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  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期



    編輯委員會 Editorial Committee名譽總編輯 : 張嫚芸 ClaudiaCheung總編輯 : 謝淑芬 TeriChia編輯委員 : 鄭松雪 ShellyCheng 郭瑞儀 CarolKwok 鄺穎妍 VikkiKwong 李潔盈 ChristiLee 吳雪敏 ShelleyNg 杜國良 DerekTo 劉耀章 HughLau 黎嘉慧 TeresaLai 尹紫薇 QuinlyWan 甘家碧 CarrieKam 李天藍 TinaDiCicco 黃嘉寶 DaisyWong JoyceWeible 胡淑芬 VickyWu 鄒浩敏 BettyZou 梁霞 KellyLiang 葉建宇 AdoYip

    嘉華集團K. Wah Group香港北角渣華道191號嘉華國際中心29樓29/F, K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong

    《嘉天下通訊》乃嘉華集團出版之刊物,如欲轉載或引用本刊內容,請註明出處。K. WAH NEWS is published by K. Wah Group. Reproduction of any contents of this publication requires proper acknowledgment.

    編者的話Message from Editor

    「突破專業界線,走向無限」── 這是編者在本期《嘉天下通訊》的專題報導中得到的一點






    No Limit to Possibilities ── is not only the theme of this issue of K. Wah News, but also

    a true inspiration for me. From brainstorming of ideas to realizing them, from interviewing

    to putting the story together, our editorial team and myself are impressed by how

    endless the possibilities are for those working at K. Wah. Growing with K. Wah for many

    years has developed in them perseverance, aspiration for excellence and keen judgment

    ── which are uniquely the spirit and values of K. Wah that we all strive to attain. In the

    coming issues, we will discover and share more encouraging stories about K. Wah and

    its people. Hope you will be sharing yours with us one day!

    謝淑芬Teri Chia

  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45




    06主席「嘉」書• 策略清晰 堅毅踏實 長遠致勝之道


    • Direction and determination lay foundations for long term development


    • 嘉華國際委任潘宗光教授及 鄭慕智博士為董事• 香港肇輝台及廣州花都新華鎮機場 CBD第一期平頂• 銀河娛樂集團高管於G2E Asia 2009 分享現代化管理思維

    K.WAH IN FOCUS• KWIH appoints Professor Poon

    Chung Kwong and Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi as Directors• Topping out of two signature

    projects of KWIH • GEG’s senior executives share

    management philosophy at G2E Asia 2009

    08嘉華頭條• 突破專業界線 走向無限

    K. WAH HEADLINES• No Limit to Possibilities

    19 20


    • 「靜安呂志和希望小學」正式揭幕  嘉華集團與上海靜安區建交委 攜手支持雲南教育• 銀河娛樂集團為義工增值 帶領員工回饋社會• 嘉華集團為公益金籌得五萬港元• 美國酒店熱心公益 樂助社群

    CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP• K. Wah Group partners with local

    governments of Shanghai Jingan District and Yunnan Province to build Jingan Lui Che Woo School• GEG trains up volunteers to reward the society• K. Wah Group raises HK$50,000 for

    Community Chest• US hotels spread love to community

    26專家分析• 恆生指數估值大檢測

    EXPERT VIEW• HSI valuation by Earnings Yield Gap Model



    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期

    28傑出成就• 嘉寧薈榮獲時代報2009軌道「金牛獎」• 海景嘉福酒店 榮獲「最佳管理培訓獎 - 卓越獎」• 海景嘉福酒店囊括兩項國際美食大獎• 銀河娛樂集團揚威澳門國際龍舟賽• 星際酒店榮獲 「消費者最滿意酒店品牌」稱號• 美國酒店獲多項殊榮  團隊質素備受肯定

    ACHIEVEMENTS• Shanghai Westwood II receives 2009

    Golden Ox Award in Shanghai• ICGS awarded with HKMA certificate of excellence• ICGS garners two silver medals in 2009

    Hong Kong International Culinary Classic• GEG triumphs in 2009 Macau International Dragon Boat Races• StarWorld awarded Best Hotel Brand for Customer Satisfaction • US hotels recognized for people excellence

    4131 36

    34新聞精點• 呂慧瑜獲頒授銅紫荊星章• 嘉寧薈「藝術點亮生活」帶動品味 國際社區• 海景嘉福酒店與業界分享品牌 增值之道• 海景嘉福酒店「意大利佳餚.美酒.爵士樂」之夜• 海景嘉福酒店再度款待國際藝術團體• 高達模型王雲集蘇豪東藝術畫廊• 星際品味坊呈獻「星級肥媽私房菜」

    NEWS IN BRIEF• Paddy Lui receives Bronze Bauhinia Star• Shanghai Westwood II enlightens living with art• ICGS shares the value of brand equity• An evening of Italian jazz, food and

    wine at ICGS• ICGS hosts world-class art performers • Gundam models exhibition at Art Gallery @ Soho East• “Fat Mama” cooks for guests at StarWorld

    40員工天地• 銀河娛樂集團六名員工 膺「2008年度之星」• 銀河娛樂集團全力支持 「2009國際挑戰日」• 嘉華建材(華南區) 「健康安全環保經驗分享工作坊」• 嘉華建材同樂會 員工活動樂趣多• 《嘉天下通訊》讀者意見調查

    STAFF CORNER• Six GEG staff named the “Star of the Year – 2008”• GEG fully supports the 2009 International Challenge Day• KWCM (Southern China Region) organizes HSE sharing session• KWCM Social Club provides weekend fun• Reader Opinion Survey

    32商管智慧• 生意策略.雙贏之道

    BIZ WISDOM• Business strategy should be based on a win-win approach

  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45


    主席「嘉」書LETTER FROM


    策略清晰 堅毅踏實 長遠致勝之道各位同事:


    多元化投資 跨國企業持續發展關鍵業務投資的多元化及地域性分配,乃一間跨國企業持續發展及風險管理的重點所在。而嘉華集團多年來的發展策略,亦一直重視業務的多元化及投資地域的組合,是故集團業務不但跨越建材、酒店、娛樂及休閒和房地產行業,投資項目亦遍及北美、東南亞、香港、澳門及中國內地主要城市等等。踏入廿一世紀,集團之「大中華概念」尤其明確。

    中國人的企業 大中華的概念嘉華集團之「大中華概念」,並非始於今天──我出生於中國,立業於香港,對兩個地方的感情都很深厚。記得我十多歲的青年時代,雖然身在香港,但凡有關中國抗戰以至共和國成立的新聞,我都非常留意。回顧中國近代的歷史發展,是一條充滿崎嶇的路,從封建走向民主、從無知走向文明、從貧窮走向發展,每一條路,都走得不易;期間中國人所經歷的辛酸,實不足為外人道。


