l e a a v e l l a n a i portfolio

L E A A V E L L A N A I Portfolio

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l e a a v e l l a n a i P o r t f o l i o

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Architecture is a rigorous discipline, which requires clear principles and intelligible approaches. More than a profession, it is primarily a craft. For centuries, civilizations have thought to profoundly transform their physical environment, the space in which social organization unfolded. Building and architecture have become collective practices. This heritage, as appeared as new needs, new problems, new techniques, is the common ground in which the architecture of today has its roots, his questions, reformulates its answers. Modern architecture, as it was codified by his heralds, wanted to stop radicaly this tradition. The consequences were profound and paradoxical. New forms of architecture, by excluding all those who had preceded them, cut the discipline of its historical roots and its long-term references. This break isolate architecture, as well as to give the architect an elitist and «artistic» posture. As well as broke links between architecture and city, as a kind of binary antagonism. Innovation is not, in my opinion, a freed and vain effort to produce new for himself, and it still fits as the most correct answer to a question poorly unresolved, yet. Each concrete

hand drawing pencil and penToulouse skyline

s t a t e m e n t situation brings, whatever happens, its share of imponderable and unexpected, curving and rewarding the most common and most familiar solutions. Because «architecture can not emerge without at the same time exalting everything that seems beyond» (Giorgio Grassi). This approach also can not artificially separate the legacy of erudite architectures, spontaneous constructive and vernacular knowledge, whose wealth never ceases to amaze a carefull observer, devoid of arrogance, one who is always looking to learn and understand the experiment conducted by others in other times and other places. In my modest level, I want to be part of that collective practice, put my effort on building spaces, look back to the heritage we have everywhere and be able to learn from it at any moment.

«If we meet in a forest a mound six feet long, three feet wide, packed with the shovel-shaped pyramid, we stop and a deep voice says: someone is buried there. That’s what is architecture.» Adolf Loos in Malgrè tout («Trotzdem»)

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t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s

study case facade _ boulevard Raspail, Paris

collective housing _ ZAC Batignolles, Paris

KHM barcode museum _ Bjørvika, Oslo

private library

housing unit

droog entity _ villa nordborg Mossevein 190 Oslo

Albert tower 1rst Paris IGH _ Place d’italie, Paris

meander of the Seine _ saint-denis, epinay,gennevilliers, villeuneuve la garenne, paris.

Logement H.D* High density and combinatorial mixity, Residential fabric for La Briche.

R e s u m e

A r c h i t e c t u ra l p r o j e c t

U r b a n a n a l y s i s & m a s t e r p l a n n i n g

P r e d i p l o m a p r o g ra m

P F E _ D i p l o m a p r o j e c t

Pe r s o n n a l d raw i n g s















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l a n g ua g e s _ native language _ fluent (ielts 7.3) _ intermediate _ beginner (A2 level) _ beginner

i n vo lv e m e n t2012 / 2013

october 2011

2009 / 2010

august 2008

july 2007

march 2006

h o b b i e s

Christine Grape, partner and daily leader_ [email protected]

Matti Liukkonen, architect and daily leader _ [email protected]

Tarkko Oksala , Docent Aalto University _ [email protected]

Member of the student association «la kfet» at ensaplv

Silver medal at the Norwegian National Rowing Championship on BW4-

Member of the student comitee at the administration council of ENSAPLV

Participation at the World Rowing Championship -23 on the French BW8+

4th position at the French National Rowing Championship on BW4x

Collaboration with Jean-Luc Parant for the retrospective exhibition of his workat Espace écureuil, Toulouse

Dark arkitekter a.s

artlab oyarkkitehtoimisto

tarko oksala arkkitehtoimisto

Sports (rowing, swimming skiing) I Travel (iceland, egypt, turkia, greece, finland, russia) I Photography (analogic) I Art history and theory I

r e f e r e n c e s

july 2014

february 2014

2012 / 2014

2011 / 2012

2008 / 2011

june 2008

march 2013 / December 2013

summer 2011

summer 2010

august 2009

summer 2008

august 2007

_Internship at Dark Arkitekter AS, Oslo, Norway.preliminary design, international competition, urban planning, architectural design, graphic and editing work, modelling.

