l14r a jf r jj- ocala evening starufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00939/0226.pdf · d i f i...

I f l14R A r1 s fc Jf ° d i at f I r JJ- tf s v v- v T s < 1 t i OCALA EVENING STAR iE 7 fi T I i Volume 14 No 82 OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER > 3 1908 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Yew R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEONO- ffice over Munroe Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASK J E CHACE DENTAL SURGEONR- ooms 9 10 and n Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH L F BLALOCK Dental Surgeon Office Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 Office Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 pm TERMS CASH THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House Offers the very host service of skill ¬ ed workmen with modern appliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬ tric massages BARBER JOE Man- agerICE Best Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buy from the BLUE WAGONS OCAlA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 C J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South rHrd Steet- O aIat Fla Phone 30- 1CONSTIPATION For over nine years suffered with chronic con I itlpatlon and tlurine this time 1 had to take an Injection ot warm water onto every 4 hours before 1 could have an action on bowels Happily 1 trod Caftcarets ami today I am a man I During tho tine yenra before I used Caicarett I suffered untold misery with Internal piles Thanks to you 1 tun free from all that this morning You can uo tUU lu behalf of suffering humanity I B F Fi hur Uoauolce IlL Best for The Bowels c ltov c Tlwinc Pleasant Palatable PotentTaste Good Do Good Never Sicken Weaken or Gripe lOc 23cMe Never told in bulk The genuine tablet stamped CGO Suaranteed to euro or your money back Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 603 ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES FOLEYSHO- NEYANDTAR The original LAXATIVE cough rernafiy Vor coughs colas throat and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good everybody Sold everywhere Tho genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR is In Yellow package Refuse substitute i Prepared only by Folly A Company Chicago SOLD BY ALL DEALERS L AL E X fi K D EF Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER Careful estimates made on all contract work Gives more and beter work for the money than any other contractor w r FLORIDA WILL BEl A COLOSSAL FIGHTER Brooklyn Navy Yard Will Construct- the Mighty Ship Which Will Bear I Our States Name on the Seas I New York Sept 3It is likely that the present month will witness the laying of the keel of the Florida the biggest and most powerful of the ves ¬ sels of Uncle Sams navy The 20000 ton leviathan of the seas will be con ¬ structed at the Brooklyn navy yard and when completed will be the mon ¬ arch of the United States navy and the equal in fighting power and ton ¬ nage of any other ship afloat The contract to build the Florida I was given to the local yard after one of the greatest campaigns ever waged- to force the navy department to let the workers of the Brooklyn navy yard build her Boards of trade con- gressmen ¬ I senators and every one that could exert authority with the Wash- ington ¬ officials were fighting night and day to get the battleship built here The argument of the experts in t Washington was that private builders I could construct a warship or any oth ¬ er kind of vessel cheaper and quicker than government workers At the time it was all going on Vie collier Vestal was started at the navy yard From Naval Constructor Baxter down- to the humblest apprentice the feel ¬ ing was rampant that the only thing- to be done to have the ship built here was to show good results in the Ves ¬ tal Now that this giant collier is fin ¬ ished and all records for quick and cheap construction are broken the men at the navy yard are waiting with Interest for the keel of the Flor ¬ ida to be laid Although the building- of a battleship is a greater task than the construction of a collier the work- ers ¬ at the navy yard have no fear that I they will not make as good a record- on the Florida as they did on the i Vestal for they have also built the l battleship Connecticut now the pride I of the navy The new fighting monster is so much larger than the Connecticut the ways on which the latter was built will have to be lengthened a hundred I feet To do this part of a storehouse- will I have to be razed as there is not room for the extension of the ways- on the landside After the building is razed and the ways lengthened they I will be undermined so that the rail ¬ road of the navy yard can pass be- neath ¬ them- Another interesting feature of the I building of the new battleship is the fact that a new monster cantilever- crane will be erected so that the steel and other material will be hauled to the workers nearly twice as fast as were while the Vestal was being- built The crane is now in the course- of construction and will be ready soon after the Florida is started REUTERDAHLS VIEWS Thinks We are Wasting Money en I Naval Construction Henry Reuterdahl the naval critic who caused so much excitement last spring by poking holes in the United States navy has an article in Co- lliers ¬ for August 29 on the Dread ¬ nought the AllBigGun Battleship- He says The introduction of smokeless pow- der ¬ and telescope sights plus the new gunnery training as founded by Capt Percy Scott of the British navy changed the entire laws of gunfire The turret gun from being a slow cumbersome weapon one round every five minutes in the Spanish war and no hits has become an instrument of precision and accuracy Possessing superior penetration and a larger danger