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Thot 4 2 day January thot 4 2 day JANUARY [Romans] Ronnie Gibson 1

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Thot 4 2 day January

thot 4 2 dayJANUARY


Ronnie Gibson


Thot 4 2 day January

These devotions are dedicated to the endearing memory of my

dear friend and brother-in-Christ Robert Robinson, whom the Lord thought appropriate to call home

to glory on July 18th 2014.


Thot 4 2 day January


It had long been my late brother’s desire that I focus on producing a set of daily devotions to encourage God’s dear children on their Christian pathway.While sharing some of these devotions with Robert and his wife Maureen my attention was directed, by the Holy Spirit I believe, to Paul’s letter to the Romans.So, for each month of the year, I intend to systematically go through the first twelve chapters of the book - a chapter for each month. This would entail considering each chapter verse-by-verse on a daily basis. Of course, January would equate to chapter one; February to chapter two, and so on. However, since there are sixteen chapters in Romans and only twelve months in the year, I have added an ‘executive summary’ as a tailpiece to December.While I set out my analysis of the Roman epistle it is not meant to be construed as a commentary, but a devotional work.Therefore, I pray as we share these devotions you will be drawn closer to our Lord, and experience His blessing both on your own life, and through you, the life of your family members.


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Chapters 9-11THE REAL JEW

Chapters 12-16


I will endeavour to follow this analysis throughout the daily devotions, seeking to stress the ‘reality’ which Paul presents in this wonderful and inspiring epistle.

Reality, in the realms as outlined above. Teaching to challenge all of us as to the will of God for this world, and also for your life and mine.

So, let’s go, and please God, we will learn together, more of our wonderful, magnanimous, amazing


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January 1st


THE POWER OF GODRomans 1v1 “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.”

The ‘key’ to chapter 1 lies in verse 16 - “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for ….IT IS THE POWER OF GOD …..unto salvation, to everyone that believeth.”

Catch that power at work in the life of one man!

I am …..saved: Once I was Saul, a rebellious zealot determined to wipe out the Christians, but I met with the Lord Jesus Christ and He saved me and now I am called ‘Paul’.

I am …..servant: I am not only saved, but I am a servant. I am a prisoner for the cause of Jesus Christ.

I am …..set-apart: Saved, servant, but also ‘set-apart’ for the work of God - “...called..” Not all believers are ‘called’ to be a preacher, but Paul was set-apart for this specific purpose

I am …...sent: I can only be a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ if I am saved; then I must account myself a servant; following which I must be separated for this task. Sent by Almighty God to this specialised labour.


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January 2ndTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v2

“ (which He had promised afore by His prophets in the holy Scriptures,)”

As an unashamed preacher Paul distinctly requires the correct materials on which to base his sermons. I don’t suppose I need to address today’s preachers on this same delightful subject.

A fellow-preacher gave me a set of commentaries which he was discarding because the writer did not see Scripture from his viewpoint. I accepted them gladly.

However, whilst text books by renowned scholars can be such a beneficial tool, Paul had exclusive confidence in the source which he knew to beyond criticism or fault - “the holy Scriptures”.

Two adjectives flash like beacons in today’s devotion - one, I have already referred to is “holy”; the ‘holy’ Scriptures. The second is the word “His” referring to the prophets.

The source of Paul’s confidence is the power of his God to supply him with all the needed resources.


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January 3rdTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v3

“…...concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;”

Paul’s confidence as a preacher continues in today’s thoughts.

He is fully assured of where his text-book has come from - “the holy Scriptures”.

Now his confidence soars as he realises that the subject matter within his definitive manual is none other than God’s own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

What a fillip for any would-be preacher of the real gospel, to grasp and understand that the focal-point, fulcrum, pivot, centre of the resources is Jesus Christ, and Him alone. The other characters within the ‘holy Scriptures’ are simply part of the supporting cast - and Paul sees himself in that category - so should we!

But Paul also reminds us that God’s Son was made flesh - “the seed of David”.

The Son of God - the seed of David. He is our real gospel and He is the gospel’s power!


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January 4thTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v4

“And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection of the dead”

Jesus Christ being raised from the dead was the final act in this preacher’s confidence.

