Tear. With your help in the following year we hope to get more news and pictures. Thanks to all for your help from your reporter, and a Happy New Tear to yon. Thanks for the flowers from Lois Ivey. i Reporter: Alene Strickland B. F. Hamilton wishes to ex- press hie appreciation to the people of the various departments of Erwin Mills for the help end thocghtful- ness shown him and his family due to the loss of his home by (fare. When Wilbert Strickland goes squirrel hunting he really goes at it in a big way. He brings baek deer instead of squirrel. It seems that Earthy Smith ia * going to have a new brother-in-law. Her sister, Agnes, a farmer employ- ee of No. 6 Weave Boom, is wear- * ing a diamond. Who's the manf George Hodges, the son of Mis. Nellie Prinee on No. 2 Spinning Room. Good Luck to you! The wedding date is set for December 31,1953. If Walter and Hattic keep on trying hard enough I'm sure they'll make battery fillers yet. What shout you, Delbert, are you a weaver or a battery filler f Anybody going fishing and need- ing some one to paddle for them, just see Man Fann. He ia really good. He'll have you on both rides and in the middle of the stream all at the same time. Ned Smith and family visited his mother in Raleigh Christmas Day. He reported a niee Christmas. Santa was resl niee to Mildred Barefoot. He brought her a new electric sewing machine. She and * her family visited her mother in Fayetteville on Saturday following Christmas. \ Edgar Junior Strickland, brother of Wilbert Strickland was in a ser- ious accident Christmas morning. Wilber reports that he is doing as well as could be expected eonsider- ng his condition. Mrs. Ethel Avery and Deloris have returned from a trip to Bermu- da where they have been visiting Mrs. Avery's daughter, Jessie Mae Evans, who has been side. Mrs. Evans is a former employee of No. 5 Weave Room. Mia. Avery re- ported a very niee trip. Sampie Register says about the best way to make a New Year's reso- lution ia to make the worst one you can think of because you afyrsys break them and in that way maybe everything will turn out for the best. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wade and family of South Carolina, and Don- , aid, who is attending college in Ten- nessee, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wade. We are glad to have so many of our workers who have been out on leaves of absence back at work. Everybody wishes to thank the Company for the sheets and pillow eases they received for Christmas. They are very niee. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephens visited Mrs. Stephens's sister, Mrs. Donald Keith Gomedella, who Is a patient at Saunders Material Has - pitsi in Florence, South Carolina. Stacy Whittingtoa has a new baby girl. Jody Whittington, the baby's gtanddaddy, says it doeaut make him feel a bit older. Ton see he has twenty grandchildren I * Page 4

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Page 1: kV ERWIN NEWS mmmm - DigitalNCnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn97064590/1954-01-01/ed-1/... · 2014-02-11 · Boiling Air Force Base, Washing-ton, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tart of


2g wl

ffleaweel StikMaa* Is m* ahsarithe »iaM|i an a *»h Iswm eraias.He la the sea ef Mr. aai Mia. 11. EStrickland who are employed la He.5 fffiaalag tbmm. Gleaweed waa am-|hpi la He. 5 Spiaaiag foam he-fere hs satstel the Havy ia 1992. His

totofrr kaewa arsaad Erwia as

CARDING NO. 2Reporter: Edna Johnson

Everybody we talked to saidBanta Clans was real good to them.Me, too!

We want to thank the Mill forthe niee sheets and pillow slips.Everybody was happy about thegift

Tour reporter went to Wilming-ton just before the holidays and sawthe largest live ehristmas tree in theworld. It is a beautiful thing whenit ia lighted up but looks like anordinary tree when it isn't.

The children of the late Mr. andMrs. W. T. Avery had their Christ-mas party at the home of Mr. andMrs. Blake Avery Dee. 20th. Severalgames were played then a buffetsupper was enjoyed. Those presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Blake Avery andJudith, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Averyand Sylvia and Nora Etta, Mr. andMrs. Frank Avery and Michael andDianne, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Averyand Teresa, Mrs. M. C. Stewart,Mrs. Edna Johnson, and Rex Avery.

No. 2 Card Room had a roomerfor a week in Deeember. We don'tknow where he got his board. Yes,a pigeon stayed in the departmentfor a week. Several efforts weremade to get him out but he didntlike to be shoved around!