_Internship at Atelier Bravo with M.Alain Bravo architecte, Toulouse, France.

_Internship at Artlab-Oy Arkkitehtoimisto, Matti Liukkonen architecte, Helsinki.

_Student job at Toulouse City hall, Communication&Event department, participating in the creation of the city publication. _Student job at General Council of Haute-Garonne, for Toulouse Metropole, Urbanism&planning department, following the project «Grand Parc Garonne»

_Volunteer work with Jeunesse et Reconstruction program in Cairo, Egypt.International workcamp on lepper’s care: domestic work on improving living condition.

e x p e r i e n c e s

_Architect D.E (with honors) - ENSAPLV - Paris La Villette_PFE Diploma project: Logement H.D* haute densité et mixité combinatoire. Quartier résidentiel de La Briche. (Housing H.D* High density and combinatorial mixity. Residential neighbourhood in La Briche.) Supervisors: G.Cohen, J.Harari, V.Lavergne, G.Gribé, V.Cornu, B.Gaudin

_Master Thesis : Stratégies for urban development in port-cities. Oslo, an evolving capital. Fjord City, the exemple of the watefront renewal as an engine of urbanization. Supervisors : D.Le François, J.Harari, M.Bedarida

_Master degree of architecture and urbanism at ENSAPLV, Paris France

_Master program of architecture at Arkitektur og Designhøgskolen i Oslo (AHO), Norway

_Bachelor degree of architecture at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris la villette, ENSAPLV, France _Baccalauréat in applied art (with honors) - Lycée des Arènes - Toulouse, France

t e c h n i c a l s k i l l sautocad _ archicad I Adobe creative suite I sketchup _ artlantis I microsoft office suite I understanding rhino.advanced drawing _ pencil, pen, marker, charcoal I painting_ acrylic, oil, watercolor photography_ analogic, numeric I architectural modeling_ wood, lasercutter, 3d print

e D u c at i o n FrenchEnglish



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a r c h i t e c t u r a l p r o j e c t

F a c a d e b l v r d a R a s p a i l P a r i s

first year _ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris La Villettestudio Donnadieu & S chumberger _ 2008

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H a u s m m a n n i a n a f a c a d e

s t u d y a c a s eb o u l e v a r d a R a s p a i l

s tud ioaDonnadieua_ Schumbergera_aParis 2008

The question of the inclusion of a building in an existing urban fabric is a recurring question of the architect work. This exercice consist on creating a new facade on the Hausmannian legacy of the Boulevard Raspail in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. The starting point was an historical building that I analysed in order to understand the code and proportions of that time. The new residential building we will create will be adjoining this one. This study case was a rich exercice that bring me to look differently to the heritage we have around us all the time, as a testimony of a great past, but also as a solid base of evoution and creation.

I worked the volume respecting the proportion and codes from Hausmann rules. I played with duplex or triplex to generate high volume and catch up the high ceiling usually used at the time. The façade, a monolhitic double skin, keep a feeling of unity with the surroundings. Its rate is created by the openings. The double skin in perspex panels punctuate the facade by a game of sliding opening and fixed pa-nels. Translucent overlays generate a modular porosity. Light is the element that reveal the building. It’s a simple facade that does not compete with the classics, but melt by night taking same proportions.

opening system transversal section proposition model

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hand drawing of the facaderotring _ pen

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collective housingzacabatignollesp a r i s

third year _ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de paris la villettestudio Jean, Labbé, Taillandier _ 2010