To preach the real gospel to the world Paul depends entirely on the concrete evidence of the resurrection of the Lord.

In other epistles he writes of the perceived uselessness of this real gospel without the bodily resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. This is an inherent aspect of the true and real gospel.

To miss this concept is to render the gospel ‘unreal’.

The authenticity of Christ’s resurrection is couched in words like “power”; “the spirit of holiness”.

It will take us to get to day 16 to get to the entire concept of this chapter, namely, ‘the power of God’, but already on day 4 we get the classic insight of the heart and mind of Paul. Pause today and reflect on the wonderful strategy of our God in these matters.


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January 5thTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v5

“By Whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for His name.”

This saved, separated, sent preacher freely confirms how and why he has received such standing before Almighty God.

He has received his commission from the Lord Jesus Christ; he did not deserve it nor earn it - quite the contrary - it was received via the matchless, amazing “grace” of God. That same grace which was the ‘spiritual medicine’ for all his weaknesses and foibles.

Then, having proved himself as an unashamed preacher, the same Lord God elevated him to the status of “apostle”.

There is no spiritual dimension outside the possible realm of any preacher who has unbridled confidence in the real gospel of Jesus Christ.

There is no spiritual distance outside the scope of such a preacher - for Paul it was among “all nations”.

Let’s go! Don’t let Paul get too far ahead!


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January 6thTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v6

“ Among whom are ye also called of Jesus Christ”.

How absolutely delightful that our God should so confirm Paul’s role as a preacher of the real gospel by the multiplicity of real believers he has discovered in Rome, both among Jews and Gentiles.

Please do not be offended by my constant - perhaps even irritating - references to the word ‘real’. I do so only because, as you have seen from the analysis of the entire book of Romans, Paul seeks to demonstrably dissect the ‘real’ from the ‘unreal’. For Paul this is the virtual hub of his teaching. His prayer is that we would ‘get-real’.

These Romans to whom he writes are, without doubt, genuine born-again believers, “called of Jesus Christ”.

But I fear, in these last days, the ‘comparative - easiness’ of ‘believism’ is being propagated in many denominations, in many lands and in many cultures.

The words of our Christ to many who cried “Lord, Lord” was “Depart from Me, I never knew you!”

Paul’s gospel preaching was confirmed by real converts!


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January 7thTHE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v7

“To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The heart of Paul continues to be strengthened and encouraged as he gathers confirmation of the Lord’s working through his preaching.

Carefully he analyses his thoughts to these believers. Firstly, he gives them God’s assurance of His love for them. How could anyone read this verse and not pause at Paul’s use of the word “beloved”.

I digress for just a moment to endeavour to reassure you of your place in the heart of God - you are His “beloved”

Paul confirms that they are no longer ‘sinners’ but now “saints”.

As such Paul asks, in prayer, that they might be granted living grace and inner peace to cope with the outworking of their new and real faith in Jesus Christ.

For you, this is also my prayer!


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January 8th1.THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v8

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.”

The ‘conflict’ for Paul the preacher of the real gospel is not yet obviously apparent - but will become clearer as we go through the next few verses.

But, today, he, as it were, sets out his stall explaining his genuine gladness that no matter where he travels he hears about the Christians at Rome and their real faith in Christ.

In what will prove to be a list of matters Paul puts this first - that he is overjoyed at the continual ‘gossip’ he gathers about the Jewish and Gentile Christians.

I turn this matter inward to both you and me and ask the simple but relevant question - ‘What is the first word others have of us?’.

Please God that others may honestly testify that they see Christ living in us, shining out of our words and actions the character of our Lord is capably demonstrated.


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January 9th1.THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v9

“For God is my witness, Whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers.”

God knows!

Paul’s witness: Paul calls as his “witness” none other than God Himself. Whatever the subject matter to follow this declaration it is crucially important that you and I register our God as our witness - not just in the spiritual realm but in our material and family realm.

Paul’s work: the ‘real’ gospel of Jesus Christ. And his manner of conducting such labour is “with my spirit”. His heart is set on spreading the Good News of the gospel to all.