We wish to express our deepestsympathy to Thomas B. Moore inthe death of his brother during theChristmas holidays.

Just ask Myatt if a planer isdangerous. He lost the end of afinger in his?that should be proofenough.

Ifyou know any news bring it tome. Others would enjoy reading it

«w*er, Msmveliesßtk birthday m December a.

tfet IMI Mr JMM Hff- TVr

pjjm aad his matter to$ S i- ' ,'f


Sepottm: Trmuc MeEeeAlliens Mim

We ladies were proud of oarsheets and pillow eases. They suewere nice. The men liked then,too.

I think Santa Clans was very nieeto every one?according to whatsome say they got

Sorry to hear of lfrs. Inez Pen-ay's brother getting hurt in a wreckduring the holidays. We wish hima speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith andchildren spent part of the holidayswith Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MeKee.

Mrs Nellie Prince's son, GeorgeHodges, and Miss Agnes Smith areto be married December 31st at thePresbyterian Church on the Dunn-Erwin highway. We wish them along happy life.

It seems that no one has any news.I heard a lady say that she wentto town and they had signs "walk"and "don't walk" and die was watch-ing and stomped her toe and wasreally sore.

Alliene says she had lots of com-pany Christmas?sisters and theirfamilies, mother and dad, andseveral friends. I guess everyonedid get to see Santa?hope 80.

SPINNINGReporters: Mildred Tyndall

Evedine OloverIt seems that everyone on the

second shift enjoyed a nice quietChristmas.

Mr. snd Mrs. N. J. DiOregorioand sons, Greg and Nelson, havereturned to their home in Osuego,N. Y., after a two weeks visit withMrs. DiGregorio's parents, Mr. andMrs. M. E. Wade. While here Mrs.Wade had a party for the two littleboys and Santa came and gave pres-ents to the 26 children present Mrs.Wade served them candy, cake, andiee cream and they all bad a wonder-ful time telling Santa what theywanteds for Christmas.

Mrs. Annie Parker had as herguest December 27 her brotherHonee Loekamy, of Wilmington,N. C.

Miss Reba Altaian of Dunn wasthe holiday guest of Mrs. ThelmaHoward.

Landis and Blanche Phillips spentChristmas visiting relatives, eatingwith all . What fun!

Mr. and Mrs. Java Williams hada wonderful Christmas entertainingguests from California, Virginia,Fort Brag, and friends and relativesof near home. They're especiallyhappy to have Larry Williams ofErwin make his home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Glennie Langdonhad their son, G. W. Langdon, homefor Christmas. He is stationed atBoiling Air Force Base, Washing-ton, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tart ofDunn were the Christmas guests ofMr. and Mrs. James Autry.

Willie and Blanche Matthews en-joyed having as their guests forthe holidays their two year oldgrandson, Gray, and bis parents,Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Stephens ofDurham. It would be hard to saywho had the most fun riding thehobhy horse and playing with thetrain?Gray or Willie. Too bad wedidnt have a flash camera.

rUis K&WXSF ayyßit

IN GERMANY: Mis. Jaaet Jose,sad sons Resale aad Mkhssl, leftHessmbsr 30 fer Genaaay where hsrhaabaad, Bft, Pied Jeaes, is stall eastMm. Jsnss will he 1a Genaaay fer tweyears. She is ths daaghter ef Mr.aad Mia. Jaame Mem ef He. S WeaveIlia.

her daughter's sprained ankle. HopeBillie's ankle will soon be OX

Frank said he didn't get his twofront teeth for Christmas. He isgoing to wait and get them all.

Can you imagine?No one having to restfFrank in a hurry fEarl S. with curly hairfThe boys not swiping John's

pieeesfHarvey Tyndall driving his

Henry J.f

CLOTH ROOMReporter: Esther Alien

Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Norris badas their guests Christmas Day theirson, W. H. and his wife, Ruby, ofSavannah, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. WillieBaker, Washington, D. C., Mr. andMrs. P. C. Cross and children, Wil-mington, N. C., Mrs. Ethel Williams,Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Baker,Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, andMr. and Mrs. J. C. Dixion of Golds-boro, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Stricklandwere happy to have with them onChristmas Day their daughter, Mrs.J. C. Phillips, her husband, and allthose grandchildren.