space the twelveinch gun will do great damage Its rate of fire is now more than two shots a minute A fleet of Dreadnoughts each mount ¬ ing ten twelveinch guns will deliver a greater volume of hitting than a fleet of small ships with mixed bat- teries ¬ These new principles and the fact that modern action is fought at long ranges have reduced the medium calibre gun to its proper function an antidote against destroyers Its once so popular hail of fire will have enough stopping power to effectively- sink torpedo craft before coming within attacking range Can Control Gun Range- No matter how accurate may be the aim of the man behind it be- comes ¬ useless unless the fire of the gun is properly controlledI e di ¬ rected The duty of the firecontrol officers is to carefully ascertain the range between the ship and the en- emy ¬ so that the pointers shot may always reach The most important part of the fun ¬ damental process is that observers stationed aloft watch the fall of the various shots and decrease or in ¬ crease the ranges as telephoned to each gun thereby correcting the ini ¬ tial faults of the mechcanical range finding instruments or the errors of ths gunpointers In a ship of mixed guns seveninch eightinch and twelveinch carried by our Con- necticut ¬ this function becomes very difficult It is almost an impossibility- in the heat of the action to disting ¬ uish between the splashes made in the water by the projectiles from the different guns Should the spotter mistake the splash of an eightinch- shell and take it for the fall of a twelve and give his direction on that basis the next shot of course would- be a miss The fact that all the ten guns of the biggun ship are alike reduces the spotting to an exact science and thereby doubles the hit ¬ ting power of her battery All the guns of this new type are on the same deck and can be fired as rapidly as desired There is no interference as in a smaller ship where the firing of the seven or six inch pieces being mounted on a deck below hinders the accurate sighting of the turret guns above Mobility of the Dreadnoughts Mobility of forces is the necessity- of war and the greater the mobility- the greater the chance to gain a stra ¬ tegic advantage This is represented- in speed and fuel endurance The > to 4 rv y tremendous speed of the big ship twentyone knots turbine driven makes every battleship existent a crawling tortoise In action a fleet or Dreadnoughts can refuse to accept battle they can choose their own range and control the rate of change- of rangeof great import in present day shootingand by m + ans of their excessive speed full advantage can be- taken of the weather conditions fa ¬ voring their Own gunfire While the tremendous power of I concentration invested in the ten twelveinch guns of a Dreadnought is the prime reason for the creation of this new type of fighting craft its cost is much less than four little ships having the same power It costs no more to maintain the big ship than the small roundly a million a year Nor does it require a greater number of officers to man it in fact it requires less men to serve the ten guns of one of our new Dread ¬ noughts than it does for all the guns- of the Missouri and the big ship I could easily destroy three Missouris They Are Arbiters I A perfect fleet of Dreadnoughts footloose because of their speecj I would maintain the balance of power and the peace which follows In com ¬ bat such ships would conquer without Wasting a single shot Secure in the protection of impregnable armor one of them could descend on her adver- saries ¬ and with the concentrated fire I of her ten hardhitting guns hammer the little ships to the point of annihi ¬ lation or surrender Her perfect fire control would never permit a miss Si- lently ¬ sweeping across the sea her pointers following the enemy in the crosswires of their sights her guns high above sea and spray would seek the weak spot of the enemy and by continuous pounding silence his heav- ier ¬ I guns In the battle of Tsushima Russian prestige was swept into the lockers of the past in one afternoon- The work of the Dreadnoughts is more humaneone hour and a half would have ended the battle and made j the signal for the hospital ships Verily the destinies of nations seem to lie in the hands of those who hold the twelveinch gun as born in these new destroyers The Hague has not yet become the arbiter of peace There- is I peace abroad because of the powers- of I the British Dreadnoughts Brazil increasing her strength with three great ships becomes the force in South America Japan is rising in spite of her reputed poverty In her shipyards little brown men rivet and hammer on the hulls which are to be the bulwarks of the Rising Sun In 1911 the flag of the Mikado will fly- over seven Dreadnoughts and nine Dreadnought cruisers The United United States will then command real big ships and the two Michigans Dreadnought compromise Great Brit ¬ ain will add eight improved Dread- noughts ¬ to her navy and four of the same type of cruiser each carrying eight twelveinch guns and maintain- ing ¬ a continuous sea speed of twenty four knots a feat performed by the Indomnitable of the same class Italy- is building a 19000ton ship France once the leader in naval construction- secure in the entente cordiale has so far done nothing in the way Of practical realization of the allblg gun ship principle Her navy split by dissensions and Socialism has fal ¬ len from second place to fifth I IF YOU KNEW I The merits of the Texas Wonder Snu would never suffer from kidney blad- r I > or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two Months treatment Sold by druggists or by mail Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street St Louis Missouri I A BLAZE IN ATLANTA- A A Hundred Thousand Dollar Fine