
Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 248 Practices for Lesson 18 When you built the ProductCatalog page, you created three separate areas on the page to display Categories, SubCategories, and Products. Now you modify the page to display only one table at a time. Initially the Categories table should appear. When the user clicks the name of a category, the Subcategories table should display the subcategories for the category that the user clicked. Then if the user clicks a subcategory, the Products table should display the products for that subcategory. You accomplish this by using parameters. In the practices for this lesson, you modify the ProductCatalog page to display specific tables and data based on those parameters. Modified By : Amr Abdo

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  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 248

    Practices for Lesson 18

    When you built the ProductCatalog page, you created three separate areas on the page to display Categories, SubCategories, and Products. Now you modify the page to display only one table at a time.

    Initially the Categories table should appear. When the user clicks the name of a category, the Subcategories table should display the subcategories for the category that the user clicked. Then if the user clicks a subcategory, the Products table should display the products for that subcategory.

    You accomplish this by using parameters. In the practices for this lesson, you modify the ProductCatalog page to display specific tables and data based on those parameters.

    Modified By : Amr Abdo

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 249

    Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters In this practice, you define parameters and set up the tables on the ProductCatalog page to conditionally appear based on the parameter values.

    1) You need to change the tables on the ProductCatalog page to accept a parameter toset the row, rather than relying on row concurrency as it does now. First, disable rowselection for the tables.

    a) Open the ProductCatalog page.

    b) Select the Categories table either in the Structure window or the visual editor(the default id of the table was md1)

    c) In the Property Inspector, click Edit.d) Select None at Row Selection and click OK.

    Note: By using the editor, JDeveloper removes the row selection and whateverlisteners were required. If you just remove the row selection manually in theProperty Inspector, the listeners still remain.

    e) Select the SubCategory table and remove the Row Selection in the same way.2) Now you add page parameters.

    Set page parameters on the ProductCatalog page to accept parameters namedparam_CategoryId, param_SubCategoryId, param_CategoryName, andparam_SubCategoryName.

    The page parameters should get their values from pageFlowScope variables namedCategoryId, SubCategoryId, CategoryName, and SubCategoryName.

    a) Open the Page Definition for the ProductCatalog page (right-click the page andselect Go to Page Definition.)

    b) Form Parameters tab click then from property Inspector add the following parameters

    id Value

    param_CategoryId #{pageFlowScope.CategoryId}

    param_SubCategoryId #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryId}

    param_CategoryName #{pageFlowScope.CategoryName}

    param_SubCategoryName #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryName}

    The Page Definitions Parameters section should look like:

  • Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters (continued)

    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 250

    Leave the page definition file open for the next step.

    3) There is a method named setCurrentCategory() in the FODProductAMapplication module. This method takes two arguments: a category ID and asubcategory ID. It reexecutes the BrowseCategory, BrowseSubcategory, andBrowseProduct view object queries based on the values that are passed to it.

    Edit the bindings for the ProductCatalog page so that this method is executed uponloading the page. Pass to the method two of the parameters that you defined above.

    a) Still in the page definition At Bindings of the ProductCatalog page, add amethodAction to FODProductAMDataControl > setCurrentCategory.

    b) In the Create Action Binding Editor, set the value of the categoryId parameterto #{bindings.param_CategoryId} and the value of subCategoryId to#{bindings.param_SubCategoryId} (you can use Expression Builder; theparameters are shown under ADF Bindings > bindings).

    The Parameters section of the Create Action Binding Editor should look like:

    c) Add an InvokeAction to the Executables. Set the id toinvokeSetCurrentCategory and bind it to setCurrentCategory. Set theRefresh property to ifNeeded.

    d) Make sure that invokeAction is the first executable in the list. This insuresthat the method is executed first when the page is loaded. (If you need to move it,you drag it to the top of the list.)

    e) Save your work, and leave the page definition file open for the next step.

  • Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters (continued)

    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 251

    4) You have defined parameters that take their values from pageFlowScope variables.But how do those values get stored in the pageFlowScope variables? In this step, you store these values.