Paul’s wishes: everything that is blessed of the Lord for he prays for them “without ceasing” and “always”. His desire is towards these believers in Rome, and unashamedly he reminds God of their needs on a daily basis.

My simple advice in the light of today’s devotion is that we formulate a list of ten individuals to pray for daily that their lives may develop and grow in Christ.


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January 10th1.THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v10

“Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you.”

The area of conflict for this preacher now begins to surface; he wants to get to Rome to visit these Christians with whom he readily indentifies.

But the conflict centres on three concerns within Paul’s thoughts.

The first is ‘time’. He wants to go but is unsure of the timing element. He has much currently to cope with but his heart wants to visit them.

The second is ‘trust’. He will not move out unless it is specifically the will of God to do so. His trust and faith is centred explicitly on what his God wants.

The third is ‘travel’. This could well be an arduous journey, with dangers and problems.

But his heart is being stirred, and this is his personal ‘conflict’. I want to go, but I want God to want me to go!


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What a challenge here to you and me.

January 11th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v11

“For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established.”

Paul’s inner turmoil and conflict heightens as he expresses his longing to visit them.

See Paul’s ‘heart’; he “longs” to see them. The word Paul uses here indicates that he longed ‘greatly’ to be there with them.

See Paul’s ‘hands’; he wishes to impart unto them “some spiritual gift”. There is modesty here as he suggests “some” spiritual gift; not a specific or designated gift, but rather a gift which the Lord will dictate to him at the appropriate time to enrich them.

See Paul’s ‘hopes’; he hopes that whatever the gift that it might have the desired effect of strengthening them in their faith in Christ.

How wonderfully our devotion today sets out the unashamed preacher of the real gospel. Please read the verse again and ask yourself - ‘Is this how I really feel about my assembly?’


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January 12th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v12

“That is, I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”

The ‘conflict’ for Paul is really a twinge of conscience.

He has almost, but not entirely, presented himself to be a little ‘above’ these Christians in Rome by suggesting they may need a spiritual gift to bring them up to his level.

So here he quickly restores the proper balance. He recalls within himself that, after all, he is still a stranger to them so he guards himself against the possible appearance of underestimating their Christian standpoint.

The balance if fully restored when he equalises the matter by aligning himself alongside them indicating that their “mutual faith” will be a “comfort” and encouragement to both.

I need you as much as you need me, suggests Paul, we are in this spread of the ‘real gospel’ together.

How delicate and diplomatic is this! Am I the same?


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January 13th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v13

"I would not have you ignorant, brethren, that oftentimes I purposes to come unto you (but was let hitherto) that I might have some fruit among you also, even as among other Gentiles."He begins by assuring these Christians in Rome that his commission is focused intensely on what the Lord would have him achieve, so he opens his heart and sets about being openly honest and transparent with them - "brethren, I would not have you to be ignorant" - he wishes to inform them of what he considers to be the Lord's commissioning of his life as a gospel preacher. And he strikes the initial concept of being that individual for God, that is, he desires to see "fruit" for the Master Whom he serves, specifically among these dear people whom he has been commissioned to preach this Good News. Here then is the first degree in his heavenly desire as a preacher, that he might bear 'fruit'. Child of God, on this the 13th January, set the compass of your life on this remarkable course, that you (and I) might achieve equal distinction as does Paul in seeking fruit for our Saviour Jesus Christ. What a starting point as a preacher handling the gospel, with the power of God the strength of his message. Surely we cannot and must not leave such a commission


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exclusively to the Paul's of this world, but we become intimately involved. With God's help let us catch the vision, without which the people really do perish.

January 14th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v14

"I am a debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and the unwise".

The 'field' in which the "fruit" is to be harvested, according to Paul's commission, involves the civilised nations and the heathen nations, including the educated and uneducated alike. Paul uses the phrase 'a debtor' to indicate to us today that this commission of his, knows no recognisable boundaries. He is in debt to every man of every nation, regardless of class or classification. The debt has been accumulated because he has seen mankind with the same spiritual eyesight displayed so definitively by his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The real gospel, of which he is an unashamed preacher, must not, and does not, exclude any living being. The commission is global! Sure, Paul wishes to get to Rome to share this divine and crucial message, not because they are in any respect different from any other grouping, but because this is where the Lord wishes him to go, and because there is fruit there which needs to be harvested.And if he does not go, who will?What an interesting question for you and me to answer


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today concerning our ‘field’.