    業務發展與國家建設策略共同進退今年三月,國際管理顧問公司麥肯錫(McKinsey & Company)發表一份題為《迎接中國城市十億大軍(Preparing for China’s Urban Billion)》的報告,勾劃出中國急速城市化的進程,將影響著國內未來二、三十年的經濟和社會發展:到2025年,中國將有近10億人口在城市居住,城市的經濟貢獻將佔國內生產總值的95%,提供近5億個就業崗位,並可實現中央政府預期於2020年人均國內生產總值翻兩翻的目標,與社會和人民分享經濟發展的美好成果。


    兩年一小計、五年一大計 無懼經濟變化任何階段、任何形式的社會及經濟體系都必然存在變數,但只要策劃完善,以「大膽假設、小心求證」的科學態度,在知識和心理上均作好準備,困難都總有解決之途。我經常勉勵各個部門定下工作計劃和目標,尤其必須落實制度化的管理及採取審慎的理財策略,兩年一小計、五年一大計,將目光放遠,多思考、多計劃,便無懼風風雨雨。




    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期

    Direction and determination lay foundations for long term development Dear colleagues,

    Last October, I shared with you some reflections in the midst of global financial crisis. In only a few months’ time, the global economy has steadily climbed out of the gloomy trough, which once again exemplified the unpredictability of the present-day world.

    Diversification and balance are key to sustainabilityNowadays, diversification of businesses and geographical reach are critical for the sustainable growth and risk management of a multinational corporation. The Group has long pursued such strategy for years, with diversified businesses ranging from construction materials, hotel, enter tainment and leisure and proper ty; in diversified locations, including Nor th America, South East Asia, Hong Kong, Macau and major cities of Mainland China. Since the turn of the century, the regional focus on the Greater China has become more distinctive in the development of the Group.

    K. Wah focuses on the Greater China regionFocusing on the Greater China region is not a novelty, but a heritage of K. Wah’s commitment to China, my bir thplace. As a teenager star ting business in Hong Kong, I strived to keep abreast of the happenings in the Mainland, from the World War II to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. The history of China in recent decades has not been an easy one: from feudalism to democracy, innocence to civilization, pover ty to prosperity, which all in all are achieved with great endeavour, and great pain.

    With an eagerness to contribute, K. Wah was among the pioneers to enter China’s market in the 1980s, with construction materials business as the first investment. At the time, as special licenses were required for cross border vehicles, we came up with a bold idea to transpor t concrete directly from Shenzhen to Hong Kong by a conveyor. Today, not only do we enjoy uninterrupted cross border traffic, K. Wah has also built a diversified business por tfolio in the Mainland, including construction materials, hotel, enter tainment and leisure and proper ty, investing tens of billions of dollars. Business presence of such depth and breadth is not driven only by economic benefits, but a passion to par ticipate in the making of the modern China.

    Businesses go hand in hand with China’s developmentRecently, McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, released a research repor t, titled Preparing for China’s Urban Billion, to illustrate the social and economic impacts of the rapid urbanization of China in the next two to three decades: By 2025, 1 billion people will be living in China’s cities; the propor tion of China’s GDP generated by cities will rise to 95% with 500 million jobs. It has also become attainable for the ambitious economic growth target set out by the Central Government of the PRC of quadrupling per capita GDP by 2020.

  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45



    Evidently, China’s economy will continue booming with strong domestic demand. China is also keeping up with the world’s standards in all aspects, resulting in escalating demand for quality products and services. In recent years, K. Wah introduced advanced technology to minimize energy consumption and pollution in the production of construction materials. On another note, Shanghai Westwood II, our large scale residential development, has become a landmark of Zhabei District, Shanghai, promoting the district’s image and living conditions. The brilliant sales performance also indicated the people’s aspiration for quality life.

    One cannot predict changes. One can only be prepared for them.We have to live with changes, in whatever stage or form of society or economy. How can we be ahead of them? First of all, get well prepared both in knowledge and mindset. Based on the principle of “making hypotheses with courage and seeking proofs with caution”, you will always find a way out in face of challenges. Therefore, I encourage every one of you and your team to set goals and work plans in the shor t to long term, and in par ticular, to exercise systematic management and financial prudence. With vision, planning and action, together we will stride on ahead of any uncer tainty.

    Che-woo LuiChairman of K. Wah Group

  • 08嘉華頭條


    No Limit to Possibilities

    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期




    No Limit to Possibilities今時今日,企業的競爭層面已不只在「硬件」上,而是主宰著企業競爭命脈的「知識」與「技術」,這些寶貴的資源都有賴人才去發掘和掌握,賦予企業持續發展的能力。嘉華集團透過跨業務界別的人手借調,集團的文化、知識與技能得以整合,員工亦能透過多元化的工作機會發揮所長。本期《嘉天下通訊》便訪問了幾位資深員工,他們在不同階段見證了嘉華集團的成長,並親身參與了不同業務的工作,甚至是跟自己原有崗位南轅北轍的任務。然而,要超越個人的「安全領域」跳到一個全新範疇,當中牽涉的溝通、適應與銜接問題,以及由文化、作風與 習 慣 而 衍 生 的 種 種 矛 盾 , 同事們又如何克服與調適呢?且聽他們現身說法。

    Nowadays, competition in the corporate world is underpinned by knowledge and technology, rather than hardware, which have to be developed and sustained through human capital. At K. Wah, corporate culture, knowledge and skills are consolidated through cross-divisional postings of staff, who also benefit from these opportunities for new exposures. In this issue you will find company of several veteran staff who have witnessed the growth of the Group at different stages by personally involving in various business ventures, in some cases as total newcomers. Leaving one’s comfort zone is never easy, considering issues in communications, adaptation, transition, cultural differences, etc, so stay tuned as these K. Wah faithfuls share how they have managed to tackle the changes.

    K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期



    林偉明 Richard Lam嘉華國際集團有限公司 項目董事 Director – Project, KWIH

    Richard Lam has served the Group for almost 17 years now, with spells in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Macau before relocating to Hong Kong.

    A fighting spirit: steering through against all oddsRichard was in charge of project management for a number of K. Wah’s landmark properties such as Parkview Place in Guangzhou, K. Wah Centre in Shanghai and, more recently, StarWorld Hotel in Macau. While he and his teams were under immense pressure to deliver, Richard was always able to handle such pressure calmly with a positive mindset, thanks to his vigorous athletic training in the early years, which has nur tured in him an undaunted fighting spirit underpinned by endurance, positive thinking and sharp judgement.

    “To be professional is to give your very best as you try to overcome obstacles and complete your task,” said Richard, who believes that staff motivation always makes the difference.

    The art of team work: accommodating differencesEfficient team work adds the spice to bring out the best of high-calibre staff. Having been an “expatriate” overseer at various regional offices, Richard stresses the importance of a pluralistic approach to personnel management, allowing people to be different and seeking to bring out the best of each individual.

