l -•>.m.i ».i^w». h.^.i.m mm!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-01/ed...ern.....

Download L -•>.M.i ».i^W». h.^.i.M mm!nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-12-01/ed...ern.. Masaj^rs* •Afi&oo'ia'tion. on %ttvy St Attecmpfff at medlatioii -ani fctoti faikd

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Post on 01-Jan-2020




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  • t**l

    R t

    : w


    Store N e a r Tbe

    YOU CAN buy Hand JPalnt-©itf Glass, Watches, Clocks

    Jewelry,, Silverware, ete,,» l«t«st and best patterns at

    that will please your pnxae.

    ^ '

    and Be Convinced ^*tc& Bepafrtaff, Stone Setting and

    A speciality


    Cheap Browti Geldings, 8 &9yrs Weight about 2, W lbs;

    Canadian sleigh with and 2 sets harness.

    33 Court St



    •"" "-I'1 • M M M P *

    • i.w«n.i..lfri !L -•>.M.i t.rti.ii**«i..»»iiM..iwW... l».i^W». l| lii li.i.i.ii.ii lh.^.i.M...#^.| t, i i » i i i . . l . ^ « ^

    TtJESfcAJf, l > E C E & l S E t r i ; 1&I4,

    and ViciDity News

    "j« " " 'v'- * if", '',-•MMWgHMlMMil W—i

    .k>M*«jlri«iti.fe -of :»S, r^eds oiperattng in^the'*vesi la^nths of delay followed tn© accepfeance bofhj^tffe to submit th« thOr ehfltte-yees ^ & t)oay4 of arbitra-tion, •» ]5t*he railroads «m4 the unions ea^ai SBlictcd two men tHm *•« the 0004 d> tlx# eldfi n^on -the-other tvl f> mcint»era spko w

    demands of

    to represent

    pellatc dmm tut


    .CLAIMS HfiS I1.SfSEiSb̂ »IES'X, IS. OBESr

    Asse,ssorsf oS.'tft* (tow» »f -Esses, ^«&ex ednnty, got in:o Hie jAppellat*? ©iviSlon'in Albany this week, fn m, appvafr growing out . to* I V a« otVJwr ot' $U#a*m- in that town wnleh • \vx s usett 'by. the: Bills farm Boy^ *Pm ntogr School. /Mr. Elite i* ajman o t elghtv-three

    year* of &$», ania texa ttf£& in "Wills-*b«*>iro as a farmer 'Am the past forty years* When tile assesment rej-t of

    jfottrrp 4e- | the tovm Of WillWro

    ere JE> rc'-roaent (the jj&vern-

    to com« t a. d«i&ion ^within tiie IS,

    "his [Pergonal prcptrty

    *%mm COUGH.

    t cough often becomes *or-ngs set congested, Bronchial J -tfrltfi. a ucona, ?our vitality d. "SToa need I>r. Bell's Pine

    r-Hobey. It siothes your irriiated jes, lossens mucona and

    '*** *onr syste m resist Golds. Give jar *nd r. Bell's Pine

    "feoney. E*s guaranteed to help jOsly tScl at your, druggist,

    Ckfe » c a s £0;, Plattsburgh, -N. ',s:.-r-CaayjDrujE cp . | Piiiteburgh, jsr* :v.

    JKlJ 1 «n«|ff

    ip» w&ms* kiMXR- O P ' SXOVV. hlewstlks Jttustt'"be kept, clear of

    a i d ice bjj. property owners. Jf nsot *o»fe w a t e will be cleared by ib&.;eHp and the «»gt t&irged 10 the ^ro|>eri5| Owners. | ;

    S«p;i Public Works."


    V • ©AK» OJP' tHAJrtCS . , " T^e wish to thank the friends wlio were so kjnd t o us during the sick-ness and death -of the husband fath-er, Jam«s Morgan. .

    "MRS. J, MOflGAN, it. W; MORGAN,


    $AJUE O F FAN£*V ARTICiLlffiS Everybody will be vordl'iUy uel-

    conied at the Town Hall Peru tomors row when tjie Liidics of the Congre* isKiUonal church hold their annual sale nf fancy arncj^s and a chicken pie supper. The sale i of the etoloyees at

    the 'Western railroads M*rMa&, and a strike Vo'i? shewed thai 98 per ceni: o t the worii> ess fav'ored a walk*dut tinleas the de-maitds were grajsred. Here are tha demands: __ • .

    &i5&V>h9ttr day for paaiemstr «er-Vlc&r ten, h o u r ? for freight se rv ice .