Mrs. Carl Gregory and two aonsspent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.Weaver Strickland.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bass andchildren of York Road, Maryland,and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bass ofFayetteville, N. C. were guests ofMr. and Mrs. Ed Bass during theholidays.

Mrs. Maggie Oakley visited herdaughter, Mrs. Howard Kimball ofCharleston, S. C., during the holi-days.

Mrs. Melissie Ennis, her daughter,Peggie, her son, Larry, and Mr. andMrs. Charles High and Ricky spentChristmas Day in Sanford with Mrs.Ennis's sisters, Mrs. J. B. Hall andMrs. L. N. Burns.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Turlington,and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart anddaughter, Sindy, spent Sunday inRaleigh.

Blanebe Matthews says this waathe nicest Christmas she has had ina long time. She saw the Christmasprograms put on by variousehurehes and on Saturday, Decem-ber 19, she entertained her SundaySchool Class with a party. The 10girls present exchanged gifts and allenjoyed an evening of games, con-tests, singing and good eating.Prices were awarded Becky Earp,Janie Underwood, aad Patricia

Mrs. Eula Parker and son, Gra-ham Allen, spent Christmas Daywith Mrs. Parker's mother in Ben-son.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Waller andson, Donny, of Raleigh, and Mr. andMm. Bobby Carr and sons, Robbyand Harold, of Lynchburg, Ya.spent the holidays with their mother,Mrs. Helen Aiken Carr. Mr. andMrs. Floyd Aiken, Sr. of Langley,S. 0., spent the holidays with Mr.B. F. Aiken, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. BUIAiken of Statesville, N. C. announcethe birth of a daughter, DorothyAjtrn, on December 23rd in States-ville,N. C.

Mrs. John Ashley had as herguests Christmas Day her sister-in-law, Mrs. Laykra Holland and fanu-

Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Norris andMr. and Mrs. W. H. Norris visitedMr. Hughie Norm's father at Me-Kain Sunday.

CpL BUI Pate and wife, Joann, ofAtlanta, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs.Willie Pat*, during the holiday*.Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Hudss«» of51 MXSKM S nn?.

Butler.Evedine says she didn't get out

much during Christmas because of

ERWIN NEWSGreensboro were also guests of thePartes.

Mrs. Thurman Allen had as herguests Chrutau Day her punt%Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Tart of Lflling-ton, N. C. On Saturday Mrs. ABnhad aa her guests for dinner, Mm.Alvin Tart and family of Dunn,Miss Linda Floyd of Lomberton,N. C., and Mr. V. L. Tart of New-port Hews, Va.

Mr. MHA Mrs. Hatet Gary ofMismi, Fla., were guests of Mrs.Eola Parker daring the Holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Allenspent Sunday after Cbristmaa withMr. and Mrs. J. F. Tart of falling-ton, N. C.

Mrs. Eola Parker visited Mrs.Louise Brantley, a patient at WattsHospial, Saturday.

Guess what Jean Smith foondunder her Christmas Tree?

Everyone in our departmentseems to have had a very nieeChristmas. Hope the New Tearbrings happiness to all.


SLASHING NO. 5Reporter: Zola West

John Ballard said that Locke(Ike) Barbour and Uriah (Truman)O'Quinn are arguing shout theshort time lately.

J. E. Wicker said that he seemedto have a lot of Saturdays and Sun-days through the holidays.

Miekey 0' Quinn said that he en-joyed Christmas very mueh. Mostof the folks said that it was toorainy to get out and they stayed inChristmas.

No. 5 Slasher Room wishes to ex-tend sympathy to Bradley Godwinand family at the death of hissister, Mrs. Ludie Clyde Morrison.

Preston West and wife visitedtheir son, Fredrick, in FayettevilleChristmas.

Your reporter and wife, ourdaughters, Doris Lambert, PamLambert, and our son, Robert Westvisited our daughter, Deraline Fer-guson, in Greenville, N. C., Christ-mas Day.

Every one appreciated the Christ-mas gifts that the .Company gaveus.

WEAVING NO. 5Reporter: Kathleen Byrd NorrisLois Ivey is back at work after

being out for some time.Woodrow has finally learned how

Jesse likes rabbit the best Have youever tried any rabbit salad f Bet-ter try some. It's good.

I want to thank the Chattir formy niee Christmas present.