    In retrospect, Richard sees his regional appointments as opportunities for self-improvements. “I have learned how to step into other people’s shoes, to think more in others’ terms and less in my own. Getting our ego out of the way is the hardest battle of all. If we could manage that, we could almost achieve anything,” he concluded.

    超越自我的運動家精神True Sportsman: We only Have Ourselves to Beat

    2008年12月,林偉明領取了「15年長期服務獎」,他直言那是他在嘉華最難忘的時刻Collecting the 15 Years’ Long Service Award has been one of Richard’s best moments at K. Wah




    包容不同的意見與個性這一點,也是他積極擁護團隊精神的原因,他深深體會,團 隊 合作與溝通往往是困境中的出路。而曾經「空降」不同地區的Richard,又如何融入和帶領當地團隊呢?他分享道:「學會接受別人與自己的不同、包容不同的個性,合作起來會更愉快與融洽;同時要觀察入微,了解團隊特性,例如強弱之處,適當地部署人手,讓各人發揮所長。」




  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

    永不言倦的全港首位華人酒店主管The First Native-Chinese Hotel Manager in Hong Kong

    11嘉華頭條K. WAH HEADLINES

    柯梁健美 Jeannette Or嘉華國際集團有限公司 助理總經理 ─ 項目工程 Assistant General Manager – Special Projects, KWIH

    Jeannette Or is truly a trendsetter : the first native-Chinese hotel manager in Hong Kong, a member of the team that kicked off K. Wah’s first hotel operation and the manager of K. Wah’s first hotel in the US. She was also voted the Best Housingkeeping Manager of an international hotel group out of thousands of colleagues when she served as its Director of Housekeeping (Asia Pacific). Jeannette joined K. Wah’s InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong in 1979 and was posted to the US when the Group expanded its hotel network across the Pacific. She supervised staff training and once deputised as general manager during her 13-year spell in the US before returning to Hong Kong in 2000 to move into a new role establishing the Group’s regional procurement and advisory services.

    New exposures as opportunities to learnJeanette welcomes the new appointment as she has been motivated by the desire to meet new challenges and repay the trust of the Company. “I really appreciate the top management for giving me the opportunity to run this depar tment that covers both the real estate and hotel sectors, not to mention the high-calibre team I have in support,” commented Jeanette as she shared her enthusiasm for the new assignment, which includes setting up a procurement team in Shanghai and defining its work process.

    Breaking barriersJeanette is a sensitive player when it comes to cultural differences, having been posted to several destinations in Asia, Europe and Australia. “Most American employees, for example, are not in the habit of complying with rigorous management,” she recalled. “But a sincere manager who is ready to listen to others while adhering to fundamental principles will always be able to win over his or her colleagues at the end of the day,” said Jeanette.

    Going the extra mile“Be not afraid of new ventures,” said Jeannette in an advice to younger colleagues. “It’s good to have given our best, but even better if we could break the limit and go for the extra mile,” she concluded.

    柯梁健美(Jeannette)擁有許多個「第一」── 香港首位出任酒店主管的華人、參與籌備嘉華首家酒店開業的人員、嘉華在美國首家酒店的經理;早年服務於一個國際酒店集團亞太區房務總監,更當選該集團旗下1,600間酒店中的「最佳房務經理」。Jeannette於1979年參與嘉華旗下的海景嘉福酒店(前稱海景假日酒店),隨著集團的酒店業務於80年代擴展至美國,她亦順理成章被派駐當地,一待便是13年,期間曾負責集團所併購的10多間酒店的員工培訓、企業文化價值推廣及暫代總經理一職。直至2000年,Jeannette退下火線回歸香港,卻肩負起成立嘉華採購部的重任,主理集團在美國及大中華區的酒店及房地產業務之物料採購和顧問工作。







    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期

    吳煜基 Johnny Ng銀河娛樂集團有限公司 總監 ─ 組織架構及機制 Principal – Organization and System, GEG

    Johnny Ng is a fine example of K. Wah’s own breed of executives, starting as a management trainee and rising through the ranks into the senior management. He joined K. Wah 22 years

    ago focusing primarily on the construction materials business, before being appointed in 2005 to oversee

    key policies, guidelines and authority settings, and to review business processess and organization structures at Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited (“GEG”).

    Driven by company’s trust to face new challengesJohnny had been previously involved in similar tasks while working with the construction materials division, but the gaming and entertainment business represented an entirely new experience. Thankful for the company’s trust in him, he decided to take up the challenge nevertheless. With strong commitment and extra efforts, he has been able to apply his expertise to his new position.

    Like many of those who work away from their families, Johnny did struggle to strike a balance. He is still remorseful for not being able to keep his mother company after his father passed away in 2001, as he was set to leave for a Shanghai posting the month that followed.

    At the end of the day, it’s the attitude that counts“We might not always be able to choose our own path; but we do have a choice in how to walk it,” said Johnny as he shared a piece of advice with his young colleagues. “Work with your heart. As long as you remain in the position, you need to be devoted, and work with passion and commitment,” he said. “One must also emphasize team work. You must have the team spirit in supporting others before expecting others doing the same to you. And, to be a team leader, one must know how to do that task and be prepared to walk an extra mile so as to appreciate what the difficulties are,” commented Johnny.

    Humility and attention to details“Learn from mistakes and pay attention to details,” continued Johnny. “Make yourself trustworthy: be humble enough to admit and correct mistakes and meticulous enough to carry out instructions in detail,” he said.






    與集團並肩同行逾20載Rising Through the Ranks: Two Decades of Fruitful Work


  • 13嘉華頭條K. WAH HEADLINES

    K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

    John(左二)攝於2009年星際貴賓會新春晚宴John (2nd from left) at the spring dinner 2009 of StarWorld VIPClub

    由行政人員化身貴賓廳主管From Office Administration to VIP Gaming Operations

    歐中安 John Au銀河娛樂集團有限公司 業務發展 – 高級副總裁 Senior Vice President – Business Development, GEG

    Formerly an executive in personnel management, John Au took on a significant turn in his career by assuming a business development role in the VIP operations of StarWorld, after he was posted to Macau in 2003 to assist in preparing for the launch of StarWorld. Prior to that, John was an experienced administrator and personnel manager having worked in the public sector before joining K. Wah in 1994.

    Working hard to succeed in new venturesJohn admitted that he had spent a large amount of time and effort to familiarize himself with the gaming business. “It is imperative that StarWorld stays tuned to the market as it competes against some of the world’s leading players in the industry,” he explained. The only solution, according to John, is to learn from industry peers through diligent work.

    John was on guard against complacency as he and his team were dubbed The Best Marketing Team after StarWorld VIP had emerged with strong market shares in a short span of three years. “We are not after sky-rocketing growth, although we aim to be at par with our competitors,” said John.