    Time and a naif tct all tfyerttee. w&rlc—the weivtime in.distatjice ran« to fee computed on a basis .of twelve and on© Will! iniles an hour,'

    A tett-hjuur day for yeu'd iS&rvice, with a ^liferent rate ttt pay of 3 echta an ,tttpr for all ni?»% tvorli.

    AT., inc^-tse in "foasic.iiv^.^s. AH of ;thW dmmM's et iitc'.ttnioni*

    ware di'sip"! at a me*?t!«3 of ern.. Masaj^rs* •Afi&oo'ia'tion. on %ttvy St Attecmpfff at medlatioii -ani fctoti faikd after mecthii5i»" most two montjjs, an l the snattcr was finally submitted to arbitral tbe mrdmin act.


    {-b4 wast*

    coneiiy.* ustlnar' ai-

    wm under

    \va» eompietea for the srear iso* ne irag taxed upon

    in the «tm' ofc

    writ of, certiorari was S. Sherfden, ESQ.... p|;.'Ibis «4tyi attor-ney -tw Air,, "fillip i.riwi'-nv the'.as-1 ©esmnent ^>n th©:'";rWMr»* i'-« ^be wrflf tbe court believing fa r thw evidence | tvas ««eesarF apr»in«tcl p. J, l*ter»J ney, E;Sto. tpjiarCeKB on Ohlc"r,s R^w. ,

    3»taj. Chamberlain has gone ., to jRpebesteri Minn., where hi will! be operated .osj l>y one of tbs I»r. ainyos. Mrs. Chaimberlaln will remain |at thu post during'his obsrnee. • Or. wad Mr«. Oarbey hau* qrrived at the-Post; where the doctor will be on duty. I

    iJ«-Ut. jOrii. Both Inf.. whj>- rticently arrived at tshe Por-U w*us thi

    to Hoy* tsaust'd 5ttt*,0itrt j totbs . T t o J /afnljuiie^ - of the MosiAfna eartlj«|malte

    ' S*»^t_of an i9(js ciramrt-fenv? heen far>m»« *»f

    nan ana ,x»wnt, ana air

    'AtAi' A?ni> i2l«T|iRtAI?

    Tho iadife-s! of ?t. Johif i ;^pis»05P^ ^liurich, Uijampiain, will Shoid |Heir ananoi salf 'of food and fartcy firtl

    . they aroi far syrp^-ed b

    is terrffcie- att th«< rteutts fit cartihquaiies and; tidbl warosi and that these, thoy ttufy ni«peur, m to but a rnefe rlpplej o-veif- th«' .rHlghty pojndaillMi - of the j . wor !d, *THfa & Hhmn i»y the folte^ing Sgurejs "token front TiW' SclsJtttiac Am:ric3«. !•;

    TeiTiblle as aj*


    «al«t to i W e killed 200 Th& * klsb#n eart^qnalie stroyed 540011 bnman . 4M°0 w*:*e lost in. the gijtme yc earijJttgnaleji in F-er&gu

    Tierrible as sucb disasters are, tboy^t S c i o t a » ^


    ir l a

    or i3ie hn-

    cles at ClMinvplain t&xll on Tnurpday ijferiwjfflB, to^cember l%b.' Ice o-jeam and c^ks ^nlli be served.

    tn the ^rqning at eight irtosical farce in two acts, * of Tmibucsioo," will 'be give, cau talent '

    This. eftt^ri&inmeP.t'i>romi4es -to be' tbe most mirtfo-jprovoJcins. ance.-^yer.gb-e -evening of 'M

    in ChantPlaiii* an:*;: enjoyinen^:

    looijed. far. .seats for on; sale at jBpajtcb's I r u s '«t03*e."

    :P attend t those ladle* pishing tno- t&£& in phe aftei play In; th.e|-- A-lilne-1 • H^nflerstot Aita :Moore,.f33ttii' AliejW tfni tibeei .Cto neiv' Slorfoa jai' :s&o4»eyj, - Siary,, Apn Mopney,'Annie. fe.tatfiisd*--}fei?d'a- Hois* ;B«beft -jBissoH,• Itfyrta Minjer,' ajtJ- ̂ »W-' ;-ing a|'Pl4tt8b.ayg:n,,'K;;-"fiJ!B* ^ . > ^ o . . -2; Harvey Moore^ JTalagatuat, Cjonii,J Alice Weier o* Cosjiwail* | b»VarU>

    Of llOS


    recti' $iariaj

    Sift' Keene ?r of CluWi

    Iflaittsburph, j •^-.ftf.Cha^V'

    T.; -Harvey J» Mooney of Vewna»t{ Nettte- X*ont|nc, Vermont? Mlaa