    In the Category and Subcategory tables, convert the category name to a link that stores the name and ID in pageFlowScope variables. Use a Set Action Listener operation to store each variable value. Hint: You first must add the category ID to the page bindings.

    a) Add CategoryId to the page bindings for both BrowseCategory1 andBrowseSubCategory1.

    i) Still in the page definition file for ProductCatalog, edit the BrowseCategory1binding and add CategoryId as a display attribute. Hint: Click theBrowseCategory Binding; click Edit; select the rule in the Tree BindingEditor; shuttle the CategoryId from Available to Display Attributes.

    Here is what the Tree Binding Editor should look like:

    ii) Repeat this step for BrowseSubCategory1, because you are going to use theCategoryId that is selected in the SubCategories table to set thesubcategory-related parameters.

    b) In the ProductCatalog page, convert the CategoryName field to be a link in theCategories table. When a user clicks the link, the page should usesetActionListeners to set the pageFlowScope parameters.

  • Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters (continued)

    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 252

    i) In the Structure window for the ProductCatalog page, expand the af:table- md1.

    ii) Click af:outputText for CategoryName and copy [Ctrl + c] the Valueproperty (when you convert the outputText to a Link, you lose the Valueproperty).

    iii) Right-click the af:outputText for CategoryName and select Convert.

    iv) Select Link, and then click OK in the Confirm Convert dialog box.v) Paste into the Text property the value you copied a moment ago. The value

    should be #{row.CategoryName}.vi) Insert two setActionListeners (Form Component palette )inside the Link with the following


    From To#{row.CategoryId} #{pageFlowScope.CategoryId}#{row.CategoryName} #{pageFlowScope.CategoryName}

    Note: You use the CategoryName and SubCategoryName parameters when you set breadcrumbs in the next section.

    c) Repeat the steps for the SubCategory table. (Make sure to pay close attentionto the pageFlowScope variable names in each setActionListener.)

    i) Expand the af:table - SubCategory in the second panel header.

    ii) Click af:outputText for CategoryName and copy [Ctrl + c] the Valueproperty.

    iii) Right-click the af:outputText for CategoryName and select Convert.

    iv) Select Link, and then click OK in the Confirm Convert dialog box.v) Paste into the Text property the value you copied a moment ago. The value

    should be #{row.CategoryName}.vi) Insert two setActionListeners inside the Link with the following properties.

    From To#{row.CategoryId} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryId}#{row.CategoryName} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryName}

    5) Modify the rendering of the tables so that only a single table appears at a time.Hint: If both category and subcategory parameters are null, the Categories tableshould appear (no links have been clicked to set the parameters). If only thecategoryId parameter is set, the Subcategories table should appear, becausethe user clicked a link on the Categories table to set the category ID. If bothparameters are set, the Products table should be displayed (both Category andSubcategory links have been clicked, so both parameters have been set).

  • Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters (continued)

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    a) Select the first af:table (ms1) and set the Rendered property so thatthe table appears if the param_CategoryId and the param_SubCategoryId are both null. (This means that there were no parameters set). The EL code is: #{bindings.param_CategoryId == null && bindings.param_SubCategoryId == null}

    b) Select the second af:table (SubCategory) and set the Rendered property sothat the table appears if the CategoryId parameter is set but theSubCategoryId parameter is null. (This means that the page set a Categorybut not a subCategory) The EL code is:#{bindings.param_CategoryId != null &&bindings.param_SubCategoryId == null}

    c) Select the third af:table (Products) and set the Rendered property so that thetable appears if there is a categoryId and a subCategoryId. (This means thatthe page has set a Category and subCategory) The EL code is:#{bindings.param_CategoryId != null &&bindings.param_SubCategoryId != null}

    6) Modify the layout of the ProductCatalog page so that all tables are under a singlepanel header whose title changes depending on the table that appears.

    a) In the Structure window for the ProductCatalog page, select af:table SubCategory in the second af:panelHeader and drag it to the firstaf:panelHeader (the one currently labeled Categories.)

    b) Drag the af:table from the third af:panelHeader to the first af:panelHeader.

    c) Delete the second and third af:panelHeaders.