January 15th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v15

"So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome."

What an encouraging comment from Paul's heart - "I am ready". It encourages all of us because it brings us to the crucial issue within our beings as to what we are about. Are we at the place where we can sincerely say to the Lord that 'I am ready'?

The word I have heard recently from a missionary, whose age is what we call 'middle', who simply declared 'Lord, I am available!' The Lord reacted positively to that readiness.

The wonderful message of the 'real' gospel is that it is suitable for all conditions, situations and peoples, and the child of God who is sent cannot and will not be ashamed for he handles the issues of eternity, issues which are encapsulated within the overriding power of God.

So, where is our Rome? In our own home; in our office; on our building site; in our college or university; in a distant or foreboding land? The commission of Paul from his God is to go to Rome!


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Dare I do less when I tell God 'I am ready' to go wherever for Him?

January 16th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v16

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe to; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."

From this verse we have lifted our title for chapter one. Paul emphatically declares that he is unashamed to preach this Good News of Jesus Christ to all peoples. The Jews here are not meant to bear a prominence above the Gentiles, it is merely a matter of timing; the Jews would hear the message first and then the rest of the world would be reached by those who heard it first.

Paul insists that the gospel he preaches is a springboard from the power of God. Inherent in the gospel is God's power, and by that power men and women of every culture and every age, who truly believes in His Son, is eternally assured of God's wonderful salvation.

Why should Paul (or you or me) in any way be ashamed of such a message; be ashamed of preaching it any where and under any situation? The power to see the transforming grace of God at work depends not on the elegance or personality of the preacher but of the


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astounding power resident in our amazing God Who saves through His outstanding grace and power.

January 17th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v17

"For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for Heaven - makes right in God's sight - when we put our faith and trust in Christ Jesus to save us.This is accomplished from start to finish …..”by faith”!Old Testament scripture - Habakkuk 2v4 - is quoted here by Paul to emphasise pointedly that salvation is exclusively through the medium of faith. Faith which is essentially located in the Person of God's Son Jesus Christ and the power of His gospel.The book of Hebrews catches this again, albeit from a different viewpoint, with the expression ....."but without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11 v 6).How impossible is impossible? Well, in Hebrews 6 we read concerning Almighty God that is 'impossible' for Him to lie. I would suggest that it is 100 percent impossible for God to lie! In Hebrews 10 then we are instructed that it is 'impossible' for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. Again I would suggest that it is 100 percent 'impossible' for their blood to cover our sin. Therefore, it equally follows that it is 'impossible' to


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please God without the essential ingredient of faith. Both when it comes to the eternal matter of salvation and also the daily problem of walking with Him as a believer.

January 18th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v18

"For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness."

All men require this mode of justness or justification because all men are sinners, and thereby, exposed to the wrath of God. So Paul's commission sees him as having to gather within his deliberate thinking the massive depths of two divergent aspects of his God's character - that is, the 'righteousness' of God in verse 17 and the 'wrath' of God here in today's devotion in verse 18.And on balance, the astute believer can grasp the significance of this dichotomy especially when men, in general, have pushed the truth of God away from their thinking, their actions, and their life-style. If man persists in deliberately disregarding the truth of God from every aspect of his life, is it any small wonder that God releases His wrath directly from Heaven to the abominations on Earth.

Paul's credentials have placed him directly on the path of being an unashamed preacher, but his commission from God brings him directly in confrontation with the worldly-wise scholars and leaders of his day. Did I write 'his day'? Surely all of us as children of God recognise too easily the trends of the 21st century away from the truth as


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propagated in His unerring Word. Today's preachers must, of course, match Paul's credentials in preparation for the warfare that rages in our world.

January 19th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v19

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them."