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p o r o s i t y a i n a u r b a n a c o n t e x t

c o l l e c t i v e a h o u s i n g z a c a b a t i g n o l l e s

studio Labbé Jean Taillandier _ Paris _ 2010

The project is part of a plot square on the upper part of the slab that constitute the ZAC Clichy Batignolles, in conjunction with the front built along the rails, and the belvedere street on Park. According to architectural requirements, he devotes one of the highlights of the zac and develops itself according to a gradation to the south providing a privileged connection to the park. The challenge was to understand this contradictive project direction, while allowing the housing to access a certain luminous quality.The bias of the project is to work the imposing and dense volume defined by the urban project, thanks to gaps and openings, uprisings or links. This allows us to identify different orientations of housing and generate a new perception of public spaces.The block is defined by three main volumes holding the hedges of the field and materializing an open heart. The ascent to the south permit to protect the housing from the railway beam, as well as giving a more intimate character to the block which, thereby, expands to the park.These three volumes are connected by raised areas or gaps that create joints and common areas to different buildings. These connections built are based on a common three-level pedestal, organizing spaces shops, artists’ studios and homes. The above ground is signified by the porous interface anchored on the street. A breakthrough on the depth of the buildin draws an urban window, framing the rails from the block, and allows a light opening to the south for housing. The project pursues therefore the notion of articulation between the ground and the sky, the three main elements of the block, the private and the public.

south facade

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ground floor plan 3rd floor plan 5th floor plan 6th floor plan

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section East-Westsection North-South

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K H M a b a r c o d e m u s e u mb j ø r v i k a

fourth year _ arkitekturog designhøgskoleni oslo _ studio creativity in abundance with Christian Hermansen & Joshua Teas _ 2011

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K H M ab a r c o d e a_ am o d u l a r ap o r o s i t y

m u s e u mB j ø r v i k a a _ O s l o

s t u d i o a P a l a E n g hSondrea_CarlaJuliusO s l o _ a 2 0 1 0

Oslo city and the Kutlturisk Historisk Museum are collaborating since 10 years on the project of a new KHM. This iconic museum of the city will muster two museum, located for the moment on differents sites : the KHM, in the city center of Oslo, and the Viking Museum located on Bygdøy, an area furthest from the city. A place will be predisposed to host that new museum : Bjørvika. This neighborhood is the original heart of Oslo, and enjoys a very strategic position : close to the central station, near by the waterfront, at the entrance gate of the city. MVRDV was commissioned to establish the master plan of in a thin and long site in Bjørvika, called after them : the Barcode (Indeed the parcel is highly fragmented and some plots only reach 4m wide). The site chosen will establishes a new dialogue between the middle age ruins and the Norwegian cultural heritage thanks to the Middelalparken, it will also be in relation with the Barcode project, and by that way, create a strong tension and an historical connection between different eras. A question of limit and relation is one of the primaries of this challenging area, the museum has to find its own identity to exist as an entity within the site. Developing this idea, I started to think along the lines of porosity instead of limits, architectural landscape ahead of building envelope. The KHM museum will be identified as one building growing from his main axes in direction to the city and the ruins creating visual connection and urban windows. Divided along the principles of the Barcode, he will also combined that modular grid with the Open Bloc concept in order to preserve a free circulation in the area and leave a freedom in the parcours for the visitor. The KHM will illustrate the idea of an interface between architecture and urbanism generating a new public space in the city as well as a new building.

alleys between each slab provide light and view.all programs occur in all phases widths of slabs are based on a modul of 2,4m. Width of alleys are based on a modul of 1,2m

differenciation in height per phase.

Open floor plan Hausmann bloc Barcode porous barcode first drawing of a barcode interpretationopen bloc

diagramme blocs conceptsMVRDV rules for the Barcodesite model, wood cardboard

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site plan mains axes and openings public transport and flow

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longitudinal and transversal sections

ground floor plan1rst floor plan2nd floor plan

p r o g r a m m a t i c diagramme

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structural modelvolumetric model Viking exhibition space

