l i(f - panda audio · 2013. 9. 13. · and pluck control bur without split function, chain from...

1(: Iol t.:) Z '" -t :' < 1:0 0 ..J t.:) " ' 0: = .. ' Ill , ' - ti .e < g: .. L. =: e U :a .;::; L. <II ... 0= t.!) "a L. ,::I Q/ z Z 0 < r-- or, M 11:[:: !<I 0 $- ::c U u "" L :;: ::c U :.: C t' >- III 0 0 c: .c: .. u ,- " :J E "'""" :ti U :;, III ;;, ..J 0 , II: ;:) t.:) ARRANGE Complete setups of all th e AXON features can be in ARRANGE Preseb. The arrangeme nts inc lud e: String- . Fret-. and Pluck Split. MIDI sound" and special fun ctions, The AXO N oIlers 64 ARRANG E Prc"cts. 16 have already been programmed. Via co py Cunction they can be edited to make new ARR ANGE- presets. SCRATCH , 12 8 Preset" including MIDI and Pluck Control bu r without Split fun c tion , CHAIN From ARRANGE and SC RATCH Presets, CHAINS can be huil t - allowing simple ste ppi ng through during play, 6.+ CHAINS arc availabl e, GLOBAL Selection for g lo ha l fenclions su ch a" MIDI channals, guitar tunin g. VU- i 'deter. or "cltings. PA R \ l\IETER Se l ec t and p' \)gra lll ARRA N- GL SCRATCH a nd CHAI N DISPLAY function and parameter va lu e." 11 CWl abo be us ed for a I Jex -v U-tvletc r as we ll lur it built- in tll nin g unit. _..,; " .'/ [00 t §0 ;;; ) I ;;;- 0 t,: < ;;; - I{ -- C ;:l I )' C " ..l ca::o cO tl: U , / = " u , \ r- l, l i (f N :'J U = : ffi ..l 1,; '\ 1:1. J :'J - ;:C:! ..... u; "''''': .UJ; -l: CO' ;;; , ::c " [00 (, I " ," , rI , . ... j) .... i!: !' ", 0 .0 / ' I i (/ . I C ", ',' ' j! NOXV ca:: <g& Q ..:> < / GUITAR AUDIO This output jack your guitar audio to the amplifie r. You may select between guitar sound only. MIDI o nl y. or mi xed MIDI and guita r. GUITAR IN There is a 13 pin interface connection between guitw' and AXON, We recommcnd th e GK-02N' Roland ':' Int e rfa ce ur compatible units (MIDI- Guitars with already installed int erface s, comparable to the GK-02A Illa y be use d <1" well). GUITAR SELECT The AXON is the world 's Jirst Guitar MIDI Controller that wi II work for lead or ba"s guitar. CONTROL Switch I - Chain Switch 2 - Ho ld MIDI,OUT-JN-THRU M I 01 OUT to th e i\lIDl sound module, sequencer or compute r. MIl)l IN allows Presets to be loaded fr om backup ADA PT ER The AXONS \ 12 volt ACIDC power supply conforms to th e international standard:- and can be used in all countries world-wide. BLUE CHIP c. hn 10 V Bl.UE CHIP MUSIC Gmb H H - \LS E:\,I, \r\CH /'i'II1(J Fit .. . HI 0(1' .'" - S'J 14

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  • keyboards and sound modules. no malleI' if you like Bluegrass. Country. or Rock 'n Roll. Use a sequencer and play your own backgrounds. track by track ..

    Unlike other equipment which can quickly become ob~olcte, the AXON \viJl provide Illany years of up-todate service. Its comfortable

    ASTER With the AXON NGC 66.

    Blue Chip has introduced a new technology making a


    for lead and ba~s guitar possible. Usually MIDI controller

    will recognize analog waves. Howevcr. the AXON

    recognizes the plucking transient. Using a ncural network it can determine pitch and tone characteristics from the plucking transient. This quick recognition system allows the guitar player to make fast moves. while the MIDI

    ~(lund will follow. virtually in real-time.

    BETTER The AXON NGC 66 is the tiN guitar MIDI Controller that will work for all kind of electric and acoustic guitars

    and for bass as wcll (metal strings). Beller mcans a more precisc rccognition because the AXON works

    fully digital and double checks pitch and character for each ~tri ng separately.

    SMAR'-E·R Thc question remains. how smarl can thc AXON be?

    Will it recognize personal style of thc guitar player') It will' The neural network is sd for adapting to the

    individual style of a player. In this way. it becomes possible to control sounds via MIDI as if they where

    coming from the guitar it!.e1r. We call it sl1laI1er. because it really docs what the guitar player wants it to do. The AXON method (patent pending) with its premier fealllres of rapid sound recognition. Bass to MIDI. Pluck Position

    and Pluck Control has generated a new age in guitar playing.

    -:;7 \

    \ \

    , \


    \ \

    STRING .....,.

    different sound assignmenh.

    separated by strings.

    FRET AXON_..-....,

    ,... .~~~

    " BWE. CIlIP........_.,." . I ...... ~""" • • _I'''

    different sound assignments. separated by fret. plus Hold Pedal function for an additional sound. AXON - MIDI FOR.


    Now the world of MIDI can be yours. Make your own MIDI recordings and alT