The key to today's devotion circumvents around the little phrase - "in them" - with the emphasis deliberately placed on the word "in". The emphasis also being that God has revealed Himself to men through creation, with Him being the exclusive Creator of all things. But every man has three eternal dimensions of Almighty God residing within them - the first being in Genesis at the creation of man when the Lord God "breathed" eternity into man; secondly, in Ecclesiastes 3 the margin of the AV indicates that God has planted the "seed" of eternity in man; thirdly, John insists that the True Light "lights" every man who comes into the world.This triune insertion by God in all men - His breathe; His seed; His light - makes them without excuse, particularly when these are encapsulated by His glorious act of creation. Man is without excuse when it comes to the real gospel. God has been pleased to present it, as it were, on a plate. The problem being that man considers that he knows better and clearer than God and desires to be the architect of his own destiny.Every preacher, full-time or otherwise, needs essentially


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to grasp the arena of his commission - even as, no doubt, Paul did. Man is at enmity with our God and with His people, and as His children we must focus today on this reality connected with the Gospel.

January 20th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v20

"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."Since earliest times men have seen both the earth and sky and all that God has made. They have known of His existence and His great eternal power. So, when they stand before God in a future day they will be without excuse. Although Paul writes of the "invisible things" of God he also insists that they have been clearly seen by men in that God's externality and power have been clearly demonstrated by nature. Also when Paul discusses the theme of the "Godhead" he is stressing with intense determination that God can so easily be seen in what is all around us.The comedian said: “I know living on Earth is expensive, but you do get a free trip round the sun every year!" This speaks volumes of the obvious which man, in general, decides as irrelevant. Man will have no answer that dire day on which they meet the Lord God, and Paul is understanding within himself that his commission to preach the Good News of the gospel to them will be in the arena of such scepticism and disillusionment.


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We, today, must equally realise the spectrum in which we seek to reach others with the gospel, that it is in this same 'pit' of antagonism and disbelief. But this is also our commission. Let’s go to it!

January 21st1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v21

"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened".Yes, men knew all about Almighty God, but they would not admit it nor even worship Him for Who He was, or even thank Him for all the constant and daily care He provided. As time passed they began to think up their own scattered opinions of what God was like, and what He actually expected of man. The result was that their foolishness darkened and distorted their minds so they became even greater confused. Their understanding was reduced to such an extent that their capacity for clear thought was futile. But, with even greater sadness, their hearts became affected. Their minds surely became darkened and confused but this lead to a heart breakdown. The seat and centre of their 'physical' life - their heart - was affected. There is no possibility in confusing the call of Paul into the ministry of preaching, but recognising within himself the supernatural aspect of his commission can only have been initiated and prompted by the Lord Himself.


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Reaching the lost for Christ has not got any easier from Paul's day, but his letter to the Romans presents us today with a reality-check.

January 22nd1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v22

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools".

Paul continues the detail of the utter depth of his commission into the work of the Lord and the specific calling to preaching. Men around him, and thereby around the world, have become so inner- conceited they have established what they consider to be irrefutable arguments against the obvious existence of God.Television, radio, newspapers and social media all combine, almost in unison, to berate the world-wide movement of Christian values, claiming out-datedness, irrelevance, traditionalism and fundamentalism.But in setting the matter squarely before us Paul insists cleanly and clearly that they are "fools". They have developed, to an abnormal degree, their intellectual and persuasive arguments to such an extent that this world has imbibed their message without a faltering or second thought.The steady flow of books, TV documentaries, personality-driven culture has all the appearance of brilliance and acceptance, but we, as children of God, must not lose our sense of commission in the work of the


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Master.Salvation to your family and mine has an exclusive source - Jesus Christ and the power of God in the gospel.

January 23rd1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v23

"And changed the glory of the incorruptible Go into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four legged beasts, and creeping things."As Paul continues today the depth of his commission to preach the Good News of Christ he staggers at the sheer unbridled shame and degradation to which his world (and ours) has sunk.On day seventeen we encountered the "righteousness of God"; on the eighteenth we faced the issue of the "wrath of God"; now Paul today brings us to confront what man thought of the "glory of God ". Men have deliberately changed the glory of our God and replaced Him with every vibrant imagination of their hearts and minds.Instead of worshipping Almighty God and His glories, they took natural elements of the Earth and made idols for themselves with ingenuity and craftsmanship. These have been developed to such elaborate lengths that the believer stands in awe and amazement at their incredible and marvellous abilities. But all these are mere disguises from the realities of life.God's child must not and can not be distracted by all this camouflage, because that is what it is! No matter the eloquence and panache of the most-qualified presenter,


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they cannot fog the reality of the gospel of Jesus Christ and it's intrinsic value to all living beings. God’s supreme power is locked into His gospel, through His Son!