From outside you will identify the main spaces as translucide blocs guiding you through the urban context, the distribution area have to be consider as living spaces waiting for activities. The grid define the all building and can be read on the facade or even in the urban design around the museum. The horizontality of the indoor street and the plazza hold the building with the site within the monolithics blocs poping up frame the view, creating a visual passage to the landscape. Also, the structure of the building itself is a support for the exhibition and the museography. It participate to the control of the flow by guinding the public through the storage to the exhibition. The Viking ship space is dedicated to emphasize the «unic» aspect of the ship, and replace the viking his

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p r iva tea l ib rar yn o a s i t e

second year _ ecole nat ionale supér ieure d’arch i tecture de Par is la V i l le t testudio Cremonin i & Kl inger _ 2009

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p r i v a t e a l i b r a r yr e h a b i l i t a t i o n

s tud ioaCremon in ia_ K l i n g e r a _ a 2 0 0 9

The aim of a private library raises the notion of collection, books’ passion, not only an interest on literature. The book as object, is important in reflection focused on the place that will host it. So I found interesting to look for a link between the object contained in space and the material of that container.Being personally attached to the material and therefore to the touch, I like the thickness of a paper, the roughness of a sheet, I am facing material wood, rough, working as strips of paper. The idea was to take the simple volume of the house, built with and around it, and give quality to the space by working the matter, the light and intermediates spaces between home and workplace.When we shall construct or design an extension of a building, the question of the relationship with the existing one immediatly arises. In this case, I decided to design the library around the house, as an outgrowth of the dwelling itself. Each main area is served on the façade by a specific report to light and therefore different treatment of wooden pannels. Wavy slats allow natural light to filter and so give a protection to books, they evoke, in a more subjective point of view, the vibration of book’s leaves when you browse through it.

facade of housing blocfinal model library and house

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h o u s i n g a u n i t v i n c e n n e s

third year _ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de paris la villettestudio Jean, Labbé, Taillandier _ 2010

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m o d u l a r a h a b i t a t i o n a c e l l s

h o u s i n g a u n i t sV i n c e n n e s

studio Labbé Jean Taillandier _ Paris _ 2010

This project questions our relationship to housing, furniture, and light asking us to design the ideal accommodation.It’s a utopian project, where the only constraints lie in the surfaces and guidelines that should be specific to each one of the three requested proposal. My reference for this work is the cell of Alvar Aalto in Berlin, organized around the living room area and the fineness of articulation and modular spaces.The first unit consists of a central core that articulates the cell partitions between intimate rooms and reception one. This core is constituted by wet rooms, allowing a rationalization of the ducts. A reflection on the trellis system can bring natural light into these spaces and give them a view of the outside.This principle define openings in terms of habitability thicknesses and modularity. The railing of the balcony worked as a furniture and participates in the housing.the second accommodation has been designed as a familly cell, organized around shared items, spaces witnesses of day rate. In this configuration, the kitchen takes center stage. This is an open space, materialized by a new ground

hand drawing pen _ watercolorview from the module

that unifies the block of wet rooms services. The kitchen is distinguished by its views, It is a communicator. The walls removable dividers allow you to change and privatize some parts of the dwelling at different times of the day.The last cell is organized in duplex, however, the spatial organization shows three specific areas: the parents, the common space and more isolated space for a child. The housing joint and the core is formed by the staircase. It frame a narrow longitudinal axes that slide along it. It articulates rela-tionships between spaces. The furniture has the same reflection, spinning from one floor to the other, turning a wall into a room, it embeds spaces and creates a visual relationship between them.

