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There is a common strand that connects L. K. Chaudhary, Roy J George and Awanish Kumar Dev. Be it the case of Chaudhary who was India division Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director at Italian auto parts maker Graziano Trasmissioni Spa, or George who served as Vice-President (HR) at auto instruments maker Pricol Ltd, or more recently that of Dev who was the General Manager, Human Resources at Maruti Suzuki India Ltd; all three – white collar company executives – died at the hands of militant workers on factory premises. These cases bring to fore the ugly face of industrial unrest and labor violence. The continuous and escalating worker-management confrontation are reasons enough to look at the deeper malaise – social, political and economic; the bedrock of the gruesome violence.

Whatever the provocation, and however justified the workers’ grievances, such instances of violence are deplorable.

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As the dark side of labor militancy comes back to haunt Indian business, it raises serious questions about the role of trade unions and industrial relations amidst changing workforce aspirations. Can employers come to terms with this new reality?

•The contract labor (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 is woefully inadequate to meet the challenges of the present day economic ecosystem.

•The end result of the government’s apathy in coming out with proper reforms is that workers end up suffering because of the fallout of laws originally designed to protect their interests.

•Trade union activists reason that a majority of the protests in last 2-3 years in the Gurgaon - Manesar belt are due to companies’ unwillingness to allow formation of labor unions.

•A sustained two way communication in a transparent environment leaves no scope for mistrust and misunderstandings, thereby minimizing any untoward distress.

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We need to have a relook at our employee relations; a relationship that is based on mutual trust. It is important for organizations to realize that the fundamental aspect of management is human relationship and hence, efforts must be made to build robust relationship. The credibility of the management philosophy can be established when it is seen by the employees to be objective, transparent and at the same time firm and fair. We need to have a relook at our employee relations; a relationship that is based on mutual trust. It is important for organizations to realize that the fundamental aspect of management is human relationship and hence, efforts must be made to build robust relationship.

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“As I see it, I feel that the main reason for the increasing frequency of labor disputes seems to be the lack of trust”

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Industries react…

Corporate India must urgently focus on building a sense of community at the workplace and treating people fairly.

Anil Sachdev, Fouder & CEO, School of Inspired Leadership

If a ‘strong and swift action’ is not taken against those involved in this crime, it will encourage many others to resort to similar violent tactics.”

Dr. Aquil Busrai, CEO, Aquil Busrai Consulting

The need of the hour is for labor and management to focus on making Indian manufacturing globally competitive through continuous partnership for a more sustainable growth scenario.

Dr. Arvind N. Agrawal, President, Corporate Development & Human Resources, RPG Enterprises

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Industries react…

Labor reforms must focus on managing aspirations of working class through skill development , fair play and participation.

Bimal Rath, Founder, Think Talent

We are headed for a nation where some states are vastly more industrialized than others, and these will ensure positive climate for both businesses and workforce.

Gurprriet Singh, Managing Consultant, YSC India

The HR profession must rise to the occasion and refocus on building a true, genuine, consultative employee relationship across the workforce.

Dr. Chandrasekhar Spriada, VP & Head HR, IBM India & South Asia

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Industries react…

Our current labor law not only violates the fundamental right of every India to work, but retards organized sector job creation, encourages capital substitution of labor and creates a labor aristocracy.

Manish Sabharwal, CEO, TeamLease

It is a clear case of law and order as it appears that a few people took law in their own hands, instigated others and resorted to violence.

Dr. P. V. R. Murthy, CEO, Exclusive Search Recruitment

The direction of labor reform must follow the demographics of a developing economy.

Marcel R. Parker, Chairman, IKYA Human Capital Solutions

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Industries react…

We will win over violence - immediately perhaps not, but definitely.

Pankaj Bansal, Co-founder & CEO, PeopleStrong

It is a clear case of law and order as it appears that a few people took law in their own hands, instigated others and resorted to violence.

Prabhakar L., Vice President, Human Resources, Agri-Business, Division, ITC

Inadequate focus by the leadership to proactively listen and respond to workforce issues drives the latter more into the arms of the unions.

Prabir Jha, Senior VP & Head HR, Tata Motors

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Industries react…

What is the disparity that arises from bottom level to the highest level?

Prince Augustin, Executive VP, Group Human Capital & Leadership Development, Mahindra & Mahindra

The fraternity would need to address the entire spectrum of stakeholders, be it the government, HR bodies, corporates, unions, student fraternity, global investors, etc.

N.S. Rajan, Partner & Global Practice Leader, People & Organization, Ernst & Young

The attempt by some , especially multi nationals, to discourage unionization has added to the volatility of IR, and their preferred tactic is to employ workers on contract.

Rajesh Rai, Director, Human Resources, Expedia India

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Industries react…

It is important to be able to continue to provide the right environment for industries to flourish and take the country to greater heights.

Ritu Anand, VP & Deputy Head HR, Tata Consultancy Services

In my view both the words collective and bargaining in a negotiation context are based on mistrust which is completely out of place in contemporary working in today’s era.

Sharad Gangal, Executive VP (HR/IR/Admn), Thermax

The first and foremost priority should be to bring about a change in the perspective of the government to distinguish between a criminal act and an IR issue.

R. P. Singh, Director (HR & Legal), IFFCO

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Industries react…

The labor law framework has to be rebalanced to reflect that reality, ensure right standards are maintained, and indiscipline/violations are dealt with swiftly and objectively.

Sonali Roychowdhury, Country Head, P & G

The trade union system in India also requires a serious review & re-orientation of its approach to monitor, manage & advocate the cause of the contract workmen in this country.

Sujoy Banerjee, President – Group HR & OD, McNally Bharat Engineering Company

Any labor union or it’s members’ act of protest or violence of this nature is a heinous act and is beyond comprehension of any civilized society.

Yashwant Mahadik, Head Human Resources, India Subcontinent, Philips

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Industries react…

The authorities need to clinically identify the root cause and the perpetuators, and then deal with them forcefully and surgically.

S. Varadarajan, Executive President – HR, Tata Teleservices

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Violence, whatever may be the provocation, can never be the means to a solution. Stakeholders must understand that human values, dignity and respect must stand above all. The fate meted out to L. K. Chaudhary, Roy J. George and Awanish Kumar Dev is a cruel reminder that resorting to violence in the garb of labor dispute is shocking and unpardonable, human regression at its most deplorable nadir – an act that puts an entire nation to shame.

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Labor Violence – A blot on modern IndiaAugust 2012

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