in the Gate City Atlanta Ga Sept 3A spectacular fire last night destroyed the plants of the Atlanta Trunk Cos factory and the Empire Printing and Box Com- pany burned a quantity of lumber and damaged a number of small wooden buildings The loss is estimated at 100000 The fire spread rapidly soon after it was discovered and a general alarm was turned in Only a narrow street separated the burning factory from many residences and it was with great effort that the firemen kept the flames from crossing the street The burned buildings are lo- cated ¬ on Madison avenue between Peters and Castleberry streets and run back to the Central of Georgia railroad tracks The origin of the fire- s unknown Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One Dose of Chamberlains Colic Chol ¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy- I was so weak from an attack of di ¬ arrhoea that I could scarcely attend- to my duties when I took a dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di irrhoea Remedy It cured me entirely and I had been taking other medicine- for nine days without relief I hearti- ly recommend this remedy as being xhe best to my knowledge for bowel complaintsR G Stewart of the firm of Stewart Bro Greenville Ala For sale by all druggists GOMPERS APPEALS TO WORKING MEN Fort Worth Texas Sept 3Samuel Gompers president of the American Federation of Labor last night open ¬ ed his campaign for the democratic national ticket He began his address with a defense- of unionism and diverted to the dis ¬ cussion of strikes saying that the strike was a weapon of labor to be used only in cases of extreme neces ¬ sity He closed with an appeal for every man present regardless of po ¬ litical affiliation to vote for Bryan- IT CANT BE BEAT The best of all teachers is experi- ence ¬ C M Harden of Silver City North Carolina says I find Electric Bitters does all thats claimed for it For Stomach Liver and Kidney trou- bles ¬ it cant be beat I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine- Mr Harden is right its the best of all medicines also for weakness lame back and all run down conditions Best too for chills and malaria Sold under guarantee at all drugstores 50c r> 4 = r HARD CASH FROM HARRIMAN Chicago Daily News Assorts that the Railroad Magnate has Given 50 1 000 to the Republican Cam- paign ¬ Fund Chicago Sept 3Vlctor F Law sons Daily News asserts upon a re ¬ liable report from New York that William Nelson Cromwell represent ¬ ing E H Harriman has made a big contribution to the Taft campaign I fund The sum was the first made to j Treasurer Sheldom and is said to be 50000 HOWS THIS We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure P J Cheney Co- Toledo O- We the undersigned have known- F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable- in all business transactions and finan ¬ cially able to carry out any obligations- made by his firm- Walling Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally ¬ acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c per UpttieJ Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation RESULT OF THE WISCONSIN PRIMARY Milwaukee Wis Sept 3Early re ¬ turns from Tuesdays primary indi ¬ cate that United States Senator Isaac phenson has been renominated by the republicans by a plurality of 15 000 Governor Davidson was renomi natod by the republicans without op ¬ position The democrats nominated Neal Brown for United States senator and A A Aylward for gov- ernorFishds fresh- I Arrivals I CELERY BUNCH 10c 15cf 25c I IRISH POTATOES PECK 35c I SWEET POTATOES PECK 25c RUTA BAGAS POUND 3c BEETS POUND 3c ONIONS TWO QUARTS 15c OKRA QUART 5c I I I FREE DELIVERY Phone 110 W C BLANCHARDCO- NTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished- on application- PO Box 46 Ocala Fla WER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- D E McIVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All Work Done by Licensed Em ¬ balmers and Fully Guaranteed c Fred G B- WEIHE T THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN- We I Have One of the Largest Most New and Complete Stocks of WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS- That Has Ever Been Shown In This City- In Cut Glass Fine China Sterling and Plated Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we Do Not Ac ¬ knowledge a Better Stock In This Section ALL KINDS OF J i H REPAIRING DONE SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE- r Q THE SLOOP TURNED TURTLE Seven Lost in Penobscot BayTragic Ending of a Summer Days Cruise Deer Island Maine Sept 3Search ing parties are trying to find the bodies of seven persons drowned from I a capsized sloop in Penobscott bay Six women and one man were in the I boat when a sudden squall caused the sloop to turn turtle All the guests of the summer hotel were taking a last sail on the bay With Capt Samuel Haskell the I party of lighthearted summer people I started out for a sail in Penobscot bay It was drawing near the close I of the vacation season for most of them and they had planned this as I their last outing together The wind was from the southwest and squally The sloop was of the open variety- It had no deck forward and no cabin I and it contained no ballast as the party of ten weighed the boat down I quite heavily and Capt Haskell an I experienced navigator in these waters thought that the craft would be well 1 balanced The party had scarcely I been gone an hour before the wind freshened up keeling the sloop well I over and dashing the spray upon the occupants Late in the afternoon Captain Haskell decided that the wind was too heavy for his boat and the sea to choppy so he brought the sloop around and started homeward- All the party were perched high up on the weather side as the sloop cut through the waves with the water al ¬ I most coming over the gunwales on the lee side when Capt Haskell gave a shout of warning that he was going to tack and threw over the tiller Just- at this moment the boat rose high upon a wave exposing her to the full brunt of the wind An unusually I heavy gust struck her and in a twink- ling ¬ I the sloop went over on her beam ends and the party of ten were thrown into the water- Chamberlains Cough Remedy One of I the Best on the Market I For many years Chamberlains I Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity until it is now I one of the most staple medicines in I use and has an enormous sale It is intended especially for acute throat I and lung diseases such as coughs I colds and croup and can always be I depended upon It is pleasant and safe to take and is unoubtedly the best in the market for the purposes- for which it is intended Sold by all druggists MISTOOK HIS MEANING- A TenYear Old Girl Shot Herself to Prove Her Bravery to Her Father Goldes S D Sept 3Tell papa Ive got the nerve too said the ten yearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Jorn Stortz to a younger sister and the baby as she leaned over the muz- zle ¬ of a shotgun and released the charge with a stick Following the report the wounded child ran out of the house and with- a piteous little flutter fell dead in the dust of the road I didnt think he had the nerve to do a thing like that was the remark- of John Stotz when a neighbor blew off the top of his head a few weeks before The daughter had taken the remark as a badge of bravery The father may lose his mind THE REMEDY I THAT DOES- Dr I Kings New Discovery is the I remedy that does the healing others promise tut fail to perform says Mrs E R Pierson of Auburn Centre Pa It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing that other treatments relieved only temporarily New Discovery is doing me so much I good that I feel confident its continued- use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health This renowned cough and cold remedy- and throat and lung healer is sold at all drugstores Fifty cents and 100 Trial bottle free- A GIRLS INVENTION- A Machine Which Will Open 400 Let ters a Minute Washington D C Sept 3A pat- ent ¬ for a machine which is guaranteed- to open at least 400 letters a minute has just been granted to Miss Sophie Heilbrun who is not more than twenty years of age and looks more like a school girl than one who puzzles her brains with the intricacies of machin- ery ¬ I But Miss Heilbrun is at the head of I one of the biggest mail order depart ¬ ment in New York City and receives- a salary of 6000 a year Her de- partment ¬ receives an overage of 10000 letters a day and the labor of opening these took so long that she set her mind working up a machine which would expediate it It was the natural result of the need of it as so many inventions are she said In my department I receive- on an average of 10000 letters a day To open these a large force of girls is I required and the most expert letter opener cannot open more than thirty- a minute with the oldfashioned primitive letter slicer With the new machine which does not need a train- ed ¬ operator between 400 and 500 can be opened at the same time The beauty of the machine is that it in no way injures the contents of the lettor It simply crumples the edge off without touching the con tents Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold- A J Nusbaum Batesville Indiana writes Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business I had many of the symp- toms ¬ of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬ scription did not reach my case and I took several medicines which seemed to only aggravate my case Fortu- nately ¬ I insisted upon having Foleys Honey and Tar in the yellow package- and it quickly cured me My wife has since used Foleys Honey and Tar with the same success Sold by all dealers FOR SALEA good fresh milk I cow or will trade for hogs Apply to C O Campbell Ocala r i r THE MORE YOU DOf- or others the more you profit yourself fix Somehow satisfactory service to present customers < becomes known outside the banks patrons Thats + why our list increases < The Munroe Chambliss Bank INCORPORATED t 1i T T Munroe Pres Z C Chambliss Y Pres A E Gerlg Caskler a a Q ROBINSON President- S t H DUTCH Manager J C BOOZER Assl Muafef GEO J BUTCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL BANKOC- ALA FLA THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK- Are i the merchants the professional and successful men and women- of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enter ¬ prises Ve solicit a share of your business < < XXXXXX XK XK X < X < XXX t4 + i t YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 1 i f AT y I BOSTON STORE l t- iTHE IT S See ASHER FRANK Manager Y S t 1 t One dollar a week will clothe i fir i you and your family I I NNNNM jwX XMXX X NNNNNNN NM MN NO NNMNNNNNNN NNNNN NM + M r D E McIVER GEORGE MacKAY- I i McIVER MacKAY DEALERS IN FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODSFur- niture I Sioves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpets Mai tings J Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed Linen Pictures Portiere aed Lace Curtains HARNESS SADDLES TRUNKS SUIT CASES AND SATCHELS i BUILDING MATERIAL- OILS LIME SEWER AND FLUE PIPE LATH SHINGLES AND CEMENT WAGONS CARRIAGES BUGGIES UNDERTAKERS GOODS 4 5 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERSC- ALL ON OR WRITE US FOR PRICES t I Mclver MacKayOCA- LA FLORIDA I FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western r Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Y Muttufl Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W P EDWAEWS Phone 108 City Market- i S L R BITTING r REAL ESTATE Ocala Florida O J 4 acvx