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common space



common space




inside / outside



inside / outside



inside / outside



inside / outside



inside / outside


common space


plan _diagramme T1 simplex mono-oriented plan _diagramme T3 duplex low floor traversing


common space



common space



common space




parentsday night




parentsday night




parentsday night




parentsday night




parentsday night


plan_diagramme T3 duplex top floor traversing plan_diagramme T4 simplex traversing

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d r o o g a e n t i t ydesign in contextn o r d s t r a n d

fourth year _ arkitekturog designhøgskoleni oslo _ studio creativity in abundance with Christian Hermansen & Joshua Teas _ 2011

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d r o o g e n t i t y

c r e a t i v e s p a c emossevein 190 Oslo

studio Hermansen _Teas _ Oslo _ 2010

The aim of that work was to propose a temporary occupation of a vacant building of Oslo, with an intervention that could impulse a dynamic and bring activity back.I choose to work with the dilapidated state of that romantic icone, the Villa Nordborg, located in the southern part of Oslo, between Nordstrand and Nordseter. The spirit of that villa was the starting point of my work.the spirit of the site is an important fact that will influence all the creative process. Regarding to that building, I choose to look through it, from outside to inside, focusing on the material and the paradox of open-close space.As it is a vacant building, from the oustide different layers are added to close it and protect it. Theses layers

gave me the wishe to see through it and to withdraw layers by layers until finding the special thing that the house try to protect. Inside, as an open book, the wallpaper, real layers, lined on the wall, are like the testimony of the buildings life. I could undress the wall and find an other piece with another story to guess.Related to textile and history, the pattern and tapestry are specific clues to understand the story of the house.I started to think of how to evolve existing in order to create new.Related to the context of the house, i though about the strong relation the building has with history and testimony of passed life that occurs in. It leads me to the concept of a «scalable» house. From this idea of temporality and transformation, i choose to make some

research on the droog design and ready made inspiration. The house is for me an old object i have to preserve and to make evolve at the same time. Like all these vintage piece you want to preserve in their state and identity, but use or wear differently than it was at the time. came to me that idea of a droog entity, a design in context. I could define that concept, as an idea of a total area, an entity on its own, in which architectural intervention, design and production are connected and based at the same place, and linked to the building memory in a process of reuse.




















/ N






intention diagrammestudy model and research

pattern pictureexisting wallpaper

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SUBURBAN AREA SUBURBAN AREAfootbridgefootbridgefootbridgefootbridgefootbridgefootbridgefootbridgefootbridge









Bus stop Bus stop

Bus stop








project siteproject site
















The idea is to create a gravitational point who links differents actor of a same activy. By gathering working space, workshop, store, exhibition space, and laboratory, everyone involve in the project can make his personal creativity growing up thanks to the other and be part of a dynamic community.Based on the concept of droog design, this place will be dedicate to the experimentation and transformation of existing materials. Like a last chance, this house will re use collecting clothes from store, main pieces or unsold one, as a precious study materials for designing new one.I choosed to work with the fretex shop around oslo to propose them this textile experimentation house. My intervention and the purpose of the building had to be related and following the concept of an entity. I decide to look back to the wallpaper of the building that really catch me and appeal me. Based on that, I re draw them and found geometric relation in the pattern they had.






























































































programmatic plan and strategic space






bus stop

location mapmapping of fretex network around Osloanalytic diagramme in plan and section

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From the references about droog design and folded object, to the pattern from the house I focused on, I experiment. I base my test on different grid and geometric carving until getting interesting plan to fold, and see what I could generate with them. The regularity and the accuracy of the grid was an attractive working process to obtain a one-piece object, simple and organic. I focus on three different uses and I fold the grid in order to find different structure corresponding. According to the programm I wanted in the villa, I made research about working space furnitures for fashion design basic needs. It leads me basically to a chair, a table, and a coat stand. The final step on my research about folding process, is to generate a modular element, a new layer in the house, a second skin, support of an experience. That body architecture who involve the user and the building as to be consider as a connection between both but also a relation to the program. The folding chair hold in the wall as to be taken and tried before finding the shape, exactly as a piece of fabrics before turning into clothes.

study model and researchn folding process of the chair

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situation and uses proposals1:1 model cardboard and fabrics

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u r b a n a n a l y s i s _ m a s t e r p l a n n i n g

A l b e r t a t o w e rrue croulebarbeP a r i s

third year _ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de paris la villette_ workshop, Jean & Lipsky _ 2010

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A l b e r t a t o w e r a _ a P a r i s a 1 r s t a I G H