    The “will do” mentalityIn retrospect after six years in Macau, John was grateful to the company for this opportunity to try something new. “The company’s trust is a strong motivation,” he said. “Adapting to changes is never easy, but with a “will do” mentality, we will eventually get the results we want,” concluded John.




    「can do」不如「will do」而在澳門工作了六年的John,回想當年的抉擇,他認為要感謝公司給予機會和支持,既然公司願意放膽讓同事作新嘗試,何不把這份欣賞轉化為動力?他說:「轉變難免帶來適應的問題,但只要自己亦能放膽嘗試,多花時間學習,則凡事都可通達。我深信『will do』較『can do』來得積極,有行動才會帶來改變。」


  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期

    Eva Ngai has a special link with K. Wah, having been thrice hired by the Group during the past

    17 years. She first joined K. Wah in the early 1990s before migrating to Australia. On returning she was engaged by the company again in 2003 to head the Corporate Affairs Department, Eastern China. Her third spell came in 2009 as she was charged with the resettlement of Shanghai projects and government relations.

    Eva welcomes challenges and sees every turn in her career as an opportunity for improvement. While her repeated appointments have been underpinned by a strong affection for the company, she highlights “humility”, “diligence” and “harmony” as she sums her tenures with various depar tments.

    HumilitySpeaking on humility, Eva said: “We can and we should learn from every task and every one along the way. The knowledge and experience gathered through this process will form a cluster that unites people around in a special way.”

    DiligenceEva is an advocate for the five aspects of diligence. “We should be industrious in the eye (paying attention to changes), in the ear (listening to different views), in the mouth (be not ashamed of asking), in the brain (thinking thoroughly) and in the hand (taking actions),” she explained.

    Harmony in diversityEva believes that one of the most important roles of a manager is to foster unity and create a harmonious environment. “This will facilitate free flow of ideas and thoughts, more effective cooperation and more efficient fulfillment of individual roles,” she said. “In harmony, unity will be fostered while diversity can also be maintained,” concluded Eva.


    自言喜歡富挑戰性工作的Eva,視每一次轉變為累積經驗、完善自我的過程,從而不斷提高自己解決問題的能力。 「三進」同一家企業,是少有的例子,Eva與嘉華的感情毋庸置疑,然而,歷經若干個部門,她最深的體會莫過三個字:一是「謙」;二是「勤」;三是「和」。


    業精於勤至於「勤」的實踐,Eva強調的是一種實事求是的精神:「在工作中要做到『眼勤』(關注變化);『耳勤』(兼聽則明); 『口勤』(不恥下問);『腦勤』(深思熟慮);『手勤』(付諸行動)。」把「五勤」應用於工作中,就能逐漸形成一套行之有效的工作方法。


    魏憶凡 Eva Ngai嘉華(中國)投資有限公司 對外協調總經理 General Manager – External Coordination, K. Wah (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

    「謙」、「勤」、「和」—「合力」的工作心得The Synergy of Humility, Diligence and Harmony


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  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45


    14 15嘉華頭條K. WAH HEADLINES

    積極迎向高速發展的未來Gearing Up for the Future

    李志賢 Leo Lee仕德福酒店國際集團 總經理 General Manager, Stanford Hotels International

    Nothing else underlines Leo Lee’s philosophy more appropriately than K. Wah’s core values of pursuing improvements and advancements. Having worked with K. Wah for 16 years, Leo is currently responsible for the coordinated management of the three hotels of the Group in Hong Kong, although he was posted to Shanghai last year on a short term basis to assist in the planning of a serviced apartment project, while also involving in management contract negotiations for K. Wah International Holdings Limited’s (“KWIH”) first hotel in Guangzhou.

    Staying tunedIt’s par t of the job for Leo to monitor closely market situations, such as the application of information technology. “With the Internet, patrons from anywhere in the world can book in with us or any competitor, so competition grows as well as business,” he explained.

    Balanced thinkingAccording to Leo, a cer tain international hotel group generates close to 50% of its revenue from online sales. However, it is also important to keep balance, that is, to give sufficient consideration to other factors, such as cost efficiency and long-term benefits.

    Making pro-active changes“It’s better to make changes on a preemptive basis than to be forced into doing so,” said Leo. Sometimes the staff will have problems adapting to these changes, and such problems could only be resolved through effective communications that explain why those changes are necessary, complemented by proper training. “Doing one’s job properly is the bottomline, although even this is not as easy as it sounds,” concluded Leo, in a reference to Chief Executive Donald Tsang’s pledge to “do his job.”







  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期



    Benedict Wan is a fine example of the versatile manager who constantly upgrades himself. He was posted to Guangzhou in a sales and marketing position after joining the properties division of K. Wah Group in the 1990s as management trainee. Then in 2003, he became one of the first K. Wah people to help set up a GEG base in Macau. With eagerness and enthusiasm, Benedict was learning a new trade at every turn. “All-roundedness has become a dominant trend and we have to learn new knowledge and skills in order to leverage new opportunities,” he said.

    Conscientiousness and knowledge: answer to any challengeAt GEG, Benedict has been involved in quite a number of positions: tenancy, public relations, marketing and, more recently, premium marketing. While every task was challenging in its own special way, the birth of StarWorld Hotel remains the exciting project he has taken part in. During the early months of operation, he stayed at the gaming hall every evening until the early hours to talk to patrons and operators, gathering valuable information that he readily shared with his colleagues.

    Research-mindednessBenedict is an enthusiastic learner who has completed a master’s degree in financial analysis as well as a course on the gaming industry at the University of Nevada. He even reinforced his aptitude for learning by drilling daily-life skills such as cooking, which has the added advantage of enhancing family life by cooking new dishes for his beloved ones.

    A dynamic company for a versatile managerBenedict characterized his 15-year spell with K. Wah as an ongoing dance: “New steps are being introduced all the way, while the dancing partners gesture in growing tandem,” he reflected. Benedict also concurred with the top management’s strategic moves: “In Macau’s tourism sector as well as in the property market of Mainland China, K. Wah has been among the first movers.” This dynamic company seems to be the perfect partner for Benedict, who shows no less than dynamism in his work.

