l2 consumption patterns

What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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What are the water consumption differences between developed and

developing countries and why do they exist?

Who knows what the three main categories water can be used for are?(Use the images to help you)

Your Turn

• Look at the three colour maps on the next slide.

• Which one is shows the percentage of use of water in

1. Agriculture

2. Industry

3. Domestic

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

1. Agriculture

2. Industry

3. Domestic

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries?

Developede.g. Canada

Developinge.g. Bangladesh

Agriculture Low percentage. 9% High percentage. 88%

Industry High as large scalemanufacturing takes place.

79% Low percentage. 2%

Domestic Low as a percentage. 12% This percentage is low, however it is on the rise.


LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries?

Developede.g. Canada

Developinge.g. Bangladesh

Agriculture Low percentage. 9% High percentage. 88%

Industry High as large scalemanufacturing takes place.

79% Low percentage. 2%

Domestic Low as a percentage. 12% This percentage is low, however it is on the rise.


LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries?

Developede.g. Canada

Developinge.g. Bangladesh

Agriculture Low percentage. 9% High percentage. 88%

Industry High as large scalemanufacturing takes place.

79% Low percentage. 2%

Domestic Low as a percentage. 12% This percentage is low, however it is on the rise.


LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

Exam Q. Describe the pattern of water usage in the graph below. (2)

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

A. Agriculture

In developing countries they tend to use a high percentage of water in agriculture as they have inefficient systems of irrigation and fields are flooded. There are also a lot of people employed in farming (primary industry) and in subsistence farming especially.

In developed countries modern irrigation schemes are used to try to make irrigation more effective. E.g. irrigation at cooler times of the day or drip irrigation which doesn’t lose any water through evaporation.

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

B. Industry

In developing countries there is not much large scale manufacturing that uses a lot of water. As these countries become more developed and as more companies open factories, this sector of water rises.

In developed countries there are still a lot of large scale factories and industries that use a lot of water. E.g. electricity generation in cooling.

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

What is the difference between water use in these two photos?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

What is the difference between water use in these two photos?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

Photo water tap uk?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

What is the difference between water use in these two photos?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

2. Why do these differences in usage exist between developed and developing?

C. Domestic

In developing countries, the majority do not have piped water and water is collected by women and children who have to walk a long way each day to water sources. Charities are helping to supply more water taps to communities and homes.

Developed counties offer piped water to homes that can be used for dishwashers, baths and even swimming pools.

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

Your turn …

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

Revision Clock (organised mind map)

Revision Clock (organised mind map)• On an A4 Clock sheet, make notes on todays lesson from the ppt on Showbie.

• Remember the two parts of the lesson;

1. How is the proportion of water used in developing and developed countries?

2. Why are there these differences.

• Use plenty of colour to help you!

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?

Exam Question:Use the graphs below to describe the differences in water consumption between developed and developing countries. (4 marks)

Developed Developing

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?


• Take time now to revise what you have learnt this lesson for a 10 question recap quiz

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?


1. Is the global use of water going up or down?

2. Name the three different categories of water use?

3. Name the three different categories of water use?

4. Name the three different categories of water use?

5. Is there a low or high percentage of water use in the agriculture sector in the developing world?

6. Where are there more subsistence farmers – developing or developed countries?

7. Why do developing countries use less water in agriculture that developing countries?

8. What could cause developing countries to rapidly increase their use of water in industry?

9. Who often collects water for their homes in the developing world?

10. How have charites effected water supply issues in the developing world?

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?


1. Is the global use of water going up or down?

2. Name the three different categories of water use?

3. Name the three different categories of water use?

4. Name the three different categories of water use?

5. Is there a low or high percentage of water use in the agriculture sector in the developing world?

6. Where are there more subsistence farmers – developing or developed countries?

7. Why do developing countries use less water in agriculture that developing countries?

8. What could cause developing countries to rapidly increase their use of water in industry?

9. Who often collects water for their homes in the developing world?

10. How have charites effected water supply issues in the developing world?

UpAgricutureIndustry DomesticHigh


More advanced irrigation More factories / TNC’sChildren / women Improving water access to homes

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?


• Umm Err game

• Turn to your neighbour and talk for 30sec without pausing, saying umm or err, on the topic of

How and why water is used in different ways around the world

LO: What are the water consumption differences between developed and developing countries and why do they exist?