U r b a n a a n a l y i sPlacead’italiea_aParis

workshop Jean _ LipskyP a r i s a _ a 2 0 1 0

This urban analyse project concern issues of the rehabilitation of the tower Croulebarbe in the 13th arrondissement of Paris and its impact on the neighborhood. At first, we approach the building sensitively and focus on its relationship to the city, we found that the tower is not only a residential building, it is a viewpoint over the city, a signal point in the landscape foremost.From the Place d’Italie, one is guided to the entrance of the tower by the silver «canned» that must be overcome to discover. With its facades punctuated by the rhythm of rectangles solid or glazed, it gives an illusion of random aesthetic, while these effects are products of the use of housing by each owners. This kind of details we understood from the analyse, was a really rich information for us, and motivated us to learn from that example. Classified historic building, this realization is subject to multiple renovations. We st udied here the importance of the tower on the area which is eponymous, now and at the time of its construction, involving comparison reflections Raymond Lopez, that led to the creation of the first skyscrapers in Paris. Why an IGH in this neighborhood? How to insert into a site with such a high altitude? All these questions have guided our analysis and allowed us to capture the subtlety of responses made by Albert. Indeed, the slope of the ground, for example, is like swallowing, offset by six storeys below the terrace. This allows to achieve a common dialogue space for his views to the city and its underside with the sky. Responding to stress the architect and engineer have allowed their plans to acquire a sensitivity that distinguishes it from the surrounding buildings.

morphogenesis mapbuilding heights maptypology mapsite model urban section east - westhand drawing_ pen + craft paper

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shaded ground planhand drawingpen, marker, pencil, charcoal, rotring

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seine’sameander s a i n t - d e n i s g e n n e v i l l i e r sv i l l e n e u v e

fifth year_ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de paris la villettestudioaHarar iaCohen G r i b é a L a v e r g n e

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S e i n e ’ s m e a n d e ru r b a n a n a l y s em a s t e r p l a n n i n g saint-denis gennevilliers

studio Harrari _ CohenL a v e r g n e _ G r i b éParis _ 2012

Plaine Commune, Gennevilliers and Villeneuve are now a reflection of the urban evolution and territories in progress. The issues of these cities are doomed to disappear in favor of a revaluate territory defining today the Grand Project of significant inner suburbs of Paris, which could provide the necessary vision to these new landscapes. Issues of urban renewal are thus brought to the metropolitan scale as that of the district, in the interest of renewing urban solidarity, in order to open the most of these territories to the Parisian metropolis in progress.

The city is built within the constraints of the territory, the two arms of the Seine, and those made by man, the railways and the canal. Town centers have, for topographical and historical reasons, developed between these limits as for exemple the island, who after its urbanization raises the question of its crossings.Whether we are on the island or elsewhere, we can talk about differents insularities. The urban fabric does not dialogue with elements of the city landscape such as rails, the Seine, the canal, the highway, invariants elements. We could even talk about cloth versus public space. The issue of bonds and crossings is essential on this site.

Through an accurate and thematic analysis and a large scale planning work, the purpose of this assignement has allowed us to come up with localized and justified proposals for urban renewal who later served as the basis for the diploma research.This reflection on the territorial scale presents the primers of the Diploma Project which is reflected in a communal level.

for more informations : http://masterchezhcgl.wordpress.com/

territorial situation and municipal print

print of ongoing project in the site

Historical floods

Flood area (source iau idf )


inférieur à 1 mètre

supérieur à 1m et inférieur à 2 mètre

supérieur à 2 mètre

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permanency of tracks and pre-industrial cores / Saint-Denis _ ile Saint-Denis _ Gennevilliers

urban section _ hand drawing / Saint-Denis _ ile Saint-Denis _ Gennevilliers

The city of Saint Denis appears as a centrality in this territory.Connected to Paris by a North South axis existing since antiquity, the center of Saint Denis contrast in size and shape, in relation to the centers of neighboring municipalities. More composed, contained by ancient ramparts now become boulevards, the city has a historical heritage and offers significant polarities at territorial level.