    持續不斷的學習、更新與改進The Case of Continuous Learning and Upgrade

    溫子瑛 Benedict Wan銀河娛樂集團有限公司 國際尊尚市場發展 助理副總裁 Assistant Vice President – International Premium Market Development, GEG



    凡事抱研究精神Benedict天生有一顆求知的心,繼大學時期以優異成績取得工商管理學位,後來再攻讀財務分析碩士課程,早前再修讀了美國內華達洲大學的博彩課程,此外,日常生活的細節也成為他的學習素材,Benedict說:「我喜愛烹飪,平日到餐廳用膳,吃到美味的菜式,我會求教於廚師,然後回家 『實習』。」原來,這不僅是他自我訓練的一部分,更是透過為家人烹調美食維繫和諧關係的方法。



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    K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

    「嘉」 國大事K.WAH IN FOCUS

    嘉華國際集團(「嘉華國際」或「集團」)董事局於2009年8月1日正式委任香港理工大學(「理大」)榮休校長潘宗光教授(GBS, PhD, DSc, 太平紳士)為集團之獨立非執行董事,而香港董事學會之創會主席鄭慕智博士(GBS, OBE, 太平紳士)則為非執行董事。

    K. Wah International Holdings Limited ("KWIH" or "the Group") proudly appointed Professor Poon Chung Kwong, GBS, PhD, DSc, JP, the President Emeritus of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (“PolyU”) as an Independent Non-executive Director, and Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi, GBS, OBE, JP, the founding chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, as a Non-executive Director of the Group on 1 August 2009.

    潘教授在香港致力推動大學教育四十年,歷任香港多個政府、工商界及教育界委員會主席及委員,自1998年起擔任全國政協委員至今,並於2002年獲香港特區政府頒授金紫荊星章 (GBS)。而鄭慕智博士乃香港胡百全律師事務所之首席合夥人,歷任香港立法局議員、香港聯合交易所有限公司主板上市委員會主席及創業板上市委員會主席,並於1999年獲香港特區政府頒授金紫荊星章(GBS)。



    Professor Poon has been contributing to the advancement of tertiary education in Hong Kong for 40 years. He had chaired and sat on different government, business and industrial, and education committees. Since 1998, he has been a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Professor Poon received the Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS) in 2002. Dr Cheng is a senior partner of the solicitor firm P. C. Woo & Co.. He was a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for many terms and chairman of the Main Board Listing Committee and Growth Enterprise Market Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Dr Cheng received the Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS) in 1999.

    KWIH Chairman Dr Che-woo Lui said, “The Board of Directors is honoured to have Professor Poon and Dr Cheng to join us, at the time when KWIH is forging ahead for a robust growth as the Integrated Quality Property Developer in the Greater China region. Supported by such reputable advisors with strategic mindset and global perspective, we are confident that those aims to maintain sustainable growth, reinforce higher standard of corporate governance and formulate long term corporate strategy would be more attainable.”

    Dr Lui believes the joining of the distinguished community leaders will fur ther enhance the Group’s management strength. An academic of outstanding achievements and a leader of shrewd business sense, Professor Poon’s 18-year leadership has turned PolyU into a top-tier university worldwide. He is also well recognized for his contribution in fostering school-enterprise par tnership. Nonetheless, Dr Lui commented that the profound knowledge in corporate governance of Dr Cheng, founding chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors, will be instrumental to the Group’s overall development.

    嘉華國際委任潘宗光教授及鄭慕智博士為董事KWIH appoints Professor Poon Chung Kwong and Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi as Directors

    鄭慕智博士Dr Moses Cheng Mo Chi

    潘宗光教授Professor Poon Chung Kwong

  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期


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    K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

    19「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

    香港肇輝台及廣州花都新華鎮機場CBD第一期平頂Topping out of two signature projects of KWIH

    嘉華國際於中港兩地開發逾十個大型及優質地產項目,工程正進行得如火如荼。其中,香港東半山司徒拔道肇輝台6號及廣州花都新華鎮機場CBD第一期的酒店項目已分別於2009年6月及5月平頂,預計可於2010年如期落成及推出。KWIH is well progressing for its premium properties in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Among the portfolio of more than 10 projects, No. 6 Shiu Fai Terrace, Hong Kong, and the hotel portion of Guangzhou Huadu CBD project were topped out in June and May 2009 respectively. Both properties are expected to be completed and launched in 2010 as scheduled.

    No.6 Shiu Fai Terrace: setting new benchmarks for luxury propertiesSituated on Mid-level East, No. 6 Shiu Fai Terrace is another signature luxury residential project of KWIH. Featuring the exquisiteness of French architecture, the project enjoys the privilege of being the only new development in the district that provides low rise apar tments of over 3,000sq ft. No. 6 Shiu Fai Terrace offers a 15 storey building with 24 units, including 4 special units with a private garden and a swimming pool, which will definitely stand out in the luxury market upon its launch in 2010.

    Huadu Airport CBD project: KWIH’s first hotel developmentA new initiative of KWIH, the 5-star business hotel will be launched in Huadu, Guangzhou, in the second half of 2010. Situated at Yingbin Road, CBD area in the vicinity of New Baiyun International Airport and the planned Metro extension no. 9, the hotel is well positioned to capture future business opportunities. With over 300 guestrooms, spacious meeting, convention and F&B facilities, and a multitude of leisure facilities, the hotel will be managed by Crowne Plaza. The distinguished architecture design and landscaping are expected to make the hotel a landmark in Huadu.

    嘉華國際旗下廣州花都皇冠假日酒店,是花都區首間由國際品牌管理的五星級酒店Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Huadu Hotel is the first hotel in Huadu managed by top global hotel brand


    肇輝台6號位置優越,貨源罕有,備受市場期待With its prime location, Shiu Fai Terrace project draws market attention



    香港肇輝台6號 豪宅市場新焦點嘉華國際精心策劃的豪宅項目肇輝台6號,坐落港島東半山傳統豪宅地段,採用法國古典建築風格,是區內罕有提供逾3,000呎大單位的低密度分層豪宅。項目樓高15層共24個單位,其中四個特色單位更設有獨立戶外花園及泳池,預計於2010年推售,勢必令市場矚目。

    嘉華國際首個酒店項目 進駐廣州花都嘉華國際首個酒店項目將於2010年下半年於廣州花都區開幕,此五星級商務酒店位於花都區商務核心地帶──迎賓大道,鄰近新白雲國際機場及即將動工興建的地鐵九號線,佔盡地利之優。項目包括300多個客房、大型會展及餐飲設施以及多元化的休閒配套,將由皇冠假日酒店管理,配以新穎獨特的外觀及園林設計,落成後將成為花都區的標誌性建築。

  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期

    「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS


    銀河娛樂集團五名管理層獲邀出席於2009年6月2日至4日在澳門舉行的2009亞洲國際博彩博覽會 (G2E Asia 2009),分享集團於澳門的業務發展、人力資源、社會企業責任等方面的成功經驗,為業界的長遠發展注入創新思維。


    鞏固根基助持續發展銀河娛樂集團集團財務總裁戴力弘以「融資:市場困難下的資本支出」為題,分享銀河娛樂集團於2007年,如何憑藉清晰的發展藍圖和市場定位,成功引入全球最大型私募基金之一Permira Funds為策略性股東,不但鞏固銀河娛樂集團於澳門博彩市場的地位,亦為股東帶來理想的回報,創造多贏局面:「是次結盟為銀河娛樂集團帶來龐大的淨現金,並為銀河娛樂集團於路氹的Galaxy Macau第二、三及四期發展提供穩健的根基。」星際酒店及娛樂場營運總裁簡浩龍亦詳談如何保持業務的持續發展,他認為先決條件是要因應當地文化而調整經營模式,以迎合不同市場顧客的需求,從而維持業務的持續性。





    相片由GlobalGamingBusiness雜誌之RogerGros提供Courtesy of Roger Gros of Global Gaming Business

  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45

    21「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

    GEG’s senior executives share management philosophy at G2E Asia 2009Five senior executives of Galaxy Entertainment Group (“GEG”) were invited to be guest speakers and advisors at the Global Gaming Expo Asia (“G2E Asia 2009”) held in Macau from 2 to 4 June 2009 resulting in GEG gaining a very high level of exposure. In the forums, they shared their experiences and insights into GEG’s business development, human resources management and corporate social responsibility in support of a steady growth and maintaining business sustainability in the gaming industry.