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Page 1: l14R A Jf r JJ- OCALA EVENING STARufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00939/0226.pdf · d I f i l14R at A r1 f s fc Jf °I r JJ- tf s v v- v T s < 1 t i OCALA EVENING STAR

I f l14R A r1 s fc Jf °d i at f I r JJ-tf

s v v-




< 1t


fi T



Volume 14 No 82 OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER> 3 1908 Filly Cents a Month 5 a Yew


ffice over Munroe ChamblissBank




ooms 9 10 and nSecond Floor Holder Block



L F BLALOCKDental Surgeon

Office Over Commercial Bank

Phone 211

Office Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 pmTERMS CASH


BARBERSHOPOpens into the lobby of the

Ocala House

Offers the very host service of skill ¬

ed workmen with modern appliancesStrictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬

tric massages



Best QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuy from the



Phone 34

C J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South rHrd Steet-

O aIat Fla Phone 30-

1CONSTIPATIONFor over nine years suffered with chronic con Iitlpatlon and tlurine this time 1 had to take anInjection ot warm water onto every 4 hours before

1 could have an action on bowels Happily 1trod Caftcarets ami today I am a man I

During tho tine yenra before I used Caicarett Isuffered untold misery with Internal piles Thanksto you 1 tun free from all that this morning Youcan uo tUU lu behalf of suffering humanity I

B F Fi hur Uoauolce IlL

Best forThe Bowels

c ltov c Tlwinc

Pleasant Palatable PotentTaste Good Do GoodNever Sicken Weaken or Gripe lOc 23cMe Nevertold in bulk The genuine tablet stamped CGOSuaranteed to euro or your money back

Sterling Remedy Co Chicago or NY 603



NEYANDTARThe original

LAXATIVE cough rernafiy

Vor coughs colas throat and lungtroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good everybody Sold everywhere

Tho genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR is InYellow package Refuse substitute i

Prepared only byFolly A Company Chicago


L AL E X fi K D EFPractical


Careful estimates made on all

contract work Gives more andbeter work for the money thanany other contractor

w r



Brooklyn Navy Yard Will Construct-

the Mighty Ship Which Will Bear I

Our States Name on the Seas I

New York Sept 3It is likely thatthe present month will witness thelaying of the keel of the Florida thebiggest and most powerful of the ves ¬

sels of Uncle Sams navy The 20000ton leviathan of the seas will be con ¬

structed at the Brooklyn navy yardand when completed will be the mon ¬

arch of the United States navy andthe equal in fighting power and ton ¬

nage of any other ship afloatThe contract to build the Florida I

was given to the local yard after oneof the greatest campaigns ever waged-to force the navy department to letthe workers of the Brooklyn navyyard build her Boards of trade con-gressmen

¬ I

senators and every one thatcould exert authority with the Wash-ington


officials were fighting nightand day to get the battleship builthere

The argument of the experts in t

Washington was that private builders I

could construct a warship or any oth ¬

er kind of vessel cheaper and quickerthan government workers At thetime it was all going on Vie collierVestal was started at the navy yardFrom Naval Constructor Baxter down-to the humblest apprentice the feel ¬

ing was rampant that the only thing-to be done to have the ship built herewas to show good results in the Ves ¬

talNow that this giant collier is fin ¬

ished and all records for quick andcheap construction are broken themen at the navy yard are waitingwith Interest for the keel of the Flor ¬

ida to be laid Although the building-of a battleship is a greater task thanthe construction of a collier the work-ers


at the navy yard have no fear that I

they will not make as good a record-on the Florida as they did on the i

Vestal for they have also built the l

battleship Connecticut now the pride I

of the navyThe new fighting monster is so

much larger than the Connecticut theways on which the latter was builtwill have to be lengthened a hundred I

feet To do this part of a storehouse-will


have to be razed as there is notroom for the extension of the ways-on the landside After the building israzed and the ways lengthened they I

will be undermined so that the rail ¬

road of the navy yard can pass be-


them-Another interesting feature of the I

building of the new battleship is thefact that a new monster cantilever-crane will be erected so that the steeland other material will be hauled tothe workers nearly twice as fast as

were while the Vestal was being-built The crane is now in the course-of construction and will be ready soonafter the Florida is started