In the logic of the continuity of creation of polarities or centralities around Saint-Denis, new railway stations appear in our studio’s urban project proposal, but also many educational facilities, cultural venues whose influence is territorial.A network is set up, enabling remesh landlocked sites and connect various city centers to each other. The issue of reconversion of former industrial sites now abandoned is major in that territory, and indeed the question of typologies and urban fabric predominates. The dynamism of Saint-Denis could thus benefit the neighboring districts and organize thanks to its events a real journey along the Seine through the territory.

Bâtiplanaire Bâtilinéaire Bâtiponctuel




























Léna Charbonnier - Camille Houry - Isabelle Hyodo - Zhujun Ma - Vincenzo Montefusco - Dominique Naquin - Abdou Traware

Echelle 1/10 000


Echelle 1/25 000

residential area and main infrastructure

scope of consolidationisolation of urban centers

industrial and tertiary influence and printtypologies classification

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6564territorial plan _ saint-denis ring proposal for 2025

the croos road_ element of urban reconquest

roads hierarchisation existing network at constant lines project network at constant lines

If the Seine poses challenges concerning crossing, road and rail networks that participated in the opening of the territory have also caused its fragmentation and generates discontinuities in the urban fabric.The port located in Gennevilliers, exceptional urban fact, is a closed area, bounded by the highway, and creates an enclave within the territory.The issue of connections and crossings is essential on this site.

Reattachment plan of all urban projects from the studio on the whole territory of study

It seems now important to encourage the renovation of inter urban relationships, in an apprehendable scale by the citizens; to enhance the radiation of city centers towards suburbian area, to integrate the best established urban fabric, and design the new tissue mutation. To do this, we must return to the scale of large area, the meander of the Seine. Establishing function between city centers is difficult and should, perhaps, be thought trough large scale road networks. After developing a large plan of road networks with all the studio, we found back the multiplication of crossings on the invariant elements (seine, rails ...).We recreate a systeme including bypass saint-denis, and a logic rather longitudinal to the seine with streets-avenues, extrados, to reduce the traffic on the river banks and pass large thick blocks between western Saint-Denis and north St. Ouen and, thereby, create a continuity of urban centers.

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6766ground plan

existing site, Confluence and île Saint-Denis area

ground plan proposal for Confluence and île Saint-Denis area

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Logement H.D* s a i n t - d e n i s Epinay sur Seine

Diploma project_ ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de paris la villettestudioaHarar iaCohen G r i b é a L a v e r g n e Cornu Gaudin

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Logement H.D*__ High Density and combinatorial mixity __Residential fabric in La Briche

m a s t e r p l a n n i n gHousing developpement s a i n t - d e n i sEpinay sur Seine Diploma project in collaboration with L.Arato and C.Lalanne

Falling within the thematic of forming the urban fabric, our final project study addresses the question of typological mix of housing forms. How to live today in the outer suburbs of the Parisian metropolis? What is the future individual housing? How to create density while maintaining the privacy of the habitat? What transition between the city and the cell of the housing? How to resolve matters overlooked privacy in the dwelling? are all questions that have guided us throughout our approach degree.

The area of the second meander of the Seine includes the cities of Epinay-sur-Seine, Saint-Denis and Villeneuve la Garenne in the intrados side of the Seine. The road network shows once again the obstacle which is the Seine, strengthened by communal boundaries and county. Operations of developers or passing heavy infrastructure, produce in this disjointed landscape, pockets of ryzomique networks that increase the importance of great through-routes. Historic centers of urbanization and city gardens present a constricted plot, which opposes extensive land holdings created by the industry and the production of large housing developments, from a fragmented ribbons parcels, which sometimes reappears in this crazy quilt urban fabric. The broad guidelines of the urban project leads us to think to the notion of fabric: it is for us built relationships that interact with common ownership, density, compactness, diversity, the labyrinthine and palimpsestic character of the city. The urban fabric settles over time. We are not trying to create a neighborhood from scratch but only impose conditions that would allow its rational and controlled development.