The few Battery Fillers who drewnames really had a niee time, andhad lots of fun.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Keene visi-ted Almeta LoLovick the week endof the 12th mid during the holidays.

We have enjoyed Pearl Strick-land working with us. We hearshe hopes to go back to the first,though. We hate to see her go butwish her luck.

Charles Co* has returned fromservice and is back on the 2nd shift.We're glad to see yon back, Charles.

Mrs. Joseph L. Tyndall and Mrs.Joe R. (Mom shopped in Raleigh.I bet they had a lot of fun talkingto Ssnta Clans in the rain.

We know Virginia will really en-joy her Christmas present this yearmore than ever before.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wert Waitedrelatives in Raleigh recently.

We are sorry to hear that LouiseBrantley is baek in the hospital.She is in Watts Hospital and we allwish her a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Butler at-tended the Christmas parade at'"ayettevilfck Their daughter, (feraldine, ha* lieen sick. We are gladtoJMfthat ifee is better.

\u2713We are sorry Burt Bayles was outsome of ttte week before Chriatmac.We hope it didn't keep him fromhaving a Merry Chtwfanas.

kV .


Herbert E. NORM was home forthe Christmas holidays. He ia (ta-

ttooed in Germany. He is a formeremployee of No. 5 Weave Roma and 4

brother of Woodrow Norria.Mr. and Mia. N. E. Tew and

daughters, Doris Jean and Juanita,of Wert Durham were visitors ofMr. and Mrs. W. B. Tew the week-end of the oth.

We want to thank Erwin Millsfor our nice gifts and wish than aHippy New Tear.

With your help in the followingyear we hope to get more news andpictures. Thanks to all for yourhelp from your reporter, and aHappy New Tear to yon.

Thanks for the flowers from LoisIvey.

iReporter: Alene Strickland

B. F. Hamilton wishes to ex-press hie appreciation to the peopleof the various departments of ErwinMills for the help end thocghtful-ness shown him and his family dueto the loss of his home by (fare.

When Wilbert Strickland goessquirrel hunting he really goes atit in a big way. He brings baekdeer instead of squirrel.

It seems that Earthy Smith ia *

going to have a new brother-in-law.Her sister, Agnes, a farmer employ-ee of No. 6 Weave Boom, is wear- *

ing a diamond. Who's the manfGeorge Hodges, the son of Mis.Nellie Prinee on No. 2 SpinningRoom. Good Luck to you! Thewedding date is set for December31,1953.

If Walter and Hattic keep ontrying hard enough I'm sure they'llmake battery fillers yet. What shoutyou, Delbert, are you a weaver ora battery fillerf

Anybody going fishing and need-ing some one to paddle for them,just see Man Fann. He ia reallygood. He'll have you on both ridesand in the middle of the stream allat the same time.

Ned Smith and family visited hismother in Raleigh Christmas Day.He reported a niee Christmas.

Santa was resl niee to MildredBarefoot. He brought her a newelectric sewing machine. She and


her family visited her mother inFayetteville on Saturday followingChristmas. \

Edgar Junior Strickland, brotherof Wilbert Strickland was in a ser-ious accident Christmas morning.Wilber reports that he is doing aswell as could be expected eonsider-ng his condition.

Mrs. Ethel Avery and Delorishave returned from a trip to Bermu-da where they have been visitingMrs. Avery's daughter, Jessie MaeEvans, who has been side. Mrs.Evans is a former employee of No.5 Weave Room. Mia. Avery re-ported a very niee trip.

Sampie Register says about thebest way to make a New Year's reso-lution ia to make the worst one youcan think of because you afyrsysbreak them and in that way maybeeverything will turn out for thebest.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Wade andfamily of South Carolina, and Don- ,aid, who is attending college in Ten-nessee, spent Christmas with theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wade.

We are glad to have so many ofour workers who have been out onleaves of absence back at work.

Everybody wishes to thank theCompany for the sheets and pilloweases they received for Christmas.They are very niee.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephensvisited Mrs. Stephens's sister, Mrs.Donald Keith Gomedella, who Is apatient at Saunders Material Has -

pitsi in Florence, South Carolina.Stacy Whittingtoa has a new

baby girl. Jody Whittington, thebaby's gtanddaddy, says it doeautmake him feel a bit older. Ton seehe has twenty grandchildren I*

Page 4