    Consolidated position contributes to business continuityRobert Drake, Group Chief Financial Officer of GEG, led the session “Finding Finance: Capital Expenditures in a Difficult Market” and explained how GEG successfully par tnered with Permira, one of the world’s largest private equity groups in 2007. This investment not only endorsed GEG’s strategy and positioning but was beneficial to the stakeholders, “The par tnership with Permira helps bring an immense net cash injection to GEG and provides the foundation for the future development of phases two, three and four of Galaxy Macau in Cotai.” Ciaran Carruthers, Chief Operating Officer of StarWorld Hotel, elaborated on the knowledge required to understand the political and cultural differences in various new gaming markets opening in Asia.

    Quality team enhances competenceCompeting in such an intensive market amidst the global financial crisis, GEG firmly believes that quality of staff is the key to success in the service industry. In the conference named “The Labor of Labor : Building a Quality Team”, Trevor Martin, Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Administration of GEG, explained, “Our all-round staff trainings target to improve the team’s professionalism and expertise in building a cohesive and service-oriented workforce. We also value our staff ’s performance and therefore “Staff of the Year” awards were initiated and presented to outstanding team members annually. In

    addition, encouraging our staff to par ticipate in community services such as voluntary visits and dragon boat races helps build up strong team spirit.”

    Fulfilling corporate social responsibilityPanos Makridis, Responsible Gaming & Compliance Manager of GEG, reviewed the unique challenges of establishing responsible gaming programmes in Asia in the workshop “When the Fun Stops: Responsible Gaming Challenges in Asia”. He also highlighted the success of GEG’s responsible gaming programme, “Being the first gaming facility operator in Macau that initiated such a programme in-house, GEG successfully launched a series of training and guidelines to arouse its staff and customers’ awareness of problem gaming. Besides, promoting Macau’s economic and social development is of equal importance to a responsible corporate citizen.”

    G2E Asia is an annual international gaming conference and exhibition held in Macau and dedicated to the Asian gaming market. This year it attracted over 4,300 gaming industry professionals from 20 cities attending the event. Peter Caveny, Principal, Investor Relations of GEG, was a member of the Conference Advisory Board of G2E Asia 2009. “Our aim is to define Macau as the international Asian gaming and enter tainment city. We want industry leaders to work together to grow the Macau gaming market in a sustainable and managed fashion. Macau is uniquely positioned to be Asia’s enter tainment centre.” said Peter.

  • 嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期


    「靜安呂志和希望小學」正式揭幕 嘉華集團與上海靜安區建交委攜手支持雲南教育

    2009年6月15日的早上,雲南省曲靖市麒麟區三寶鎮雅戶村靜安呂志和希望小學(「靜安呂志和希望小學」)傳來鏗鏘的敲擊樂聲響,小學生組成的樂團與全體師生和當地政府人員整裝待發,列隊歡迎嘉華集團 (「集團」)與上海市靜安區建設交通委員會(「靜安區建交委」)代表團遠道而來見證學校之落成啟用。






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    Led by Teri Chia, General Manager of Corporate Affairs, K. Wah Group, Feng Jian Qun, Senior Manager of Shanghai Jia Shen Real Estate Development Co.Ltd., and Zhang Yu, Par ty Secretary of Shanghai Jingan District Construction & Transportation Committee; and accompanied by Rao Wei, Vice Mayor of Qujing Municipal People’s Government, Li Jian Hua, Deputy Director, Organization Department of Qujing Municipal Committee of The Communist Party of China, and Fang Yu Gu, Deputy Director of Qujing Municipal Government Construction Bureau, the delegations attended the unveiling ceremony of Jingan Lui Che Woo Primary School following a tour of the new teaching building.

    Government-enterprise partnership to develop educationJingan Lui Che Woo Primary School was the fruit of a tripar tite par tnership among the Group, Shanghai Jingan District Construction & Transportation Committee and the People’s Government of Qujing Qilin District. In the par tnership, the Group pledged a donation of RMB500,000 for the construction of the school’s infrastructure, which was funded by the local government of Qilin District; whereas staff of the Committee offered sponsorships to 30 impoverished students.

    On behalf of Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of K. Wah Group, Teri Chia conveyed Dr Lui’s message at the ceremony to express appreciation of the partners’ devotions, “This new

    par tnership signifies our shared vision and creativity in supporting education in Mainland China. As education is a long term commitment, only with collaborative effor t shall we be able to give long standing contribution to our country.” A student representative of Jingan Lui Che Woo Primary School expressed their gratitude to the delegates, “We are truly grateful for your caring and support. We will study hard and give back to the community.”

    Rewarding the country with concerted effortAt the end of the ceremony, books and stationery donated by the staff of KWIH Shanghai Proper ty Division together with greeting cards were delivered to the students as a token of encouragement. Following Dr Lui’s mission, the Group and its staff will continue to help those in need, with a commitment to suppor ting education and building a stronger country.

    K. Wah Group partners with local governments of Shanghai Jingan District and Yunnan Province to build Jingan Lui Che Woo SchoolOn 15 June 2009 morning, students and teachers of Jingan Lui Che Woo Primary School and government officials of Qiling District, Qujing City, Yunnan Province gave a warm welcome to the delegations of K. Wah Group (“the Group”) and Shanghai Jingan District Construction & Transportation Committee (“the Committee”).1

    1. (右起)靜安區建交委黨工書記張愉、曲靖市人民政府副市長饒衛及嘉華集團企業事務總經理謝淑芬一同主持揭幕儀式(From right) Zhang Yu, Party Secretary of Shanghai Jingan District Construction & Transportation Committee, Rao Wei, Vice Mayor of Qujing Municipal People’s Government, and Teri Chia, General Manager of Corporate Affairs, K. Wah Group, at the unveiling ceremony

    4. 嘉華集團代表致送學習用品予學生The Group’s representatives present books and stationery to the students

    3. 嘉華集團及靜安建交委代表了解孩子的學習情況The delegations interact with the students

    2. 學生組成樂團列隊歡迎代表團到訪Percussion team formed by students welcome the delegates

  • 嘉華集團為公益金籌得五萬港元


    K. Wah Group raises HK$50,000 for Community Chest

    K. Wah Social Club par ticipated in the 2008/2009 Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions in January 2009. Well supported by K. Wah staff and their families, HK$50,000 including the Group’s donation of HK$100 per par ticipant was raised. The proceeds, presented to the Community Chest on 9 June 2009, will be used for aiding 21 social welfare organizations which provide assistance and support to families and children in need.