voirie existante

parcellaire existant

Bati existant

‘Chacun chez-soi’ garden-cityThe TowpathTangency to the SeinePerspective view of Foch Boulevard

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Shaded site plan - urban project

Urban section throuh the residential area

As well the strategic location of the station and the new intermunicipalaxis underlies an urban impulse at the site of La Briche. This induces the construction of housing, equipment, commercial and service activities. Focus on issues of housing, the characteristics of the fabric made up of the district Mobiles prompted us to address the question of the typological diversity of inhabitat forms. Abrupt discontinuation of pavilion fabric faces the major networks have led us to maintain a low level, while building up the large arteries in the area. This encounter of scale is at the origin of our design guidelines.

site plan of the existing situation

built masses : Fit into an existant pavillon fabric

main road network

second network of public spaces and pedestrial path

reveal the undergournd river parcellar division of the plot

principle of the housing plotconstruction of main axes

with collective housing and individual housing in the heart

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The density and compactness seems to be an effective response to the optimization of land, goods that should be dedicated to good use. Typological diversity allows us to offer a diverse housing supply with a focus on a dense fabric of individual houses, preferred form of the majority of families.

We are targeting then a density of 80 individual dwellings per hectare, this rag is 120 dwellings per hectare when we include collective dwellings.Density targets fixed has led us to reduce the size of alleys to 3m wide and avoid the simple juxtaposition of different types of housing. Work on their combinations allows us to ensure continuity between collective housing, single-family housing and intermediate housing.

As well we seek to create an architectural unity and avoid spatial decomposition. These links allow us to define the private outdoor spaces with the adjoining dwellings.

ground floor plan

Collective housing on street

Collective housing on boulevard Foch

Ground floor plan typical floor plan

section from railway to the Seine

perspective section from railway to the Seine

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L House________ 78m² and 84,9m² of garden

typology research assembled typologies cross and construct the streets

research of the frame distributive system creation of void and breathing space

articulation of primary and secondary pathway

contextualisation and adaptation of typologies

to the river

C House________ 78m² and 84,9m² of garden

Z House________ 78m² and 84,9m² of garden

view from the Seine

view along the river

view from the venelle

P l a n d u R + 1P l a n d u R D C P l a n d u R + 2

Stack Townhouse____Ground Floor 71m2 + 35m2 gardenDuplex 106m2 + 31m2 garden

Longitudinal section of the plot AA’

Longitudinal section of the plot BB’

We want to provide a unique identity to this operation. The purpose of the project is also intended collective: public spaces such as squares, access porches, but also the joint management of the place of the car that require a sharing of spaces by the inhabitants.We believe that in view of the public transport supply and saturation traffic in Paris, a ratio of 0.8 cars per dwelling is sufficient. Parking on an underground level in the outskirts of the block is expected.In order to ensure continuity of interior parcours in blocks between the alleys, the square and on either side of the river, contracts of common public spaces and rights of way must be developed: the alleys will be closed by the grids at night but open during the day. Finally we hope to ensure a social mixity: more than half of the units will be administered by a social landlord.

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«Cities and contemporary villages do not lack centers or peripheries. They lack suburbs, with what they always have represented of vitality, renewal, individual initiative. (...) The social mixity is mainly a matter of accepted look.»

David Mangin, La ville franchisée

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p e r s o n n a l D r a w i n g s

f i g u r e s& a l a n d s c a p e

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L e a a A v e l l a n a

B o r n a 5 - 1 0 - 1 9 9 0i n a T o u l o u s e a F r a n c e

l e a a a v e l l a n a20 rue des amiraux

7 5 0 1 8 a P a r i s A F r a n c e [email protected]

0 0 . 3 3 . 6 . 3 4 . 5 8 . 0 1 . 7 7