    d) Select af:panelHeader and set the Text property to#{bindings.param_CategoryId == null ||bindings.param_SubCategoryId == null ?storefrontuiBundle.CATEGORIES :storefrontuiBundle.PRODUCTS}

    e) Move the command buttons on the page to a toolbar in the toolbar facet of the panelheader.

    i) Expand Panel Header facets.ii) Drag a toolbar to the toolbar facet.iii) Drag the Search and Show Cart buttons to the toolbar.

    f) The Structure should now look something like:

  • Practice 18-1: Conditional Rendering Based on Parameters (continued)

    Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 254

    7) Test the page.

    a) Run FODShoppingDashboard from the adfc-config task flow.b) The page should initially display categories. Click one of the category names.

    c) The page should now display subcategories (the title of the panel header still saysCategories.) Click one of the subcategory names.

    d) The page should now display products, and the title of the panel header changesto Products. Notice that there is no way to navigate back to the Categoriestable. You fix this in the next practice.

    e) Close the browser and undeploy the application as described in step 6(i) ofPractice 2-4.

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 255

    Practice 18-2: Using Parameters for Dynamic Breadcrumbs When users click through links in the tables to display either the Subcategories or the Products table, they need a way to navigate back through the chain of tables. This is what the breadcrumbs on the page should enable them to do.

    When users click the first breadcrumb, they should return to the top level of the breadcrumb list to display the Categories table. You have already set the page to use the pageFlowScope parameters to display the correct section of the page, so in this practice, you just set those parameters based on which breadcrumb is clicked.

    1) For the first breadcrumb, you want the Categories table to appear, so reset all theparameters to null.Hint: Remember that the parameters get their values from the pageFlowScopevariables.

    a) In the ProductCatalog page, select the first af:commandNavigationItemtheone labeled Store.

    b) Add four setActionListeners with the following properties:

    From To#{null} #{pageFlowScope.CategoryId}#{null} #{pageFlowScope.CategoryName}#{null} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryId}#{null} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryName}

    Hint: After you add the first setActionListener, you could use the Source tab to copy, paste, and then modify the code.

    2) Set the second breadcrumb to appear only if the user has clicked a category name inthe Categories table. Label the breadcrumb with the Category name that the userclicked in the Categories table. Set the second breadcrumb to display theSubcategory table when a user clicks it.

    a) Select the second of the three navigation items in the Structure window.b) Set the Text property to #{bindings.param_CategoryName}. You can use

    Expression Builder to set this (ADF Bindings > bindings > param_CategoryName).

    c) Set the Rendered property to#{bindings.param_CategoryId != null}.

    d) If a user clicks the second breadcrumb, he or she wants to see the SubCategories.You use the setActionListeners to reset just the SubCategory parameters.

    Add 2 setActionListeners with the following properties:

    From To#{null} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryId}#{null} #{pageFlowScope.SubCategoryName}

  • Practice 18-2: Using Parameters for Dynamic Breadcrumbs (continued)

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    3) Set the third breadcrumb to appear only if the user has clicked a category name in theSubCategories table. Label the breadcrumb with the Category name that the user clicked in the SubCategories table. Set the third breadcrumb to display the Products table when a user clicks it.

    a) Select the last of the three navigation items in the Structure window.b) Set the Text property to #{bindings.param_SubCategoryName}.

    c) Set the Rendered property to#{bindings.param_CategoryId != null && bindings.param_SubCategoryId != null}

    d) The Structure should look like:

    4) Test the page.

    a) Run FODShoppingDashboard from the adfc-config task flow and use the tablelinks and the breadcrumbs to navigate around the shopping region.

    b) Close the browser when you are finished and undeploy the application asdescribed in step 6(i) of Practice 2-4.

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 257

    Practice 18-3: Implementing the Add to Cart Functionality In this practice, you add a router and a method call to the shopping cart flow so that it can be used either to display the cart or to add items to it. The calling page, ProductDetails, in the shopping flow sets some parameter values that it passes to the shopping cart flow.