January 24th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v24

"Wherefore, God also gave them up to us cleanness throughout he lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves."

So God let them go ahead into every perversion and every vice, letting them do what they desired to do. The extent of such behaviour led to the abuse even of their own bodies.The little phrase in today's devotion which epitomises the depth of Paul's challenge to be a preacher of the Gospel is "God ....gave them up." Three times before the end of this month's devotions Paul will revert back to this expression, seeking to ably demonstrate the monstrous task in which he was engaged. In verse 26 the same phrase is used; and again in verse 28 where Paul exclaims that "God gave them over."

I am reminded of the last verse in the book of Judges which reads - "...and every man did that which was right in his own eyes." So there is, most decidedly, a pattern in the Word of God which started in the days of Noah, continued in Judges, followed in Romans, and most regrettably the 21st century - men doing that which is right in their own eyes. For such a time as this God has His children set apart,


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enabled by the Spirit of God, to preach the 'real gospel'. which is the power of God unto salvation.

January 25th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v25

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, Who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Instead of believing what they knew to be true about God, men deliberately chose to imbibe and believe lies. So they actually prayed to the things God made without acknowledging God Himself Who made these things.

The utter blackness confronting Paul as he contemplates his appointed role as God's preacher must have appeared insurmountable.

But Paul knew better. He knew the One, Who had saved, set apart, and sent him, to be still on His eternal throne. He knew Who had formed the awesome heavens, stars, planets, galaxies and earth's wondrous sights. He knew that God merely 'winked' at these protestations and elaborations and theories of man. He responded within his heart and with his pen - "God blessed for ever. Amen!"

Child of God, as you consider today's devotion, lift up


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your heart, face the challenge of living for Christ in such a day as this and worship Him with a full and overflowing heart.

January 26th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v26

"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature."

The challenge to the potential ministry of Paul in the Gospel thickens considerably as the spotlight falls on the female of the species.Invariably in God's Word when the word "man" is used it is inclusive of both sexes, but here Paul spotlights the depth of degradation by females as they engage in sexual activities which betray the planned role for them prescribed by the Lord God.In today's social climate we are dramatically challenged - as apparently did Paul in his day - on the use of words like "natural" and "normal".Debates rage, without number, as to the definitions and meanings of these two words, which apparently hold no vagueness in the heart and mind of the all-knowing God. 'Natural' meant natural! 'Normal' meant normal!But as already referred to in previous days' devotions Paul meets the challenge head on by insisting that in spite of man's mischievous wrangling of verbiage, that the indulgence perpetrated by women is instinctively at


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variance with God's assessment and understanding of plain, unambiguous language.

January 27th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v27

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet."The thrust from Paul in these devotions would seek to perpetrate the scenario into which he has been called by the Lord to preach. He refuses staunchly to withhold the underbelly of society in spite of the hailstorm of adversity he would surely encounter.We would express it like so - 'calling a spade a spade'. The language of today's preacher must be circumspect but deliberate; not causing personal offence but truthfully and pointedly presenting the Good News of the Gospel, to all, irrespective of their sexual preferences and indulgences.Regrettably we have diluted the concept of marriage to the extent that marriage plus divorce within the Christian Church walks hand-in-hand with the laws of the land prescribed by those whose allegiance to the Word of God is tentative (here I am endeavouring to be as delicate as possible). Luther's viewpoint on the incursion of legalism into the Church was so expressed - 'here I stand, I can do


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no other!' His stand brought about the Reformation, to which we are so grateful. Future devotions will expose fervently his adherence to the Word in spite of the ever-persistent progress of the 'god of this world'.