    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期


    銀河娛樂集團為義工增值 帶領員工回饋社會


    GEG trains up volunteers to reward the society

    As a responsible corporate citizen, GEG supports Galaxy Staff Social Club to regularly organize various activities for staff to serve the community. Among them a volunteer training session was held on 28 March 2009 to equip staff volunteers with a better understanding of the vulnerable groups’ needs and to enhance their communication skills. To act out the care for people in need, a visit to the elderly of Centro de Dia da Residência D.Julieta Nobre de Carvalho was arranged on 18 April 2009 afternoon following a morning workshop to make healthy cookies for the elderly.

    1. 銀河員工康樂會主席胡海欣於「義工領袖分享會」中與管理層及同事們分享其參與探訪活動的經驗Jacqueline Wu, Chairman of the Galaxy Staff Social Club 2009 Committee, shares her volunteering experience with GEG management executives and staff at the training session

    2. 銀河娛樂集團義工隊拿著新鮮出爐的自製健康曲奇拍照留念GEG volunteers pose for a group photo with their freshly-made cookies

    3. 義工隊跟長者們一起種植盆栽,寓意長者們健康長壽,社屋老人中心生氣勃勃GEG volunteers plant pots with the elderly which symbolize longevity and good health, filling the centre with vitality


    嘉華集團企業事務總經理謝淑芬(左)代表集團將籌得善款交予「2008/2009港島、九龍區百萬行」籌劃委員會聯席主席施榮懷Teri Chia (left), General Manager of Corporate Affairs, K. Wah Group, presents the cheque to Irons Sze, Co-Chairman of 2008/2009 Hong Kong and Kowloon Walk for Millions Organizing Committee





  • K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45


    美國酒店熱心公益 樂助社群


    US hotels spread love to community

    Hotels of K. Wah Group in the US share the same value of caring about the society by par ticipating in different social activities in the US.

    加利福尼亞州Marriott San Diego Gaslamp Quarter員工參與由慈善機構Mama’s Kitchen舉辦的籌款活動Mama’s Day,此機構義務為危疾人士提供每日三餐膳食服務。 Marriott San Diego Gaslamp Quarter, California supported Mama’s Day, a fund-raising event for Mama’s Kitchen to deliver free meals to local people affected by critical illnesses.

    北卡羅萊納州Hilton Charlotte Centre City派出三十名酒店義工隊成員連同其家屬及朋友,參與慈善機構March of Dimes步行籌款活動March for Babies,完成長達三英里的路程,為提高社區對母嬰健康的關注盡一分力。 Hilton Charlotte Centre City, North Carolina supported March of Dimes by sending 30 team members of the C.A.R.E. Committee with their friends and family to join the March for Babies where they walked approximately three miles to raise money to promote healthy babies.

    加利福尼亞州Marriott Sacramento Rancho Cordova員工於「地球日」當天到American River Parkway公園進行清潔活動,防止廢物淤塞河道,損害生態環境。 Marriott Sacramento Rancho Cordova, California helped pick up trash along the American River Parkway on Ear th Day, in preventing pollutants from entering watershed, harming wildlife, or creating hazards for recreational users.

    新墨西哥州Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown員工組隊參加第十五屆Carrie Tingley泥漿排球比賽,隊員於比賽中傾盡全力,為當地孩童提供醫療及復康服務的非牟利機構Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation籌募經費。 Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, New Mexico participated in the 15th Annual Carrie Tingley Mud Volleyball Tournament in support of The Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation which provides assistance to New Mexico’s special needs children and their families. The team got down and dirty for charity and had a fun time.

  • 「盈利率利息差模型」的計算方法並不複雜,只須把巿盈率倒轉變為盈利率,即每股盈利除以股價,然後把盈利率減去債券息率,以計算兩者的差距。






    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期



    資料來源:彭博、敦沛投資研究部Source: Bloomberg, Investment Research Department of Tanrich Financial Group

    恒指盈利率跟三個月外匯基金票據息率的收益差走勢Yield gap between HSI and 3-month Exchange Fund Notes













    The Black Swan Incident is defined by the fact that the US Governmentintroduced zero interest rate and quantitative easing policies subsequent to the financial tsunami caused by subprime crisis. 平均值-2個標準差

    平均值+2個標準差平均值息差 Yield gap


    Mean + 2 standard deviation

    Mean - 2 standard deviation

  • HSI valuation by Earnings Yield Gap ModelWhen Hang Seng Index (“HSI”) hit 19,000, it was considered as over-valued according to the change in projected price-earnings (“PE”) ratio. To assess whether PE ratio indicates a fair value, it is quite common to take into account the historical average as well as the bullish and bearish trend. For instance, at stage three of a bear market, valuation is between 8x and 12x, whereas PE ratio could exceed 20x in a bull market. Another reference is drawn from the average PE ratio of HSI since 1973, which is approximately 14.8x or a maximum of 17x with standard deviation added. As such, HSI is considered as over-valued at the level above 19,000 where PE ratio reaches 17x.

    Nevertheless, other indicators such as the Earnings Yield Gap Model could be applied to assess whether PE ratio is too high.

    The Earnings Yield Gap Model is simply derived from the difference between earnings yield (that is earnings per share divided by share price) and coupon rate. While default risk of government notes is close to zero and risk exposure of equity investment is apparently higher, PE ratio of equity market commands a premium over the yield of bond market. This explains why earnings yield of HSI is usually higher than that of foreign exchange notes. A study on the yield curves between 1983 and 2007 indicates that equity market is more attractive when yield gap widens to 6%. Back in 1992 when the US economic recession ended, and in 2003 when it was on the verge of a bull market, the gap expanded to 4% and 6% respectively. In Hong Kong, the yield gap had once contracted to -2% in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and the imminent bust of the Dotcom bubble in 1999, followed by the peak out of HSI.