Thinks We are Wasting Money enI

Naval ConstructionHenry Reuterdahl the naval critic

who caused so much excitement lastspring by poking holes in the UnitedStates navy has an article in Co-lliers


for August 29 on the Dread ¬

nought the AllBigGun Battleship-He says

The introduction of smokeless pow-


and telescope sights plus the newgunnery training as founded by CaptPercy Scott of the British navychanged the entire laws of gunfireThe turret gun from being a slowcumbersome weapon one round everyfive minutes in the Spanish war andno hits has become an instrument ofprecision and accuracy Possessingsuperior penetration and a largerdanger space the twelveinch gun

will do great damage Its rate of fireis now more than two shots a minuteA fleet of Dreadnoughts each mount ¬

ing ten twelveinch guns will delivera greater volume of hitting than afleet of small ships with mixed bat-teries


These new principles and thefact that modern action is fought atlong ranges have reduced the mediumcalibre gun to its proper function anantidote against destroyers Its onceso popular hail of fire will haveenough stopping power to effectively-sink torpedo craft before comingwithin attacking range

Can Control Gun Range-

No matter how accurate may bethe aim of the man behind it be-comes


useless unless the fire of thegun is properly controlledI e di ¬

rected The duty of the firecontrolofficers is to carefully ascertain therange between the ship and the en-emy


so that the pointers shot mayalways reach

The most important part of the fun ¬

damental process is that observersstationed aloft watch the fall of thevarious shots and decrease or in ¬

crease the ranges as telephoned toeach gun thereby correcting the ini ¬

tial faults of the mechcanical rangefinding instruments or the errors ofths gunpointers In a ship of mixedguns seveninch eightinch andtwelveinch carried by our Con-


this function becomes verydifficult It is almost an impossibility-in the heat of the action to disting¬

uish between the splashes made inthe water by the projectiles from thedifferent guns Should the spottermistake the splash of an eightinch-shell and take it for the fall of atwelve and give his direction on thatbasis the next shot of course would-be a miss The fact that all the tenguns of the biggun ship are alikereduces the spotting to an exactscience and thereby doubles the hit ¬

ting power of her battery All theguns of this new type are on the samedeck and can be fired as rapidly asdesired There is no interference asin a smaller ship where the firing ofthe seven or six inch pieces beingmounted on a deck below hinders theaccurate sighting of the turret gunsabove

Mobility of the DreadnoughtsMobility of forces is the necessity-

of war and the greater the mobility-the greater the chance to gain a stra ¬

tegic advantage This is represented-in speed and fuel endurance The



4rv y

tremendous speed of the big shiptwentyone knots turbine drivenmakes every battleship existent acrawling tortoise In action a fleet orDreadnoughts can refuse to acceptbattle they can choose their ownrange and control the rate of change-of rangeof great import in presentday shootingand by m+ ans of theirexcessive speed full advantage can be-

taken of the weather conditions fa ¬

voring their Own gunfireWhile the tremendous power of I

concentration invested in the tentwelveinch guns of a Dreadnought isthe prime reason for the creation ofthis new type of fighting craft itscost is much less than four little shipshaving the same power

It costs no more to maintain thebig ship than the small roundly amillion a year Nor does it require agreater number of officers to man itin fact it requires less men to servethe ten guns of one of our new Dread ¬

noughts than it does for all the guns-of the Missouri and the big ship


could easily destroy three MissourisThey Are Arbiters


A perfect fleet of Dreadnoughtsfootloose because of their speecj I

would maintain the balance of powerand the peace which follows In com ¬

bat such ships would conquer withoutWasting a single shot Secure in theprotection of impregnable armor oneof them could descend on her adver-saries


and with the concentrated fireI

of her ten hardhitting guns hammerthe little ships to the point of annihi ¬

lation or surrender Her perfect firecontrol would never permit a miss Si-


sweeping across the sea herpointers following the enemy in thecrosswires of their sights her gunshigh above sea and spray would seekthe weak spot of the enemy and bycontinuous pounding silence his heav-ier


guns In the battle of TsushimaRussian prestige was swept into thelockers of the past in one afternoon-The work of the Dreadnoughts ismore humaneone hour and a halfwould have ended the battle and made j

the signal for the hospital shipsVerily the destinies of nations seem

to lie in the hands of those who holdthe twelveinch gun as born in thesenew destroyers The Hague has notyet become the arbiter of peace There-is


peace abroad because of the powers-of


the British Dreadnoughts Brazilincreasing her strength with threegreat ships becomes the force inSouth America Japan is rising inspite of her reputed poverty In hershipyards little brown men rivet andhammer on the hulls which are to bethe bulwarks of the Rising Sun In1911 the flag of the Mikado will fly-

over seven Dreadnoughts and nineDreadnought cruisers The UnitedUnited States will then command realbig ships and the two MichigansDreadnought compromise Great Brit ¬

ain will add eight improved Dread-noughts


to her navy and four of thesame type of cruiser each carryingeight twelveinch guns and maintain-ing


a continuous sea speed of twentyfour knots a feat performed by theIndomnitable of the same class Italy-is building a 19000ton ship Franceonce the leader in naval construction-secure in the entente cordiale hasso far done nothing in the way Of

practical realization of the allblggun ship principle Her navy splitby dissensions and Socialism has fal ¬

len from second place to fifth

I IF YOU KNEWI The merits of the Texas Wonder Snuwould never suffer from kidney blad-

rI > or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twoMonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mail Send for testimonialsDr E W Hall 2926 Olive street StLouis Missouri