    1) Modify the shopping cart flow to accept the following two input parameters:

    Name Value RequiredAction #{pageFlowScope.Action} True ProductId #{pageFlowScope.ProductId} False

    a) Open ShoppingCartFlow.b) Click the task-flow-definition in the Structure window.

    c) Select Parameters in the Property Inspector.d) Click Add to add the two parameters shown above.

    2) Add a method call to the shopping cart flow that calls the addItemToCart() method of FODShoppingCartAM. Set the value of its productId argument to #{pageFlowScope.ProductId}. Navigate to the ShoppingCart view when finished.

    a) In the Data Controls panel, expand FODShoppingCartAMDataControl.b) Drag addItemToCart(Number) to the shopping cart flow diagram.c) In the Edit Action Binding dialog box, set the Value of the productId parameter

    to #{pageFlowScope.ProductId}, and then click OK.

    d) Add a Control Flow Case from addItemToCart to ShoppingCart and label itdone (you later change this to include a commit function, but for now you simplywant to go to the cart after the method call.)

    e) In the addItemToCart method call, change the fixed-outcome property to done.

  • Practice 18-3: Implementing the Add to Cart Functionality (continued)

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    3) Add a router named ChooseAction as the default activity for the shopping cartflow. The router should either display the shopping cart (display control flow case) or add an item to it (add control flow case), depending on whether pageFlowScope.Action has a value of Display or Add. The default action should be to display the cart.

    a) Add a Router to the flow and name it ChooseAction.

    b) Mark the ChooseAction router as the default activity for the page flow.c) Create two Control Flow Cases from ChooseAction: One to addItemToCart

    named add, and the other to ShoppingCart named display.

    d) Add two expressions to the ChooseAction router that evaluatepageFlowScope.Action. If the value is Add, use the add outcome. If it isDisplay, use the display outcome. Hint: The add expression is:#{pageFlowScope.Action == 'Add'}Note: The ChooseAction property is in the Cases section under the Common tabof the Property Inspector.

    e) Set the display outcome to be the default outcome of the router.

    4) The shopping cart flow is expecting parameters named Action and optionally,ProductId. Modify the shopping flow to send the correct parameters.

    a) Open the ShoppingFlow diagram.b) Two parameters have been added to the DisplayShoppingCart task flow call in

    the Parameters section of the Property Inspector. Set a value for the Actionparameter as follows:

    Name Value

    Action Display

    ProductId Leave blank (or empty)

  • Practice 18-3: Implementing the Add to Cart Functionality (continued)

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    c) The same two parameters have been added to the AddShoppingCart task flowcall; set the values as follows:

    Name Value

    Action Add

    ProductId #{requestScope.ProductId}

    The ShoppingFlow is now set up to send the Action parameter and, if needed, to send the ProductId as well.

    5) Finally you need to get the productId from the calling page and put it into therequestScope variable ProductId. The call to add the item to the cart should beplaced on the ProductDetails page. Hint: There is currently no binding for ProductId.a) Open the ProductDetails page.

    b) Add a button to the toolbar of the panel headers toolbar facet and label it Add Item to Cart. Set its Action to add.

    c) Add a binding for ProductId.

    i) Click the Bindings tab.ii) In the Bindings section, click Add (plus icon.)iii) Add an attributeValues binding whose Data Source is

    FODProductAMDataControl.BrowseProduct and whose Attribute isProductId.

    d) Add a setActionListener to the Add Item button that sets the value of#{requestScope.ProductId} to the value of#{bindings.ProductId.inputValue} when the button is clicked.Hint: Right-click af:commandButton, select Insert inside > ADF Faces > SetAction Listener and set the From and To values. Make sure to put the correctvalue in the To and the From properties.

    6) Test by running FODShoppingDashboard from the adfc-config unbounded taskflow. Remember that the Add to Cart functionality is available from the ProductDetails page. When you have finished, close the browser and undeploy theapplication as described in step 6(i) of Practice 2-4.

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I A - 260

    Practice 18-4: Implementing Create Supplier Functionality In this practice, you add a router to the ManageSupplierFlow task flow that decides whether the UpdateSupplier page should display a supplier for update or should display a new record where users can create a new supplier. You also add a method call to create a new record.