    The above cases endorse the accuracy of quantitative modeling in projecting market highs and lows though, there could be exceptions causing disruption to the effectiveness of the model, among which the global

    financial crisis was a typical example, or a Black Swan. Amid the financial turmoil, valuation plunged to an unreasonably low level triggered by panic dumping, substantially driving up the earnings yield. Coupled with the zero interest rate policy introduced by the US Federal Reserve, the yield gap derived from the model surged to the historical high of 13% while HSI tumbled to 10,676. Despite the exceptional case, the current level of 17x PE ratio suggests HSI is not over-valued. Assuming that the global financial crisis is not going to repeat in near term, yield gap derived from the model is expected to return to historical level. Since the bottom up of HSI last October, market has been recovering and the gap now stands at 6.6%, that is much higher than historical average of 2.2%. If the trend of mean reversion and economic recovery remain intact while corporate earnings continue to improve at the back of low interest environment, market does not seem to be over-valued at current level, implying a strategy of buying

    in dip.

    Tanrich Investment Research Department

    27專家分析EXPERT VIEW

  • 嘉寧薈榮獲時代報2009軌道「金牛獎」



    Shanghai Westwood II receives 2009 Golden Ox Award in Shanghai

    Shanghai Westwood II of KWIH earned the highest accolade of 2009 Golden Ox Award in Shanghai, following its success in becoming 2008 Ten Most-preferred Property Projects last year. Organized by Metro Express and co-organized by a number of key Shanghai media, the selection process is highly transparent and with wide representation from not only professional bodies but also votes collected online. The award accredited the outstanding sales performance of Shanghai Westwood II that won positive comments from the market.

    Shanghai Westwood II enjoys convenience at the hear t of Daning International Community. It is well received by market since its launch and has achieved championship in terms of transaction volume, transaction value and transaction area.

    嘉天下通訊 二零零九年七月 第四十五期



  • 海景嘉福酒店洲際會所助理主廚李韋傑精心烹調的三道分子料理概念菜式Li Wai Kit, Assistant Head Chef of Club InterContinental, presents three innovative dishes of molecular gastronomy

    ICGS garners two silver medals in 2009 Hong Kong International Culinary Classic

    ICGS was recognized in the 2009 Hong Kong International Culinary Classic (HKICC) competition. Li Wai Kit, Assistant Head Chef of Club InterContinental, and Cheng Wing Pong, first commis of The Mistral, are both honoured with a silver medal for their demonstration of superb culinary expertise in the group of 3-course presentation and Western Cuisine respectively.

    Co-organized by Hong Kong Chefs Associations and HOFEX 2009, HKICC is a leading competition that invited some of the leading culinary experts and highly-respected chefs from around the world as judges. The competition aimed at commending outstanding restaurants and culinary talents.

    K.Wah News | July 2009 | Issue 45




    2009香港國際美食大獎由亞洲最大型餐飲商貿展HOFEX 2009及香港廚師協會合辦,並由一眾資深飲食界專家及世界知名的廚師擔任評審,旨在表揚具傑出表現之餐廳及業界精英。

    海景嘉福酒店榮獲「最佳管理培訓獎 - 卓越獎」

    海景嘉福酒店一直致力透過員工培訓提升服務品質,今年更於一眾候選企業中脫穎而出,榮膺香港管理專業協會 「2009年最佳管理培訓獎 - 卓越獎」,肯定其在培育人才方面的傑出表現。

    海景嘉福酒店於2008年展開「Driving Towards Excellence」的培訓計劃,本著「Happy Staff Happy Guest」的理念,融合品質管理、人才培訓及人力資源,針對不同階層的員工而制定培訓內容,並增設全年培訓獎等。 「服務文化訓練」課程提升前線員工的心理素質以推廣服務文化;「品質大使團隊」經培訓後為各部門進行品質審核,著重提升產品及服務質素;「培訓司會」則為專責訓練的員工提供溝通平台。

    海景嘉福酒店總經理波里邁表示: 「是次獲獎讓我們感到非常鼓舞,同時也實踐了海景嘉福酒店努力不懈為客人提供優質服務的承諾。我們相信只要員工工作投入,樂在其中,便會發自內心地款待客人,亦體現了培訓計劃的精神。」

    ICGS awarded with HKMA certificate of excellence

    ICGS’s continuing programme in quality enhancement was recognized recently by the Hong Kong Management Association. It won the Certificate of Excellence for its outstanding performance in talent cultivation.

    ICGS received the award for its “Driving Towards Excellence” programme implemented in 2008. The programme aims to create a “Happy Staff Happy Guest” mindset through tailor-made programmes for all staff that incorporate quality management, training and human resources. Complemented with a Training Department of the Year competition, the Service Culture Training for frontline staff consisted of a series of lecture courses that promote quality service; Quality Ambassadors Programme provides specific training to a group of staff to perform daily internal audits; The Trainers Club allows trainers to share their successes and best experiences in monthly meeting.

    Peter Pollmeier, General Manager of ICGS said, “ICGS is delighted to be awarded as it recognizes our success in the “Driving Towards Excellence” programme. We believe that when employees enjoy the work, they will naturally give great service. That is what our objectives of the programme were designed to be.”

    1. (左起)海景嘉福酒店經理韋瑞文、培訓主任尤雪芬、品質管理總監戴立勤、人力資源總監鄭美思、傳訊總監李天藍及酒店總經理波里邁(From left) Alex Wassermann, Hotel Manager, Sandy Yau, Training Officer, Lincoln Davis, Director of Quality Management, Mazy Cheng, Director of Human Resources, Tina Di Cicco, Director of Communications, and Peter Pollmeier, General Manager, ICGS

    2. 海景嘉福酒店人力資源總監鄭美思(右)於香港管理專業協會頒獎典禮中代表接受「2009年最佳管理培訓獎–卓越獎」Mazy Cheng (right), Director of Human Resources, ICGS, receives the HKMA certificate of excellence1 2

  • 星際酒店榮獲 「消費者最滿意酒店品牌」稱號



    StarWorld awarded Best Hotel Brand for Customer Satisfaction

    StarWorld won the Best Hotel Brand for Customer Satisfaction at the 9th China Hotel Forum & 2009 Annual Meeting of China Hotel Industry. StarWorld topped all leading destination properties in Macau to receive the highly-coveted honour.

    “Receiving an award in a customer satisfaction category is extremely rewarding and it is a recognition of our commitment and dedication in providing personalized, attentive and sincere services creating the best winning experience available in Macau.” said Ciaran Carruthers, Chief Operating Officer of StarWorld.

    The China Hotel Industry Annual Meeting & China Hotel Forum is the largest and most prestigious event for hotel industry leaders in China. It is supported by the World Tourism Organization and relevant Chinese government bodies, in order to foster the sustainable growth of the Chinese hotel industry, as well as to recognize excellence in the industry.



    GEG triumphs in 2009 Macau International Dragon Boat Races

    GEG’s five dragon boat teams won eight awards at the “2009 Macau International Dragon Boat Races” on 23, 24 and 28 May 2009. The five teams strived for triumph with the support of Galaxy’s senior management executives and cheering squad throughout the competition. Established just last year, the women’s dragon boat te