laboratory methods look at your genes, which are dna instructions you inherit from a biological...

Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Pros and Cons of Genetic Testing

Pros and Cons of Genetic TestingChromosomes are made of DNA molecules.

What is genetic testing?Laboratory methods look at your genes, which are DNA instructions you inherit from a biological mother and fatherGenetic tests can identify increased risks of some health problems and may help to choose treatments or assess response to treatmentsReasons to Consider a Genetic TestIf someone has signs of a genetic diseaseSomeone has an increases risk to get a disease in the future (family history)A disease might pass on to future childrenA pregnant woman want the fetus to be tested for a diseaseTypes of Genetic TestingGene tests individual genes or short lengths of DNA are testedChromosomal test whole chromosomes or very long lengths of DNA are testedBiochemical tests protein levels or enzymes are testedWhat is a gene test?Gene tests look for the signs of a disease or disorder in the DNA taken from a persons cells (saliva, blood, skin, etc.)These tests look for changes in the bases code in the DNA (such as a gene that has a section missing or added)Chromosomal TestsChromosome tests such as Karyotypes look at features of a persons chromosomes including. 1. the structure and number 2. arrangement 3. changes such as pieces of a chromosome being deleted, expanded, or switched to a different location

Biochemical TestsGenes contain DNA for making proteins, abnormal proteins can mean that some genes are not working normally

These types of tests are often used to screen newborn babies Possible Pros of Genetic TestingProvides more information about disease that runs in families and getting possible treatments (if available)2. Health care decisions3. Provides Information for relatives4. Emotional benefits if they do not have the gene for the disease5. Contribution to researchPossible CONS of Genetic TestingUnsure or incorrect test results (does not always mean the gene will cause the disorder)2. Emotional implications (sad, angry or anxious)3. Discrimination by health, life, and disability insurers and employersWhat is your opinion?