January 28th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v28

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.”

Paul's inner compunction to preach the gospel is laid bare by what appears in today's devotion. He sees wayward man expelling God from their reckoning in all aspects of life, and he sees the wonderful Master expelling them from His reckoning, so that they did all those things which their evil minds conjured up. How delicately Paul phrases this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - "things which are not convenient."Those to whom Paul was called to preach did not possess the basic revelation which nature affords even the most unskilled of natives across the world. Paul stresses, with some strength, that such men do not even qualify for the starting line in the race of life. We as believers do well to dwell with introspection on such a matter, as this world and it's influences seek to monopolise our processes of thought. The Psalmist hollers loudly at all of us to tell us that the man who is blessed - "walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands with in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful" (Psalm 1).God gave these ungodly individuals over to a "reprobate


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mind". A mind that was contrary to what the Psalmist offered to those who follow the Lord appropriately. In another letter Paul encourages us to ....." let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus."

January 29th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v29

"Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers ....."Paul asserts that those whom God has given over to a reprobate mind will display some, most or all of the above conditions.It is almost impossible for any child of God to sit down and picture the worst individual they know, and then produce such a list as this one. To enable us to get the complete picture of the task he faces to preach the gospel at Rome, Paul uses two little words - "filled" and "full". Such men are actively controlled by their necessity to have and get more, particularly in Paul's mind is "filthy lucre"; money: they actually and literally can not get enough of it, the key words meaning "stuffed". They will continue breathlessly and exhaustively after having and getting until they are "stuffed".The picture is that of a gluttonous man eating in a restaurant accepting dish after dish, scoffing it into him as fast as he can so that he does not miss a crumb, amply defines the thought of Paul.Do you know someone/s whose life-style circumvents around getting, having, keeping? Perhaps you are even such a sad person! Paul has been there before you, got the T-shirt, and bought the DVD. Please do not allow Satan to snare you into


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this particularly nasty cauldron. Paul's vision is that of having to preach the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ to such a mass of people as this, and hence he invites you and I to get inside his sandals and see the power of God at work in that gospel!

January 30th1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v30

"......back biters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents."

Paul's list continues into today's devotion, as well it might. You see, he desires to give us a clear vision of what preaching the gospel is all about. But Paul has inbuilt within him, by the Spirit of God, that decisive quality of knowing he has been indeed 'called' to this eternal task with the eternal solution to all of Rome's epidemic of sin through the power of the gospel.The 'whisperers' of yesterday are harmoniously joined to the 'back-biters' of today; and they joyfully mingle with each other, and develop a haughtiness and arrogance which, they feel at least, puts them untouchably, outside the realms of God's potential Court of Assize.They enlarge their inflated egos to the vast extent that they become swaggerers and "haters of God". They not only 'feel' their hatred of God, but they also 'show' it!The dimension of their rebellion is such that it subtly invades the privacy of the home, where parents are repeatedly confronted by disobedience and disorder.Hold on, just a moment! Am I actually writing to you


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about the world in Paul's day? Am I so naive I cannot see today, in this verse and devotion?

January 31st1. THE REAL GOSPEL - and


Romans 1v31 (and 32)

"Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmercifully"."Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."In today's devotion I have the last two verses of chapter one in the final attempt to settle our minds on the uphill task Paul was to face as the called and unashamed preacher of the power of God in the Good News of the gospel. His 'congregation' were such that they had no allegiances to anyone other than themselves. Nothing in their way of life was dependable - breaking agreements, either verbal or written - they were heartless, without sensitivity. They were fully aware of God's determined promise of judgment on their behaviour and pattern of life-style. But they went full-steam ahead anyhow and challenged the ability of God to do anything about their way of going. And to make matters worse they actively encouraged others to promote the same habits. Rejoicing in the fact that they were the instigators of such practices.It is at this dire point in Paul's life that we conclude January's devotions from Romans chapter one. Paul has been wonderfully set-apart for the preaching of the Gospel; he has highlighted his un-bounding desire to take this message, of


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which he is unashamed, to an arena laced with corruption and rebellion. Let us join the band of ‘hope’ for the future. The time to do so NOW!


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