A Hundred Thousand Dollar Fine inthe Gate City

Atlanta Ga Sept 3A spectacularfire last night destroyed the plants ofthe Atlanta Trunk Cos factory andthe Empire Printing and Box Com-pany burned a quantity of lumber anddamaged a number of small woodenbuildings The loss is estimated at

100000 The fire spread rapidly soonafter it was discovered and a generalalarm was turned in Only a narrowstreet separated the burning factoryfrom many residences and it waswith great effort that the firemenkept the flames from crossing thestreet The burned buildings are lo-


on Madison avenue betweenPeters and Castleberry streets andrun back to the Central of Georgiarailroad tracks The origin of the fire-

s unknown

Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by OneDose of Chamberlains Colic Chol ¬

era and Diarrhoea Remedy-

I was so weak from an attack of di ¬

arrhoea that I could scarcely attend-to my duties when I took a dose ofChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diirrhoea Remedy It cured me entirelyand I had been taking other medicine-for nine days without relief I hearti-ly recommend this remedy as beingxhe best to my knowledge for bowelcomplaintsR G Stewart of thefirm of Stewart Bro GreenvilleAla For sale by all druggists


Fort Worth Texas Sept 3SamuelGompers president of the AmericanFederation of Labor last night open ¬

ed his campaign for the democraticnational ticket

He began his address with a defense-of unionism and diverted to the dis ¬

cussion of strikes saying that thestrike was a weapon of labor to beused only in cases of extreme neces ¬

sity He closed with an appeal forevery man present regardless of po ¬

litical affiliation to vote for Bryan-


The best of all teachers is experi-ence


C M Harden of Silver CityNorth Carolina says I find ElectricBitters does all thats claimed for itFor Stomach Liver and Kidney trou-bles


it cant be beat I have tried itand find it a most excellent medicine-Mr Harden is right its the best ofall medicines also for weakness lameback and all run down conditionsBest too for chills and malaria Soldunder guarantee at all drugstores 50c

r> 4 = r



Chicago Daily News Assorts that theRailroad Magnate has Given 50


000 to the Republican Cam-




Chicago Sept 3Vlctor F Lawsons Daily News asserts upon a re ¬

liable report from New York thatWilliam Nelson Cromwell represent ¬

ing E H Harriman has made a bigcontribution to the Taft campaign I

fund The sum was the first made to j

Treasurer Sheldom and is said to be50000


We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ¬

ward for any case of Catarrh thatcannot be cured by Halls CatarrhCure P J Cheney Co-

Toledo O-

We the undersigned have known-F J Cheney for the last 15 yearsand believe him perfectly honorable-in all business transactions and finan ¬

cially able to carry out any obligations-made by his firm-

Walling Kinnan MarvinWholesale Druggists Toledo O

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-nally


acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 75c perUpttieJ Sold by all druggists TakeHalls Family Pills for constipation


Milwaukee Wis Sept 3Early re ¬

turns from Tuesdays primary indi ¬

cate that United States Senator Isaacphenson has been renominated bythe republicans by a plurality of 15000 Governor Davidson was renominatod by the republicans without op ¬

position The democrats nominatedNeal Brown for United States senatorand A A Aylward for gov-


fresh-I ArrivalsI CELERY BUNCH 10c 15cf 25c










Phone 110



Plans furnished-on application-

PO Box 46 Ocala Fla


FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All Work Done by Licensed Em ¬

balmers and Fully Guaranteed

c Fred G B-




Have One of the Largest MostNew and Complete Stocks of




That Has Ever Been Shown In ThisCity-

In Cut Glass Fine China Sterling andPlated Silverware Souvenir PostalCards Clocks Etc we Do Not Ac ¬

knowledge a Better Stock In ThisSection





r Q


Seven Lost in Penobscot BayTragicEnding of a Summer Days


Deer Island Maine Sept 3Searching parties are trying to find thebodies of seven persons drowned from I

a capsized sloop in Penobscott baySix women and one man were in the I

boat when a sudden squall caused thesloop to turn turtle All the guests ofthe summer hotel were taking a lastsail on the bay

