labc typical steel beam sizes

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  • 7/26/2019 LABC Typical Steel Beam Sizes


    Building Control Services

    Technical Information Note 2Steel beam span table

    The following span tables are for domestic loading only, they have been produced as ageneral guide and can be followed for the situation specified only. If your design differs inany way from the table, engineers details/calculations will be required. The span of theroof/floor is taken as the following diagram:

    NOTE: Double beams should be bolted together at ends and span. All beamsshould bear on concrete pad stone or 3 courses of engineering brick.


    SPAN OF BEAM(upto 5m)

    100mm block wall max 2.4m high 127 x 76 UB 178 x 102 UB

    100mm brick wall max 2.4m high 127 x 76 UB 203 x 133 UBor 178 x 89 CH

    215mm/cavity wall max 2.4m high 2 No 127 x 76 UB 2 No 203 x 133 UB

    Roof orfloor upto 3m span 127 x 76 UB 203 x 133 UB

    Roof orfloor upto 5m span 152 x 89 UB 254 x 146 x 37 UBor 203 x 203 x 46 UC

    100mm brick or block wall max 2.4mhigh and floor orroof upto 5m span

    203 x 102 UB 254 x 146 x 43 UBor 203 x 203 x 52 UC

    215mm or cavity wall max 2.4m highand roof orfloor upto 3m span

    2 No 152 x 89 x 16 UB 2 No 254 x 146 x 31 UB

    215mm or cavity wall max 2.4m highand roof orfloor upto 5m span

    2 No 178 x 102 x 19 UB 2 No 254 x 146 x 37 UB

    215mm or cavity wall max 2.4m highand roof and floor upto 5m span

    2 No 254 x 102 x 22 UB 2 No 305 x 127 x 48 UB

    UB - Universal beam UC - Universal column CH Channel

    Guidance prepared by Fenland District Council are available inCommunity Languages, large print, Moon, Braille, on audio cassette and

    electronic format upon request.

    V:\BuildingControl\PAR1\FORMS\C M Notes\Note 2 Nov 2008.DOC


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