    1) Modify the manage supplier flow to accept the following input parameter:

    Name Value RequiredSupplierAction #{pageFlowScope.SupplierAction} True

    a) Open ManageSupplierFlow.b) Click the task-flow-definition in the Structure window.

    c) Select Parameters in the Property Inspector.d) Click Add to add the parameter shown above.

    2) Add a method call to the ManageSupplierFlow task flow to call the CreateInsertoperation for a new supplier and connect it to the SupplierUpdate activity whenfinished.

    a) Open the ManageSupplierFlow task flow.b) In the Data Controls panel, expand FODSupplierAMDataControl > Supplier1

    > Operations and drag the CreateInsert operation to the task flow diagram tocreate a method call activity.

    c) At the property Inspector Change the fixed-outcome of the CreateInsert method call activity to done.

    d) Drag a Control Flow Case from CreateInsert to SupplierUpdate; its fixed-outcome should default to done.

    3) Set up the task flow so that a new supplier is created when a parameter passed to ithas a value of New, or that an existing supplier is updated when the parameter value isUpdate.

    a) Add a Router to the flow and name it ChooseAction.

    b) Mark the ChooseAction router as the default activity for the page flow.c) Create two Control Flow Cases from ChooseAction: One to SupplierUpdate

    named update, and the other to CreateInsert named new.

  • Practice 18-4: Implementing Create Supplier Functionality (continued)

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    d) Add two expressions to the ChooseAction router that evaluatepageFlowScope.SupplierAction. If the value is New, use the new outcome. If it is Update, use the update outcome. Hint: The new expression is: #{pageFlowScope.SupplierAction == 'New'}Note: You define these expressions in the Cases section under the General block of the Property Inspector.

    e) Set the update outcome to be the default outcome of the router.

    4) The manage suppliers flow is expecting a parameter named SupplierAction.Modify the show suppliers flow to send the correct parameter.

    a) Open the ShowSuppliersFlow diagram.b) Add a parameter to the ShowSuppliersFlow task flow call using the Parameters

    section of the Property Inspector:

    Name Value

    SupplierAction #{requestScope.SupplierAction}

    5) Set the requestScope variable SupplierAction. The calls to create a newsupplier or update an existing one should be placed on the BrowseSuppliers page.

    a) Open the BrowseSuppliers page.

    b) Add a toolbar to the panel headers toolbar facet.

    c) Add a toolbar button to the toolbar and label it New Supplier. Set its Action to update.

  • Practice 18-4: Implementing Create Supplier Functionality (continued)

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    d) Add a setActionListener to the New Supplier button that sets the value of#{requestScope.SupplierAction} to New when the button is clicked.Hint: Right-click af:commandToolbarButton, select Insert inside > ADFFaces > Set Action Listener and set the From and To values. Set the Fromproperty to #{'New'}.

    e) Add a setActionListener to the SupplierId link that sets the value of#{requestScope.SupplierAction} to Update when the link is clicked. Set the From property to #{'Update'}.

    6) Finally, change the panel header text of the SupplierUpdate page to conditionallydisplay either Update Supplier or New Supplier, depending on the value of theparameter that is passed.

    a) On the SupplierUpdate page, select the panel header.b) You need to make some entries to the resource bundle. Although you could edit it

    directly, it may be easier to change the Text to Update Supplier, using theresource bundle (use UPDATE_SUPPLIER_TITLE as the key), and then change itagain to New Supplier, using the resource bundle (use NEW_SUPPLIER_TITLEas the key).

    c) Now that you have the text resources entered in the resource bundle, you can usethem in a conditional expression to define the title based on the parameter. Enterthe following in the Text property (all on one line):#{pageFlowScope.SupplierAction == 'New' ?storefrontuiBundle.NEW_SUPPLIER_TITLE :storefrontuiBundle.UPDATE_SUPPLIER_TITLE}

    7) Test by running FODShoppingDashboard from the adfc-config unbounded taskflow. Remember that the New Supplier functionality is available from theBrowseSuppliers page. There is not yet a way to commit updates or inserts; you addthis in a later practice. When you are finished, close the browser and undeploy theapplication as described in step 6(i) of Practice 2-4.