With Capt Samuel Haskell the I

party of lighthearted summer people I

started out for a sail in Penobscotbay It was drawing near the close I

of the vacation season for most ofthem and they had planned this as I

their last outing together The windwas from the southwest and squallyThe sloop was of the open variety-It had no deck forward and no cabin I

and it contained no ballast as theparty of ten weighed the boat down I

quite heavily and Capt Haskell anI

experienced navigator in these watersthought that the craft would be well 1

balanced The party had scarcelyIbeen gone an hour before the wind

freshened up keeling the sloop well I

over and dashing the spray upon theoccupants Late in the afternoonCaptain Haskell decided that the windwas too heavy for his boat and thesea to choppy so he brought the slooparound and started homeward-

All the party were perched high upon the weather side as the sloop cutthrough the waves with the water al ¬ I

most coming over the gunwales on thelee side when Capt Haskell gave ashout of warning that he was going totack and threw over the tiller Just-at this moment the boat rose highupon a wave exposing her to the fullbrunt of the wind An unusually I

heavy gust struck her and in a twink-ling


the sloop went over on her beamends and the party of ten were throwninto the water-

Chamberlains Cough Remedy One of I

the Best on the Market I

For many years Chamberlains I

Cough Remedy has constantly gainedin favor and popularity until it is now I

one of the most staple medicines inI

use and has an enormous sale It isintended especially for acute throat I

and lung diseases such as coughsI

colds and croup and can always be I

depended upon It is pleasant andsafe to take and is unoubtedly thebest in the market for the purposes-for which it is intended Sold by alldruggists


A TenYear Old Girl Shot Herself toProve Her Bravery to Her

FatherGoldes S D Sept 3Tell papa

Ive got the nerve too said the tenyearold daughter of Mr and MrsJorn Stortz to a younger sister andthe baby as she leaned over the muz-zle


of a shotgun and released thecharge with a stick

Following the report the woundedchild ran out of the house and with-a piteous little flutter fell dead in thedust of the road

I didnt think he had the nerve todo a thing like that was the remark-of John Stotz when a neighbor blewoff the top of his head a few weeksbefore The daughter had taken theremark as a badge of bravery Thefather may lose his mind





Kings New Discovery is the I

remedy that does the healing otherspromise tut fail to perform says MrsE R Pierson of Auburn Centre PaIt is curing me of throat and lung

trouble of long standing that othertreatments relieved only temporarilyNew Discovery is doing me so much I

good that I feel confident its continued-use for a reasonable length of timewill restore me to perfect healthThis renowned cough and cold remedy-and throat and lung healer is sold atall drugstores Fifty cents and 100Trial bottle free-


A Machine Which Will Open 400 Letters a Minute

Washington D C Sept 3A pat-ent


for a machine which is guaranteed-to open at least 400 letters a minutehas just been granted to Miss SophieHeilbrun who is not more than twentyyears of age and looks more like aschool girl than one who puzzles herbrains with the intricacies of machin-ery



But Miss Heilbrun is at the head ofI

one of the biggest mail order depart ¬

ment in New York City and receives-a salary of 6000 a year Her de-


receives an overage of 10000letters a day and the labor of openingthese took so long that she set hermind working up a machine whichwould expediate it

It was the natural result of theneed of it as so many inventions areshe said In my department I receive-on an average of 10000 letters a dayTo open these a large force of girls is

I required and the most expert letteropener cannot open more than thirty-a minute with the oldfashionedprimitive letter slicer With the newmachine which does not need a train-ed


operator between 400 and 500 canbe opened at the same time

The beauty of the machine is thatit in no way injures the contents ofthe lettor It simply crumples theedge off without touching the contents

Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold-

A J Nusbaum Batesville Indianawrites Last year I suffered forthree months with a summer cold sodistressing that it interfered with mybusiness I had many of the symp-toms


of hay fever and a doctors pre ¬

scription did not reach my case and Itook several medicines which seemedto only aggravate my case Fortu-nately


I insisted upon having FoleysHoney and Tar in the yellow package-and it quickly cured me My wife hassince used Foleys Honey and Tar withthe same success Sold by all dealers

FOR SALEA good fresh milkI cow or will trade for hogs Apply to

C O Campbell Ocala

ri r

THE MORE YOU DOf-or others the more you profit yourself


Somehow satisfactory service to present customers <becomes known outside the banks patrons Thats +

why our list increases<

The Munroe Chambliss BankINCORPORATED t 1i

T T Munroe Pres Z C Chambliss Y Pres A E Gerlg Caskler


Q ROBINSON President-S








the merchants the professional and successful men and women-of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the menand women who have built and are still building successful enter ¬

prisesVe solicit a share of your business

< < X X X X X X XK XK X < X < X X X t4 + i



AT y





t 1

t One dollar a week will clothe ifir

iyou and your family








Sioves China Crockery Lamps Rags Carpets Maitings J Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed

Linen Pictures Portiere aed Lace Curtains










Mclver MacKayOCA-






Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Y

Muttufl Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W P EDWAEWSPhone 108 City Market-


REAL ESTATEOcala Florida


